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Thrive Nation, every single day somebody reaches out to me, literally every single day somebody reaches out to me and they say, I’m in an industry that’s saturated. I’m a mortgage provider. I’m an insurance provider. I’m a car salesman. I’m a dentist.
I’m a doctor. I’m a lawyer. And they say, how do I stand out in this cluttered world of commerce? How can I reach my ideal and likely buyers? And on today’s show, we’re interviewing a long-time client that’s having a remarkable success very quickly and he provides insurance to anybody watching today’s show.
He provides insurance to people all over across this great nation. He’s a great friend of the program. Brett, welcome onto the Thrived Time Show. How are you, sir? Good, Clay. Thanks for having me.
So, Brett, let’s start off with the controversial stuff. First off, what’s your last name? How do we properly pronounce your last name? Mee-el, like happy meal. Okay. And your website, I want to prove that you’re not a hologram.
The website is leisureinsurancegroup.com. Leisureinsurancegroup.com. For the people watching today’s show, what kind of listeners can you help? What states, what kind of products, who can you help? Yeah, we’re mainly focused in Oklahoma and Texas.
We have some clients right now in Colorado, Arkansas, Tennessee, Missouri, but mainly Oklahoma and Texas is where we’re focused right now. So how did you first hear about me? What four choices did you make that caused you to end up in my office? I have a friend of a friend that said, hey, you need to meet my friend, Play, and it’s been history ever since.
And I think he’s a friend of the show. His name is Steve Currington. Now, working with you, so many people when they think about business growth, they think, oh, we’re going to have to walk on hot coals, take hours and hours talking about our vision. And really that’s not what I do at all.
My goal is to help you grow your business so you and your wife can pursue the vision that you believe God’s given you and your wife. I try to keep our meetings to the point, pragmatic so I’m not wasting your time. Can you talk about the non-length of our meetings?
Because I think a lot of times people think when they hire a business coach who’s helping them grow, they’re going to be stuck in massive long meetings. Talk about kind of the overall flow or the focus of our meetings. Yeah, I mean, it really depends on how the week before went, which is great because it’s all about accountability.
So if I’ve hit all my markers for the week or metrics for the week, sometimes that meeting is a 10 to 15 minute, hey, good job, keep doing it, you’re doing great. Sometimes we got to dive a little deeper and sometimes those meetings go 30 minutes, but the most it’s ever taken is 45, I think, and we were kind of dealing with some website issues. So, you know, average time is 20 to 30 and really productive and highly accountable.
Now your growth has been outstanding. I don’t want to exaggerate the result. I just was looking at the tracking sheet today. And I don’t want to give a wrong number or a wrong percentage. But I mean, have you grown double the size you were before you met us? Have you grown 10 times, one time, 33 times?
How much larger are you now than when you first started with us? Well, that prior company I was with before was a captive group. And in my first six months in the brokerage working with you, I had already sold more in the six months than I did in my two and a half to three years with the other company. And just to be clear, when you say captive company, what that means is you’re selling insurance for one particular brand.
And so you’re pitching a specific brand. And now you’re free. If people go to Leisure Insurance, if they go to your website right now, if anybody goes to your website, that’s leisureinsurancegroup.com, you can now sell a variety of products. Am I getting that correct, sir? Yeah, absolutely.
So we have a contract with several different AM best rated carriers that we find the best rate with the best coverage on the market. And with a captive agent, they have one carrier that they can shop with. And sometimes that’s good, sometimes it’s not so good because you can’t control rate. Now you’re selling, you’re saying more product now in a month than maybe you used to sell in a year.
Am I getting that right? Yeah. So actually last month was July. And ever since I’ve been in this industry four to five years now, we’ve always known July as to be our worst and lowest month we’ve ever had. And that’s the mindset everyone has and since working with you, my mindset obviously has changed a lot about
what’s possible, what we can do. And July, which was last month, was the largest month I’ve ever had on record by triple. So I tripled last July’s production and it was just a real testament to just stay with the process, keep going, and just have the biggest month in what is traditionally our lowest month. Now, this is big. Whenever you take the sun, for anybody out there
who wants to talk about the sun and magnifying glasses, and someone says, I like this, are we going to talk about burning ants? What you do is you take the sun’s rays and you harness them via the magnifying glass and you focus that magnifying glass on a given area.
And if you do it, you can cause something to burn. You can cause a fire. Now if you don’t focus on core tasks until success, you will never create enough heat or enough energy to actually start a fire. And I believe that’s a big part of growing a business. And so every single week, and again, there’s 14 steps to growing a business.
I’m just focusing on one of them during today’s testimonial video or success story video. Every week I talk about VISM, VISM, video reviews, images, search engine content, more reviews. That represents the entire marketing plan. Video reviews, images, search engine content, more reviews.
Can you talk about just the, maybe the maddening nature of having somebody that literally obsesses on the same thing every week? I mean, I know it produces fruit, but also knowing that it’s a simple plan that actually works? Yeah, I mean, just today,
I think we spent about five minutes of our meeting talking about VISM. And today’s main thing was Google reviews, get more Google reviews, get more Google reviews. And I’m a believer because there’s proof in the pudding. And so whenever you say it, I just know,
hey, you’re applying pressure to this because we’re onto something and we’re on the heater and we need to keep going. And so I just trust the process and get more Google reviews. I think we got 10 today, so. Now your business, again, I just want to be very clear
because you’re saying you’re now selling three times more this July than you sold last July. Am I getting that right, sir? Yeah, yeah. And so, and you’re selling more in what, a month than you used to sell in a half a year?
Or what’s a better way to articulate that? I’m just trying to, because again, people listen to this show, they’re listening because they want to have real results. So how would you best describe the results you’ve had? Gosh. I mean, what I used to do with our old company in one month,
I do in a week on average. So you’re now closing four times more deals than you used to close. Absolutely. That’s incredible. Okay, so now this is the system. I’m giving people the system.
Someone says, what’s the secret system? A lot of these ridiculous business coaching programs, they have this system where you pay $1,700 this month and the next month we’ll teach you the secret. We just charge a flat rate of $1,700 per month. Someone says, what? $1,700.
That’s a 20% margin. Thus, I make $340 a month per client. It’s really a simple system. I’ve been doing this since 2005. So we talked about this system. I’m going to go through these 14 points.
Box number one with every client, we sit down, we figure out your revenue goals. What are your yearly goals? What are your weekly goals? We do that. Okay. Second, what’s your break-even number?
Can you talk about the importance of knowing your numbers now. I mean, really knowing how much you have to sell just to break even. Absolutely. I mean, you got to have a target to hit. You can’t just go in and hope and wish and dial without having a target. And so you’ve been really good about saying, okay, here’s what I, here’s well, I remember that first meeting. Cause it was like, here’s what I think we should do or could do. And we’ve exceeded that. Um, and we’ve, you know, over the really just incrementally added more numbers.
We’ve upped the numbers. Okay, cool, you got 20 this week. How about 50? Okay, you made X amount of calls. How about 50 more this week? And so we just consistently up those numbers.
And so we are not just hitting the goal because once we’ve hit it, you always push me to go further and reach for more. And so that’s been incredible to see. Now, next, I wanna really, really hammer this book. Box three, define the number of hours per week
you wanna work. I’m not advocating for men to get divorced. I am somebody who does read the book of Genesis and Exodus. And I do believe in the concept of a six day work week in the Sabbath rest on the seventh. However, I have clients that work four days a week.
I have clients that literally have one guy I talked to today, I won’t mention his name. He jokes his goal is to figure out how many minutes per week he can work. He literally is to a point where he’s trying to work less than an hour a week, and he spends that hour just following up on certain things. And so everyone’s got their own goals, but how important is it to know the time blocking?
Like block out time in your schedule, especially as a father and a married guy. Yeah, it’s incredibly important. And I said now with my wife, when we started this new venture Said hey, you know I’m getting challenged a lot and you know for us to get where we need to go I need to I need to go in on Saturday, so I work Monday to Saturday and you’ve been really good about helping you figure out what’s important to focus on and
Time blocking it you know it’s really good working with you because I can see your actual calendar I’m not to stay accountable to things and to actually finish it It’s also encouraging because I see your calendar and realize how light my calendar is. So there’s never an excuse to not get anything done. So.
Yeah, it’s, you know what, and the time blocking is such a big thing for anybody out there. Time blocking, time blocking, time blocking. You’ve got to block out time. Box number four, unique value proposition at Leisure Insurance. I would argue you guys are allowing people to find the best rates possible. The best plan, the best rates, the best policy.
People could call it the three Ps. I tell non-captive insurance agents I work with, I talk about the three Ps a lot when they ask me, they say, what can I do to make my brand different? I say, focus on the three Ps. They say, what are the three Ps? I say, best price, best product, easiest person to work with. Best product, best price, easiest person to work with. How has it helped you knowing that you got a website that represents you, because we do include the photography, the video, the web,
the search engine, the branding, the online ads, all of that’s included. How much has that helped you go out there as an individual, knowing that you have a website that represents those three Ps behind the scenes? Yeah, as a business owner and someone that’s just driving
the business, I don’t have to focus on it. That’s a huge load and mental load and even just skill set, I don’t have, I don’t have to think about it. And to know that you guys are consistently updating that and putting that out there, so it’s just one thing off my plate
and I can focus on what’s really important. And we’re moving through these boxes again, folks. I’ve written a book, you can download it for free. I’ve written 30 plus books, but you can download this book for free. It’s called A Millionaire’s Guide.
You can download it for free at thrivetimeshow.com forward slash millionaire. You can download the book for free, thrivetimeshow.com forward slash millionaire. Box number five, branding. People do judge you based upon the first impression,
website, print piece, logo, branding. Box number six, we talked about it. That’s the marketing strategy for you and for particular VISM. You’ve got to have a three-legged marketing stool, a sturdy stool of at least three ways
that you market in a sustainable way. I do not ask you to do things on a weekly basis that are not scalable. I focus on repetitive systems that work. Can you just give the listeners out there an example? How much are your Google leads up this time, you know, this month versus let’s say six months ago? Oh my gosh. 10x. I mean, legit 10x. Yeah. So how has that impacted you having your Google leads go up by 10X?
I mean, yeah, my phone rings nonstop, which people are wanting to buy or interested in buying your product. So they’re automatically a prospect. And so it’s been awesome. The marketing leg of just having leads come to you
is such a load lifted off my shoulders. Now we look at box number seven, having a sales conversion system. You do a great job with this, but you have sales scripts, recorded calls, written materials that make sense,
pre-written emails, you got it in place. Box number eight, figuring out how much profit you actually make. You do a great job. You got to measure what you treasure. Tracking is a big part of success.
You do a great job of that. Cumulatively, I think we all do a great job of that on your account, keeping track of the numbers that matter. Box number nine, you got to be organized to build an organization. This just in, you’ve got to be organized to build an organization. You got to create repeatable systems.
Uh, if you want to scale a company, you got to be organized to build an organization. Can you talk about that a little bit, having a team behind the scenes that knows where to find files and organizes your business cards and print pieces in a way where you can actually find your passwords? Yeah, absolutely. We have a sheet that is the agenda sheet that’s got, I mean, everything you can think of. It’s got last year’s lead tracker, it’s got last year’s sales report,
it’s got password sheets, it’s got the contracts, it’s got scripts, it’s got everything you think of. So if you lose something or can’t find it, you know where to find it. It’s on the agenda. That is the move. And again, folks, this is what a scalable business looks like here. We’re rounding the corner here. We move on to the next system. It’s so important.
Box number eight. What? Box number eight. Again, you’ve got to know your customer acquisition costs. What does it take? What does it cost you to get a new customer?
Box nine, you’ve got to build, you have to create repeatable systems, processes, and file organization. Box number 10, you got to manage people as you grow. Once you nail it, you got to scale it. And eventually you have to manage people.
We do talk about that a lot in our business coaching for sake of time today. We won’t get into that a lot, but you’ve got to find a way to hold people accountable. Carrot and stick merit-based pay. Box number 11. You’ve got to create a sustainable weekly schedule. That’s a financial tip and a marriage tip. If you want to keep at least 51% of your net worth, don’t get divorced. Okay, so you’ve got to create a repetitive weekly schedule. Box number 12. You got to hire great people. You got to hire people. This just in folks, you’ve got to hire great people that you can train and retain,
people that are already inspired to do what is required. And we teach how to do that. And then box 13, you got to make sure you have money left in the account. It’s not how much you make, it’s how much you keep. Again, it’s not how much you make, it’s how much you keep. So you got to look at the accounting. And then box 14, you say, what’s the point of success? And I think that’s where we’re kind of getting with you right now. It’s like, what is the point? You know, when you’re to a point now where you’re looking at your calendar, you’re looking
at your week, your recurring business, your recurring billing, your insurance, where people go ahead and re-up their policy, they continue their policy, you have residual income coming in, you’ve got referrals flying in, people are now recommending you, you’re starting to get to a place of financial abundance, prosperity, then you can sit back and say, man, what’s the point of this? And that’s where we talk about our goals for our faith,
our family, our finances, our fitness, friendship, fun. I’m gonna let you kind of put a ribbon on the box here or a bow on the present here. What would you say to anybody out there who’s watching this that maybe is on the fence about scheduling a free 13 point assessment with myself
and or attending one of our interactive two-day business workshops. Yeah, if you care about your business, I mean, invest in it. And it’s totally worth showing up and at least listening. And if you can stay coachable and stay humble, I promise you it’ll work, because it worked for me. And I just know that there’s proof in the pudding.
Who’s not a good fit? Who’s somebody you say, hey, bro, bro, seriously, bro, they only take on 160 clients, bro, save yourself the time. Don’t fill out the form if you, who should not be going to thrivetimeshow.com to schedule a free consultation?
If you think you know how to do it already and you’re just stuck in your ways and you’re not gonna work hard, that’s who. Okay, and then final question I have here for you. How has the one-on-one business coaching impacted your life?
Oh, it’s been huge. You know, the accountability is probably the bigger thing. Sitting in a room with you and some other business leaders, knowing that they’ve gone, they’ve walked the same road I have. Maybe not the exact same road, but they’ve been in my shoes.
And there’s just such encouragement. I always leave my meetings encouraged, believed in, and challenged. And so that’s huge, because I want to grow and I want to go to whatever’s next for me and take my family there.
You know, folks, another way you can challenge yourself is to try driving your car with three wheels. That’s a way to challenge yourself. Just rip off one of the tires, drive around with three wheels. That’s something you could do.
Another way you could challenge yourself is you could try to figure out the Rubik’s cube today. You could look at it, you figure out how to get it to work. You could go to the mall and stare at one of those paintings or posters where if you
look at it long enough you could eventually see something else. Those are ways you could challenge yourself. But I would recommend you challenge yourself to create time, freedom, and financial freedom. And also, if you’re looking for insurance, and I know you are, I would encourage you to go to the website. I’m going to pull up the website one more time.
That website you can go to is leisureinsurancegroup.com. If you’re in Oklahoma and or Texas, leisureinsurancegroup.com. You can go there to compare rates. Brett, thank you so much for your time today, sir. We’ll talk to you soon. Clay Clark is here somewhere.
Where’s my buddy Clay? Clay is the greatest. I met his goats today. I met his dogs. I met his chickens. I saw his compound.
He’s like the greatest guy. I ran from his goats, his chickens, his dogs. So this guy is like the greatest marketer you’ve ever seen, right? His entire life, Clay Clark, his entire life is marketing. Hey, my name is Bronson Schubert. I’m a State Farm agent in Edmond, Oklahoma,
and I first heard about Clay and his team on the podcast. I had a friend of mine that introduced me to the podcast show, and I listened to that for a couple of months before I even knew anything about the conferences or the coaching program. Then I went to my first conference last year and quickly signed up for the program.
And so, Clay, thanks for everything you’ve done. I just wanted to share with you about the call scripting and all the scripts that we’ve created for the agency so far and how much of a game changer that has been for me and my team. You know, in the beginning, sometimes a team can have a little bit of apprehension on the call scripting, but once they get used to it, they’re actually a fan of it because it
allows them to have a set agenda and a set thing that they say every time. Also, for me, it allows me to coach at a higher level. In the past, I would have to just coach everybody individually because they were all saying things in a different way. And so now we can all coach to the same play that we’re trying to run. So it’s working really good.
And we have our trainings every week on the scripts, where we just had an hour training session this morning, role playing the script. And then next, the merit-based pay that I have for my team is really good for the right people and they love to win. You know, they know when they work hard and they do well,
they get rewarded for it. So that part’s been great. And the Google reviews, I mean, now we’re the highest rated insurance agency in Oklahoma and probably the highest in the region. And the Google reviews has helped us tremendously.
People are calling our office wanting to buy insurance from us without even talking to us yet just because of what other people have said about us. So that part has been awesome. And then lastly, the group interview has been a total game changer for me.
In the past, I’d block off an hour to interview all these candidates, and over half of them wouldn’t even show up. Now I’m running anywhere from four to eight people in the office every single week, and able to see a lot of people and use my time a lot more wisely.
And it’s allowed me to hire two people in the past two weeks that I wouldn’t have otherwise gotten. So, thanks Clay, thanks for your team, thanks for everything you do. Hey, I’m Ryan Wimpey, I’m originally from Tulsa, born and raised here.
I’ve definitely learned a lot about life design and making sure the business serves you. The linear workflow, the linear workflow for us in getting everything out on paper and documented is really important. We have workflows that are kind of all over the place. Having linear workflow and seeing that mapped out on multiple different boards is pretty awesome.
That’s really helpful for me. The atmosphere here is awesome. I definitely just stared at the walls figuring out how to make my facility look like this place. This place rocks. It’s invigorating. The walls are super.
It’s just very cool. The atmosphere is cool, the people are nice, it’s a pretty cool place to be. Very good learning atmosphere. I literally want to model it and steal everything that’s here at this facility and basically create it just on our business side. Play is hilarious. I literally laughed so hard that I started having tears yesterday. And we’ve been learning a lot which you know we’ve been sitting here we’ve been learning a lot and so the humor definitely definitely helps it
breaks it up but the content is awesome off the charts and it’s very interactive you can raise your hand it’s not like you’re just listening to the professor speak you know the wizard teaches but the wizard interacts and he takes questions so that’s awesome if you’re not attending the conference you’re quarters to half of your life. You’re definitely, it’s probably worth a couple thousand dollars. So you’re missing the thought process of someone who’s already started like nine profitable
businesses. So not only is it a lot of good information, but just getting in the thought process of Clay Clark or Dr. Zellner or any of the other coaches, getting in their thought process of how they’re starting all these businesses, to me, just that is priceless. That’s money.
Well, we’re definitely not getting upsold here. My wife and I have attended conferences where it was great information and then they upsold us like half the conference and I wanna like bang my head into a wall and she’s like banging her head
into the chair in front of her. Like, it’s good information, but we’re like, oh my gosh, I wanna strangle you. Shut up and go with the presentation that we paid for. And that’s not here. There’s no upsells or anything, so that’s awesome.
I hate that. Oh, it makes me angry. So, glad that’s not happening. So the cost of this conference is quite a bit cheaper than business college. I went to a small private liberal arts college
and got a degree in business, and I didn’t learn anything like they’re teaching here. I didn’t learn linear workflows. I learned stuff that I’m not using and I haven’t been using for the last nine years. So what they’re teaching here is actually way better than what I got at business school. And I went what
was actually ranked as a very good business school. I would definitely recommend that people would check out the Thrive 15 conference. It’s the information that you’re going to get is just very, very beneficial. And the mindset that you’re gonna get, that you’re gonna leave with, is just absolutely worth the price of a little bit of money
and a few days worth of your time. I’m Rachel with Tip Top K9, and we just wanna give a huge thank you to Clay and Vanessa Clark. Hey guys, I’m Ryan with Tip Top K9. Just wanna say a big thank you to Thrive 15.
Thank you to Make Your Life Epic. We love you guys, we appreciate you, and really just appreciate how far you’ve taken us. This is our old house, right? This is where we used to live a few years ago. This is our old neighborhood. See? It’s nice, right? So this is my old van and our old school marketing and this is our old team and
by team I mean it’s me and another guy. This is our new house with our new neighborhood. This is our new van with our new marketing, and this is our new team. We went from four to fourteen, and I took this beautiful photo. We worked with several different business coaches in the past,
and they were all about helping Ryan sell better and just teaching sales, which is awesome, but Ryan is a really great salesman. So we didn’t need that. We needed somebody to help us get everything that was in his head out into systems,
into manuals and scripts and actually build a team. So now that we have systems in place, we’ve gone from one to 10 locations in only a year. In October 2016, we grossed 13 grand for the whole month. Right now it’s 2018, the month of October. It’s only the 22nd, we’ve already grossed
a little over 50 grand for the whole month and we still have time to go. We’re just thankful for you, thankful for Thrive and your mentorship and we’re really thankful that you guys have helped us to grow a business that we run now instead of the business running us. Just thank you, thank you, thank you times a thousand. Clay Clark is here somewhere. Where’s my buddy Clay? Clay is the greatest. I met his goats today, I met his dogs, I met his chickens, I saw his compound. He’s like the greatest guy. I ran from his goats, his chickens, his dogs.
So this guy is like the greatest marketer you’ve ever seen, right? His entire life, Clay Clark, his entire life is marketing. Okay, Aaron Antis, March 6th and 7th, March 6th and 7th, guess who’s coming to Tulsa, Russia? Oh, Santa Claus? No, that’s March. March 6th and 7th. We’re going to be joined by Robert Kiyosaki, Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, possibly the best-selling or one of the best-selling business authors of all time, and he’s going to be joined with Eric Trump. He’ll be joined by Eric Trump. We got Eric Trump and Robert Kiyosaki in the same place. In the same
place. Aaron, why should everybody show up to hear Robert Kiyosaki? Well you got billions of dollars of business experience between those two, not to mention many many many millions of books have been sold. Many many millionaires have been made from the books that have been sold by Robert Kiyosaki. I happen to be one of them. I learned from the man.
He was the inspiration. That book was the inspiration for me to get the entrepreneurial spirit as many other people now since you won’t brag on yourself. I will you’ve sold Billions of dollars of houses am I correct that is true and the book that that kick-started it all for you Rich dad for the author the best-selling author of rich dad for dad Robert Kiyosaki the guy that kick-started your career Yeah, he’s gonna be here. He’s gonna be here I’m oh and now Eric Trump people don’t know this, but the Trump Organization has thousands of employees.
There’s not 50 employees. The Trump Organization, again, most people don’t know this, but the Trump Organization has thousands of employees. And while Donald J. Trump was the 45th president of these United States and soon to be the 47th president of these United States, he needed someone to run the companies for him. And so the man that runs the Trump Organization for Donald J. Trump, as he was the 45th president of the United States, and now the 47th president
of the United States, is Eric Trump. So Eric Trump is here to talk about time management, promoting from within, marketing, branding, quality control, sales systems, workflow design, workflow mapping, how to build. I mean, everything that you see, the Trump hotels, the Trump golf courses, all their products, the man who manages billions of dollars of real estate and thousands of employees is here to teach us how to do it. You are talking about one of the greatest
brands on the planet from a business standpoint. I mean, who else has been able to create a brand like the Trump brand? I mean, look at it. And this is the man behind the business for the last, pretty much since 2015. He’s been the man behind it, so you’re talking we’re into nine going into ten years of him running it and we get to tap into that knowledge. That’s gonna be amazing. Now think about this for a second. Would you buy a ticket just to see Robert Kiyosaki, Eric Trump? Of course you would. Of course you would.
But we’re also gonna be joined by Sean Baker. This is the best-selling author, the guy who invented the carnivore diet. Oh yeah. Dr. Sean Baker. He’s been on Joe Rogan multiple times. He’s gonna be joining us. So you’ve got Robert Kiyosaki, the best-selling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Eric Trump, Sean Baker. The lineup continues to grow, and this is how we do our tickets here at the Thrive Time
Show. If you want to get a VIP ticket, you can absolutely do it. It’s $500 for a VIP ticket. We’ve always done it that way. Now, if you want to take a general admission ticket, it’s $250 or whatever price you want to pay.
And the reason why I do that and the reason why we do that is because we want to make our events affordable for everybody. I grew up without money. I totally understand what it’s like to be in a tight spot. So if you want to attend, it’s $250, or whatever price you want to pay.
That’s how I do it. And it’s $500 for a VIP ticket. Now, we only have limited seating here. But the most people we’ve ever had in this building was for the Jim Brewer presentation. Jim Brewer came here.
The legendary comedian Jim Brewer came to Tulsa. And we had 419 people that were here. 419 people. Yeah. And I thought to myself, there’s no more room. I felt kind of bad that a couple people had VIP seats in the men’s restroom. No, I’m just kidding. So I thought, you know what, we should probably add on. So we’re adding on to the facility to make room to accommodate another 30
I’ve got another 30 attendees or more So again, if you want to get tickets for this event All you have to do is go to thrive timeshow.com go to thrive timeshow.com When you go to thrive timeshow.com you’ll go there You’ll request a ticket boom or if you want to text to me if you want a little bit faster service You say I want you to call me right now. I just text my number. It’s my cell phone number
My personal cell phone number will keep that private between you, between you, me, everybody, we’ll keep that private, and anybody, don’t share that with anybody except for everybody, that’s my private cell phone number, it’s 918-851-0102, 918-851-0102, I know we have a lot of Spanish speaking people that attend these conferences, and so to be bilingually sensitive, my cell phone number is 918-851-0102. That is not actually bilingual.
That’s just saying one for a one. It’s not the same thing. I think you’re attacking me. Now, let’s talk about this. Now, what kind of stuff will you learn at the Thrive Time Show workshop? So, Aaron, you’ve been to many of these over the past seven, eight years, so let’s talk
about it. I’ll tee up the thing and then you tell me what you’re going to learn here, okay? Okay. You’re going to learn marketing, marketing and branding. What are we going to learn about marketing and branding? Oh, yeah.
We’re going to dive into, you know, so many people say, oh, you know, I got to get my brand known out there. I’m going to get my brand known. I’m going to get my brand known. I’m going to get my brand known. and branding. Oh yeah, we’re gonna dive into, you know, so many people say, oh you
know, I got to get my brand known out there, like the Trump brand. Right. You want to get that brand out there. It’s like, how do I actually make people know what my business is? And make it a household name. You’re gonna learn some intricacies of how you can do that. You’re gonna learn sales. So many people struggle to sell something. This just in, your business will go to hell if you can’t sell. So we’re gonna teach you sales.
We’re going to teach you search engine optimization, how to come up top in the search engine results. We’re going to teach you how to manage people. Aaron, you have managed, no exaggeration, hundreds of people throughout your career and thousands of contractors.
And most people struggle with managing people. Why does everybody have to learn how to manage people? Well, because first of all, you either have great people or you have people who suck. And so it could be a challenge. You know, learning how to work with a large group of people
and get everybody pulling in the same direction can be a challenge. But if you have the right systems, you have the right processes, and you’re really good at selecting great ones, and we have a process we teach
about how to find great people. When you start with the people who have a great attitude, they’re teachable, they’re driven, all of those things, then you can get those people all pulling in the same direction. So we’re going to teach you branding, marketing, sales,
search engine optimization. We’re going to teach you accounting. We’re going to teach you personal finance, how to manage your finance. We’re going to teach you time management. How do you manage your time?
How do you get more done during a typical day? How do you build an organization if you’re not organized? How do you do organization? How do you build an org chart? Everything that you need to know to start and grow a business will be taught during this two-day interactive business workshop. Now let me tell you how the format is set up here. And again,
folks, this is a two-day interactive 15… Think about this, folks. It’s two days. Each day it starts at 7 a.m. and it goes until 5 p.m. So from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., two days. It’s a two-day interactive workshop. The way we do it is we do a 30-minute teaching session and then we break for 15 minutes for a question and answer session. So Aaron, what kind of great stuff happens
during that 15-minute question and answer session after every teaching session? I actually think it’s the best part about the workshops because here’s what happens. I’ve been to lots of these things over the years. I’ve paid many thousands of dollars to go to them
and you go in there and they talk in vague generalities and they’re constantly upselling you for something, trying to get you to buy this thing or that thing or this program or this membership. And you don’t, you leave not getting your very specific questions answered about your business
or your employees or what you’re doing on your marketing. And what’s awesome about this is we literally answer every single question that any person asks. And it’s very specific to what your business is. And what we do is we allow you as the attendee to write your questions on the whiteboard. And then we literally, as you mentioned, we answer every single question on the whiteboard.
And then we take a 15-minute break to stretch. And to make it entertaining when you’re stretching, this is a true story. When you get up and stretch, you’ll be greeted by mariachis. There’s going to probably be alpaca here, llamas, helicopter rides, a coffee bar, a snow cone. I mean, you had a crocodile one time.
That was pretty interesting. You know, I should write that down. Sorry for that one guy that we lost. The crocodile, we duct taped its face. So that’s right, we duct taped it. It was a baby crocodile.
And we duct taped. Yeah, duct taped around the mouth so it didn’t bite anybody. But it was really cool passing that thing around. I should do that. We have a small petting zoo that will be assembled.
It’s going to be great. And then you’re in the company of hundreds of entrepreneurs. So there’s not a lot of people in America today. In fact, there’s less than 10 million people today, according to U.S. Debt Clock, that identify as being self-employed. So if you have a country with 350 million people, that means you have less than 3% of
our population that’s even self-employed. So you only have three out of every 100 people in America that are self-employed to begin with and when Inc. Magazine reports that 96% of businesses fail by default, by default you have a one out of a thousand chance of succeeding in the game of business. But yet the average client that you and I work with, we can typically double this. No hyperbole, no exaggeration. I have thousands of testimonials to back this
up. We have thousands of testimonials to back it up. But when you work with a home builder, when I work with a business owner, we can typically double the size of the company within 24 months. And you say double? Yeah, there’s businesses that we have tripled, there’s businesses we’ve grown 8x, there’s so many examples you can see at thrivetimeshow.com.
But again, this is the most interactive, best business workshop on the planet. This is objectively the highest rated and most reviewed business workshop on the planet. And then you add to that Robert Kiyosaki, the best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, you add to that Eric Trump, the man that runs the Trump Organization, you add to that Sean Baker. Now you might say, Clay, is there more? I need more.
Well, OK, Tom Wheelwright is the wealth strategist for Robert Kiyosaki. So people say, Robert Kiyosaki, who’s his financial wealth advisor? Who’s the guy who manages, who’s his wealth strategist? His wealth strategist, Tom Wheelwright, will be here. And you say, Clay, I still, I’m not going to get a ticket unless you give me more. Okay, fine.
We’re going to serve you the same meal both days. True story. We cater in food and because I keep it simple, I literally bring him the same food both days for lunch. It’s Ted Esconzito’s, an incredible Mexican restaurant that’s gonna happen and Jill Donovan our good friend who is the founder of Rustic Cuff she started that company in her home
and now she sells millions of dollars of apparel and products that’s rusticcuff.com and someone says I want more! This is not enough! Give me more. Okay I’m not going to mention their names right now because I’m working on it behind the scenes here but we’ve got one guy who’s given me a verbal to be here and this is a guy who’s one of the wealthiest people in Oklahoma and
nobody really knows who he is because he’s built systems that are very utilitarian that offer a lot of value he’s made a lot of money in the with it it’s the it’s where you rent it’s short to not it’s where you’re renting storage spaces he’s a storage space guy he owns this what do we call that the rental the storage space storage units this guy owns storage units, he owns railroad cars, he owns a lot of assets that make money on a daily basis. But they’re not like customer facing. Most people don’t know who owns the mini storage facility.
Or most people don’t know who owns the warehouse that’s passively making money. Most people don’t know who owns the railroad cars. But this guy, he’s giving me a verbal that he will be here. And we just continue to add more and more success stories. So if you’re out there today and you want to change your life, you want to give yourself an incredible gift, you want a life-changing experience, you want to learn how to start and grow a company,
go to Thrivetimeshow.com. Go there right now. Thrivetimeshow.com. Request a ticket for the two-day interactive event. Again, the day here is March 6th and 7th. March 6th and 7th. We just got confirmation. Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad. He’ll be here. Eric Trump, the man who leads the Trump Organization. It’s going to be a
blasty blasters no upsells uh… eric i could not be more excited about this event i think it is incredible and there’s somebody out there right now you’re you’re watching and you’re like but i’ve already signed up for this incredible other program called smoke your way to involving that’s going to change your life
i promise you this will be ten times better than that. It’s like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking. Don’t do the smoke your way to thin conference. That is, I’ve tried it, don’t do it. Chain smoking is not a viable, I mean it is life changing. It is life changing.
If you become a chain smoker, it is life changing. It’s not the best weight loss program though. Right, not really. If you’re looking to have life changing results in a way that won’t cause you to have a stoma, get your tickets at Thrivetimeshow.com. Again that’s Aaron Antis, I’m Clay Clark, reminding you and inviting you to come out
to the two-day interactive Thrivetimeshow workshop right here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I promise you, it will be a life-changing experience. We can’t wait to see you right here in Tulsa, Oklahoma.