See What People Are Saying About
the Thrivetime Show 2-Day Business Conferences

They’re missing out on a lot of great opportunities and information to better themselves.

My name is Larry Brown and I’m from Tulsa, Oklahoma. The business that I’m involved in is I work with the Thrivetime Show. I would best describe the business conferences atmosphere as high energy, very goal oriented, they get stuff done here. It’s great, I love it. I would describe Clay’s presentation style as just amazing, highly entertaining, full of information, it’s very lovable. Everyone should definitely come here and listen to it. My favorite aspect of the conference would definitely be the Q&A session. It was good to see the massive collaboration of questions all the business owners had and it was good to see what information that Clay could help them with. That was probably the best thing. People would be missing out a great opportunity to grow as a company, as a business owner, as an entrepreneur, or even just as an employee. They’re missing out on a lot of great opportunities and information to better themselves.

The atmosphere here has been incredible, unlike anything I’ve seen.

My name is Kyle and I am from Edmond, Oklahoma. I am involved in a State Farm agency in Edmond, Oklahoma. I heard about these business conferences from my current boss who is a State Farm agent, Bronson. The atmosphere here has been incredible, unlike anything I’ve seen. I mean the energy here is just through the roof. It’s very appealing and addicting to be a part of. Clay’s presentation style is very educational, entertaining. He’s funny, but he’s a genius in what he does and it’s just very informal. It’s been great. My favorite aspect of the business conference, I think the biggest thing I’ll take away is this creating a daily schedule, and designing your day is something that I’m really gonna take away from this, and I think it’s really gonna help me. What is somebody missing out on if they decide not to come is just to continue to be stuck in their own ways, and not thinking outside the box. That’s what this has allowed me to do is really think outside the box and think differently.

You are missing out on the opportunity to take your business to the next level.

My name is Stephanie, and I am from Colorado. We own a compression sock business. We heard about the business conferences because my parents are from this area and actually are clients here. The atmosphere is so inspiring. There’s a lot of fun, but there’s so much learning, so much energy, and so much passion and drive for everybody’s everything. Very direct and very helpful and very specific. Anybody that has a question he will stop the whole thing to make sure that your question is answered before you leave. You are missing out on the opportunity to take your business to the next level.

“It’s not really like anything else I’ve ever seen before.”

My name is Debra Worthington. I’m from Tulsa, Oklahoma. And I have two businesses here, FloatAway USA and H2Oasis Float Center and Tea House. I’m in the float tank manufacturing business and I run a successful float tank center where people can come and relax. I heard about the business conferences through my business coach, Eric who I work with here at Thrive. I’ve been with them about a year and a half and I wasn’t able to make a conference before now. I’m so glad I got to make this one because I was missing out on a lot of valuable information. The atmosphere here is fun, and electric, and a little bit insane, but in a good way. If I had to describe Clay’s presentation style, I would not be able to because it’s not really like anything else I’ve ever seen before. It’s a lot of ad lib. It’s spontaneous. And it goes with where the audience is going to. He’s pretty much a mad man, but it’s lots of fun. The most valuable thing I’ve learned so far having been a client isn’t one thing, it’s just a reminder of all the things that my weekly sessions reminds me to do, why I’m doing it, and get me pumped up and energized so that I can create action to actually get it done. So it was a good reference point, it was a good reinforcement, and it kind of filled in the gaps from my weekly sessions of the bigger picture so that I can go really kick ass in my business. If somebody misses a conference, what they’ll miss out on is kind of really taking an outside look at their own business, and why they’re doing it, and how they need to do it to be successful. They’re missing out on that overall evaluation that you won’t get because you’re so in it. So this allows you to step back and really look at your areas of strengths and weaknesses and get great ideas. Like I’ve been writing down ideas the whole time and putting things in action just as I’m sitting through.

The atmosphere is fun and lively here; very direct, honest, and off the cuff.

My name is Gabriel Garcia and I am from San Antonio, Texas. I heard about the workshop through Redmond Growth. I own a construction business, remodeling, some new home construction. The atmosphere is fun and lively here; very direct, honest, and off the cuff. One thing that I’ve learned is the importance of the Google Reviews on any platform really, mainly Google. You would be missing out on learning how to run your business and making it profitable.

Every time, I learn something new

My name is Katie and I own a human resources management consulting company called CYB Human Resources. The atmosphere here is a blast. Everyone’s super fun, it’s super motivating. I’ve been here before but I’m back again because it motivates me to keep doing what I’m doing. Clay’s presentation is exciting and consistent and he has a very commanding voice and it makes things pretty interesting and fun to watch. I decided to come to one of the business conferences again because it is … every time, I learn something new and conveniently, it’s right where I live so I have no excuses to why I should not be here every time. And again, it’s super motivating. I love bringing people here and kind of showing them the process that I’m on. One of the most valuable things is probably the path and the process that’s worked for so many other companies. So I am super excited to continue doing it and working on it so if you decide not to come, you’re missing out on a lot of fun, a lot of laughing, and [Ilini’s 00:01:05] Pizzeria who is a client of mine and they’re fabulous. My favorite. It’s a lot of fun. It’s a good time.

It’s just a lot of stuff to learn

My name’s Josiah Ragsdale and I’m from Hampton, Iowa. I found about the busienss conferences on Spotify, probably eight months ago or so. I’m looking into an Oxi Fresh franchise. I don’t own anything as of the moment. It is pretty insane. It’s very, very positive and insane. I don’t know how else to describe it. Clay’s presentation style is very funny. My favorite aspect of this business workshop is probably actually just listening to Clay speak. So it’s just a lot of stuff there to learn so … What somebody would be missing out on if they decided not to come would be just the atmosphere. It’s just a lot of knowledge too. I guess knowledge would be the biggest thing. There’s a lot of stuff here you can learn.

The atmosphere here is just laid back. It’s relaxed. There’s no pressure.

My name Robbie and I’m from Anna, Texas. I actually heard it, about the Thrivetime show business conferences through a buddy of mine who’s been using Thrivetime coaching program for a couple of months now, and it’s just been incredible for the business. I own a plumbing company, and we’ve been in business 19 years, and I’ve been wanting to learn how to grow and take it to the next level. The atmosphere here is just laid back. It’s relaxed. There’s no pressure. You don’t have to get up in front of people and talk and all that kind of stuff. You just … it’s just an awesome, relaxed place. So Clay’s presentation is just really easy to understand, and he just puts everything into everyday communication. You can just understand it, and you get it. My favorite aspect of the workshop is just having the steps easy, laid out to where you can just follow these steps, and if you do these things it’ll take you to the next level. You’ve gotta come to the show because you will be missing out on all the steps it takes to get to the next level and to grow your business and to be successful. So definitely recommend it.

Not only does this conference motivate me and also gives me a lot of knowledge and tools

My name is Nicole Shi. I’m from California. I heard about the conference on a website. I own a healthcare business that helps seniors find assisted living and boarding care. The name is Nestvy. We are your nest-savvy experts. These business conferences amazing. People are very engaged, and just like we talk about everything, different aspects of the business. Just very exciting. Clay is extremely entertaining and teaches us ways to get you to pay attention to him. I think not just that. Everything he says make so much sense. I think I learned so much. Not only this conference motivates me and also give me a lot of knowledge and tools, and I actually have a lot of actionable items that I want to implement right away. So that’s the biggest takeaway. I think people miss out a lot if they’re not here ’cause working with Abby coach is amazing. But once you get here you hear all kinds of different questions you never thought of. It gets you in a mindset of forward thinking. So I think it’s extremely valuable to be here.

You’re not gonna get any BS from here.

My name is Lisa Atkinson. I am from Amarillo, Texas. I heard about the conference through my boss. Clay had come down to his church and did a speaking there, and it just went from there. I would describe the atmosphere at the Thrivetime Show Business Conferences as upbeat, super positive. It’s very eye-catching. When you walk in the room, you just immediately get excited. Clay’s presentation style is unique. You’re not gonna get any BS from here. He’s very straightforward, very positive, but he’s gonna tell you what you need to hear, and he’s interested in growing you, not just him. I think that’s the biggest factor that I got out this. It’s pretty awesome.

“It’s just a really great conference. I mean, I’m learning so much.”

My name is Janet Ramos and I am from Amarillo, Texas. So I heard about the conference through Clay’s business podcasts and I learned about Clay through our church. He came to speak at our church. The atmosphere here at the conference is very hype, high energy. I mean, they’re playing music. You walk in at 6:45 in the morning and you’re still kinda dragging and there’s a band playing and it’s just really loud. People are talking, they’re applauding, they’re welcoming you. So it’s very high energy here. I really enjoyed Clay’s presentation style. I know business meetings can be very long, drawn out, and boring. But his energy is really high. He keeps you intrigued, he keeps you engaged. He’s very busy with the audience. And so it’s just been interesting from beginning to end. There’s not one dull moment. The most valuable thing I’ve learned so far is just to implement. And the little things such as Google Reviews goes a long way. And so really just planning your time, breaking it all down, making time for the F6 in your life, and just really implementing it and sticking with the program. If someone decides not to come, they’re missing out on, number one, just a really great conference. I mean, I’m learning so much, I’m intrigued. But, two, lots of valuable information that I’m not a business owner, but there’s lots of information that I can just apply to my day to day like in general as a mom, and as a wife, and as a working professional. So it’s just great. You’re getting a great deal for it. And you’re meeting lots of good people. And you’re kinda just taking in everybody’s advice. Kind of seeing how it’s worked for them, how they’re implementing things, and just learning how to just be better as a person.

You can’t stop listening to him.

My name is Abby and I work for Redmond Growth. That’s how I heard about the conference. The atmosphere is very positive and encouraging and very motivational. Clay is so entertaining to listen to, he keeps you engaged the whole time. Whenever he’s presenting different things that would usually be boring, he makes you just … You can’t stop listening to him. The most valuable thing that I have learned so far is the different advice on the different types of companies that you can form and just some different advice to give clients later on. You are totally missing out if you decide not to come to the business conferences, on so many things. One of the main things is just learning all the things that you really need to implement into your business and see why and how it works so well.

It’s a step-by-step process to grow your business.

My name is Joe, I’m the owner of Pod Sox and I’m from Colorado. I originally found out about ThriveTime through my father-in-law, who was a coaching client, and the podcast as well. I own a medical grade compression socks company, we make socks just more fun. The atmosphere of the conference, it’s lively, it’s engaging, but more than that it’s a step-by-step process to grow your business. Clay’s presentation style is not traditional, which I appreciate. He’s not a three-piece suit kinda guy, he’s more in your face, and he’s the purple cow that brings people to this thing. I think the most valuable thing, there’s no secret sauce to business. A lot of it gets a good system, and then tenacity to implement that system. Everybody has a million dollar idea, but very few people have million dollar persistence. When you come to this, you get to meet other people, and you realize that you’re not alone, that you have the same struggles, and challenges. And if you don’t come to this, you don’t get that interaction with other people. It’s a really supportive environment.

Clay’s presentation style is very informative. He is real. He’s down to earth.

Hey, my name is Margaret, and I’m from Claremore with A New Image Medical Spa. We originally heard about the workshop through Andy, our business coach at A New Image Medical Spa is a medical spa, we provide skincare services, health coaching, Botox, fillers, just anything to help you feel better and to look better. The atmosphere here at is energetic. It’s motivating. Every time we’re here, we just leave motivated, ready to do things to help our business grow and to serve our clients better. Coming to a conference is just 10 times more. We just have a lot more ideas, a lot more information to take back and to help our business grow. Clay’s presentation style is very informative. He is real. He’s down to earth. He doesn’t speak above anybody’s head. He’s not talking down to you. The information is relevant and very helpful. One of the most valuable things we learned at the conference is how to market the business, how to really get those Google reviews that help you get to the top of Google for search engine optimization and makes you easier to find. If you decide not to come to one of the conferences at the Thrivetime Show, you are missing out on energy, motivation, lots of information that I did not get from just listening to the podcast and reading the books. I would encourage you to come just to pick up on additional information.

People are missing out on a bunch of great advice to help grow your business.

My name is Parker and my parents told me about it, I heard about ThriveTime through my parents; they’re trying to grow their business so they showed me their online school, and stuff. The atmosphere here seems like everyone’s pumped up and trying to grow their business. It’s awesome. Clay is very straight forward and he’s just excited and it’s motivating. One of the most valuable things that I’ve learned is probably marketing and reviews. People are missing out on a bunch of great advice to help grow your business. I would recommend at least trying these business conferences once to learn some new advice on how to grow your company.

It’s not like any other kind of business workshop I’ve ever been to, and I’ve been to Tony Robbins and a lot of the other professional business conferences.

My name is Eric Enriquez and I am from Orange, California. I heard about Thrivetime Business conferences through my partner, Wesley, who is now a client of yours here with Harley. The kind of business that we own is a roofing company. We’re a residential roofing contractor, and we really want to be able to establish the right processes and systems for our company. I would describe the atmosphere of this office as a place where you want to always come back and hang out. Incidentally, I was here a couple of months ago and I came back because I wanted to feel this energy again. I’m going to be back again in June, I would describe Clay’s presentation and style as very laid-back, easy going. It’s not like any other kind of business workshop I’ve ever been to, and I’ve been to Tony Robbins and a lot of the other professional business conferences. Nothing that I’ve ever attended in my 30 years of being in the business world comes close to this. I would recommend it to anybody that wants to have a different experience in the business. My favorite aspect of this business workshop is the fact that everything that he brings, that was given to us, is so easy to implement and put right into practice. So, I’m already thinking about everything that I want to put in steps. He gives you all the steps, all the resources to be able to just get right on it immediately, and not waste any time. Everybody needs to attend at least one of these workshops because the information that you get here is so relevant to any kind of business, that also by sharing your ideas and thoughts with other businesses, you can pretty much apply them to your own.

One of the biggest things I’ve learned so far is the importance of getting Google reviews.

My name is Brody and I’m from Anna, Texas. I heard about the conference from one of my dad’s friends, Brandon. We are a plumbing company. I would describe the office as very energized. Clay…he is a funny guy, very energetic. One of the biggest things I’ve learned so far is the importance of getting Google reviews. So if you didn’t attend the workshop, you’ve been missing out on a lot of great wisdom and knowledge.

You’re going want to go out and use it in your business.

My name is Daniel Ramos and I’m from Amarillo, Texas. I heard about Thrivetime Show through Pastor Brian over at his church in Amarillo. Clay went over to our church, and he spoke over there, and ever since then, I’ve been listening to Mr. Clay Clark and Dr. Z (on the podcasts). I own a heating and air conditioning business in Amarillo, Texas, and I’m looking to learn how to market my business better. The way I would describe Clay’s office here is hype. He’s like Flavor Flav up there with a big chain, and he just keeps the whole place hype. He’s a great host. I would describe Clay’s style and delivery a little bit like Flavor Flav. He keeps everybody energized, I enjoy listening to him on the podcast. He’s funny, he’s hilarious. The stories he tells, it’s great. I think the best thing I can say I learned here at the business conferences is how important getting reviews on Google. You’ve got to get reviews. You got to have your website up, and you have to have some web presence. If you decide not to attend, then you’re missing out on a ton, you’re missing out on a chance to help grow your business for sure. And it just … Him showing me the systems on how things work. Everybody needs to attend at least one time because you’re not sure what you don’t know until you learn that you don’t know it. And now that you know, you’re going want to go out and use it in business.

“It’s not pushy, they don’t try to sell you a bunch of things.”

I’m Jamie Genzel, and I am from Anna, Texas. I heard from a friend, a really good friend, I think he’s using you guys for his company. I own a plumbing company and I’ve learned that I don’t have to go to college or get a degree to learn many of the marketing things, like a CO. It’s a great business conference and I’ve learned a ton that I didn’t think I was capable of learning. Lots of fun, you are not bored. You’re awake, alive the whole time. It’s not pushy, they don’t try to sell you a bunch of things. It’s great information that you’re going to leave and be able to implement into your company to grow. It’s hilarious. Clay’s a lot of fun, his energy is very contagious and I want to come to every one of these business conferences that he does. I would say the SEO and the words that need to be on each page of your website, and how important that is. And then reviews, that’s probably the most thing, is the reviews, and how much that has benefited our business in just doing it over the last couple weeks. I think you’re missing out on realizing, I think we can create, what is beneficial for our business is that we have to pay all these different people to do different things. Really, if you’ve got the knowledge, and as long as you use it, then you can use it for your business and grow and thrive. Again, just gaining more knowledge about the marketing tools and tricks to allow your business to be upfront on Google, and out there for everyone to see.


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