Clay Clark: I attended a high school primarily in what is now called the former USSR. That’s where, I went there. President Putin, our principal at the time, I was afraid of him so I made these claims so they wouldn’t take a larger portion of my pie, you know what I’m saying business coach Z?
Dr. Zellner: Well yes, of course. That all makes sense now. Did you take selfies with him?
Clay Clark: Thrivers, if you’re following the timeline of my life, I realize that wasn’t possible but I’m just giving you some hyperbole, because I’m telling you the insanity of not planning your financial future, it’s beyond my grasp. I do not get it. Now, again I’m an entrepreneur so I’m the kind of guy who said, you know what, I don’t like the way that I’m living so I’m gonna do something about it, right?
Henry Ford said, what? He says, it’s hard to build a reputation based on what you’re going to do. Thomas Edison said that a vision without execution is hallucination. I’m not hallucinating and I’m not an idiot. I’m gonna change my life and so I did something about it, but for many people out there listening, I believe that you want to make a change but you don’t even know what changes you need to make. So, I’m gonna start with you, Z, and I wanna ask Chris the same question. If I’m stuck in a rut, Z, and I am not getting ahead, either with my business or say I’m an employee and I’m not getting ahead. What advice would you have for me? What can I do today?
Dr. Zellner: Well, you can do several things. One of them you can reach into your pocket, and you can pull out one dollar. If you don’t have a dollar you can ask to borrow a dollar. Just stand by the Coke machine at your business and say hey, you got an extra dollar on ya? Shake the, you know the sofas, shake those out. You probably can find a dollar’s worth of change in a sofa somewhere. Maybe not yours but your friend’s place.
Clay Clark: Do not attempt to break into a home in broken arrow.
Dr. Zellner: We are not endorsing burglary on this show. Repeat, we are not a couple of business coach endorsing burglary. But just get a dollar, and you need to type in this. Find a computer that’s working, that’s connected to the internet and then type in,, that’s, and for one dollar you can have a monthly membership. And you can watch all kinds of great things. All the stuff that you hear on the show, we’ve got it on that website. And from smarter, more clever guys than Clay and I as a matter of fact, we’ve got great mentors, men and woman. Very successful people that tell their life stories, tell all the little secrets of life and so, the first thing is you’ve got to want it. And you gotta get a dollar. And then that’s one step you could do. What’s another I could do?
Clay Clark: Another move you could do as a business coach or not, is you could obviously go to the podcast and you could subscribe to the podcast because when you subscribe to the podcast you’re never gonna miss a show like this.
Dr. Zellner: Oh wait, that didn’t even cost a dollar.
Clay Clark: It didn’t cost a dollar. Move number three is you could get down to our in person workshop, which is an absolute game changer for many of you but I’m trying to sell you something so don’t trust me. Go read the reviews. Just type in thrive15 conference reviews. Let other people from around the world, people from New York. People from California. People from Texas. People from Toronto. People and even a business coach from England. Let them tell you about their experiences or you can hire a one on one coach to show you the way, to show you the way. And I would also give you just one little bonus move but we cannot do that, Z. You don’t do it, I don’t do it. We might advise you to find a financial advisor that could help you map out your financial future. That’s why we have Chris, the head honcho over there at Anchor Financial, inside the box that rocks.
Chris, what advice would you have for the thriver out there that maybe knows they need some financial help and is on the verge of maybe picking up the phone and calling you? What advice, what would you do if they did call you? What does that look like?
Chris: Well basically when we set up an appointment, we’re gonna sit down for 20 minutes, that’s all it takes. And I could through a fact finder. I can find out where your money’s sitting now, how you’re treating your business a little bit. We won’t go too far into that, because that is your business, after all. You know it better than anyone else or you wouldn’t be in it. But we’re gonna make sure that we start allocating some funds that isn’t gonna hurt at first. You start where it doesn’t hurt, and then you add to it as you go. That’s the easiest part to do, is just to start with a number that’s not gonna hurt. If it’s $50 bucks a month or it’s a $100 a month, but you wanna ramp that up as quickly, and as furiously as you can.
Clay Clark: And if I’m busy as a business coach, I just wanna kinda set it and forget it, do you guys help me do that or do I have to meet with you like once a week or once a year or once a month? How does that work?
Chris: You don’t have to meet with me really past the first couple of times. After that it’s on autopilot and we just take care from there.
Clay Clark: These kind of a late night guy, he’s the kinda guy, you wonder all the times you say, who goes to Waffle House at 3 am? Who goes, now Z-