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Business Coach : Create Your Success Story

Business Coach : Create Your Success Story
-Another story that comes to mind would be Ryan Tedder, with One Republic. He actually went to Oral Roberts University, and he lived on EMR– it’s a dormitory– 4 North. It was the fourth floor on the north.

-I lived on that. I lived in that apartment.

-He lived on the floor called Covenant, and I remember– he was very talented. People would always say– Ryan, you’re so good, you’re so talented. There was a lot of other people who were talented. And I would even argue there’s people I met at college who might have been more talented than Ryan.

But Ryan, he would walk to class, he would walk back from class. If you woke up in the middle of the night, like college guys often do, and you’re looking for something to eat, or you didn’t go to sleep because you’re up all night, Ryan would be there playing that guitar and singing. And then he would record himself and play it back.

I don’t know anybody else who was recording five-part harmonies with themselves, all multi-tracked, so they can play back– only to delete it and do it again. It’s that pursuit of excellence that creates success. From your experience, why do so many business owners pursue just enough. Most likely because they do not have a business coach.

TIM REDMOND: Sometimes they’re afraid of not losing more than they really want to go after winning, and so they’re playing not to lose. They’re saying– I want to make a demand out of myself at a level beyond where I’m currently at, because I don’t want to admit to the world that I fail.

Understand that everybody that succeeded learned to climb over these rocks of failure to get to where they go. That’s how they got there. It’s almost like– well, I want to make sure I don’t have my kids have to go through all that I went through. But a business coach would actually advise against this.

-I hate that statement. And I’m like– the stuff that really helped me, I’m making my kids walk through that. I’m saying to my wife– Sandy, let them alone! Let them suffer! Let them walk through this! Let them wake up on this thing!

Sometimes we’re afraid of failing so much that we’re playing not to lose. And I’m saying go all in, because the world needs all of you.

-Napoleon Hill says, “Failure is a prerequisite to success.” It’s required.

-It’s easier to say that than to live that, Clay.

-I do a lot of cold call scripting for companies. So I literally will write a script, and then I will cold call a few times and get nos so that I can script it and find out what works. It’s interesting. I think cold calling’s great way to learn these things. Learn more about cold calling from a business coach.

If I’m a business owner and I’m thinking about launching a business or growing one, what are some action steps that I can take, on a daily basis, to hold myself accountable to make sure that I am pursuing excellence? Is it is it putting in a mystery shopper? Is it surveying my own business, sending out surveys to customers? Is it a mystery shopper?

-That it is a great idea.

-What are some things that you recommend I would do? Let’s say I own a business. What can I do to make sure I’m pursuing excellence and not settling for mediocrity?

-Looking at your product or service. Is it creating a wow? If it’s not creating a wow within people, by watching them, what can you do that causes them to take a double-take on it?

-One of the guys who mentored me, he said– how do know when you’re excellent? When people say wow, or when they cheer, or when they come back and bring friends. If they wow, and if they say wow! Or if they come back and bring a friend, like– you need to come see this cake. This person is such a great cake designer. You should come see it. Or wow, this product is so good. You should come experience it with me. Or when they say wow, this is great.

-The wow is very important. You know how we have stars– three stars, or five stars? How many wows does this get?


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