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Creating a Magical Organization Through Great Management – Episode 6 – Managing for Results – Part 1

In this series, Lee Cockerell, former Executive VP of Operations for Walt Disney World and Clay Clark, the former U.S. Small Business Administrator Entrepreneur of the year, business coach, father of 5 children, and owner of numerous chickens, will deep dive into how to create a magical organization through great management. Lee starts the video off by discussing how to create a magical organization and one of those steps is communication is clarity.

Lee mentions that if your dream in life is to be a shark in your organization, you will not get very far. You have to know what you stand for and what you do not stand for. You have to let your employees what those values are and what they need to implement in the workplace. When you have clarity, expectations are much easier to meet for your employees and people in your life. Owners and managers must have integrity and values that you practice so that you have trust and transparency in your organization. You have to know what your purpose is and what your purpose is as a company and your employees have to share that the purpose. Remeber that everyone in your organization is important to the delivery of a great product even if that person is unseen. When your employees think they are important and you tell them they are important, then they will perform the job better.

In this video, Lee Cockerell mentions that developing character is one of the most important things you can do. You have to decide what you stand for and what your company stands for and what you won’t stand for. If you are interested in learning more information that Lee Cockerell has learned by managing 40,000 people and is sharing with you and many others, then keep watching this video series.

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Creating a Magical Organization Through Great Management

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Creating a Magical Organization Through Great Management – Episode 6 – Managing for Results – Part 1

In this series, Lee Cockerell, former Executive VP of Operations for Walt Disney World and Clay Clark, the former U.S. Small Business Administrator Entrepreneur of the year, business coach, father of 5 children, and owner of numerous chickens, will deep dive into how to create a magical organization through great management. Lee starts the video off by discussing how to create a magical organization and one of those steps is communication is clarity.

Lee mentions that if your dream in life is to be a shark in your organization, you will not get very far. You have to know what you stand for and what you do not stand for. You have to let your employees what those values are and what they need to implement in the workplace. When you have clarity, expectations are much easier to meet for your employees and people in your life. Owners and managers must have integrity and values that you practice so that you have trust and transparency in your organization. You have to know what your purpose is and what your purpose is as a company and your employees have to share that the purpose. Remeber that everyone in your organization is important to the delivery of a great product even if that person is unseen. When your employees think they are important and you tell them they are important, then they will perform the job better.

In this video, Lee Cockerell mentions that developing character is one of the most important things you can do. You have to decide what you stand for and what your company stands for and what you won’t stand for. If you are interested in learning more information that Lee Cockerell has learned by managing 40,000 people and is sharing with you and many others, then keep watching this video series.


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