Business Coach : Success Like Disney
-Now, I feel like that building a to do list is the number one most important thing that I do every single day. And when I spent time with Mr. Lee Cockerell, the guy who used to manage Walt Disney World, same thing. Spent time with Mr. David Robinson. Same thing. And it’s just designing our day. It’s ordaining our own destiny instead of just reacting to it. A business coach will tell you to design your day.
And I’m going to read you this quote here that Steve Jobs said about to do lists. He says, “Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do.” Tim, how important is it for entrepreneurs watching this to learn how to become good at saying no when making their to do list? A business coach will tell you it is very important
-You know, Steve– or Jim Collins actually talks about this in Good to Great where he said these CEOs that where the level five, these leaders, these entrepreneurs, they were able to take their companies, the 11 companies, and bring them up from an average position to just a dominant leader and maintain that position for least 15 years. Every one of them had to do list and a stop doing list. They literally wrote down the things that distract– that get in the way, that they’re just they’re distractions and deterrents here. They say, we’re not going to do this here. This is what they do. This is what they do.
And so it’s sitting down and realizing the most important aspect of a to do this is not how much you can cram into the day. That’s important. The most important aspect of a to do list is to make sure you have the most important thing you want to get done identified. That’s your focal point. Get a business coach helping you to get focused.
-That’s a boom.
-That’s a boom.
-That’s huge because I know that if you are not intentional, it will not happen.
-Right. It’s like my good friend Stephen Covey told me one time– Now, he told me, and there’s about 40,000 other people in the stadium at the time. But he was personally talking to me– telling a story about the five big rocks. Putting the rocks in. Is the jar full? Yes? No, put the gravel in. Is the jar full? No, put the sand in, then put the water in. Is the jar full? Great. What does that teach you? Well, you can cram a lot in there. No, that’s not what he’s teaching. He’s teaching, if you don’t get the big rocks in there first, you’re not going to get to the big rocks.
-I want to share this stat because it totally ties into what you just said here. On the it says, “80% of wealthy are focused on accomplishing a single goal”– which you just said– “only 12% of the poor people do this.” Now, there’s a quote I want to read a by Alexander Graham Bell. This guy was the Scottish born scientist, inventor, engineer, innovator. He’s credited with inventing the first practical telephone. And he says, “Concentrate all of your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought into focus.”
That’s you’re talking about right? Choosing that specific item. Just focus the sun’s rays on it.
-Right. We get so busy with the activity and noise around us. But there’s usually one or two things that if you’ll focus on that and say, to hey with the rest of it, then you’re going to move your business forward. Focus on the most important thing. Stay focused on the most important things. Follow up and follow through on the most important things.