How to Know If a Business Conference Is Right for You?

Business Conferences Designed for Business Owners

Throughout the years Clay Clark and the team have received rave reviews from the owners of auto repair shops, bakeries, banks, car washes, dental practices, financial planning businesses, gyms, hair salons, insurance agencies, law practices, medical facilities, pizzerias, photography studios, real estate agencies, real estate photographers, surgery centers, wedding photographers, etc. Because our business conferences were designed for business owners and people who can first-hand relate the challenges of simultaneously managing the marketing, accounting, sales, recruitment and quality control aspects of a business. Our conferences were not designed for people who are searching for the “fire of desire that is required” to start a successful business or “wantrepreneurs” who like to “play business” or to discuss the “idea of owning a business someday.” Our business workshops have been designed by Clay Clark for the real business owners like you. Today, according to Forbes, 9 out of 10 startup businesses fail and this is in a world where just 9% of Americans ever actually go out and start a business. This means that our workshops are designed for just .009% of the population and for people who have already trained their entrepreneur mindset and who have already retrained their minds by reading Napoleon Hill, Og Mandino, Dale Carnegie and other inspirational self-help authors. Our business conferences are designed to teach you the practical specific steps that you must take in order to take your business to the next level and to move beyond just surviving in the world of business.

You must bring a belief that you have the capacity and tenacity needed to succeed

Once you are taught specifically what you need to do to turn your business goals and dreams into reality, it’s up to you to implement what you have learned. Having grown businesses consistently since 1999, Clay has found that nothing will work unless you do. When attending our business conferences, you must view our event as the catalyst for your commencement (which means beginning). Ideas are easy, but implementation is hard, however when you do hard things, your life will get easier. When you mentally decide to become a doer and an implementer and not just another idea chasing person who feels “called” to achieve more while never actually implementing what you are learning you will begin to generate personal momentum, confidence and actual success. It all starts with changing your mindset. First you change your mind, then you change the actions you take, then you change your habits, then you change the results you begin to see and soon you too will become a powerful and intentional person.


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Do you feel stuck in your business?

If you feel stuck in your business and you are constantly spinning your wheels doing the same thing and seeing no results, it is time to make a change. Here at the Thrivetime Show, our mission is to mentor millions of diligent doers and that includes you. Because of this, we make sure that we are able to take a step-by-step approach to help you with your biggest limiting factor. We have found that every business owner faces the same similar challenges and limiting factors regarding their business. We believe that most businesses have more in common than not. For example, a plumber may have the exact same staffing problems as a non-profit organization. A retail business may have the same branding issues or marketing issues as a plumber has when it comes to producing leads. Either way, Clay Clark has the same proven systems needed to help you get your business unstuck.

At the Thrivetime Show, our founders are the owners of 15 multimillion-dollar businesses. Our founder, Clay Clark and our CEO, Doctor Robert Zoellner own several different businesses such as The Elephant in the Room, a chain of men’s grooming lounges, a marketing agency, an auto auction, an optometry clinic, a real estate company and more. Over the years at the Thrivetime Show, we have worked with businesses in nearly every industry (besides the petting zoo industry) so you can know that we are teaching specifics that will apply and help you grow your business. In all of our experience helping business owners to grow their business and to find solutions to problems, we have found the same problems over and over. Our heart is to help you and we want to teach the same 13 point business system that Dr. Zoellner and Clay Clark have used to build their own 15 multimillion dollar businesses.

At the Thrivetime Show, our goal is to help you identify your biggest limiting factor and teach you the proven system to fix those. Whether your biggest limiting factor is marketing, sales, accounting, management, hiring, determining your value proposition, time management, creating systems, conversion rates or anything else, we have you covered.

We work with business owners all the time that are stuck working IN their business and they need help to start working ON their business. We work with business owners all the time with most entrepreneurs who find it difficult to duplicate themselves.

Is there one specific thing in your business that is suffering more than others?

We understand that everyone in every business is going to face a different limiting factor. If your limiting factor is marketing, we have a solution for you. If your limiting factor is hiring, we have a solution for you. If your limiting factor is sales, we also have a solution for you. We truly have a system no matter what your biggest limiting factor is. This is why the business conference is broken up into sessions where we cover a specific topic and won’t move on to the next one until every single attendee has all of their questions answered.

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October 16th, 2019


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