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the Thrivetime Show 2-Day Business Conferences
– December 2019 Conference – Part 5 –

“I’ve been to so many events, business conferences, and stuff over my career. None of [them] even compare…”

My name is Darren Ross and I’m originally from Kearney, Missouri. Actually, I sold my company two years ago this month in December of 17. We were a manufacturer and distributor of promotional products and custom apparel. What I would be able to apply, what I’ve learned so far in this, in my business would be the marketing, the group interview is the biggest thing and all the Google reviews. Those are the things that I wish I would have done when I owned my company, but I didn’t had I done that back then, 31 years ago, we would probably been in a whole different spot when we sold our business.
I wouldn’t describe place, presentation, style and atmosphere here as over the top. I’ve been to so many events, business conferences, and stuff over my career. None of even compared, this is my second conference.

I came back to give the one in June, six months ago, told my wife had to come back and came back this time and brought a friend with me. So what makes this conference different than any other conferences or workshops I’ve been to in the past is number one, the high energy. Number two, you’re around real, authentic, transparent people. People that aren’t trying to put on a show, and the biggest thing ever is there’s no huge upsells back of the room rushes to get a lot more sales, and when you leave here, you have actionable items that you can go back, implement and use today without feeling like you’re going back with an empty wall.

Everyone that’s in business should attend this thrive time business conferences. Number one because it’s very, very affordable, inexpensive. Number two, you’re going to get more information. More actionable items you’re going to get at any other conference here and number three, you’re [inaudible] in the Midwest. If you’re in the Midwest, you’re going to be able to probably drive here and just take home a lot of good knowledge that you’re going to be to implement tomorrow and I guarantee you’re going to be thanking me in a few months for giving you this testimonial video.

You’re going to leave with positive energy…but it’s going to be practical information that you’re going to learn to grow your business.

My name’s Jerry Marshall. I’m actually a local here in Tulsa Oklahoma. I’m in the green industry. We move on a landscape, Green martial aren’t just my business. Man, there’s so much that these business conferences teaches that we’re going to be able to apply. Number one: obviously, marketing strategies, but not only that, we’ve got information on legality issues. You know how to, how to fall gone in your business. Pretty much anything, any aspect of business. This is the conference. Well, first of all, enthusiastic. That’s the first word that comes to mind when you think of play card. You’re not leaving here without energy. You’re going to leave with positive energy, but it’s not just something that motivates you and you know gives you all this information for you to just go home and he’s saying, but it’s going to be practical information that you’re going to learn to grow your business.

Well, I’ve been to several business conferences in the last year for instance, and so many of them just give you this information and it’s, you know, kind of how do you apply it. But this conference actually gives you the information but also gives you the information to apply. The information, if that makes sense. It’s you know, we’re not only receiving information, but we’re receiving information on how to apply that, how to, how this applies to your business. So you’re going to leave here with information and you’re going to know how to apply that information. Man, I think everything I’ve said led up to this point, because it’s going to change your business. It’s going to change the way you think, which is the main problem in so many of our businesses is put the system in place. Get your emotions in check. That’s a fact.

The group interview’s helped us tremendously.

My name is Chris Tracy and I’m originally from San Diego. I’ve been in Oklahoma for 22 years. Yeah, we’re in technology and cybersecurity, and the name of the business is of course, CT Technologies. The group interviews helped us tremendously. We’ve gone from not being able to get anybody to apply, to turning people away because they’re late, so it’s amazing. Oh, fun, very vibrant… gets everybody involved, there’s a lot of good music in the background too. It’s practical, you can use the stuff right away, immediately and you know it makes sense immediately. If you want to be making money as opposed to working your whole life away, I suggest coming here to do these business conferences.

This is definitely a change in the atmosphere for me and I definitely I’m enjoying this style.

My name is Alison, and I’m originally from Pennsylvania, but I currently live in Wisconsin, Florida. The name of my business is called Brooklyn Bees, I am a beekeeper and I do bee removal as well as pollinator garden installation. I’ve learned a lot so far, I’m going to go home and work on my website and I’m going to take some of the actions that Clay talked about as far as managing my time better, and I’m also going to think about hiring a professional to help me with my website. Well, the atmosphere is very upbeat and it’s exciting, everyone’s really friendly and approachable. The beekeeping conferences that I go to are pretty technical and mostly pretty boring I guess, most university type people. So this is definitely a change in the atmosphere for me and I definitely I’m enjoying this style. Well, I think people should attend these business conferences if they want to grow their business and learn from other industry professionals that are successful. I think it’s inspiring and it’s a small investment for a lot of benefits.

“Clay breaks it down into sizable chunks to go ahead and take in and then take action on.”

My name is Jeremy Clark and I’m originally from Corpus Christi, Texas. I’m in several different industries. I am a personal trainer at the Hub Gym. I own my own clothing apparel line called Team Dynamic Power and I also am a cohost with my wife Molly on our Dynamic Power podcast. The one thing that I like about this event is Clay breaks it down into sizable chunks to go ahead and take in and then take action on. He doesn’t overwhelm you with a bunch of different things, just very minute things to take small action on.
I would explain Clay’s presentation style as entertaining. He definitely gets his point across by the type of humor that he brings to it.
The one thing that makes us different from other conferences I’ve been to in the past is Clay’s willingness to involve his current clients and show kind of as a testimonial how they’ve been able to make a difference in their business. Everyone should attend at least one of  the ThriveTime Show business conferences mainly for the experience, right? I’ve been to several different conferences and this one has its own thing that makes it unique. So you will have to come and check out what makes it unique for you.

If you want a successful business…this is the place to be.

Hey, it’s Jaron Knight, originally from Sand Springs, Oklahoma. I’m actually working at the Thrive office and I am really looking forward to being a business coach in the next month. I think a lot of things we learned today, especially with Michael Levine and Branding, especially whenever you’re talking about making your own, ‘your own’, I think it’s really cool to be able to learn how to implement ‘you’ into your business and to be able to get your name out there and make it something memorable.
Oh, I absolutely love it. It would absolutely suck if anyone up there, were just talking, but it’s constantly making jokes, using soundbites, having a lot of fun and off course making a few friends here; it’s really great. Stuff actually gets done at this conference, which is really cool. You consistently see people writing stuff down. At other business conferences it’s all about motivation, being here, it’s about actually doing stuff and if you’re not someone who like implements the items, you’re not going to want to be here, so it’s great. Not everyone should attend the Thrive Time Show business conference and if you don’t want to grow your business or think that you know, your way is going to be the best way, and then you’re probably not going to like it here. But if you want a successful business and you hate communism this is the place to be.

There’s information here that I don’t think you can get anywhere else.

Hello, my name is Alex Spark. Originally from Santa Clarita, California. I’m in live production industry focusing on audio and technical management and my name of the business is Raider Q Productions. It opened my eyes in regards to how my business is currently structured and the fact that it’s not even really a business as much as it was something that was catering to me, and now realizing that I need to find the need out there in the market and develop my business to do such and that’s the way I want to go with.

It’s the way that I am around my wife, when no one else is around and I wish I had that kind of tenacity to have that kind of humor in public more often. So it is inspiration, but then not only that, the humor comes with I think really well thought out morsels of information that are deeper than you think, even though they’re small, real concise. That’s exactly what I needed actually.
Well that’s interesting because I’ve been to thousands of business conferences doing sound. I’ve been doing sound since I was 14 years old and I’ve seen every kind of self-help thing you can imagine, and honestly, 98% of I ones I’ve been to, I get nothing out of. I hear it up the fly on the wall, and this one actually got a lot of information from. There’s information here that I don’t think you can get anywhere else.

I would say everyone should attend at least one Thrivetime Show Business Conference just to recharge themselves…

My name’s Levi Gable. I’m originally from Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. So we are in the utility construction industry and the name of my company is Gable’s Excavating. So this is the third conference that I’ve attended. There’s been several things that I am working to apply. It’s probably a little too much to do all at once, but just little by little, trying to implement a little bit here and there, and overall have a big improvement in our company.

Clay’s presentation style, the atmosphere here is very energetic, upbeat, fun, light, but still with a lot of very serious and insightful information. I would say everyone should attend at least one Thrivetime Show Business Conference just to recharge themselves, being around other business owners that are excited and happy to be doing what they’re doing and motivated. It’s a real kind of a recharge for other business owners.

It’s fun, it’s hyped, it really gets your energizing going, and just makes you really want to work.

My name is Caitlyn and I am from Tulsa, Oklahoma. I own a tumbling gym called Justice Tumbling Company in Tulsa. Working with Clay is so helpful, it’s being diligent and everything, and making sure we execute our goals, and just really make things happen. It’s fun, it’s hyped, it really gets your energizing going, and just makes you really want to work. To get in the moment I’m going to really just… like that buzz to really give you the energy to get up and make it happen.

You’re always learning something new every day, and you don’t always have to be afraid to even ask him a question or anything.

My name is Kang, and I am originally from Minnesota. I am with Elephant in the Room Call Center. So growing up, I’ll be able to apply all these benefits of learning all of Clay Clark’s teachings; just to help me understand better my community, and understanding how to run a business. The nice atmosphere here is always terrific. You’re always learning something new every day, and you don’t always have to be afraid to even ask him a question or anything. That’s because you get to meet like everyday people who are successful or trying to get there in life. Why people should try to attend at least one business conference for Thrive is because you can always learn something that you know that you might never know that you are going to need in the future, at some point.


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