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Business Coach : Gain An Outside Eye

This is content is written for the Thrivetime Show, the world’s best business coach radio show.

Here are some dilemmas that a business coach can help to see you through: Do you need help investing? Are you struggling with putting everything into place for your business? If so, you need help from an expert. If you were phenomenal at remodeling homes, would you quit your job to be an artist when you are not great at it? I wouldn’t either. Same thing goes for business coach. Leave their job up to them to make a difference in your business. Coaches bring accountability and experience to your business. The greatest resource to find more information is at 855-955-7469. The Thrivetime Show, with Clay Clark, gives you the knowledge you need.


Clay Clark is a very successful business owner. He owns multiple businesses along with the business coach business. Even though he is successful, he has an accountability figure and a mentor in his life. This is extremely important. Even the most successful people have business coaches. One , out of many, reasons is for the accountability. Having a coach will no longer allow you to have excuses. There is no reason your goals cannot be met anymore. That being said, you need to make your goals. Don’t settle for small goals that will be achieved right away. Push yourself and your business. Make goals that seem far from reach but are very doable with some hard work and dedication. There is no excuse. When you give into excuses, you prolong your success. Don’t fall into the trap of excuses.

You need an outside eye on your business. Being the only eyes will open the door to error. Just like there needs to be someone checking on an employee for doing their job, someone needs to keep an eye on you. Staying on track to your goals can be hard without support. You will miss extremely important opportunities for your business without an outside eye. An outside eye will tell you what is wrong with your marketing efforts or what is off about the strategy you are taking. Having a second opinion makes a decision stronger. Two brains coming together is stronger than one brain trying to figure it all out. Business coach is there to be an outside eye. Take advantage of the opportunity. Gain an outside eye along with experience.

Coaches have plenty of experience. They know the ins and outs of growth and share it with you. You start at an advantage because you don’t need to repeat the simple mistakes they made in their business. You will be ahead of your competition if you invest in a coach. Doubling your profits will make you ahead of your competition. It will also open the doors to time and financial freedom. Snatch up the opportunity while you can.

You want to go to the best business coach in the whole world. He has built hundreds of businesses. Traveling isn’t his thing. The knowledge he obtains is extremely valuable. Even though he did all the work, he wants to share everything he knows with you. The Thrivetime Show will talk about it , but he has a book called “Start Here”. Grab the book for more business growth info; and call the Thrivetime Show at 855-955-7469.

Business Coaching : Go From Here.

This content is written for the ThriveTime Show.

You have a dream for a start up company. You are excited to see it be a reality. You have done your research and know that it is an extremely viable option. You have a day job that is necessary to provide income to live. You are scared to take the chance and step out into the unknown, a world filled with uncertainty with no guarantees. You understand that this requires a commitment filled with the demand for  many more hours of your time. Where do you go from here?  You need to hire the services of a business coach company. Clay Clark, founder of Thrive 15, can give you the help you need. The Thrivetime Show where he and Dr Z host  a business radio talk show that teaches entrepreneurship.

So, you know you need a business coach. The best thing you can do is research what is out there and what they all have to offer. At the same time research all the areas you need an expert to help you with the start up business. You will find that besides knowing your craft you will need someone who can create your website layout design, someone who can write your SEOs, do your advertising, copywriting, branding, graphic design and everything else that entailed in starting your business. When you do your research you will find that most coaching businesses out there  do not offer all these services in one place with one fee. That means you are going to need a lot more money to set up your business. You do have another option. You can use the coaching business Thrive 15. They offer all these services with one fee.

The coaching business Thrive 15 is set up to help the entrepreneur start their business. They supply every service with one fee. There is not another company out there that is all inclusive like this. That is pretty exciting and it makes it much more simpler when you are just beginning your journey. The last thing you need is the trouble and time consuming task of finding experts in each of the areas of need in your business.

You can go to their website at and get a pretty comprehensive list of all they offer. They have video training, books you can read and so much more. They can set you up with men and women who are successful entrepreneurs who can give you advice and tips of the trade. You can receive one on one coaching if desired. They offer professional services in graphic design , accounting, branding, copywriting, interior design, photography, SEOs, website layout design, workflow design, PR, employee management and a multitude of more services.

Thrive 15 has coached many companies you might recognize. Companies such as Boeing, IBM, Farmers Insurance, Trinity Employment, Dunrite Plumbing, Barbee Cookies, QuikTrip, Sprik Realty, Oral Roberts University and so many more. Each of these companies saw the wisdom of getting another set of eyes on their business. They used the proven strategies and tools the get to the next level. Call Clay Clark at 855-955-7469 and experience it for yourself. Go to the Thrivetime Show and get your business questions answered.


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