Napoleon Hill Quotes Broken Down by Bucky Cordray, Dr. Breck, Clay Clark and Jason Beasley

Show Notes

Did you know that named his son after Napoleon Hill the best-selling self-help author of Think and Grow Rich? On today’s show Bucky Cordray, Dr. Breck and Jason Beasley join Clay to share why. 

NAPOLEON HILL QUOTE #1 – “The development of SELF-Confidence starts with the elimination of this demon called FEAR, which sits up on a man’s shoulder whispering into his ear, “YOU CAN’T DO IT– YOU ARE AFRAID TO TRY– YOU ARE AFRAID OF PUBLIC OPINION– YOU ARE AFRAID THAT YOU WILL FAIL– YOU ARE AFRAID THAT YOU HAVE NOT THE ABILITY”. 

Breckenridge Yellow Starbucks – 

Where to buy actual albums – 

NAPOLEON HILL QUOTE #2 – “The Human mind, if you will pardon repetition, may be likened to an electric battery. It may be positive or it may be negative. Self-confidence is the quality with which the mind is re-charged and made positive.” 

NAPOLEON HILL QUOTE #3 – “Success is the knowledge with which one may get all that he needs without violating the rights of his fellowmen or compromising with his own conscience.”

NAPOLEON HILL QUOTE #4 – “The mind is the citadel of the soul, wherein is the connecting link between the conscious thinking process of man and Infinite Intelligence.”

NAPOLEON HILL QUOTE #5 – “The “Sixth Sense” is the medium through which a properly qualified mind may communicate with other minds, at any distance, through the principle of telepathy.” 

NAPOLEON HILL QUOTE #6 -“It may not be true that “thoughts are things”, but it is true that thoughts create things, and the things thus created are strikingly similar to the nature of the thoughts from which they are fashioned.”

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “A Carnegie or a Rockefeller or a James J. Hill or a Marshall Field accumulates a fortune through the applications of the same principles available to all of us, but we envy them and their wealth without ever thinking of studying their philosophy and applying it to ourselves. We look at a successful person in the hour of their triumph and wonder how they did it, but we overlook the importance of analyzing their methods. And we forget the price they had to pay in the careful, well-organized preparation that had to be made before they could reap the fruits of their efforts.” – Napoleon Hill

FUN FACT – I show up 15 minutes late for our chat about What You Do Is Who You Are, his new book on creating business cultures. We kick things off with a discussion of the environment at his own firm. Horowitz mentions that his firm puts a premium on being respectful to entrepreneurs, getting back to companies even when they aren’t going to get funded, for instance—and not making people wait.

“We fine people $10 a minute for being late to… –

  1. Bucky, how long have you been self-employed at this point?
  2. As a real estate investor how do you actually make money?
  3. In terms of accountability…why does your why matter?
  4. How do you find your why if you don’t know it already? 
  5. Bucky, what are your keys to success?
  6. Ok where can entrepreneurs find an actual real estate investment mentor?
  7. Bucky, you say that “The Biggest question is to ask yourself would a banker lend you money to do this?” What do you mean by this?
  8. Bucky let’s talk about what systems you need to succeed?
  9. Bucky, what role does daily diligence play into success?
    1. What does that mean?  You must have a system and diligence or you will never have success
  1. Bucky, what kinds of systems do you use in your real estate investment career?
    1. Can you tell me about how your systems work?

FUN FACT – “96% of businesses fail in ten years.” – 

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Opinions are the cheapest commodities on earth. Everyone has a flock of opinions ready to be wished upon anyone who will accept them. If you are influenced by opinions when you reach decisions you will not succeed in any undertaking, much less in that of transmuting YOUR OWN DESIRE into money…Close friends and relatives, while not meaning to do so, often handicap one through “opinions” and sometimes through ridicule, which is meant to be humorous. Thousands of men and women carry inferiority complexes with them all through life, because some well-meaning, but ignorant person destroyed their confidence through “opinions” or ridicule.” – Napoleon Hill (The best-selling self author of Think and Grow Rich)

  1. If you could give someone the top 3 things they could do to get into the Real Estate Business what would those be?
  2. How do you apply what you learn to your business?
  3. Bucky, let’s talk about analysis by paralysis?  Why do so many people never act?

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today.” – Dale Carnegie (The best-selling author of How to Win Friends and Influence People)

  1. If it’s not about money then why?  
  2. Bucky, what are the secrets to accountability?
  3. Bucky, let’s talk about the power of routine…why is having a routine so important? 
  4. What are a couple of books that you believe that all of our listeners should read?


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Audio Transcription

Facebook Post Napoleon Hill Quotes Broken Down Thrivetime Show

All right, Jason, on today’s show, it’s a special Valentine’s edition of the thrive time show and is my way to express my love for the thrive nation. I’m going to share with them a book that changed my life or an author that changed my life. The book, think and grow rich written by Napoleon Hill changed my life so much. So I named my son Aubrey Napoleon Hill. It’s true. It’s not any further new or breaking down words of wisdom from Napoleon Hill.

Yes, yes, yes and yes. Thrive nation. I’m not sure, or when you’re going to hear this show, if you can hear it in the morning, we’re going to hear it at night, but I can tell you I’m recording this show for you on this incredible Valentine’s day on the day of yet another Patriots football game. I’m super excited. I’m wearing my gunner O Shefsky Jersey as the Patriots get prepared tonight at a seven 20 central standard time to play the Houston Texans and what turn will be an incredible game. And even though everything about watching the Patriots is probably something you don’t care about the reason why I like sharing with you about the Patriots is there. So there are so many management mastery tips you can learn from their head. Coach bill Bellacheck, there are so many parallels to running an NFL team as that are very similar to running a small business.

And it is absolutely possible for you to learn something from bill Belichick each and every time you hear a reference to him on these shows. But as much as I love bill Belichick, the person who’s made the biggest impact on my life and my business philosophy by far is Napoleon Hill. And Napoleon Hill is the best selling a self help author who famously worked for free for Andrew Carnegie, the world’s wealthiest man during his lifetime because he wanted to learn the secrets of super success. Jason, think about that for a second. Imagine. how old are you right now? I am 26. Imagine you went today, you went home and cause the Napoleon Hill was about this age and you went and talked to your, your, to your wife. And for the listeners out there who don’t know your wife well, what is your wife’s first name? Her name is Alexis.

And how long have you two been together? Going on five years. Married for three months. As of the end of November. So imagine this, imagine that you went home today and you said to your wife, you said, Hey babe, here’s the deal. She says, how was the podcast? You? Oh, it’s good. Was good. But here’s the deal. I have agreed to work for free for bill Gates, or in this case it’s, it’s Andrew Carnegie. Even Andrew Carnegie was the world’s wealthiest man during his lifetime. Bill’s the world’s wealthiest right now as of today, he just passed Jeff Bezos with a net worth of 110 billion as of last week. But you said, aye babe. I’ve been thinking it over and we’re going to move out there to the Seattle area and we’re going to go work for bill Gates for free for 10 years. And she says, ah ha. I mean, how’s it going to go over?

She would be very confused. She’d say, I don’t understand what you’re saying or why you’re saying it. So, and you’d say, you know, Hey listen, I wanted to learn how to become super successful and bill Gates agreed to let me work for him. Yup. Porphyry for a decade. And he promised he’s going to introduce me to the who’s who of the business game. So I’m going to meet you know, I’m going to meet the head people at Apple. I’m going to meet Tim cook, I’m going to meet Mark Zuckerberg. I’m going to get to include all of these interviews in my book, but I’ve got to commit to working for free for a decade. Now. Here’s what he’s going to do. He is going to give me access to these people, but I’ve got to work for free for a decade. How would that conversation go over? It’s, it would make a lot of sense to me, but I guarantee you she would say you’re a crazy person.

Oh look who just hopped in dr breakfast hop to, can we Jason, can you adjust their mix all set up? Yeah. We’re talking about Napoleon Hill and the notable quotables from Napoleon Hill. But again, the premise of thinking grow rich is that Napoleon Hill wanted to learn how to become super successful and he was able to do it as a result of agreeing to work for free for ant, for Andrew Carnegie. And that would be the equivalent of Jason Beasley working for free for bill Gates. How long would your wife allow you to work for free for, for, for bill Gates. I mean, honestly with this current marriage, a dynamic, you said, Hey, they’re going to cover our room and board. How long would the free thing workout? I give it about two weeks to two weeks. Okay. So Napoleon Hill did this for years, which is by the way, why, why Napoleon Hill didn’t stay married very long, multiple times.

How did that make sense? By the way. Jason is attempting to be ambidextrous. He’s fixing him. He’s fixing the microphone and for Bucky Cordray while also doing a show, but we’re talking about Napoleon Hill quotes. We’re breaking down the words of wisdom of Napoleon Hill. Dr Breck, how are you doing this morning, my friend? Are you a [inaudible]? Did you have a good Saturday? I did, yeah. Hey, how you doing? I’m doing well man. Hey, have you read a lot of a, a Napoleon Hill throughout your life? Not a lot, but yeah, I’ve read thinking grow rich. Are you wearing a Magnolia market hat? I am. Did you go down to Waco? No, my wife went. Oh really? Yeah, I love that hat. I got the swag and she got the trip. Do you like the fixer upper show? I actually do, yeah. I’ll beautiful. Jason, you’re getting your mic all set up, Bucky Cordray

Bucky Cordray, how are you doing my friend? Good, good. Can I, how are you doing this morning? I’m doing well. I’m excited to talk to you guys about Napoleon Hill and then we’re going to be deep diving into the world of buying homes with Bucky Cordray. It’s going to be a laser show laser show today. So here we go. So, but I want to ask you this, dr Breck, imagine that you you know, your chiropractic business, dr is doing well. Imagine that you went to your wife today and said, babe, I have an opportunity to work for the modern day Andrew Carnegie, where I’m talking about working for the world’s wealthiest man. He’s gonna give me access to all the world’s wealthiest people so that I could put together a book documenting what I’ve learned. The book’s going to be called think and grow rich, think and grow rich.

The only catch is I had to agree to work for free for a decade. How would that conversation go over? Seriously? How would that go over? I think it would have gone okay until you said for a decade. For a decade. Yeah. Well, I mean, we’ve got some money in savings. I think she thinks we’re secure and we’re okay for awhile, but I don’t think she thinks we’re okay for a decade. Do you a Bucky Cordray, I mean, would that seem reasonable? Have you read, think and grow rich? I have click would that seem reasonable for you to, to work for free for the world’s wealthiest man for a decade in order to have access to all of his wisdom? I mean, it, it, it absolutely would, but being able to commit a whole decade, Oh my gosh, this Justin, that’s a lot of time. Jason Beasley. So right away this, the premise of think and grow rich is that he went and worked for free for the world’s wealthiest people to gain access to Henry Ford, to Thomas Edison, to Andrew Carnegie.

And but the agreement was he had to work for free for a decade. So nobody in this room so far I could probably pull that move off. But in the event we did, and we did have access to the world’s wealthiest people for over a decade, and we did distill that knowledge into a book. I would think that the things in the book are probably things that we should, should know. It’s true. So Jason, we’ll go ahead. On today’s show, we’re going to break down six notable quotables from Napoleon Hill before we get into all things real estate with Bucky Cordray. Oh yeah. Okay, so here we go. Napoleon Hill, quote number one, what? Say you sir? The development of self confidence starts with the elimination of this demon called fear, which sits upon a man’s shoulders whispering into his ear. You can’t do it. You’re afraid to try.

You are afraid of public opinion. You afraid that you will fail. You are afraid that you have not the ability. Read it again because I’m going to let make sure that all the listeners can really soak it in here. Yeah, let me get a cute away. He’ll go repeat it one more time and I’ll provide some echoes. Alrighty. The development of self confidence starts with the elimination of this demon called fear, which sits upon a man’s shoulder whispering into his ear. You can’t do it. You’re afraid to try. You’re afraid of public opinion. You are afraid that you will fail, you are afraid that you have not the ability. Let’s think about that for a second. Dr Breck, when you started dr, was it scary? It was, yeah. Why?

I mean, you get a lot on the line. I had spent a lot of time invested in school and education had a lot of big ideas and nothing to show for him initially for unfortunately for way too long. But yeah, I think there’s, there’s high expectations. There’s a lot, a lot of people counting on me and yeah, to me that’s a little bit scary,

A little bit scary. Let me ask you this here. What were other areas of growing dr that were scary? Was it, was, was offering a no brainer deal? A scary, a scary proposition? Was that, was that, was that scary?

There were aspects of it that were for sure. You know, oftentimes you said people are concerned that it cheapens their brand. And so that was one of the hurdles I had to overcome. I’m a person who also had to overcome the idea that I needed to please everyone. And you know, that’s just been a big part of my nature growing up was kind of a people pleaser. And so I had to kind of come to terms with that and get over that.

Was it scary for you, Bucky Cordray, getting involved in real estate? You know, the buying of, cause you, you have a, maybe I’m getting this wrong, but I’ll explain it to listeners. You buy distressed properties that let’s say if I’m listening to the show right now and I’m going through a divorce or a terrible thing, maybe I took a new job somewhere, something has happened where I’m stuck with a distressed piece of real estate and I need to sell it. You guys go in there and buy these houses. I’m like, am I correct? That’s correct. Like you’ve been doing this for how long? 20 years. 20 years. 20 years you’ve been doing this. Wow. So was it scary getting, getting started?

You know, I was kind of young and dumb when I first got into this so I didn’t have as much fear. You know, I, I, it seems like as we get older we have more fear because we have more so called risk. You could say like, it’s interesting about fear of starting over. But yeah, the initial step into it was just what am I going to do? You know, if I get a contract on this house, is it right? Did I buy it right? You know, all those things doubts you the whole time that you’re going through those transactions. So each time you do it it’s a little bit easier. So you overcome that fear.

So you think it’s, it gets easier each time that you buy or sell a property. Absolutely. Do you remember the first property you bought? I do. What? What, what? What’d you buy? Was it a, was it a shack Chateau? It was a Smurf house. It’s really

Feta bright Smurf blue. It looked like Papa Smurf without the red hat.

Are you being serious? I’m dead serious. What were the circumstances surrounding this? This first property buy? So this house,

It’s set on the market. It had been pulled off the market two different times. It was three years empty, vacant home and nobody wanted to buy it. And I guess because nobody liked Papa Smurf.

So how did you hear about the property?

So I worked with a mentor, actually. I was 19 years old and I really didn’t know for sure how to get into the real estate business. And I found a local investor and a realtor. He very aggressive in the marketplace. He had done a lot of properties and he cut it took me under his wing as you know, I did what he said. I looked at a hundred different properties and we kept circling back to this one. How much did the initial property cost? You remember $26,000. Was the offer price or for the price that they were wanting to sell it for? 26, 26,000. What did you buy it for? I bought it for 16, 16. And were you scared out of your mind when you bought that thing? It was a, it was a pretty big risk. I mean, I, you know, $16,000 is not a lot of money.

Did you have another job at that point? I didn’t. I mean, I was, you know, in between I was full time in school, so I was in college. I knew that if I could get two roommates, I wouldn’t have to worry about the mortgage payment. So where did you go to school? At? Pittsburgh state university up in Kansas. Pittsburgh, Kansas. Okay. So you went to college and then you got involved in the real estate game when you were how old? Approximately 19. I just moved. I was moving out of the fraternity house and wanted to have my own place and brick. Didn’t you get a good deal on your house you live in now? I did. How good of a deal did you get back? I think we got it at about $45 a square foot. Get outta here. I think that’s right. And it probably should have praised for what?

$110 a square foot or you know, conservatively. Probably about a hundred. Oh, you’re sick. You’re sick. That is awesome. Yeah. Oh, were you scared the first time you bought an undervalued property? Were you worried about it? The first house we bought was probably more of a typical you know, it was a decent value but not a phenomenal, this one. We knew like I said, my wife and I, we like to watch these shows where people fix up houses and things. She’s got a good design eye and I’m just handy enough, there are many things I won’t tackle myself, but I like a house with character. We could see good bones and some things that we would want to do to put our own fingerprint on the house. And so we were only considering foreclosures some somewhat distressed properties you know, bank repos and different things that we could get a deal and then put some money into it to make it our own.

How do you make money? Bucky Cordray, when you buy these properties, undervalued for the listeners out there that don’t know, how do you, how do you make money? I mean, top dollar is your business. You guys you buy property, this is what you do, but how do you actually make money? So there’s really three avenues that we focus on. One is either it falls into our portfolio that we’re going to keep the property. So depending on how we buy that property, we always have to go back and look at how’s it going to cashflow. Meaning that, how much money do we get in above and beyond any expenses on that property. Okay. Sometimes we will actually, we have a investors we work with and they are looking for certain properties and we run across those properties. We will flip those over to them for an assignment fee or a small fee for to them. So you’re saying that you will buy a property and you can make money in a couple of ways. One, you could just sell it, but two, you could just service the, you could be paying the,

Making the payment while renting it to somebody else. That’s correct. And then the difference between what you pay on your mortgage and what you get paid from the renters where you make cashflow. That’s correct. Is there any other way you can make money with the property?

So sometimes we’ll [inaudible] we’ll fix up the property and resell it. So we’ll do either a prehab, meaning that we’ll just go in and do some cosmetic touch-ups or sometimes it’ll be a full on remodel. I mean maybe adding a room or changing the layout of kitchen. Just really make it appeasing to that market conditions for that area.

You know, Jason Beasley in here, he does a fine job. He’s worked with me for, for years and we need to put a lot of pressure on this guy to buy a house today. It’s true. And we’re not realtors. Jason, are you, are you going to be buying a house here soon? What’s your, what’s your plan? What’s your move? Yeah, I am. I’m tired of the apartment life. Neither yard wants my own space. You looking around, what’s your, what’s your move? What do you think the timeline is? When we had kin Bucky really pressure you to buy a deal? I mean, I, I functioned best when guilt tripped. So just to start now, go for it. The timeline originally was looking at towards the end of 2019, but it’s going to be more like early 20, 20, maybe spring 2020. Okay. Now are you, is it, is it, is it fearful for you at all to buy a house?

It’s not so much fearful other than I don’t want to make the wrong decision and pissed the wife off. Have you gone, have you, have you grown up in, in a, from a long line of, of home buyers or would you be the first in your family to own a house or, I would be the first since my grandfather. Really? Oh, okay. Okay. Now again, let’s read this notable quotable again from Napoleon Hill. He says, the development of self confidence starts with the elimination of the demon called fear, which sits on a man’s shoulder whispering in his ear. You can’t do it. You’re afraid to try. You’re afraid of public opinion. You are afraid that you will fail. You are afraid that you will fail. You are afraid that you will not have the ability. I don’t know if anyone can relate to this, but I’m water-skiing I’m terrified of it.

Every time I’ve tried it’s a disaster. Downhill skiing, a disaster. Firearms, I’m afraid of it. I’m afraid of I’m, I’m afraid. I know I am a dangerous man. I have no, no coordination and I just am afraid. But like business to me, I’ve never had any worries at all. And I think sometimes it could, it could maybe bother my wife because I don’t think at all about there’s no risk. I just get to get the facts and then I act and I go. But I’m like, I’m the complete opposite when it comes to speed. Right? Heights, weather patterns, traveling, meeting new people. I mean, all those areas are major fear zones for me. Did those bother you at all, dr Britton? No, I think we’re opposites and because we were, I was just a, with my brother-in-law yesterday and we were talking about a future ski trip that we had. Oh my God, we actually [inaudible] this time. We have planned it to where it’s a little easier for the more novice skiers of our group. But he and I are

A little saddened by that because we like the blacks and the more difficult slopes. I love, I’m an adrenaline junkie. So the physical side of things I don’t know. I I know my abilities and I know my limitations and I’ll I’ll, I’ll go full force. I am more the business side. It’s the decision side of things. The

Really, yeah. I have more fear and vice versa. I’ve got audio of the last time I went downhill skiing. I’m not queued up here real quick. This is what we have here. Let me get it. This is me going down. This is me going down this slope. That doesn’t sound like a little girl at all. No, no, no. This is me. This is what happened though. Seriously. I went to a Breckinridge. Have you been in Breckenridge? That’s my namesake. Isn’t there a yellow Starbucks there on Breckinridge? Am I making that up? There’s a, there’s a Starbucks in downtown Breckenridge isn’t, it? Wasn’t a wreck. A pizza place in the basement. I think you’re right. I don’t drink a lot of Starbucks. Seen the yellow Starbucks. You’re talking about Breckinridge you’ve, you’ve been there just ready to get on. Know you introduced me to it.

You’re, Oh yeah, let me, let me cue it up. Yeah, yeah. Okay. I got it. I got to put a link to, on the show notes. By the way, there’s a yellow a Starbucks there. I there, I see it. It’s downtown on the, in the downtown area. Breckinridge but anyway, neat little area. Yeah. It’s a neat little area. I’m there with a Braxton fears and he has a mini kit and I have many kids, so there’s a total of a lot of kids and you know, so he and his wife and my wife and I were there. We got a Bucky Cordray. We’re staying in a great lodge. One that opens up to the bottom of the slopes. Yeah. We’re checking all the boxes. We scheduled a ski instructor. Yup. We we had the whole thing planned out and we’re going down the Hill on the bunny slopes, which I think the, the, the, I don’t know the, the grade of these things, but it was, it was definitely not flat.

Okay. It was a little bit of a, it helps when there’s a little bit of a slope. Do you skate lucky I do. So we’re, you know, I’m going down and he’s like, ah, what you want to do? Serous snowplow, great instructor. By the way, what you want to do is snowplow. It’s not happening for me. I’m just getting faster and faster and faster. And I’m like, ah. I just say I did that for about two hours. Everything hurt. I feel like I’m going to kill myself. And so I said, here’s the deal, Vanessa. I said to my wife to Braxton, his wife, I said, listen, I will gladly watch all of the kids. You’re going to watch nine kids. No, no. I’ll watch all nine kids and you guys can do whatever you wanna do, but I am not going up there again cause we went on the ski lift and I couldn’t get off.

I just had to, I’m not getting off. I’ll ride right back down. I am not going to get off this thing and I hate this thing. I’m so just scared going up. They call that get ride of shame. It was the right as everybody else is going up. Now you’re the one person coming back. Dang third-graders mocking me like freaking was I, I’m being serious though. So I ended up watching the kids. I’d never went skiing at all again. I just, what I’m saying is somebody out there is fearful in the way I am about skiing. Sure. About dub business and the one little plug have for my business fear isn’t that bad is that if you’ve done, if you’ve gathered all the facts, Bucky, is it really that scary to buy a property once you’ve gathered all the facts? Not if you understand the facts. So what kind of facts do you have to know?

[Inaudible] One in my buying this property at the right prize. Right? I mean, if you’re going to lose yourself in real estate when you buy,

If you’re going to lose, it’s when you buy. Correct. Does that make any sense? Educate, educate the listeners out there that do not grasp what you’re saying.

All right, so just because the property sounds like a good deal from a realtor or someone else out there doesn’t mean it’s a good deal. If you’re going to make any type of money, you have to make money on the purchase price. When you buy that property. Meaning you can’t expect appreciation, you can’t expect to increase rents. You need to make money when you buy that property based upon the value that you buy it for.

Everybody doesn’t have to go right for it to work. You need to buy a property. It’s already cash flowing the moment you buy it. Exactly. Okay, so Napoleon Hill, quote number two. Jason, what is the next notable quotable from Napoleon Hill? The human mind, if you will? Pardon? Repetition, maybe likened to an electric battery. It may be positive or it may be negative. Okay. Self confidence is the quality with which the mind is recharged and made a positive. Read that one more time. For the listeners out there that are taking notes, the human mind, if you will, pardon? Repetition may be likened to an electric battery. It may be positive or it may be negative. Self confidence is the quality that, or sorry, self-confidence is the quality with which the mind is recharged and made positive. I think somebody out there needs to get this idea because self-confidence. By the way, Dr. Brock, I’m printing off the notes for you. Jason, you’re going to give him the too. So for, for somebody out there who’s an aspiring chiropractor, what’s right where does the confidence come from? You know, I mean, if I have my degree, my certification I went to chiropractic school, right? And I’m just not confident. I’m just like, you know, I might break that guy’s neck. I don’t know that I have what it takes. I mean, excuse me, every patient’s fear. Where does the confidence come from?

I mean obviously with more experience you gain more confidence. But yeah, I think a lot of it depends on you know, what you’ve done to prepare yourself up to that point. And so you know, maybe limited initially. But if you have confidence in the school that you went to and your instructors and that they’ve prepared you in and then, you know, little by little that confidence grows.

Bucky Cordray would you say that your confidence has increased over the years as it relates to buying real estate? Absolutely. Click. So you, where does that come from? Because there’s so many seminars and get rich quick events. You know, there’s these, it’s like a coming to a town near, you learn to get rich quick with real estate. You’ve seen the seminars, maybe you’ve been to the seminars. There are so many seminars coming to a town near you coming to Tulsa, only 48 tickets available for great people like you. We’re looking for partners to buy real estate in your area coming. Shouldn’t you see on YouTube? It was one of the few markets, right? For this opportunity. It’s unbelievable. And so you feel like I have to go to the Renaissance hotel and your wife or spouse or friends are saying, what is you, what is up with you in this whole Renaissance theme?

You say, Oh I just want to go to the Renaissance. So I’ve got, you’re dressed up in your Renaissance gear. You’ve, you’re, you know, you’re, you’re talking about the arts and going back to the Renaissance and you’re thinking about that great gourmet breakfast in the buffet and you get there and there’s post-up stands and it’s always like somebody rich and friends. But the rich guy never shows up. So it’s always like celebrity and friends, real estate seminar and you get there and the celebrity’s not there, but his friends are there and we don’t know if they’re friends cause they’ve never met each other. But it’s such and such and friends. Bucky, have you ever been to something like this?

I have. I have it. Unfortunately it, there’s a lot of surfaces. All right. Yes. Meaning that, you know, have you, do you like buy timeshares clay? I have not,

But I almost almost one time had to buy one to make my wife stop crying. Theresa, we were in Vegas. This is so dumb. This is something I’m so dumb. I went to Vegas on our first real trip I paid for and so I stayed at that. What’s that circus themed? A hotel there. You know, it’s like a roller coasters in front of it or something. And vague. Not the stratosphere, but something else. Circus circus. I think it’s something like that. So we stayed there. It was the New York. It’s New York, it looks like New York. The empire state building, kind of. We stay there and some guy on the street. Bucky, have you been to Vegas before Bucky? So there’s two things happening in Vegas at all times. One, there’s pictures of naked women on a playing cards. Have you seen this brick? I’ve not been to Vegas.

Have you not? Don’t go. No, it is not. I mean, there’s certain places, you know, they’ll go, they resonate with you or they don’t. Don’t go. But you want to go. This is what will happen to don’t go. You will be walking. Have you been there Jason? I have not, but I’m planning a second bachelor party. Just me and brick. Listen, listen, when you go to Vegas, this is what happens. There’s a Bucky, tell me if I’m making this up, but there are, there are cards like playing cards and they’re passing them out to or are they not?

They are they, they hit their hand like this and hand it to you

And the first time that you walk by, you don’t know what it is. Like, Oh, someone’s hating me playing cards. And you look and it’s full frontal, completely naked woman. And it has her phone number because prostitution is legal outside of the Vegas city. Inside Nevada. It’s legal. So Bucky, does that blow your mind the first time you see it, you’re like, what in the world?

It does. You know, my sister just got back from there last weekend. She was just blown away. She had noticed, she’s like

The godlessness. It’s crazy. Yeah. So you’re there, they pass you a car. You’re like, Oh look at the car. I remember the first time they passed me a card, my wife’s right next to me. I look and I’m like, Oh Shonda. I mean it was, and that’s like, what are you looking at? You sicko and I’m like, nada, you don’t want to see this. And she said, no, short to me. I don’t want to shut shut tip. Now I look at it, should I show it to her? She goes, Oh, you are sick. And the people had to do everywhere though. Buck, you mentioned the people every time you walk by people are passing you those things. And then when you’re in Vegas they have timeshares and they go, sir, you want to do an unlimited buffet and go see circus Olay. My wife’s like in the bathroom or something and then they know their Mark and I’m like, I do want to see, I’m like 20 years old, 19 years old.

Yeah. I do want to see circus Olay and I do want unlimited buffets. Sir. Do you want to see, do you want to see, you know, such and such headliner live in concert tonight. I don’t really know that. I want to see Sharon concert, but I get them on. So anyway, so you get to a place where you go, okay, fine. So you go on this. Have you ever been on a time shirt tour, Bucky? Oh my gosh. So you go and they take you to this beautiful property. They tell you all about it and they’re free food. They’re super generous. And then they sit down with you and they say Vanessa and clay. Have you had a good time? Yeah. Have you enjoyed the free food? Yeah. Have you enjoyed learning these things? Oh yeah. Have you, have you Amy enjoyed? So what I would like to ask you, clay and Vanessa, could you guys give me an honest, just 30 minutes of your time to honestly look at an honest opportunity?

Could you honestly tell me that you honestly be objective? I mean, have you enjoyed the splendor? Do they not do this Bucky? And you’re like, well, I have enjoyed the splinter, so you promise me you’re gonna take out all your biases. I promise I’ll take out all biases. And they go, just look into your heart and ask yourself and everyone what does this like a revival or something. So then they start pitching this condo and the condo is like $450 a month. You and your wife could travel up to four times a year to this beautiful property and it includes this and that and yada yada. Or, or for as little as $500 a month, you could be an owner of this hotel. You could own up to half a percent of this hotel. Bucky Cordray, am I making this up? Is this true? It’s absolutely true. And if for $1,000 you could own, it’s like six tenths of a percent of this hotel and this building is already worth 40,000 it’s only half vacant.

Now once we fill it up, it’s going to be worth $100 million and you’re going to own a half a percent or six tenths of a percent. And I’m going, I appreciate you for the free food, the splendor, but I’m not, I’m not going to do it. Now this is like, I’m not kidding. This is like what Bucky Cordray was probably four or five hours into the tour and I’m like, I’m not going to do it. He’s like, so you mean you’ve enjoyed our breakfast and our lunch and you don’t see the value in this ridiculous offer? I mean this thing is half off. It’s only half full right now. Once this thing is fully filled up, the property is only going to go up in value to have you taken our time. And then his inner Bostonian comes out cause you’re like, no, I’m not going to buy it. Okay, so you don’t care about your family and you’re like, I don’t know that I said that.

And they do those moves. They’re not bugging. You’d be like, so do you care about your family? Who do you care about money? And you’re like, I don’t know. That’s a logical question. So you don’t care about your family. Okay. And then they pass you with this chart. Oh my gosh. It’s terrible. The chart that shows you how you’ll live less long if you don’t travel as much. And then, and then they separate you into two rooms and now they start asking you or your wife is he, does he work too much? Is he working? Is he a workaholic? Is he worked? Cause he might die of cancer. Heart issues. A lot of men just really struggle with overweight. He is, he overworkers he workaholic is he, and they pull me aside and there’s a woman over there talking to me about, do you care about your, what you care about?

I’m not kidding. This happens like maybe you care about her. I do care. So you don’t, you don’t just care more about money though, right? I mean cause a lot of men, a lot of, I just talked to a guy a minute ago who all he cares about is his money. You’re like, ma’am, I don’t, I don’t. I talked to a guy last week, I followed up on the lead and he was same age as you and he died of heart attack. Just died. He didn’t, by that time, you know, you’re like, I don’t, it’s like every move. Do they not? If you’ve seen, have you seen this Bucky? I have. I’ve experienced it. Oh my gosh. Did you, did you ever have, you were about one.

You know what I do? I look on Craigslist and see what they’re selling for. You have bought one? No, I haven’t. Okay. And they’re always a third of that price. What? They’re pitching it that day.

Oh my gosh. So anyway, my wife starts crying and cannot stop crying and we just need to buy it because you’re going to die next week. She’s like, maybe they won’t stop. We’ve told them no like a dozen times. They won’t stop. And they, and they, and they kind of, they make you feel like you’re in a prison setting where you can’t leave. Yeah. And they won’t let you leave. Seriously. It’s like you have to get on this elevator, but you don’t have the key or something. That’s weird. And then I’m like, listen, listen dude, we’re going to have to go now. I’ll, we’re leaving. And then at this point you have to get crazy. You’re like, I don’t care about you or your free food. I’m late. I, and they’re like, so you’re a yeller. You’re worried about you, do you mind if we just pray together before you leave and get out of here and then you leave.

And that’s what a timeshare tour is. Now here’s the deal. After that first one Bucky Cordray, do you know what I did the next day? What’s that? I booked another one. No true story. Pro editing. Cause I thought I would go in the second time I’m going to get the buffet and another concert. But this time I’m not going to play the game. I’m going to be tough. And this time it went over worse. So I’m just saying, I mean there are these get rich quick seminars everywhere. There is no money down real estate. How have you possibly been able to be successful in real estate and how have you been able to avoid the land mines of the Jack ass? Hurry taught at these get rich quick real estate seminars.

I mean clearly the reason why I brought up the timeshares, they suck you in that way. During those seminars they get you in there and they say, Oh come to our free seminar for a steak on us. And then they hit you with a three day course, a crash course for nine 97 or whatever it may be. And then, and then after you go through that nine 97 course, then it’s $50,000 and you’re going to make 180,000 in six months. Or

It is not, why is it nine 97, by the way?

You know, that’s the nine 99 is been overused, right? There’s a guy out there promoting the nine 97. He just loves that so much better than a thousand, right? Yeah. It’s under a thousand.

I have to ask you this though. Have you ever been really, really suckered in? Cause I remember one time I went to them said it was a get motivated seminar. Oh, I remember that. And they said, no folks, we’re very, very busy. I’ll try to imitate the guy cause it’s like the cold crowd is fired up. Colin Powell just spoke. I was the reason like I want to say, I want to say Condoleeza rice was there like Joe Montana’s there, all these oddly famous people and then they’re like a

Guys, here’s the deal. You want another key to success and there’s like 15,000 of us to be okay. He gets quiet cause that’s the move. He has one of the secret of success at 15,000 well here’s the deal I’m going to show you and if you, if you cannot follow the investment tips, I’m about ready to show you. You’ve got bigger issues, right? Right, right.

So what’s that? Let me ask this. When you see a green up arrow, that means it’s time to buy. And when you see it down arrow, that means it’s time to sell. So let’s, I’m going to, I’m going to put the following stock up on the board. This is going to show the value of the stock right now today I’m gonna show it to you. So you put your, you look at it now, every day in your, even in your email, you’re going to receive an email alert. Anytime that a stock goes down in value, that’s going to be a green up arrow cause you went to buy when people are selling. But see a lot of people are buying when it’s going up, we’re going to send you an email that’s going, it’s going to seem counterintuitive because when the things are going down, that’s when you want to buy up.

I want to, Oh yeah.

And they give you a Warren buffet quote, beef. Be greedy when the market’s fearful. Remember that? Be fearful. The market’s greeting. So they show you the first one, right? 15,000 people. Here we go, folks. I’m showing you the email. You’re going to get this email and it shows the company’s values going down. But the green arrows going up. Should you

Bye or shoot your salad. It was like, bye woo

Folks. You got one right there and there’s 15,000 people. Now folks are, just remember we’re going to break for lunch here in a minute, but we’re gonna do this again. Wanna make sure everyone learns the system. Email comes in, the value goes up. Red arrow though down should you buy or should you set it?

So yes, woo.

It goes on brick and you sit there for like 10 minutes, 20 minutes and he’s like, no, here’s the deal. Because of our insider investment tips, because of our access to the elite billionaire minds, we and we alone have the ability to take to give you this now so we cannot give the knowledge dr Breck to everybody. No we cannot because let me tell you folks, the up and down arrows, I think that’s pretty simple. We all get that. But the next conference, remember this bucket, the next one. That’s where we’re going to teach you the insider super success tips for five 97 now we only have 15,000 of you here today. Now we only have 2000 seats available and there, right Tamra and then Tamra is over there. She rhymes all the time or that lady, she’d rhyme all the time. And so Tamra says, ah, well Peter, we have now what?

What does she have if she’s wearing a headset? What now? What now Peter? Ah, no, no, no, Peter, we don’t have 2000. Would you guys be excited if we had 2100 seats available? And you’re like, yes. Now, now what? She’s, it acts like she’s getting telecommunications right now via her headset. It’s the same headset you wear if you work at, in retail. Jason Beaver had a job where you wear that headset. And the CIA had said, no, actually I haven’t. You’re missing out dude. He’s jealous of it. You sit there and you say, Oh, she goes, no, no, no. Wait one second. So now 15,000 people are waiting, folks, we have 2200 spots available. And then they go, now here’s the deal. It’s normally five 97. Peter, this Justin, because of a very generous donation by a corporate sponsor. It’s only one 97 for the first 300 customers now.

And then there’s people that start getting up and walking to the back right now because they want to get the program. Cause there’s only availability for you know, now we’ve got 1200 people available. But now the first 300 are the ones who get the book and the one-on-one access with her. And then she starts rhyming. You remember that? This insane rhyming she would do. Did you remember that? I do. Oh my God, I remember this wrong. So I can find here, hopefully somebody who’s archive this online. Cause this is a, Oh, here we go. This is what she would do. She would make, here we go. Come on. Tamar

Survivor in this amazing race with the need for speed. You need God’s grace. And if you’re desperate, lot of Housewives watching days of our lives, you can’t cope without hope. And that’s not on us. So if you look at the, okay,

I want this to stop, part of me enjoys it. You can put a sick beat behind

The chair watching who wants to be a millionaire? Nah, you’re not going to find it there. No American idol or council tribal has a final answer that’ll satisfy. DSI ain’t got a clue. I you don’t know what to do. Not the ER though. So you got that on a CD. TV. Maybe your MP3 can say Uma, CNN.

[Inaudible] We get the remix here. Let me get this. I got this. The mix right here,

She took won’t stop. You remember that guy? She wouldn’t stop. She would not stop. And then I remember a buddy on my team, he’s one of my employees. I brought, for some reason I brought my employees there. Well that a seminar was like super cheap. It’s like $5 to get into that seminar. It was hundreds of dollars to get into every other seminar. My office. And I was like a huge sucker. Do it to motivate your staff. I’m like, yeah. They’re like, do you want to get them fired up? I’m like, yeah, should I pay like 40 bucks a ticket? You know? And I said like 80 people or something to this thing and we’re all sitting there. And one of my guys who’s an idiot, he says he’s still an idiot today, but he’s an idiot back then too. And he’s like, we really need to do this because there’s only 1200 seats of,

And he’s on his Nokia phone calling his wife, baby baby. What’s, let’s get a different, the head, they have a credit card application thing there. Remember that they would give you credit and you could fill out the paperwork. It was like a yellow and pink sheet of paper with a tear off. Oh. And somehow I got roped into one of those classes that wasn’t at the bok. It was at the Renaissance. Yeah. And then at that point I’m like, we gotta get outta here. This is crap. But Bucky Cordray, how far did you go down that rabbit hole?

You know, I raised my hand that day for the CD.

Did you? Oh yeah, I did too. By the way, if you raised your hand, if you, if you signed up right away, you got free lunch too. And it was like a pretty, it was like Jason’s deli or something. I feel like I needed to go to one of these things. I’m like the only person who missed out on that. No you don’t. But if you sit herself lucky. Yeah. I mean, if you want to go, I’ll give you more audio. So what you’re missing out on here? It’s bad. It’s bad for your soul. I really, I mean, seriously, it’s like, let me give you some more on music. I have to tell you that his hip was, there was an incoherent Zig Ziglar. Was he in Parkinson’s? Yeah, his daughter basically spoke for him. He was in new Orleans, Louisiana.

You’re from new Orleans.

I grew up as a charlatan and knew. Okay. But anyway, so how do you, how did you make it through the quagmire? How did you not get conned? Like, or when did you get out? When did you hit the escape hatch?

I mean, I, I think it was nine. The one 97 is what I bought.

One 97. See, you’re the smart guy. I was dropping like, you know, 500 bucks or something. I don’t know what happened. And it’s a tax write up, right? Oh yeah. Oh my gosh. It was so, so talk to the listeners out there, Bucky, there’s listeners out there right now, they’re seeing these big events being promoted, these national coaching seminars, teaching us how to get rich in real estate. What advice would you have for our listeners about these conferences? Don’t go,

I mean, if you do go, just go with an attitude of saying, I don’t know anything about real estate and maybe I’m wanting to understand a few different niches that they talk about because they pour all aspects of real estate into like a 60 minute, 90 minute session. And most of that is about pitching their program.

It’s truthiness, it’s kind of dangerous. It’s truthiness because there’s elements of truth and quotes from Warren buffet and Robert Kiyosaki, things that are actually powerful. Right? And that’s probably a third of it. And then two thirds of it is, is a upsales. If you’re a lady out there this is the Valentine’s edition of the show. This is a Valentine show. I want to dedicate this song there to all the ladies and I just want to encourage you. Please don’t go to these, get rich quick seminars. Just don’t go no matter what. Please don’t go. Please don’t go girl. Don’t go to that thing. Don’t, don’t, don’t get roped in. Let me get to the chorus of the song and then we’ll, then we’ll make it stop, but I could listen to this song all week. I could listen to it. I can listen to it.

Timber low and new kids on the block all day. I probably will. He still remained. Please don’t go to the seminar please. Please do. Go to their YouTube

Channel. Listen to this whole video.

Beautiful. Here we go. Oh yeah. What a beautiful voice. Yes. Let’s go Joey. Mark Walberg was a member of this group. Just for a minute. Please stop though. Oh yeah. He wanted to sell underwear and be going. Rapper did workout to the chorus. Here we go. Go buy this album. You’ve now bought this album. Oh yeah.

Step one. Find a place that sells albums. We have one downtown that spin city. Really? Yeah. Really? Yeah. In my face. It’s been sitting pretty awesome to have linked to it on the show. Now they have a limited edition, purple rain, and if somebody doesn’t get it, I don’t care how much it costs. I’m getting it. Purple rain. Oh yeah. Really? That’s beautiful. Donnie Wahlberg was not so lucky. She was a part of the group. Well, he’s looking good. That’d be looked at Donnie Wahlberg reason I think he’s doing well. This is a Wahlburgers. We went and saw a new kids on. My wife and I went to see new kids on the block at the bok like this year and it was union to her. Oh my God. This is the best. I mean, I got to write spinster not spin. Spinster. Okay. Let me just queue this up on the listeners to know what you’re missing out. If you’re not going to new kids on the block,

Their voice is a little deeper. Now, give your songs that I know. No, I don’t want that. I don’t want to hear Debbie Gibson. I want Lucas block. No, I don’t want this either. Yes, there is. There’s Walberg here, the red hat on. Oh wow. Are you going to cover? Oh, well, Whitney Houston cover. These guys are 40 women or 40 it’s impressive. He’s wearing like a a cake he’s wearing like the flat. Oh, hang in top. You gotta be kidding me. Now this is more tough than this song hanging tough. That’s right. I’d say what would the more top than this song is?

Tamarillo she’s tough. All right, so you’re saying though, Bucky, as a real estate investor guy, you would not go to these conferences? Definitely not clear why, but because it’s a timeshare, so, okay. You know, I mean, we didn’t want to go down that path again, but it really is. It’s, it’s, they pump you full of a lot of hype. You pump a dog to eat a sizzle. Ooh. Lot of sizzle. Yeah, and not much substance. All right, Jason, what’s the third notable quotable from Napoleon Hill says, success is the knowledge with which one may get all that he needs without violating the rights of his fellow men or compromising with his own conscience. Again, Napoleon Hill says, success is the knowledge which one may get all that he needs without violating the rights of his fellow men or compromising with his own conscience. As an example, I call this the three PS in business.

I know Brett, you agree with this, we might call it a different name, but we want to work with people that we like great people, right? We want to make a profit that’s healthy and sustainable. Sure, we want to make a product that we’re proud to sell to our mom, show to our mom, but proud to promote. Talk to me about what happens when you have somebody, I’m sure they approach you all the [email protected]. They go, how many customers do you have? And you say, we have thousands of patients and they go, do you want to make residual income? You want to make $100,000 a month passive? I’m sure you’ve had this pitch very passive and all you have to do is sign all of them up to auto-ship. This soap made from AKI berries. And this has been independently verified in Switzerland where the medical science is so far advanced, they can’t, the FDA, the FDA, that’s the, it’s a federal drug administration, they don’t want you to know about it.

And a billionaire has teamed up with some elite minds in Switzerland and they do not want you to know that the mass market. So we cannot market this on television due to the draconian federal trade commission rules. So we don’t, we don’t spend money on advertising. We can’t go out there and run commercials like Gatorade does. No, no, no. We can’t be like Mike. We have to, we eliminate the, the, the, the marketing. We, we limited the marketing system. We eliminate the industrial complex of advertising and we pay that money to you. So you get that 20% markup and all you have to do is to convince all your patients to auto ship the soap they made from a Chi berries and this, this bottle of life giving juices. Right. Which did declare bankruptcy two years ago, but it’s been reformulated. And the point is it works.

And so I now would like to introduce you to my triple diamond. He’ll be here in just a second. He’ll be wearing a suit, right? He’ll be showing up at a brand new Porsche. And since I’ve been a member, a client of yours for several weeks, I think you should sit down and at least give me five minutes of your time to see this incredible opportunity. Has this happened to you? Absolutely. Times a week. I can one up you though Breck. Since it’s the Valentine’s episode. Clay, I told you about the time that I got that same sales pitch by a half naked man in a gym locker room. Right? I remember. And you, you took the bait, you went no brainer. Right? You see I’m sitting there, I can’t, I can’t get up cause I have not tied my shoes yet. I probably could’ve just left serious.

Yeah. Here’s a real story. Yeah. And here’s the thing, like situation it, leave the shoes behind. Yeah, just buy new shoes. But it’s just like, I want to talk to you about it so I don’t really, I’m not paying attention cause I’m going about my business. And then I look up and he explained to me, you’re at a gym and you’re working out and what happens again now I finished my routine, I’m going to change, I can leave for the day. And there’s this guy that I worked with who had just signed this amazing opportunity where you auto ship people supplements they’re not going to use that are probably not proven and that are bad. And so he’s like trying to walk me through this whole thing and about five minutes in just like, okay, well when to entertain you and then leave. Well then he like kind of like stands in front of me, like going through all these motions, but then kid you not pulls like the captain Morgan puts his leg up on the bench, he’s wearing a towel.

So I’m like, Oh, ah, ah Shunda man. Talk about some Aussie berries. I was bad on. Unbelievable. It was real bad. So we’ve all had the, the pitch people want to convince you to get rich quick. They’re trying to violate your rights by scamming you in some capacity. So I’d like for you Bucky Cordray to share with the listeners out there, for people out there that want to actually become successful in the real estate game, what are the books that you would recommend or the systems you’d recommend or the steps we need to take? What do I need to do if I want to become successful in real estate? What are the steps? Walk me through the steps.

All right? First step is there is a ton of information out there. Got it. Right? So you need to figure out what niche in the why, right? And you got to ask yourself the seven whys to get to the root of why you want to do seven why’s. Yeah. Seven why’s. Okay. Clara, if I was going to ask you, why do you do what you do?

Well, let me, let me do it. Step one. It’s because I feel like I keep this on my desk, but my, this is my dad. When my dad was, you know, 39 years old, he was a college graduate from world Robert university, but he had to you know, deliver pizzas because he was in a spot in his life where he financially couldn’t provide unless he was working at Domino’s and quick trip. And I think it’s a shame when somebody out there has a degree and they can’t turn it into income. So that is why I do what I do. But why I’m going to put, I’ll keep playing the game. I like this game. This is a fun game. Because I’ve already hit my financial goals and I couldn’t possibly like Thanksgiving or other holidays, I spend my time waiting for them to be over or if I have an agenda on those days, I’ll have fun. So with my kids, I made a great agenda. We had a lot of fun, but I just can’t do downtime. I don’t know what that looks like.

And then you ask yourself why, why, why they have a psychological problem. I don’t know. I don’t do that. The whole point of this is to go deep, go deep. You’re not really sure why you’re doing something. Just keep asking yourself why, why, and if you can get to that seventh why you found what is motivating you. Got it. And the same thing you have to do with estate because there’s so many different avenues and real estate. Hey, I want to buy a rental property. Well, why, you know, do you like dealing with tenants? Do you like going fixing up houses? Do you, are you good at managing people, right? You have to manage people in order to be a landlord because you’ve got to vet people out who’s going to take care of that property well, right? So you have to ask yourself all those questions or maybe you want to get into mobile home parks or maybe you want to get into commercial. There’s so many different aspects of real estate. That’s why you have to understand why.

Where’s your sweet spot? Where do you like to be right now on my sweet spot is working with investors and retaining these rental properties, building a portfolio again and what kind of investor does somebody have to have 1 million bucks or how does that work? If I’m listening right now and I want to invest with you a little bit, cause I, I’ve done multiple deals like this with guys. There’s one guy back in the day who was a meat man at a grocery store who I met and a phenomenal, phenomenal when it comes to hands on flipping properties, just needed capital. So I said, here’s the deal. I’ll buy the property in my name. I own it. You do the work, we’ll buy it low, we’ll buy it for 120,000. That’s worth maybe one 61 70. You’ll go in, you’ll fix it and I’ll split the profits with you.

60 40, 60 for me, 40 for you, you do the work, a good payday for you. I put up the money and I get a profit split. And he said, ah, you know, I’ll do it for 50 50. I’m like, alright, I own it, but 50 50 profits split. And we did that a lot and that worked out well for me. But I only did it because I’ve known the guy for a long time. I knew people who knew him. I knew he wasn’t a scammer, I was the one paying all the contractors. I owned the property. There’s a lot of scammers out there in your industry. Talk to me about what kind of investors are a good fit for you.

So I mean typically the their absentee investors, somebody that’s busy with their own businesses that just want to acquire real estate on the side. Got it. They need to put their money somewhere where they can have some write offs and they just want some more passive income coming in with their money they’re making off their businesses.

Okay. That’s the kind of person or how much money does someone need to bring into the game to get kids started with tipping

[Inaudible] they’re paying cash for houses. So you know, you have, you know, cash lines available for 100,000, 200.

Can somebody use mortgages or anything or no, not in this business.

We, I don’t typically work with, you know, the traditional home buyers because they have to go through the process of closing with a bank or going through underwriting all those different steps that slows down the whole [inaudible]

Process. Think about this for a second. Napoleon Hill quote number three, success is, is the knowledge with which one may get all that he needs without violating the rights of his fellow men or compromising with his own conscience. So you don’t feel bad about the deals you do?

No, absolutely not. Because I’m helping people out of bad situations. Right? Otherwise they would have to walk away and lose the house, destroy their credit, and or they’re just in the middle of turmoil and they just need a light. Right? We just need them pull them out of the darkness that they’re in.

I want to ask all the listeners out there rhetorically, what is the problem that you’re solving? You know, what is the thing that you do, dr Breck, you help people with their posture. You help them with their health, their wellbeing. You help people get in great shape physically by adjusting their spine over there. Dr That’s what you do. You’re a chiropractor, Bucky. You make your money by helping people buy real estate and selling it or renting it out, that kind of thing. What is the, what is the problem you solve? And Jason, are you familiar with Jamie Fox as in R and B? Legend slash acting legend. Jimmy Fox. Well, how much do you know about Jamie Fox? I know that I appreciate him for both his music and acting. Do you know a lot about Jamie Fox? Dr. Brown? I wouldn’t say a lot, but what about you?

Lucky I’m familiar with it. No, he’s an actor. I am going to provide for you guys knowledge buffet. It’s going to blow your minds, right? If you listen to the Tim Ferriss interview with Jamie Fox, you can hear all this and hear the firsthand account of this by Jamie Fox. But Jamie Fox was taught to play the piano classically right, and he is African American and he grew up in a time and in a place in Texas, Terrell, Texas, where white people didn’t like black people yet it wasn’t a, it wasn’t an equality. So his mom said, you need to become the best piano player possible. So that way you can always get into these conversations. So these white people, many of which were racist, many of which were not, they would hire him to come and perform during like the holidays or at birthday parties or weddings. And he would nail it and they’re like, Oh my gosh, you’re good.

But he discovered that he would just be a piano guy and would never build a name for himself. There’s so many guys who could just play the piano at bars. They were like, you know, background noise that he would never really get big tips or big notoriety or any type of relationship with the person hiring him. And unless he wove in comedy with the songs, then he worked on impersonating people so he could nail the impersonation game. Now, this is what’s crazy about Jamie Fox. He wanted to become a musician. So he goes out to LA, he lands on the show living color, which is a comedy show with Jim Carrey and other big names, the Wayne’s brothers. But he was not being respected or given opportunity as a musician because people labeled him as a comedian, right? So what he did is he ran into puff daddy on an intentionally cause.

Puff used to hang out in that area a lot and he walks up to puff day. This is a true story. I’ll be where? Puffy med J-Lo this, this, this color. There you go. This is craziness. I did not know that. So, so puff daddy says, well what do you want? He says, I want to be your photographer. I’ll be your free photographer. Free paparazzi. I know you need great headshots. I’m the man. I do the best head shots. Totally free and puffs us. All right? Sure. I’ve got another PR media appearance at this day and this time show on up. You do it for free. Yeah, sure. Good. Jamie Fox then realized, Oh, I need to learn how to take photos. Right. So he did a crash course teaching himself how to take photos and they turned out well because he just took as many as possible.

Sure. Well then he’s talking with puffy says, puff, how much money do you spend on these parties? Puffs us up. Usually a million per parties. It’s $1 million. It’s like, yeah, you know you want to spend $1 million that way everybody knows you’ve got money, long money, and then they want to work with you on future projects. So I invite a bunch of people. It’s the best networking possible. Yeah. And he says, well, puff, I bet you I could do a better party than you for under a thousand dollars and puff daddy says you can’t do a party for under a thousand dollars I can do a part. Here’s what you promise me. You will be there puffs. I promise. I’ll bet you. Promise you. Promise, promise, promise. Okay, I will. I’ll tell you the date promise should be there. Puff. Don’t, don’t, don’t put me out there. Don’t have me telling people about this party and then I want you to see it.

Promise puffs as I promise. So the handshake on it. So he starts getting his phone out and calling people he knows through the living color and other programs. And he says, here’s the deal. A Kanye West, I got puffed daddy. Come into a party at my house. He says, puffs coming to a party at your house. You promise. Absolutely. He’ll be there. You want to be there? Yeah. He starts calling people saying, Hey, puff daddy, Kanye West are coming to a party at my house. You want to be there all you need to bring his red solo cups and bring yourself some Popeye’s chicken and let’s do this old school. So people, all these celebrities started hearing about the celebrity throwback party hosted by some dude that’s being thrown by Kanye and puff, right? So then he has a recording studio in his basement and he says, puff, can you come down here real quick? He says, everyone’s at the party, young code now why? He says, that’s what you come down here and Kanye, can you come down here real quick cause that, is that something you could do? And Connie says, sure. So then when he does is he cues up the song. He says, why don’t we just do a verse? Just just a quick little verse. So this is, this is what he did here. The song was already put together.

Oh, she say she wants some say up the song Dewayne, no, freak. So you’ve got the, here’s Kanya his verse, I’m a plane. His fans, you go take your pants off.

Once he gets it, gets their vocals, he’s like, I got it. Then he calls up, twist and says, twist. I got a song. Kanye is on it. He’s a Kanye is on the song. Sure. So then he produced it himself and he drove up and down the West coast radio stations announcing that he hates, he goes, he calls the radio stations and says, do you want to be the first station to play the new hit song featuring Kanye West and Twista on the same song? And they’re like, Oh yeah. So he made himself famous. That’s awesome. This is how we did it, but this is him performing his comedy tour. I want you to hear how good this is because right here he what? What problem does he solve? He solves the problem of entertaining people, but he does it like nobody else listen to this is performing in Dallas. You know sometimes when you’re playing music and you’re talking real low and everything, it really don’t make a difference. What you saying? You just talking low Buddha Mona. No one [inaudible]

Can I get Jiechi too?

He’s so good. He’s so good.


And he had this ability to where he does weaves in comedy with the piano like nobody else. Let’s listen to this and right after that slow, slow song, you knew what time it was. It was time to go get that number. You go get that number from the girl that you really liked. Her name was Bernadette and that was crazy. As the names got back then plain old, it wasn’t a LA cakey on the fluffy end dilution


And you walk up to and you ask her for the number. She already had a number ready for you and then you call it a next day, you’re nervous call and you hang up the first time I know star 69 then you call back and you get the old man who Tana Milan finally call back and get her on the phone and then you get back on the phone. He say, Bernadette, I got some. I want you to hear. And what’s your do play as you get the phone and you hold it up to the speakers, let loose to do your talking. F. O it’s

Unbelievable. All I’m saying is if you’re out there and you don’t solve a real problem for your real buyers, that’s a problem. And a lot of people don’t solve a problem for anybody. They had no value to the world. And so they want to do is they want to trick you into giving you, giving, giving your hard earned money to them in exchange for no value. And it’s very, very important that everybody out there that we understand this idea that success is the knowledge with which one may get all that he needs without violating the rights of his fellow men or compromising his own conscience. Now the point he’ll quote number four reads the mind is the Citadel of the soul, wherein is the connecting link between the conscious process of man and infinite intelligence. Now I am a Judeo Christian, but I can say this. I would say that a lot of times if you’re not intentional, you’re not going to be thinking long enough or detailed enough on something to ever have to ever have a coherent thought. I’m dr Breck, we live in a world of perpetual distraction. Absolutely. You’ve been a chiropractor since before the smartphone came out. Yes, sure. How has the smartphone impacted the overall happiness or lack thereof of your patient?

Well, yeah, I mean it’s definitely impacted overall happiness, but we’ve kinda re created new conditions because of the smart phone. So we have texting thumb that we never would’ve had before. I mean, maybe we would’ve had gain controller thumb or something similar, but we’ve had texting thumb and now we have texts neck where we’re seeing issues that typically in the last, like 10 years ago, I would see this in someone who was 45, 55 and now I’m seeing the same degeneration issues in someone who is in their teens and twenties where they have a straight neck, they have degeneration of the disc. We’ve got lots of biomechanical problems that are happening and it’s all from looking down towards one’s belly button where everyone holds their cell phone rather than bringing the phone up to them as if their face, their head is more important than the phone. We take our face to our phone.

That, so you are, you’re seeing this though. It’s, it’s an epidemic. Yeah. It’s really, it’s terrible. And if we’re not intentional about thinking about how we want our lives to be, we’re just going to sort of drift around aimlessly, drifting around. And it’s a lot of decision by indecision. And I think you know, I think Bucky, a lot of people get into real estate through kind of just drifting around. It’s like the easiest thing to do. It’s like, well, I might as well go to this conference. Oh, might as well buy a property and all of a sudden people find themselves in a bad spot. How can our listeners actually go out there and find a real real estate in a mentor? How could they find a real real estate investment mentor? Someone who’s not going to scam them? Is that, is it even possible?

I think you’re touching on it earlier. I mean, back in the old days, and I think they still do it a lot in England is apprenticeships, right? And you were talking about would you work free for a successful person? Right? So these real estate investors out there, they need help, right? I need help if somebody wants to come and work for me for free for a little while to learn the ropes of the games, to take my knowledge that I’ve learned for the last 20 years and apply a little bits and pieces of that. You know, that’s, that’s a great Avenue. So how do you find that mentor? There’s groups every, every local area across the country has local real estate investment groups and they have different speakers that come in. And those are like real investors typically doing real deals.

If they spent a year with you, how much of a learning curve benefit would that be? How much knowledge would they acquire in, in a year? That’s if they spend many years with that saved them.

Oh, that would save him at least 10 years. That sounds like a good deal to me. That’s true. I think somebody out there though is, is saying, you know, I, I need a mentor. I need one, but I don’t want to work for free. And you know, so if you look up, if you say we’re going to read the life story of, of puff daddy you would discover that that puff daddy started working for free. Well, why? Because he was a Howard university college student and he, no one wanted him. Why? Because how many people want to get into the music industry in college? I don’t know everybody. So when he decided to go work for free, he had to work as an intern at new York’s uptown records. Why would somebody have to work for free Jason, if they wanted to get into the music industry, why did he have to work for free?

Because a lot of people are going to demand like I, this question always comes up and I laugh every single time somebody says, Hey, I would love to intern for clay for the summer. I’m like, okay, I could pass that along. Well hold on before you do. How much does that pay? I’m like, wait. Right all the time. I always grew up assuming that internship meant you were getting work experience, you could skip, you know, months or two years or decades. Like Bucky Cordray said, just because you got the knowledge for free. I mean there’s, there’s a trade off there. What if I don’t like the example about puff daddy? I said, give me another one. Okay. Steven Spielberg. If you guys ever watched documentaries about Steven Spielberg. Have you, Jason, have you seen, how, did you ever watch a movie on, or if you watch the documentary yet about how Steven Spielberg got started?

No, a, the really dirty one. I’ve seen his his industrial light and magic documentary is awesome. Have you seen this, Bucky? Have you seen this wreck? Have you seen this? No. I know I worked on George Lucas, but I haven’t seen me tell you what he did with documentary. He pretended to work there. So he found out that you had to have like an ID badge and you had to dress professionally to get past security sweep. Walked in casual, like pretending like he worked there and he just went in for free and they thought, okay, so now he’s in and he’s like, Oh, I mean, I mean I’m here on behind the gate, I’m behind the wall and now I’m working free. I need an office. So he turned to janitorial, a janitor janitor’s closet into his office. He put the name of Spielberg on the door, replaced the word janitor, and he worked for free while doing odd jobs on the side at night.

And he did this for a long time. And then eventually one of the higher ups set up get me Spielberg. This guy, he’s, he’s great energy who hired this guy and he was working as a grip, which means you’re carrying cords around. He was doing odd and people just thought he was hired by somebody. It’s a big organization. And they said, Spielberg, who brought you in here? And he says well, I, you know, a lot of people recruited me up, you know, up top, I don’t remember the person’s name, whatever. Well, Spielberg, I’ve got a commercial that needs to be cut. Let’s see what you got buddy. So he cuts a commercial and then only when it came time to pay him for the spot, did they, did they realize he wasn’t an employee? Not in the system. That’s a real thing. And this story repeats itself all the time, whether it be Napoleon Hill or puff daddy or Steven Spielberg, Spielberg

Or Ryan Tedder. A lot of people don’t realize this, but Ryan Tedder is a oral Roberts university graduate. He went to our, Rob’s university lived right across the hall from me in college, but people don’t realize homeboy was working for free as an intern while working for pay at pottery barn. So he’s working over there as an internship for free, but he had to pay the bills. He worked at the pottery barn right when I was building DJ connection. I worked at Applebee’s target and direct TV for pay and I worked for free DJ gigs. I would tell people I’m a DJ or a party for just a dollar. And then if you’re happy, you can pay me. I asked a friend about this just the other day. Oh, she was telling me she was at oral Roberts around the same time you were. I said, did you ever go to a clay Clark hosted party?

Oh, did she? And she did. She really, Oh, I’ll get the hotel across the way. Throw me out of first name just so I can see if I can really hide. I actually don’t know her maiden name. Okay. So yeah, that was a win. That was a big thing there and that was a big now on on, let me tell you this. My son and I did a deal on a Friday. Jason, were you there when I was doing the pitch for Aubrey on Friday? I was not at thrive. Yeah, no I was not. If listeners out there at Google search, DJ Aubrey a 3000 this is my son who’s 12, he’s awesome. You’ll find he now as 106 reviews on Google and he’s getting to be confused with Andre [inaudible]. He’s doing his brick and I is high pressure pitch for you here. Okay. If you have a party coming up and you’re going, I’ve got a dollar.

He’s your guy. Wait, is he doing, you’re a new year’s Eve party. He’s doing the w w we are having a major Christmas party. Yes. He’s doing that party new year’s Eve though. He’s not booked currently. He’s not booked. And here’s the deal with him. He’s got 106 reviews right now and he’s willing to work for, it’s a dollars his quote. Right. And then you just pay him at the end what you think he’s worth? Yeah. So, so far he’s brought in a $250 tip, a $500 tip, a couple, three hundreds. He’s doing really well. And a big energy company in Tulsa just called on Wednesday to book him for the party. Yeah. And the lady goes a C good. I’ve heard some of his work. He is good, it’s good. And then she says, do you have any video footage? And I said no. And she says, why? I said, well, you know, I’m his dad and we’re working through the game, but some of the people we’ve done parties for didn’t want us filming yet, but I was able to get this, this, this clip here. This is the first audio clip of Aubrey deejaying here. This is his first audio clip that I’m able to share with our listeners.


As him getting a group of young people. I’ll, I’ll, I’ll lather it up right there. And then Jason, he DJ-ed for your wedding reception, did he not? He did and he did an amazing job. So if you want to learn more about booking DJ Aubrey 3000 and you live in, don’t make, plus I’m the parent. Don’t make me drive out to Texas. Don’t book him in Tulsa. DJ Aubrey, three It’s DJ Aubrey, a U B R E Y three He’s got 106 reviews. He will work for reviews. He wants to just build that resume. That’s how you do it. He’s got to work for free. Dr Brack, your first exam is freezing. Not to this. Tell us about it. If I, if my back hurts, I need an adjustment. How does it work?

Yeah. You, you go to our website, there’s a link there. Click on the link. That’s dr and you click on the link and what you can do is come in to the office, get a consultation, exam, x-ray and treatment all at no cost. No obligation

Free Bucky, your, your, your first assessment. Is it not? Is it not free? How does that work? If I’m out there and I’m listening in the Tulsa area and I need to unload my property, I want to sell it. What does, what does it cost to meet

Clay? It’s free. Absolutely. I mean, Oh, because we want to service you guys and give you and show you what your house worth, right? So many people go out and, and expect you as a homeowner to know what your home’s worth. We give you a free consultation, consultation and telling you exactly what it’s worth.

Oh, it’s a beautiful thing. Notable quotable. Number five from Napoleon Hill reads these sixth sense is the medium through which a properly qualified mind may communicate with other minds at any distance through the principle of telepathy. Now, calm down, calm down, get off, stop, stop booing.

Metaphysical, honest, stop booing. Stop. Let me just give you an exam.

If you’re a Christian out there, I’ll start with you. Then I’ll work with the secular people next. But if you’re a Christian, we’ve all had somebody who it’s the holiday time of the year, I guess you just would be Ballantine’s day. We’ve all been to a party where you’re, you know, you’re, it’s your extended family is there and maybe it’s your cousin and she wants to introduce you to her friend and you know, and you’re, you’re going, okay, this is our, this is our friend. I would like to meet your friend. What’s your friend’s name? And she says you know his name is a little John. And you say, Oh, Mr. Little John, pleasure to meet you. He says no, it’s, it’s a little John Lil John. And he said, well, John, what do you do for a living? And he says, well, I, I typically you know, I write songs and you say, cool, this is exciting.

What kind of songs do you do it? And he says, well let me go back out to my vehicle real quick and I’ll bring back some demos. You know, you can, you can hear what I’m working on. You say, okay, cool. And he keep any cues up this song. And you’re like, and you’re going, okay, okay, okay, this, this has some good melody to it. Perhaps you’re a good guy. You know, so you’re thinking of what our songs do you have a little John? And he says, well, let me, let me play another one

For you. What’s happening

That’s a little more uptempo. What other songs do you have? And he says, Hey, yo, sir, do you have a chance? It’s so chalice,

Are you carrying,

Is that a staff, sir, do you have like a hip injury? Do you need to see dr [inaudible]?

And then you, you, you, at

That point, your, your antenna has to go up and say, well, you might want to, you know, check the references and you know, and just, just see, you know, ah, you know what you’re getting into here. But the person who’s dating the person can’t seem to understand what you’re seeking. [inaudible] They’re too close to it. Right? when you read stories about celebrity athletes who have, you know, tons of kids out of wedlock and they don’t know their moms and you know, it’s, it’s not super shocking when you look at some of these people. It’s not super shocking when you, we hear about Charlie sheen and his escapades. Remember Charlie sheen was running around with adult movie stars while doing drugs. Yeah. It can’t be shocking to you that he’s got some personal issues. That right there is what Napoleon Hill is talking about. He’s talking about how you put off this, this aura that says that’s Charlie sheen.

You probably shouldn’t date him, but your cousins, like he’s a great guy. He goes by Charles. You’re not, that’s Charlie sheen, but you, you know what I mean? Everybody else can pick up on the vibe but you can’t. Right. Clay, didn’t he invent Tulsa? Oh my gosh, dude, I forgot about that. Did he say invent? It tells me. Yeah. What? Tell me about the story. Oh, Bucky probably knows it better than I, but a, that’s the reason my senior music department trip, we go on every year. We based our shirt off of Charlie sheen because he made that quote, our drum director’s like, that’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard. So it said so all the, the front said hashtag winning and then the back said created by Charlie sheen. So he, he claimed to have invented Tulsa. Yeah, in some weird roundabout way.

Hmm. Impressive. I just would encourage you, if you’re out there and you’re hanging out with, you’re dating some guy named little John and then he wants to take you to a strip club on your first date. You can’t be shocked. But some people, their intent is not up because they’re not paying attention and that’s what he’s talking about. He’s talking about how this, and you also can put off this aura that says, please don’t buy from me Bucky. You’ve seen this before with real estate folks who just come across a scammy and it says they have like a sign that says, please don’t buy from me, but it’s an invisible sign. Everyone can see to sign. What are some telltale signs you’re probably going to get scammed by a real estate person. What are some signs where you go, you’re going to get scammed.

You know the first thing is the questions that come out of their mouth. What do they say first? And the first thing that typically is says, well, how much do you want out of your house? How are you supposed to know that? Right? Hope you know if you’re not in the real estate business, if you’re not buying and selling properties, how do you know what your home’s worth? Right? All right, well let me see. I owe 75. Okay, we’ll give you, we’ll give you 85,000 but your home’s worth 230,000.

Did he do the quick fuzzy mass? Feels slimy. You feel slimy. Jason, how do you know if somebody shady, what are tips that you have where you’ve over the years, you know where you’ve gone? Whoa. Cause you at the conferences managing the businesses. You’ve met thousands and thousands of people. You’ve probably at this point seen some scammers and you’ve probably seen some great people come through. What are some telltale signs where you go, Whoa, one of the big ones for me that took me a really long time to learn was if somebody can’t remember a conversation that we had, they’re scamming, because typically what that means is they’ve told the whole conversation was a lie to them and they can’t remember where they left off. So like, Hmm. No, it doesn’t sound familiar. It’s like, no, I vaguely or not. I vaguely, I definitely remember everything that you said and like, no, I don’t.

I have other, I have others and these are harsh. These are hard and somebody is going to get mad at me. Someone’s going to go, you are a bad, bad man. But I think this is important that maybe you get it from somebody else. Are you guys familiar with Ben Horowitz? Yes. Ben Horowitz talks about being late. He started Opsware a company that was sold for one point $6 billion and he talks about he has a new book coming out right now called what D what you do is who you are. What you do is who you are. And in that he talks about how people’s biggest possession we all have is time. And people that don’t value your time are the worst in his mind in the world of business. So he gives examples from the book, but as an example, like Tom Kauflin, the New York giants, former head coach, he always started meetings five minutes early and he finds every, he find the players $1,000 per minute.

They were late. [inaudible]. He talked about at Andreessen Horowitz, he would find people $10 a minute for being late. So currently he finds people $10 a minute for being late, $10 a minute. Some would say that’s harsh, but Breck what happens if you have a culture where people are allowed to be late? What, what happens in your, I mean if you have six or seven people all waiting on one person, on a practical level, what happens? Well, first, I mean they’re, they’re late by a minute or two and then it’s five and then it’s 10. And it’s a snowball effect. It continues to grow until the point that you don’t have a meeting at all. And it’s not one person, but it’s the entire team that’s showing up 10, 15, 20 minutes late or not at all. You said it drifts to a point.

You don’t even have a meeting and all. Yeah, I mean it just snowballs on you and you’re out of control. You’re not the one conducting the meeting. You’re not the one controlling the situation at all. There’s an article from that reads, I show up 15 minutes late for our chat about what ti, what you do is who you are. His new book on creating business cultures. We kicked things off with a discussion of the environment and his own firm Horowitz mentions that his firm puts a premium on being respectful to entrepreneurs, getting back to companies even when they aren’t going to get funded, for instance. And not making people wait. This is a guy who just showed up late to interview him. He says, we find people 10 minutes a minute for being late. This could be dangerous for somebody out there if you don’t understand these principles because I’m just telling you if your chronically late, I know you aren’t successful right now.

We all read a minute behind or things happen. But you can tell if someone’s successful cause they will apologize like I am sorry I was a little behind. But people that don’t even care, Bucky Cordray, you’ve seen this phenomenon. Absolutely. And what happens when you’re dealing with somebody, a service provider, a product developer, a partner and employee and they do not mind being late. What does that say ultimately? What does that say about the way they do everything? They don’t respect what they do or who they do it with. That’s a thing. Another thing I have found about things that you do, you need to worry about is people that don’t take notes when having a very detailed conversation are scary. So when you meet somebody who’s a quote unquote investor and they don’t take notes [inaudible] you gotta run for the Hills. Everybody I’ve ever met who’s a CEO or a professional of somebody who’s a great lawyer, great attorney, great dentist, they take notes. Why dr brick, why do you take notes?

Send a meeting just the other day. And a lot of things are happening very quickly in this meeting and there’s a, you know, three or four people sitting around the table and you’re going to need to reference back to that, that moment. Like, you know, you may be able to hang on to it in the moment in your mind keep it all straight. But if you have to reference back to it, you know, three, four or five hours later, you need to know, you know, truly what was said, what was done, what was decided. And not some kind of you know, vague remembrance of it. And so you want to know the details. The numbers matter. Numbers don’t lie. And so, especially a detailed conversation that involves numbers. Do you want to write those numbers down? And if you’re not, then you’re not really engaged in the process. And that’s a problem.

It could be a very, very problem, very big problem for you. And you might not even know it. Maybe you’re a great guy, but you’re just always late. And so you’re understand what that says to the marketplace. That is that sixth sense. I’m going to run through a checklist.

Yeah. I mean, you know, it’s all about you. If you’re not worried about someone else’s time, then you’re being very selfish and that’s not a good place to start any kind of relationship, but definitely not a business one on it.

Other, other just things you might be putting out there that make people worried. Okay. These are things that will tell the world not to do business with you when you’re inconsistent. Sure. When you just don’t do what you say you’re going to do. You know, when you run rough shot over people’s boundaries, when someone’s clearly told you, Hey, I’m not available after five and you call them everyday after five, right? When you talk all the time about how much money you have, you usually don’t have any money. I’ve found this phenomenon. When you talk all the time about your new car, you usually can’t afford the car, right? When you can’t get through a dinner without showing people a picture of you and a celebrity, you probably don’t know any celebrities, right? When you can’t stay off of Instagram or Facebook posting pictures of you and tropical places.

You probably don’t travel to tropical places before I went one time this year and you’re posting throughout the year to look like you travel, right? This is a thing and I’m just encouraging you out there. You might not be aware of this but it’s very, very, very important that you come across as credible. Now, notable quotable number six from Napoleon Hill is, it may not be true that thoughts are things but it is through thoughts that we create things and the things thus created are strikingly similar to the nature of the thoughts from which they are fashioned. As an example, I’m working on a book, Jason, you helped me with a book this morning. It’s called, if my walls could talk, it’s where I’m breaking down all the notable quotables on the walls. Yeah. You have walls do talk what they mean. And I thought it would take about two hours, you know, to edit it.

I took pictures of it. Sure. And I, and I’ve already written down captions and I thought about two hours edited. I told Jason I’m about 18 hours into my two hours so far this weekend. And it’s, it’s, but it started off as a thought, right. Of people kept asking me, what does that quote in the bathroom mean? Or what does that picture mean? And they were all teaching moments at certain times. Right. And I think that if you read enough business books and you read enough psychology and you read enough autobiographies and you read enough case studies, pretty soon you start to figure out the connection points. And Jason, I mean, we are in a really unique spot in what we do because we, we track our, our, our client’s growth. We do. And when we track our client’s growth the numbers that I’m going to share with you could seem a little bit crazy.

And so I always try to cite what I say because what I’m saying seems improbable and or impossible. And then I’ll ask you dr bracket, just a minute. I want to get your take on this, but I always like to cite everything I say, but on our walls, I don’t cite it. I write the, I write the point, right? Or the epiphany. If it’s a quote, you’ve got who it was Coda, but I don’t write like the context of it, right? So let me just give the listeners some examples of, of real things that I’m going to verify. You can verify right now in the show that are cited in the book that aren’t cited on the wall, right? So I’m on page 77 of the new book. The clarification is on this particular portion of our walls, I was describing the life changing power of the 13 point assessments I conduct for each and every one of our potential one-on-one business coaching clients and eye opening power.

Of our Bulletproof business checklist. On this diagram I was showcasing how most business owners find over a hundred glaring weaknesses or core issues with their business. Just by going through it. Now, somebody might say, well, I’ve never gone through this and I put a client for years calmed down. I only go through this. When you get to a point where you think you’re done and you’re like, wow, my business is growing. Wow, I’m having huge growth. That’s when we’d go over this because this allows you to make it scalable where you can open up multiple of them where you can franchise and here are the winds that I document. I said remember we’re not even factoring in the entire month of December with these client wins. If we were playing a sport, this would be our business coaching scoreboard. And when you point to the scoreboard, you aren’t bragging.

You’re just pointing to the results and to the truth. Our system works, but nothing works unless great clients like you do. So here we go. Scotch construction. 54% growth from 2018 to 2019 that’s a multimillion dollar company by the way. Metal roof contractors, 87% growth. Jamison find cabinetry recorded a video testimonial, sharing his growth. Gene breeze, the motivational speaker doubled her sales. 52% growth. I’m Brian Armstrong. 48% growth accolade exterior’s 86% growth quality surfaces and countertops. 76% growth. Gables, excavating 61% growth. Back to basics builders, 27% growth. Kelly construction group, 21% growth. Don’t believe me. Call these people Bogart and sons construction. 33% growth. Don’t believe me. Call these people. Restoration. Health chiropractic, 115% growth. Best buy window treatment, 75% growth. Cheney construction. Don’t believe me. Call these people. 14% growth. Custom automation technology, 16% growth. C T tech, 56% growth. You should not believe me. Call these people.

Lake Martin, mini mall, 13% growth HealthWorks, 20% growth. Now mind you, this is not the factory and in the month of December because we’re not done with the year yet. I’m recording this show on December 1st that comes out on February 15th so the numbers will be higher. Laundry barn, 100% growth. Angels touch 71% growth, 71% growth for angels. Touch autobody SnowBear heating air up from up from $768,000 to 1,000,070 $4,000 and we’re not done with the year yet. Full package media up 15% growth. Trinity employment up 32% growth hood CPAs, 61% growth. Dr Breck what do you think your growth is going to be this year? Oh goodness. I should’ve been thinking about that. I was just so blown away with, I think the lowest, the percentage of growth that you just quoted was like 13% which is still from the GDP of our country. The gross domestic product of our country is growing at a 1.9% per quarter, which means 96% of businesses fam according to inc magazine, right.

If you are not failing, that means the average business is growing at about an 8% rate annually for the amount 7.2 so these are big numbers. I mean on average you were saying like 50% growth somewhere 87% growth, but even 13% growth. What do you think you’re going to grow as a, as a percentage? Is is enormous. Are you gonna be up for the 10% this year? You think? Yeah, I do. It’s harder to grow as a percentage as you get bigger, which is also one of the things that’s so impressive when you say, you know, some of these companies, it’s one thing if you’re a startup and you,

You’ve got 10 clients, I mean you can double and triple in a month, you know, I mean, but when you’re already a a large scale, you know, functioning business, double the size of your company in the past three years. And we have, yeah, you could be up 10% this year or 20% no, I think we’re going to be probably somewhere between 15 and 20% and you’re already full. My wife went there for adjustment and she said, you guys are slammed in there. Yeah. That’s why we have to move locations. That’s a good problem. It’s a great problem to have. It’s a good problem to have. The only problems we’re having now are growth issues, which is just new problems. I didn’t use to have problems with growth. We had other issues where, you know, we had to pay the bills, but it started with a thought. It always starts with a thought. I mean that’s, we have the power to create. There we go. I believe that’s God-given and we get to be like God, he creates, we get to create. But nothing happens without initially becoming a thought.

Now, Jason, you have to take a picture of the, the pyramid scheme behind me. The picture. Yeah. Cause I’ve got this picture of this pyramid. I want to put it on the show notes so listeners can see this pyramid. But the pyramid at the top, we’ve got a picture of God. And I’m not good at this, but my goal is to not make him cry everyday, which is why there’s a teardrop. My look is my believes that God can see everything right underneath that. There’s a, the phrase doctor zoner written there and it’s because I never want to involve myself in a business dealing that conflicts with the guy who brought me to the dance. Right. Get so to speak. I never want to, there’s loyalty there, which is great. I never want me to, so many optometrists have reached out to us for help.

I can help you, but not if you’re in Tulsa. Right. then Jonathan underneath that I as much as my wife’s name and my name, clay and Vanessa, why cause the gods at the top? Z second, my wife and I want to make sure we’re never doing a business deal that we’re in conflict over. I never want to work with a client that gives her the willies. Gotcha. Now the next is Jonathan. I want to make sure that Jonathan always knows what we’re doing. That way he’s involved, he’s part of it. He has a profit share. So he, he benefits, we benefit and I want to make sure he’s doing well. Then underneath that we want to have 500,000 listeners per month to our podcast, which we do have. We wanna work with 160 clients, which we do have and we want to educate 2000 Thrivers per year at our conferences, which we almost have.

And so you would say what? Yeah, you see this started with a thought, right? And that became a thing and it’s a reality. It’s real, but it started off as an idea. Now at the bottom, there’s steps leading up to my pyramid, right? Meaning that I will not let anybody work for me or on my team sustainably. I won’t keep someone on my team. I won’t work with them as a, as a, as a client, I won’t allow them to come to a conference consistently. Now maybe somebody tricks me, but I’m not going to put up with people who are not the following traits. Diligent, coachable, loyal, kind, positive, goal focused and Christ focused. And you might say, you mean you only hire Christians? No, let me, let me get this. Christ’s message was one of being Christ like, and there’s a lot of people that are not who live the life that Christ would want you to live.

And maybe we disagree on the salvation message and maybe I hope over time that they’ll switch over to my team. Maybe they hope I switch to their team. But people that you know, read the Bible but aren’t Christlike or don’t attempt to be. Now Jesus did flip tables when they wouldn’t stop selling things. He did get intense from time to time. Jesus also offer, gave people that the world thought was unforgivable. And there’s a lot of Christ’s like traits that I try to say, is this person aspiring for the same goals that I am? And that’s, but again, it starts with an idea. But I think Bucky, once the idea, once the excitement of the new idea wears off, it could probably be easy to quit. And you’ve been in real estate for, for 20 years, 20 years doing this thing. So talk to me about why you think you’ve been able to be successful and you have the floor. You can talk about anything you want. I just want to, why do you think you’ve been successful? You know, what role does accountability play in that? Talk to me about why you think you’ve been able to have success for 20 years. Two decades.

Yeah. I mean, the biggest benefit, clay for me is just, it was a passion of mine, right? I, I love the process of, of a house, you know, seeing the structure, giving a place for somebody to live, that, that motivates me. And there’s houses everywhere. There’s land everywhere. And the thing about with real estate is, is there’s always going to be a need for that. There’s always people having issues in their homes that they live in. There’s always people having personal finance issues. And, and that’s what I can do is I can solve issue after issue after issue. And every deal is different. I, I, I don’t get bored. Don’t get bored. I don’t get bored. You love it. I absolutely love it. I mean, it’s exciting. And what has kept me on track is staying accountable to myself. Right. And like you wrote a plan up here, you’re working your plan.

That was something that was ingrained in me when I was a kid. It’s like write the plan, work the plan. And if you stick to that and if your plan needs adjustments along the way, make those adjustments. Right. And then when I first met you, clay, you were talking about diligence and that just resonates home with me. You know, being able to every day wake up and do what you’re supposed to do early, do it well and do it till it’s done. And that’s what diligence is. And if you do that and if you’re doing what you love, then you’re going to have yourself accountable and has it,

Do you feel like that, that you do it for the money or you do it for some other reason?

No, the money is, you know, I was sidetracked early in my, my college days with, Oh, I want a big boat and I want to you a big house and all this. And there’s nothing wrong with having nice things, right? But it’s where you put the excess of your money, right? Are you giving where you giving your money to? Right? The money is a great tool. It is an awesome tool. You know, there’s a gospel patrons out there that just believe in successful business. People that want to fund the people that want to spread the mission out there, right? So you can do that with money. Everything out there takes money. So there has be a reason why you’re doing it. Besides just money. Money is a tool that makes us world go around.

Now, money is a tool that makes the world go round, but you can also become a tool of the money. That’s where I see a lot of people that never see their family. You never talked to their wife, never do anything. They enjoy all for the love of money. What tips would you have out there? I would like to give you the floor Bucky, and then I’ll give dr Breck the floor. And then Jason, as we wrap up today’s show do you have any book recommendations that you’d recommend, Bucky or any other tips you want to share with our listeners? Because we’ve broken down the words of wisdom from Napoleon Hill, but I wanted to help personify these words of wisdom by bringing in some real entrepreneurs into the room that actually live it every day. Do you have any other tips or book recommendations for our listeners out there today?

There’s a couple of books I recommend. The goal by Eli Goldratt, it talks about the theory of constraint. You’re only as fast as your slowest process. So when you’re doing business or anything that you’re doing, you can only glow, go as fast as your slowest process, right? So if you can approve those, it’s constant improvement. Another great book I’ve just recently been reading and finished up is the richest man who ever lived. It was based upon King Solomon, the richest man that’s ever lived, right? And it takes the principles out of Proverbs and applies it to really real life, how you can make it a practical work plan. And it’s a, it’s a great book.

And what was that? That was that last book there.

The richest man who ever lived,

I’ve read this book. Is it filled with a ton of Proverbs to it is. Yes. I’ve read this book and it was referred to me by my friend Braxton fears. A very, very good book there. Dr Breck, what are your final tips you’d have and or book recommendations for all the listeners out there who are looking to not just study success but they want to become successful? I think part of it would be to you know, really sit down and think about what it is that you want to create start with the end in mind and then kind of reverse engineer and you know, see where that point is out in space and what steps you need to take to get to that point. So you’ve got to know where you’re going before you can have a map to get there. And so I think that’s important.

You know, just like you were talking about your goals here on the wall and kind of this over overriding guide. Yup. You need to have an objective that you’re shooting for. An early on in my career I had taken on other people’s versions of success for me. They weren’t my own. So whether it was parents that was friends, expectations, mentors, expectations, there were certain things that I was trying to do that didn’t really resonate with me because they weren’t mine. You’re in a dangerous spot right now too. This is too dangerous zones when you have your business owner danger zone one is that you might not make it when you’re starting, you know, just getting over the hump. Sure. But you’re in a danger zone now because you have a waiting list. That’s how long, I think, seven or eight weeks.

And if you’re not careful, you will let other people, myself included, push you to do what we want to do and not do what you want to do. And I’ll just give an example. I’ve met a lot of doctors, a lot. I’m by DJ at a Christmas party years ago for a guy in Tulsa who’s very successful. One of the cool things about deejaying, cause I got a chance to meet the leaders of companies rush. I always get there two or three hours ahead of time to talk to, you know, the head of quick trip or the head of GPS or the head of FedEx. And I’m there. I was talking to this guy and I said, do you, you got to feel special. I mean, today, I mean, it’s got to feel awesome with hundreds of employees. You’re the running this hospital. And he says Hey kid.

I was probably 25, 26. He says, that kid you’re happier than I am. And I’m like, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. What do you mean? He goes all of these people, man. I mean, I don’t like them. I work seven days a week. I travel around the country, these different hospitals. And I got two more years til I can get outta here. And I’m like, wow. So why are you here? I have to be its obligation. We started talking about obligations, right? And for whatever reason he opened up to me and we had a very powerful conversation. That helps me a lot because my company at the time, DJ connection was growing so much. I was growing cause the teammates wanted me to grow. We were growing cause we could [inaudible] and just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Right? That’s a, what’s that?

Jurassic park. True. You don’t want your life to become a Jurassic park. Well, I mean, and that’s something one of my mentors did tell me early on was whatever you create, you have to then feed, you know, so I mean if you’re going to create a monster, you’ve got to feed the monster and you better like it. Otherwise you’re feeding a monster. You, you’ve created and you don’t like, so you end up with like Frankenstein’s monster. And so that’s one of those things where you need to know what success means to you, what it is you want, what the balance is. Cause one of the things or I think I’ve said it before, but one of my mentors early on he was with his fourth wife and I’ve, I, you know, kind of suddenly realized, Hey, if I want to do things the way he did, I’m also going to be married to my fourth wife at some point.

And that’s like, that’s not really what I want. I want to be married to my first wife whom I love and do this differently. And maybe his version of success isn’t the same as mine. Let’s say you’re listening right now and you’re on wife two or wife three or business two or business three, whatever. It’s all about where you’re going and not where you’ve been from, where you came from. I think a lot of times we get stuck in this loop of being like, man, I start a business and it failed how to marriage and it failed hat up. And we get stuck in the narrative that I can’t win, that you can’t win, we can’t win. And I just encourage you this Valentine’s day, love yourself. Give yourself the encouragement that you have, what it takes to get to where you want to go.

I know you do are. My hope on this show is each and every day we give you a plaque, a applicable words of knowledge, nuggets of knowledge, a profound, deep thoughts, a little bit of humor there. But we want to provide you with the mentorship that you desperately need. And in a world that’s passionately going the wrong way, we encourage you to listen to this show and to write down, take notes and ask yourself, how can I apply the things I’ve learned on today’s show? Jason, is there any final tip you want to give the listeners out there? Cause you coach with a lot of business owners who are doing very, very well now. Yeah. But many of which were not doing well when we first met them before the 13 point assessment. And before you guided them down the path, what would be a tip you’d give to all the listeners out there?

Well the first tip is in our, on March 7th of 2011, Charlie sheen tweeted his infamous tweets. I invented Tulsa, Oklahoma. Dot, dot, dot, and sleep. So that’s where that came from. No idea. No. I, why is that a tip for you? Is that your tip? That was at 10:48 AM a no. So my tip is just as a, as it relates to two books that you recommend. Yeah. I just started relistening through the subtle art of not giving enough for the third time. Oh, by Mark Manson. Cause I remember I listened to that when I first started coaching, cause I came in, I chatted with you and John look as powerful and sharp and everybody. But once I started getting clients, I started realizing I was caring so much about what everybody else thought about what I was doing. It was making me a bad coach.

Yeah. And the problem, you can end that book is so good. The, the, the book at its core is about this. If you’re a dad and you want to protect your kids from indoctrination from a corrupt world, somebody at some points not gonna like it. If you’re a husband and you wanna protect your marriage from Tim Taishan and things that shouldn’t happen at some point, someone’s not going to like it. If you want to be intentional about only you surrounding your family with positive things, at some point someone’s not gonna like it. If you want to stand up for your presidential candidate at some point, someone’s not gonna like it. If you want to be fastidious about how you manage your calendar, at some point someone’s not gonna like it. If you want to hold yourself accountable to certain standards of who gets to come over to your house and who doesn’t at some point somebody won’t like it.

And the only way to avoid criticism according to Aristotle is to say nothing. Do nothing and be nothing. Now, according to Mark Manson, the author of the subtle art of not giving an F he points out the only way for you to make everybody happy is to do nothing as well. So he encourages you to not give an F when people are expressing their negativity about your path and your mission. Right? And Jason will have and each and every show with a boom. Are you prepared already? And here we go. These mikes are super sensitive so we have to take a giant step back from for mankind. Before we hit the boom button, here we go. Three, two, one.


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