Will this system work for my chiropractic practice?

Business Coaching for Chiropractors

“We’re climbing the Google search engine each day.”

Well, I’m happy to report that December of 2018 we had our highest grossing month. So, I’m super excited about that. Ever. In the business coaching for chiropractors program that Thrive has, we had to look at our price structure. We have to be honest with the value and what it costs to deliver services, and we can’t continue to give away services for free, or losing money on them. And so that was one of the big steps. We also had to get rid of toxic employees or even contractors in our case, the massage therapist, our self-employed contractors. I was non-existent on our SEO. I mean, I literally was non-existent. Not findable.

If you put my name in exactly spelled correctly, you might’ve found me on 20 pages back. So, that all started from scratch and we now have over 257 reviews, and we’re climbing the Google search engine each day. That’s a nice, new thing. People come in and are like, “Hey, I saw your reviews.” Really? Literally, from a year and a half ago to now, we’re up double.

We very intensely went over a lot of scripting and things in our business coaching for chiropractors meetings. But then also we do have a no-brainer offer, and so the conversion aspect of that to go from “Hey, this is all free” to “I do expect you to pay me at some point.” Getting a better conversion script for me to work from has also been very helpful. So just before working with Tim, we had some change-up and some people left on their own accord and they were about to have that conversation anyway, so it worked out. Nice timing. Yeah, so we brought on some great people in the last year, and now we’re operating from a totally different way of thinking about that with not being held captive and hostage in my own office.

I’ve been a doctor and chiropractor for the last 15 years, but to be a successful doctor’s kind of a little better. I needed tangible action steps. Like, give me a task to do today that I can put my hands to work on doing that. I mean, I had to borrow money from family members but now I do not have to.

“I don’t know where we’d have been without these guys.”

Hey, I just wanted to take a minute to talk about Thrive and what they’ve done for me. My experience with them started at a business conference. I was just kind of feeling stuck and just needed something to light my creative juices, and a friend of mine recommended I go check them out and I did, and certainly nothing short of amazing that just that weekend seminar as far as what it did for me.

Based on that I wanted to learn more about what they could do to help me and there’s no doubt without their help, I don’t know if I would have got where I want to go and even to the point where I am now. If you are someone who’s looking to start a business or expand your current business I highly recommend you give these guys a look as they will at least give you an idea of what it’s going to take to get you from where you are now to where you want to go in the future.

I’m a guy with a big vision and I just didn’t quite know how to get from point A to point B and they’re certainly helping me get to that point down the road. If you look at this board behind you, this is all stuff that they’ve made me think about if you will.

So yeah, if you are thinking about joining the business coaching for Chiropractors program. I think it will be well worth your time.

Hey, this is Dr. Jay Schroder from Healthworks Chiropractic here in Franklin, just outside of Nashville. Just wanted to record my experience with Thrive over the last 16 months, I think it’s been, almost 18 months with these guys. They have really helped me turn my clinic around, my clinics around. I came to Thrive in February of ’17 and we had a successful practice, but it was very much insurance model, insurance based. We had a huge industry change at the end of 2016 that just totally devastated us and the way we did business and treated patients and our business model. So I knew I had to make a change to survive, and with having two clinics, I liken it to having a big ship in the sea. It doesn’t just happen quickly. So I signed up with Clay and Thrive and Eric Chum was my coach and we’d gone through a ton. I can say 16 months later, I don’t know where we’d have been without these guys, but I know where we’re at now.

We haven’t met all our goals yet, but I know that I’ve achieved some things, such as time freedom. I’m only seeing patients now two days a week. We’ve got systems in place that make the practices no longer reliant on me being there for them to be successful. That was a huge goal of mine when I first talked to them. We’re working towards our financial goals. We’ll be there probably within six months. My stress level has gone down. I’ll be going on vacation next week, not worrying a bit about what’s happening with my two practices because I know the systems that we’ve put in place is going to make them run as if I was there. So I don’t know what else to say but thank you, guys. I love … I look forward to my weekly coaching calls and it’s always something that I get out of those that I can plug in or talk to an employee. It’s just 2%. They talk about 2% all the time. You’ve got to improve by 2%. You can’t do it all at once, but that 2% over the last 16 to 18 months has made a huge difference for my life, my family, our practice, and again, just the stress level that we were at compared to now has been life-changing. So thanks, guys. Really appreciate all you do and look forward to the next 16 to 18 months and beyond. Thanks.


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