What does a business coach do?

“Great vision without great people is irrelevant.” Jim Collins (Bestselling author of Good to Great and Built to Last)

To take your great vision to the next level, hiring a business coach or mentor is the right choice. It’s definitely one sure way you can avoid the path to small business death and thrive. As Forbes reports that 90% of startups fail. We believe without proper guidance most business fail. Having a good business coach is a safety net. It keeps you on the right course and ending up in a ditch.

So, what does a business coach do?

A good business coach will guide you to success and help you avoid costly mistakes. They’ll help you see the bigger picture before you do and give you plans to make it a reality. They’ll help you truly go from surviving to thriving, so you can have time and financial freedom for you and your family.

Here are four roles of a business coach.

1. Eliminates the Guesswork

A business coach saves you both time and money by eliminating the guesswork teaching you the proven process, strategies and best-practice systems that have been shown to work.

For example, Clay Clark, the founder of Thrive15.com, former U.S. Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year, and a man who has successfully coached clients in practically every industry imaginable (bakers, cosmetics surgeons, consultants, dentists, gym owners, lawyers, online retailers, speakers, etc.)

ThriveTime Business Coaching Program will help you get to where you want to go. We help you clear the path so your live beyond the “just surviving” to thriving thinking.

One tool you’ll learn is the value of systems to help run your business run a lot easier. By implementing systems into your business it allows you make copious amount of money and move your business from being completely reliant upon you or one key player. For example, it can help you avoid feeling stuck because one key player on your team, who knew all the passwords and had all the skills to do the job, left your company. This leaves you stuck.

A good business coach will teach you how to avoid this death trap. And give you the right plans to flourish.

At ThriveTime Show Business Coaching, you’ll learn how to build a business that is dependent upon documented processes, checklists, and systems, you eliminate the necessity of hiring geniuses. When you have good systems in place, you can actually just focus on hiring honest and diligent people (which are semi-hard to find). Creating these systems allows you to hire for character and not for skill; this is where you want to be. When you decide to build your business around processes, checklists, control and systems, you make it much easier to find key employees to fill key positions and dramatically easier to grow your business exponentially.

You want a business coach that be a source of ongoing wisdom, and provide you with strategies to grow your business. Systems and checklists helps you produce the given results that customers desires.

2. Gives You Step-by-Step Action

A business coach teaches you the proven step-by-step action steps that you need to take in order to turn your big dreams into reality.

“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” Bill Gates, (consistently one of the world’s wealthiest people.)

Our business coaching program will provide you with proven steps to help you succeed and stand out from your competition. One way we do this, is by helping you create a no-brainer offer.

In order to build a successful business, you find a way to stand-out from your competition in a compelling, repeatable, and memorable way that truly connects with your ideal and likely buyers. For example, Tom’s Shoes, every time a customer buys a pair of shoes, they give a pair to a person in need. This giveback program has provided the founder, Black Mycoskie, with a sustainable way to giveback to those in need and it generates sustainably high amounts of word of mouth of his business.

Our program will help you truly set yourself apart in a way that is compelling. We provide a full team to help you with marketing, branding, and sales, to help you continue generate leads and increase sales.

3. Accountability

A business coach holds you accountable for completing your actions items by assigning deadlines and following up with you on a weekly basis.

Holding you accountable keeps you on track. It keeps you from drifting and becoming easily distracted by unimportant tasks. Your business coach should care about this.

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” Jim Rohn (Bestselling author and renowned motivational speaker)

4. A Team to Help You Execute Your Dreams

A business coach teaches you what to do and provides a team of in-house web developers, graphic designers, photographers, videographers, search engine optimizers and sales experts to help you do what you can’t do without a team.

Our business coaching program, provides entrepreneurs with a skilled team to execute these tasks. With a readily available team, a business owner can achieve so much more than they can on your own. It saves them from spending copious amounts of time searching for contractors to carry out each of these responsibilities. And you’ll also save money.

5. Access to Thousands of Downloadables

A business coach provides you with thousands of best-practice downloadable, templates and systems that you can use save time while taking your company to the next level.

At ThriveTime Show Business Coaching Program, we help you save time and money by providing you thousands of downloadables to help your business flourish. This way, you don’t have to spend time searching for knowledge when it comes to inbound call scripts, outbound call scripts, pre-written autoresponder email, social media marketing calendar, and more!

Our goal is help you thrive in your business and help you create financial freedom and time freedom, you can achieve your goals when it comes to faith, family, finances, friends, and fun.

To find a business coach, visit us at ThriveTimeShow.com.

For less money than it costs to hire a $10 per hour employee you gain immediate access to thousands of downloadables.

April 24th, 2019


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