Practical Ways To Turn Your Dreams Into Reality + Business Coach

Business Coach Explains How To Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

The team now knew that their calls were being recorded by a business coach for quality assurance and they knew that their paychecks were tied to their performance and overall conversion rates. The team knew what and when they needed to execute their daily search engine marketing tasks and the doctor noticed that his customer database of repeat customers was growing slowly and steadily every day.

Do you want to guess what happened just 12 months after he implemented these systems? This doctor grew his medical practice by nearly 400% and was able to reduce his hours spent working in the clinic to just 35 hours per week (down from 70 hours per week). Today his business is booming and yet it is no longer time consuming. Because of the growth of the clinic, he has been able to hire another doctor to meet with patients and he simply checks in – about one hour per day – to verify that all of the daily checklists are being completed. Boom! Business coaching success!

My friend, your goal should ultimately be to build a business system that is so solid that the business does not actually need you. When you reach the point in your business career when you can spend your entire day away from the business and no one texts you, calls you or e-mails you for help, you will know that you have made it. To create this time freedom, you are going to need to create tight systems and business processes. Now it’s almost time to roll up our sleeves and get it done. However, what might be the hardest part of this process is for you to realize that this might be the first time in your career when just working harder will not produce the systematic solutions you are looking for to create both the time and financial freedom you seek. In fact, your intense work ethic may actually be part of the problem. As a business coach, I have to remind my clients: THE SYSTEMS MUST WORK WITHOUT YOU. I repeat, THE SYSTEMS MUST WORK WITHOUT YOU. Before we start, we need to figure out where you currently are. Take a moment to complete the Duplicable Business Systems Checklist Assessment found at

“Nature cannot be tricked or cheated. She will give up to you the object of your struggles only after you have paid her price.” -Napoleon Hill (Best-selling author of Think & Grow Rich)

3.6 – Foreseeable Milestones

If you were in my shoes (you would be wearing brown size thirteen Johnston & Murphy dress shoes), after working with thousands of companies you would see that nearly every business goes and grows through a very predictable pathway. At first, the business struggles to survive and make a profit in the crowd of capitalism. The founder of the business consumes every possible form of energy drink known to man while attempting to become the world’s best marketer, accountant, manager, and public relations wizard. If the owner keeps his or her sanity while creating enough profit to sustain the business, the owner then begins to build a successful business that is dependent upon him for everything. No systems are in place, but the profitability is consistent and so the owner (I’m sure not you) is typically not open to advice or feedback from a business coach because he has finally started to develop some traction after the doubters and sideline theorists said it couldn’t be done.

Eventually the owner begins to realize that she is getting a little older and that she is going to have to build a duplicable and systematic approach to generating consistent profits or she isn’t ever going to get out of the office again. Once the owner COMMITS TO SYSTEMATIZING THE BUSINESS IN A DUPLICABLE WAY THAT ALLOWS HER TO CONSISTENTLY CREATE A PROFIT BY ADDING VALUE TO HER IDEAL AND LIKELY BUYERS, that’s usually when great things start happening. The business begins producing profits while she is on vacation with her family or in the backyard attempting to find her five-year-old daughter’s shoe (which I currently spend half of my life doing. With five kids, I’m very aware that the stores sell kid’s shoes in pairs, yet they are always losing one. I basically needed to achieve both financial and time freedom just so that I would have enough time to find shoes and buy shoes when I can’t find them). My friend, I want to ask you. Why do you want to build and grow a business? I challenge you to take the three minutes needed to fill out the Goal Identifier and Motivation Discovery tool available at

[1] Take the Duplicable Business Systems Checklist Assessment

[2] Fill out the Goal Identifier and Motivation Discovery Tool

“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” -Pablo Picasso (Renowned painter, sculptor, ceramicist, stage designer, and playwright)

4.0 – The Practical Steps of Turning Your Dreams Into Reality

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” -Jim Rohn (Bestselling author and world-famous motivational speaker)

Alright, now I need your permission to GET INTENSE HERE FOR A SECOND and I need for you to UNDERLINE AND HIGHLIGHT THESE WORDS. Nobody cares about your success more than you and in most cases, even at all. I care and you care, and potentially you have a spouse, partner, or friend who really cares, but NOBODY IS GOING TO CARE ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS MORE THAN YOU. When it’s time for your first all-nighter, most people are not going to be with you cheering and helping you along. My friend, if you are going to go down this path of turning your dreams into reality, I know the way and our entire team of Mentors (visit them at know the way, and you can refer to this book, come to a workshop, or give us a call if you ever get stuck, but you must keep moving. You must COMMIT TO TAKING MASSIVE ACTION. My friend, here is an outline of the process that you will be going through.

4.1 – Stage 1

Giving Birth – You are going to need to formalize your business plan, raise the capital you need, create your logo, create your website, create your initial marketing materials and go out there to see if the world is willing to pay you for the solutions you provide. You think you know who your ideal and likely buyers are, but you aren’t exactly sure. YOU JUST WANT TO FIGURE OUT IF THE HUMAN RACE AND THE MARKETPLACE IS WILLING TO BUY YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE AT A PRICE THAT WILL ALLOW YOU TO ACHIEVE FINANCIAL PROSPERITY. During this phase you are going to work countless hours as you try to encourage yourself, fight off doubters, and tell your inner “I’m-scared-out-of-my-mind-that-I’m-an-idiot-if-this-fails” to shut up. If you are crazy enough to go out there and start a business, this shall be your life for a while, however with our business coach help, you can get through this phase much more quickly.

December 8th, 2017


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