Cass Fahler | A Republican City Council Candidate Against Mask Mandates | Re-Elect Cass Fahler for District 5 City Council

Show Notes

Republican city council candidate Cass Fahler shares his views on government shutdowns, mask mandates, and more. Clay and Dr. Z share why you should RE-ELECT Cass Fahler

  1. Are you in favor of the mask mandates and why?
    1. I am in no way supporting the mask mandates, and for a  few reasons.  First, the economic impact is perilous especially with a city that relies upon sales tax for revenue.  If our economy doesn’t improve, we’ll start losing Firefighters, Police Officers and street maintenance, just to name a few.  Second, the contagion rate for Tulsa County is 0.86%.  This is very close to the odds of being struck by lightning.  Thirdly, because of who must enforces the mandate.  This only further burdens our Tulsa police department.  Citizens want more officers patrolling their neighborhoods, and getting the bad guys off the streets.  Fourth, the information is ambiguous.  Dr. Bruce Dart in April ‘20 said we would have 176k cases and 2000 deaths by Aug 2020.  Lastly, the majority of Tulsan’s were against the ordinance.
  2. Are you in favor of the Goggle mandates and why?
    1. Absolutely not.  Where does this $hit end?!
  3. Are you in favor of long-term lockdowns and why?
    1. No.  Long-term lockdowns are terrible on businesses, capitalism and the American way of life.  Far be it from us as municipal legislators to direct the decisions of citizens regarding their health.
  4. Are you in favor of defunding the police and why?
    1. Absolutely not.  This is the most asinine thought the activists could create.  As earlier stated, we need more officers.  Defunding Tulsa Police because I don’t like to be adjudicated is like burning my home down because I don’t want to maintain it.
  5. Are you in favor of the Rockefeller plan and why?
    1. No I am not in favor.  There is no evidence that greater testing and contact tracing will boost our economy.  There is something greater at work here and I would not support any use of their plan.
  6. The Rockefeller Plan is being executed:
  7. Are you in favor Ken Reddeck for Tulsa Mayor?
    1. I like Ken’s conservative values and he has my vote.  My only concern is naivety to local government and sales tax revenue.  But, I too am learning, we’re all a work in progress, and with the right people around him, he could be magnificent.
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