This business coach information and content is written for the world’s best business coach show, The Thrivetime Show.
If you are an entrepreneur, then you already probably figured it out that you need a business coach. Otherwise, you have to be the expert in everything business when launching your startup company. To do this you have to know the fine details in every area of expertise. Then you have to be the expert on marketing your brand and services. You also have to find time, while doing all this, for your for your family and friends otherwise they will not be there when and if you finally become successful in your endeavors. This is only one of the many reasons you need to invest in business coach company. Call Clay Clark at 855-955-7469 for all their expert services under one roof. Visit the Thrivetime Show for more answers to your questions.
Clay Clark worked with the Oxifresh team to help their franchise department build a “scalable” and “duplicate” system to enable entrepreneurs to franchise the Oxifresh system successfully. They saw the wisdom of using the Thrive 15 coaching business company of Clay Clark to impell their company to the next level. Other big named companies have also used their services. Companies such as Boeing, Farmers Insurance, IBM, Barbee Cookies, Dunrite Plumbing, Trinity Employment, Elephant in the Room, Total Lending Concepts, the Tulsa Oilers, Revolution Health, Sprik Realty, Center for Men, Hewlett-Packard, and more have extremely benefited from Thrive 15. Can you see the name of your business added to this list? Do you want the financial freedom and brand success they have? Go to the website to see everything they offer with business coach.
Do you want to grow your business 7 times faster and still have time for the important things in life? Do you want financial freedom for you and your family? Business Coach is your answer. Not just any business, but the business of Thrive 15. Thrive 15 impels fledgling businesses forward to success. Their services combined with the proven strategies a new knowledge you gain will never compare to that of other companies you find on the web. Most companies you find on the internet will cost you big bucks. If you go with one of these companies you will find they will not meet all your business needs. You then will have to outsource for everything else. .so not only are you paying big money for their services, but you will also have to shell out money to a plethora of other companies to get you started.
Why not use one award winning company and their services of excellence? When you buy a car, you don’t go to one company for tires, another for the steering wheel and then yet another for the seats and engine. That would be ridiculous, wouldn’t it? Apply the same concept to business. Isn’t it ridiculous to go to more than one company to build your company?
Thrive 15 is one company. Thrive 15 offers every service your company needs. Thrive 15 is a one stop vision created by Clay Clark for the entrepreneur.
Why not find out for yourself and call him at 855-955-7469. Visit the Thrivetime Show and get a glimpse of what’s in your future.
Business Coaching : Grow Your Business.
This content is written for the Thrivetime Show.
Have you researched everything about business growth, but do you not know which steps to take next? There are many different options for business growth. This doesn’t mean that every option is the right option for you. Business growth can either be slow or it could be fast. If you can grow your business seven times faster, would you do it? The best way to do this is through business coaching. Could use help in countless ways, but a few things they do for your business is to help you duplicate it and translate your numbers. Did you know, the best resource for business growth is the Thrivetime Show? Clay Clark, the co-owner, answers the questions of people like you at 855-955-7469.
I’m sure you’ve heard of documenting your business. Not many business owners realize the importance of documenting your business. When you started your business, you didn’t start it just for a hobby. You started your business because you wanted time and financial freedom. You happen to do something you love, but your business is all to meet your goals. Did you have a goal of not having to work for somebody else? Did you have a goal of spending more time with family? Did you have a goal of not working as much, but getting paid the same amount? Whatever your desires are, this is why you started your business. Shortly after you started your business, you realize this was going to be a lot of work. Maybe even more work than you expected. You continue working every day because you know in the end it will pay off. Don’t miss the opportunity to make it better by bringing on business coach.
In order for it to pay off you need to do a few things. One thing you need to do is duplicate your business. You need to document everything possible. This includes sales calls, checklists for maintenance, and checklists for anything repeatable. Yes, I mean anything repeatable. If your employees need to answer the phone a certain way, you need to document it. Documenting your business will allow you to have time freedom. You won’t have to hire for skill. Hiring for character becomes an option when you document. Character is more important than skill. If you hire a hard worker, you can teach them anything. The way to teach them is to have your business document. This way, there will be no questions. This way, you will have a successfully running business with business coach. Your business will not rely on you to sustain it. This is the goal you need to achieve. So, the number one action item, to create time freedom, is to document your business.
You need to invest in a program to interpret your numbers. First of all, a coach will tell you the most effective efforts for business growth. Don’t waste time trying to research all the information on growth. Listen to someone experienced. Because they are experienced, they know the exact marketing effort you need to be putting your time in. When you start marketing, there will be all sorts of numbers. These numbers will include the price per click, conversion rate, and so much more. To accurately read these numbers, you need to be experienced in marketing. When you accurately read the numbers, you can adjust your marketing efforts accordingly. The numbers will tell you where you need to increase your marketing, and where you need to stop at other marketing efforts. Without a coach, you might not predict these numbers well. It is possible for you to put your efforts into the wrong marketing avenue.
Gain a coach for the right path. Choose the smarter path to your business growth. You are wearing many different hats within your business. It is not possible to be the expert in every area. Invest in greatness and experience. For the information you need, call the Thrivetime Show at 855-955-7469. Clay Clark, the co-owner, would love to hear from you.