Why is Hiring a Business Coach Is a Smart Move?

Business owner Guy Shepherd of Shepherd Automotive in Oklahoma City, was desperately searching for answers when it came to running his business. He was operating an automotive venture but wasn’t making any money. He was working very hard, but not on the right tasks. Guy’s business had changed a lot in the last several years, but he didn’t know how to keep up with those changes. He was losing hope. Then he hired a ThriveTime Show business coach and implemented the proven systems and practices. Today, his business is thriving.

“I have hope again for my future,” shared Guy. “I can and will succeed, and get back to making money. [I’m] getting back to a more pleasant place in life and being able to continue to provide the service that I love providing with my customers.”

Can you relate to Guy? Are you feeling overwhelmed with running your business? Do you have a burning desire within you to see your business exist to serve you, and you not serve it? My friend, this is possible.

Here are three reasons why hiring a business coach is a smart move for you and your business.

Reason No. 1

Hiring a business coach allows you to save both time and money because they will help you avoid costly mistakes.

“No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn to start from scratch. To be successful, we absolutely, positively have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals.” -Brian Tracy, (Internationally renowned business trainer and the best-selling author of Earn What You’re Really)

I’ve paid the price. And can help you get to where you need to go. At the ThriveTime Show Business Coach Program, we can help you reach your goals when it comes to faith, family, finances, friends, fitness, and fun. How? We’ll help you create financial freedom and time to enjoy your life and business by helping your business become less reliant upon you and still flourish.

For less money than it costs to hire a $10 per hour employee, you gain immediate access to proven strategies, systems and processes, checklists, and so much more that will help you to start and grow a successful business. In addition, you’ll have a skilled business coach to help you see situations differently and give you specific, practical steps to implement to start thriving.

You’ll also have an entire team of in-house web developers, graphic designers, photographers, videographers, search engine optimizers, and sales experts to help you fulfill your dreams.

Reason No. 2

A business coach will hold you accountable for completing your action items on a weekly basis:

Hiring A Business CoachChet Holmes said it best, “The missing ingredient for nearly all of the 1,000-plus clients I have worked with directly to improve their businesses is pigheaded discipline and determination. We all get good ideas at seminars and from books, radio talk shows and business-building gurus. The problem is that most companies do not know how to identify and adapt the best ideas to their businesses, implementation, not ideas, is the key to real success.”

Reason No. 3

A business coach will also help you measure the core metrics that are going to move the needle with your business. You’ll identify what relates to your business and what doesn’t really matter at all. By identifying your goals, we can help you eliminate the time wasters. Being around a coach will provide you an ongoing source of wisdom to flourish with your business and ultimately impacting your life.

Another Thrive Success Story

Years ago I was working with a business owner based in Texas who had absolutely worked himself into exhaustion. He ran a soccer coaching facility and was approaching 60 years of age. During college, he had been a standout and full scholarship player, and business just seemed to follow him wherever he went following his Division 1 career. However, as his business grew, his physical body began to deteriorate from years of hard use and natural aging. This coach who was once able to demonstrate every drill first-hand and was not forced to hire younger coaches to teach the kids the moves, drills, and systems that he had spent a lifetime creating. Furthermore, for the first time in his life, he was now facing major competition from another coaching facility in town.

His banker referred him to me and soon thereafter, we sat down to conduct our standard 29-Point. After our 29-point assessment, he had very little documentation for anything including his passwords, processes, the service experience delivery, the bathroom cleaning checklists, and the actual coaching process itself. He did not have customer relationships management software in place, despite having worked with 10,000 paying customers throughout his 30-year career.

Although he was an outstanding coach, he was on his way down the road toward something I call the “Proven Path to Small Business Death” which includes:

  • Running out of health.
  • Running out of money.
  • Running out of time.


However, I am proud to say that nearly four years after our first meeting, this is no longer the case. This coach made significant improvements and now has a team in place, prepared, trained, and ready to fill in for their mentor and leader.

A Wise Move

If you want to achieve massive success and move your business from not being dependent upon you, then a business coach is for you. If you want to have an ongoing source of wisdom when it comes to team management, sales, branding, marketing, and hiring then a business coach is for you. If you want to build systems that are scalable and sellable (meaning somebody else would want to buy your business someday), a business coach is a good choice.

Having personally grown dozens of successful businesses, I know the importance of being coachable. As founder of the Thrive15.com and former U.S. Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year, I have successfully coached clients in practically every industry imaginable (bakers, cosmetic surgeons, consultants, dentists, gym owners, lawyers, online retailers, personal trainers, real estate professionals, and retailers). At Thrive, we can show you how to overcome the obstacles, limiting beliefs, and system failures nearly every business owner encounters along the way. And give you a full staff to carry out your vision.

You’ll talk to one of our business coaches and get on the path to proven success. To find a business coach, contact us today!

April 5th, 2019


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