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Principles Of Effective Time Management – Episode 2 – The Importance of a To-Do List – Part 2

On this Thrivetime Show Business coach training video Clay Clark is breaking down episode two part two of principles of effective time management And specifically the importance of having a to do list. During this training video business coach Clay Clark Will be teaching you a lesson nugget that says when creating a team and delegating items on your to do list, surround yourself with people who complement the skills you don’t have. What this means is do not be nervous to hire someone that is Smarter or better than you in certain areas of your business. You have to be willing to let go of the reins and losing control is part of scaling a business. If you need to become a more effective time manager and you absolutely have to implement the system of having it to do list. There is a saying that says the pen is for remembering and the minors for thinking. You cannot run around trying to remember and strategically think during the middle of your workday. This time should be blocked off for the day today operations and management and follow up with key team members on all of the key performance indicators that ensure your company is making a profit that it needs to sustain itself. If you’re needing help and do not know how to implement an effective and I’m cumbersome to do list system then you have to come out to our next in person workshop where we take two days and deep dive into all of the 13 systems on the proven path of success that we work with all of our business coach clients at The Thrivetime Show. Email today to book your tickets so that you can come out and take your business to the next level and find out how to create that time and financial freedom that you’ve always wanted.

Deedra Determan9:53 amPublished: Deedra Determan

Principles Of Effective Time Management

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Principles Of Effective Time Management – Episode 2 – The Importance of a To-Do List – Part 2

On this Thrivetime Show Business coach training video Clay Clark is breaking down episode two part two of principles of effective time management And specifically the importance of having a to do list. During this training video business coach Clay Clark Will be teaching you a lesson nugget that says when creating a team and delegating items on your to do list, surround yourself with people who complement the skills you don’t have. What this means is do not be nervous to hire someone that is Smarter or better than you in certain areas of your business. You have to be willing to let go of the reins and losing control is part of scaling a business. If you need to become a more effective time manager and you absolutely have to implement the system of having it to do list. There is a saying that says the pen is for remembering and the minors for thinking. You cannot run around trying to remember and strategically think during the middle of your workday. This time should be blocked off for the day today operations and management and follow up with key team members on all of the key performance indicators that ensure your company is making a profit that it needs to sustain itself. If you’re needing help and do not know how to implement an effective and I’m cumbersome to do list system then you have to come out to our next in person workshop where we take two days and deep dive into all of the 13 systems on the proven path of success that we work with all of our business coach clients at The Thrivetime Show. Email today to book your tickets so that you can come out and take your business to the next level and find out how to create that time and financial freedom that you’ve always wanted.


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