Free Now I See eBook

Vanessa Clark’s son was born blind. After a series of desperate doctor’s visits and endless tests, the top medical experts unanimously agreed…Vanessa’s infant would never see, however, Vanessa refused to believe that the almighty loving God she served would allow this to be the end of the story. In this powerful memoir from the heart of a Mother who dared to believe God, comes a story that will build your faith. Vanessa candidly shares her journey from devastation to celebration, as she turned to God in prayer and discovered what the Bible really says about Divine Healing. You will be encouraged as you read how she learned to hear God’s “still, small voice” and began walking in simple faith and obedience, while building up her spirit to withstand the fear & doubt that came at every turn. Today, Aubrey is a walking miracle. Perhaps you are believing for healing and have struggled with the same questions and doubts. It doesn’t matter what you are facing or what you have believed in the past, somehow you were divinely led to pick up this book. Allow God to speak to you as you read this faith-filled account that proves God IS a healing God, and He is still in the miracle business today!

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