Business Coach Explains Ultimate Goal As The Elon Musk Phase

Scale The Business Stages With Insight From A Business Coach

System 1 – Define Your Three-Legged Marketing Stool – You must figure out the three most profitable ways to reach your ideal and likely buyers.

System 2 – Learn to Dominate Internet Marketing – Sometimes I hate to be the business coach guy who has to point out to doctors, attorneys, bakers, dentists, neurologists, roofers, real estate agents, hair stylists, carpet cleaners, appliance sellers, retailers, and everybody else….THE INTERNET IS STARTING TO CATCH ON. In all sincerity, people use their smartphone for everything so you are just DUMB if you don’t know what you are doing on the Internet when it comes to building your website, social media marketing, targeting your ideal and likely buyers, and closing deals.

System 3 – The ABC Sales Machine – You must define specifically how your ABC (Always Be Closing) Sales Machine works if you are not the one personally closing the deals.

System 4 – Define Your Product and Service Delivery Systems – You must refine and document your systems to the point that an honest moron could deliver your products and services.

System 5 – Accounting Systems – You must invest the time needed to define your break-even point, your profit per customer, your lifetime customer value, when your taxes are due, and what the heck is going on with your numbers. If you fail to do this, you will lose.

System 6 – Hiring, Managing, and Training People – As long as your business is based on Planet Earth, you are going to have to manage people. Finding, inspiring, training, and holding people accountable has proven to be almost impossible to do without following time-tested best-practice business coach management systems. Good news. We will teach you how to do this.

“I try to buy stock in businesses that are so wonderful that an idiot can run them because sooner or later, one will.” -Warren Buffett (One the of the most prolific and successful investors of all time.)

My friend, these six business coach systems comprise the foundation of every successful business so you must learn how to master these six systems. Once you master them, you will be like the Yoda of business (except I hope you don’t choose to live alone in a swamp after achieving your success).

Take the business coach assessment at and discover what your Stage 3 score is:

4.4 – Stage 4

The Adult – As an adult, you and I know that we are “supposed to act like adults” and generally we do, but occasionally we lose our minds. This is where most people get stuck.  My friend, you cannot get stuck here. MOST ENTREPRENEURS GET STUCK HERE BECAUSE THEY ARE THE ONES WHO RUN EVERY ASPECT OF THE DAILY BUSINESS OPERATIONS, THEY DRUM UP ALL OF THE HUGE SALES DEALS, AND THEY MUST MAKE EVERY KEY DECISION. Unless we can learn to raise other adults by teaching our employee children how to develop, we will get stuck here. You must learn to train people who can train people; you must learn how to grow your team into the mature adults you need them to be.

Take the assessment at and discover what your Stage 4 score is:

4.5 – Stage 5

The Adult with Grey Hair – As an adult, we can either be like Jabba the Hutt in his prime or like Richard Gere in his prime. Both are considered to be movie stars and both are males, however that is where the similarities end. When Richard started getting that grey hair, he owned it. He had that look that said, “I could be your dad or I could be dating Julia Roberts, but either way I’m a wise guy because I somehow figured out how to win in this game of life.” The goal at this stage of your business development is to be wise and to be viewed as a source of wisdom for your team, whom you keep busy executing your duplicable processes and systems. At this phase in the business game, your focus needs to be on delegating and growing your people.

Take the assessment at and discover what your Stage 5 score[3] is:

4.6 – Stage 6

The Bruce Wayne – Once you have successfully trained your people how to train people and have installed all of the systems needed for your business to run effectively and efficiently without you, it’s time for you to actually step out and focus on incrementally improving your business processes and systems, strategically coaching up your leaders to take your business to the next level. You need to be working on your business and not in your business at this point so you can focus on other more important things like “running the city.” This is the stage of business that business coach superheroes reach. I once spent the majority of an afternoon with CEO, Doctor Robert Zoellner as he attempted to bring balance to his fish aquarium because he had recently acquired an exotic fish (the only one of its kind in Oklahoma) that the other fish inside the fish tank were trying to eat. Dr. Zoellner spent hours researching what could be done to bring balance back to this ecosystem. It was incredible. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to spend your day trying to solve the problems inside your aquarium rather than trying to find the quarters that may have fallen behind your car’s seats so that you can pay for some gas? Have you ever noticed how few hours Bruce Wayne seems to be working? Now I’ve never spent any time with Batman, but it seems as though Wayne Enterprises is doing pretty well without him.

Take the assessment at and discover what your Stage 6 score is:

[1] Take the Stage 3 Assessment and get your Stage 3 score

[2] Take the Stage 4 Assessment and get your Stage 4 score

[3] Take the Stage 5 Assessment and get your Stage 5 score

[4] Take the Stage 6 Assessment and get your Stage 6 score

4.7 – Stage 7

The Elon Musk – At this stage of the business, you should start to view your team members truly as partners and your goal is to constantly make sure that your top people are focused on their highest and best use at all times. By now, you should have coached your people up to be the leaders needed to help your company dominate the marketplace. Your team should all work in concert with you to help you refine, build, and create the duplicable business systems that you are going to need to truly scale your business.

Take the assessment at and discover what your Stage 7 score is:

Take the Stage 7 Assessment and get your Stage 7 score.


December 8th, 2017


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