The founder of shares with us the truth about Dr. Fauci, censorship, Judy Mikovits Ph.D., Marla Maples, Robert Kennedy, Jr., Bill Gates Vaccines, President Trump, etc.
Speaker 1:
Jason recently, the white house made a poor decision and they decided to invite me to attend a briefing from the president. I’m pretty sure that was intentional. Your name was on the invitation. This is true. So I’m there at the white house. I went to the Trump international hotel to meet people, to do an interview on Newsmax and there I met this wonderful woman by the name of Charlene Ballinger. She’s the founder of the truth about and a good friend of dr. Judy Mike events, Marla Maples, president Trump’s ex-wife, Robert Kennedy, and everybody else that our listeners need to know to understand the truth about this COVID-19 chaos on today’s show. She shares the truth about bill Gates, dr. Fowchee, the falsely inflated number of cases and deaths. The truth will set you free. I have a pin and a pad. As we enter into the lab with Charlene Ballinger. One,
Dr. Z is always exited to see when you are next to me. I, I really, it almost can’t get better than just having you in the room. Well, I appreciate that very much. I really do. Today’s are our hosts and our guests. That is wonderful woman. I met this wonderful woman at, to my wife and I met her at the, uh, at the Trump international hotel in Washington, D C, which is now officially being referred to as the mothership. Everyone is calling it. Now the mothership, it’s a, it’s a place where freedom still exists, where people are. They, they, they believe in science, but not corrupt scientists. Ozzy, it’s a crazy place. That sounds crazy. And they’re at this beautiful hotel. I run into this wonderful woman and we start talking and I realize she is who my wife and I have been praying for. We are praying. We didn’t even know. We didn’t know who was. We didn’t know Charlene, welcome onto the show. How are you? Oh my goodness. Thank you
Speaker 2:
So much. It’s good to be here. And I couldn’t,
Speaker 1:
I would like it. If you could share with the listeners, you have quite a resume, but most of our listeners are business people and they don’t really care at all about medical stuff, science stuff. See, when we start talking medical medicine, science, they go, but recently you and I were doing some research and we determined that if we had this theory, you and I are working on it. And the theory goes like this. If businesses aren’t allowed to be open, there’ll be closed. That’s true. We did. We came up with that. It’s unbelievable. And so the, the, the reason why we have the lockdowns is because government mandates and pseudo science and all these statistics coming at you, 90 miles an hour, dr. Fowchee running around, throwing out the first pitch while killing everybody’s business. So Charlotte, Shirley, give us your background. Tell us your background. We want to know why we want to listen to you.
Charlene Bollinger:
Sure. Yeah. I would love to share and hello to your sweet and lovely wife life. It was great to meet you in DC at the Trump hotel. Likewise, likewise, it’s so nice to be able to connect with you again. So we’re super excited just to, for you to share, um, everything that you’re working on. And we’re so excited about it. Just getting this information out to the public. Yes, we are too. We’re so synergistically aligned and I’m humbled to hear that, um, you feel in your heart that God has had you praying and you didn’t realize you were praying for us. We, we feel the same. So let me just get into it really quick to help the listeners understand who we are and why we’re doing what we’re doing for us. Um, you know, we were busy too, just like many of your listeners, um, my husband, uh, CPA tax director, and, um, doing a great job, I guess, out there with financials and business planning.
Charlene Bollinger:
And, um, I was into acting and modeling and, um, we were starting our family and beautiful children or children. I was a stay at home mommy and just pouring my heart into these precious little lives and souls, a real estate agent, just a lot of things like that going on. And then we started, you know, we started losing our family members one by one to conventional cancer treatments. We did the research, found the truth about cancer. And so we realized after losing my husband’s mother, and that was his seventh loss starting with his dad, uh, we lost his dad to stomach surgery. They cut his stomach out. Uh, that was the treatment for cancer. And 25 days later, he was dead. We thought it was to the cancer, but in hindsight, he bled to death. He just, that was the treatment that did amend and I’ll spare the details on the other tragedies that we endured.
Charlene Bollinger:
But in God’s goodness to us and the world, he gave us a grace to endure a tragedy after tragedy, forcing us to do the research, realizing there were answers we didn’t know about. So now we produce books and films and, um, help people to understand that there are more treatments available to them then are being told a censorship is putting wraps over those amazing life giving treatments. And so, um, we now live to, to get those, um, trues out into the world and we are dealing with heavy censorship and, um, it’s been a child, a challenge, but we’re connected now to people straight into the white house. And we have the ear of the president right now. And it’s, it’s phenomenal, uh, that we have this platform to really save lives. So really the whole goal is to simply save lives and make the world a better place for our children.
Charlene Bollinger:
And so the latest and greatest work that God has given us to do is United medical freedom, super pack, which is a bipartisan effort to, um, transform America’s medical systems into a systems of freedom for all so that our children and parents and everyone can be free to choose the medical treatments that they deem necessary for their families, not being forced into treatments that they feel would be bad for their health. And we have testimonies of people that have been forced into treatments that really did affect their health adversely. And in some cases they died.
Speaker 1:
Charlene, I’m going to ask you seven rapid fire questions, just boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. And it’s going to go, we’re going to go into the lightning round here and then I’m going to open it. We’re going lightening here because there’s so much information we want to unpack it. I’m going to get myself psychologically prepared. Give me just a second and then we’ll go. Thunder round lightning and thunder. Don’t screw it up. Stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch. Oh, got it. Found it. That’s where I needed hydration. Poor hydration. Okay. Now we’re I’m good. Okay. Here we go. What’s the website where all the listeners can go to learn more about what you’re doing. What what’s that website
Charlene Bollinger:
Medical freedom is number one. And number two, the truth about
Speaker 1:
The truth about Do you have millions of people that visit this website? Tell us about the truth about cancer. Doc, is this a new site is a, is it a site that people go to often tell us about the site?
Charlene Bollinger:
Yeah. That site is the main mothership for all of the work that we do. And we do have millions of followers and millions of email subscribers, my use of people on social media that follow us. So we do get a lot of traffic to that website. Unfortunately, it is being censored, but when they sign up, become a free subscriber and we’ve got a free newsletter, um, they can, uh, follow everything that we do.
Speaker 1:
I think Jesus, that you exist. This is so awesome. Second question here. Uh, dr. Fowchee, uh, dr. Fowchee, he says you should wear a mask. You shouldn’t wear a mask. Um, he funded the Wu Han lab, according to Newsweek, if all the listeners type into Google right now, dr. Fowchee funded, controversial blue Han lab. You can see it, dr. Fowchee, he hangs out and he hangs out with bill Gates a lot, dr. Fowchee, he’s throwing out the baseball. Uh, he’s throwing out the first pitch at the nationals game, which SI turns out to be his most accurate pitch to America so far. It was unbelievable. Unbelievable. Almost he’s sitting in the stands, not wearing a mask. You know what? Dr. Fowchee, what do we need to know about this guy? Charlotte? He’s the one clearly controlling the narrative. What do we need to know about dr. [inaudible]?
Charlene Bollinger:
Well, I have troubling news about Fowchee, um, Fowchee. I’m good friends with dr. Judy [inaudible] and dr. Judy Mike Yvette’s was the star of, um, a good friend of mine. Mickey Willis has produced a plan. He’s coming out with part two, and Judy has been on our live event stages. And in our films talking about how, um, behind the scenes, she’s a scientist, she’s done the research. She’s correlated cancer with these vaccinations, these shots, um, it’s being these viruses, live viruses being cultivated in monkey, kidneys and so forth. It’s it’s crazy, but there’s cancer in there. She found it. She talked about it and Fowchee and friends told her, do not talk about this. And we’ll reward you. If you do talk about it, we will ruin your life. And so he did, he, they literally threw her in jail because she refused to take the millions that her colleagues all took.
Charlene Bollinger:
And so she was in jail and she calls it torture for five full days. And they wrecked her financials. They took her money. And, uh, for five years she had a gag order on, she told the truth for the very first time on our stage. And you can find those interviews. They’re on our website. And in fact, YouTube has taken some of them down where you can find us on bright Teton, but, um, she talks about it. She tells all, and she’s a woman of integrity. She’s turned down a lot to do this, and she’s with us. She just wants to save lives. So that’s inside information that I know.
Speaker 1:
Now I have information I would like to pile on. She was arrested without being charged. Am I correct? Yes. Okay. Also, um, in her book, which I’ve read plague of corruption in the book, I’ve read the book I’ve actually gone. If you go to, if all the listeners go to thrive, time, and they click on the COVID chaos. I went through it. This is the kind of sacrifice Charlene I’m doing for America. I hopped in the hot tub and I read the entire book. I refuse to leave until I read the book. And I highlighted everybody in the book that was very close to Fowchee who died in a weird way. Oh, well, anytime someone gets close to vouch and they go found cheap. Perhaps we shouldn’t be making these vaccines that kill people. They disappear the small man, the small man, the guy’s always hiding behind the he’s always hiding behind the, you know, when president Trump gets up there to do is press conferences.
Speaker 1:
He brings up Bouchee and talk. She gets up there and he all right, we shouldn’t, we shouldn’t wear a mask. We need to wait. We want to mitigate, wearing a mask is not helpful. That’s social test tense. And then Trump says, could you stand up please? He said, I am standing up tile. You know, that’s him, the people close to him, the guy with the great bedside manners, people keep disappearing folks. Listen, I know a lot of people. And if everybody that I knew that was my number two in my office, randomly disappeared of suicide. Or they wake up by mistake in a, maybe we should think about that. So I have the notes in the book. I have the names of the people, third, Judy, Mike of it. So what do we need to know about Judy, Mike, if it’s who’s Judy, Mike, if it’s, I love Judy Mike of it’s, I’m believing you’re going to let my listeners here. Judy, Mike, if it’s his voice, I believe it’s going to happen. I want to have her on this show. Love some Judy Mike of it’s who’s Judy Mike events.
Charlene Bollinger:
Yes. I’m definitely going to connect to your audience will love her. She’s a dear friend, a sister in the Lord. She’s a Christian, uh, and a health freedom advocate. And she’s working night and day. She’s being, um, systematically smeared lied about persecuted, uh, by the mainstream machine media. But, uh, Judy Mike vase is a scientist. She’s a doctor. She’s worked on vaccines, the science and the live viruses. And she’s telling the truth. Unlike most of her colleagues that have decided to go ahead and, um, you know, hold onto the narrative that Fowchee and friends, uh, tell them to hold onto and to say, and to repeat. So she is, um, a superstar. She’s one of the Avengers and she is standing against, uh, this machine, this medical machine that’s going against the people. Judy Micah vets is a woman of integrity and honor. And she’s someone that we need to listen to because she is the one doing the work in the labs. She’s looking at these vaccines, she’s developing them and she’s seen the corruption. She’s dealt with those that are corrupt. So she’s a voice crying out in the wilderness and everybody needs to hear her. In fact, the plan DEMEC has had millions of views just in a day or two, and they take it down and re upload it and millions more. Um, so clearly the world wants to hear what she has to say.
Speaker 1:
Yes. And I’ve put the video. If all the listeners want the video, if you go to thrive time, and you click on the COVID chaos button, I will give it to you. You can see it there, or you can email me to info at thrive time, I have archived it. I have sent it probably to half a million people at this point. And I will say this, I have archives. Um, Judy, Mike of it’s also in correct me if I’m wrong, her recommendations for how to treat the HIV virus that becomes AIDS is what has saved magic Johnson. And in her book, it talks about this. Am I correct? I mean, she is a leading researcher before she was silenced. Am I correct? Was she not a leading researcher?
Charlene Bollinger:
Yes, she was. She was working with people at the top and she’s developed so many solutions and she understands real health. Uh, we also have a vaccine round table where we talked to her, uh, Bobby Kennedy, Andy Wakefield, Dell, big tree, uh, people that really are in the research, dr. Sherry, Tim penny, understanding the real solutions to not only those things, but also COVID. Um, and we talk about the COVID vaccine and the abomination that is and what it will do if it’s actually rolled out.
Speaker 1:
Oh, surely. And you can’t, you can’t jump ahead. I’ve got my magical seven and then we’re going to open it up for real questions. You don’t jump ahead of me here. Oh, wait man. No, I was at Vanessa. We went to the, the Trump international hotel were there. Um, and don’t know a lot. I mean, this is something you might not nosy Mo really Charlene. I mean probably picked up on it, but I’ve done a lot of modeling in my career. A lot of hand. No, don’t see the laughter. It’s not helpful. It’s a denial. It’s not just a river in Egypt. No, listen, listen. I am a huge, I’m a I, the hand, I’m a hand model. I why’d you print ads that listen, listen, listen, I I’m a hand model in, in the, in the end of the far regions of, in Europe where they don’t have phone service.
Charlene Bollinger:
[inaudible] because I just realized that Charlene has never seen you in your element. XE can talk about this. Yes. He never dresses up. Charlene. I am not kidding. He wears ass.
Speaker 1:
I bought the shorts for nine 99 from Walmart. They’re an one short sermon. I’ll send you if you want some,
Charlene Bollinger:
You’ve got to meet my husband. You two are like two little pieces of pot and he wears his, a Jersey and a hat. And so I just realized that you saw the clay who had to go out and buy those clothes, especially for the Trek. He was doing that. And
Speaker 1:
Let me get back to my hand model. That’s what this whole shows, hand model, listen, showing her pictures. I see I’ll send it to him. I’m just telling you, I want to focus on why the listeners are tuning in tan modeling. So in the far very rural regions of Europe, they have me do hand modeling ads. There’s no internet service, there’s no phone service. You can’t verify it I’m being censored. But the point is I do. I I’m the guy who holds the fish on the magazine covers. That’s what I do. So anyway, the point is I’m over there at the Trump international. And I looked to my left. I looked to my right and there’s these model people that, you know what I’m talking about. You see Charlene, you know, Oh, it’s a model person. She’s a mom. And it’s the fact that she’s smart. It makes me mad. I just want to, I want to believe that you can’t be smart and attractive. Then I meet this other lady, Marla, Marla Maples. Can you tell the listeners who is Marla Maples?
Charlene Bollinger:
Yes. Marla Maples has become one of my very best friends. We talk every day and she’s a health freedom advocate too. So, um, she spent a few days at my house here. And then we went to North Carolina to work on some health solutions together and drove into DC, staying at the Trump hotel. And that’s where we met you. But working with a few other friends strategizing for the win. And um, so Marla she’s of course well known, um, tr uh, Donald Trump’s second wife and Tiffany. Um, her daughter is the president’s daughter and she’s just a lovely, sweet, uh, young lady and Michael, her, her boyfriend. We got to all hang out and just talk about, uh, these critical things that we’re working on for health freedom. So Marla is working side by side with everything that I’m doing behind the scenes. And, um, so she’s just, she’s not only, she’s more beautiful in her heart than she is on the outside. And I know when you see my stunning, stunning,
Speaker 1:
It makes me sick. I eat people, people like you and my wife and Marla, I, this is what I say to you. Look good and be smart. Kills the narrative. Now I met her or her wait, I’m not on that list. I’m right here. I love you. I love you for your body. It’s your calf muscles that I love. Now, listen to this. Now I offer to you. Please follow up with Marla on this. I offered her. Son-in-law a job at the elephant in the room. Men’s grooming lounge. We cut hair. And I told him that he could be the next Zohan. He could leave his career. He sounds like he’s a successful guy. He’s a well-read educated guy. I said, Hey, that doesn’t work out. You could cut hair at elephant in the room. And I just crickets, no response. I continued. So Bobby Kennedy who’s BA who’s bought. I just saw Bobby on Valuetainment on the show where he was debating about the vaccine and the good folks at Valuetainment. I’ve just been in touch with him today and I’ll be on their show soon, I think. Or they’re going to be on Marsh. Our shows, the value attainment people. Who’s Bobby Kennedy. Who’s who’s Bobby.
Charlene Bollinger:
Oh, wow. Bobby Kennedy is an amazing man. Um, perhaps misunderstood by so many, but, um, he is also coming at this medical freedom issue as, um, nonpartisan it’s it’s, it’s just not about politics. It’s not about being a Democrat or Republican. Uh, many Democrats are after him for his stance. And so are Republicans alike as they are, are with us. But Bobby Kennedy has been fighting for many years to clean up the environment. And I’m a very brilliant mother. One day, years ago, came to his house with a stack of papers and said, look, I’m not leaving your house until you read this stuff. It was proof that the vaccines were filled with toxicity specifically at the time mercury and heavy metals. So he, he was man enough to pick up the papers and start reading. And he was shocked at what he found. And he went down into the rabbit hole and he’s now fighting with us.
Charlene Bollinger:
He’s being smeared and lied about just like we are in so many other health, freedom advocates and fighters. But, um, Bobby is such a good man and our children love him. He’s a good friend of the families. Um, you know, out of the mouth of babes kids, you can’t, you can’t fool them. My children really loved them. And when he’s around, he’ll stop everything and just focus on those kids. You know, that he’s got a ministry that the charity children’s health, defense fund. He really loves kids. He loves the children and it comes through loud and clear when you’re with them in person, but also through the work that he does. So I don’t think we have a better advocate in this world for medical freedom than we do with Bobby Kennedy.
Speaker 1:
You know, we just interviewed a Ben Carson yesterday and his heart, uh, comes across as very pure. That’s how I would describe Bobby Kennedy for those who haven’t researched him, very pure heart. You almost wonder why he’s so kind now final two, two questions, and then I tee it up and then it gets crazy. Cause these starts to ask crazy things. My wife will say crazy things. Josh will say, Chris, I’m the sane one here. I’m keeping the show on the rails here. I’m this emotionally stable. Now this question it’s D it’s going to seem well. I’ll just, I’ll ask it.
Speaker 1:
Although this man spent a lot of time with the prolific pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, although this man forced you to buy his software that always broke. Although this man recommends that we never have church again, although this man makes vaccines that have caused him to be banned from entire countries. Although this man is not liked by most, I find myself still, for some reason, loving some Billy Gates. I just find myself loving mean I didn’t either. I mean, there’s something about even though he hangs out with prolific pedophiles or did often, well, even though I just something about me that says I don’t, I can’t not like him. Cause he spent 20 years donating to himself. You know? I mean, think about how many consecutive years he’s moved. He’s donated to himself. He made the documentary where I found myself watching it going. I just, I wanted to hug him. He’s the sweetest, sweetest man out. He, and then the New York time planned Parenthood quite a bit. And he’s into deep population, which even though that’s not something I’m in, I just, I can’t, I just, it wouldn’t be you, you guys are so close. They were so closely aligned. Anybody who can donate to themselves for two consecutive decades makes me love them. I’m just jealous. I mean, I just whose tell us about bill Gates. What do we know about Billy Shirley?
Charlene Bollinger:
Oh wow. Okay. Oh, bill Gates, bill Gates. Can’t keep a virus off of Microsoft and we expect him to roll out a vaccine. That’s supposed to take care of COVID. Um, the, the disconnect is so vast. I can’t even begin to comprehend. He’s not a doctor. He’s not a scientist. He’s not even really that smart. He he’s corrupt in every conceivable way. And as you say, his, his BFS, well, one of them is a pedophile. And, um, they’re the, the, the hole of, uh, corruption goes so deep and it’s so vast if there’s, um, a corrupt industry he’s involved in and one way or the other, whether it’s GMOs, geoengineering, vaccines, um, planned Parenthood, his dad was, uh, one of the founders he’s been kicked out of whole countries. I mean, you named a lot of the corruption just in that short soundbite that you gave us.
Charlene Bollinger:
We have an F fantastic article that covers, I think all the bases. In fact, after we publish this expo, Isaiah bill Gates, and we, we try to infuse every little bit of what he’s done, which is pretty much all corrupt into this one article. We got a DDoS attack against it was pretty and thick against our website. The truth about cancer. The, the article was just a bill Gates, um, eugenicist or philanthropist. I’ll send you the link, but we link into many video proofs and, uh, documentation about his corruption, including the Ted talks. I mean, who doesn’t know about him standing up there saying, well, you know, um, we really need to downsize the population. That’s big. He wants to downsize the world’s population by a lot. And, um, and then in the same breath, he says, you know, we can, we can do that by 10% with the vaccine program.
Charlene Bollinger:
And this is a guy that we want to save lives. And he’s talking about rolling out the COVID vaccine. To me, there is such a massive disconnect. I can’t even believe it, but you know what? The good news is this, you go to his, his, um, Instagram page as an example, and he posts something and you’ve got thousands of people there saying, bill Gates, you are not credible. You are very bad and evil man. And here’s why, um, people are wide awake. And that’s why they’re trying to censor us because people are listening to us. They’re listening to you, they’re listening to us. And they’re listening to you to our friends, Judy Mike Gibbons. I keep erasing our videos, but they keep popping up. And so bill Gates is losing,
Speaker 1:
Oh wait, wait, wait, wait, you use this word. It’s the new buzz word of the day. So you’re saying that that people are woke, but really woken up woken to fake. Well, now, now my final final question I open and I open it up to the team here. We, I get that. I just get out of their way. President Trump won. I don’t understand the relationship that he has with his ex wife, but when I was around her, it appears as though she’s very much in support of the president in support of freedom and support all of exposing the truth. That’s pretty cool. That says something. I’m not sure what that says, but that says something. I mean, she was very much in favor of, of, of everything that he’s in favor of. I just, I mean, I, I was amazed. It was pro-American. It was great. I don’t get it. Great lady. Turn this thing around. I’m just mentioning. Cause someone’s thinking that someone’s thinking, how’s it, how’s it work. But now president Trump, who is president Trump, tell us in your mind, who is he? What’s he doing? What do you think?
Charlene Bollinger:
Well, I had the pleasure of talking to president Trump with her, uh, when we were together here in Nashville and, um, they have a good relationship. You can, I can tell you that. And you know, they have a child together and they’re both grownups they’re adults and they, they have so much in common and they really do. And they have high regard for one another and they have the common bond and that they love America and they’re working hard for freedom and they do love the truth. And because of those reasons, and of course our beautiful daughter, Tiffany is stunning, uh, both in appearance and in her heart, I really have grown to love her as well. Um, but they’re working for freedom. We’re all on the same team. So just because you know, their, their marriage didn’t last, it didn’t work there. Their friendship is in a higher place and they have that common bond with their daughter and the common bond, uh, with their love for America. I mean, that’s why they, they love each other. That’s why they got married. So, um, there’s still that common bond. You don’t have to, you know, if you get divorced, you don’t always have to hate that person. You know? So they work well together and, uh, it’s a real blessing.
Speaker 1:
And I just, I just, I bring that up because I know someone’s thinking that and see, that’s my sip. I that’s my civic duty. I’m a slave to the listeners. I do what they want me to do. Okay. They help us vaccinate America from jackass, racy, help us to cure the fears, XE, ask all the rude questions that you always do. And I’m just going to go hide. So Charlene, why are they censoring you? What, what are you, what are you doing out there? You said that my main Motherload ship website is being censored. Who would, who wants to shut down the truth? Who wants to not heal people who wants to have people die from cancer? I don’t educator people that are listening to it right now about who’s doing that. And why do you think they are?
Charlene Bollinger:
Well, you know, that’s a great question, dr. Z. And I think that that’ll answer a lot of the concerns. If you look at you just dissect that our censorship case is actually on the president’s desk. And, um, we have been heavily censored and it, it begs the question. Why? So when you look at what we do and why we’re doing it and what we have to offer, it’s a world class offering of life. We have solutions just like the doctors, the doc yesterday, we’re bringing solutions to the table protocols that actually work in the high 90 plus percentile. These things are curing COVID. So that’s what we’re giving to the people through the work that we’ve done. We’ve partnered with doctors from not only in America and Europe, but in Asia and all over the world, uh, with solutions that really work that are not standard of care here in America and should be.
Charlene Bollinger:
So if our agenda is truth and life it’s for the children, it’s for future generations, it’s for America, it’s for freedom. It begs the question. What is their agenda? Why are they shutting us down? So here’s, what’s happened to the truth about cancer website, um, and then our social media channels with the truth about cancer, we re that was the first really heavy duty censorship. They literally kicked the truth about off of Google. Google kicked us off. Now we know Google is heavily invested in pharmaceuticals, so they’ve invested many, many millions in pharmaceutical companies. So it’s almost as if Google is a pharmaceutical pharmaceutical company pushing out, um, the pharmaceutical solutions and pushing to the side, the solutions that we have to offer. So when you do a search now for the truth about on Google, you won’t find us. You’ll find first the hit pieces and the big pharma lying articles about us.
Charlene Bollinger:
And then you’ll find content about us that hosted on other websites. So if you look at the URL, it’s not the truth about It’s somebody else we used to be on there for 20 solid pages. We do have a world class website with solutions, but they eradicated their platform from us and shortly thereafter. Um, Pinterest took us off for telling the truth about vaccines. Completely took us off. Facebook is censoring us, especially on our vaccine page. Um, Twitter took us off of three channels. I was doing a live with John Mappin and Camelot, a Facebook live. We mentioned our fourth handle and within minutes, Twitter took us down. So somebody who was watching us, but, uh, due to our millions of fans, giving Jack the business with hashtags and so forth, uh, they decided to put us back on. They, it was more of a headache, uh, to leave us off, then put us back on. So that was great. But, um, we’ve been sensitive in every conceivable way. Our hashtag is hidden on Instagram. Why, why? Why? Because their agenda is not life. It’s not it’s anti-human life
Speaker 1:
Powerful. I want the listeners to understand this, everything that you have said, I have cited everything you’ve said. If you go to thrive time, and you click on the COVID chaos button, everything that you’ve said on today’s show so far, I have it all sided invented. I want the listeners to wrestle with it because when you hear that Facebook, see your good friend, Sean Foy, the praise and worship leader. Yup. Yup. He teamed up with mr. Holly, H a w L E Y. Right now they are in DC. Right now. These guys are dealing with it. They have proof that the word God and Jesus is being censored out of praise and worship videos. When people hear that, they go, what I thought, what about suck? I thought Zuckerberg was a good guy. Fowchee judge, a man by God. He was nice. Bill Gates. I didn’t know he was the Gates of hell. It’s almost too much. Um, do you, do you speak of adrenochrome Charlene? Do you ever talk about that?
Charlene Bollinger:
Well, I’ve done the research. I don’t typically talk about it publicly, but I do. I am not a burden. I just want to go down that rabbit hole.
Speaker 1:
It’s quite shocking. I just would like to, I just want to, I just want him to listen to it. To veg. I’ll go to duck, duck go today and they type in Epstein. Bill Gates, Justin duck, duck, go, duck, duck, go. It’s another search engine. Go there. Duck, duck go type in Epstein. Bill Gates. Have a blasty blast. Have a barf bag ready, but then make sure you search adrenochrome. Can you please explain what adrenochrome is? Just, just cause I think people don’t want to talk about, I don’t want to talk. I, I right now want to boom myself. I don’t want to talk about it, but will you please explain what Adreno Chrome is please?
Charlene Bollinger:
Um, sure, absolutely. Well, you know, you’re right. Um, in that this is a hard fact to look at, but as I look at my four children, I can’t not look at it because it’s for them and the children of the world that we have to look at this because it must stop and, um, we will stop this, but we have to get the truth into the world and help people to see what’s really happening in order to stop it. But you Mike, uh, general Flynn’s attorney came out there and talked about, um, the insurance file on Anthony Wiener’s laptop, which, uh, there were 12 and YPD officers that watched this film and, um, a lot they had to go throw up and these are hardened. Um, investigators, they’ve seen crime scenes murder and so forth, but this film was over the top nine of the 12 have since been well they’ve killed themselves or whatever that is.
Charlene Bollinger:
But, um, it’s just so concerning. And she said, this attorney said, this is really bad. What adrenochrome is. And I’ve done the research. I’d sleepless nights over this. Most people don’t want to look at it, but again, we must for the children. So what it is, how my goodness is they, they are, we know that by the FBI’s website, um, 800,000 people go missing a year and our traffic did to human trafficking. A lot of these people are children. There’s proof that these children, some of which are tortured and for the purpose of harvesting, the blood that is filled with, um, the adrenaline that rushes through the blood when they’re terrorized. And so the children are terrorized and then their blood is harvested. And the people that do the terror drink the blood, or they sell it. And it’s, there’ve been quotes that Mel Gibson said, that’s like the high priced cocaine and Hollywood that they’re Oh, kind of passing that around. Yeah.
Speaker 1:
That’s why McCauley cook and quit acting is because he heard about it. And for the listeners to know, if you go to Ali Baba, right now, you can buy it. It’s a product you can buy on. So I mentioned that because no, wasn’t here folks. The time to remain silent was about 10 years ago. And now here we are. So Vanessa, you can ask any questions. I just, again, you and I have been praying, but my wife has her way. She prayers praise. It’s called out loud conversations with Jesus. She is a prayer warrior. I do my own kind of prayer, which is like, I crank up praise and worship music and I pray. And I think, and I pray. I have been, I have just been praying for a path to share the truth. And when you merged, I go, there it is. So we’ve been praying for you. We didn’t know who you were. Um, but as to what questions would you have for this, this great lady who happens to be a model and her brain works, he has both things working
Charlene Bollinger:
Well. I was going to kind of, um, I pivot, um, kind of back more to her website and I know what we were just talking about is, um, so hard to wrap our minds around, but I would just encourage people to do their own research. Um, and I think when you do the
Speaker 4:
Research and you actually do do it, I mean, it just became very apparent what the truth was to us. Um, so kind of pivoting back to, to your website and your cause. I agree that I think people’s eyes are really being opened. Um, but I’d like to know what we can do to help open people’s eyes and, and areas like, you know, people, moms come in every day to go take their kids in to get vaccinations or they go to the doctor. Are there questions they should be asking about, uh, the schedule? Are there questions they should be asking about exemptions? Because I feel like some people I talked to a doctor today and his exact words were to me, were that when he brought in an exemption for his children, the school didn’t even believe it was real because they had never seen one before. So what are the things that we can be doing in our daily life? Um, what questions can we be asking? Uh, should we be putting certain videos out? What things can we do to help open people’s eyes, uh, to this, to, to become, uh, a health advocate in our own life? What do we do?
Charlene Bollinger:
Yeah, that’s a great question. What we do is we, we educate people. We share the truth because before they can take action and, um, protect their children by no longer vaccinating or whatever it is that they need to do, they need to understand the whys, the whos, and so forth. So we have produced the world class content and docu-series on these topics. Now the truth about vaccines is a nine part docu-series that is available. We’ve got a products page. People can get on our website and find it and purchase it. But we also have a lot of free content. It’s it’s on the YouTube. We have the truth about cancer, YouTube, but we also have the truth about vaccines. Episode one is up free. Episode nine is up free and our round table discussion part one is up. They took part two down. Um, so you can also go to bright T on that’s Mike Adams platform, which is awesome.
Charlene Bollinger:
Um, but sharing this as critical mothers and fathers need to watch this. Now we, we go through times where we air it free. And by the way, we are getting ready tomorrow, we’ve got three different, and you’re the first word saying this too publicly. We’re going to re lease the truth about cancer, the truth about pet cancer for three days. And then the truth about cancer, a global quest, the next three days, and then, um, Eastern medicine journey through Asia. Those are three different documentaries. We’re opening it up and people could free range around and get on the episodes and watch whatever they want free. We do this systematically and periodically to help people to, um, just learn the truth and they don’t have to pay a dime, just, just get in there, watch it and share it. So with the vaccine issue, that’s what they need.
Charlene Bollinger:
They need to watch it and understand it. And here’s a testimony, just one of many, many, many thousands we get on our films. And this is a reason we do what we do. There was, I’m a grandma that, that follows us on our personal Facebook. We’ve got a big page, the truth about cancer. Facebook, if you haven’t yet get on there, follow us. But, uh, our personal page, this person was watching the truth about vaccines 2020, that we just released, um, a little while back. And she said, you know, before watching this documentary and by God’s grace, I mean, he put it on our heart last year. We needed to do vaccines this year because we knew about healthy people, 20, 20, but as we released it, we’re in the middle of the plan they make and everybody’s at home and they have time to watch. And boy, we got a lot of people watching this at home. This woman said, you know, before watching this, I thought that people didn’t vaccinate were just extremely selfish. Now that I’ve watched your documentary. I realized that people that don’t vaccinate are the smartest people in the world. We need to educate the people. This is why they are censoring us because the people that own the platforms own the vaccine companies,
Speaker 1:
People don’t recognize that. Listen to this. This is a fun one. This is all cited. Again at thrive time show, go to the COVID chaos button. As an example, when you go into the hospital, you have COVID-19, you have any one of these 12 symptoms, 13 symptoms you have like, is he a fever? You got a cough, you got these things. All COVID like you go in, you’ve got a car wreck. They recommend you’d go on rim disappear. Okay. So rim disappear, who owns the patent on that drug China, ah, whose big shareholder in the company that makes it George Soros, who’s funding, black lives matter. George Soros. Again, it’s, it’s a thing where there’s all, it’s all tied together and I would make it very simple for the listeners. What you need to do. I’m giving you homework today. One share this show with 20 people more than you want to.
Speaker 1:
Let me explain this to you. Matthew five 10 is a Bible verse that said, blessed are those who are persecuted for their righteousness. For they shall inherit the kingdom of heaven. What that means is the logo of the religion is the cross stop being weak. There’s a Bible verse that talks about Jay Z. Do you remember? Jesus went into the temple and he flipped the towers there. I remember that they flipped the tables. It was cold. You got, you gotta get aggressive. You can’t. We cannot let the passive aggressives win here. Folks. We, we lose by staying silent. I’m telling you peace, Vanessa, you talked about this piece comes through the sword. You got to be Matthew chapter 21 verses 12 through 13. Share the show 20 times. I’ve got nothing to sell. You share the show. There’s a guy named Roger who just sent me an apology. Roger is telling me I’m crazy. Four months ago. Now Rogers apologize. I got a lot of people who’ve told me I was wrong. Hey, I’m on the team. Hey, I get it. Now I see what’s going on. So one, we got to share the show 20 times, you got to do it. Step two. We gotta make sure that Trump wins this thing. Yes. That has to get about that. Yeah.
Speaker 5:
You got to get stuck. Don’t worry about offending the other soccer moms or offending the other dude. Come on, we gotta move on. We gotta worry about offending. The other players. You go out with the Socratic method. You say, did you know this? Just listen to it and just share it. Josh. We have time for a couple more questions from you, Vanessa and Z. We’re going to go ultra fast three final questions. What question would you have here for Charlotte? So Charlotte and I, uh, first and foremost, that adrenochrome thinks the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard in my life. So that’s anyway. Never heard of it until you mentioned it earlier today. Just bring it up as a casual. So Charlotte, my question would be for someone, you know, we have a small business, we have a, um, you know, very fortunate to get to visit and see some folks and do some things. And you know, Vanessa already asked about what we can do, but actionably speaking. If we’re gonna, you know, go home with our family and our friends, the people we get to touch and speak to in text constantly. How do we get this message to the masses as quickly as possible?
Charlene Bollinger:
Yeah. That’s a great question. Um, well like, like you’re saying, you know, share this interview with 20 more people than you want to. I love that. Um, so, so get comfortable with sharing. Don’t don’t worry about your own comfort and stop thinking about yourself. Uh, if you, if we really love, if we’re really walking in love, we’re willing to pick up our cross and follow the Lord. The Lord came for the joy set before him. He endured the cross despising the shame. So, you know, he went silently. He did it without complaining. He was being mocked and beat and ridiculed and murdered. And he bore the full wrath of Christ or his father on his shoulders for, for us. And so unlike manner, we go out into the world and it’s not a comfortable thing, but it’s the right thing. I was just having a conversation with friends.
Charlene Bollinger:
Marla was here, some other friends, and we’re talking about, you know, if we really love people, we’re going to share this. We’re not going to worry about, Oh, am I going to hurt their feelings? We can’t get concerned about that. Because at the end of the day, we’ve got a country to fight for. We’ve got a president to stand with and we’ve got children and their future and generations and ultimately the Lord to serve. And when we face him one day, we don’t want to shrink back and shame saying, but, but I just want people to like me, you know, it’s not about being popular. It’s about doing the right thing and the right thing. It’s usually not popular, but at the end of the day, that’s what wins,
Speaker 5:
You know, the lineup with that Charlene. And I’m going to say something, a word that we got for our family and for my business this weekend and my wife and I were discussing it. I heard a message from a pastor over the weekend and I’m, I’m not going to give him credit and I don’t know his name. So I’m sorry, sir, I’m a horrible person. But he was, he was talking about the gospel and he said, you know, Jesus, as he walked this earth in his ministry, he comforted the challenged and he challenged the comfortable. And if you look at where we’re at as a society and where we’re at as Christians and how weak we are and how sorry we are as a church. And I challenged myself and everybody else out there, we’ve kind of laid back with the gospel and we’ve laid back with our relationship with Christ and we’ve laid back on what we have and our values, and just kind of hung out as opposed to doing what Jesus said we’re to do.
Speaker 5:
And Jesus said that we will suffer in Matthew five, 10 and Eve. And he said that we should, that’s why he asked the rich young ruler. It wasn’t about his things. It was about the condition of his heart. And so he always challenged that comfortable. He wanted to know where’s your heart at and where do you really want and whom do you really want to serve? You know, Charlene has been suffering. She had, she, once she agreed to talk to me, that was Vanessa knows that the rough Vanessa’s been suffering for 20. So that’s a suffering there too. I mean, she, you know, she dealt with the fact that I, I did guys, I did mislead you. I was not a model. And I was trying to convince her, I was a model and she’s going clearly she, but she was able to see your worst, my facade, my hand modeling careers. Well, I’m sure you’re handling it. Great holding a fish amygdala. So I don’t mind irritating people. So it makes it convenient for me to share things. But, uh, Vanessa, what’s your final question. I know Jason has a final question as well. So what’s your final question you might have for Charlene.
Speaker 4:
It’s kind of a follow up on again for practically, for people who are in situations. You know, they just got a cancer diagnosis. You have all this information. I think sometimes people feel overwhelmed because if they go to their doctor, I’m afraid they might not get presented with this other set of information. Is that correct? What route do they need to go to access the kind of treatment I haven’t been to your site yet, but you know, the treatment and therapeutics and things that you recommend, how do they does your mom? How does she do it? Yeah. If you’re you just got diagnosed, you went to the typical doctor. You’re, you’re afraid they’re going to chemo you and just the traditional route. What do they do to pivot? Yeah. Well, that’s a, that’s another great question. You, you all are filled with super great questions and they’re critical for people to understand.
Speaker 4:
So you’re diagnosed with cancer. Uh, what do you do? Well, we have the documentaries and information and, and I highly recommend everybody just getting educated before they get the diagnosis because that’s good powers in truth. So it’s, it’s trying to, that’s why we’re working so hard to get the truth into everybody’s hands. Our goal is to reach every man, woman, boy, and girl around the truth around the real quick. Can I sorry, can I repeat what you said? Because I think it’s so good. You said for us now, while we’re healthy, when you don’t have a diagnosis to go and start ingesting this information now, right? Because there’ll be so much easier to work
Speaker 5:
Activity. Yeah. Are you talking about
Speaker 4:
That’s great. Cause I think they don’t need to go there now. What was she saying is great saying no, go to the site now when it’s not an emergency,
Speaker 5:
What let’s say I need to, I need to talk to boss. I need to talk into box, man.
Speaker 1:
I’m not sure she’s not [inaudible] seems a little counter intuitive. I don’t know. Not be reactive. I don’t know. Jason, what is your final question for Charlene as we wrap up today’s show? Well, I feel kind of one-ups cause he asked my censorship question. Um, Oh yeah. Almost. I just call you Ryan. Joe asked my actual question. He has access to the people that have access to the white house. She’s around dr. Judy Micah, but you’ve been stuck with me. You have been working on our team here. You’ve been stuck with me in the conference room for five consecutive months where I constantly say 100% opposite of what the media says. You’ve got to have a tough question. I do. So I actually have a two part question with her connection to the white house. So the first part is going to be more for everybody else.
Speaker 1:
A second parts for me. So the first part of the question is I work very close with a doctor out of Plano, Texas, and he’s very patient focused. He does not, it’s not about prescribing a prescription and getting paid for it. It’s not about prescribing a, uh, some sort of plan and getting paid. He wants you to be healthy. So one of the things he’s trying to teach me and have me spread to other people is as a patient, you don’t have to agree to all the protocols. You don’t have to agree to whatever medicines being pushed via whatever Brian artists, dr. Brian artists out of Plano, Texas. So essentially what I’m asking is just as a fellow dedicated, honest practitioner of medicine, is it true? That just because the doctor tells us we have to take something, we don’t have to do it just because they say we have to undergo some sort of treatment don’t we as the patient have the say so, or don’t we have the ability to say no to something being forced on us.
Charlene Bollinger:
Yes. In theory. And um, in, in the Lord, Jesus, we are given that, right? So in reality, yes, but there are pressure. They can pressure you. And I know as a mom, you can feel afraid. You’re gonna get people called on you. Well, if adults even they’re even pushing adults into treatments against their will, but children it’s a whole nother matter. And we have, um, talked to, uh, children. And one of which just recently died from the treatments and other, their arms arm was chopped off. And the dad was fighting for this child. I mean, we’ve got a lot of stories and, and offline. We’ll talk about that. And I can give you some more information, but children currently are forced into the standard of care specifically when it comes to cancer as a machine, they make a lot of money and, um, it’s, it’s, it’s really criminal.
Charlene Bollinger:
So what we’re doing with the medical freedom pack and with the truth about cancer is helping to educate people. And we want to stop, um, the forest medical treatments because it is against our human rights and our right, um, under creation. We have, we, God has given us a body, it’s our responsibility to take care of it. And, and those children belong to us, not the state, but they’re acting as if these children belong to the state, that’s their goal. That’s really their agenda. So it’s a matter of waking the sleeping giant and they are waking up. And the second part of my question,
Speaker 1:
Just because it’s, this is selfish and because you have connections to the white house being so close to Trump, I have to know, do you know who Trump’s favorite member of the Wu Tang clan is good question. That’s solid right there.
Charlene Bollinger:
Now I have to ask him, you know, we talked to Bhutan,
Speaker 1:
What are you? Serious tank clan is fans of yours.
Charlene Bollinger:
Yeah. They’re all into natural health. They’ve reached out to us. It was funny because years ago when we started our docu-series out and we didn’t know. And so they’re like, guys, I’m Bhutan. Can you just connect us? Yeah.
Speaker 1:
[inaudible] that’s awesome. Is it you’re sure. So the Wu Tang, not the Wu Han, that’s a different,
Charlene Bollinger:
I didn’t even know about Wilcon back back then, but yeah.
Speaker 1:
Charlene. Okay. So two part, two part. My last question for everybody listening out there, a two part question first is what is the best thing I can put in my body to keep me from getting cancer? And then the second part of that question is what is the worst thing I can put in my body? And I know you’ve been researching, and this is your lane and you’re owning your lanes. So tell the people out there right now, what’s the best thing I could put in my body and the worst thing.
Charlene Bollinger:
Okay. That is a great question. I can, I think I can give you, uh, shorts and I’m, there’s a lot of things I could give you, but I will narrow it down to the one thing. Oh yeah. It’s a God thing and a man thing. So if God gave it in the purity, in which he gave it, ingest it, enjoy it. And God bless you in that. But if man came and chemically altered it and infused it with chemicals or whatever else, run, run away from it, those things are, think cancer.
Speaker 1:
I love that. So a plant, not from the plant, I get it. Oh, deep say LA silo. I mean,
Charlene Bollinger:
Good example of that. So meat, as an example, now there are hardcore vegan. Some people I’ve talked to them, they’re doctors, they’re vegan, but they’re still suffering their blood type in their chemistry. They need a meat. And so the doctor says, you need some meat and they do it and they recover and they do great. And it’s, it’s beautiful thing. Um, but meat, as an example, now, a conventional meat, big ag they’re filled with GMO feed. They’re stuffed in little kennels and they’re slaughtered. They’re tortured. It’s, it’s horrendous. And if you’ve ever seen, seen food, inc, they kind of highlight that stuff. It’s, it’s an abomination. What we’re doing to the animal kingdom, it’s terrible, terrible, but you get an animal. And I know Joe Saladin, I’ve been to his farm. We had a farm that we went to in Greenville, Texas. You mentioned Plano.
Charlene Bollinger:
I’d love to know the doctor you’re referring to, but, um, there’s a farm we’re able to farm in Greenhills. We went to, or a green. Um, we went to their farm. We used to get a goat milk. It was all raw. Goat’s milk, those animals. I took the kiddos out there and the farm was beautiful and the animals were living their life like Joe Saletan said the piggies are expressing their pickiness. You know, they’re living out in the fields. They’re there, they’re enjoying everything. And Joel Salish. And we’ll say farming is raising good grass. The animals were created to eat the grass, right? So you get an animal that’s eating the grass or grass fed grass finished. It’s all organic. And then, um, they’re, they’re slaughtered in a humane way. So they’ve enjoyed their life and the life has been infused into the meat. And so you can eat that meat if it’s, um, not genetically modified, it’s a real, you know, organic farm grass fed finished and so forth. That meat is highly nutritious. And we were designed to be part mediators and part plant eaters. And there’s a lot more to it, but that’s just one of many examples of if you eat the big ag meat, that can cause his cancer. But if you eat meat in moderation, that’s good for you. Uh, that could actually help you and benefit your health.
Speaker 5:
Okay. As we wrap up the show here, I got to do it. We gotta wrap it up. I got it. Well, I gotta do. I gotta do this thing. I don’t want to, I don’t want to do the thing I have to do, but I have to do it. Oh gosh. Oh no. My wife is right yet again. And she’s right about everything all the time. She’s been talking about non-GMO since before we had GMO. And then, and then she says, you know, we need to eat organic and we need to eat grass fed. That’s a point for it, but I’m giving her a point on the organic. So I’m giving her a point on the non GMO. I’m giving her a point on the vaccines, giving her a point on she never miss everything. That’s the, given her a point, I should have sold the DJ business earlier. I’m giving her a point that maybe at times I shouldn’t dress like an idiot. I just act like it. Idiot. I really I’m really. I just, I sorry, Vanessa. And I apologize for every thing I’ve ever said pretty much ever previous to right now. So I hope we accepted on the air. I want to tell you,
Charlene Bollinger:
They are pretty good on his backs. Was that the one you were on the Newsmax on? Let us say they’re the one that went crazy viral. Hold on everyone. That’s so funny. He got more points into 30 seconds. And in my life I ever saw that’s client as element, just let him know he’s live. And he’ll, he’ll say what he wants to say. Who was that guy? That shot.
Speaker 5:
Thank you so much. Thank you. Ma’am thank you for being on the show. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Charlene Bollinger:
Thank you. What a pleasure.
Speaker 5:
I am excited. If you can get us a Judy, Mike of the ATM, your people tell them anywhere. Anytime I will get them on the show any day, anytime we’re all in and we’ll be praying for you. Absolutely. You keep doing what you’re doing because
Charlene Bollinger:
There will be changed and benefited from it. And it’s just awesome. I really appreciate that. Thank you. You
Speaker 4:
Guys are a struggle. This was a good time. I’m usually not on the show. They just brought me down just because you’re such a special, [inaudible] all the GMO stuff and yeah. Yeah, you need to be on the show. We’re off. And this one is one of the most fun conversations I think I’ve ever had. You guys crack me up. Awesome.
Speaker 1:
Well, tell Judy we’ll, we’ll play nice, but we’ll keep it fun. Now, Jason, in our office, we have a young man by the name of Charles who goes by the rap name, young knowledge that we do. And, uh, um, he is very talented, extremely talented, very hardworking, true. He moved five hours. He drove here actually from pretty drove five hours to the job interview, just the interview, just to have the opportunity to interview. And then he came another five hours to shadow to see if it would be a good fit. And I’ve teamed up with him. And the goal is to share his lyrical miracles with the thrive nation. They’re so good. Insert his lyrical miracles into the conversation to get his truth beyond just this booth. We want to get it in the air everywhere people need it. So this is a song that he recorded, um, at my request.
Speaker 1:
And I think it’s a song that a lot of our listeners need to hear right now. The song is about the power of one, and I think everybody needs to hear it. Does it have any further ado? This is young knowledge and this is a new song. He just put out, we call it strength through struggle. If you want to hear just the song, you can find it by typing in strength, through struggle, thrive, time show, or you can find more young knowledge music on his YouTube channel. Y U N G knowledge. So now then he further do its strength through struggle by young knowledge. If you don’t understand, you’re the one like you’re being the time. Whenever the enemy knows that the walk is coming, he always says to stop them from succeeding because they’re the ones to have a whole bunch of Abraham, Abraham and Abraham [inaudible] patience. They’ll stop. And just think it’s the most we can get back against the wall. He will stand up like a jet, but you’re going to curl up in the
Speaker 6:
Ball. [inaudible] gotta keep your faith up so you can price. It never felt that Abraham had to move out from his country and away from his different, because he was the one with his pimples because he was the one. They are always on the hit list. Because the one I want to talk to some people, the devil fin attack at night, that’s the promise. Every time that happened, there’s a blessing coming obsessing over problems that you’ve taken. Dang. I had to go crazy in front of me. Remember when they cut my water off homie man, reflecting how they cut my lights off. I had to move back in with my mama, Tammy funding, like the failure. That’s what life is got to get up on the ground. I had to make the right move. Right? My noodles, every night I had something to write to execution is the key.
Speaker 6:
Don’t tell me what you might do. Pay for some demand above no other. God is liked you. You can not Miguel, but I promise. I ain’t saying it’s been like, I am the one we just begun to clear me and clay clicking. Nothing. Y’all need to get it, bro. Stop to see colossal taking over. When we flip it up, Abraham, I have to move out from his country and away from his tidbit because he was the one with his PIP folks that come to me. They are always on my hit list because I want to talk to some people. [inaudible] got another good persevere because I never had a thought. I never stopped writing. When the [inaudible] be paralyzed. By the thoughts that we feel of, you will stop begging for people to come into agreement with you. So you’ll stop doing polls and fences and trying to get everybody to come into consensus with your vision. You won’t be the same man with your preach. Cause you already know [inaudible]
Speaker 1:
Listened to the entire TD Jakes sermon grasping the moment by visiting TD Jakes, YouTube channel, simply named TD Jakes Folks. You are getting ready to flow. You got to share this truth. You got to be the one who shares the truth. It cannot be just us in this booth. Nope, but Jason, let’s end this thing with a boat. Let’s do it. Here we go.
Speaker 6:
Three, two, one, boom.