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Clay Clark – head business coach and founder of the business coach program.
You’ve got to make sure that, the very foundation of all of this, you’ve got to schedule time every day. Once you’ve scheduled that time, you’ve got to ask yourself “Well, where are you going to do this stuff?” I mean, some of us, we don’t really have a … I remember, I was starting out my business, I didn’t really have a quiet time area. I hadn’t developed a man cave yet. I didn’t have my own property that I could go to, I didn’t have a place I could go and kind of take refuge from the world and the busyness, and to work on my life. I had to build that over time, obviously. One place I found that nobody would interrupt me was my bathtub. Your bathtub? You mean that you were planning out your life in your bathtub?
Yeah, I was, and I know that seems kind of disturbing to some people. I know the visual of just ever envisioning me in a bathtub is not a good one for everybody out there, but the thing is, you’ve got to find a place. Again, step one, find a mentor. Step number two is schedule that time to begin to design the life you want. Step number three is you’ve got to determine where you’re going to get this done. I have one Thriver who’s made big, big financial gains this year, I mean we’re talking about has grown the business by over 30%, and this person is working out of their truck. I’ve learned this over the years as a business coach.
They’ve just found when they’re on the driveway of their business and they’re in the truck, nice and early, that nobody interrupts them. I’ve got one Thriver who e-mailed me and was just joking about it, but they said “I like to work out of the bathtub too.” Which is hysterical. Hopefully that doesn’t become a pattern. I encourage everybody here listening, write down what mentor or mentor program are you going to reach out to? Two, when are you going to plan? When are you going to design the life that you’re living. Three, where are you going to do this? Now, when we come back, we’re going to be talking to you more about the growth mindset, but we’re going to get into the 11 dysfunctional mindsets that are absolutely repelling wealth. I guarantee you, if you’re listening to this show right now, you’re going to find at least one of these mindsets, one of these dysfunctions that has been plaguing you throughout your career.
I’ll tell you which one’s been plaguing me, but I’d encourage you to write down the dysfunctions and figure out which one, or which aspects of each mindset is maybe plaguing you. Because once you’re aware of yourself, and you’re aware of those limitations and those limiting factors that are causing you to not get you where you want to go, then you can begin improving upon it. For those of you just listening for the first time, I encourage you to go to, subscribe to the podcast, and make sure you go up there and learn about our in-person, two-day business coach workshops.
Your first month of is always one dollar, and with that one dollar first month, we include our in-person Thrive Time Workshop tickets. Stay tuned. We’re going to learn about the dysfunctional entrepreneurial mindsets when we come back on the Thrive Time Show, right here on 1170. Check out the things the business coach program has to offer.
[singing 00:13:57]
All right Thrive Nation, welcome back into the inspiration conversation. My name is Clay Clark, I’m the former SBA entrepreneur of the year, and the father of five human kids, sent here to both entertain and educate you. Now, typically, we have Dr. Robert Zoellner (CEO of the business coach program) on the show with me, and we also feature some guests, but today, it is me solo, like my name was Han. Hopefully some of you will find that to be funny later tomorrow. We’re talking today about the answer to … We’re answering a question today from a Thriver out there in Michigan. Many people go to and download the podcasts. We have a Thriver up there that apparently has somehow, through the vast inter web, through Google optimization, that kind of thing, has found our radio show and has now began downloading the podcast, and is now subsequently e-mailing us to [email protected] with some questions.
I thought that his question was perhaps one of the most simple, yet profound questions that you could possibly ask. He asked, he says “You talk so much about having a great mindset, but, I’m paraphrasing his question, but, basically, what is the entrepreneurial mindset? We just talked about that being that you have to be coachable, you’ve got to be very coachable, and one, you must schedule time daily to sit down and map out your goals. Two, you must ask yourself where you’re going to do that, and three, you must find a mentor.
Now, we’re going to get into the 11 wealth destroying mindsets that I think are really holding back a lot of us out there. A lot of us … I know there was a time in my life where I struggled financially and I struggled with the business, and it was because … Not because I wasn’t ambitious, not because I wasn’t motivated, not because I didn’t want success, not because I hadn’t walked on hot coals, which, full disclosure, I did not walk on hot coals, but don’t tell anybody. The thing was, I just didn’t know what to do. I was reading Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, which a little backstory for you. Napoleon Hill was the personal apprentice of Andrew Carnegie, who, during his lifetime, was the world’s second wealthiest man, only behind John D. Rockefeller.
Napoleon Hill, he also went on to become the bestselling author of the book Think and Grow Rich. It’s the number one individual, outside of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, it’s the number one self-help book of all time, selling millions and millions of copies. It’s endorsed by many of the world’s top leaders and in there, he begins to teach you the specific mindset you want to have to be a successful entrepreneur. There’s a notable quotable from his book that I want to read to you because I feel like once you grasp this concept, your mind’s going to be blown. Get the duct tape ready, I don’t want to be responsible for any blown brains. But sometimes that happens when we are a business coach.
Here we go, he says “A Carnegie or a Rockefeller, or a James J. Hill, or a Marshall Field accumulates a fortune through the application of the same principles available to all of us. But we envy them and their wealth without ever thinking of studying their philosophy and applying it to ourselves. We look at a successful person in the hour of their triumph and wonder how they did it, but we overlook the importance of analyzing their methods, and we forget the price they had to pay in the careful and well-organized preparation that had to be made before they could reap the fruits of their efforts.”
Wow, Napoleon Hill, go easy on us, my friend, that’s a lot of knowledge right there to fit inside our craniums. I believe it starts with curiosity. You have to ask yourself “How is it that some people are achieving so much more success than I’m having? How is it that some people are achieving time freedom and financial freedom and I’m stuck where I am?” It starts with that question, and then you e-mail [email protected], and bam, we have a show about it.
Now, let’s get into the 11 dysfunctional mindsets that are holding a lot of people back. Here’s dysfunction number one. I encourage you to write this down. I’ll go ahead and give you a moment to grab a pen. Here we go. Okay, it’s getting awkward because it’s live radio, but perhaps you have an Etch-a-Sketch or a smartphone, or something to take notes with. Here we go, the employee mindset entrepreneur. This is where you want to be a successful entrepreneur, but you desperately want to be told that you can keep the same schedule that you had when you were nine to five, working as an employee, because you “I value life balance.” Just like when you work for someone else, anytime there’s snow on the road, you want to call in and request off for safety reasons, but for your own business.
You want to take the day off before every major holiday and the day after every major holiday, and you’re tempted to take off those quasi-holidays that all those B-level employees want to take off, like Columbus Day. You desperately want the law of sowing and reaping not to apply to you because it’s you. I mean, you don’t want to be held accountable for the fact that you don’t have any crops growing, as a result of you not sowing the seeds. I’m going to give you some little fun factoids here. This is according to an article published by the Business Insider called “Check Out How Much the Average American Works Each Year Compared to the French, the Germans, and the Koreans.” The average American is now working approximately 1,680 hours per week. Which, if you were dividing that by 40 hours per week means that the average American is really only working 40 to 42 weeks per year. Think about that for a second.
The average American is only working between 40 and 42 weeks per year. Which is totally fine, I mean, once you’ve made it, once you’ve got to where you want to go, you can absolutely take as many days off as you want to take off. I made a list of all of the holidays that are out there that I see want-trepreneurs. you can keep yourself out of this trap by getting involved with a business coach of ours. That’s like an entrepreneur. It’s kind of somebody who wants to be an entrepreneur, but isn’t there yet, I encourage you to circle some of the holidays that you tend to take off, and then just think about it. Are you even working enough time to potentially have success? I mean, Elon Musk, one of the most successful entrepreneurs of our time, the guy who started Solar City, SpaceX, Tesla, one of the founding fathers of PayPal, he’s talking to entrepreneurs, he says “If you want to become a successful entrepreneur, you just have to work 80 to 100 hours per week.” You just have to.
People say “Well, oh my gosh, that sounds terrible.” No, you have to work that much until you don’t. Because, you’ve got to get that business up into orbit. Just like launching a rocket like they do at SpaceX, there’s an unbelievable amount of fuel, capital, energy, stress, systems that have to be built to get your rocket into space. Once you’re in to space, once you’re in to orbit, so to speak, you can kind of coast a little bit because you can achieve that time freedom and financial freedom that you’ve been dreaming about. Now, your job is to hold a team accountable, not necessarily to work every single hour of the day to get ahead.
Reach out today for more information on business coaching.