What Should I Bring to Business Conferences?

To get the most out of your Thrivetime Show business conferences experience you will want to bring pens, a notebook for taking notes, a coachable mind, and most importantly, QUESTIONS! Clay’s focus is on providing you with the proven processes, strategies and systems that will create success in your life and not on teaching general concepts, theories and vague leadership principles. Whereas most conferences focus on feelings, emotions and making sure that you have a “blasty-blast” as the people around you clap and cheer before walking on hot coals together, We focus on teaching you the “nitty-gritty” action steps that you need to take in order to turn your dream into reality and we do not move on from a topic if people are not getting it or still have questions.

What is a Coachable Mindset?

If you are looking to attend one of our business conferences, it is imperative that you become a coachable person. You will absolutely learn nothing from the conference if you do not come with a coachable mindset that is ready to learn. Here at the Thrivetime Show, we are committed to making sure that we help real people with real problems. We are not in business to sell tickets to anyone who is able to buy a ticket.

If you listen to the Thrivetime Show Business Podcast, or if you have subscribed to our online business school, or if you have been a part of the Thrive Podcast Nation for any period of time, you understand how important a coachable mindset is. The quote from John Doerr when he was speaking to Eric Schmidt, who is the CEO and chairman of Google in Fortune magazine sums it up perfectly. John said to Eric, “My advice to you is to have a coach.” Eric Scmidt proceeds to say, “I initially resented the fact because after all, I was the CEO. I was pretty experienced. Why would I need a coach? Am I doing something wrong? My argument was, how could a coach advise me if I’m the best person in the world with this? But that’s not what a coach does. The coach doesn’t have to play the sport as well as you do. They have to watch you and get you to be the best. In the business context, a coach is not a repetitious coach. A coach is somebody who looks at something with another set of eyes, describes it to you in (his) words, and discusses how to approach the problem.” 


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At the conference, you will be able to be taught by business coach, Clay Clark while hearing from multiple other guest speakers and their insight into how to run a successful business as they share in a no-holds-barred. In order to have a coachable mindset, you must understand that certain aspects within your business must be changed. You will be able to learn so much more here at the Thrivetime Show Business Workshops when you are able to actually absorb the information that is presented. When attending, you want to take notes so that you can process how this information could apply to your business and determined that you will execute a plan to make these changes.

If you don’t come to the workshop with a coachable mindset, you will spend the entire time refuting these proven successful processes rather than actually taking notes, absorbing the information and committing to a change. The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is not intelligence. The difference between successful people and those who want to be successful is their ability to be coachable. This is what we challenge you to do before you come to one of the conferences. Choose to be coachable. If you are already a coachable person, never change.

Should I bring food?

Food is provided and catered during both days of the conference so you do not need to worry about what you are going to eat at the conference. We are proud to say that the catering is incredible and you will leave feeling spoiled, pampered and educated.

Some of our conference attendees like to keep snacks at their desks. You are welcome to bring snacks if you would like. We also have a fully stocked coffee bar, water, and hot tea. If you prefer beverages other than water, coffee, or tea, we encourage you to bring your beverage of choice. 

Can I bring a list of questions that I would like to have answered at the conference?

Clay is passionate about making sure that each and every attendee leaves each event with all of their questions answered so we highly recommend that you would bring a list of questions that you want to have answered at the conference. In between each 45 minute training we take a 15 minute break for conference attendees, like you to ask all of your questions.


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What will you take home with you?

In terms of tangibles, Clay will provide you with a generous buffet of best-practice documents, testimonials, workflows, scripts and everything that you will need to implement what you are being taught at the workshop as well as a physically copy of BOOM: The Business Coach Playbook: The 13 Proven Steps for Business Success. His book is filled with checklists, systems, notable quotables, case-studies, examples, and the systematic strategies that both Doctor Robert Zoellner and Clay Clark have used to build 15 mult-million dollar companies. 

At the Thrivetime Show business conferences, you will leave with a massive to-do list of action items that will be ready for you to execute when you return home. The key is execution. Over the years, thousands of former conference attendees that have returned to our conferences tell us how the simple proven step-by-step processes and systems dramatically transformed their business in a very short amount of time.

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October 16th, 2019


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