COVID-19 Unmasked – The H.U.G. Plan Explained

H – Hugely Overblown “Doomsday” Models Created Fear

Neil Ferguson’s Imperial model could be the most devastating software mistake of all time. The boss of a top software firm asks why the Government failed to get a second opinion from a computer scientist

California is Now Coming Into Your Home and Separating You From Your Family

The elite thinks that they are above the rules they set for the masses. #FoxNews #Tucker

OOPS! | "We don't have data to match those projections"

BIG OOPS here America!

Coronavirus Explained: has Neil Ferguson’s resignation undermined UK COVID-19 lockdown message?

The scientist whose advice sent Britain into lockdown has resigned after it was reported he broke his own social distancing rules to meet up with his married lover.


Common Flu Deaths (2017-2018)

An estimated 80,000 Americans died of flu and its complications last winter (during 2017-2018), according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

**180 deaths of children
**959,000 hospitalizations
**On average of 167.39 – 219 people died per day from the flu in 2017

Coronavirus Deaths

Misleading Headlines Exposed

“12-year-old girl with coronavirus is on a ventilator and fighting for her life”

Out of 731 confirmed and 1,412 suspected cases of Covid-19 in children in China, one child, a 14-year-old boy, died, according to a new study that will be published in the journal Pediatrics in June. Also, nearly 6% of children’s cases were severe, compared with 18.5% of adults experiencing severe symptoms, the study found.


Coronavirus 101 Cnn 100 People Us Deaths

Coronavirus 101 Bloomberg

U – Ugly Truth Shows Intentionally Reporting Guidelines Create Inflated Numbers

Hospitals Getting Paid to Mark Patients as COVID-19? Find the facts, the proof, and the truth about the Coronavirus-inspired panic and seizure of your Constitutional rights today at:


A 12-year physician assistant risks her career to expose how hospitals are being intensely pressured to dramatically inflate the number of coronavirus cases.

Unmasking The Science You Aren’t Hearing On TV | COVID-19 Facts from the Frontline | Tony Robbins

Introducing the “Facts From the Frontlines” episode of #TheTonyRobbinsPodcast – where Tony uncovers the truth about coronavirus …


Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over.

G – Grabbing Your Essential Freedoms to Control YOU and “The Spread”

Governor of New Jersey “Didn’t Think About The Bill of Rights.” Find the facts, the proof, and the truth about the Coronavirus-inspired panic and seizure of your Constitutional rights.

California is Now Coming Into Your Home and Separating You From Your Family

The elite thinks that they are above the rules they set for the masses. #FoxNews #Tucker

Influenza pandemic fueled rise of Nazi Party, research shows

The influenza pandemic that gripped the globe a century ago helped the Nazi Party rise to power in Germany, a new study says.

Mayor de Blasio Discusses Formation Of Contact Tracing Team For New York City | NBC News NOW

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the hiring of over 1,700 individuals to help form a contact tracing team to combat the spread of coronavirus.

The COVID-19 Chaos Explained in Less Than 10 Minutes

Should You Be Afraid of the COVID-19 Virus?


Dr. Eran Bendavid

Unmasking The Science You Aren’t Hearing On TV Introducing the “Facts From the Frontlines” episode of #TheTonyRobbinsPodcast

Dr. Artin Massihi

Unmasking The Science You Aren’t Hearing On TV Introducing the “Facts From the Frontlines” episode of #TheTonyRobbinsPodcast

Dr. Micheal Roizen

Unmasking The Science You Aren’t Hearing On TV Introducing the “Facts From the Frontlines” episode of #TheTonyRobbinsPodcast

Dr. Alan reston

Unmasking The Science You Aren’t Hearing On TV Introducing the “Facts From the Frontlines” episode of #TheTonyRobbinsPodcast

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Should You Be Afraid of the COVID-19 Virus?



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Coronavirus 101 Musk Tweet 3


Coronavirus 101 Musk Tweet 2

Coronavirus 101 Musk Tweet 1

Coronavirus 101 Trump Tweet

New York Announces 1.4% Mortality Rate (96% of Deaths in New York Were People with Underlying Illnesses)



Compared to: An estimated 80,000 Americans died of flu and its complications last winter (during 2017-2018), according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

*Including 180 children



Big “OOPS”!

The United Kingdom scientist Neil Ferguson, who predicted the doomsday deaths of more than half a million Brits from the Coronavirus, now says that “UK deaths are unlikely to exceed 20,000, and could be much lower”


There is a Cure

Government’s best way to control the spread of the virus is ankle bracelets for Americans and restrictive movement for the Chinese

Coronavirus 101 | Ankle-monitors-ordered-for-Louisville

Heart Attack Victims, Stroke Victims, & Patients Are Disappearing from Hospitals

NY Times - Where Have All The Heart Attacks Gone

Hospitals Are SO BUSY, They Are Now Laying Off Their Medical Staff!

Hospitals Are SO BUSY, They Are Now Laying Off Their Medical Staff

The World Health Organization Now Wants to Separate Families

“It’s Astounding…the Power it Gives Us”

Dr. Birx Counts Deaths As Covid-19 Regardless of Cause of Death

Screen Shot 2020 04 08 At 12.11.04 PM

From an estimated 2.2 Million U.S deaths to now 60,415…This is less death than is caused by the common flu each year

When will we actually open the Country back up?

Senator Jensen on “being coached” to count all deaths as COVID-19

New York’s hospitals are NOT being overrun


images & video supplied courtesy of New York business attorney James DeCristofaro

Hospitals Getting Paid to Mark Patients as COVID-19 Patients?

They “Didn’t Think About the Bill of Rights”

Ben Carson – 98% of people that get the Coronavirus will recover

New Data Suggest the Coronavirus Isn’t as Deadly as We ThoughtCoronavirus Facts Wsj New Data Suggests Coronavirus Isnt As Deadly

So You Are Saying This Whole Thing Was a Hoax?!

Why Was President Obama Funding the Wuhan Laboratory? 

Testing shows hundreds of thousands in LA County may have been infected with coronavirus

Fox News Hundreds Of Thousands May Have Been Infected

PROOF That President Obama Funded the Wuhan China Laboratory! READ HEREScreen Shot 2020 04 22 At 4.28.52 PM

What Was The Chinese Laboratory Studying? Read Case Study HERE

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CNN’s Chris Cuomo Thinks Everyone Should Be Quarantined (except for him)

How Governor Cuomo Really Feels About You

Using Face Masks Doesn’t Make Any Sense

Anders Tegnell – the state epidemiologist of Sweden

How COVID Deaths are Classified According to the Illinois Department of Public Health

A Deeper Look into the COVID-19 Numbers – Dr. Scott Jensen

Why did Bill Gates, the World Health Organization, and Dr. Fauci all team up in 2010?

Coronavirus Bill Gates Foundation Funds Vaccination

Dr. Fauci Backed the Controversial Wuhan Lab with Millions of U.S. Dollars 


Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, The World Health Organization (WHO), and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Are All Openly Working Together to Create a “Global Vaccine”


The Gates Foundation is Developing a Surveillance System

  2. Example – China is installing surveillance cameras outside people’s front doors … and sometimes inside their homes


Bill Gates Has Filed a Patent For a Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data (Installing a Chip in the Human Body) –

  2. Look at the publication number in the top left corner (what it ends with)

The Actual Facts of Who is Dying from the Coronavirus – 


Coronavirus Task Force’s Ben Carson: ‘If We Wait Until Everything Is Gone, Our Economy Will Be Gone Also’

Hitler Flyover

California is Now Coming Into Your Home and Separating You From Your Family

Totalitarianism Doesn’t Shock Us Anymore

Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx Exposed

Dr. Anthony Fauci Funded the Wuhan Group

Why You Shouldn’t Wear a Mask

What Is Dr Fauci’s Motive?
The Biggest Coverup In American History

Dr. Judy A Mikovits PhD Treat Coronavirus

Should We Unquestionably Trust Dr. Fauci?

Why is Wearing a Mask Dangerous for Those Most at Risk?

Why Are Dissenting Voices No Longer Allowed in Our “Free” Country?

Americans are finally seeing the Chinese government for what they are

Neil Ferguson Breaks Quarantine

Rudy Giuliani: “Coronavirus will ‘destroy’ US if we continue to stay home”

“The Fatality Rate (of the Coronavirus) Was Low.” – Elon Musk

Judicial Watch Files Lawsuit Seeking Dr. Fauci, WHO Records

“We should be concerned about anything that’s an infringement of our civil liberties” – Elon Musk

“For the (Socialist) Fools out There…If You Don’t Make Stuff, There Is No Stuff” – Elon Musk


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