Hiring “A Player” Humans on the Planet Earth

Show Notes

If you have ever struggled hiring, inspiring, training and retaining high quality employees this is the show for you.

FUN FACT – Aaron Antis – Shaw Homes – www.ShawHomes.com – Has sold over $800 million of homes

FUN FACT – Aaron was mentored by the folks at Toll Brothers – https://www.tollbrothers.com/

Shaw Homes is HIRING – If you’re interested, call 918-258-6161. Or send your resume to [email protected]

MOVE #1 – Hiring A Players

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – A small team of A+ players can run circles around a giant team of B and C players – Steve Jobs (co-founder of Apple, NeXT, and former CEO of Pixar)

FUN FACT – “85 Percent of Job Applicants Lie on Resumes.” – https://www.inc.com/jt-odonnell/staggering-85-of-job-applicants-lying-on-resumes-.html

FUN FACT – “The U.S. Chamber of Commerce estimates that 75% of employees steal from the workplace and that most do so repeatedly.” – https://www.cbsnews.com/news/employee-theft-are-you-blind-to-it/

MOVE #2 – Hiring Diligent Doers

DEFINITION MAGICIAN – “diligence” – careful and persistent work or effort.

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “One thing I learned at PayPal is to fire people faster.” Elon Musk (founder of PayPal, Tesla, and SpaceX)

MOVE #3 – Hire People With Goals

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – If you pick the right people and give them the opportunity to spread their wings and put compensation as a carrier behind it you almost don’t have to manage them. -Jack Welch (former CEO of General Electric that grew the company by 4,000%)

MOVE #4 – Hire Pig-Headed Discipline

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – The missing ingredient for nearly all of the 1,000-plus clients I have worked with directly to improve their businesses is pigheaded discipline and determination. We all get good ideas at seminars and from books, radio talk shows and business-building gurus. The problem is that most companies do not know how to identify and adapt the best ideas to their businesses. Implementation, not ideas, is the key to real success. -Chet Holmes (bestselling author of The Ultimate Sales Machine and former partner of Charlie Munger)

MOVE #5 – Hire Coachable People

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “The advice that sticks out I got from John Doerr, who in 2001 said, “My advice to you is to have a coach.” The coach he said I should have is Bill Campbell. I initially resented the advice, because after all, I was a CEO. I was pretty experienced. Why would I need a coach? Am I doing something wrong? My argument was, How could a coach advise me if I’m the best person in the world at this? But that’s not what a coach does. The coach doesn’t have to play the sport as well as you do. They have to watch you and get you to be your best. In the business context a coach is not a repetitious coach. A coach is somebody who looks at something with another set of eyes, describes it to you in [his] words, and discusses how to approach the problem.” -Eric Schmidt (former CEO of Google)

ACTION ITEM – Implement Call Recording in your office

DEFINITION MAGICIAN – “lampoon” – publicly criticize (someone or something) by using ridicule, irony, or sarcasm.

ACTION ITEM – You must know your numbers and track weekly revenue and expenses

Shaw Homes is HIRING high quality, top performing people. Enjoy a postivie work environment – If you’re interested, call 918-258-6161. Or send your resume to [email protected]

Didgeridoo – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHSRv4Hsxn0

Business Coach | Ask Clay & Z Anything

Audio Transcription

If you have ever struggled hiring inspiring training and retaining high quality employees, then this is the show for you.

Yes, yes and yes. Thrive nation. Welcome back to the business coaching thrive time show on your radio and podcast download on today’s show. For those of you just joining us for the first time, you’ve never found this podcast. You’ve never discovered this podcast before. We have Mr Aaron Antis on the show. You might say to yourself, why would we have Mister Aaron [inaudible]? Why would we have on the show? Well, there’s two reasons. One, he actually knows what he’s talking about and has had success in his industry, right? And two, he was willing to pick up the phone when I called them and said, would you be on the show? Those are the two, but one, we’re not gonna open up. We’re never going to have a guest on the show who doesn’t know what they’re talking about. So Aaron antice, welcome onto the thrive time show. Sir, how are you?

Oh, I’m doing fantastic. Thanks for having me. Now on the record, my understanding is that you have sold over $800,000,000 of homes throughout your career, uh, selling new homes. Is that correct? That is correct. How did you go about selling over $800,000,000 of new home construction? Well, other than my incredible good looks. No, I’m kidding. That was actually not a factor, but oh, just, you know, I was actually mentored originally way back in the day by the person who was the vice president of toll brothers, which is actually one of the largest builders in the country. Toll Brothers. Yeah, we’ll put it on the show notes. Yeah. So he lived down the street from me and I grew up knowing his family and thankfully he mentored me and I just learned a lot from a genius in the business and uh, took some of those notes and continued to work with it through the rest of my career.

So and so as you learn to master those sales skills, one of the things that you’ve been able to do well I had to do consistently well is be able to teach other people how to sell well because you can only personally sell like the average house that you sell shaw homes today, shaw homes.com. The average house that you’re selling. Approximately what price point a. over the last 12 years at shaw homes, our average was about 275,000. Okay. In the big, the most expensive homes that you might sell, the high average would be what? That would be our waterstone series. And that gets up the six, 700,000 question I’ve always wanted to ask you before we get into hiring people here. I feel like a lot of neighborhoods are named by the same people that named shampoos. So as an example, um, if you go into a section of the, of the, of a store and you go in there to buy, let’s say, you know, there’s a section Marshall you go, it’s kind of awkward where they’re going to sell feminine products and Shampoo and they put it on the same aisle.

Usually it’s like feminine products are on one side. And then the shampoos on the other side of the same aisle. It’s weird because I don’t know about you, but I just, I can’t, I just, every time I see a female in that section I immediately act like I wasn’t going to that section and I’ll go get some Avocados and I come back. But if you look at the female products as I got my husband, so sometimes I have to buy these things, bring them home that’s even more awkward checking out with these things. The product will be called like summer’s eve or a midnight dawn or waterstone, you know. And so yeah. And that’s like the shampoo, it’s the same thing. It’s like lavender love. I think neighborhoods are kind of the same thing to, you steal the names from shampoos actually. Either that or it’s what used to be there before we put in the neighborhood.

Like for example, Forest Glen. Yeah. You know, that’s in the area where we’re, where we cleared all the trees out or a deer run where they used to run, but they no longer do because they’re driving through there. I mean, wow. What if that wasn’t a pro tree hugger message? I don’t know what his exact on blue. Okay. So shaw homes you don’t have taught a team of people to sell effectively and right now as at the time of this business coaching show, correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe this just didn’t shaw homes and Tulsa, Oklahoma, you are hiring you or you’re looking to hire people right now? That is correct. What kind of money do you pay if someone wanted to come work for Shaw homes? Yeah. So I mean, first of all, um, it is merit based pay. So it is a meritocracy company and uh, I know that’s a controversial paid based on what you do and not what you say you’re going to do.

That’s exactly right. When. So, um, you know, depending on the quality of the human and how well they do, they’re going to be somewhere between about 45,000 up to 150 to 200,000 a year. We have, oh, we have typically 30 to 40,000 people listening in Tulsa, Oklahoma any given time. So if someone’s listening right now and they’re saying, can you repeat that again? You, you start off paying about how much a year to work at shaw homes and about 45,000 and they can make up to how much a, at the top person I ever had made a little over $350,000. If you’re driving in your car right now and you need a job or you know, somebody needing a job and they are trainable, they’re high energy there. They’re good people. What’s the best way to get ahold of you over there to shaw homes?

Oh, that would be just to go ahead and send me an [email protected]. That’s info at [inaudible] dot com, or you can reach me at the main office, which is nine one, eight, two, five, eight, six, one, six one. So let’s go ahead and go over Marshall. Five of the variables that shaw homes looks for. There’s other variables that look for what’s over the five variables that shaw homes looks for when they’re hiring good people. Okay. We’re gonna read here from the boom book, which is a book all the listeners can download for free and get the ebook for free simply by going to thrive time show.com. Steve Jobs writes, a small team of a players can run circles around a team of B and c players. Steve Jobs, right? It’s again, a small team of a players can run circles around a giant team of BNC players. Steve Jobs, a legendary former CEO of Pixar.

If you’ve ever seen the movie toy story or any pixar films, it is he who resurrected the company and made it profitable when George Lucas was going through a divorce and he could not have the time needed to take the company and a lead it the way it needed to be led. He asked his good friend Steven jobs to take over the company and he did, or you might know him from co founding apple and then famously coming back to save the company, Steve Jobs. You might know him as the co founder of the world’s most successful company. Talk to me about a players. Uh, what does it a player look like to you, Erin? What is, when you’re looking for an, a player, what does that look like? Well, first of all, an a player is somebody, you know, a lot of times people would think this is a, a determination of their skill level.

And that’s not actually what we look for. We look for in a player where it comes to character integrity. A person who is just gonna do what they say they’re gonna do. And uh, that’s actually a pretty difficult thing to find. We also are looking for someone who has incredible people skills, they love other human beings and they want to help other people because ultimately in our industry, you’re gonna make friends with the people who you’re going to do business with and you’re going to really get to know them. I mean, after all, you know, a lot of times they’re handing over their life savings to move forward in building a home with us. And so they’re not going to hand that over lightly. So they need to know that you’re a high character person that they can trust and that you’re a teachable human being because there’s a lot of information you need to know in our industry. But the great thing is we can teach it to you. You don’t need to know it all. So move number one at Shaw home. So this is something that you can apply out there if you want a business. Shaw homes only wants to hire a players getting into the facts because Aaron said it’s very hard to find high quality people. Marshall will put this on the business coaching show notes, but according to ink magazine, 80 five percent of job applicants now admit to lying on their resumes, but 85,

it seems like seems like a high number to me, but it seems like you’re trying to turn this into some negative, negative, reverse motivational kind of speech.

So you’re trying to take my life down to the bottom. I filling my brain with facts. I don’t want to talk about the facts. I want to talk about feelings. No, no. Listen, seriously though, this is. This is true.

80 five percent of people lie on resumes is Erin is mind boggling when you see so many resumes just filled with hyperbole and and who? Ha. Yeah, I love it.

The ones that after they come and go through our interviewing process, they start asking me during the process, like when I give them an opportunity to ask questions, it’s things like,

are you going to look into all the stuff I put on my resume? Is there going to be a background check? You know, I always know that there’s something scary coming down the pike when they start off with those types of questions. The US Chamber of Commerce now reports that 75 percent of American employees steal from the workplace. Marshall, the first time you heard that stat, did it not blow your mind? Yes, absolutely. It’s like are all these people, but what you realize is you see it all the time, resources, equipment, anything. So if you’re out there and you can show up on time and you’re going to do what you say you’re going to do, you can. You can do what you say you’re going to do and you show up on time. Shaw homes at [inaudible] dot com. These guys are hiring. This is not a theoretical example.

They are actually hiring and these. There’s five of the variables they look for when hiring. They look for a players. Now move number two. This is, this is something big. This is something big, okay? It’s shaw homes. They’re looking for diligent doers. Well, how’s that different from an a player? Diligence means your ability to consistently bring effort. It’s the consistent application of effort. That’s what diligence means. It’s the consistent application of effort and a lot of people can be an a player for like a week. I see. I’ve seen people being a player for a month. The problem is the sales cycle when selling a new home is not a week or a month. A lot of people walk into a model home, they evaluate and they say, I want to buy a shaw home. I’ve done my research. I want to move forward, but I first need to sell my house, and so Aaron, a lot of times you meet somebody in a show home and they might not buy from you for a year or three months or six months. How long does it take typically from the time you first meet somebody until they have secured financing, they’ve sold their house, they’re ready to buy a home. How long does that typically take? Yeah, I mean it can

range. Some people come in and they’ve already done a lot of looking. They’ve already done a lot of online research. You know, we live in the information age and so they might take three or four days, wow. But if they haven’t done a lot of research and they’re just getting started, we’ve had people take up to two or three years just going through that entire cycle because maybe the timing wasn’t exactly right and they want to look early and just kind of check out what’s out there. And so it sometimes is a year to three that you’re following up with somebody before they actually make that purchase. So you have to be one of those people who are not just out there to like pressure somebody into something greater. You’re out there to help them through the process in their timing.

And so Ilan Musk, uh, the, uh, right now he’s a CEO, is

a little bit of hot water. Um, obviously with a tesla and some of the things he’s doing with, with the sec, based on some statements he has made. But previous to that, you can’t argue. He built paypal can’t argue. He built Tesla. Can’t argue. He built space. X can argue that he’s built silver city. You really can’t argue with the success he’s had. You might argue with some of the ways he’s gone about doing it recently, but this is what Elon Musk says. He says, one lesson, one lesson I learned at paypal is to fire people faster. That sounds awful. I think if somebody is not working out, it’s best to part ways sooner rather than later, so if you’re going to show up and be an a player for like a week or a month and you’re not going to be consistent, it’s not gonna work out for you at shaw homes, but if you’re a consistent diligent doer, you’re an a player.

Aaron, what’s the best way for someone to get ahold of you guys and to apply for this job? Yeah, just either email me at info at [inaudible] dot com or you can reach me at the main business coaching office. Nine one, eight, two, five, eight, six, one, six one. All right. The next variable they look for at Shaw homes. These weren’t together. There’s other things they look for as well. We’re hitting on five things at shaw homes is looking for. They’re looking for people that have goals. What? Yeah, people that have goals, and I’m going to quote Jack Welch, the famous Ceo of Ge who writes, by the way, Jack Welch grew ge by 4,000 percent during his tenure. He writes, if you pick the right people and give them the opportunity to spread their wings and put compensation as a carrier behind it, you almost don’t have to manage them, but Aaron, there are some people out there that aren’t motivated even by commissions.

They just. They just are not. There’s people out there that no matter what, because you could make, is it possible to make over $100,000 a year working at shaw homes? Definitely, but there’s people out there that don’t care. Right. I mean, that’s true. I mean, I’m always amazed at what the motivating factors are for people that come on board with our company over the years, having sold a lot of real estate. I’ll have friends or acquaintances that I meet and they always come to me with the question of how did you get successful in real estate? And I always tell them, you’re asking me the wrong question when you’re asking how that’s not the mindset you need to come with the mindset to be successful in any sales environment or any job in general is to ask yourself why you’re going to be successful and not how you’re going to be successful.

Because I feel like when you have a really big reason why, than the how to will figure itself. Oh, preach that again. The how to. We’ll figure it out. So good. I’m going to cry. Yeah. You end up having diligence applied because you’re chasing after something. But not everybody comes in motivated by money. I’ve had people, one of my top people over the last couple of years. His motivation was that he wanted to leave a legacy to his children and so it wasn’t about the money. He wanted to show his kids that his dad was a hardworking person so that they would have a good life. Not so that he had a good life, but so they would have a good life. So there’s a lot of different motivating factors people come in with, but you definitely the size of your why will determine the size of your paycheck when you’re in commissioning

youth. Martha, Martha, Martha, Martha, you with mom motivation. I think sometimes when I get on this fit and I talked to get all ready and I get all excited and that he, the thought of the my wine, that is why I come to on this show and he just throws back the and he just the.

It’s Andrew. You’re not supposed to let that guy through. Oh, don’t let them through again, Andrew, your job is to call screener. Your job is to screen the calls. Don’t let them through. Drop that one. Every time you let them through a word. People say stuff it. Andrew, Andrew, stop. Put down the shake weight. Okay, so let’s continue down. Okay. So let’s continue night. And here’s the deal. The next thing that shaw homes looks for when hiring people is they look for disciplined people. Now Marshall, I’m gonna read a notable quotable from Chet Holmes and I’d like for you to break it down, but first, can you share with the listeners who in the world is Chet Holmes and why should we care? Chet Holmes is the bestselling author of the ultimate sales machine whose partners are partners with Charlie Munger, who is currently still warren Buffett’s partner in a charlie monger is worth one point 8 billion billion with a billion dollars billion dollars on the largest number. That’s a large put down the laser. Okay, and Chet Holmes, he wrote the ultimate sales machine to in talked a ton about time management and holding effective meetings, creating an effective sales process. He’s a guru and he’s helped a number of different companies grow in. You’re talking about discipline and this is what Chet Holmes has to say about discipline. He says,

I’m missing from here. The 1000 plus clients I’ve worked with directly improve that business is pig headed, discipline and determination. We all get good ideas at seminars and from books and from radio talk shows and building business building. The problem, problem, problem, problem, is that most companies do not know how to identify and adapt the best ideas to that Piston says implementation. Not Ideas is the real key to success. Marsha, Marsha, yeah. This thing don’t make me threatened me with a compound punch. Push, push.

So let’s talk about this on Marshall to talk about this pigheaded discipline. I want to start with you. The Phd Marshall, the Phd. You got to have a phd, pig headed discipline. Got The PA. You got to have a phd. Pig headed discipline. Someone should write that down. That’s the PHD. Marshall, why are you to have a pig headed discipline to work at shaw homes or any a level job in America? Well, we talked about it at the beginning of the show here in that Aaron has sold over $800,000,000 and he’s hiring right now. If you’re looking for a job, this justin,

if you’re looking for a job or you know of somebody that is looking for a job and you prefer to be hearing about these jobs via a CB radio transmission, go to shawhomes.com. That’s going to shawhomes.com and apply for a job today. If I can go there, I’ve got carpal tunnel that don’t apply for a job, but if you have any type of discipline, rigor, motivation, and you are looking for an actual job job that pays well. I don’t know if I want to get paid well, I’d rather just mail it in working at a job I hate. If you’re an a player and you want to make copious amounts of cash so that you can buy your wife expensive shoes. If you’re a female and you want to buy the kind of things that you want to buy it for yourself because you want to be an independent woman. You don’t want to need him. You don’t want him to have to hold you and tease you and please you because you want to provide for yourself. You have sophisticated single lady and you want to provide for yourself. Wow, you went off there. If you need a job, go to shawhomes.com. That’s [inaudible] dot com. Marshall, back to you.

He has the proven best practice. You don’t need a vast experience of sales in the background. Aaron will teach you everything that you need to know. I’ve seen him do that. We’ve seen him do it. I’ve seen him sit down at La cage. Everything that you need to know about selling these homes and you too can be very successful. Youtube, I don’t have time to apply it. I’m spending my day pretty busy today. Marshall, I’m going to be spending my day. I got a new box. Then you’re not a good fit. Have a box fan and I just bought it and I was going to talk into it because it’s really fun when you do it and in fact yesterday I did it and this is what it sounded like.


I am your boss. This is a job that pays how much Aaron, you’re going to be somewhere between 45,050 to $200,000 up walking to Oklahoma City and protesting. Just go apply for a job at show homes. You can do it. Stop saying you can get off the air and you see people on facebook posting pictures of a cloud saying, why can’t I find a job? Stopped doing that. Just apply right now and what happens if somebody has the phd? They had the pig headed discipline. They actually reached out to you. What’s the next step in the hiring process you have? The next step would be to come to our group interview, which is done on Wednesdays at 5:30 at our main office, which is 1420 west Kenosha in broken Arrow is kind of across the street from Raymond Bible Church was the Christmas lights are that everybody goes to and so it’s at 5:30 on Wednesdays and we do a group interview there every Wednesday evening.

Now I want to say this because Aaron antice is filled with local colloquialisms. These colloquialisms are the [inaudible]. He sees freezes a Tulsa Guy. He’s a real human. Okay. This is not a. This is a podcast. It could be heard all over the place. I’m going to pull this up on the big screen so you can see this right now. If you look up here behind you on the big screen and of all the podcasts and the business section, we’re now number three in the world. Oh, that’s awesome. Now, if you are saying, I’m. I’m not though looking for the, the, the number one business podcast. You’re just saying, I’m looking for all podcasts and all categories, so we’ll go look this up. Here. We go to top podcasts on itunes of all categories. We’re number 10 in the world right now. Okay. Cereal is ahead of us an epic podcast.

Obviously we’re, but we’re ahead of Joe Rogan. We’re ahead of Conan O’brian. We’re ahead of Rachel Hollis. We’re ahead of Arianna Huffington. We are ahead of td jakes. We’re ahead of Joel osteen. We’re ahead of a Wall Street Journal. We are ahead of Ted talks. We are ahead of Dave Ramsey. We’re ahead of how I built this, but if you’re out there, we’re ahead of the lady from other shark tank. What’s her Corkran? Yes, we’re ahead of her. We’re ahead of everybody and you know why thrive nation? Because you have taken the time to listen to this podcast. So if you’re thinking about moving to Tulsa for a job, seriously, the cost of living in Tulsa, is it not significantly less? Oh, it’s in New York, Florida, California. Talking about the cost of living in Oklahoma. Yeah, I mean I was actually shocked. I moved here from Michigan originally and I swear my costs for living probably dropped 35 percent when I moved through.

It was amazing. The amount of home you can purchase here compared to where other places that I’ve been is just amazing. Let’s talk about what I can get for $350,000 at shaw homes right now. What kind of home? What kind of Home Square footage? What did we kind of accouterments? Yeah, you can be, depending on what neighborhood it’s in, you can be anywhere from maybe 3000 to 3,700 square feet in that price range. You serious? Which is amazing compared to other parts of the country. I know in a lot of places people always talk price per square foot where I came from. Your 200 to $250 a square foot. So it’s just unbelievable how much you can purchase for the price here. Let’s go onto a a zillow real quick and let’s go to El Cahone, California, which is outside of San Diego by about 20 minutes. So you can get into San Diego, you can, you can get into San Diego to the beach within about 25 minutes.

I have family that lives out there. And let’s look for a home here. That is a four bedrooms, five bath. It’s 4,600 square feet in California and that’s $950,000. Now El Cahone is not on the water. It is like broken arrow. It’s like a, it’s like a, it’s a, it’s the same relationship that broken arrow has to Tulsa. It’s a suburb, right? So let’s go here and Dicillo and let’s look at some other houses here. Again, California, look for three bedroom, two bath. We’re talking about 1500 square feet. Fifteen hundred square feet, Marshall, it’s $499,000. That’s a lot in El cahone. Fifteen hundred square feet, Aaron for $499,000 in Tulsa. What? How much square footage can I get? A high quality shaw homes, premium real estate. You’re going to be up in the 5,000 square foot range. You’re good bro. You have rooms of your house. You never go into exactly it, ma’am. Maid’s quarters, man.

You could have a walk in closet. That’s like a room. I mean you could be. You could have a home with a gate. You could ask them incredible real estate for four to $99,000 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It’s worth the move. I want to go back to phd. They’ll pigheaded disciplines. That’s right. A lot of the employees, Aaron who worked for you, they work in a model home. Correct? Which means you have cameras up. Yup. For Safety, for security, for training purposes. You’ve got recorded phone lines that way for safety, security, for training purposes. You have that, but the cup, what kind of person can work alone in a model home for eight hours a day or 10 hours. They were kind of business coaching person who can handle it. I mean he had some great salespeople over the years. What kind of person can handle it and what kind of person does not have the phd?

Yeah. Well first of all, I would say a person of character because when you’re kind of by yourself in a location, in a neighborhood, then you have to be an honest person. You also have greg, why aren’t you wearing pants? You also have to be the type of person that you can follow a schedule and you can stay on task for extended periods of time. So you talked about phd having that pig headed discipline. It’s like when nobody is sitting there looking over your shoulder other than a camera, you have to be the type of person who can just stay on task and do easily repeatable tasks over and over again, like make phone calls to follow up with clients. Do you have like doing things like presenting a home to customers when they walk in and it’s the same home over and over again, so you have to be able to repeat that presentation over and over again.

It’s not anything difficult. I find that the tasks we do are not difficult. The difficult part is people staying on task and so that’s kind of what we deal with mostly is you know, having those repeated tests, the phone calls are similar every time the people walking in ask the same questions over and over again, so somebody who’s disciplined to continue to answer those questions over and over again in a similar fashion, they do well. Okay. Now the final attribute that we’re going to talk about today, now shaw homes, looks for other attributes, but I’m trying to make sure that this is very coachable, very practical training for all the listeners and it also allows you to listener to know whether you are a good fit for shaw homes, and I’ll tell you what, if you’re a listener to this show, you definitely are the right fit because we don’t have any marshall. Do you know this is 100 percent?

It’s Marshall. This is a stone cold lead pipe locked fact. Zero percent of our listeners are knuckleheads. That’s incredible. You know why? Why? Because I say things that offend all the knuckleheads and they get off. They get off within 10 seconds. Usually when they, when they listen to this show and they hear the intro and they say to men who’ve built 13 multimillion dollar companies, did knuckleheads are like, that’s my. That must be nice. Those guys are jerks or it would be nice if I had $30, million dollars. I know our listeners are curious. They want to know how did they do it? How can I do it? What would make people take time out of their schedule to teach me? I’m curious. They listened to the show with a notepad. They take notes. This next attribute that shaw homes looks for and all great a level organizations look for is they look for coachable. People are coachable people. Now Marshall on page 16 in the boom book. I’m gonna read a notable quotable from Eric Schmidt and I would like if it’s possible, I’d like for, for, for you and for Andrew to provide me the echo that I need to make what I’m saying sound better. That’s amazing. Got It. I’m going to clear my throat and try to bring out my best effort voice and try to take the show to the next level here. Marsha, you ready? I’m ready. GotTa. Get psychologically prepared, physiologically prepared, spiritually prepared. Here we go.

Here we go and hear. The advice that sticks out I got was from John Doe. This is Eric Schmidt saying this. By the way, the CEO of Google, CEO of Google. This is what? He’s the CEO of Google. This is what he said. He says, the advice that sticks out that I got from John Doerr was in 2001 John Door, by the way, is a famous venture capitalist. Let’s try this again. We set the whole thing. The advice that sticks out I got from John Doerr who in 2001 said, my advice to you is to have a coach. The coach he said, I should have is bill Campbell. I initially resented the advice because after law I was a CEO. I need better eco. I can’t work under these conditions. Do you realize I’ve been featured in such feature films as too many to name.

I was pretty experienced. Why would I need a coach if I doing something wrong? I’m Eric Schmidt. I heard that part. He didn’t say that. My argument was how could a coach advise me if I’m the best person in the world at this because I’m freaking Eric Schmidt. He didn’t tell that part. I added that for dramatic effect into narrative reader than I am, but that’s not what a coach does. The coach doesn’t have to play the sport as well as you do. They have to watch you and get you to be your best in the business context. A coach is not a repetitious coach. A coach is somebody that I did right there. I said somebody’s body. I was kind of a funny part right there. I had do that for you. Oh, I love it. A coach is somebody who looks at something with another set of, describes it to you and his words and discusses how to approach the problem. That might’ve been the best piece of efic reading in the history of humanity are upset. Right? I mean, wow. Oh

Wow. Anyway, so now that we know that Marshall breakdown what, why Eric Schmidt, the CEO of Google, is saying that the best advice he’s ever gotten him, he said this in an interview in Fortune magazine, he said, the best advice I ever got was from he telling me that I needed a coach. Why is that so important? To be coachable, man, you got to be coachable. In being coachable means one, receiving constructive criticism or receiving coaching with an open mind and with a humility that I am going to get better. That’s the first thing. Then the second thing about the example, I have a marshall. You have to tell you another day you were talking to me and I said, do you know that I’m kind of a big deal, right? And you said no, and I said, okay, I took that feedback as you take it, you, you are an idiot because I am one of the best of my time.

That’s right, that’s right, but you’ve got to be coachable. Some people will literally, they’ll, they’ll, they’ll go, they’ll get feedback like that. You see it, Aaron, they’ll take feedback and they’ll say, well, how can I get better at sales? And you’ll say, well, what you want to do is you’re going to want to build rapport, so when you meet them, here are the questions you would ask. Hey, I, I, yeah, but it was different. I can’t do that, but this is what happened. And no matter what you said, that was good. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, but yeah, yeah. Yeah. And I know you’ve sold $800,000,000 of homes, but this particular. Can you talk to me about the level of coachability you’re looking [email protected]? Yeah, you bet. I mean, we’re looking for people who are teachable in teachability. It’s like we obviously have the video cameras you mentioned in our offices.

We also have the call recording on our phones and I always believed that with every person there’s a better version of you inside of yourself. And so I’m going to quote the Great Jim Harbaugh coach of the Michigan Wolverines, the greatest university on Earth, and he says that people need to focus on getting one 10th of one percent better every day. And if you do the math on this, it actually means that in three years from today you will be a hundred percent more effective at what you do than you are today. And most people are trying to strive to be like 30 percent better in a day. And then they burn out really quickly. And those people who will receive feedback and go, yeah, I’m going to make that minor adjustment. They get a little bit better every day. And before they know it, they’re so much more effective at what they do, but they have to take it with a humble attitude.

They have to really be looking inside when they’re getting feedback and say, Hey, can I do that better? Can I make that adjustment? And then they have to trust the leadership in their company to guide them in the right direction. And so those people that can let go of the reins a little bit and let somebody else help guide them, they tend to do the best of anybody that bring in Marshall. You’ve worked with a lot of really Nice business coaching clients that are very coachable. And uh, one that comes to mind are the good folks at platinum pest. Yes. A platinum pest is a pest control company in Tulsa, Oklahoma. And these guys, uh, jared and Jennifer are so coachable. Can you talk about what that coachable attitude looks like that the Aaron is looking to hire for over there at Shaw homes and that you look for out of the business coaching clients that you work with?

A. So, one of the first things is, like I said, the humility. So jared and Jennifer, they come in every single week with a humility to get better and they want to know what are the proven systems. They want to know what are the processes, how to do things differently because they had grown a successful company and we’ve talked about on a previous podcast episodes that we’ve done it a certain way up to this point, but in order to get to that next level, we probably got to do things differently. So what are those proven systems and so that’d be the first thing is one, they come with a very humble attitude and the second thing is they’re implementing these systems. They’re having success implement, let’s think about five things they’ve implemented this year. Okay. And we’ll have aaron kind of break them down cause that’s all right there.

Things that [inaudible] does as well. Okay, so one, let’s talk about. They are very obsessed with delivering a great quality product. That’s right. And then they want their staff to get reviews after they’ve delivered a great product. That’s right. It seems kind of crazy, but some companies do a great job and then they don’t get reviews online or some companies don’t do a good job and then they asked for reviews and people give him bad reviews. Can you talk about how they’ve been able to get reviews and had I been able to hold their staff accountable to getting reviews? Yeah. So one of the things that they’re doing is now they have an evaluation form or they have a, uh, a checklist whenever they go out to a job that they’re doing and they put it on there for the technicians to get reviews. And so they’ve applied that pigheaded discipline where, you know, hell or high water.

We’re getting a review from this job, please leave us an objective review if you need help being shown how to leave a review, we’ll show you how to do it. And they’ve just gone out there and got in it and has produced results from them. They’re getting new jobs because of their reviews. Erin Shaw homes. You guys pride yourselves on offering great quality homes. How many years have you guys at Shaw home’s been building these homes since? Nineteen 85. So long. That’s like 40 years. Yeah, that’s close. Well you got a 97, 95, 2005. So 30 minutes. Thirty, 30 years. Thirty three, 33 years. Thirty three years you guys have building quality homes and then after you build those quality homes, why do you insist on gathering objective reviews from your satisfied clients? Well, that’s because if you don’t ask for reviews, then all you get is a couple of haters.

I mean, how many people have been out to a restaurant to eat dinner and the only time you even think about giving a review a review is when the food was horrible in the service was going to tell you what. I’m going to leave a review right now. I’m going to leave a review right now in most restaurants. Do a good job most nights. But you know, when you have that one bad night, you’re guaranteed to get rave reviews that are not good. So marsh is wicked man. I’m ready to leave and review. Wicked bad when we get a lot of customers that we’ve built for. I mean obviously tons of them, uh, over the years. And so I think we have a little over 400 people who have given us a review. And you know, we end up a four point nine out of five stars, over 400 plus people it is.

And so we just ask everybody to do it and that way it doesn’t matter, you know, it’s a real listic number as opposed to just the haters out there putting out a review like the bad night at a restaurant. Now Marshall Call recording over there and talk to me about call recording has changed the lives for the good folks of their platinum pest and lawn. So we implemented call recording and this has been the single most helpful a system that we’ve implemented, change their life, change their lives have been changed. And so one, uh, jared and Jennifer themselves have been able to get better on the phones, but also it’s an accountability for all of their other team members that are on the phones on a daily basis. Marginal or you’re saying they set up a call center that they, uh, they didn’t send up a call center, but they set up an office that serves as their call center. Why would they not set up at a call center? You can outsource it to India, you can do it. It’s like it’s only for like four hours, $4 an hour. You can set up a call center. You can have a remote to set up. Why would you not outsource that caused it to Marsha? Come on, answer the question. Every time I’ve seen a client, a outsource their calling to somewhere else,

it’s not gone. Well, why do you hate the concert? Does it’s a great idea and it’s a viable option. You can’t. You can’t do that. It’s not a proven path right now to sign up. Nope. Can’t do it. Okay, so instead of a call center, how much, what percentage of leads do they close now? I mean, did they get leads from facebook? They’re close. They’re close in 85 percent. Are you hearing that? 80 five percent. We don’t have any other business coaching client at that level. No percent of the leads that come in, they’re booking them. It’s incredible. Facebook, Google, whatever. Yup. Call recording. Aaron. You mean I’m going to work at a job like American Express, like directv fly southwest airlines like Disney, where they’re actually gonna record my calls at shawhomes homes.

Why do you guys record the calls? Well, you know, you hear that recording sometimes when you call businesses where it says, this call is recorded for quality assurance. Call me, record it. I mean, honestly, one of the number one reasons is for quality. We want the customer to get the same message from our company over and over and over again and not just whatever somebody thinks up off the top of their head. I mean, you know, sometimes you have an employee show up and they had horrible morning, you know, the, the kitchen was set on fire that morning while they were getting ready and then they fell into the tub while they were ironing out their hair and electrocuted themselves. And then they show up to work and they get on the phone and if they don’t have a script, it doesn’t usually go well because their emotional state is all in a tizzy.

So the great thing about that, you know, it’s going to be a consistent message, but it’s also nice because somebody new coming in, a new person that we hire, they don’t need to know everything you would ever have to know about home building, which is a pretty dynamic and robust industry. There’s a lot of information so they’ve got a proven path in front of them where they know what to say and how to answer questions that customers would have. And it just gives quality assurance to the customer getting a consistent message and consistent information from us. Marshal spigot of emotional. Uh, this morning, uh, Aaron, uh, before Aaron arrived, Andrew showed up and bought me a gift. It’s a woodblock oh, block. And he bought me a mount to go with it as a great gift. And so we’re going to play a, a special edition of a name that tune and was talking about people coming to work and bring their emotions to work.

And we’re playing name that tune. There’s networks. Marshall, if you get it right, you get this sound, which is 4,000, 207 mega points. Okay? Now, if you get it wrong, you get this sound, which means that when you get to heaven, God will give you a look. That’s not favorable. Got It. You’ll still get in and I have no proof of this. I have no data, but I believe it could be plausible that he would. You walk in and he’ll go, really? Is that all you can do that I gave you years? I gave you breath. I gave you training your parents. Your Dad’s a smart guy. Okay, here we go. Ready? Right here. You need more. You need more at the block every time. Is that emotions by Mariah Carey? No, it’s. Oh, get so emotional. Obey mass. Okay. I don’t have a free conscript by Whitney Houston. Kind of changed it up a little bit. Is there anything like that? So beautifully. One more. One more round. Okay. Let me, let me do this one. This is, this is a good one. Okay, here we go. That’s exactly like the first one. No, listen, listen, listen, you got a lot of times you guys are, are, uh, into hyperbole. You attack me to personal exaggeration and it’s a reality distortion field and I’m tired of it. This song is an amazing song and I practiced it for hours. Here we go.

Marsha, what song is it? Is that, uh, somebody watching me by rockwell. Prince Ali Mighty. Is He Alia Bobois guys. 10 regular man. Definitely, you know from the Latin. Alright. Gotcha. Prince Ali, you, you are not. You know what you get. You get a demerit in heaven right now. That’s two merits to merits. Okay, so we move on. The systems, they use it. Shaw. Okay. System number three is shaw homes. Because we’re going to go work for Shaw homes. This is going to happen. This is going to happen. This is going to happen. If you work at Shaw Humps, it’s going to blow your mind out there. Consistent training, consistent training, platinum, platinum passed. How has consistent training impacted because they don’t just train one time. They don’t hand their team a manual and say whoomp, there it is. We’ll see you later. They do consistent training. How is consistent training helped their team?

You gotta schedule consistent training every single week and when it’s a habit, when it’s something that’s in the regular schedule, every single week, your team’s going to get better every single week and you’re going to have a team of a plus players. You’re going to coach them up to being able to do things that they previously couldn’t do before they worked with you. Aaron antice Shaw homes is hiring right now. The jobs are starting on $40,000, 45, $45,000 and so it can earn up to how much a up to 150, 200,000. If you’re good and only have to do is apply today by going to [inaudible] dot com. Should they email you? What’s the best way to reach you guys? Yeah. You can send me an email at info at [inaudible] dot com or you can reach me by phone at nine. One, eight, two, five, eight, six. One, six one. Now what? Talk to me about the importance of that consistent training you guys provide your people at Shaw homes.

Yeah. Well, we’re in an industry that is a, like I said earlier, it’s dynamic, it’s robust, there’s thousands of moving parts to a home and so you need to have a lot of information inside of your brain in order to be able to communicate to the client and they come in, you know, this is an hgtv world we live in where everybody’s an expert on homes and real estate and home building and so people come in with a lot actually. So we get a lot of people coming in with a lot of different questions that they’re asking and you know, they’re usually not going to hand over their life savings to go do something like this and build a home unless they feel confident in the person that they’re talking to. And like they’re a knowledgeable individual in our industry. So we do regular training all the time where it’s a rock in our schedule. It never changes. And the great thing for somebody who’s working in our company is because we’re coaching them and training them, they get regular feedback. It’s not a thing where it’s like you get one review at the end of the year and you’ll find out whether you’re fired right before Christmas or whether you still have a job for the following year. So through that training process and constant feedback, you really know where you stand and you continue to grow. In our company, thrive nation, you might’ve heard this. It’s regular reoccurring training at home.

Surely you can’t be serious. I am serious. And don’t call me Shirley. He’s

being serious right there. Marsh, he’s being serious. Now, the next move they haven’t shot homes is you’re expected to know your numbers. So as a salesperson, you can’t just make up quotes. So many home builders get themselves in trouble. I’d get themselves in trouble by making up quotes they can’t deliver on. As an example, um, my wife and I think we’ve determined the vendor we’re going to use to build our Camp Clark and chicken palace lampoon lagoon a, the word lampoon for those of you who familiar with the word lampoon,

lampoon is sort of where you are, are making fun, poking fun at social norms. So like everybody else is, I’m okay with it, but you sort of publicly ridiculed and I think that’s what all I do. Basically. I feel like my job is. I just live sort of very counterintuitive existence and so a foot calling it. The Lampoon Laguna’s very important Marshall to be the pool. We’ve got the grotto going on. I met with the pool guy yesterday that I think the final guy, he’s given me a quote for the deck, the pool, the land, the lagoon to the grotto. He’s told me how long it’s gonna take. I think we’re going to start construction here and about three weeks of the deck area and in January start digging the hole, put in the pool of Marshall. He says though, the, if you, if you pay a deposit today, you put 25 percent down today.

That locks in the cost of the materials because we’re going to go and buy them all because if we don’t get them here, if we don’t ship in the edits, limestone, am I making, I think limestone rocks or big actual boulders. He’s like, if we buy them now, the price of those things might change. If there’s any steel you use to build your deck. I mean, apparently the prices have changed dramatically this year. Erin, because of these tariffs and the Cha, can you explain how the some of the policies of the trump administration has, has affected the cost of building materials?

Yeah. Well, you know, there’s a lot of suppliers of lumber that are in Canada and so they’re cutting down their crops, the trees up there and they’re bringing them into the United States where a lot of the construction is happening and it’s been a booming year for, for home building. And so they’re bringing those across the border and when that happens, there’s money added onto it and a lot of the companies that used to do all the lumber jacking in the United States went out of business back in, Oh, seven, oh eight. And have not come back. So we’re bringing in a lot of wood from outside of the country. And so there’s added tax from the tariffs added on. And so the cost of lumber, along with having a huge demand, there’s a lack of supply and so lumber materials have gone up quite a bit this year.

This just in lumber materials have gone up quite a bit this year. Marshall Platinum pest control, they know their numbers. How is it helpful for them running their company? Well, we have a part of our agenda every single week where we go over their weekly dashboard. That’s how many leads came in, how many deals did they close, how much money came into the bank account, not how much did we sell, but how much was deposited into the bank account. And then additionally, what did we spend in order to get those leads into the business? And when you do this on a weekly basis, you’re never blindsided by money not being in the account. You’re never unsure of how much you can spend on advertising. They know their numbers. I think some people are out there. They tried to run their company in a way where it’s like if you were marshals, we ever seen it rain. Yes. And have you ever seen a rain? Yeah. Okay, a manager, are you familiar with the concept known as a rain? Yeah. Have you ever seen business owners that what they’ll do, Aaron is or there homebuilders. You probably seen your competitors do this, but it’s. It’s, it’s like it’s. It starts to rain, right, and it’s almost

slight water rains coming down here, kind of heavy Marshall, heavier, heavier rains coming in, try and they’re trying to dodge raindrops. That’s their move. Their people. People were trying to dodge or running like a serpentine fashion, like running around not getting an umbrella, not using an umbrella

technology and people are trying to dodge prices changing and it’s like you can’t dodge prices changing in the home building industry. Any industry it’s going to change. You can’t dodge price changes and some people want to just sort of avoid it and try to dodge. These prices are changing everyday of different materials. How in the world do you stay on top of the price changes, Aaron? Or do you guys endorsed the strategy known as

rain? Dodgy? We are not a rain dodging company,

but actually I had a true story. I had a good friend of mine who told me that he had built a home when he found out what I did, he said, you know, we built a home just recently and um, we ended up in a situation where right before we were going to close on the home, the builder came to us and said, oh, by the way, you owe us an extra $42,000 and I need it before the end of the week. And I have a sound of what your friend felt like when he heard this incident.

Exactly. I mean, it freaks you out a little bit. You’re not ready for that. It’s a little scary. So what happens is, you know, builders don’t really know what their numbers are and they’re not keeping track of it. And we’ve implemented a very indepth software system. We give the customer the price upfront upfront, we know what our costs are and we also have our costs work worked out into the future. So for example, if we’re going to order our lumber package, it might be a month or so before we actually needed on site, but I have my prices locked in longterm.

I can,

I can quote them a price, it’ll still be the price later, no surprises down the road as opposed to somebody who’s like popping surprises on the customer all the time through the process. And then surprising them at the end with $42,000 in

extra costs. Let me tell you about the pool guy. Let me talk about this pool guy. This poor guy, I love this pool guy. He comes to my house, shows up on time, meets with my wife, talks to her because you don’t really. I say I’m going to talk it over with my wife. My wife will make decisions and I will be notified of those decisions. So my wife’s talking to the pool guy, then I chime in with my knowledge about the deck. I want to extend the, the, the, the man cave that look that motif in to the bottom level of the Dick. You know, and I want the grotto so I can go back behind their waterfall, Andrew and read books, right? Yeah. So I’ve got a couple of unreasonable demands. The rest of it’s very reasonable. My wife’s going to do what she wants. It looks really great. I will love the design, but the guy says, here’s the deal. This is what the quote today. Okay.

He breaks it down and it’s like, what to say? It’s like 172,000 for the pool. The limestone, the, it’s like a heater or there’s some kind of heater. There’s a gas heater, the heats the pool, there’s a um, there’s a hot tub overflows. There’s the umbrella holder things. It’s just, there’s uplighting. It’s, it’s cool. And he says, now for the deck, it’s going to cost boom, boom, boom. And I recommend this guy, you know, and I talked to this guy and this guy said, well, in order for us to do this and that, but then both of them or they’d say, but with you paid today, you lock in that price. And in our contract it states that we won’t raise the price throughout the process. That not knowing your numbers is bad for you. It’s bad for the customers, it’s bad for your budget’s not a move.

And the final, the final, you’re going to have to. I was just going to say it’s never the contractor that pays for his poor accounting and is not knowing the numbers. It’s always the customer who ends up paying for it. And getting surprised by. This is usually how it sounds. Marshall, this is the kind of business coaching call you get. Have you. Have you ever worked with a contract you ever hired a contractor to do some renovation of a property you’ve lived in or owned? If you’re done this before, my parents just redid their bathroom. Good, good contractor or a bad one. Uh, they did not have a good experience, but I was coaching them through the process. This is typically what they do, that the person will call go up. Where should we get a chance to call me back? There got some updates for you. And, and they usually send are calling from a CB or like they’re in a truck. Well they’re calling you because it’s like they’re in a, they’re in, they’re in a moving vehicle while calling you. Have you, you have to talk about the. Oh yeah. So you have like a moving truck there in the moving truck while calling it. That’s kind of the, the key. They’re sorting their accounting in their truck while they’re on the phone was right, because that’s the key to making sure they have no idea what’s going on.

So they’re in the truck. Now Marshall, here’s the deal, the price of steel. Let me turn that down real quick. Let me go. Ready to get off. Get off. Sorry. We got a nuclear meltdown here. I’ll with good. Now. Press went up by 27 percent Chobani to come by and getting her draw for $7,200 and a mess up man. Sorry. We had somebody who had an accident here about mark. What were you saying now? Uh, when are you going to be finished? I will be a Jackhammer. Sorry. Sorry. Anyway, so we’re all good. They’re

like, no, no one’s paying attention, right? That’s right. It’s crazy. Show homes when you talk to somebody, are they actively building while they’re talking to you about the price of the home and they actually is the salesperson talking to you amidst a build a no. They’re in a model home and they actually walk you through a really simple process to pick everything out and they walk away with a line item printout with exactly what you wanted in the home, spelled out to the penny so that there’s no surprises at any point and we don’t ask you for any commitment until 100 percent know all the way down to the dollar exactly what the home is going to cost you and then we never change it through the process. We will allow you to change it if you want to, but we’re not going to surprise you with anything.

Now, the final system I want to talk about, the platinum pass has been able to implement that you guys also do at Shaw is a. You guys have a fully optimized website at shaw homes and you also have one of the platinum pass when your clients and Marshall, uh, how many more leads or those guys getting now or how has being top of Google impacted platinum pest? Oh yeah. It used to be that they were just getting one or two, a couple of leads a week and now they’re getting, you know, upwards of 15, 20 leads a week and they’re just closing everything and they’re closing at like 85 percent or a one time treatment. Or they do a phenomenal bimonthly treatment that where they come out automatically every other month and it’s just, it kills all the past. And uh, they wow their customers. When the leads come in, somebody has to call them.

That’s right. Homes, your website’s optimized. But when a lead comes in, someone has to call them. And so if you’re going to apply for a job today, you don’t want to come work for shaw homes. You want to be an a player working for an a level company. Oklahoma’s largest builder accompany hits headed by people that know what they’re doing. Erin sold over $800, million dollars of homes. If you want to join a winning team, shaw homes, you’re going to have to call the leads, and a lot of people, they don’t answer the phone. Erin, if they don’t recognize the number, a lot of consumers will not answer the phone if they don’t recognize the number. Why is it so important for the a players who want to work for shaw home to embrace the idea of calling every lead until they reached the person?

Well, first of all, just honestly this is our perspective on it. We want to save them from the craziness that’s out there in the home building world. We will. We don’t want them to build with a company that has horrible accounting. They don’t know their numbers and maybe are going to go out of business during the middle of the build, which we’ve seen this happen. We’ve actually taken over homes to finish them for customers in the past because the company went out of business during the middle of building a home for somebody and so we want to save them from the horror of that kind of an experience. We want to save them from dealing with a company that’s going to lie to them or do things that are maybe not on the up and up, so were persistent in trying to get ahold of somebody that’s contacted us and reached out and said, hey, we want more information on you.

If you’re out there today and you are looking for a job and not just an ordinary job, you’re looking for a great job, a job, you’re going to love a place where you’re going to love coming to work everyday and a place where you have the ability to earn a lot of money. You can earn north of six figures doing something. We are hurting. They’re serving people. It’s a happy job. By the way. A lot of you’ll have jobs where you might work in a funeral home or you might be a crime scene investigator. I actually met a guy who sells a franchise. Not Kidding, it’s a crime scene. Investigation franchise. Imagine what those

conversations would be like. Honey, how was your day at work? Uh, well, at my crime scene, investigating franchise where the more business we get, the more death is occurring. Today was a great day. We had a lot of new people die. I mean, seriously, it’s not. The company is called, I believe it’s called a. let’s see here. Oh my gosh, you gotta think it’s March. You have to look it up. We’ll Polish up. We’ll put on the show notes. It’s a crime scene investigation franchise. That’s crazy. I mean that would be just a horrible job that it’s not a happy time when people are looking to buy a home. It is and we normally don’t have to do any crime scene investigation in the home building business. And so yeah, it’s a great atmosphere. There’s a lot of fun people there. In fact, a on staff in our main office.

I mean, many of the people that are there today were there 12 years ago when I started working there, and so it’s definitely a family atmosphere in our company. When you work there, it’s like every day at work, as a holiday, every everyday is a great day. When you work at show homes, Marshall, I’m going to play name that tune with you one more time because people loved it so much. We’re getting such incredible reaction throughout the, throughout the planet, throughout the world, as we’re rising to the higher and higher and on itunes. I attribute that mainly to my incredible ability to play any song that I want to with this woodblock that I’ve now mastered since playing it for the first time this morning. So I will play the next song and I would like for you to actually try this time because remember, you get a mega points on this one. You get one mega point if you get it right, and if you get it wrong, you get judgment from everyone. All the listeners, one, hundreds of thousands of people will will say the name Marshall Morris and they’ll go, Marshall Morris, thrive nation. Practice with me. Marshall Morris, frick, frick, and Marshall Morris. Okay. Ready? Marshall? Here we go. The category is songs that were saying that became top 40 hits a lot of songs. I’ll narrow it down. Really, really huge. Top 40 hits. Sung by humans. Here we go.

That was just like the other two. This one, isn’t it? Listen, the way I’m holding it, Andrew, you see it. You see I’m holding. I’m holding the malate more from the bottom. It’s a tank. It’s the angle at which you hold the melon. That’s the difference. That doesn’t make any sense. You don’t understand the music, man. Listen, listen, listen to this. Andrew, earlier today, before you guys got here, he. You said, listen, clay, after you master the Woodblock, I have another. Let me play cold. We pull it up real quick. Okay, let me get it. This is the other instrument that Andrew’s have me practice. Practice here. No. Okay, let me get it. I got it because I gotta I to cue it up again. This is the other one. Andrew got me a Didgeridoo last week and he asked me to practice. So this is audio of me practicing the Didgeridoo. Didgeridoo last Friday through Sunday, 10 hours. We’ll put a link in the show notes. This is me playing the Didgeridoo. This is 10 hours of Andrew and Marshall. I’ll put this art marshall right here if you’ll put this in the show notes please. So listeners, you want to hear

10 hours of Didgeridoo? Think there’s any listeners that here 10 hours. First off, when I started off, let me tell you where I was struggling. I was started off. I was going when on. I didn’t sound quite right, but now it sounds like this. Both of those sound the same. No difference. He has no. He has no art martial. Here’s doesn’t understand the musical ear. The stylings. Now Marshall, do you want a name? That tune? I’ll go back one more time. Can you play it again? So that.

Is that A. is that blue oyster cult called today sale. The Bray hate holiday. He took a holiday. He. Oh yeah. It took some time to celebrate heat. Just one day out of life. It would be so nice holiday and I dedicate that to shaw homes because you get a job at shaw homes. Every day will be a holiday. Aaron, if people want to go to show homes, they want to learn more about you. They want to apply for a job. What’s that? Action step? They need to take one more time. Well, first of all, they need to learn how to play the woodblock like you do clay, and then they need to call us at nine. One, eight, two, five, eight, six, one, six, one. Or they can email [email protected] and Marshall were going to end the show with a boom, but as we end the show, the boom. I’m going to introduce the woodblock and I’d like to see if you can lead us out as I. I’ll, I’ll do the woodblock and then you lead us through the three d. got it.

Three, two, one. Boom. Keeps going and going and going and going and going and going and going. Everybody, white people, samoans. Let people and Asians. Here we go. All the single ladies, all the single dudes. Oh, the people in the business coaching back. The people in the front. Seriously, we’re going to be done now.


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