How to find a business coach

You’re seeking a business coach who has walked the path you’re about to begin or may you have already started. So, how do you find the right coach? Perhaps you started by doing a simple search online through a search engine, it is definitely a good first step. This is where you must become suspiciousness. “Only the paranoid survive,” said Andy Grove, co-founder and former CEO of Intel.

As with any service provider that you can find in your search engine results, it is important to trust but verify that the business coaching company you are thinking about using has a proven track record of helping real business owners to achieve real results in the following 3 ways:

1. Read Reviews

“Trust but verify.” President Ronald Reagan (The 40th President of the United States of America)

Read the online reviews that you can find about the company while understanding that typically disgruntled employees, and competitors typically how found a way to leave a few reviews that have be allowed to stick.

For example, at ThriveTime Show Business Coaching Program, we are a five-star Google company with 500 plus Google reviews. Do a simple search engine search for us, and you’ll find this to be true. Our clients are raving about business coaching program, because they consistently seeing getting results.

When you come to us for a business coach, we provide you with business plans created by America’s No. 1 business coach Clay Clark. He is the former United States Small Business Administrator Entrepreneur of the Year, Co-Host of the Radio Show and the founder of The implementers simply coach you down the proven path and answer all of your questions along the way.

We’ll also provide you with a team to help you execute your vision. This team includes, web developers, graphic designers, photographers, search engine optimizers content writer, and sales experts to help you do what you can’t do without a team.

Even check reviews from media outlets, if applicable. For example, we have a review from Forbes, an American business magazine, about the quality of our program. Forbes said, “With tools like Thrive15, people of any age can learn to start or take their business to the next level.”

At ThriveTime Show Business Coaching Program, we are compassionate about helping small business owners succeed. We desire to help business owners unlock their company’s fast and sustainable growth potential. We’ll help you listen to your customers and make sure you’re not missing out on upselling opportunities to meet the needs of your current customers.

Upselling gives you the opportunity to induce the customer to purchase more items, upgrades or other add-ons in attempt to make a profitable sale.

Any business program should be glad to show your any media reviews when it comes to their coaching program.

2. Watch Video Testimonials

Look for video reviews that you can watch and that have been recorded by actual business coaching clients who have used or are using the business coaching service. Make sure that the business coaching program has a bias for helping their clients to take action and to not just invest their client’s valuable time talking about feelings.

Action is a big key to success. Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, the founder of NeXT, and the former CEO of PIXAR, said: “The doers are the major thinkers. The people that really create the things that change this industry are both the thinker and doer in one person.”

Our website is loaded with testimonials from clients that have gone through our program. Here is a testimony from one a Thriver:

“The services Clay and his team provide would be something like how to get more customers into my business and how to get the message out that I’m the best orthodontics in Tulsa. He does that by social media. He gets the word out through videos and pictures. Also, how to reach out and create that bond through my referring doctors. He helped me kind of get somebody in house to go out and meet with doctors to help me continue building that relationships, while I do the work. The website is so majorly important; we get several patients with our website. And what he is doing, there is a certain way you want your website to look, certain content because you call to action items on your website, we didn’t have that before. Now, we get seven to eight patients just through the website alone. Clay and his team I would say, they are over the top. Nothing is too big and nothing is too grand for Clay and staff of his team.” Joe Lai, Kirkpatrick & Lai DDS-Orthodontics

For Less money that it costs to hire a $10 per hour employee you gain immediate access to: proven strategies, systems and processes, a coach to walk you down the path, and more! To find a business coach, contact us today!

3. Call References

Ask for and call the references of their current and previous business coaching clients.

Just before you hire a new employee, you call references to learn more the potential new employee before you make the offer. You pick up the phone and call their references. You ask questions such as, “What it was like to work with this person.” You learn about their strengths and weaknesses. Did they carry out their assigned jobs with excellence?
Reputation is important.

In the same way, you’ll approach verifying references with a potential business coach. Their previous clients help you know if you’ve found the best business coach or you should avoid hiring them. Be sure to take the time to call references.

This goes back to Ronald Reagan’s quote, “trust but verify.” Calling references give you another opportunity to make sure that a fact is true or accurate.

Enjoy a Free Coaching Session

Take advantage of our free 60 minute business coaching session with one of our coaches. You’ll learn how your business can grow rapidly with our proven systems. We’ve helped over 1,700 business owners. To find a business coach, visit our website!

March 12th, 2019


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