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Paul Mathurin’s Business Conferences Testimonial

My name is Paul James Mathurin and I’m originally from England. Essex England actually heard about these business conferences through my brother Andy. He’s good friends with Clay, he told me about it and that is a good idea for us to come on over. I did some research on it and also, and I know Clay personally, so I was really excited to attend. I’ve learned so much since coming to the thrive 15 business conference. Marketing for one, I thought I was pretty good at marketing myself. There’s so much that I haven’t really considered. For instance, the sales structure, different things I can do within the sales conversation, things that I can teach people that because I work in training, so people that I can teach sales skills too. There’s a lot of things I haven’t even considered yet, which was very specifically today.

So the Thrive15 business conferences world headquarters when I first walked in the door, I was absolutely amazed at the style. It’s really, it kind of seems like another world within Tulsa. From the tables, the chairs to the setup. It’s just a co-investment. It’s an update, very hip style environment, so very enjoyable. I absolutely love Clay’s presentation and delivery style. He kind of reminds me of a cross between a comedian and a professional presenter. He gets the point across seed. He knows how to use different analogies to reach different people in the audience and he’s absolutely hilarious. I find myself cracking on most of the time, so it’s really enjoyable for sure. I’d say the interaction level is, is very high, I find that I’m very engaged. It’s very hard to keep my attention.

The fact that he’s asking little questions that he’s using everybody’s names and it feels as though that he knows everyone individually and personally. So I’ve very much enjoyed his presentation style and  I actually have a number of friends that are aspiring to start their own businesses on taking those necessary steps. I feel like they’re missing out by not coming to these business conferences because they don’t understand how important it is to get started. That’s one of the big points that clay makes which is to actually do something, take action so that they’re missing out on a lot of inspiration, a lot of learning points, uh, and in addition to that, they’re missing out on the opportunity of being in an environment where there are a lot of other other people in the same shoes as them. So I would say that among millions of other things that missing out by not attending.

So by me showing up, I’m definitely going to be speaking to a lot of people about coming to an event like this. I’ve personally been to a Tony Robbins seminar last November. At the time I thought it was excellent. I thought it was great, very inspiring. It was very short lived and I’ve come to that and yes, I did feel like I was being upsold. I’ll be completely honest. I was at four days and one of the famous tiny spent trying to upsell me on other things or whatnot. You kind of felt like you were pressured to do something, spend more money, didn’t have that feeling here whatsoever, but it really feels like clay is about you and your development in your improvement. Um, and he, he actually makes it a very specific point not to upsell you, not to, he tells you to leave your wallet in the car because his main prerogative is for you to have a good experience here and take something away that you can defend them over the long term rather than just short term gains.

I would recommend, again, I would definitely recommend people to come check it out so they could get the first steps of their business going ready to take action. They have a big support system here for a conference, um, especially in Craig as you could tell that he cares and he’s got a lot of good advice, good advice to give people with new business. But in addition to that, you may be a seasoned business owner. There are so many different things that I can guarantee that you haven’t considered yet. New Ideas, new concepts, just a different set of eyes on on, on business in general can definitely get you to go to that next level.


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