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Thrivetime Show Business Coach

Clay Clark: All right. Welcome back to the business coach Thrivetime Show on your radio. Today we’re talking all about self assessments that your business coach can do with you. Or that through the magic of radio, through the magic of Thomas Edison’s, many of his inventions here. Thomas Edison is one of the top, most successful entrepreneurs of all time and a very, very ridiculously successful inventor.

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He had this notable quotable where he said that knowledge without application is meaningless. He said that vision without execution is hallucination. So, this entire show, the Thrivetime Show on your radio, is entirely devoted to helping you learn what you need to know. Those practical action steps that you need to take to turn your vision into reality.

You know, we’ve all had that dream to achieve time freedom and financial freedom. But many of us for whatever reason, we start a business and we have a degree. We have a knowledge of, let’s say welding. We have a knowledge of dentistry. Of photography, or whatever your core skill is. And, as a result of the education system, or the way you were raised, or what you were taught, or weren’t taught, whatever, you don’t know how to run a successful company. That’s okay. But we now are providing you business school without the BS, so that you can learn the next steps that you need to take to achieve that time freedom and financial freedom.

If you love this show, I highly recommend you go up to, the world’s most affordable business coach school. It’s a dollar for the first month. That membership includes access to the in person workshops. Because, we’re finding that thousands and thousands of people are telling us they love the videos. It helps them a lot, all the downloadables, all the templates, all the tools. They also love that one-on-one engaging workshop experience that cannot be replicated over the Internet, or over a computer screen, they like that.

Many of you right here in Tulsa, I mean, this for you is like you’ve won Life’s lottery. You’re right here located right here by the Jinx World Headquarters, the World Headquarters in Jinx, America. You’re within driving distance, so just go up to Just go up to and get your tickets for the next in person workshop. I can tell you that from my personal experience, I know you’ll have a great time. I can also tell you from the reviews that you’ll find up there from real Thrivers from all over the country who’ve attended our workshops. They leave saying this is exactly what I was looking for.

We joke around and we say from Clay to Z, it’s everything you need to know to start or grow a business. Obviously referencing my name, Clay Clark, the former SBA Entrepreneur of the Year, and Dr. Zoellner. But really and sincerely, it has built, the Thrive Time Show, our in person workshops, and coaching, have been all designed with you in mind with the goal of helping you to achieve financial freedom and time freedom.

So right now, we as business coach thinking about your differentiator. We’re asking you to rate yourself on a scale of one to ten, what makes you different from your competition? For most business owners, unfortunately, they don’t know. They never think about it. They just feel like if they have great services or great products that they will by default then take over the marketplace. It almost never works that way.


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