See What People Are Saying About
the Thrivetime Show 2-Day Business Conferences
– December 2019 Conference – Part 4 –

“If you are serious, and I mean really serious about your career, your entrepreneurship, your wealth creation ability, I strongly, strongly implore you to come to Tulsa.”

Hello. My name is Michael Levine. In the last 35 years, I’ve represented 58 Academy Award winners, 34 Grammy Award winners and 43 New York Times Best Sellers. I’ve owned a P.R. firm for, as I said, 35 years, and represented some of the most famous people of our time. For the last two years, I’ve come to Clay Clark’s Thrivetime December business conferences. And I must say I didn’t know what to expect at first, but it’s exceptional. Filled brimming with 300 passionate, enthused, inquisitive entrepreneurs doing extraordinary things.

So much of the year I spend in a disappointing. Feelings about things I see in our society and in our culture. But coming here wipes that all clean. If you are serious, and I mean really serious about your career, your entrepreneurship, your wealth creation ability, I strongly, strongly implore you to come to Tulsa. Invest the two days at the business conferences, it will change your life. It’s quite extraordinary, and I’m a tough grader, thank you. My name is Michael Levine.

The culture’s awesome. It makes you want to get on your feet, and get running.

Geoff Rottmayer, Tulsa, Oklahoma. I own a Baseball Academy. Athletic Mission Baseball Academy.
They teach a lot of practical steps at these business conferences that we can use, every single day. A lot of action items that were very valuable. It’s a lot of fun. The good laugh. The culture’s awesome. It makes you want to get on your feet, and get running. And get going. Well, I think if you’re serious about trying to get to that next level… I think the action item, the practical step, the best practices are, what’s going to separate… at least from my experience from other business conferences.

It’s not just one person getting up there and talking about his singular success. It’s also tying in people that have started, are starting, or in the middle of starting and then they’re celebrating their success together.

Hi, my name is Emily Sheer and I’m originally from Illinois. In our entrepreneur live and a garage remodel business, but in my day job I am in healthcare. For me it’s been really great to focus on online presence and how to increase Google reviews and your availability for consumers to find you on social media. We’re going to be able to take a lot of those very practical steps and put them in place immediately once we leave here. We’ve already got a running list of some things that we need to work on to make us more visible and to reach more homes and more families.

The presentation style has been very unique and it hits a lot of really good key points. It is a high energy, high impact environment. I really can appreciate it once we get into the business conferences and once we get into some of the things he talks about because he does a really do a job of trying to tie in some key points with some learning moments to help those things stick.

It’s been really neat to see the number of people here that are entrepreneurs that are at the beginning of their at their game and then also some that are success stories. For me that’s what makes this unique is that it’s not just one person getting up there and talking about his singular success. It’s also tying in people that have started, are starting, or in the middle of starting and then they’re celebrating their success together. This is not your mama’s marketing world and so to keep it into this time and to make sure that your presence is where it needs to be and really focusing your energy where it needs to be focused, you need help from somebody that understands the market today and knows how to really grow your business in today’s environment and that’s what this conference is about.

It’s been really neat to see the number of people here that are entrepreneurs that are at the beginning of their at their game and then also some that are success stories. For me that’s what makes this unique is that it’s not just one person getting up there and talking about his singular success. It’s also tying in people that have started, are starting, or in the middle of starting and then they’re celebrating their success together. This is not your mama’s marketing world and so to keep it into this time and to make sure that your presence is where it needs to be and really focusing your energy where it needs to be focused, you need help from somebody that understands the market today and knows how to really grow your business in today’s environment and that’s what this conference is about.

The business conferences I have gone to the past are basically designed upon hype, to be able to get people motivated, without the instructional effort

My name is Keith Schultz. I’m originally from Montana and I’ve been in Tulsa now for about 19 years. We are in the home security industry. The name of our business is Witness Security. We’ve been in business for a little over 10 years. I’ve been working with Clay as a business coaching client for fairly close to two solid years. Basically, since we’ve been working with Clay for the last couple years, the emphasis of writing content, emphasis of Google reviews, making sure that you have some sort of a planned scrip in order … just the basics and just carrying out those fundamentals on a day-to-day basis. His presentation style is unique in the fact that it has the energy, but informative at the same time.

The business conferences I have gone to the past are basically designed upon hype, to be able to get people motivated, without the instructional effort to make sure that you have functional methods in order to be able to work when you get done.
… gives them a really good idea to get their feet wet in starting a business, or if they haven’t, if they’re in a business, or if they’ve already just considering getting into one, what needs to be put in place in order to make it work and be successful.

“Being able to apply all the attributes that they teach here works in just about any situation…”

My name is Natalie Jones and I’m originally from Oregon. I’m in the marketing industry and I would say Clay’s presentation style is very energetic and fun. He’s caring but real, which is a very good middle in between and it’s amazing, honestly. What makes this business conference different from many others is just that the whole atmosphere of it is a lot more lively and more outgoing I feel like. I think even if you’re not in business or you’re not going to grow your own business, but it’s just good for your own life attributes. Being able to apply all the attributes that they teach here works in just about any situation, whether you’re more involved in a religion, church and stuff, just keeping it steady. I think it’s just really good learning and growing for everyone.

I would encourage every business owner out there or potential entrepreneur to attend at least one conference

Hi, my name is Josh Wilson from Tulsa, Oklahoma. We are in the irrigation industry. We own Living Water Irrigation. What we have learned here at the business conferences, we’re going to be able to take all these principles and all these systems and all these processes and just grow our company, improve how we’re doing things.

I would describe Clay as extremely entertaining and a fire hose of information. The biggest difference between The Thrive conference and other business conferences and other things is: other workshops, number one, don’t have a lot of practical, actionable items, and number two just aren’t really that entertaining. I would encourage every business owner out there or potential entrepreneur to attend at least one conference because of all the information you can learn, the people you can hang out with and learn from, and the things that it’ll do for you as a person and for your business.

It’s a lot more intimate. We have lunch brought in. Everybody’s right here next to you and nobody’s separated in different spots

My name’s Jeremy, and I’m from Kansas City, Missouri. I am in the lawn care industry and I have a business called Jeremy’s Mowing.
So I’m going to go home and I’m going to apply the scheduling and yeah … The atmosphere here and Clay’s presentation, it’s great. It’s very intimate and just close together and … Yeah, he does a great job speaking and keeping us engaged.

This business conference is very different from the real estate one I went to. It’s a lot more intimate. We have lunch brought in. Everybody’s right here next to you and nobody’s separated in different spots and stuff like that.
You got to attend these business conferences. You got to get out, learn, get your mindset right, get motivated, and get ready to do a good job.

“Clay is a magical speaker and he brings enthusiasm to everything that he does and he has a genuine passion for helping people grow their businesses.”

My name is Joshua Lee and I’m here from Tulsa, Oklahoma. I work with Redmond Consulting, and we are a consulting online based firm. So far one of the biggest things I’ve learned at this business conference has been about improving branding within the company and how our reputation really can increase our revenue. Clay is a magical speaker and he brings enthusiasm to everything that he does and he has a genuine passion for helping people grow their businesses. One of the big things that separates this conference from some of the other business conferences I’ve gone to in the past is that Clay has a genuine interest and enthusiasm for helping the people there. It’s not just some sort of like sales conversion method, he actually cares about you and your business. I think everyone should attend at least one conference because that way you can actually get involved in our atmosphere and the energy. And you can see for yourself how it’s just completely different than any other organization out there.

Clay’s presentation style, it’s amazing, he’s funny and yet he’s really profound.

My name is Bruno and I’m originally from Italy. I live in Houston, Texas. I’m a financial advisor, so I’m in the finance business and I’m in Houston, Texas. The company of the name I work with Wyman Financial. Well, first of all, I would say the best thing that has impacted me is the ethics of works. So you know, put in the time to actually get the result. That would be one thing that I have been very much inspired by. Clay’s presentation style, it’s amazing, he’s funny and yet he’s really profound. So he’s constantly giving you challenges, but in a funny way that it keeps your attention for all the time and that’s excellent.

This business conferences, it’s different from basically any other conference I’ve been because it’s very practical. It gives me real steps that I can apply in my job, and I can do it with his help or without his help. I’ve been a follower of his podcast for many months and I’ve been applying those principles that he teaches there, even before I ever came here for the first time.
I think everybody should come to this business workshops. I’m going crazy inviting my friends and the people I love most because they will get out of here with practical input, how

I go to a lot of seminars, I go to a lot of business conferences…and this is by far the most entertaining…where it’s fun, it’s fresh, it’s lively. You never get bored.

My name is Clint Howard and I’m here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I own Tulsa Fitness Systems, we’re a personal training and fitness training facility. I’m learning a ton. This morning so far, it’s been search engine optimization, really just the importance of being at the top of Google, how Google works and why it’s so important to go out and get video reviews and testimonials, and getting Google reviews. All those things we can take back and really apply that immediately. It’s really cool to see not only how to do it but really the relevance and the importance of it for your long term strategy of your business.

It’s amazing, actually on the way in this morning and yesterday I was videoing as I was walking in the front entrance and actually me, I go to a lot of seminars, I go to a lot of business conferences, masterminds, I’ve been doing that since I was 22 years old, so almost 20 years now and this is by far the most entertaining, not only the content, the content is amazing but Clay and you guys do a great job of mixing in [inaudible 00:01:04], entertainment where it’s fun, it’s fresh, it’s lively. You never get bored. I heard a study one time that the reason that children learn so much quicker is because it’s fun, learning is fun. So obviously Clay has nailed that where it’s very fun to be here. It keeps you awake, it keeps you energized so I’m having a blast.

I think any business owner or someone that wants to own a business or considering owning or starting a business should definitely come. I know that I was referred here by friends of mine and clients of mine and I’ve referred other people. Again, just to understand what it takes to make a business successful, to have a good time, obviously like I was just saying, have fun. And network because a lot of the other people here you can learn from, there’s a lot of breaks, you can talk to other people. So I think this is a must attend for anybody that owns a business or that wants to start a business.


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