Crossfit Games Winner and “Fittest Man in the World” Jason Khalipa on the Only Real Life Hack Is to Work Hard

Show Notes

Are you struggling to stay focused, to stay on course and to become a finisher and not just a starter? Jason Khalipa, the 2008 Crossfit Winner and the founder of the NCFit gyms shares why the only real life hack is to work hard.

Website –

Pre-Order The Book – As Many Reps As Possible

Listen To the Podcast – AMRAP

Instagram – @jasonkhalipa

Over ¾ of purchases are made by the wife

Show Introduction –

  1. Today’s guest is a committed father, a world champion and a global businessman by the name of Jason Khalipa. After years of grueling and diligent training, Jason earned the title as the Fittest Man on Earth and he actually finished first in the 2008 CrossFit Games. Jason, welcome onto The Thrivetime Show, how are you, sir?
  2. Jason Khalipa, I would love to have you break down a few of the concepts found in your book, “As Many Reps As Possible.” In Chapter 1 you write, “A set of tools to set you free. What is this chapter all about?
    1. There is actually a chapter before the chapter called “How It All Began”
    2. The First chapter is how to identify your why, focusing on your goal and being able to switch focus when life gives you a curveball.
    3. I came about this philosophy by getting through the shock and adversity. We were able to create many great relationships through this adversity.
    4. AMRAP: As Many Reps As Possible
      1. 10 reps versus As Many Reps As Possible in 10 Minutes
  3. Jason, Chapter 2 of your book is titled, “Unlock Your Why and Build a Personal Powerhouse.” I would love for you to break down what this means and why this is so important?
    1. You need to know why you’re doing whatever challenge you set before yourself. When adversity strikes you need to have a strong why to fall back on and to support you.
  4. Jason, when you were competing during the CrossFit Games, what kind of things were you actually saying to yourself and how did you go about reframing bad situations to motivate yourself to keep pushing?
    1. Going into the games, you never know what you’re getting into. When you get into an event without the confidence of your training, that’s the hard part.
    2. In 2011 we had a triathlon which was much harder than I thought because I wasn’t ready for it and I didn’t have the confidence.
    3. I think about, if i’m coaching someone I’m not going to tell them “I can’t breathe”, I’m going to tell them to breathe and focus. That is what I tell myself.
    4. I always prepare and make a game plan before an event. The goal is to stick with the game plan and with a few minutes before the end. BOOM the game plan goes out the window and you give it all you have.
  5. Jason Khalipa, you obviously a very passionate individual. What is your “why?” and what keeps you motivated today?
    1. You have to find the right person who will create the want inside of you to make yourself the best self you can be.
    2. I found someone excellent who makes me a better me so I want to keep her!
    3. My wife’s father is an entrepreneur so she knew what she was getting herself into.
    4. We have regular check-ins where we talk about what we are focusing on and whether or not we are becoming the best people that we can be.
    5. We regularly go out on date nights. We go out to a restaurant and get drinks every weekend. It’s a balance.
    6. When we had kids, we decided that our relationship is #1. If we aren’t communicating well then we won’t have a good relationship with our children.
    7. You need to constantly have “Micro-Check-ins” so that you don’t drift.
    8. I graduated college in 2008, proposed to my wife and won the Crossfit games all in the same year.
    9. I went to a Jr. College for 2 years and then I went to a University called Santa Clara University.
    10. After I won the Crossfit Games we decided to start the business.
  6. Jason, you decided to title Chapter 3 of your book as “Next-Level Focus.” Jason, I would love for you to break down to The Thrive Nation what you mean by this?
    1. When I first decided to sit down and write a book, I decided that I wanted to write a book that aligned with my thoughts. A book about rolling up your sleeves and getting to work.
    2. When my daughter got sick, the book shifted more towards the AMRAP mentality.
    3. I decided to self publish. The book was written by me when I was in Asia and a friend of mine who was a former lawyer helped me edit it.
    4. We are donating the proceeds of the pre-sale to an organization called NEGU
    5. Next-Level Focus is Focusing on the things that you can control and not what you can’t control. You have to separate the two into different circles and make the decision to only focus on the things you can change.
    6. It’s a great toolset to be able to overcome adversity. Fitness is a great way to learn this. It’s all about consistency.
  7. Jason Khalipa, the final chapter of your book that I would love to have you break down is Chapter 4. “The Only Real-Life Hack Work Really Hard.” My friend, why is this tip so profound and so missed by many in today’s culture who are out there looking for “life hacks?”
    1. Everyone wants instant gratification. People don’t post their struggles and the decades of hard work on social media.
    2. People don’t see the years of hard work. You have to ask yourself “Do I have confidence from years of hard work and preparation” before you compete in fitness or in business.
  8. Jason, what does your daily diet look like?
    1. I try and eat REAL food.
    2. I avoid soda and anything with a ton of sugar
    3. The key is consistency and exercising hard
    4. You have to surround yourself with like-minded people
    5. You have to have the mindset of “I want to be fit for the rest of my life”
  9. Jason, what do the first four hours of your typical day look like?
    1. In the evening, I fall asleep pretty quickly at 10:00 pm
    2. Every morning I work out in my garage at 6:00 am
      1. I’ll start with cardio
      2. Cold plunging for 20-30 deep breaths until I can control my breath
    3. The goal is to start moving
  10. for the next 12 months of your life and what projects you are currently working on?
    1. Website –
    2. Pre-Order The Book – As Many Reps As Possible
    3. Listen To the Podcast – AMRAP
    4. Instagram – @jasonkhalipa
Business Coach | Ask Clay & Z Anything

Audio Transcription

Today’s guest is Jason Khalipa. He’s a committed husband, father and author, and the 2008 crossfit games champion. Thus, he was known as the fittest man on earth. He is the founder of the NC fit gyms with the six locations around the world, with five locations in California and one in Mexico, and now he’s the best selling author of as many reps as possible, succeeding and competition business in life by making the most out of every single mode throughout Jason’s life. He’s chosen to stay positive as he spot through endless adversity, including the moment when his daughter Ava was diagnosed with leukemia and he believes the only real life hack is to work really hard.

Some shows don’t need a celebrity and a writer to introduce the show. This show does to math eight kids, Koch, created by two different women, 13 multimillion dollar businesses. Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the thrive time show. Jason Khalipa, welcome on to the thrive time show. How are you, sir?

I’m doing very well. Thank you so much for having me.

Hey, I’m a little bit overwhelmed and a lot honored to have you on today’s show because your career is sort of a legendary and iconic at this point. I have to ask you this. When you finished first in the 2008 crossfit games, did you blow your own mind?

Um, well, at the time I didn’t really know what it turned into. And so I mean, yeah, it did blow my mind actually. Yeah, that’s a good way to describe it. Yes, I did.

I’d love for you to break down. I mean you wrote this book called as many reps as possible, which is kind of a look into your mind, look into your mindset, look into your values, and I want to really focus in on this book and in Chapter One of your book, you write a set of tools to set you free. What is the first chapter of this book all about?

Well, I mean the first chapters, there’s a chapter before the first chapter, which is, which would have typically been a preface. You had an our case. We we labeled it as you know, how it all began and would. That was just a story of when my daughter got diagnosed with leukemia, how these tool set that I incorporate in my life for so long allowed us to overcome that challenge and then the first chapter is a tool set that allows you to kind of reach your full potential, which is the American mentality, which is about identifying your why, knowing what you want to focus on, focusing on what’s in your control, working really hard at that particular focus. Switch gears throughout your day and then reevaluate when life kind of throws you a curve ball. Is the tool set that we use

now? Did you. Was it an actual system that you’d written down and broke it down on paper? Are The amwraps for philosophy and Fritz Ward, is that something that you worked on over time? I just want to kind of know because my son was born blind and a 2007, which is why I relate, I believe so much to your, your, your story, you know, and nothing’s worse than having your child going through something and feeling helpless as a parent. Did you already have your philosophy distilled at that point or how did you come about this philosophy?

Yeah, I mean, you know, obviously I, I don’t know, um, you know, with your son being blind, I’m sure that came with a ton of know in the beginning. I’m sure it really shook you and it was, you know, you had to learn how to adapt and overcome and, and now I’m sure there’s been a lot of potential positives that have occurred through this adversity and having to overcome it. And the same thing kind of happened with us first. It was a huge shock, but now as we’ve kind of transitioned through, we’ve, we realized a lot of good came out of it with relationships, with different types of things. But you don’t have this one. We are developing this mindset. It was more like how am I going to compete at the crossfit games and when, how am I going to build a big business and then how am I going to be a good husband and father, and so when I was debating that in my head that I started creating this tool set because I never was more productive in my workouts. Then when I was am rapping, then once they started introducing a clock to my workouts, my results exponentially increased. That same thing. I want to impact the rest of my life.

And again, an rap for anybody out there. Taking notes stands for as many reps as possible. My. Am I getting that correct?

That’s right, yeah. It’s an acronym for as many reps as possible. So the way to think about it is, you know, you have 10 minutes. If I just said, hey, you know, do me a favor and just do 10 push ups, 10 set of 10 squats, you know, casually you might be able to get an okay workout. But if I said, hey, do 10 push ups, 10 squats, Cetera, and don’t wanting to do as many reps as possible in 10 minutes go, you get a lot more of a, you’d get a much better stimulus from that.

I want to get into your head before winning the 2008 crossfit games. When did you decide to take this seriously and to say, you know what, I might have a shot at winning this. So this is something I, I want to do. Was that 2006, seven? I mean, when did that light bulb?

I was in love with training and competing and um, you know, that was a good thing for me. But after that year, winning was really, when I started to just focus on it, it actually, um, I was surprised I was and the competition was a lot different in 2008 and it was, you know, when I finished up in 2015 and, you know, it wasn’t something I set out to when I set out to just kinda see where I stacked up against my competitors. And winning was just this huge kind of byproduct of that.

So when you’re competing in the crossfit games, because you retired from the crossfit games are competing in 2015, am I. am I correct on that?

Yes. I competed seven times the individual and then one for the team in 2015.

So when you are competing and let’s say what’s the most difficult contest? Most difficult, difficult exercise, the most difficult part of the crossfit games in your mind, is there a particular aspect of it? You say that part is the worst

was anything or not prepared for it, right? That’s the worst. So you know, going into these products, the games, you never know what you’re going to get yourself into at all. And so the secret is how prepared can you be? And if you go in there and you’re not prepared for a long event or a swim or whatever that may be, that’s when they’re. The worst event is when you’re not going in there with confidence from all your training to go out there and know that you’re going to perform well.

Can you let us kind of into your brain. Here we go. We’re going into your brain. Let’s picture 20, uh, 2008, nine and you’re going in and you’re going, okay, this was, what was the event where you were competing and you thought, Oh wow, this is harder than I thought it would be.

What? I mean, fast forward to 2011. We had a camp pendleton, a military base. We had a triathlon and that was much harder than I anticipated because I wasn’t prepared. I wasn’t ready for a long swim bike and run. And because of that it was detrimental. I mean, it broke me. And um, after that year I told myself I would never let that happen again.

What do you say to yourself when you’re going through something mentally, you know, what’s, what’s the self talk look like with this amwraps philosophy in your mind when you’re going through a grueling, you know, maybe you’re doing pull up, so you’re doing some activity and you’re going, I just amount of gas. What do you say to yourself? How do you to just let us into the self talk? What are you saying to yourself?

Well man, I’m trying to utilize positive self talk and so what I’m thinking about is if I’m. If I have an athlete at our gym and I’m coaching them, what kind of things am I going to tell them? Well, I’m surely not going to tell them that they can’t breathe. I’m not going to tell him that your legs hurt. I’m going to tell them, hey, focus on your techniques folks driving your knees out, keeping your chest up. Folks, you know, identifying a nice breathing pattern and so then I take that same mindset. I shifted into myself so I’m utilizing positive self talk, which exercise is a great way to develop this. So in the middle of competitions, on focusing on what I can control, which is my own performance on positively reinforce that throughout the workout and then before I get into the event, I create a game plan.

Whatever that game plan is and I work really hard to stick with that game plan and rely on my training. Because what happens is a lot of times you get in the middle of one of these events and your competitors, Mike off, you know, and go out and super fast and you want to kind of keep up with them, but you need to remind yourself that you created a game plan for a specific reason when your heart rate was, you know, whatever. And in the, the goal is, is to now, you know, stick with a game plan and it was a few minutes left in the event. No game plan goes out the window and just go out there and crush it.

Maybe this is a weird request, but could you tell me, do you do speak to us audibly? Do you actually say the words audibly to yourself while you’re, while you’re going through these adversities?

I think in the garage you could, you could kind of develop this skill. I think anybody who’s looking to, you know, kind of, uh, you know, support their performance outside the gym should use the gym, is a great way of doing that. So now if I’m in the middle of a workout and I’m had challenging internally, I’m saying certain things in myself and in the beginning it’s really tough. You know? Imagine if you go out for a run, the first thing you’re seeing yourself as, oh man, my feet hurt, my lungs hurt, my whatever. But if you could, if you could transfer that negativity into a positive, that’s a strong, strong thing. Now the question becomes, how do you translate that in your daily life when you’re in a meeting and something doesn’t go the right way, that these are sets of skills that you can develop through exercise that transfer really well in real life. And normally I’m not saying outside like I’m not, I’m not, I’m not saying them out loud, I’m saying them internally.

Okay, so you’re saying in your book as many reps as possible in chapter two, you decided to thoughtfully title this chapter, unlock your why and build a personal powerhouse. I would love for you to break down what this means and why it’s so important.

I think anytime you’re going up for a challenge, whatever that may be, you need to know why you’re doing it and have a strong set of values that support it. When you’re trying to compete at the crossfit games, the amount of pain your body goes through is extreme, and if you don’t have a strong internal reason why you’re doing it, you’re never going to be successful. And that same thing applies to anything else you’re doing. You know, why are you going to school? Why are you working? What’s the bigger reason? Because when adversity strikes and when challenges occur, you need to have a strong why for everything you’re doing. And if you could relate to that, if you could fall back on that, you’ll always be successful.

You again, from what I can just read online. And what I’ve heard about too is that you are very passionate about your wife’s. Ashley, I believe her name is Ashley and you’re in your two kids and um, a lot of people unfortunately in America today, maybe a struggle with keeping the marriage together. I’ve been married 18 years. How long have you been married?

We’ve been married coming up on 10 years, but we’ve been dating for a, we, we, we started dating when we were 15, so I’m 33 now, so whatever that is, 18 years.

Okay. I got five years of age, so I’m 38 here. So a little bit older than you, but you’ve been married 10 years. When Dayton, your high school sweetheart, um, what you’re doing as far as your love for your wife. You always speak very favorably her about her on every interview ever done. Whenever you’re talking about your wife, you’re very, I mean, you’re not a negative passive aggressive to very powerfully purposeful, powerful, passionate. You know, you, you love her. And it’s very evident in what you say about her. What, what is the why that makes your marriage so successful when so many other people seem to struggle with making their marriage work?

Well, I think you have to find the right person that’s gonna Kinda create something inside you that you want to be the best version of yourself for them. Right? And so for us, you know, I feel like I got really lucky at a young age finding somebody that, you know, made me be about something, you know, made me kind of be a man about it and um, has been there supporting me and I’ve been supporting her and we’ve been trying to lift each other up since we were 15. So I think my why it was, was that I found someone excellent who made me better and I want to keep her.

There we go. Okay. This is someone who makes you want to be excellent and you want to keep her. Uh, this is, uh, this is, um, uh, maybe something you and I share here. My wife is, you know, people always say your wife looks just like Joanna Gaines. And I go, thank you. You look just like Jabba the hut or you know what I mean? You look just like Yoda. Uh, I mean, it seems like we married up and your wife is a big encourager there. Can you talk to me about the role that she plays or has played and encouraging you throughout your entrepreneurial career?

Um, well me, I think she just, she, you know, her dad’s intrepreneur, so I think she knows what she’s getting herself into and a young age. I didn’t really have the same entrepreneurial spirit or hard work ethic that I have today. And I think over the years we’ve had certain life goals, we both want it for our family and she recognizes that we have to have some sacrifices in certain areas to get other things. And so, you know, we check in on a regular basis. We have regular date nights which were really important, especially all the time we spent in the hospital and um, we have regular check ins about hey, what are we trying to accomplish here? And one of the big things that we talked about recently was reaching our full potential. And so she’s there to kind of help guide me and help me and her both of us reach our full potential as a couple. And then also individually, which I think is really cool.

I don’t want to get too deep into the weeds of the personal details of your date night, but a lot of entrepreneurs, we have about 500,000 folks that will download this podcast every month and a lot of them are going okay, but date night, what kind of stuff do you guys. Do? You know what I mean? So what do you do? I mean, do you guys go out for Italian food? Do you go work out and you do Pompa dop? I mean, what do you guys do during your date night?

Oh, we’re definitely, we’re going out to a restaurant. We’re having drinks, that’s for sure. So you know, whether, whether we were at the hospital, our family was very supportive and gave a date night or when we’re at home we have family that can help support with the kids, which is excellent. Um, you know, at least every weekend we go on a date and that can be a simple as going to a wine bar, having a couple glasses of wine. It could be, you know, she’s a big fan of Margarita and highlighted little mezcal and it’s just, you know, finding that balance in our relationship where we go out and we know when we first had kids, one of the things we told each other is that we wanted to have our relationship number one and now our children are our top priority, but if our relationship wasn’t strong and if we didn’t do the best we could to make sure that we are communicating well, then we wouldn’t have a good relationship for our children. And so we make sure that we’re regularly communicating on an adult level every single weekend like that. That’s critical for us over a couple of cocktails.

It’s interesting. We talked about on the show all the time, do you want to have a great family? Great faith relationship ship, the great fitness relationship. It’s the f six life, faith, family, fitness, finances, friendship, fun. You seem like you guys, uh, nobody’s pounds, but I mean you guys seem like you’re really intentional about becoming as balanced as you could possibly be. Do you have certain books that have inspired your philosophy or mindset throughout the years?

I’ve met with a lot of people and I’ve learned a lot from them. People who are, you know, 10, 15 years older than me and you start learning from some of their mistakes and some of their pitfalls and I think regular daily check ins on how you’re doing on a micro level is a great place to start this. We don’t have these major, you know, kind of epiphany 10 years later that you never had a good relationship with your kids or your wife and I think that’s just a daily checking you could do and then every now and then have these big check ins where you create goals together as a family.

So previous to winning the crossfit games, what was your occupation? What, what were you doing to support the family before becoming the crossfit superstar that you are now today?

Back in 2008. I mean, I graduated college in 2008, so I graduated college, proposed my wife and one cross against all that same year. Before that I was working a sales job at the gym while going through college and so, you know, my, my, my big wireless take Ashley out to uh, you know, dinners and stuff. But then once I won the cross the Games, I then opened up the business that same year and uh, ever since we’ve been kinda doing our thing.

So the listeners out there who aren’t familiar with your story, tell them about the college you went to and then the business that you now have started.

So I went to, I went to a junior college for two years because I screwed up in high school and I was just not taking it seriously. And then I went to a four year university called Santa Clara University. That was excellent where I graduated in 2008 with my wife and a few of our friends. And then that same year I won the crossfit games. But at the time there wasn’t much money in it like there is today. And so we, uh, I started up a business in a small warehouse and then we had one location. Then we expanded. Now we have 22 locations are so globally and it’s been, uh, spent a lot of fun, that’s for sure. Well,

I know on journey, I know a lot of our listeners love to Google and kind of check in on our guests and know, pursue what’s the website where they could learn more about your 22 locations that you have today.

Check out more about me and what we have going on.

Okay. Now for people out there that are going. Okay, okay. I’m probably going to pick up this guy’s book. I mean this guy, I want to buy his books as a book and book as many reps as possible. We’re going on to chapter three here and I want to kind of get into chapter three of the book. Your book is filled with so many knowledge bombs as you began to to put this book together. Um, did you have a mentor helping you or an agent that helped you? Because a lot of people are just overwhelmed by the idea of writing a book.

What I wanted to put out a book that was kind of what I. What I saw, what happened was, is that I’d been traveling a lot this year so far. I’ve traveled on hundred days this year. $100 plus before I wrote this book and said the 16th, I was traveling more than that. It’s opening locations throughout Asia and all over the place and I’d be at the airports. I look for, you know, motivation. I look for inspiration and I pick up these books and the books just didn’t align with what I saw most of the time they’re talking about hacks and work less, get paid more, and I started seeing myself, you know, what ever happened to roll up your sleeves and get to work. And so I set out to write a book. At that time I had a ghost writer and then my daughter got sick like a month later and it just totally transformed my reasons for writing the book that it went away from.

It went away from, hey, let’s write a, you know, hard work book into, Hey, let’s talk about this mindset Ameron mentality and how you can embrace you for so many years of my life. It allowed me to, the night she got diagnosed to write an email and just say, hey guys, right now I have one focus and one folks only. And no other competent people take care of the business. We have built up a financial heads. I might say this is on point, my relationships on point because we have to do as many reps as possible mindset. And so that’s what I wanted to write. And um, so I, I basically scratched the ghostwriter, rewrote the whole thing myself and then, and then had some, some help with editing.

And how did you go about. We have a lot of our listeners that are bestselling authors and we have, and we’ve had seth Goden on the show and John Maxwell. And uh, um, what was your process for finding an agent that understood you and what you were trying to do?

Oh, so I didn’t really go through an agency so I decided to self publish and I, I kinda had a hybrid where with this group they print the book for me and they kind of store it and then. But I self published it and I found a ghost writer just through mutual friends. But again, you know, this book was written by me through all my travels to Asia. I would just sit down for like 12, 15 hour flight, just write it. And then I had one of the people on our team who’s a former lawyer who could write, well me edit it out and in. And so that was my way of doing it. And the reason why I wanted to self publish is because I already have a little bit of a social reach and I wanted to donate. You know, like we’re donating all the proceeds from presales which are through January eight. And then after that we’re donating a portion. So basically I wanted to try and get as much money as possible for the kids to support pediatric cancer. And I didn’t want to go through traditional publishing in and give them a percentage.

Where does the. Where do you, where do you donate to? Someone buys your book right now because there’s a lot of people are going to go right now and right now just go up there. They’re going to go on Amazon and they’re going to buy as many reps as possible. Where does the money go to the donations?

Yeah. I. I truly hope you. I hope to get value out of it. It’s a short read. It’s designed to be impactful and the money goes to an organization called never ever give up. and the story there is a we’ve been doing there. My wife and I also hosted event called Ava’s kitchen and we donate all the proceeds to need you where we manage a fund within their fund. Said this way, there’s a lot of checks and balances. We made sure every penny goes to kids fighting cancer and to give families to give families really cool events to help with financial needs. There’s all kinds of stuff we do, but it was a great organization and we stand behind that.

Chapter three of your book. You talk about the next level focus. What does that mean?

So what that means is that, you know, for a lot of years I was focusing on things that are outside my control and it caused me to not perform well because I’d be worrying about the events are my competitors and so I used so much energy focused on other things, but I forgot about what was actually mattering, which was hating my warm up, my execution, my training. And so a next level focus is really about identifying what’s in your controllers, out of your control, making sure you focus on what’s in your control and great way to do that is just to take two circles that’s upsetting you or frustrated or stressing you out and just take all the things that are in your control. Putting the left circle to go out of your control, putting the right circle. And that’s a great Greek first step.

And I think I did that with competing and then I did that with my daughter getting leukemia. I did it in business and you know, for example, I got word yesterday, then another Jim wants to open up literally next to one of our locations. And at first I was super frustrated, right? I, I called the, the, you know, the future owner. I said, hey man, I think you’re making a big mistake. Let me explain why. Right? And I explained why. But then after awhile I went to dinner with the kids, my wife and I just sat there. I was like, look, it’s completely outside of my control. I can’t, I can’t determine what this guy’s going to do. I already called and said my peace. Now let me go ahead and just done. Yes, fantastic. The family. And that was it. I just turned it off that quickly. And that’s an easy, easy way to do it.

Those of you who listen to this show regularly, you know my partner, Dr Zoellner and I, we own a 13 multimillion dollar companies just like you, multiple locations, Jason Khalipa, a lot of different businesses, brick and mortar, and when you have somebody that leases space, a landlord or a property owner that leases to your direct competition, you know very closely to you or that that can be frustrating. The fact that you got over that so quick, that’s a powerful moment. I mean, you’re able to put that into a different part of your brain, compartmentalize it, and move on. That right there. We should probably put that on. Repeat Andrew into our brains exploding now. Chapter Four. Yeah, go for it. I’m sorry.

Just to be clear, I mean obviously I’m a huge advocate, but I think that it’s a great tool set to develop in your garage where you’re going through a workout. You have to overcome adversity or to identify what’s in your control with control for that event and just know you’ll learn it through working out so easily and it translates so long. Does it happen overnight, but it’s a, you know, it’s all about consistency. There is understanding when something’s really frustrating you, what can you do about it? Nothing. Then move on. That’s it.

No, I know you have a hot date night planned tonight here. So I have three final questions for you. Three final questions in our speed round here. Chapter Four. You give all the listeners out there a very powerful Andrew. This is almost like a get rich quick. This is like a get rich slow. Tim and Andrew, you hear all of the guests. We have David Robinson, Nba Hall of Famer, Lee Cockerell, managed Disney world, John Maxwell, Seth Goden, all these people, they all basically give the same get rich slow, but I think this guy, I think Jason Khalipa really nails it here. Chapter Four. You, you titled it the only real life hack work really hard.

Well, it’s the truth. You know, I think everybody’s so, especially with social media these days, they want instant gratification, right? They want to show them the Bahamas, you know, being in a yacht overnight and it just doesn’t happen that way. You know, people don’t put up their struggles, people don’t put up all the adversity that overcome and people don’t put up the decades of hard work. And I think what’s really important for people to remember is that I started in the fitness industry at the age of 15 working the front desk and then I got into sales and now it’s 33. You know, I have all these years under my belt where I’ve been learning from mentors, ag and focused on one thing which is a fitness space and I haven’t been going from one area to the next to the next. I didn’t really diligent on this particular.

You know, I know a lot about fitness. I don’t know much about, you know, the restaurant business for example. And so I think it’s really important that people, before they go into a business, he just remind themselves like, hey, how about earned the confidence? Have I earned the right to open this? What is my competitive vantage of it put in the work? And if they have, well then I could think they’re going to be a lot more successful. But if you just want to tell yourself you want to open it, but you can’t really back it up with years of dedication of her work, I think. I think you’re setting yourself up for a more challenging situation. And so, um, to summarize, what do you want to win a professional sport you want to win at business? I think that it takes years and years and years of this slow, consistent effort. I think it’s critical,

right? Andrew? I did some googling. We did some googling the team, just so you know, Jason Khalipa, we’ve got about 50 people that work at the thrive time show and then all the companies, there’s hundreds of people have. The Christmas party is probably 400 people at the party. What a lot of people there. And we did some googling and we’re going, wow, this guy seems to be in shape. So I want to ask you on a daily basis, what does your diet look like today?

Yeah. I mean, so I try and eat real real food. That’s the first key takeout soda. I think that’s a very easy thing to do. Avoid these excessive amounts of sugar, trying to eat real food throughout each of your meals and start there, but I think the key is consistency and so it means eating real food, you know, and, and look, if you show up at a party and someone to eat a piece of cake and it’s your kid’s birthday, go ahead and eat some cake. Don’t be so crazy about it, but it’s that consistency piece of eating well and exercising hard for at least, you know, these 30 minutes to an hour a day getting into the gym, surrounding yourself with like minded people who want to push themselves and let’s get after it. And I think that mindset of just everyday eat real food, workout hard at least once a day.

Make sure moving and I’m hydrating and I think you’re setting yourself up for success because look, I don’t want to be fit for the next month. I want to be fixed the rest of my life. And so for me it’s just distant horizon. Just like, you know, creating a, a, you know, a really big business takes time. Sydney takes awhile, but then once you get there, it’s just this constant goal to maintain and continue to develop and so for me it combines two things, consistent workouts everyday where I pushed myself mentally and physically and then eating real food

and I want to make sure that I can. I try to watch as many videos as I could that you’ve done interviews, you’ve done countless interviews. If listeners out there will avoid void sweets, right? Just avoid just eating sugar, sugary beverages. Don’t, don’t drink your calories, right? I mean just don’t drink sugar, don’t eat sugar, just don’t write sugar. Sort of avoid that.

Yeah, I mean 100 percent. I mean I think, you know, not only going to absorb into your bloodstream really, really quick and you know, a spike your blood sugar levels, but I just think it’s, I just think it’s just a waste, you know, spend it on something else. Avoid, avoid, avoid soda is just a really easy thing to do. Switch over to sparkling water. It’s a great next step, right? I mean it’s a great. It gets to the carbonation and it removes a lot of sugar.

Final question for you. A final 90 seconds. I know you got to go on a hot date, so here we go. How do you spend the first four hours of your typical day? That’s a

great question so I can ask about my evening routine. My morning routine, my evening routine. I don’t really have one because I fall asleep so quickly. It takes me less than two minutes to fall asleep, so I don’t really need to worry about that. I know some people need to wind down for me it doesn’t happen. I went for my morning routine is something I’ve been playing with is every morning I’ve been to. Every morning I work out of my garage. I get all my, you know my. I do some form of Cardio, 20, 30 minutes. She’s kind of. This is around six, so I go to bed every night between 10 and 11 at the latest and I wake up every day around around anywhere between 5:30 and 6:30 is traditionally where I’m at. I’ll go in the garage, I’ll hit some cardio and I’ve been playing around with cold plunging and I’m going to play around with the sauna.

So right now what I’m doing is like going in the garage. I just, I just don’t, I just turn on a clock. I don’t think I just start moving and in the beginning I feel like, you know, not good. But then after a few minutes it started moving a little bit. And I think for any CEO, any entrepreneur out there just get a spin bike threatening your living room, you know, don’t check your phones, get on his third movie, Getting 15, 20, 30 minutes of hard effort and then go on and go do the rest of your gig and if you want us or doing cold plans. Um, right now I’m in California so it’s not too too cold but it’s still cold and we don’t heat our pool. So Sydney I’ve been working on is getting in there for 20 to 30 deep breaths until I can control my heart rate again and my breathing and it just kinda shocked my system gets me going through the rest of the day. That’s what I’m playing with right now.

Where in California do you live? Southern California or

northern California. Like San Jose Bay area.

Oh boy. You do have a cold pool?

Yes. I mean it’s, it’s Kinda, it’s Kinda. I wrote trip down here with my son. He’s four and a half and that was kinda cool. And now we met my wife and daughter and they were road tripping back up. It can be stolen.

Well, I’ll tell you what. I’m going to let you and your wife and your son get back to that great family event. I cannot tell you how much we appreciate you for taking time out of your busy schedule to share your insights and your words of wisdom with the thrive nation and thrive nation. I’m not going to go out there and you know, say you are a horrible person. If you don’t buy Jason’s new book, I wouldn’t say if you don’t buy as many reps as possible, Andrew, you’re a bad person. No, some would suggest I should say that would not allow that. I would just say, why don’t you buy the book? Come on, just don’t go to starbucks twice by the book. He’s donating a lot of the proceeds to a great cause. Jason Khalipa, thank you so much for being on the show today.

Going on and on instagram and um, you know, feel free to Dm me if you have any questions. Would really, really, really appreciate your support on the book and I hope you can get an impact from it.

Have a blessed night, my friend. We will talk to you soon.

All right. Thank you so much.

Andrew. Have you ever competed in crossfit? Have not actually ever thought of competed in crossfit, crossfit. Never. Have I ever. I’m afraid of the word crossfit. That guy’s a scary dude. Check him out online. His name is Jason Khalipa. We’ll put a link to all of his information on today’s show notes and I want to encourage everybody, because at the time of this recording, we’re in the new year now, we’re in the new year and so many people think it’s not possible to achieve success. They say, I want to achieve success, but it’s not possible for me because whenever you. A lot of people have told me recently I can’t achieve success because I’m overeducated. There you go. I have an Mba and she has an MBA. We all have Mbas. They’re passing out Mbas. We have too much education, too much debt. Well, we have a listener out there by the name of Rachel and Anna and her husband’s name, but his name is tyler, so it’s Rachel and tyler and they’re based in New Orleans and they reached out to us about three years ago and they had a company called Delbert clinical research for a company.

Now some people might say you have to have revenue to have a company, but no, no. They had a pre revenue company, we’ll call it a pre revenue company. A lot of expenses on the spreadsheet, a lot of on the balance sheet, a lot of expenses, not a lot of income and they reached out to us and that was about almost almost two and a half, three years ago. Right. And now we are proud to say that delridge research, and we’ll put a link to it on the show notes. Delbert research is now producing a profit per month. Andrew have over a $100,000. That’s per month now. Andrew is crazy. Now it’s a husband, wife team. So they split it in half. They each will have only $50,000 a month of disposable have disposable income. Not only only. So they, they’re, they’re, they’re going through a tough, a tough time.

They only have $100,000 a month to spend on themselves. So we’re going to start kind of a gofund me I think. So if you’re out there and you’re saying, well how are people supposed to get by on 100,000 dollars a month? Maybe we could get the go fund me account going to could go viral. Maybe they could then have 200,000 a month. Nobody. Nelson Saturday, they’re doing very well. Their company is called delridge research. It’s D, e l R I c h t there a clinical research company. Essentially if a pharmaceutical company wants to put a new drug under the marketplace, Andrew, are you aware they have to actually test it on humans first? Yes, I am. They do. And so do you have to test it on thousands of people who are willing to try these clinical trials and then they do all the research and if it passes all the tests and checks all the boxes, then they get to sell it on the market, uh, in the marketplace as a approved drug.

There you go. And they help get drugs approved. It’s called direct clinical research. And so they’re making over $100,000 a month. And so I reached out to them and I said, Rachel and Tyler, would you be willing to hop on the, uh, video camera or on a mic and share your story? And that way you can encourage other thrivers that they too have the capacity and the tenacity to make. Do you know the biggest thing they struggled with before? Before hiring us? Uh, what’s that? I don’t know. You. You don’t know. I don’t know Andrew. You’re supposed to know everything. Oh, okay. So this is. This is what they say. They didn’t know how to do the dream. 100. Furthermore, they didn’t know what the dream dream 100 was. Wow. Because they have to cold call doctors over and over and over and over and over to get to get them to agree to administer the.

Yep. Then they have to cold call patients over and over and over again to get them to agree. Then they have to call pharmaceutical companies that want the trials. A lot of calling. It’s a lot of layers. Then we had to help them with processes, systems, checklists, website optimization workflows, sales processes, prewritten emails. There’s so many aspects of their company we helped them with. But you know, we couldn’t help them if they weren’t willing to put in the work. And so we celebrate Rachel and Tyler with Delbert research today and now I’m going to Cuba and audio testimonial they sent us the day sent over to us via the interwebs to encourage the members of the thrive nation.

My name is tyler hastings and this is my wife Rachel and our company is still rich research out of New Orleans. During our time working with thrive and we’ve had numerous successes. When we first started we were working with one physician. We had one research site we were seeing on average between 10 and 15 patients a week since working with thrive in the last 18 months for research sites. We work with over five physicians and on average we’re now seeing over 60 patients per week. Recently we’ve been the top it roller worldwide in seven studies, which is just incredible. Get stared where we were two years ago, 18 months ago.

Thrive really differs from the other conferences that we’ve been to and the other kind of programs that we’ve been through because they actually really practice what they preach and they implement the same systems and the processes that they teach you about and they give you real life examples that have really worked for them and show you what the training, how to implement that yourself. For example, tyler and I actually got the opportunity to come out to Tulsa and we’re fortunate enough that the thrive team took us out to some of the businesses that they own and we really got to see in real life, real time some of the systems and processes and it was just incredible. I’m a real life example of some of the businesses and the things that they’re implementing.

Having a coach is important to us. Um, they act as not only an accountability factor, but there’s someone we can talk to on a daily basis as we go through the problems of running a business that inevitably come up. Um, they, they always understand what we’re going through and they’re always there to help us, guide us through the problems that we experienced. The best part of our experience working with thrive, um, has just been seeing our relationship grow. So at each step, as our business grows, we know they have something else to provide us with. Um, they, they’ve got the resources, a weather feed, marketing, graphic design, website development, or even into our accounting practices. Maybe we need a new insurance policy. They have someone they can connect us with or you know, they have to direct a resource we need to speak with, for any of the problems we face. Someone’s thinking about signing up for the coaching program. I would highly recommend that they call in for a free 30 minute coaching coaching session and see exactly what the team can do for you to speak with someone. I’ll let them know what you’re going through, but I think you’ll find that, you know, regardless of what you need there, somewhere there that can help you.

Andrew, can I, can I, I hate to speak disparagingly of a current client, but you know why I don’t like tyler and Rachel at all. Why is that? They don’t ever compliment me about my looks. That is why they decided to enter into our coaching program. That is why and that’s why you’re having success. That’s true. Sex cells and therefore they’re selling a lot because of my, my body, so I just want to say, oh, Rachel and tyler, I appreciate you guys for complimenting the program, but at least put credit. Put credit where credit’s due and say we’re, we’re. What we’re doing is we’re freeloaders riding the beauty of Clay Clark to success. That’s true. That is. That’s the. That’s the rest of the story and they never talk about my humbleness either. Nope. Your humbleness or your body. These are the two things they don’t talk about, but thrive nation.

If you’re out there and you’re saying, I’m frustrated, I don’t know how to grow my business, we want to get to know you when we want to help you buy your tickets to the next in person. Thrive time show workshop today by going to thrive time That’s thrive time But what if I have carpal tunnel still go to thrive time, and Andrew has always like to end each and every show with a boom. Are you psychologically ready? Very ready. Are you physically ready? I am physically and spiritually ready. Uh, yes. Okay. Here we go. Three, two, one. Boom.


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