Burn the Boats and Move Beyond Wishing – Part 1

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Audio Transcription

In today’s broadcast business coach Clay Clark and team break down the concept “burning the boats” from Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Clay will also provide you with 5 action steps you can take in 2018 to burn those boats.

Action Steps:

  1. Freemium/$1.00
    1. Introduce your product or service to the market to get the “Golden Look”
    2. BOOK – Honest Seduction: Using Post-Click Marketing to Turn Landing Pages into Game Changers – Scott Brinker
      1. https://www.amazon.com/Honest-Seduction-Post-Click-Marketing-Changers/dp/1439221855
    3. AMPLE EXAMPLE – Elephant In The Room Men’s Grooming Lounge
      1. https://eitrlounge.com/
    4. AMPLE EXAMPLE – Dropbox
      1. www.dropbox.com
  2. Internship
    1. AMPLE EXAMPLE – Ryan Tedder
      1. 10 Great Songs You Didn’t Know OneRepublic’s Ryan Tedder Wrote
        1. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/lists/10-great-songs-onerepublics-ryan-tedder-wrote-w435382
      2. Bubba Sparxxx – She Tried
        1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5faT5TUblg  
    2. AMPLE EXAMPLE – Sean “Puff Daddy” Combs
      1. http://beta.latimes.com/entertainment/music/posts/la-et-ms-sean-p-diddy-combs-bad-boy-entertainment-retrospective-20151005-story.html
    3. AMPLE EXAMPLE – Steven Spielberg
      1. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/celebrity-interns_n_4031608.html
  3. Guarantee
      1. Thrivetimeshow.com conference
      2. Quiktrip.com
      3. Zappos.com
      4. Warbyparker.com
    2. AMPLE EXAMPLE – James Harrison dominance on the field
      1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kS8ibE3P6sA&feature=onebox
      2. Workout Routine
        1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biSaLI5aRNw
  4. You Must Go “All-In” Financially In Your Own Business
    1. AMPLE EXAMPLE – Clay Clark buying the company Party Pro and putting the house up for collateral.
    2. SNL Chris Farley Skit – In the Castle
      1. http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/medieval-scalders/n10150?snl=1
  5. The Friends of Your Enemies Are Your Enemies
    1. Identify Your Enemies
    2. Identify Your Negative Emailers
    3. Identify the People on Facebook That Are Negative
    4. Identify the People In Your Life That Are Friends of Your Enemies
    5. Block On Your Phone the Friends of Your Enemies
    6. Block On Facebook That Are My Known Enemies
    7. Block Your Enemies from Your SmartPhone
    8. Block Your Enemies from Your Email
    9. BOOK – Only the Paranoid Survive – Andy Grove
      1. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/66863.Only_the_Paranoid_Survive


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