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Business Coach Transcript: Growing a Business Tasks

This is a business coach transcript from the business coaching radio show on the

Robert Zoeller: No. You have to be because the elephant in the room is everybody else knows.

Vanessa Clark: Yeah.

Robert Zoeller: So …

Jason Bailey: Yeah. You guys are the best business coach team of experts

Clay Clark: Vanessa, am I being mean here?

Vanessa Clark: No.

Robert Zoeller: They all know. It’s time for you to know.

Vanessa Clark: Well, I think that comes back to where you said you need to be open to re-evaluating your plan. Yes, this is the plan you started off with, but like we realized along the road, “Wow, this really isn’t going to get us where we thought we wanted to go. We still want to go to this destination, but we need to make a few maneuvers to get there.”

Clay Clark: Now here’s the next part. It gets more intense. Here we go. Lee says this. “With self-discipline, almost anything can be achieved in every aspect of life.” Somebody’s listening right now, and you just are like, “I’m not a morning person,” or “I don’t do well with writing. I don’t like to sit down and think. I don’t do well with sales. I don’t do well with management. I just don’t do well with …” Whatever that story is, and I’m telling you what. As long as you’re loyal to that dysfunctional story, you’re just going to stay where you’re at, right, Z? Am I’m missing something here?

Robert Zoeller: No, you’re absolutely correct. I mean, people just … That becomes a prophetic word, in a sense, They speak that over themselves. I mean, one thing about writing down your define for five years, it allows you to let the people close to you, maybe a mentor or someone that you trust, safe people, to hold you accountable, to say, “What are you doing that for because that’s going to get you to where you need to go?” And that’s one thing people don’t want to do. And it’s not a commitment. You can change things, but what it does is it allows you to … Just like Jason said, when you write it down, there’s just something about that.

Clay Clark: Now the next notable quotable from Lee is, “Surround yourself with great people.” Now that’s the thing where it sounds super mean, but I’m just telling you this. I don’t like being around most people because they have these turtle problems. When we get back I’m going to talk about this turtle problem thing, but there are giraffe problems and turtle problems, and T.D. Jakes discusses this, but basically-

Robert Zoeller: You don’t like turtles? [crosstalk 00:22:36] Turtles are fine animals.

Clay Clark: No, you just want to make sure you’re not spending your day dealing with dumb things over, and over, and over that are usually a result of surrounding yourself with people who are choosing to be dumb all the time and being smart like using a business coach. Stay tuned. Thrive Time Show.

Robert Zoeller: I like turtles.

Clay Clark: All right, Thrive Nation. Welcome back into the conversation. Inside the box that rocks today, we have a guy on the show today in Jason Bailey, the owner of DJ Connection, who actually owns something that many, many of you have wanted to own since the eighties. Oh, yes. He has a DeLorean. 

Jason Bailey: It’s true. I do.

Robert Zoeller: Ah, so cool.

Clay Clark: And we’re talking about how you have to make your big goals if you want to turn them into reality. Specifically, you have to sit down, step number one of the entrepreneurship cycles. You have to define what you want. Jason, when did you put it on paper that you will own that DeLorean?

Jason Bailey: So we talked earlier about all the threatening things that happened to me. Write down your five-year goals.

Vanessa Clark: [crosstalk 00:23:39] There were many.

Jason Bailey: That’s right. So one of my five-year goals when I was 25, I was like, “All right. You know what? Screw you, Clay. I’m going to write down some crazy stuff.”

Clay Clark: Really?

Jason Bailey: So I wrote down, “I’m going to own a DeLorean by the time I’m 30, and I want to be a millionaire by the time I was 30.” Those were the two big ones, okay? I was like, “Yeah, right. Let’s see if these happen.” Well, when I was 29, I bought a DeLorean.

Clay Clark: Oh, yeah. There it is. [crosstalk 00:24:00]. Now here’s the deal. Here’s the deal, thrivers. Here’s the deal. Here’s the situation. We talked about it before the break. You have to define what you want your life to be like, and then business coach wizard Lee Cockerell is saying … This is the guy who managed Walt Disney World. He says you have to surround yourself with great people. And I just said something that I know irritates probably 95% of you. I said I don’t like being around most people, which sounds like, “Do you not like any humans?”

Vanessa Clark: Why are you so mean?

Clay Clark: What’s wrong with you? But work with me. T.D. Jakes explains this story. He says, As a giraffe, you see things from a certain perspective. You see the sky. You see the trees. That’s your reality because that’s where you are at in life at that point.” He says, “But a turtle also sees the same reality. They see their reality, but they’re on the ground. They see bugs, insects, giraffe poop,” and so back in the day with DJ business when Jason are working together over there, this is how a typical Monday morning would be until I decided to fire the idiots. This is how it would go. I’m going back in time. Here we go. Jason we’ll role play, okay?

Jason Bailey: Okay, yeah. Sounds great.

Clay Clark: So here we go. I’m changing the names so that we protect the identity-

Jason Bailey: Protect the identities.

Vanessa Clark: But you know who you are.

Jason Bailey: Got you. Okay. Yeah.

Vanessa Clark: So a meeting start at eight o’clock on Monday.

Jason Bailey: Right.

Clay Clark: So it’s like, “Well, it’s 8:03. Jason, do you know where-”

Jason Bailey: It’s me and you. Where’s the other 12 people?

Clay Clark: Do you know where Bobby is?

Jason Bailey: I don’t know where Bobby … He texted last night-

Clay Clark: Why don’t we wait until like 8:12.

Jason Bailey: Okay. Yeah.

Clay Clark: Now it’s 8:12. Jason, do you know where the business coach guys are?

Jason Bailey: One of them’s downstairs, but I don’t know where they-

Clay Clark: Oh, look. Here comes a business coach now.

Bro. I was so-

Jason Bailey: [crosstalk 00:25:27] dude.

Clay Clark: Bro. Sorry, bro. Man, the traffic was bad, bro, and I’m … What’s up, guys?

Jason Bailey: Don’t you just live a half a mile away? It’s fine. It’s fine.

Clay Clark: Did you sleep in that shirt, bro?

Bro, I did. It was a epic, epic wedding last night, man. I tell you what, got some great stories to tell you, bro.


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