As I have stated repeatedly, the greatest danger in America comes not from radical left wing socialist democrats who are weaponizing the Biden Justice Department to harass decent Americans who oppose the draconian and authoritarian policies of the current administration, but from the gutless, feckless, weak-kneed establishment Republicans who say and do nothing to oppose these shocking tactics and policies.
There is no more stark example of this odious type of establishment Republican than Senator James Lankford of Oklahoma. Lankford not only voted to certify the fraudulent election of Joe Biden, but he also actually apologized to the thugs at Black Lives Matter saying that any question regarding the legitimacy of the 2020 election would be “racist”!
Oklahoma Senator Lankford also voted to confirm the appointment of Attorney General Merrick Garland who has classified parents who exercise their free speech rights to oppose the mandatory masking of our children in the public schools as “domestic terrorists” as well as teaching the radical “critical race theory”, which falsely insists that every white person in American history was a racist who exploited African Americans.
Incredibly, Senator Lankford also supports open borders and the flooding of illegal immigrants into the United States as well as opposing a formal investigation by the U.S. Senate into the deaths of the brave Americans killed at Benghazi under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Fortunately, a legitimate and formidable challenger to Senator Lankford, has emerged and is gaining real traction in the race for the 2022 Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate in Oklahoma. Jackson Lahmeyer, a pastor, businessman, father, and family man is confounding the political experts based on the growing grassroots support he is gathering.
I am proud to have endorsed Jackson Lahmeyer who has won the endorsement of Oklahoma State Republican Party Chairman John Bennett as well as long time Trump political advisor Roger Stone, and who has the best chance in the nation to defeat a RINO and replace him with a true advocate for the U.S. Constitution and policies that put America First.
While Jackson Lahmeyer, has successfully raised over $500,000 from over 4,000 donors, the real question is whether or not he will be able to raise enough money to pay for the expensive Network Television, cable news, radio, and digital advertising to be competitive with Senator James Lankford, who’s reelection war chest is bulging with $2,397,624 from various Washington D.C. based special interest groups.
Please take just a minute to look at this powerful TV commercial which I believe every single Oklahoma Republican must see before the Oklahoma State Primary next year.
I think you will agree that Jackson Lahmeyer is exactly the kind of committed Christian and solid conservative that we need in the U.S Senate to fight those who would essentially cancel the U.S. Constitution and the freedoms that it guarantees.
I am committed to doing everything necessary to help Jackson Lahmeyer in his uphill but promising campaign for the U.S. Senate that’s why I am asking you to make your maximum possible contribution in this vital effort to put America First. You can contribute by going here now.
I will always be grateful for your loyal support when I was fighting for my life against the epically corrupt Mueller Witch Hunt and their entire bogus Russian Collusion Hoax fabricated to take down President Donald Trump. Now I must call on you again in this vital struggle for the future of America.
Please send me your response as soon as possible. Every day counts in our effort to raise enough money to go toe to toe with one of the most despicable establishment Republicans who have forgotten why they went to Washington and what they are supposed to stand for.
Please rush me your answer today.
God Bless you,
General Michael Flynn (Ret.)
P.S. If you are uncomfortable entering your financial data on the internet, you can mail a check made payable to Lahmeyer for U.S. Senate to 3939 S Harvard Ave #140, Tulsa, OK 74135.
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