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Business Books Millionaires Guide How To Become Sustainably Rich

A Millionaire's Guide | How to Become Sustainably Rich

In This Game Changing & Life Changing Book You Will Learn the Proven Processes, Success Strategies, and Secrets to Unlocking Your Potential While Learning the Following & More:

  • How to Build a Business That Works Without You
  • How to Increase the Number of Leads Your Business Receives
  • How to Create Time and Financial Freedom
  • How to Hire and Inspire Today’s Employees
  • How to Generate More Profits
  • How to Earn Enough Money to Buy a Lamborghini
  • How to Build Scalable Processes

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Business Podcasts | Thrivetime Show Books - Search Engine Domination

Search Engine Domination

Learn the Proven System We’ve Used to Earn Millions
Clay Clark & his partner Doctor Robert Zoellner actually own REAL businesses, not theoretical click-funnel based businesses. Regardless of how much you know or don’t know, Search Engine Domination, will guide you down the proven path of search engine domination that Clay & Doctor Zoellner, have personally used to grow 13 multi-million dollar businesses.

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Business Podcasts | Thrivetime Show Books - Boom


BOOM: The 13 Steps to Business Success from a Business Coach is one of the most practical and succinct books to learn the proven systems needed to grow a successful business. Loaded with real business cases studies from business owners like you, depictions of real world business scenarios, and truth cannon notable quotables will have you turning page after page. This book has been designed to teach you the systems that will allow you to work ON the business, not just IN it. You will be able to MANAGE strategy, and delegate execution.

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Best Business Books Art Of Getting Things Done 3

The Art of Getting Things Done


How does one man find the time to host a daily two-hour radio show (, grow multiple multi-million dollar businesses (,,,, etc.) and to help raise 5 kids and to chase his wife over 17 years around while still finding time for consistent marital sex?

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Business Podcasts | Thrivetime Show Books - The Entrepreneur's Dragon Energy

The Entrepreneur's Dragon Energy

Both President Donald J. Trump and Kanye West are both passionate and controversial wealthy creating icons. But, how did these polarizing and pithy entrepreneurs, entertainers rise to fame, power and to a place in life where they now both perpetually dominate the media headlines and their respective industries? Both President Trump and Kanye West share DRAGON ENERGY. In Star Wars the “force” was the shared energy that bound the universe together. However, on the planet Earth, DRAGON ENERGY is the force that separates wantrepreneur, intenders and the losers from the doers, the success stories and the winners.

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Best Business Books How To Hire Quality Employees On Planet Earth

How To Hire Quality Employees on Planet Earth

In this candid, polarizing and fact-filled book, Clay Clark (former US SBA Small Business Entrepreneur of the Year and founder/partner of 13 multi-million dollar businesses) shares how you as a business owner can prevent yourself from ever being held hostage from employees again. The featured character (Kermit) described in this story is a personification of multiple employees that business owners hire.

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Business Podcasts | Thrivetime Show Books - Jackassery


Learn how to achieve success by vaccinating yourself against this wealth-destroying disease!

In this hilarious and unfiltered letter to his younger self, Clay Clark, radio talk show host and 2007 SBA Entrepreneur of the Year, outlines his former Jackassery and the solutions to eradicate it for the greater good of, well, himself. Learn money multiplying tricks like “Stop watching 5 hours of TV a day” and life lessons like “once you say ‘with all due respect’ you can say anything you want.” If Jackassery is holding you or “a friend” back in business, or even just in life, this is the book for you… or, you know… your “friend who needs it.”

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Business Podcasts | Thrivetime Show Books - F6 Journal

F6 Journal

Are you looking to go from point A to point B? Have you mapped out the path of specific things that need to be done in your business? Jonathan Kelly and Clay Clark (Former US Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year) have put together the best action plan journal that will help you map the specifics needed to get to your goal.

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Business Podcasts | Thrivetime Show Books - Being Clay

Being Clay

Looking to be a successful entrepreneur or business owner? Get inside the head of former US Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year Clay Clark. You’ll learn how to say hello like him, answer questions like him, and even dress like him. If you’ve been wondering what makes him tick, you will definitely want this book. With hilarious quotes and facts about Mr. Clark, you’ll be ready to embody the personality and may even begin to see signs of being wealthy. Results may vary. Make sure you pick up a copy of this limited availability book now!

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Business Podcasts | Thrivetime Show Books - Thrive


THRIVE by author and Serial Entrepreneur Clay Clark, is a practical guide on how to specifically go from just surviving to thriving. It is great for anyone who is dissatisfied with where they currently are in life. If you have a functional brain and you embrace the truth that entrepreneurship is a viable option to take you from where you are to where you want to be, this book has the power to change your life. You now might be asking yourself, “What is an entrepreneur?” Basically, an entrepreneur is someone who seeks to solve a problem in the world in exchange for enough monetary compensation to achieve their own personal dreams.

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Business Podcasts | Thrivetime Show Books - Make Your Life Epic

Make Your Life Epic

Make Your Life Epic, by Clay Clark, a United Sates Small Business Administration’s Young Entrepreneur Of The Year, offers a clear (yet hilarious) message of how you can truly go from the dorm room to the boardroom without the benefit of a small business loan, a large cash gift, or a wealthy family member backing your dreams. His book has been written to be an activator and idea-stimulator for the aspiring entrepreneur. This example-rich entrepreneur’s guidebook provides you with a step-by-step guide on how you can mold your future to be ideal in every way.

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Business Podcasts | Thrivetime Show Books - Wheel of Wealth

Wheel of Wealth

Clay Clark wrote The Wheel Of Wealth book for the doers not the intenders. The words in this book have the power to transform your life only if you are willing to transform these ideas into action steps. This book is written for those rare people who actually take action to solve their problems.

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Business Podcasts | Thrivetime Show Books - Podcast Domination 101

Podcast Domination 101

Do you have the perfect idea for a podcast, but don’t know where to start? This book will show you how to prepare, record, launch, and begin generating income from your podcast, all from your home studio! Inside this book you will find:

  • What gear you need to buy (and not buy).
  • How to write outlines for your shows.
  • How to book big-time guests.
  • How to write attention-getting show titles.
  • How to interview your guests.
  • All of the tools you need to launch your podcast with a BOOM!

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Business Podcasts | Thrivetime Show Books - Fear Unmasked

Fear Unmasked

The headlines aren’t telling the whole truth.
Fear Unmasked gives you the essential information you need to know about the coronavirus, the government shutdown, and the media that is perpetuating the hysteria. Entrepreneur and small business expert Clay Clark will uncover the truth about the virus and reveal the deeper, unconstitutional issues at play in this pandemic.


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Business Podcasts | Thrivetime Show Books - Make Your Life Epic

Fear Unmasked 2.0

Updated and revised for 2021. Fear Unmasked 2.0 provides more resources to kill the spirit of fear and giving YOU an action plan to save America.

The headlines aren’t telling the whole truth.

Fear Unmasked gives you the essential information you need to know about the coronavirus, the government shutdown, and the media that is perpetuating the hysteria. Entrepreneur and small business expert Clay Clark will uncover the truth about the virus and reveal the deeper, unconstitutional issues at play in this pandemic.


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Business Podcasts | Thrivetime Show Books - Now I See

Now I See

Vanessa Clark’s son was born blind. After a series of desperate doctor’s visits and endless tests, the top medical experts unanimously agreed…Vanessa’s infant would never see, however, Vanessa refused to believe that the almighty loving God she served would allow this to be the end of the story. In this powerful memoir from the heart of a Mother who dared to believe God, comes a story that will build your faith. Vanessa candidly shares her journey from devastation to celebration, as she turned to God in prayer and discovered what the Bible really says about Divine Healing.

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Business Books Will Not Work For Food Cover

Will Not Work for Food

How do top companies such as Disney, Apple, Chik-Fil-A, Southwest, and QuikTrip continue to thrive while many American companies just struggle to survive? In this controversial management guide, Clark points out the “Elephant In the Room” plaguing the American economy while providing the action steps all business owners and entrepreneurs need to know when it comes to effectively managing in a dumb, dishonest, and distracted America.

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Best Business Books Sales Domination 6x9 Thumbnail 1024x1024@2x

A Millionaire's Guide: Sales Domination - Creating Scalable Sales Systems

Why Should You Read This Book?

Are you struggling to sell your product, service, or idea to the market? Clay Clark is a master of selling, and now he wants to teach you his proven processes, scalable systems, and sales mastery moves in a humorous and practical way.

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Best Business Books How To Repel People Cover

How to Repel Friends and Not Influence People

Do you want to improve your ability to develop mutually-beneficial long-term relationships, to create positive conversations, and to win favor with potential clients, employers and friends? If so this is the book for you. Writing under the pen-name of Claytron Menendez, Clay Clark teaches you through HUMOR what not to do so that you can learn what to become a person of impact and influence and a DRAMATICALLY MORE EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATOR.


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Best Business Books Docpreneur Cover

The Doctorpreneur

Is this book worth buying and reading?
Dr. Timothy Johnson and the 6x iTunes chart-topping podcast host and award-winning business coach, Clay Clark team up to teach their secrets for building a multi-million dollar time and financial freedom producing medical business.


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Best Business Books Trade Ups Cover



  • How to design and live the life you love.
  • How to find and create the time needed to get things done in a world filled with endless digital distractions.
  • Why it takes the average human brain nearly 23 minutes to recover from digital distraction.
  • Why Psychology Today now reports that your smartphone is “destroying your life.”
  • How to grab momentum creating control of your life.
  • Why you must learn to say no to grow.
  • Why you must create boundaries that didn’t exist before in our constantly connected smartphone-filled world.
  • How to safeguard your schedule from the endless interruptions that are fighting for your time.
  • Why you will be come the average of the 5 people that you spend the most time with.
  • How to trade up mediocrity for prosperity and super-success.


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Best Business Books Not Lonely At The Top Cover

Not Lonely At The Top

Is It Lonely at the Top?
Throughout history countless people have said, “it’s lonely at the top.” In this polarizing, challenging and 80% hand-written book, Clay Clark shares why he has both observed and experienced in his own life that it’s not lonely at the top, it’s just peaceful.


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Best Business Books The Great Reset Vs The Great Awakening Cover

The Great Reset Versus The Great Awakening

It should take you approximately 1 hour to read this book. As you read through this book, wrestle with the content. Take notes, look up everything I am referencing, Please assume that I am 100% wrong
about everything and go to and click on the hyperlinks that show the patents and the proof I am presenting to prove every claim that I am making throughout the pages of this book. After you have invested the 1 hour of time total needed to understand the nefarious Great Reset transhumanism agenda, I encourage you, as well, to invest the time needed to read the scriptures (the 100% irrefutable word of God) referenced throughout the pages of this book. We must remember what Ephesians 6:12-13 reads,

“12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”


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Best Business Books Entrepreneurship Thumbnail


Throughout my career, I have been blessed to achieve tremendous success both as an entrepreneur and as a podcast host. However, I have not forgotten where I come from and I have always have had a burning desire to teach people the proven moves that they can implement and use to, also, start and grow a time-freedom-and-financial-freedom creating business. However, as I was rereading the Albert Einstein quote, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough,” I thought to myself that Albert was challenging me from the grave and pushing me to write a book that would break-down and explain how entrepreneurship works in a way that everybody can understand. And thus, you now hold in your hand, the book, Entrepreneurship Simplified, Amplified and Visualized. I hope and pray that this book will expose you to the world of entrepreneurship in a very approachable and coachable way so that both YOU and YOUR family can experience what it is like to enjoy both time and
financial freedom.


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Best Business Books The Art Of Powerful Public Speaking Thumbnail 1024x1024@2x

The Art of Powerful Public Speaking


In this page-turning power-packed classic, Clay Clark teams up with the (now deceased) former iconic pastor and his long-time friend and speaking mentor Carlton Pearson to teach you proven public speaking tips, tricks, and moves that you can use.

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Creating Habitual Wealth Mockup 600x600

Creating Habitual Wealth


Are you looking for a proven and practical plan for achieving financial freedom? In this millionaire’s guide, Clay Clark teaches the specific steps that you need to take in order to create habitual wealth including:

– How to Go from Poverty to Prosperity
– How to Increase Your Income
– How to Invest In Yourself, So That You Can Invest In Your Business
– How to Develop the Daily Routines Needed to Achieve Financial Prosperity How to Set And Accomplish Your F7 (Faith, Family, Finances, Fitness, Friendship, Fun, & Focused Attention) Goals
– How to Develop A Financial Calendar That Sets You Up For Success
– How to Enhance Your Management Skills to Deter Morons
– How to Partner Only With People Who Share Your Values And Worldview
– How to Install Merit-Based Pay So That Poverty Will Go Away
– How to Stop Acting Like A Bank Because You Are Not A Bank
– How to Implement Simplicity Into Your Business
– How to Understand How Much Money is Required to Pay Those You Hire
– How to Be Intentional With Your Money
– How to Price Your Products And Services So You Can Be Sustainably Profitable How to Measure What You Treasure

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Best Business Books Your Leads Wont Call Themselves Thumbnail 1024x1024@2x

Your Leads Won't Call Themselves


For years, sales managers have been puzzled by the excuses that their team members have fabricated in response to no sales.

This is simply “jackassery” (term coined by US Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year Clay Clark). It comes down to one simple action – calling your leads. Whether your team needs a pick me up, or a kick in the butt, Call Your Leads Is designed to be that healthy reminder to your sales team that those valuable sales leads are not going to call themselves.

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Homo Deus Book The Homo Deuce Cover Mockup

The Homo Deuce

This book was written to provide you with a POWERFUL TOOL to help you wake up your family and friends to “The Great Reset” and “Fourth Industrial Revolution” agenda that is being forced upon us using the actual words of Yuval Noah Harari and Klaus Schwab who are two of the most influential men leading “The Great Reset.” Klaus Schwab is the founder of the World Economic Forum and Yuval Noah Harari is a historian, a best-selling author who has sold over 40 million copies of his books, a professor in the Department of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a man praised by Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Stanford, Harvard, MIT, TEDTalks, New York Times, James Corden, the vast majority of the Silicon Valley tech tycoons and the mainstream media.


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Business Podcasts | Thrivetime Show Books - Start Here

Start Here

NEVER before has entrepreneurship been delivered in an UNFILTERED, real and raw way…until now. This book is NOT for people that want a politically correct and silver-lined happy-go-lucky view of entrepreneurship. That’s crap. Supported by case studies and testimonials from entrepreneurs that have grown their businesses all over the planet using these best practice systems, former US Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year Clay Clark shares the specific action steps for successful business systems, hilarious stories from situations that every entrepreneur faces, and entrepreneurship factoids that are guaranteed to blow your mind.

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Cover Mockup Dog Training Near Me

Dog Training Near Me: Make Your Dog Epic Dog Training Tulsa, Oklahoma or Any City and State You're Located In

Are you looking for dog training near you? Well you have found the right book for you! We might have a location near you! If not well this is the whole reason for this book! This book will be a valuable asset to you in your search of a dog trainer near you or your own personal journey to be a great dog trainer. No matter your training methods this book is helpful in changing the way you think about dog training and look at or run a dog training business.

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Best Business Books Millionaires Guide The Elephant In The Room Mockup

A Millionaire's Guide | The Elephant in the Room: How Does One Become Successful?


This book will walk you through the steps of starting and growing a business that can provide you with time and financial freedom! In the pages of this book, Clay goes in-depth, and gives you a candid look into how to start a successful business, and how he started Elephant In The Room Men’s Grooming Lounge.

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