Eric Siu | The Founder of Content Intelligence Software ClickFlow | How to Monetize Your Youtube Channel and How to Grow Your Podcast

Show Notes

Eric has built two podcasts to over 40M downloads to date and he joins us to share how to monetize your Youtube Channel, how to create content that generates inbound leads via blogs, podcasts and your Youtube Channel.

  1. Yes, yes, yes and yes!!! On today’s edition of The Thrivetime Show, we are interviewing Eric Siu, the founder of content intelligence software ClickFlow!!!! Eric Siu, welcome onto the Thrivetime Show, how are you sir?!
  2. I know that you’ve had a ton of success at this point in your career, but I would love to start off at the bottom and the very beginning of your career. What was your life like growing up and where did you grow up?
  3. When did you first figure out what you wanted to do professionally?
  4. When did you first feel like you were truly beginning to gain traction with your career?
  5. Now, Eric Siu, let’s talk about your ad agency, Single Grain…what does this organization do? 
    1. Eric has built two podcasts to over 40M downloads to date, Marketing School and Leveling Up.
  6. So Eric, let’s talk about your new book, Leveling Up. What is this book all about?
  7. So Eric, I understand that you took the Single Grain blog…Taking the failing company’s blog from 0 -> 320,000 visits/mo…how did you do this?
  8. Eric Siu, I understand that you created a survivor/firearms blog from scratch and growing it to 3 million+ visits/mo with a healthy 7 figures in revenue…how did you do this?
  9. You come across as a very proactive person…so how do you typically organize the first four hours of your and what time do you typically wake up?
  10. What are a few of your daily habits that you believe have allowed you to achieve success?
  11. Eric Siu What mentor has made the biggest impact on your career thus far?
  12. What has been the biggest adversity that you’ve had to fight through during your career?
  13. What message or principle that you wish you could teach everyone?
  14. Eric Siu What are a couple of books that you believe that all of our listeners should read?
  15. You’ve got the mic, what is one thing that you want to share with the Thrive Nation before you drop the mic?
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