The Ultimate


Business Coach | Real Business Coaching

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  • Need more time freedom?
  • Searching for a proven path?
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  • Need to improve your sales and marketing?

“When everyday is bring your child to work day.”

Business Coach | FastCompany

Founder of 4 Multimillion Dollar Businesses

Co-host of the ThriveTime Radio Show – Owned by Scripps owners of HGTV, the Travel Channel

Business Coach | HGTV - Travel Channel

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  • Start Here E-Book
    (the world’s best business book)
  • Weekly 1hr Coaching Call
    (ask Clay anything)
  • Unlimited Access to 2-Day
    15hr Thrive Workshops
  • Access to thousands of online
    business trainings.

“I’ve seen Tony Robbins and I’ve seen Jack Canfield and Clay made a far greater impact on me than either one of them as great as they were and as great as they are.”
– Mortgage Architects

“The Jim Carrey of entrepreneurs!”
Business Coach | Yahoo Finance

“With new tools like Thrive15, people of any age can learn to start or take their business to the next level.”
– Martin Zwilling
(How to Prepare for the Entrepreneur Life you Want)

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Achieve time and financial freedom so you can spend time achieving your F6 goals.

Business Coach | F6 Goals

The Ultimate Mentorship

  • Learn the proven techniques, systems and secrets to success with Weekly (ASK ANYTHING) community phone calls with Mr. Clay Clark. Allow Clay to teach you the best-practice systems that have allowed both he and Doctor Zoellner to build numerous multi-million dollar businesses.
  • Access to a growing “The Vault” of the best-practice scripts, recordings, example, tools and templates created and used by Mr. Clark and Doctor Zoellner to grow their own companies.
  • Access to a MASSIVE video vault of 3,000 + training videos featuring NBA Hall of Fame Basketball Player (David Robinson), the former Executive Vice President of Walt Disney World Resorts (Lee Cockerell), the PR consultant of choice for Nike, Pizza Hut, Prince, Michael Jackson, etc. (Michael Levine) and more…
  • Unlimited access to the monthly 2-day in person Thrive Workshops.
  • Learn the Millionaire Mindset to Time Management
  • Learn the Laws of Leadership
  • Exclusive Content
  • The step-by-step system to create a turnkey business model just like Clay did.
  • An E-Book version of Doctor Zoellner and Clay Clark’s, BOOM: The 13-Point Path to Business Success.
  • Learn the Proven Path to Building Time and Financial Freedom
  • Learn the Laws of tPersonal Productivity and How to Move Beyond Feeling Overwhelmed
  • Learn How to Build the 3-Legged Marketing Stool to Generate More Leads
  • Learn How to Sell More Now
  • Learn How to Create a Repeatable Sales Machine
  • Learn How to Stay Motivated
  • Learn How to Develop a World-Class Brand
  • Learn How to Develop a Turnkey Business Model
  • Learn the Keys to Effective Digital Advertising
  • Learn How to Design a Customer Service Experience That Produces a High Net Promoter Score
  • Learn the Art of Human Resources
  • Learn How to Build a Big Business While Staying Happily Married
  • Learn Management Mastery – How to Hire, Inspire, Fire and Management People Effectively
  • Learn How to Effectively Lead Meetings
  • Learn Accounting
  • Learn How to Franchise Your Proven Business Model
  • Learn How to Raise Capital
  • Learn How to Improve Your Personal Communication Skills
  • Learn How to Manage Fear, Rejection, etc.
  • Learn How to Expand Your Network and to Gain Friends Faster
  • Learn How to Make More Money Now

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