See What People Are Saying About
the Thrivetime Show 2-Day Business Conferences
– February 2020 Conference – Part 2 –

“Clay’s presentation is so fun, engaging, you never get time to get bored…”

My name is Debbie Beck and I’m from north Texas. I’m in the VIOP phone business and the name of our company is Vested Networks. One of the very first things I’m going to do that I’ve learned at this business conference is wake up an hour earlier and go through page four to page eight every single day. On page four it talks about the six Fs. Your goals for your family, your faith, your fitness, your finances and I can’t remember the other two, but those are the things that I’m going to be doing and implementing every single day. Clay’s presentation is so fun, engaging, you never get time to get bored because he is … all the information is very pertinent and he does it in a very fun format. Everyone should come to the Thrive weekend conference because you learn so much. It’s going to increase your finances. It’s going to give you the knowledge that you need to be successful in business and you will not regret it.

What he does works. And he really wants to help your business work.

I’m Brittany Ferris from Dallas, Texas. I’m with Vested Networks. It’s in the business voiceover internet phone system, so it’s business phones, desk phones primarily. We do a lot with the search, I don’t know what SOP stands for, we do a lot of Google reviews, a lot of putting our name on the board, getting us high on the map for Google, so when someone searches phone system anywhere in the DFW area we’ll pop up first and it helps us generate leads. That’s a lot of what we focus on. And then a lot of what I do is implement hiring processes, HR processes, making sure that our business is efficient and compliant.

Clay is wild. This whole place is wild. I read a lot of Clay’s books before I got here so I had some idea of what was going to happen, but seeing it in a person is just completely different. Clay has a lot of off the wall ideas, but at the end of the day it works. What he does works. And he really wants to help your business work.

It’s very different coming to this business conference, than doing say… We did a small business expo. In a place like this we are all making friends. We’re making connections. We’re talking with some of the top millionaires in the country. Trading trade advices, getting advice on our personal business. It’s very personalized.

You have to, just for the experience, if not for the advice that you get. It’s just a crazy experience to be able to come and get advice, again, from some of the top businessmen in the country and being able to really get that personal touch of it. So if you don’t choose to get a coach from Clay, which we have, and we love it, if you don’t choose to do that, you still need to come to the conference. It’s great advice, great people, and it’s a great time.

I’m Brittany Ferris from Dallas, Texas. I’m with Vested Networks. It’s in the business voiceover internet phone system, so it’s business phones, desk phones primarily. We do a lot with the search, I don’t know what SOP stands for, we do a lot of Google reviews, a lot of putting our name on the board, getting us high on the map for Google, so when someone searches phone system anywhere in the DFW area we’ll pop up first and it helps us generate leads. That’s a lot of what we focus on.

And then a lot of what I do is implement hiring processes, HR processes, making sure that our business is efficient and compliant.

Clay is wild. This whole place is wild. I read a lot of Clay’s books before I got here so I had some idea of what was going to happen, but seeing it in a person is just completely different. Clay has a lot of off the wall ideas, but at the end of the day it works. What he does works. And he really wants to help your business work.

It’s very different coming to this conference, than doing say… We did a small business expo. In a place like this we are all making friends. We’re making connections. We’re trading Google reviews. We’re talking with some of the top millionaires in the country. Trading trade advices, getting advice on our personal business. It’s very personalized.

You have to, just for the experience, if not for the advice that you get. It’s just a crazy experience to be able to come and get advice, again, from some of the top businessmen in the country and being able to really get that personal touch of it. So if you don’t choose to get a coach from Clay, which we have, and we love it, if you don’t choose to do that, you still need to come to the conference. It’s great advice, great people, and it’s a great time.

“Thrivetime Show Business conference is one of the best business workshops out there.”

My name is Vic, AKA Super Vic, and I’m from Sacramento, California. I am in the coffee industry and my business’ name is Luchador Coffee. What I am applying that I learned from the conference is I learned SEO, Search Engine Optimization. How to, specifically, how to optimize and use my core business, basically, to get more leads.

Clay Clark is an amazing individual. He has a very unique presentation style that is very different from any other presenter I have witnessed in the past.

Thrivetime Show Business conference is one of the best business workshops out there. A lot of the other business conferences have been to in the past have been very rah, rah motivational. This one’s super actionable and practical. Everyone should attend at least one ThriveTime Show business conferences, so that you are able to have met the proven system, tactics and principals to grow your business.

It’s going to help us in almost every aspect of of our company.

Wes MacPherson, in Sacramento California. Yeah, we do garage organization products, so we do garage cabinets, epoxy floors, stuff like that. And the name of our business is Organized Storage Solutions.

Oh, lots of different ways. I mean, we’re going to be able to come up with some processes, some sales implementations. We’re going to be able to hire proper people for our jobs. It’s going to help us in almost every aspect of of our company.

Clay’s style is awesome. It’s very easy to learn. It’s not difficult. The way that he walks you through the book and actually has you guys write stuff down, all the different chapters, is actually very easy and easy to retain, also.

So this is, I’m going to say, very fun. It’s low stress. I mean, everything that goes on here is really fun. It’s not a boring presentation that I’ve been to hundreds of times that you really get one or two things out. You can almost get something out of every single session at this conference.

I would say if you’re in business, you need to be here because even though you think you’re doing everything the way it needs to be done, I guarantee you’re missing a couple of few things that would really benefit your business and take you to the next level.

He covers everything in two day and most conferences and classes can’t do that.

My name is John Edson. I’m from Tulsa, Oklahoma.

I’m in the HVAC industry. I haven’t started a business yet, but I’m here to get some concepts. I want to start a business and so far, it’s been great. Getting a lot of good concepts.

Again, I haven’t started a business yet, but this is giving me a good foundation. I’ll be for sure starting off on the right foot. Because some time people start business and then have to go back and change some things, but I’ll be able to get started just right because of everything I’m learning.

The atmosphere is energetic. I like the style. He’s got a laid back, just comfortable. Love it.

It’s a two day conference, but there’s a lot of energy, a lot of information, going over a lot of different things. He covers everything in two day and most conferences and classes can’t do that.

You’re going to love it. You’re going to love the style. You’re going to love the input you’re going to get. I can’t even come up with all the words. But just awesome. You just have to be here.

“We’re excited about the future and the future things that we’ll be applying especially in the hiring areas.”

Bill and Dawn Mountain. We’re from Pennsylvania. We are in the carpet cleaning business, floor cleaning, textiles. Our business is Bill Mountain Thorough Clean. We already started. We’ve been working with a drive team for a couple of months. It’s been a profound affect on our business. We’re excited about the future and the future things that we’ll be applying especially in the hiring areas. It’s some of the biggest frustrations that we often, we have as well as that we see all the time with other businesses.

A lot of energy.

A lot of energy. High impact, but very good, solid information as well. It’s mixed-in, it’s fun, but yet it’s not … It’s real. It’s truthful. If you own a business … I’ve been to a lot of different conferences, but more … There’s holes and gaps in theirs. This is the complete package. It really is. If you’re not one of these, you’re missing out, truly.

It’s all about practical action steps that you can take.

My name is Jonathan. I’m actually from Belgium, that’s right North of France. I am in the business coaching of, kind of like Clay, growing businesses. I work with Tim Redmond of Redmond Growth. Oh, everything. Whether it’s business or in my personal life, it allows me to get things done and help others see what they have to help them achieve their goals.

Boom. Like that. It’s like above and beyond. Everything he does, it will grab your attention. There’s never a dull moment and it’s all about practical action steps that you can take. I’ve never been to another workshop, but I’ll tell you I won’t, because this has everything that you need and everything that I’ve ever asked for.

The reason you should attend Thrive Time show business conference is, I mean, can you hear this right now? There’s energy here. We’ve got people talking. There’s people like you, people who want to grow their businesses well and people who are already in the spot that you want to be in. You get to talk to them and just learn a whole lot from Clay.


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