Now Hiring Tulsa | This is the Place
This content was written for the Thrivetime Show.
ThriveTime Show is a glorious place to work and I am grateful for the opportunity to work with some of the most motivated and tenacious individuals Iíve ever seen in one building. I’m thankful to be working with an amazing corporation and everyone here is highly motivated to push themselves towards greatness. After college, I began working with Toyota. While going through a leadership initiative we learned of a principle on which Toyota was built upon. The Japanese word is Kaizen. This translates to continuous improvement. You, processes, systems, businesses, etc. can always be made better, faster, stronger, more efficient. I truly saw the kaizen flowing throughout this entire company here at the ThriveTime Show. Clay Clark and Jonathan Kelly, my managers, honestly care about the employees and will push them to strive for more, both in their personal lives and professional lives.
Some people can’t handle constructive criticism, thus this job is not for everyone. Clay Clark talks about now hiring Tulsa A+ employees. A+ players are those that get to work early or stay late. Constantly going above and beyond to deliver the best they possibly can. Those that work through adversity and don’t let their emotions dictate their production. This is not the company for you if you want to do the bare minimum and scroll through your Facebook feed from 8am-5pm. We want only those that are willing to be coachable, emotionally stable, energetic and motivated. Familiarity breeds contentment and contentment breeds complacency. If you are complacent there is no chance of success. Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we are guaranteed to catch excellence. The company you keep defines your character. I couldnít be in better company if I tried!
I’m constantly pushing myself to be better than yesterday. If this is you and you are looking for a place now hiring Tulsa then apply here! I currently have 5 other jobs and I’ve consciously been cutting distractions out of my life in order to be able to focus on what is important. I have friends and family who watch T.V. shows and sports for 5-8+ hours a day. When they ask me if I like Game of Thrones or another popular show, they are generally floored when I tell them I haven’t watched an episode, like it’s blasphemy. This is the new norm in America. We eat and live in front of our idiot tubes and I wish more people could break away from social programming. Clay Clark preaches about making time for the 6 F’s in your life. These are; Faith, Family, Friends, Finances, Fitness and Fun. This is what is important and I’m very thankful that someone encourages me to take time for these aspects in my life. The ultimate goal for me working here at ThriveTime Show is to obtain time and financial freedom. That’s exactly why I work 7 days a week so in the future, I won’t have to.
Iíve been listening to ThriveTime Show podcast for several years and always enjoyed hearing about Clayís systems in business and personal life. So when I heard Thrive was now hiring Tulsa employees, I jumped on it! He is entertaining and full of notable quotes and if you haven’t had the opportunity to listen to the podcast, I highly recommend you check it out. He speaks about self-accountability and cultivating the millionaire mindset. Which is refreshing, since it seems the majority of the population is living with the victimhood mentality. If you donít like a situation, change it. Einstein said, insanity is doing the same over and over, yet expecting different results. There is always a silver lining, people would just rather look at the negative side of things instead of the positive. There are no problems in life, only solutions.
When the opportunity came about to begin working for ThriveTime, I knew I had to jump on this life-changing opportunity. I went to the group interview and immediately enjoyed what I was hearing from Eric Chupp, the business coach who led the interview. I even witnessed a few people get up and leave the group interview once Eric mentioned merit-based pay. Next week, ThriveTime asked me if I’d be interested in shadowing. Clay pulled me aside after I finished shadowing for a half day and offered me the job. He said, ìI really like your energy and I think youíll be a good fit here.î It was nice to hear since most other companies I worked for in the past cared more about what was on my resume rather than the content of my character.
On my very first day at ThriveTime when I heard they were now hiring Tulsa people, Clay asked about my goals, ambitions, hobbies and personal life. In all my jobs I have never had a boss ask me any of these questions. Even bosses Iíve worked many years with had never asked about my aspirations. It’s extremely refreshing to know there are bosses out there that do care about their employees. I could tell that Clay Clark and Jonathan Kelly both have excellent interpersonal skills and understand how to motivate and incentivize their employees. I’ve held several jobs in my past including; marketing, sales, management, custodial and construction. This is by far my most rewarding job. I was a marketing communications specialist for a pharmaceutical company, for several years. So I was quite familiar with search engine optimization, but Google has changed the algorithms greatly since then. But this didnít matter to Clay and Jonathan. They actually preferred someone who was coachable with a blank slate. Instead of having to unlearn my set ways and then taught the ThriveTime way.
My first week on the job, was a whirlwind of fervor. I noticed the high energy circulating throughout the office. Bells were ringing, cowbells were clanking and gongs were banging. People running around handing out high fives when a sale or appointment was set. At first, it was a tad overwhelming, but I adjusted quickly and enjoyed the morale-boosting experience. The energy in the room was palpable and contagious! I knew I had found a job where I could thrive.
My job is to write articles for various companies that ThriveTime Show represents to bolster their online visibility. At first, it was very arduous and I had no clue how I was going to muster 50-60 articles a day. ìDid I make mistake taking this job? Can I cut it? What am I doing here? Several questions and self-doubt ran through my head. So I kept my head down and kept writing eventually, it all clicked. ThriveTime Show is truly changing people’s lives by helping them with all their business functions and mastering their online presence. How many times have you clicked next page on your search results? How often do you peruse page 3 of Google? This is why we strive to get clients to the top of Google. Itís rewarding hearing companies speak about how their businesses have exponentially grown thanks to the work ThriveTime is doing.
Over deliver and soon enough youíll be overpaid, Clay says. Of all the companies now hiring Tulsa, this is not the company for you if you are not self-motivated, habitually late, emotionally unstable or canít take constructive criticism. Growth is not easy, but imperative in life. Clay Clark will push you to become the best version possible. The opportunities are endless here at ThriveTime Show and Iím so grateful to be given a chance to strive and thrive.