Will this system work for my athletic coaching business?

Business Coaching for Athletic Coaches

“We wouldn’t be where we’re at today without Clay Clark and the Thrivetime Show team.”

I played basketball at the University of Oklahoma and my father was a high school coach. When I got out of college what I wanted to do was coach. I coached in college for about four years and then I had my son and life changed. My son was terminally ill, he had Muscular Dystrophy, what’s called Duchenne, at the time I was working for a school, I needed to make more money because of all the doctor bills, all that kind of stuff you’ve got to buy and everything and so I started doing just a side program with Score, just doing a few basketball lessons. My schedule filled up. At the time my son was in a wheelchair, it got to be quite a struggle with him and so it was a constant fight every day…do I work? Do I spend my time with him? How much time do I spend working? But what I learned from the Thrivetime Show business coaching for athletic coaches program is you still have to get your job done. I’m not a business owner, and I’m probably a terrible business owner, back a couple of years ago because I had parents tell me all the time, “Boy I wish I’d have known about you three years ago.” Or, “I’ve never heard of Score.”

We get that all the time. And then, doing the finances, doing just everything that I had to do was just eating me alive. It would take hours every day and so I needed to get smart about doing my business. All of us need a game plan and Thrivetime Show has helped me tremendously with that game plan. We changed how I was charging. We changed the programs we were doing, we changed the advertisement we were doing. We started doing everything smart. We’re the largest basketball facility in the three or four State area. We have people that call us from all over Oklahoma because of our website. My time has been freed up tremendously because I’m not involved in all the little things. It’s just streamlining your business so it’s not taking just all of your time away from your family. My wife is very important to me, my kids, I’ve got to have some of that as well and as a business owner if you allow your business to eat you up well it’s not really worth it. You’ve got to have a value of life as well. We wouldn’t be where we’re at today without Clay Clark and the Thrivetime Show team.

“I believe everybody should have a coach.”

My name is Christian Derr and my business is Clinch Martial Arts. I teach Brazilian and Jiu-Jitsu in Owasso Oklahoma. The business coaching for athletic coaches program helps out a lot. I believe everybody should have a coach. It saves a lot of time and helps you stay focused. Sometimes when we work in our business so much we get so focused on what we’re doing that we don’t take time out to look at the big picture, and Thrive has helped me out a lot with thinking about the processes that take place in my business and how to make them more efficient, better. The accountability factor of having to report to a business coach, you know what I mean? You set goals and you have to do these actions to meet the goal. It’s nice to have somebody say, “Well, hey, did you do that action?” If it’s just you, sometimes it’s hard to keep yourself accountable. I think those are probably the best ways that Thrive has helped me.

“It has been an absolute game changer.”

Just got done with my meeting here at Thrive with Mr. Marshall, and at the beginning of our meeting, we were just talking about the different big wins that we’ve had and some growth that we’ve experienced since we started working with Thrive in their business coaching for athletic coaches program. And one huge thing that our company does is we have evaluation lessons and that’s what gets people into the door to get them exposed to our program and used to, before we started working with Thrive, we might have eight evaluation lessons in a month. Maybe one or two in a week. But now, at this point, we have eight this week. Eight evaluation lessons this week. Just tomorrow, we have five evaluation lessons and our schedule’s getting so packed out that we’re borderline running out of room to even to schedule more evaluation lessons, which is why they are also helping us duplicate what I’m able to do in getting other coaches involved in the hiring process and gets into a lot of other levels of things that we are currently working on.

But man, everything is just going so fantastic. Our growth has really, really, really taken off since we’ve started working here with Thrive and their team. Clay and the team’s been such a huge help to us. So that is just an update as to where are. Right now at Tumble Smart, working with Thrive. It’s been so awesome, it’s been a great experience, been learning so much and the business is just taking off. So, appreciate everything that Thrive does. We just wanted to talk about how awesome it’s been since we’ve been working with Marshall and getting Google reviews, as simple as that.

Within the first two weeks, we’ve obtained 19 Google reviews and it has been an absolute game changer. And my mom, she’s actually the one that takes the calls, so she’s been seeing it in action more so than I have, but she’ll kind of talk about the experience that she’s had since we’ve got the Google reviews.

Yeah. What’s been exciting is we obviously get calls all the time, people asking about tumbling lessons, gymnastics, that kind of thing. So when I asked how did you hear about us? When they read our Google reviews, they’re really excited because they can see how their children are going to benefit. One lady said, she says, this is exactly the facility that I want to take my child to. Again, looking at the Google reviews and now, of course, it’s going to update our website. It’s just going to be a lot more easy to manage. So, we’re really excited that we found Thrive, and it’s helping build of course the stand or the face that we are here in Tulsa.

Yup. And I would say one thing is, especially if you have a good relationship with your customers and with your clients, it’s not a big thing to ask for them to leave a Google review. So it might seem a little bit daunting at first, but if you just ask them, hey, you know, we’re trying to work on our web presence and we want to make sure that other people in the area can find good help with whatever your business is. And you just ask them, they’ll do it like a no brainer as soon as you ask them. So, it’s not hard at all. So I would definitely recommend, get as many Google reviews as possible, and it’s going to really help your business out.


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