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Business Coach : The Training You Need

Business Coach : The Training You Need

-Well, Tim,in this business coach training we’re talking about step number 18– intentionally creating habits. And according to a statistic here on the, it says 84% of wealthy people believe that good habits create opportunity luck versus 4% of the poor people. So you can basically create your own luck and opportunities by creating good habits. Now Benjamin Franklin, he says that “your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones.”

TIM REDMOND: That’s brilliant. That’s amazing.

-Walk me through this real quick, because I think what we’re seeing here is that no matter– I grew up poor. You grew up without a ton of cash, right? But our habits can determine our trajectory of where we go. Talk about how that happens.

-Yeah. You create results, and those results reward you. Cash and money is a result. No cash and no money is also a result. So how are you being rewarded. Your results, what you produce, will attract the like kinds of rewards.

-How do you keep yourself from becoming a victim where you say, well, yeah, I have a habit of this. I have a habit of that. I just have the habit of sleeping in. I have the habit of smoking. I have the habit of drinking.

-You will always– there will never be an opportunity that you don’t have some reason or an excuse you could give. You’ll always have some excuse. And people, because they’re so readily available and our mind produces them– that’s like cancer against your progress. That’s cancer against you becoming wealthy, is you making excuses. You giving reasons. Giving reasons, you know what that does for you? It makes you sound reasonable, but it does not move you forward. A business coach can help you to move forward.

So the idea here is we’ve got to demand that we produce results and those results that we produce are based on the habits we’ve incorporated.

-Charles Dickens, the best selling author of “The Tale of Two Cities”, “A Christmas Carol”, he says, “I never, repeat, never could have done without the habits of punctuality, order, and diligence, without the determination to concentrate myself on one subject at a time.” Let me try that again. “I never could have done what I have done without the habits of punctuality, order, and diligence, without the determination to concentrate myself on one subject at a time.”

-Aristotle, you ever heard of Aristotle, the famous Greek philosopher? He says, “Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.” The point is, if you’re watching this and you have some bad habits, because we are not monkeys and because we are not canines, we can actually create our own habits. You can do it. I’ve done it. I’ve created good habits and bad habits. And I’m always trying exchange a bad habit with a good habit. All of us are constantly in motion in that area. We need to improve upon this. Now the final step we want to share with you, the final step.


-Go for it.

-On the habits, we’re going to get overwhelmed with all the list of all the bad habits. And my recommendation for you is to replace one bad habit with one good habit. Don’t work on five or eight or three or even two. Work on one habit, that one focus point, and when you knock down that one domino, it seems like it so many other things will start to happen in your life a good way. So focus on the one bad habit and what you’re going to replace it to. See yourself take little actions towards that one habit, and it’ll make a world of difference.

-Focus on the one habit. You heard it here. Focus on that one


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