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the Thrivetime Show 2-Day Business Conferences
– December 2019 Conference –

I keep coming back because I learn something new every single time.

My name is Chris and I’m originally from the North pole, or actually I’m MMA fighter, Justin Wren, and I’m the founder of the nonprofit Fight for the Forgotten. And we’re Oklahoma City based nonprofit. And yeah, that’s me. This isn’t my first or second thrive time show business conference, this is my fourth. And I keep coming back because I learned something new every single time. Some of it it’s similar content, but there’s always incredible golden nuggets that I can take with me not just every day, but every session of the day.

I’m going to be able to apply so much of this to my nonprofit and if I’m able to get so much for a nonprofit, how much more could a for profit get that comes here? So our nonprofit has grown leaps and bounds our best year ever because of ThriveTime, the podcast. But really the business coaching and these business conferences just pushes us forward every time I come.
Clay’s presentation style is very unique. It’s fun, it’s engaging, you laugh a third of the time, but two thirds of the time you’re being fed incredible content. You’re not coming here for some just, I don’t know, it’s not top soil stuff, it goes beneath the top soil. It’s deep. It matters. It’s practical and it’s fun. So it’s so engaging the tribe here is something I’m excited to be part of. Just hungry, eager entrepreneurs that are ready to change the world through their business, whether it’s a nonprofit like mine or a for profit.

I think anyone should come here and attend one of these business conferences at least once you got to come and check this place out. It is something special and the ThriveTime show here in Tulsa, bringing people, attracting people, it’s a little Tulsa from all over the country, even the world. And so it’s an amazing place where you’re going to get something that is more than worth your investment. That’s why I’ve come four times because it’s so much above and beyond the investment of the time, the money that I spend to get here. There’s so much great content and I just have grown so much individually as a person, but so much more as a business as well.

“The resources that we’ve been given by coming here is incredible.”

My name is Kate Weston. I am originally from Olathe, Kansas. My husband and I own a mobile detailing business called Detail, and we service the Kansas and Missouri area. Honestly, just this shift in mindset that we’ve learned from this business conference alone has changed our business. It teaches you a different way to think, how to work within your business, and just the resources that we’ve been given by coming here is incredible.

It’s great. The atmosphere here is incredible. It’s like you’re with people you’ve known your whole life and you’re just now meeting them. They’re great, they’re very welcoming, they’re warm.

There’s funny parts, there’s serious parts, it’s just been a great all-around experience. My husband isn’t one to recommend business conferences or to go and do fun things, and he couldn’t speak highly enough about these specific business conferences. A couple of months ago, he went to another business workshop, same thing as this, with Clay, and he loved it, and he was fired up, and he was like, “You have to go. It’s a wonderful experience and we’re going to build this business together, and I think we need this, it’ll help us get on the same page so that we can grow our company together the way we need to, to be successful.”

I think that everybody should attend one Thrivetime Business Conference at least once in their life, for nothing else, just to get to see other successful people.

I have invited three people this weekend, because that’s how much these conferences mean to me.

I’m Denise Richter, and I am originally from Claremore and I have a business in Tulsa. The industry I’m in is oil field supply store. We manufacture pump parts. I have learned so much at this business conferences. A lot about branding, marketing, firing, hiring, all the aspects of a business ownership that you would need to have, all the tools. And so there’s so many to mention, but a lot of good resources. Clay’s presentation style is so energetic and inspiring, and it puts a fire in you. So I am so ready to get back to the office and put a lot of this stuff into play. I’ve made a to-do list, all kinds of great stuff.

This workshop was a little different then other business conferences, they talked about branding and marketing and SEO. We haven’t gone over that at some of the other business conferences. So there was a lot of aspects of this one that gave me some great ideas, and my purple cow, and all those things I’m trying to develop. Everyone who owns a business should definitely, definitely come to one of their conferences. I have invited three people this weekend, because that’s how much these conferences mean to me. I would come to every one of them if I could. They’re so amazing, so helpful. And like I said, they put a fire in you. You’re ready to go.

These business conferences are very authentic, it’s energetic, and the atmosphere is empowering.

My name is Zena Martinez and I’m from Fayetteville, Arkansas. I am in both the technology and ministry industry. The name of my company is Our Legacy. Well, if there’s one thing that has been reiterated over and over is your net worth is your network. These business conferences are very authentic, it’s energetic, and the atmosphere is empowering. You’re surrounded with people who have succeeded, who are learning from even more experienced people, so why not surround yourself with these people and learn from them.

“It’s not just a lot of informational hype that kind of gets you excited, but it’s stuff that you can grab your hands onto and actually go and do it.”

Vidgar is my name, originally from Norway. I have a non-profit industry, we work in East Africa. Safari mission dot org is the organization. The business conferences are lots of practical, practical principles. So it’s not just a lot of informational hype that kind of gets you excited, but it’s stuff that you can grab your hands onto and actually go and do it.

The presentation style here, it’s fun, it’s high energy, keeps you really engaged. And again, it’s not some bold stuff that you can grab a hold of, you can go do it. A lot of business conferences is 90% entertainment, or you might be sitting there for eight hours and you get one or two things that you can apply, but here you’re going through sequence of steps in lots of different areas in the business. So there’s not just one or two takeaways, you’re sitting here with takeaways every 10, 15 minutes, lots of great stuff here.
Because the stuff is relevant, it doesn’t matter your industry or your business, but there’s lots of practical principles here that’s going to be relevant to your business.

There’s not another conference like it.

I’m Bob Healey and I’m originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma. I’m in the charcoal grilling industry, and the name of my business is GrillBlazer. How will I apply what I’ve learned so far into my business? I’m actually a business coaching client and I learn so much from what I’m learning at this business conference and from my regular weekly attendance, that it’s helping me establish the business and get it off the ground. Clay’s presentation style is just a blatant disregard for what anybody wants. He just has fun, it’s him. Everything that you see is authentically Clay.

It’s a great deal of fun. Everybody enjoys it. They know … When they walk in, they think they’re coming into a carnival, and frankly, they are. It’s just great fun. There’s not another conference like it. You just don’t go to a carnival atmosphere and learn like you do here at a Thrive conference. It’s great. 

The reason people should attend at least one of these business conferences is because it’s common sense. And everybody’s fed an entire line about the way you should run a business, but until you actually experience running a business, which is candidly what you learn here, how to run a business, you don’t know what you’re doing.

It’s constantly just go, go, go. It’s going to make you laugh. It’s not going to bore you. My wife thought she’d be bored. She had a good time.

Travis Bos, and I am from Bondurant, Iowa. So we’re in construction industry, a fencing company. And the company name is Bos Fencing, LLC. What we’ll be applying from these busines conferences a lot is a step process that Thrivetime Show put’s on and teaches how. We’re directed through Clay Staires, and Shawn is my coach currently. It helps a lot with the backend stuff. It’s easy to work in your company and work on job sites, but it’s hard to actually get the things out of your mind and put it down on paper. So following that step process helps out dramatically.

It’s awesome. I mean, it’s high, it’s very motivating. It’s constantly just go, go, go. It’s going to make you laugh. It’s not going to bore you. My wife thought she’d be bored. She had a good time. Stayed awake all day.

So everyone should attend one. I mean, especially wanting to get in to entrepreneurship and you’re thinking about it because you know somebody that’s getting into it. Or even if you’re just wanting to change your life to continue growing on something else. Whether you’re a manager, a supervisor as you get promoted. All of these steps can help process as you grow within your own life too.

There’s something for everybody, no matter what size the business is.

My name is Rusty Bratzler and I am from Tulsa, Oklahoma. We have a tumbling company, Justice Tumbling company here in Tulsa. What we are learning at these business conferences are really following the action items and making sure we do our homework every week, which they go over in the business conference. Definitely fun, makes you want to be here. It’s not a drag, just to sit through. Because no matter how big your business, our business is definitely smaller. Just working with athletes, there’s something for everybody, no matter what size the business is.


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