Blazing a Trail Does Not Require Your Hair to Be on Fire | How to Become a Proactive Business Person – Ask Clay Anything

Show Notes

Clay breaks down how to become a proactive entrepreneur and how to move beyond the daily burning fires that dominate the lives of most entrepreneurs. Clay also teaches how to set realistic revenue goals and provides wisdom about the realities of creating multiple revenue streams.

Question 1 – How do you clarify realistic revenue goals with clients?

  • Step 1 – Find out what the person’s goals will cost.
  • Step 2 – Pour through all of your expenses and find where you can save.
  • Step 3 – grow the company through marketing and sales (call recording) training.

Question 2 – What advice do you have on having multiple streams of income?

  • Let your hands not be idle
  • STEP 1 – Work 6 days a week
  • STEP 2 – Do not work 7 days per week
  • STEP 3 – Be fruitful and then multiply. (you cannot have 7 failing ventures simultaneously)

Question 3 – Looking to teach clients to stick to the proven path even during the burning fires.

  • Put things in your calendar to be accomplished outside of your burning fires from day to day.
  • Review payroll and expenses
  • Group interview
  • Training
  • NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “If your business depends on you, you don’t own a business—you have a job. And it’s the worst job in the world because you’re working for a lunatic!” – Michael Gerber (The best-selling author of The E-Myth book series)

Question 4 – What to do to continue to improve?

  • You need to move into the mastery level
  • You need to clone yourself. The team needs to consist of people that are all at least 97%.
  • The standards for cleanliness need to be “museum” clean.


Business Coach | Ask Clay & Z Anything

Audio Transcription

Two men, 13 multimillion dollar businesses, eight kids, one business coach radio show. It’s the thrive time business coach radio show. Get ready to enter the thrive time show.

Now you’re stuck with us on your podcast. Download. My name is Clay Clark. I’m a man, bear pig. The father of five incredible kids. Again, that’s a man bear pig. It’s a combination of a man is kind of like a bear and a pig and that is what I do. So Sean, you have the opportunity to be a business coach. You work in the same building as me. You work with Mr Clay stairs. Uh, the thrive time show offices are on the west side of the jinx. Rivard, Beautiful Tulsa, Oklahoma and Jinx America right there on the river walk where we have about a 20,000 square foot office facility. I think we’re one of the largest tenants there at the riverwalk. And we work with 160 brands from coast to coast businesses, business owners to help them grow their successful companies. And you during the day, uh, you see me coach with the 15 clients that I work with.

You also see, uh, the other coaches working with the other clients that make up a total of 160. Um, you’re in the business coach meetings each morning, a Monday meeting at seven. You’re in the 6:00 AM Tuesday, the 6:00 AM Wednesday, the 16th, Thursday meetings you attended the workshops. You’re very embedded in the culture. Oh yeah. And so on today’s show, you get to ask me anything you want and you get to have three questions and then we have to go probably get some meat. All right. So here we go. I love it. Nice. Alright. So when we first bring a client onboard, we have a 13 point assessment to determine where the client is at in their current business and what their goals are. And the very first thing that we ask them is what, what do you want to make? What do you want your company to produce in terms of dollars?

What is your goal revenue? And then what is the timeframe that you want to achieve that in? If clients come in and they’re giving you numbers that are just off the top of their head what they want to achieve from different industries, I yet, I can’t say for sure 100 percent. If these numbers are realistic right then, but I don’t want to set the wrong expectation if they have an unrealistic goal. So how do you go about clarifying that? Maybe in the industries you are. I’ll give you an example. I had a good meeting on Friday with an individual who has a business that, uh, it was Fred’s, my last meeting of the day on Friday. I talked to this gentleman, a great guy and he listens to our podcast faithfully and uh, he’s a newer member of our coaching program. We only have spots for maybe one or two new clients a month that we can add.

It’s kind of like I used to work in the coming, I’ll brb roofing and then vrb sold their company and so they didn’t really need a whole lot of coaching anymore because they sold the company. So we have a spot that opens up and I’m talking to this guy on Friday and I said, what are your goals like I always do. And he said, well, my goals, I don’t really know. I just have a big focus. I want to travel. And so I said, okay, well how much does it cost to travel? And we went through a chopping and you’ve seen me do this. We went through the painstaking detailed 30 minute discussion to figure out to the 30 minute discussion to figure out what it costs to travel and where he would travel. And we determined he only wants to go in about five to six trips a year and every time he travels it tends to cost them $5,000.

So in order to do his goals, he only needs to produce an extra 30 grand a year because he already has enough money now to pay the bills and to put money back for retirement. And he doesn’t have the uh, after we talked about it, he doesn’t have the motivation or the ambition or the drive or the whatever, whatever it is. He’s a great guy to invest any more hours than what he’s already working. He says, I already worked 40 hours a week and I saw the wildly passionate about my son and my daughter. They’re in youth sports and I’m going to watch them and I really don’t want to grow the team any bigger. So I want to stay about the same size of team. I just want to increase my profitability by about $25,000. So do you know what my business coach for this guy consisted of the entire session?

They’re shown a gold. I mean looking at his expenses, expenses, we printed them off, went through the spreadsheets and that’s all we did and we found almost $20,000 of savings in like an hour. And that was my entire session. That’s all we did. So my coaching is essentially done, um, in terms of like the big epiphany, you know, and then we’re going to grow a little bit obviously by search engine marketing, but he was spending money, a check on things that don’t make a lot of sense. And I’ll just give you some examples of, of the expenses. Um, he was paying a premium for parts and supplies because he wasn’t ordering things in advance and so he’s always buying things last minute. So he’s paying rush orders on everything. I’m also, he had a member of his staff who we can’t determine what they do, but they are related to him.

So just there. I’m not kidding. We were almost up to $50,000 when you count in the member of their staff who doesn’t, he doesn’t know what they do. I’m like, what does this person do? He goes, well, they’re supposed to do accounting. And then kind of helped me on the phones and I’m like, do they answer the phones now? I actually do all the sales. So do they do accounting now? They’re way behind on that. So you do the accounting and sales? Yeah. What do they do? Will they have a baby? And it’s hard for them to get to work sometimes. I’m like, so really you have your daughter on the payroll just to kind of have an unfavorable Mike? Yeah. Cool. So why don’t you just pay her $600 a week and then put in the memo line for being my daughter. Just put there and don’t let her come to work because she’s destroying your accounting and your sales.

Right? So if we. Then my next question was, when was the last time you listened to your recorded calls? He goes, I’ve never recorded my calls. I have never do. How do you do that? So we talked about call recording and that’s pretty much all we’re going to do is we’re going to cut expenses, focus on call recording and uh, pushing his daughter out of the business. And that would be my business coach session. So again, but he said coming in, I just want to travel a lot, but we’re going to put a number on that. So we’re just gonna have to painstakingly figure out what it costs. Um, if I was a client of chips, chocolates, play this game, good. I reach out to you because I liked the podcast and I feel because I’m an American that I need to grow. I’m an American. I feel like I need to grow. But what we do in America, so we’re doing an assessment. Okay. And I’m going to give you my real life scenarios and you, you help me with this. Okay. Here we go. So, uh, yeah. So chip, I’m interested in and grown my business and uh, I just wanted to see how you guys can help me do that. And, and uh, I really didn’t want to spend a whole lot of time on my goals. I just want to focus on what I need to do.

Well, what is the why? Why are you running this business? Why do you really want to grow this business?

I just want to be bigger. I mean, I just feel like I just always. I’ve always had the idea of having a huge company.

Now is that related to financial goals or time goals or just kind of want to go for that big company moniker. That’s what you’re going. What do you mean? So are you trying to create time freedom with this business? Are you trying to create financial freedom with this business or what? What is the real reason? Getting down into the. Peeling the onion back. Why are you really wanting to get big?

I don’t know. I just think I’ve always wanted to be big. Right?

And this is what we run into a lot, right? Right. Ask why you ask, why you ask why, and eventually people are like, I’m not sure. And that’s where you want to dwell and figure out what the purpose of this actually is.

This is why it’s so funny, but people, a lot of times we’ll reach out to me and they’ll say, because this is how I do it now, and I coach clients bisque. I will. I, if I, if I’m personally coaching your business, this is how it works. Step one, you hire me. Step two, you will grow, but I’m not gonna do it unless we’re a partner. I’m not doing it unless I am a partner of yours. I’m not doing it. So let’s say you’re stuck at $500,000 a year of sales. Let’s just say that’s what you’re stuck at. Five hundred thousand. Cool. Then I’m going to say you can pay me a flat rate. Let’s get. Let’s say it’s 1700 a month. You pay me $700 a month flat, but I want three percent of all of your gross revenue above 750,000 because you’re stuck at 500.

You’ve been stuck at $500 for 10 years. You’re stuck. I will grow it, but I want a percentage of the gross revenue above where you’re stuck, period. That’s what I want because it works. But people say, well, if you want to be a partner for me, then you’ve got to drive up to you. Drive down to Houston and meet with my team. Know why? Because if that’s what’s required and I don’t want to be your partner, right? So what is not your goals? So what do you do? Will you send me a line item list of all the things you’ll do know why? Because I don’t want that. What I do want is I will grow your business and you don’t have to pay me anything extra unless you grow above your stated amount. But can you send me a line item list of things that you’ll do so that way I can have my whole team approve it?

No. Why? Because that’s what I do. So I know what all about. Another example, you said a guy recently in Canada, so, uh, he says, I loved your talk you gave years ago in San Diego. True Story. He says, I’d like you to come up to Toronto again and speak to our team. I’d like to maybe I’ve listened to the podcast. I’d like to entertain the idea of having you become a partner with us. And that’s great. I just don’t go to Canada. I don’t get on planes anymore. And he said, I want you to meet the team. Like the. See, that’s my goal. I’m really strong willed. And knowing my goals, I’m like, I do is I spend my entire time behind a wall at Camp Clark and chicken palace. What? He’s all of boot so I can do a weekly phone call for an hour and then my team will execute the systems and it’s like, yeah, but if you want to be my partner, you’ll need to come up here. And I, I know that don’t want it. So it’s probably not a good fit, but I know my goals. But most people don’t know their goals exactly. Run around chasing their tails. Is that helpful for you, Sean?

Yeah. Yeah. I think that that kind of answers my question and that’s Kinda what I thought. I’ve started to really dig into the f six a lot before we get to that, that the f six meeting, the faith, the family, the finances, the friendship, the fitness and the fund. What are your goals in those areas? And that’ll kind of help guide what is going to be realistic grieving needed for that lifestyle with your revenue goal for your company. Shawn, what is your next question? My next question. Um, I was listening to td jakes other day. There’s a video on youtube, you could find a bishop, td jakes on multiple streams, a big fan of multiple streams of income. Yeah. Yeah. And He, um, there’s a, there’s also a Bible verse a, it is a sleazy ests ecclesiastically

just now you’re flirting with the chapter titles of Bibles. This is impressive. This justin td jakes has made a break.

Oh, okay. So a ecclesiastes 11, one through six. I’m be to ship your grain across the sea. After many days you may receive a return. Invest in seven ventures. Yes, in eight. You do not know what disaster may come upon the land. Sow your seed in the morning and at evening, let your hands not be idle for you. Do not know which will succeed whether this or that or whether both will do equally well. So he’s talking about having multiple streams of income. This is God and td jakes has kinda backing them up.

Well, real quick, there’s, there’s, there’s a three kind of big ideas that are in there. One, he says, don’t be idle right? Don’t be idle right. Where did we say you read that back to me, but don’t be idle. There’s probably part. Don’t being idle. Does he say?

Yeah, he says, sow your seed in the morning and at evening. Let your hands not be

right in the Bible teaches to work six days a week. Okay, so let’s just go through the steps. Step one works six days a week, right? Okay. So that’s what took. Again, don’t talk to me about multiple streams of income. If you work five days a week, yeah, don’t talk to you about multiple streams of income. If you’re working four days a week, six days a week, that’s what that means. I the Bible equates idleness to not working six days a week. It’s in genesis and in exodus it instructs you to work six days a week. Okay? Supposed to rest on the sabbath. So if you’re not working six days a week, that’s not what it’s talking about. Second thing, the Bible is all about the number seven. It’s like the perfect number. It’s the holy number. There’s a lot of reasons for it. Uh, it’s the, it’s the seventh day is supposed to be the Sabbath Day.

You’re supposed to take that day off. So don’t be talking to me about multiple revenue streams. If you’re already working seven days a week, you need to work six days a week because if you’re following these biblical principles, you can’t like fall apart of it, not fall all of it. So you have to work six days a week and not seven, six days a week and not seven, but you have to be working six. Don’t be working for and talking about multiple streams of income. Now the next concept, it’s not biblical, but it sounds biblical, but it’s not what I’m telling you. This is not a biblical reference. It just. It’s an observation I’ve seen you want to be fruitful and multiply. You can’t have seven failing ventures simultaneously, so you want to do is make enough money at your job to have a little extra and then take that extra money to maybe buy your first rental house and your first rental house.

If your mortgage every month is $800 a month and you’re bringing in 1200 a month, then you have a positive cash flow and now you have essentially two jobs. One is the rental house you’re maintaining and the second is your job, so you work at your job five days a week and you maintain the rental house on the sixth day. Then once your rental house is doing well, then you buy another rental house or you, but if you go out there and spread yourself thin and none of your businesses are working, then you’re going to be an idiot. You’re going to make all of your customers mad and all of your businesses and they’re all gonna fail. Right? So Dr Zellner, I can speak to my life. I know for DJ connection, I did not make a profit until 2004 until 2003. So from 1990 $9 over five years, I didn’t make a profit.

I bought well over a million dollars of equipment, put everything back into the business. My wife and I had a house that was nice, but we did not have furniture in the house. When you walked into the house, you would see this beautiful office that was furnished because it was a home office, but it allowed me to afford an office and home. But I’m not exaggerating. We literally did not have any furniture, no furniture. We were married five years, nothing. It was you go in a beautiful office and then nothing. We had a futon that my aunt gave us from Minnesota and we had a mattress that Josh Smith, one of our djs gave us that will forever live in infamy and I started playing. I started, I still sleep on it today. I could have you got a new. I went to the store to get one and I just had too much this Dahlia you to clean that off.

That sounds like a girl or something. Five of our kids had been conceived in the same and there’s no telling how many kids have been conceived because the mattress, the mattress was given to me by one of my djs that was given to him by a dorm, a dorm room buddy from college at Oklahoma State University. So it’s actually from the 19 thirties. It’s been around for a while. Actually. The mattress they use when they were fighting colora no, but anyway, all I’m saying is that we live below our means for, you know, a long time and we still do now, you know, so yeah, I dunno, I just. Yes, I agree. You want to multiple streams of income, but you also, if you watch a, we’ll put a link to it on the show notes, check to a oprah interviews, td jakes where she goes behind the scenes, but td Jakes, I mean it took the guy, I want to say six years because he had a speech impediment.

He is a pretty intensive list. Took him like six years and he had no money where he actually was digging ditches as a way to support his family. He was like a manual labor. I think it took him six years to grow his congregation to 500 people. I think that’s the stat. I know. I know it. I know it took them over five years to get to a thousand people and then it took him. Anyway. You took them about 10 years before we got to that multiples, that second stream of income. I know for Dr Z, uh, he worked seven days a week for a long, long, long time, long, long time. Which is why he didn’t consider multiple streams of income because he was like, it’s taken me seven days a week just to get this thing going. He would work at his clinic all week and then go work for another doctor, right weekends.

So his multiple streams of income consistent of owning his own company a and then, and then having a job, you know, and he couldn’t, he didn’t let his business didn’t make any money. So it was actually a source of outcome. What was the source of, uh, expenses? It was a source of losing money and his and his job was the only income he hadn’t. So that, is that helpful for you? Yes. Very helpful. And what is the next question that you have? My friend. Okay. So, um, I’m looking to teach my clients the, just more about this principle of the proven path being something that we have to stick to, you know, like a lot of times clients will come in with burning fires that we can solve. We have the answers to do it, but to take the meeting that we’re supposed to be focusing on building the brand.

And doing marketing to address that, it just, it seems to be coming up and I want to help my clients to feel good about the fact that I’m going to tap into Jason’s wisdom. We have Jason on the show. He’s the super manager for the three elephants in the room, men’s grooming lounges that I owned based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. And, uh, Eric Chop the renowned a business coach. I want to tap into your wisdom on this. Um, I’m going to start with you, chuck, and I just want you to think about your life and your involvement with thrive. And so I’m going to ask you some questions, hard hitting questions. You haven’t had time to prepare for these questions. Double Blind. So I’m going to hit you with a question and we’ll see Mr. thrive nation, if I’m BSE, because if, if, if we have, I was blessing.

Uh, and I was saying that if I asked him a question he didn’t know the answer to that means I’m BSA. Okay. So every single client that we work with, your clients, my clients, Sean, your clients, they have to do a group interview. Yep. Every single week, if you’re ever going to move beyond fires, burning fires, because people are always getting married, they’re always moving, they’re having babies, they’re quitting there. There’s people. People are always changing. Right? So Chuck, when do we do the group interview for our Wednesdays at 5:00 PM every single week. And what positions are we hiring for? All of them such as graphic designers, search engine content writers, videographers, photographers, um, sales reps. what weeks per year do we not do the group interviews? Zero. Do you recall us having a vast abyss of job openings? Right now we have major areas where we’re understaffed though.

So we recently had an intern named Mariah. Yep. Awesome. She interned, did a great job. Were we looking to hire a graphic designer? No, but she did. Yep. Intern for us. And I’ve told her I’m going to hire her. That’s right. And I don’t know what I’m going to hire her to do. Right. But she’s a good person. She proved herself once she finishes college. Yep. I know that she’s a good person and we’ll find a spot for her because somebody will move on. Yep. Every time and you know, she’ll show up and be diligent and do her job for a bit. Okay. So the group interviews yet, so that’s one. I don’t have any hr burning fires. Jason Elephant the room. Is there ever a week where somebody doesn’t need to be fired or somebody doesn’t want to be fired or somebody doesn’t quit or somebody not being contained?

Krasinski. Has there ever been a week ever wear one of the teammates were. The whole team has because it’s completely stoic and he’ll just diligently executing new. So what’s a typical. How many burning fires do we have an cantankerous people? Do we have, you know, somebody who’s really a great person and now they’re having a problem per week. How many people do we have that are going crazy in a given week? Let me at least two. Right? Oh, he’s up to. So we never stopped. So we don’t have hr burning fires, right? Accounting. Chuck, you see my wife at the bar every Friday, every Friday, and she’s during the day, during the day, tend to to. What is she doing? She’s doing payroll. She’s going over credit card statements to make sure that the spending is under control. She is making sure that all of the client fees on the real, they’re going through every single week at the same time, which is interesting.

It’s interesting how we don’t have any burning fires in the accounting because every week she’s invested at dog. I got the accounts are empty. They went and when I, and chuck now when we’re, uh, when my wife’s not doing accounting, let’s say she’s in the coach’s meeting, you know, and she’ll say, did this, did this client’s credit card go, did this client’s credit card go through, right? Or looking at elephant in the room payroll and she’s doing those things. So she’s in our coaches meeting in the morning during that time. Right. Is she on facebook doing something else? No. Is she like in a van driving down the road while she’s doing payroll? Nope. Got everything she needs when she needs to be, what she needs to have with her and when she’s going to do so. Mr. Mr. Listener, you have to put it in your calendar, Mr.

coaching client. You got to put it in your calendar. The set time that you will interview all candidates every week. Got It to an hour. Then you gotta put it in your calendar when you’re going to do your payroll every week. Three, Jason, every week we have an elephant in the room. All staff meeting. When is it? Friday mornings. That idiom. Is it every week? Every week. Even if I’m out of town to someone else. Lead the meeting. Oh yeah, we got Marshall. And why do we lead them? Why don’t we do it every week? Because we constantly need training. That’s so we don’t have any hr problems. I’ll know this week it was because I misread the stats, which is hilarious. So I’m meeting. I’ve met you and windy and I’m like, guys, we need to talk real quick and I’m like, we gotta go outside. We go outside.

There’s usually something I want to talk about it in south reason. Fire before the meeting starts and I’m looking at the numbers. I’m like, dude, what’s going on with the numbers? Trying to be calm about it. Like what’s going on? Because it looked like you guys, I thought you guys did a 41 percent conversion on memberships and you look at me and you’re like, oh no, we did like 112 percent and I’m going, I must’ve read the stats upside down or whatever it was, how full we were on a particular day and I thought, man, but I look at the numbers every week. Why do I look at the numbers every week in that management meeting? Why don’t we go over every week, Jason? Because it’s important. I mean, that’s how we track our growth. That’s how we track. If we’re doing a solid job scoreboard baby every week, every week.

So Mr. Listener, you have to put it in your calendar every week to have an all staff meeting every week, every week. Now, chuck, we have a sales meeting every Tuesday. Uh, Sean, you’ve been in that meeting? Oh yeah. Every Tuesday. I believe it’s an eight. What are we doing in that meeting? That meeting where a lot of listening to calls and training on rapport and finding the needs. You recall us doing it every week? Yeah, I do recall that. Why do we do it every week? Well, because everyone on the team is looking to improve and that’s how you improve is through training, so I don’t have any burning fires. So at the time of the of recording today, it’s approximately 7:00 AM on a Saturday and what’s really cool, Mr Listener, is I will have my phone off all today, all the way through Sunday and then all the way until Monday.

So I have my phone off for three consecutive days. It’s called phone fasting. It’s called my phone’s off. It’s called don’t call me, it’s called and the whole time I’m with my family doing proactive things, doing things. I love buying meat at research. I don’t have burning fires now. If you took only one bringing fire to cook meat on. That is true. Now if I got now thrive nation, this just to end, there was a listener out there who called in. This is what they had to say. They heard what you just said. Yeah, and this is what one of our listeners had to say,


laugh track, because I never get his jokes until later there too quick, too quick. That’s what I do, but if I do, if I got rid of any of those things from my calendar, I would always have burning fires. So that’s the answer. You have to do those things. Yeah. You’ve got to put all those things that you have to get done in your business outside of those burning fire times. We talk about it all the time. Lee cockerell talks about how he would show up two hours before he had to meet a human because the day is burning fires. So you’ll never get anything done if you’re trying to do the strategic part of your business during the middle of the day. This is how it works. My friends, uh, Jason, you every day you do the checklist for the elephant in the room, correct? What have you just decided to not do them for a couple of days?

Just to see what happens? Be Chaos, right? Because we’d run out of stuff, we’d run out a paraffin, we’d run out of towels, we’d run out. I mean it just. It’s just like maintaining a garden. You’ve got to have a set to check it out because the not on. Sorry, I answer your question. Yeah. Yeah. So if it has to do with, if they’re burning fires, have anything to do with not training group interviews or reviewing their payroll than we need to dissect it in the meeting until they get those things going. So we need to step one if you can right away. Mr Lister, we gave you the whole path. If you’re a new coaching client, you’ve got to readjust your schedule as much as possible right away to have time to be proactive. It is not acceptable to be going through life reactive. You just, you just can’t do it.

I mean, it’s not acceptable. It’s not. Not by my standard, I’m just saying it’s unacceptable for you. You’re not. You’re never gonna have a good business ever. If you’re constantly reacting to things, so you’ve got to become. I’m a proactive person and not a reactive person. To quote Michael Gerber, if your business depends on you, you don’t own a business, you have a job and it’s the worst job in the world because you’re working for a lunatic boom. So again, it’s very, very important that you put that into your schedule. Am I missing something else? They’re shocked. No, that was great man. Jason, you have been managing the Alpha in the room store is doing a really good job. And uh, you asked me a question and I thought I’d answer because I think it will help the listeners. It’s kind of like you’ve been doing something well for a year and how do you get better?

I think that’s the core question or what areas. How do you know how to improve that? Is that what I’m hearing? Yeah. Here we go. This is what you do. You want to move into like mastery level in mastery level is where every single store is like a museum clean and every single employee is as close to you as possible. Like they’re 97 percent as good as you are at everything. That’s the next level. It’s cloning yourself because you yourself are really good and you also do an effective job managing, but it, let’s say the dynamic range, the gap between how good you are. Let’s just say that you’re a 97 percent student on your tests and your really good. Whoa. So then now you become a teacher, which is what you are as a manager. You’re a teacher, so how do you, what do you need to focus on now?

If the average student in your class is scoring an 82 than the gap is trying to get everyone to perform it in 97. Does that make sense? Yeah, and that’s that next level and it’s. And it’s. It’s not impossible to do. I think John Kelly’s done the best job I’ve, I’ve seen in recent memory, but he will schedule daily huddle huddle times. It’s not like it’s like a weird thing. He’ll just pull an employee aside and say, Hey, I want you to know this is the one area we need to focus on to get better. And so one by one he’s exterminating weaknesses to build an all star team and that’s gonna. Be Your next level is just how do you master that to the team and get them all to perform at your level. Okay, so if I looked at our team objectively, I feel like we have a lot of people.

I think like a Dalia is an example. Adding Sydney’s example. I think Megan’s example. I think that Spencer is an example. You got a lot of people that are into that 97 percentile. Yeah, but can we get everybody, so be thinking about who’s coachable, but who’s the lowest score because you judge the team based on the weakest link based on the lowest. Does it make sense? Oh yeah. So the lowest is you want to get those all. You want your team’s lowest to actually be higher than yours, which sounds crazy. But let me give an example. I’m like, I had a client over at my house the other day and uh, we were doing a podcast and he says, Hey, do you know how to airdrop something? And Andrew and Andrew helped with this. And I said, no, you don’t. I thought you’re a technology guy.

I’m like, yeah, I don’t really use computers, and he goes, but I thought you produce your own radio show and podcast to go, yeah, I do. So I, you, I know a ton about adobe audition maybe, and he’s like, well, who set it up for you? And I’m like, God, Devin in chop, so why didn’t you set it up like, ah, because I really don’t know how to do it, but I do know and, but I thought you produced your own show. The whole point is you’re trying to get other people who surpassed your knowledge in every area. So you end up having a team of people that are better than you at everything. And then your job is to run around, uh, encouraging and praising and exterminating little fires before they become disastrous burns. Does that make sense?

I want to jump in on that for the listeners out there, because I’ve seen this with my parents own business. I’ve seen this with clients. You cannot be scared to hire people that are smarter than you. That’s why the group interview is so important. I’ve never had a problem with that, but I know. Hey Greg, listen man. I knew you could read words. I thought to myself, this is a scary moment. It reminded me of a day I forgot. I thought it was a dream, but I actually was not wearing pants and I got that scared. I remember it, and then terrified, or are we talking about right? Don’t be scared to hire those people. If you’re scared that they’re going to screw you over, then fire them quickly through the group interview process. Get them outta there. You want to find the a players that are smarter than you and can do a better job to create time freedom. Otherwise you will always be stuck in the hamster wheel

in the hamster wheel. All right, thrive nation. Hopefully that helps each and every one of you. That’s Sean’s questions after week. Now, without any further ado, thrive nation. We’re going to end this conversation with a three, two, one, and then boom, boom. Stand for big, overwhelming optimistic momentum. That’s big, overwhelming optimistic momentum. So if you’re out there and you’re mailing it in this week, you’ve been mailing to Dan, you’ve been just kind of delivering kind of a weak performance. This is time to shock yourself out of complacency and go there, go back to your office today and bring that boom, go back to that work truck and bring that boom. Go back to wherever it is. Go back to your family life and bring the boom without any further ado, free.



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