Hiring the Best It Gets and Firing the Idiots (The Randy Antrikin and PMH OKC Story)

Show Notes

Are you managing A-players or “deal slayer” employees? The founder of PMH OKC Randy Antrikin joins us to share about why he obsesses about hiring and managing only A-players.

Rate Your Employees on the Following Character Attributes:

  1. Energy
  2. Edge
  3. Energize
  4. Execute
  5. Passion
  6. Salary

FUN FACT: Why 96 Percent of Businesses Fail Within 10 Years – https://www.inc.com/bill-carmody/why-96-of-businesses-fail-within-10-years.html

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “The ability to deal with people is as purchasable a commodity as sugar or coffee and I will pay more for that ability than for any other under the sun.”- John D. Rockefeller (The world’s wealthiest man during his lifetime)

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “I noticed that the dynamic range between what an average person could accomplish and what the best person could accomplish was 50 or 100 to 1. Given that, you’re well advised to go after the cream of the cream…A small team of A+ players can run circles around a giant team of B and C players.“ – Steve Jobs (Co-founder of Apple, the former CEO of PIXAR and the founder of NeXT)


NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “If there is one of my values that pushes buttons, it is differentiation.

Some people love the idea; they swear by it, run their companies with it,and will tell you it is at the very root of their success. Other people hate it. They call it mean, harsh, impractical, demotivating, political,unfair—or all of the above.

Obviously, I am a huge fan of differentiation. I have seen it transform companies from mediocre to outstanding, and it is as morally sound as a management system can be. It works.

Companies win when their managers make a clear and meaningful distinction between top- and bottom-performing businesses and people, when they cultivate the strong and cull the weak.

Companies suffer when every business and person is treated equally and bets are sprinkled all around like rain on the ocean.

A company only has so much money. Winning leaders invest where the payback is the highest. When all is said and done, differentiation is just resource allocation, which is what good leaders do and, in fact, is one of the chief jobs they are paid to do. A company has only so much money and managerial time. Winning leaders invest where the payback is the highest.   They cut their losses everywhere else.

If that sounds Darwinian, let me add that I am convinced that along with being the most efficient and most effective way to run your company,differentiation also happens to be the fairest and the kindest. Ultimately, it makes winners out of everyone.

One of the main misunderstandings about differentiation is that it is only about people. That’s to miss half of it. Differentiation is a way to manage people and businesses.

Basically, differentiation holds that a company has two parts, software and hardware. Software is simple—it’s your people. Hardware depends. If you are a large company, your hardware is the different businesses in your portfolio. If you are smaller, your hardware is your product lines.

Let’s look first at differentiation in terms of hardware. It’s pretty straightforward and a lot less incendiary.

Every company has strong businesses or product lines and weak ones and some in between. Differentiation requires managers to know which is which and invest accordingly.” – Jack Welch (Former CEO of GE who grew the company by 4,000%)

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “A person’s success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have.” – Tim Ferriss  

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Steve Jobs has a saying that A players hire A players; B players hire C players; and C players hire D players. It doesn’t take long to get to Z

players. This trickle-down effect causes bozo explosions in companies.” – Guy Kawasaki 

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “WE believe that it’s really important to come up with core values that you can commit to. And by commit, we mean that you’re willing to hire and fire based on them. If you’re willing to do that, then you’re well on your way to building a company culture that is in line with the brand you want to build. “ Tony Hsieh 

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “One thing I learned at Paypal is to fire people faster. That sounds awful, but I think if somebody is not working out, it’s best to part ways sooner rather than later. It’s a mistake to try too hard to make something work that really couldn’t work.” – Elon Musk 

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.” – Sam Walton 

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Without candor, everyone saved face, and business lumbered along. The status quo was accepted. Fake behavior was just a day at the office. And people with initiative, gumption, and guts were labeled troublesome– or worse… Now for the really bad news. Even though candor is vital to winning, it is hard and time-consuming to instill in any group, no matter what size… To get candor, you reward it, praise it, and talk about it. You make public heroes out of people who demonstrate it. Most of all, you yourself demonstrate it in an exuberant and even exaggerated way– even when you’re not the boss.” Jack Welch 

The Keeping Your Team On Track Checklist:

  1. Write out when you will do the daily huddles with your team to keep them on track
  2. Write out the key performance indicators that you will hold each member accountable for 
  3. Write out a list of the daily action items that are not getting done at your business but should be. Create daily checklists for each of these jobs within your business 
  4. Work with your coach to develop a merit based pay system for your team based upon paying people for what they do versus what they say they are going to do
    1. Position
    2. Pay
    3. Metric / Key Performance Indicator 
    4. Carrot
    5. Stick
  5. Create a list of all of your employees 
  6. Label all employees as either A, B, or C players 
  7. Block out time to train up your team members on a weekly basis 
  8. Work with your coach to develop job descriptions for all of the  position s within your business 
  9. Schedule time into your schedule for weekly group interviews 
  10. Every Week: Launch hiring advertisements to promote job openings before they are open. This way you are not stuck dealing with dysfunctional employees 
  11. Commit to firing / replacing the bottom 10% of your employee roster if they show themselves to be unwilling to improve 
  12. Let team members know that you are focused on the growth of the company and their personal growth. Then begin kicking, hugging, documenting and pruning as needed 
Business Coach | Ask Clay & Z Anything

Audio Transcription

business coaching Hiring The Best It Gets And Firing The Idiots Thrivetime Show














Jason, you’ve worked with some great business coaching clients for a long time and it really helped people to change their business, but what percentage of the time do people struggle with managing people previous to getting some good business coaching? Oh, so often. I think it’s almost every time. It’s, I would say every time. Yeah. Well, John D Rockefeller, the world’s wealthiest man during his lifetime wrote the ability to deal with people is as purchasable a commodity as sugar or coffee, and I will pay more for that ability than for any other under the sun. On today’s show, we talk about hiring the best it gets and firing the idiots.

Are your shakes made with real milk and ice cream or do you use that reconstituted shake mix stuff? Yeah. What do you mean? Yeah, you use the shake mix or, yeah, you use the real stuff.

Yeah. Let me talk to the manager. Yeah,

I’m an assistant manager. Sir. Is there something I can help you with? Yes. I’m trying to ask a very simple question. Here. Are your shakes made from shake mix or from ice cream and milk?

We have vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. Yeah, forget it. Forget it. God, can’t you idiots answer a simple question. I’ll go somewhere else.

God, morons,

Some shows don’t need a celebrity in the writer to introduce a show, but this show does to may eight kids, Koch created by two different women, 13 moat time, million dollar businesses. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the thrive time.

Oh boy.

Yes, yes, yes and yes. Five nation. Welcome back onto another exciting edition of the thrive

Damn show. That is Jason Beasley joining me here in the box that rocks. As we talk about the importance of hiring the best it gets and firing the idiots and on today’s show, just to make the show more exciting and entertaining, we’re going to call today’s guest. I’m using an old school Nokia phone. His, his name is Randy [inaudible]. His company is called PMH, O. K. C. His name is Randy African and his game, his outdoor living spaces at PMH, okc.com Oh, just a beautiful ringtone. It’s gonna be awkward if he doesn’t pick up and we’ll see what happens here. Here we go. Here we go. Randy, for the listeners out there that are not familiar with you or what P M H O K, C does, what do you do at PMH? Oh, Casey.

Well, we pretty much do anything outdoor living. You walk out of your back door, whatever you see out in the backyard is pretty much what we do. Pergolas, pavilions, fireplaces, hardscapes, all that kind of stuff.

And by the way, Thrivers, if you go to P M H O K c.com, a beautiful website. If you look, click on the gallery, you can see all of the different images of what they do. You click on services, you can see everything. It’s the outdoor kit. Jason, look at the outdoor kitchens here. These are incredible. I’m jealous. This is not my backyard. This is the, the pergolas beautiful. The outdoor fireplaces. You got to have enclosures. Now for Randy, you make enclosures for outdoor TVs. Am I correct?

Yes. Yeah, actually we’re we’re making those and selling those all over the country now. And they’re pretty much completely waterproof and not 100% Cedar.

Oh my God. So if you’re out there listening and you want to have a TV outside and you don’t want it to get wrecked by the weather, you’re saying that if I go to PMH, okc.com forge slash outdoor dash fireplaces, I can click there. I could have it shipped to me in Denver or Massachusetts or Florida. Anywhere.


Wow. Now Randy, now I met Randy cause Randy, your friend Bronson, the state farm insurance agent, he’s the one who told you about us. Am I, am I correct?

Yeah, he brought us, he brought me to the business conference and immediately I knew there was some synergy between me and you and I’ve gone to every single one of them since and do coaching now.

Well, it’s amazing your, your, your company is growing. You’re having great weeks, six figure weeks. So many exciting things are happening. But Jason, here’s where it gets real. Randy, you’ve got great checklists, great systems, great website, a great wife named Amy. So many great things are going on. But what happens on your team if somebody doesn’t deliver the product at the level of quality that you expect? If a member of your team refuses to deliver the level of quality that you expect?

Well, first of all, we track everything. So every, every, every person’s you know job and what they do is tracked. And so we can document that workflow of them changing. And then we’ll sit them down, talk to them, we’ll you know, do some corrective actions and some reinforcement and then if they don’t they don’t turn it around and we just let them go.

How has the group interview impacted your ability to not put up with people that don’t perform at the PMH O Casey standard?

Well, I think it’s a little, a few things. The, I think the people that are already working there are on their toes a little bit because they know that people are coming in and for the same position. But I think it’s allowed me to not freak out. Whenever I have an issue or someone that quits, I can basically just put, plug someone in right away and or pro promote from within and, and higher their position. But it’s given me peace of mind lot.

What’s the difference between an a player and a C player or, or, or, or a toxic employee and a good employee and in your mind?

Well, I think an a player just goes above and beyond. They get there early, stay late, they’re just winners. You know, I’ve seen players as a flagger just basically does everything. They might do a few things that is required of them, but you constantly have to remind them, you you, you know, are constantly you know, correcting them and they just have no energy.

So what was your life like before the group interview and before you could, before you started implementing the group interview process where you were stuck with a few idiots?

Well, the group interview, it’s really been probably one of the biggest game changers for me because mainly because I mean we were, we were scheduling interviews three, four a day and I was blocking out, you know, drive time and everything to the office. I was talking I almost an hour interview and I would say probably one out of 10 of them would show up. Terrible. so now we just do it once a week and we have, you know, a dozen people come in and I take an hour out of my whole week and I’m just, that betting process has been crucial.

Now Jason, you work with a lot of great clients that initially have some pushback about the group interview. Yeah. And about firing idiots. What is the final question you would have for Randy as it relates to cause again PMH O Casey’s a great company because he has great people now. He has great people on his great team. That’s why it works. But if you had a great website and a great brand and he could make these great outdoor TV and closures but had bad people, it wouldn’t work because nothing works unless people do. Sure. What question would you have for Randy maybe on behalf of one of your clients that’s struggling with implementing the group interview or firing idiots? So kind of a two part question. So we know that we need to be doing the group interview. Cause like Randy said, he went from having an hour or more per interview to one hour a week, which that’s beautiful.

That is awesome. Oh, but I’m so we know we need to do that regularly, but most people say, well, I have a full workforce right now. I don’t want to get somebody’s hopes up if they’re applying for a job. So one, how do you handle doing the group interview when you have a full staff? Oh wow. But then the second part is when it comes to firing the idiots, if you know that they’re bad for business, which most people do, the reason that most of my clients who are struggling with firing that person is they make it so emotional. So how do you put the logic into making that decision while staying away from that emotional Avenue?

Well, I think if you put too much emotion in business, you’re going to find yourself felling pretty quick. And you know, I’ve, I’ve, I’ve been at that point in my life where everything was real emotional and it just, it just each, each you up all day long. But I, in the context of the group interview you just have to trust the process because you don’t know, you know, maybe you know, you’re not firing someone, maybe someone quits on any minutes. Notice you’ve gotta be prepared and you know, the market always wins. It never loses and it will always you know, eat you up whenever you least expect it. So having someone ready to go is a smart thing to do as a business owner. And I’ve for one thought of that exact same thought several times, you know, just maybe leading someone on that, you know, they don’t have a job. But then, you know, I’ve been humbled so many times to just see that person you thought was crucial and was going to stay quit or, you know, just start doing bad. And so we had someone to just plug in right away. And it’s been, it’s been nice, you know, I mean kids have have that person right there ready to go to step in. It’s taken a lot of stress off me and my wife

Thrivers if you’re out there today, go to PMH O K c.com. You can learn more about Randy [inaudible] and PMH, which he founded in April of 2005. These guys take your backyard and turn it into kind of a staycation. If you live in the Oklahoma city area, check them out. And by the way, if you live anywhere in America and you’re looking for a TV and closure to protect that TB from the elements in a classy way, go to PMH O K C to find out more. And what better way to say I love you this holiday season than with a gift of a TV and closure from our good friends at PMH OKC. Randy, we appreciate you so much. Hope you have a blessed and safe Saturday.

Thank you. You too.

Take care boss.

All right.

Oh well look at that. The old school hang up sound of the whole deal. It’s all here, Jason. It’s incredible. It’s an episode of nostalgic. Do you, do you miss the old Nokia phones? Honestly, I do. Those things were indestructable beautiful phones back. Well, I’m go ahead and make the hangup sound stop now. Now let’s, let’s, let’s get into this here because a lot of people just heard the, the owner, the founder of PMH OKC, explain that there is a time to fire people. That there is, is a time to fire people, that you have to fire the idiots if you’re going to bring in the best it gets. So let’s, let’s, let’s talk about management for a second. What page of the boom book do we need to turn to, to talk about management chase. So chapter 12, step 10 starts on page 163 page one 63 of the boom book.

I’m turning there now. Okay. So let’s, let’s go ahead and talk about this for a second. Can you read the John D Rockefeller quote to us one more time? Absolutely. The ability to deal with people is as purchasable a commodity as sugar or coffee. And I will pay more than that ability or I’ll pay more for that ability than for any other under the sun. And where do you see people getting it wrong with management? Talk to me about this because you coach clients, but you also have, you know, manage the elephant in the room. Where do people get it wrong as it relates to managing people? Most people feel like there’s an issue with or they, yeah, so they think or feel because they don’t know, but they think or feel that there’s an issue with the system and they refuse to believe it’s people problem.

And the biggest part of management is managing the people. So let’s talk about this for a second. If you manage people today, I want everybody to get a spreadsheet or a piece of paper today. And you saw a Randy, I did this on the phone call today, but you want to list them every one of your employees names right on this spreadsheet. So let’s go ahead and write every right. All your employees names on. We’ll call it column C. Jason, why is it, if you’re going to manage a team effectively, why is it important to first start with a list of all your people? Well, you want to know how many people you have. You also kind of want to know your employees by name. Okay. See, when I write their names and I would read their column C, let’s go ahead and put their name on column D. Let’s go ahead and put their job title right.

Why is it important to everybody has some type of job title or some type of description as to what they do. Well, it’s gotta be clear cut so you know exactly what they’re responsible for. You can’t hold somebody accountable. It’s just like, what is, what do you know? What does Gary do? We don’t know. Gary’s just Gary. Have you ever worked at a job before where nobody knew what they were supposed to do? Yes. And what does that feel like? It feels weird because then everybody plays that game. Well, I don’t know if that’s my job. So I’m not going to do it. And then an hour later you’re like, yeah, everything’s on fire. So again, column C, we’re going to put the employees names, okay, the employee names, column D, we’ll put the job titles. Okay, column E, we’re going to put the rating category. Now you want to rate all your employees off of the following category.

You got them, you got the four E’s and a P four E’s and a P. And by the way, if you’re opening your boom book right now, let’s go ahead and turn to page one 63 and we’ll just write at the top of page one 63 four E’s and a P four E’s and a P just somewhere near the top of page one 63 if you have a boom book with you. Now the reason why I want to write down four E’s and a P, it’s because if you don’t write down four E’s and a P, what’s going to happen is you’re going to forget these four E’s and a P. These four E’s are what makes a great employee or a bad employee. These four E’s and a piece. So Jason, the first E is energy. What does that mean? And by the way, these are the four E’s and the P are not a rating system that I created.

This is the rating system created by the world’s most effective manager during his lifetime. Jack Welch. Jack Walter grew GE by 4000% but from your perspective as a business coach, what does it mean when you, when you ask it as an employee, have good energy, what does that mean? Are they the type of person who can come in with the energy in order to be able to Excel at what they do? So if somebody has a certain level of energy, it’s going to dictate if they are going to get the job done on time, if they’re going to be a pleasant person, if they’re going to be welcoming, if they’re going to be, if they’re going to have that, you know that that warmth factor. Now I, I, I take issue with you. I take issue with you. I take issue with me. I take issue with everybody for a second because I don’t, I own a business and let’s say I’m listening and I don’t understand what you mean.

So talk to me about what weird energy looks like. You’ve managed a lot of people. What does it look like? Yeah. So weird energy is somebody who is, so let’s say it’s an employee who has that aura of funkiness around them. Does that mean the funk? What does it mean? The fun? Give me an example. So the scowling abrasive tones, attitude, behavior, it’s something that’s not conducive for the environment that your other employees work in. Let’s role play this real quick. Okay. I’m going to be the mopes. Okay. You’re my manager. Got it. I work at elephant in the room and I’ll probably get fired today. Yeah. But I’m a new employee and I’m going to get fired today cause I’m the mopes. Here we go. I just got hired. Got it. So who drew soon? Oh, how are, you know I’m, I’m doing great, mr mopes.

How are you dude? what are we going [inaudible] well, first and foremost, you don’t sound fine. Second lunch lunches, that’s 1230 [inaudible] [inaudible] early to frame that can happen. However, you can’t help me with this checklist. And if you, if you could just put a smile on that face, that would be great. Is a part of my job description, my getting paid for the one actually is. And then in the employee handbook it says we want people who are lively and show up to work with a smile and say everything Lloyd blue just managed with there’s a problem. Have you ever had that conversation? Yes. So many times. And what kind of, I mean, again, give us examples of mopes cause somebody out there does it know what it means. But a lot of people are so used to having a crappy staff of people, crappy employees, they don’t even know what a good employee looks like.

Give me examples of mopey people, low energy people. [inaudible] So people who move with no speed whatsoever, they dragged their feet, their shoulders are constantly slumped. Maybe even hunched over. Everything is Oh, Oh my God. It’s almost like a, if you’re familiar with ER from Winnie the Pooh, it’s the same thing. Okay. Now for a great company like PMH, O, K, C, why can they not put up with idiots? Well, they can’t put up with idiots because idiots are going to ruin their sales. You can’t grow if you have somebody on your team that’s not going to be able to sell at the level of expectations that you set. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to cue up an audio and I want you to take note here of this audio. This is audio. If you Google PMH, OKC reviews PMA, Joe Casey reviews, if you look it up, I’m going to click on their map. It’s through their Google map. They have a map and on the map people can register. You know their reviews, objective reviews their feedback and I’m clicking on the map. You’re watching me do it. I’m clicking on videos about PMH. Okay, here we go.

Actually on Facebook I saw the, the sponsored links clicked on Donovan cause I saw the pictures and they’re beautiful.

This is one of their real customers talking about their experience with PMH OKC.

I would say probably the crews. The crews were very respectful of our home and it’s really hard to trust someone with your home, but they were very respectful and cleaned up after themselves every day.

Cleaned up for themselves every day.

Yes, I would. I would, and in the future I’ll probably use them again.

There it is. So this, this lady is not paid. She’s a real, a woman who’s actually used PMH. Oh Casey. Jason talked to me about the power of having video reviews of that caliber working for you and your business. It’s incredibly powerful because it is a conversion machine and most people say, well, how can a simple video help me win over anybody for as far as sales go? Well, everybody’s going to Google you. There we go. As long as you’ve got your reviews up, you’re going to come up, you know, top of the list. But when they look at that, they’re going to be reading the reviews. And let’s be honest, most people aren’t going to read everybody here, everybody here listening right now. We could, I mean, I’m on the verge right now. We’re in the process of building a big project. I’m on the verge of buying a TV and closure, right? To go around my TV to protect it from the elements and our outdoor Cedar and closure. We could all go to PMH, okc.com and many of us will. And we go there and we’re like, yeah, but do they do a good job? Now let’s listen to this next testimonial and you tell me, I want you to write down all the references where this particular customer talks about the energy or the aura or of these people. So let me queue it up. Here we go.

What is your name and where are you from? My name is Terry Tilly and I am from Texas, but we live here in Guthrie, Oklahoma. Now how did you hear about PMH OKC? Actually on Facebook, I was just I had been doing some Google searches for patio covers and pergolas and such. And then all of a sudden Facebook found out and started posting different things. And so I saw quite a few different companies that offered them. But I saw that you did solid, covered pergolas and I knew I wanted something that was going to give us more shade and more protection from the rain and the elements. And so then I started researching and you guys had really wonderful reviews. What was your best experience while working with PMH? Okay. See the guys that actually built the fertilizer, well even the guys that delivered the materials, they were all so sweet. Very nice, very friendly, you know. Yes ma’am. Thank you ma’am. You know, they were so, so sweet. So I would have to say just that the crew, they were all very polite. They were on time, they were here when they said they were going to be here and they got it done really quickly. Would you recommend PMH OKC to anyone else? Absolutely. 100%. Wonderful. Thank you so much. Okay, thank you.

Okay, so let’s talk about this. You just heard that interview. There’s so many of you could watch their back to back to back. But let’s talk about this for a second. What did she say about Randy’s team? She found them online. I mean, as as cause as a business coaching program we’ve helped Randy get to the top of the Google search results. We know how many, we know how to do that, but what did she say about the team? She said they were sweet and to quote her, everything that they responded when she asked them a question was yes ma’am. No ma’am. So very respectful. She said that they were all friendly, polite, and they also showed up on time. They were there when they said they were going to be there. They did what they said they were going to do and they finished the job faster than she expected.

So let’s talk about this for a second. Are you managing a player or deal Slayer? Employees who? I like that. Are you managing a player or a deal? Slayer. Jason. Let’s talk about a deal Slayer. We had somebody come into elephant in the room the other day who is so happy with Leah, so hacked with Leah. She’s doing a great job. Unbelievably happy with Leah. I mean this person comes in for a haircut, says, man, she’s good. Somebody came the other day very happy with Amanda. Very happy with VR. I mean, people are calling the mystery shoppers. Yes, they are reaching out to me on a daily basis to give me feedback about our team, but I’m talking about people went out of their way to call in the call center and say, wow, the haircut I was given by Mimi was phenomenal. Wow. The haircut provided by from Amanda was awesome.

The haircut from Carly was awesome. I mean, people specifically comment on the haircuts of Kelly. They compliment. Talk to me about how weird energy can totally kill the atmosphere. Elephant in the room if we’re not careful, we’ll, the weird energy can not only affect your team and spread making your entire workforce, you know, suck. But it can affect, sorry. It can affect the entire customer experience. If you have, you know, mr mopes character that we just introduced. If he’s cutting your hair and he’s talking about, you know, how bad life is or how boring his job is or whatever, you come in for your 30 minute appointment, 45 minute, however long it is, because you like that energy and you’re just like, soul sucked and then you leave. You’re like, well, now I have the mopes right there. See? Okay, so let’s talk about this.

If you don’t fire your bad employees, who’s going to fire you? The customer, right? So let’s talk about this. Okay? You want to rate your employees. So column C, right? The employee’s name, column D, put the job title. Column E, you’re going to have the rating categories, energy. Do people bring high energy to the workplace? Do you bring high energy to the workplace? Why does that, Jason, why do we have to ask ourselves that question? Do you bring high energy to the workplace? Well, because if they don’t, it’s, you know, going to get us back to the scenario that we were just at where you’re dealing with the mopey person and you potentially risk being fired by the customer. Now the edge. Do you have the ability to make the tough call? It’s easy to say, well, I don’t want to throw someone under the bus.

I don’t want to talk to me about that. Jason, as a manager, why? You have to recognize that you are the bus. If you’re a manager and an owner, you are the Boston. If somebody gets in the way, you do have to throw people under the bus because they’re in the way of your bus because the bus can’t stop. I mean, your business can’t just throw on the brakes because you don’t want to potentially upset one person or you don’t want to call somebody out on not having energy or not having edge like it’s got. It’s got to continue, so I love that phrase. Don’t be afraid of throwing somebody under the bus. Be the bus. Just keep moving forward and get, get the job done. Now let’s talk about this next one is the ability to energize other people. What does that mean? That means if I have energy, that’s great.

I can be the most charismatic person ever, but if I’m not able to spread that hype somebody else up, even if they’re not in that mindset, then that’s something I have to work on. And that’s super important as a manager too, is to have the ability to energize at just as much as you’re a employee should. So let’s talk about this for a second though. Let’s say that I’m a very good teammate, very good employee, but I actually somehow irritate my coworkers. How is that possible, Jason? How’s it possible for someone to do be a very good video editor, a very good, a pergola builder, a very good hairstylist, very good at something, but yet they still somehow irritate the employees around them. Have you ever seen that happen? Yeah. And what happens then? Well, you get that weird disconnect and then you just, it it becomes a, what do you call it?

Pirates of the Caribbean. It’s a, everybody splits up into different camps because their mindsets are different. How do you deal with those issues? How do you do it? Because you’ve managed, again, many, many women all in one place. A multimillion dollar company with elephant in the room. How do you deal with it? We just got to step in and make sure that you course correct. Get everybody back on the same page. So find the common ground. Say it in a way that’s not going to, I’m trying to think of the best example. So take for instance, you at a Friday meeting, if you realize it’s low energy low and some people are great and then you have the other people who aren’t great, who are now annoyed by the people who are great. You’ll say something funny or work something in like when Vanessa came in yesterday and you’re like, Oh let’s give a round of applause for my wife.

And you know I’m the world’s greatest salesman cause I, I sell her on this marriage every day. That’s why I, that’s why I met. By the way, that is a move. And I will tell you how I extend that marriage. Every single Sunday I try to get her flowers and some kind of expensive organic chocolate. And if I don’t do that, I do something else. And last night we went up to the melting pot and took her out there to the melting pot and, and again, I mean hell, these guys dressed up nice. Lot of handsome men everywhere and look around and there’s like a mirror. I can see myself dressed up my boom Jersey and you know, being me and I realize I’m a great salesman. That’s what I realized. Okay. I mean there’s a lot of handsome guys out there and I’m not one of them.

Now let’s talk about this for a second. So you have the energy, the hedge, the energized. Let’s talk about the next, the next E which is execute. Can they actually get their job done? Why is it so important that you ask yourself, can your people actually to get the [inaudible]? That’s great energy, great edge, great PR. They can energize others, but they can’t cut hair. What happens? Well, you now have hired somebody and you’re paying them a salary for a job they can’t do so. Not as it ever happened. Yeah, it has. People can slip through the cracks. They can. And because a lot of people look for, Oh my God, that energy, I could use that on my team. And by that, what’s the there’s a word for it when you hire people because they’re pretty, yes, this is a thing. This is a thing.

People often they take people who are pretty and they take that, the, the physicality of them, the look of them and they pursue, they put that on them almost as though that look somehow translates into a great work performance. Right. And do you remember, I won’t mention the place the lady came from, but we had a lady who applied for a job who looked sharp, came and shadowed and wouldn’t cut hair. Do you remember this? Do you remember her? I Hmm. It sounds familiar, but I’m, let me, let me roll. I’ll role play this situation. I talked to the person, they come to the group interview, dress sharp, dressed to impress. Yep. They’ve had a job for a long time. And I’m like, okay, so what has yet looking for a new job? I just loved the hair industry and I’ve got my license and I just so excited to be on your team and just, it’s just the great team and just I got my license, I just want to work there and I’ve been in the fitness industry for 10 years at the same job and again, looks sharp, shows up on time.

I remember now and got a license and so I’m going, we’ve got to go. We have to go now to the next step. We got to go do a demo. Cut. No, again, they showed up on time for the group interview. They dressed impress at a great resume. They’d been at the same job for almost a decade and I thought this is a good fit. The final step, we got to do a demo because remember the demo cut. You do a demo cut. Yeah. Why do you have to do a demo cut? Well you have to do the God, I can’t speak to that. You have to do the demo cut because don’t worry about it is a podcast. This will not affect it. Okay, perfect. Okay. But the demo cut is that like fail safe? Just because like if I were to come through and wow you with my energy and if I were like an Adonis, like a character and I was so handsome, you’ve kinda got to get that guy on the team.

I get him on the tape. You have that final stop, the demo cut. Just just, just to evaluate. Okay, you’re pretty, you have energy, you can speak well or not well, let’s see where the skill lies. And then before we’re ever, before you ever put them on, you make sure that they actually have the skills in order to be able to execute and do the job. Okay. So this person somehow, cause they’re nice, they were able to somehow convince their manager at the time that they just, today wasn’t a good day to do a demo cut. Right. But when can I start? My first day I, I just, I right now I don’t have my tools or there’s some, I don’t know how that even happens. Right. And so this is this is female on female interaction here. So the females like, well, she’s pretty, she’s sharp.

She shows up on time. She flosses seriously, and so she somehow got through the system without doing a demo cut. Right. Do you remember this? I do. And so I think the person like week number one, I’m in the meeting going, has this person done a demo cut? No, no, but I’ve known her for a long time. Went to high school with her great lady. I start hearing that she’s a great lady. I went to high school with her. Great, great woman, just Oh, other women are going, Oh, she’s a great woman. Just it just a real gem of a woman. Just great. And Jason, what starts to happen over time or because what started to happen after about a week and a half? Well, the cut times are super slow. The cuts were not great, and then it also affected her. Oh, we saw a drastic dip in her energy.

She went from being super charismatic and awesome to being affected by the fact that she was put in a position that she couldn’t do, which was overwhelming, which then kind of changed her overall character. Now, this entire, this entire show, we’re talking about this concept of again, hiring the hiring the best it gets and firing the idiots. Now, this particular woman, she got to a place where she told me, Hey, I want to be on the team. I love the vision. I just can’t make calls. I can’t make calls. I just, I can’t make the call. I want to make the calls, but I, I just can’t. I can’t do the haircuts. And I kinda also can’t make calls in the call center. I can’t make haircuts because I just, it causes me anxiety. And I also can’t make the calls in the call center.

And then people still on the team, kept saying she’s a nice person, she’s got great energy, she’s, I knew her from high school. Jason, what happens if you keep that kind of person on your, on your team because they’re a pretty person, male or female? Well, it’s like it goes back to defining what their job title is. So we tried to say stylists. Nope. Tried to say call center. No. Well now again, we’re paying this person and what it’s gonna do is it’s going to alienate your other employees and say, okay, well how come Gary gets to be paid? But Gary doesn’t have to cut hair. He doesn’t have to work 10 hours a day. And they look up and go, okay, this person is attractive and they’re in charge. What does, what signal does that send that sends to them will if I get jacked or if I go back in time and have my mom marry somebody who has better genetics than maybe I would have a better position in life.

And then they start to resent you as the owner, even though it wasn’t your call, it was somebody else’s. And I see a lot of people doing this. I see a lot. It’s easy to do. And again, these are, these were women who elected to keep somebody around for a couple of weeks because she’s nice. She’s pretty good energy. She can energize. She, Oh she’s got the good energy and energized, but can she actually execute? No. So I want you to get out a sheet of paper and again we’re going to write on column C, we’re going to write employee’s name, column D, job title, column, eat rating categories, energy, edge, execute, energized, passion. Jason, why do you have to have a passion where people feel like you’re obsessed with your job? Well it just creates that extra level of excellence. It shows that you are serious cause you could be good at doing something, but the passion is going to make sure that you, you know, exceed those deadlines.

You exceed the level of work. It’s going to take a product and just it’s going to upgrade it from good to great. You know, if you go to a, if you type in thrive time show and then the word jinks, J E N K S and you read the reviews from conference attendees. I want to just read some recent ones and let’s see how many times, 38 times. It says people referenced the word energy. Oh yeah. 38 times. 38 times is enjoy. The podcast. Great way to pass the time community. Kevin Conger writes, I listened to the thrive time show and has given me tons of valuable information to run my business. Exclamation point. Okay, enjoy the it says Doug. Well, it’s your Jody writes, we love the thrive time show podcast and we’ve learned so much. If you’re a business owner, start listening to gain more meaningful in-fight insights that will help you to take your business to the levels you’re only dreaming of right now.

Exclamation point. If you really want to see your business grow, call their office and ask about business coaching program two exclamation point. Thrive time show can help you learn how to make your sales grow. Get your bottom line really healthy and develop systems so you can get your life back. Grant Zellner writes, this show is a show of examples, not exceptions, topics, guests discuss. Discussing those topics are real world success stories like Randy African with P PMH OKC. The show is entertaining, but more importantly, the advice is applicable and can be imitated by those that want the same success. Great podcasts, very helpful for business owners, and it goes on and on, but there’s 38 people that referenced the energy over the show. Yeah. Of the reviews right now, 676 reviews, you have 5% of people who’ve specifically referenced the energy. So Jason, I’m going to read a notable quotable from Jack Welch because what we do is, what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna get up that sheet of paper and we’re going to go to column E and we’re going to right next to the person we’re gonna write next to energy a, B, or C. Jason, why do we want to give all the employees, all the employees a rating, a, B, or C on this piece of paper?

Why would you want to actually take the time to rate your employees with an a, B, or a C, an a next to energy edge? Do they have an a, B, or a C energized? Are they an a, B, or a C? Execute, or they an a, B or a C, a passion, or they may be or a C. Why? Why do you actually want to rate your employees on a scale of a to C next to their names? Well, you want to know early on where everybody’s at. That way you’re not blindsided. And so like let’s say I come through and you ranked me in a, in everything other than execution, well that means I’m going to struggle with getting the work done either on time or efficiently. So you as the business owner or manager in this case would have to say, okay, this is Jason’s weakest part.

This is where I need to business coach him the most. And if I don’t see improvement, then that’s gonna affect or it’s gonna affect everything else. All right, so let’s talk about this for a second. Somebody out there is wrestling with this idea. They go, no, no, no, Jason, I don’t want to put a rating next to my people’s name. No, you don’t. Why? Because it’s just, is it ethical? It doesn’t seem like a nice thing to do. People judging people. Yeah. Tupac said only God can judge me or something. Well, you’re not Tupac, but why, Jason? Why do people not want to judge their people? I don’t want to, I want to put a rating on them. Well, most people don’t see that that’s actually happened to them at other successful jobs because it was maybe approached in a more tactful way. And it’s not saying that you have to go up front and speck, Gary, you’re a C and everything, but energize.

I need you to step it up or you’re fired. You just want to know where your people are weak so you can help train them. And then if they don’t improve, start finding people who can fill those weak spots. Okay. So what we’re gonna do now is we’re going to read about differentiation from the guy who created the system. This idea of your employees on a scale of a, B or C, this idea, Jason, this idea isn’t a, it is not a new idea. Is it a new idea? I don’t believe it is. It’s an idea that Jack Welch used to to create GEs growth. Now he grew the company by 4000%. Now I realize that you are an impressive man, but in your mind is that impressive to grow a company by 4000% that is astronomical. Unbelievable. So let me read it out of a quotable to you from Steve jobs.

Steve jobs says, I noticed that the dynamic range between what an average person could accomplish and what the best person could accomplish was 50 or 100 to one. Do you believe that Jason? Yeah. Give me an example of the best employee you’ve ever managed. Just like, Oh man, this person was amazing and an example of the worst without maybe sharing the names. Okay, well share the names of the best one and the name that the best one will not say the name of the negative one. Okay, well I’m, I have to shout out just as a, as a parting gift to a, the wonderful Spencer who we are losing as of this week. She’s moving on to Colorado, but she is without a doubt one of the best examples of the best employee I’ve ever managed. Cause I’ve worked with a lot of people both older and younger than me.

And the funny thing is when people are older than you, they don’t like to have you manage them. But typically when people are younger than you, they look to you as a source of wisdom. It was funny was I kind of saw it in reverse. Spencer had been on longer than I had been, so she already had authority and she was kind of in many ways a mentor to me, but she was also extremely coachable so she would always show up early. We had a weekly lead meeting where we were supposed to go over statistics at the shop, what weird things are happening, how to fix them, and she always wrote everything down. She tracked everything, but she was a constant source of authority and warmth and energy for all of her business coaching clients. She did a great job with all of our sales processes. When we started letting stylists sell membership, she jumped on board with that and was doing great.

But she was never, she never dropped the ball. And anytime, you know, if you ever had to have a conversation with her, like she had I think maybe one bad day in the three years that I worked with her and she immediately brought it to my attention and said, Hey, this is what’s happening. I’m going to fix it. But if you see me step into line, you let me know cause I don’t want this to affect my job. Now let’s talk about this for a second. Let’s talk about this for a second. She chose to have a good attitude every day. Exactly. I chose to now talk to me about the personality types where you’re going and hone in on a specific person without mentioning their name. Yeah. Who was the worst? Like what kind of things make someone terrible? So the worst without mentioning names is somebody who cannot show up on time ever.

Even if it’s just, you know, I’d always get the excuse, well, it’s only one or two minutes late. Well, late is late. So there’s that. But also just coming in with a funky attitude, just always, always angry about something and then going as far as to just shifting left or right and directing that towards another person who had nothing to do with the event anyway to infect them as well. Because her whole thing was she wanted to make just that energy spreads. So everybody was feeling as bad as she was. Okay. So again, the dynamic range Steve jobs says, I noticed that the, that the dynamic range between what an average person could accomplish and what the best person could accomplish was 50 or 100 to one. Given that you’re well advised to go after the cream of the cream, small team of a players can run circles around a giant team of B and C players.

Jason, talk to the listeners out there about the energy in the office and the great people we have up here in this office. Oh, it’s, Oh, the energy is crazy. I love walking into work every morning because I’m greeted with music outside. And then the second I get here, there’s already people in the building. Energy is up. Anytime somebody sets an appointment, makes a sale, there’s banging off this phone calls, they hit the gong, they ring the bell, they run around. Everybody stands up to a plot and high five them. I’ve never once run into anybody having a bad day here. Why? Because they choose not to and I mean they know that it’s, it’s a, it’s a no-go. If you can’t show up and make yourself happy, this isn’t the place for you. Okay, but again, why is it so important, Jason? Again, we have the employee’s name, their job title.

We rate them on a scale of a to C with the energy, the ads, the execution, the energize, like an energy edge, execution, energized, passion, and finally their salary. Why? Why do we have to, why do we have to know how much we pay them and why do we have to know on a scale of a to C how passionate they are about the actual job? Well, I’ll take it back to our beautiful Gary for an example. We hired him because he’s pretty, he has no job title that we know of, but he’s making let’s say $10,000 more than everybody else per year. That’s a problem because we’re losing money, but it’s also going to again, make everybody else angry. But you also want to make sure that the passion lines up with that too. Cause if I’m paying you an ungodly amount more than everybody else, but you have no care in the world, it doesn’t seem like you want to be here.

It doesn’t sound like you want to go above and beyond then it doesn’t merit me paying you that much. Okay. Talk about this. Why can’t you as a boss date your employees? It’s a bad look. It also in a bad look. Well one, it’s just Ugh. It like taking it back to the hiring pretty people thing. It’s going to make everybody else assume that that person gets more than they do just because they are dating you. It also breeds a lot of content between you and that person and it sets you up for tons of failure because let’s say it goes caustic and nuclear and you guys split, then they can turn around and use that against you in the court of Loro, however they want to do it. And I, and I’ve seen this a lot in business, I’ve seen this a lot. I’m at business coaching businesses for a long time, having my own businesses.

Oh man. It’s a weird look when you’re dating the person who’s in charge of something. Yeah. Oh man. It’s a weird look. I mean, how do you even write that person up if you’re married? Right. I was just about to say, I forgot to mention this beforehand. If you’re dating, like let’s say I’m in a perfect world, we’re dating. Oh wow. But I decide that, or you give me the task of let’s say with Vanessa doing taxes and I decide not to do it. We’ll, we’ll, if we have a romantic involvement, it’s going to be a lot weirder for you to say, come on baby, I need you to do this. Taxes. Who did, who did the end of the Jason. Okay. Who did he, you know, he either deal, so maybe I just, I just want to talk to you about some taxes now you with have you doing the tech though?

You ain’t doing the tech death. Okay, that’s vocational, but you don’t have to worry about doing the taxes now you get that payroll done. No, you did not get that. That’s okay. That’s okay because it’s all rat. Meanwhile, your staff is not okay with it. It’s not okay. Right? They’re not getting paid. You’re years behind in your taxes all because you didn’t want to let that relationship. It’s weird. It’s weird. It is so weird when you work with your spouse, the spouse in your house, it is so weird. Unless it’s not right, unless it’s not. Well, let’s think about this for a second. There are 330 million Americans in this great country. According to our census right now, 16 million of which start a business. Is it shocking to you, Jason, that 96% of business owners fail within a decade? Is that shocking to you? I’m not anymore.

Why? Seeing how much people don’t apply to their businesses. It really explains me how so many, because I’ve, I’ve seen Tulsa has grown a lot since, you know, I’ve been growing up here along with it. But there are so many things that come and go like, Oh, here’s this new whatever product. And then within a month it’s gone and then it’s replaced by something else and it’s gone. But the people who are still around that, that you know, fraction of, what is it? The 1% that’s still there? Point zero zero four eight yeah, per cent. So it’s half of a percent in America right now, 1.6 if you have 16 million people start a company, nineties it’s 98 point whatever. It’s not, it’s 90 according to inc it’s 96% of all businesses will fail. So let’s take sixteen million sixteen million times 0.0 for a while. This is a entertaining podcast. Thanks guys for doing numbers.

So 640,000 business owners are gonna make it. So we take that. So you get to six 40 and we’re going to do a little division action here. Let me get this by 330 million. It’s 0.0019 so you have to, you guys get two fifths, I’m sorry, two tenths of a percent of a chance of succeeding as a business owner. Two tenths of a percent. Yeah, but it doesn’t shock me because the only, the reason that you have the two tenths is, or it’s two tenths, two tenths of a percent reason that you have the two tenths of the, or the hour of, of a percent of a percent of a success rate is because everybody doesn’t want to implement the things that are going to give them that chance, if not greater, because they’re afraid to, they don’t have energy, they can’t energize, they have, they have no passion.

They can’t execute, and they don’t want to feel judged by everybody else. It starts here with the Hala plagues, you know? True. I recorded a show that we’re releasing here soon. That blew my mind years ago. I recorded about two years ago. Yeah. And I recorded on the Wednesday before the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, the Wednesday, two Wednesdays before Thanksgiving. Okay. And I just made a note in my journal of how many business coaching clients couldn’t make their meeting because they were getting ready for the holidays. Oh, two weeks early. And it was like seven out of 10 couldn’t make their meeting the Wednesday before the Wednesday before. Yeah. But I mean if you’re, if you’re, if you’re slow smoking that Turkey, that’s like a two week process. And the people who I have the most successful companies, do you think they showed up to their meetings? Absolutely. Now I’m going to ask you this.

Why do our business coaching clients win? Why did we have such a high success rate when people have a 0.0019% chance of succeeding by default? Why do you think our clients succeed in specifically let’s talk about score basketball. Let’s talk about Randy [inaudible] with PMH. Oh, Casey, why do those two guys, when do you think, well, I can actually pull a quote from a Randy’s call earlier. You said, Hey, I’m going to call you the Saturday of a thank Kevin, so I just wanna let you know that I’m gonna call you. And he goes, Oh, well, I don’t know why you wouldn’t. You’re like, you’re going to be here, you’re going to take the call. He goes, I live to work. I’m not going to let the holidays get in my way. I’m like, so he’s going to win because he’s not going to take that Wednesday through Sunday off and come back Monday with a full week’s work or full week’s worth of work that hasn’t gotten done.

Let’s do this for a second. I want to do, I want to queue up the, the audio of two of our diligent doers out there. One specifically is Aaron antice with a show homes. They’ve grown the company from 37 million to $80 million in just the past three years. Beautiful. And then I want to keep the audio from RC auto specialist. Oh, Roy. And these are two great guys who’ve had to fire the idiots to hire the best it gets. So let me hit play here on the Roy audio. Let me, let me queue this up here and let me see if it works. Hopeful. Hopefully it works. Hit my, I’m hitting play right now. Okay. Wait for it.

So I reached out to clay to a friend of a friend and I was at the point where I’d done everything I know to do and couldn’t go much further edit. Eaton had a almost savings and $150,000 line of credit. So I was there. Thank God I didn’t quit.

He was at such a low point that he listened to me. It was bad. It was bad. Oh no. So Roy started diligently implementing the systems that we teach here at the garage. I think we did a lot of interior decorating. We did. We kind of changed the brand. We kept the same name, kept the same logo, but we changed a lot of the interior print pieces. We started serving cookies to customers. We became obsessive about getting reviews. We came up with a no brainer. We have, we’d have stopped optimizing the website. And what happened in the last two weeks? Cause you were in California, Roy was gone for how many weeks were you gone there? A little over two weeks. What were you doing those two weeks? Being a chauffeur banker for my family. Okay. And then what happened with the sales while you were gone?

Well, last week we we hit a 79,000 and some change Jason in that cool that a business coaching client could go on a trip and their company does not fall apart when they have a players. I love that. Now when you have bad players, C players, what happens when you go on vacation? Your phone constantly rings. People call you for the simplest things. Like how do I turn the bathroom line? Right? Like she flipped the freaking switch. But yeah, so you get constant phone calls. Nothing gets done. People cut corners, your tracking goes completely off the rails. And so by the time you come back, you’ve got angry clients, right? You’ve got a mountain of tasks that you now personally have to do yourself and on top of that your bank account could have suffered because your sales are definitely gonna dip. You got to fire the idiots to hire the best it gets.

Let’s continue hearing Roy’s story and one week between the two shops. So that’s a world record and I wasn’t here and so that was an amazing boot. He came back, we had him hit the gong and high five the team here. Now for those of you that might have questions, cause I would like to start with some of your questions for Roy. He’s implemented this, we’ve been working together for about a year, two years. November 17. Okay. Two years. Oh actually I’m number one that Roy did that I know we could not have grown his company without doing is we installed the call recording, which you already had I believe, but you started listening to the calls. Yeah, actually listen to them and it helped a lot. And when the first time you listened to the calls, you know who here had a mom and a dad and you can go back to third grade mentally remember third grade, third grade, you’re kind of starting to figure out what, what’s happening and then you’re going, I wonder what mom and dad are doing and Oh no.

And you got scarred for life cause you walked in on your parents and even to this day you don’t look your parents in the eye because you’re like I should not have seen that. I have. That’s kind of like listening to your calls, is it not? Yeah, it’s very eye opening. It’s a, you get to know what’s really going on at your snowblower. I know it’s very important. Okay, so here we go. So now I’m again, we were talking about call recording, but Jason, what happens almost a hundred percent of the time when people install call recording for the first time, they’re terrified to listen to those calls. And when they hear those calls, what happens? Hey SCO, my God, how long has this been going on for? And you’re going to discover that your people are not following scripts. They’re not following systems, they’re not being kind. And that’s why you have to fire the idiots and hire the best it gets. Now I have a, a song I’ve been working on for awhile. It’s called listen to your calls. Let me, let me queue it up. Let me get up. It’s now. So you might say, this song sounds familiar now. I would, I would say now, you know, it’s so catchy that

We do it. Here we go.

Let me come again to the chorus.

And your customers tell you,

Oh, this is the chorus is really where the action isn’t it?

Customers tell you,

Listen to your calls. What happens Jason? If you don’t listen to your calls every time what happens? I mean, you lose. People don’t follow scripts, which means you don’t get appointments set, you don’t make sales. And then you look back and you’re like, where are my leads? We get leads. Nobody’s executing. Okay, so now let’s, let’s say, okay, I don’t own an automotive repair shop. Let’s say I’m not RC auto specialists.com and I’m not an outdoor living company like PMH. Oh, Casey, maybe I’m a home builder. Yeah. Let’s listen to this audio of Aaron antice as he explains to you all of the systems that we’ve implemented to grow SHA homes from $37 million to $80 million. I want everyone to take note of this because if you have the idiots on your team, nothing works. Even if you implement every single checklist and system and process. Jason, if you have bad people, are they going to get reviews? Nope. Furthermore, if they get real reviews or bad reviews, if you have bad people, are they going to do the accounting and follow spreadsheets? Nope. If you have bet people, are they going to honor the rule of not dating coworkers? No. No, they’re not. Let’s hit play. Let’s listen to this audio. I’m going to get a model here.

Let me keep it up here.

Our sales have gone up eight point $2 million so far through the end of third quarter, which is a 20.3% increase from last year. So

Pretty hot if you’re doing a nap. Yeah. I wanted to talk about, have you talked with the three things and you don’t have to look into him or you didn’t need to talk to the team. The three things you’re doing, there’s a lot even. Well, there’s three things I think don’t want to hammer home on is one, as you get Google reviews and you add content. So one is rubric reviews and content. Two is the group interview and three is scripting and firing the idiots that won’t follow the scripts. Let’s go with Google reviews and content. How do you do it? How have you gotten your team to do it? Just the people in here can then take this knowledge and share with their friends.

So a year ago I had a 16 member sales team. Today I have two of those people still remaining on my team. So I meet with them every single week and make sure that they’re doing Google reviews and we have 16 different locations on Google my business. So we have a lot of locations to get reviews for in the last 30 days. We have between all of those locations just under 200 Google reviews and but I forced them to do a certain number every single week. And so they saw a, you know, the people who were there have heard from the people or the people who are there heard from the people who used to be there. That when we started getting more Google reviews, we started having more people come in the doors. And actually our traffic in our models is way up. And if you look behind the scenes on insights, you can see where people are clicking on driving directions and showing up at our models because of Google and they’re ready to buy. Yeah, they’re convinced before they get there. When we hit a hundred, it seemed like it was a tipping point on our main page that at a hundred, the customers were convinced before they came in that they wanted a home from us, which I never saw before. And we

Don’t change the ads pretty much. The ads are the same. And the ads work because of the reviews. You know, you guys are writing content, correct? Yep.

Yeah. Same thing every week. I make sure that they do podcasts. And I gave you, I don’t even know how many of this last week, but lots of them. So everybody every week.

Why Eric? The relationship I have with Erin is really solid as far as the business coaching relationship goes, is that he does not bring in his employees and ask for their feedback about the things I’m telling him. No, he does not ask them, Hey, what do you guys think? And so I can say to him in a meeting, Hey, fire those people. And then one of the people that he fired goes to dr [inaudible] chiropractic center. He’s getting an adjustment and he’s like, you work with clay, don’t she? Is yes. He’s like, I hate that guy. He got me fired. So Brett says some the effect of did okay, well let me adjust your back. And he continues to share how he doesn’t like that he got fired. But it is the end of the day, the reason why, whoever it was, I don’t even know the person’s name, they’ve got fires, they just would not read reviews and wouldn’t wreck. So it’s very important with your business coaching clients that they shouldn’t bring their employees to those meetings if at all possible. Cause that’s problem.

Yeah. And the other thing was at first I started by just doing the group interview when I needed somebody. And then it seemed like the more and more I held people accountable, the more and more I needed somebody all the time. So you know, that

I think we’d work together about a year and a half. And I remember we had a conversation and I’m saying it wrong correctly with some of the effect of, is having this much turnover. Good.

Yeah. In fact, I think I said it in that tone of voice,

I turn over your event costs and I would tell you that if you’d have low turnover here.

So a really cool meeting that happened is one of the people that I most recently fired who was demanded a meeting with Glen Shaw to complain the thrive method of doing things and that we had, we had turned over 31 people in two years. He had counted and he had gone and gotten transcripts from all of them to share with Mr. Shaw about how horrible the thrive way doesn’t work. And so as he sat down to start explaining this, he’s like, well let me just explain that that system doesn’t work and there’s been so much turnover. And Glen goes, let me just stop you right there. The last three years have all been record setting years for us, both in volume and profitability. So that argument isn’t gonna fly right here. So did you have something else you wanted to talk about? So that was the entirety of our conversation.

You guys just give examples cause he and I are both Patriots fans and they got a guy Dan Watson, I believe his name was, who? Let’s draft it on the Patriots. He put in the patient’s strength, three seasons, two seasons, and then they let him go play somewhere else. And he’s been in the NFL for 15 years and they convinced he and his wife and their seven kids to move back to England and unretired deployed this year’s tied in and then they just cut him the other day because it wasn’t a good fit. So the point is, it’s like if you look at the roster of the Patriots or any team that wins at anything, you’re very loyal people for form. If people who can’t get it done, you’re not making me mad. I’m going. It’s just like I realize that you and your wife and your seven kids moved here and you came out of retirement. All of these things are great, but we’re cutting because you’re not performing within the system. And the whole goal of a business is to grow. The business. Could go businesses not to create a fun camp environment for the employees to hang out sense. So it’s very different though then. So, but if you hadn’t cut that, those people, we couldn’t do it. Now you have a great team. A lot of them have been there now six months or a year. We’re starting to get it and then those people should stick around for years.

Yeah. And like 50 people a week, keep coming looking and everybody wants to work at our company.

It’s pretty awesome. So, so let’s recap the group of areas every week. Yup. How many candidates do you have every week that are showing up at this point? I mean we get like 50 ish. Maybe had some weeks.

Yeah. I mean yeah, we had 70 something but like 50 show up and then that’s out of like 120 to 130 that apply

Every week. At a last week’s batch, we probably had eight people. I mean nine people that I think would be a great fit for shop. Yep. But it’s cause they want it not because they have experience on houses, it’s about eight or nine last week and then content you’re getting that every week reviews you’re getting every week. You’re not changing your ads every week.

I’m going to throw one more thing in here that you didn’t ask about, but that was really relevant for me and that is I feel like what we do is super specialized. When I first came in here I was like, but you don’t understand our business is different. I know you guys have all heard this, right? You don’t understand. Our business is different and this is so specialized. There’s so much training that needs to go into this. And I never in a million years thought that I could get people to like sell homes right away that hadn’t been here for a year. Going through intensive training. And the interesting part of it is we just hired a couple of people who have never done this, don’t know what they’re doing, plugged them into the system. One of them did 1.5 million in sales his first 30 days, which is just nuts. And he’s never done this before. The other one was like 1.2 million in 30 days and we’ve sold with tons of brand new people. By the way, while I was out of town in Alaska for two weeks, we sold in 60 days we sold 46 houses. So kind of crazy with all brand new people.

And then the scripting we have going on starting this week, I think you guys are bringing by workstations and then we’ll hire two people that work in this building. But just calling just for you for your leads all the time and the scripting. Can you explain how the scripting has fixed things to now? There’s a script for them.

Yeah. So that was the part about like them having to be like so proficient in what we do. I thought they needed to know everything about the entire company and all the massive amounts of data and charts and stuff we have. But interestingly, if I just give them four things they need to talk about in each home on a one sheet and then a, what we call the path, which explains how to buy a home. And I literally make them read the bullet points while pointing to each bullet point on this chart. The customer completely understands how to buy a home from us. And then we created a, what we call the John Kelly method of pricing out the customer. Thanks to John kudos. For the, for the pricing out of the home, which was like the most complicated part cause you needed to know everything about how a home is built. Well you no longer do, it’s just literally a PowerPoint where they read what’s on every slide as they go through this slide show and it literally asks them the question, do you want this or this? This is how this works. Do you want this or this? And they don’t

Right now three years ago before we met, what, what were the sales for the year? Cause you’d already sold $100 million at the house.

Yeah. That year. When I say we were at a 36 million

And what are we going to, what are we at right now? So far today we are at 62 million and then we’re going to end the year unless we stuck, I think we’ll be at 80 million this year. Our one thought for you when you sell a house you make a profit of about 6% and they got mix.

That’s net after all expenses. Although that number is up, we’re probably going to be at about eight and a half percent

So if a house is 300,000 the half chance and the profit was 10% it just not, that would be 30,000 so it’s 8% of the 24,000 to $24,000 profit per house you? Yup. And then I make $2,000 per month. That’s what I charge. You are 1700 we are 2,500 okay. Is your exclusive for houses? So you guys $2,900. So if he sells one house, he paid for me for the year and usually sell a house a week, which means I paid myself in the year every week.

I’m pretty sure out of the extra 8.2 million this year, we can afford you. I did the math, I had our accounting department. Look at that real close.

There’s gonna be auto shipping us. I’ll use a lot of questions for Aaron because Shaw, this is an example of what the relationship should look like after three years. So you have any questions for real life when I have a question. Yeah.

So for you coming in with the mindset of we’re unique, we’re different, how was it? What did I do? How did he get you to think differently about your role?

He marked me with humor and repeatedly over and over again and told me different stories of other examples from other industries. And I definitely had a pain threshold there that I was willing to at least look at it. I think I believed half of what he told me at the beginning and thought, prove it to me on the other half. And so as I started to get wins in certain areas, like the Google review thing really gave us wins and then the no brainer gave us a bunch of wins and we started getting a lot more leads coming in. So that credibility lended itself to going, okay, maybe he’s right about some of this other stuff too. So I started like trying other parts of it. Like I remember the first time I did the group interview, I was shocked at how much time it saved me. And so

It’s like 50 hours of time saved. Maybe more than Oh yeah, for sure. It’s terrible. I mean I assume you guys know if you are Aaron, that you didn’t have a group interview. You’d have to go through and read all the resumes and then guess who’s lying and who’s not based upon penmanship or the calls they went to or how they formatted or whatever. And then you’d have to interview the people and then you’d have, it’s just terrible.

I can also remember like some meetings sitting in and it was like the fourth or fifth time he had told me the same thing, but just in a slightly different way, always with humor. Because if you’re gonna be honest, you gotta be funny. You,

You look at Bible verses and you and I have seen this before, we’ve been to church long enough to see this, but there are pastors in America today who advocate that money is bad because it’s the real volume. I’m sure you’ve all heard that argument, apparently heard, sorry. Yes. I’m sure you’ve heard pastors paraphrase parts of scripture that explained that you should basically before, because money is bad, three partners. But if anybody here would actually read the context of it, you’d understand that the love of money over all is just money in of itself. Just the thing so bad or good. But anyway, like so when you guys are citing things, most marketing companies in Tulsa, either they do not cite things or they cite emotional arguments. So it’d be like this. If you were to look, most marketing companies in Tulsa, they would say, I’m asking for reviews, doesn’t work.

And furthermore, you can’t ask in the home because if you ask them in the home, it’s gonna show up as a review from the same IP address and then the reviews won’t count. And so really what we want to do is make this app for you and this app called pilot, what’s it called? Pilot. Pilot trust pilot. What’s another one? And like wait, it’s going to text people or email them and ask them how their experience was and then they’ll leave a review that way. And so when I’m telling my client you have to get reviews in the home, right? Then boom, boom, boom. It is flying in the face of every other marketing firm in Tulsa. Everybody else is saying opposite of what I’m saying. Your employees are saying the opposite of what I’m saying. Articles online that are written by randos who have blogs are also saying. So, and then I had a couple that thought you were nuts. Yeah, yeah. But if I didn’t cite it, there’s zero hope. Yeah. You can’t just go in there and say things and you cannot not be funny. Like not being funny is a really bad thing. You have to be very honest with people. Yeah. I mean you had some

Painful conversations with me through the process. You know, I mean probably out of the first 20 times we met, I only cried like eight times. So but during those painful conversations when you mix it with humor, made it a little bit easier to palate. So and then it was logical argument too. So I would go home and like think through the logic of what you mentioned and then think about the cited stuff. But

False logic is what other marketing firms use. I’m going to show you, understand, you can’t just say, well, Mo a nine out of 10 business owners are using Trustpilot to give them names and you can’t, that’s not a, that’s false logic. You know what I mean? It’s like, yeah, they are, which is why they’re wrong. Or you can’t say that nine out of 10 business owners think that a group interview is unethical and it doesn’t work. Yeah, that’s also false logic. Of course they don’t because they’re wrong. And so it’s almost like I told you that I didn’t Nick. I said, if anybody said, if everybody says something, I always then go the opposite of what they think is true. Does it make sense? And so we have to teach these clients this stuff and it’s got a side. Otherwise, I’m just telling you, cause other marketing firms are teaching false logic coaches, nine out of 10 people say you shouldn’t use the script because you don’t want to make your employees feel like robots.

Well that’s great. That is a great step. You know. But you shouldn’t be asking your employees if they want to feel like robots or not. That’s a false question. So any questions for Aaron? Because Aaron’s been out down in the past. You have a system for years now and doing a great job and I need next year if the Trump wins, I think you do $100 million of sales. If you lose this, I think you’ll probably do 80 again. We’ll see. But I mean, what do you, what do you, do you agree with that? I would agree with that, but I’ll say either way we’re doing 100 million. Okay. Here. I have a question about the sales scripting process and also the John Kelly method process. When you go to do that project to work on your business, was that harder than you thought it was going to be initially? Like once you’ve been through the process, what was that like compared to what you thought it would be like?

Oh I wouldn’t say it was harder. I mean the one thing, you know the, the phrase first, you nail it, then you scale it. Like I already had all the information in my brain. It was more of a thing of like putting it all down on paper and it really helped like having John live to talk to because he had just been through our old process and so he was like, I can’t picture what you’re talking about. You’re trying to describe to me what crown molding on top of these windows looks like. And I don’t have a picture in front of me. I can’t see it.

It turns out the system works and if you’re out there today and you feel like you’re stuck and don’t know what to do, just go to today’s show notes. We’ve laid everything out for you, the specific steps that you need to take to hire the best and to fire the idiots, fire the idiots and replace them with the best it gets. Fire the idiots and replace them with the best it gets you. You can do it. I’m telling you, if you have great people, you will succeed. If you have great people on your team, you will win. But it starts today by asking yourself this, this tough question. Are my employees an asset or a liability to my company? Are my employees an asset or a liability? Are they helping me to grow or are they hindering my growth? Ask yourself these questions because these are the difficult questions that we should be asking ourselves.

It’s not mean to ask somebody to do their job and to follow up with them to verify they did their job any more than it’s mean for a to ask for the groceries that you just bought at whole foods. If you go to whole foods and you give them your whole check, AKA a hundred bucks, let’s say for your avocados and your chicken and your various things, you purchase, your kombucha drinks, your tea or your, your organic meat, whatever, you go there, you buy your Laura’s grit, Laura’s ground beef. You get your kale, your organic food at whole foods. You give them $100 if you leave without the things you paid for, that’s not a good deal. It’s not a good deal. Same thing in business. Do not get to a place where you have people on your team who are holding you hostage. Today is the day where you must begin the process of hiring best it gets and firing the idiots and now that he further ado, we’d like to end each and every show with a booth three, two, one, stop what you’re doing and think about this.

For a second. What would happen if your company was suddenly able to generate exponentially more quality sales leads? That would be incredible. What would happen if your company came up at the top or near the top of the Google search engine results? Quail? I would just feel overwhelmed with all that business. How many thousands of dollars in lost sales or millions of dollars in lost sales are you missing out on simply because your potential customers can’t find you when they go online to search for the products and services that you offer? I refuse to think that thought because I don’t want any more business unless you are a dirty communist that hates money. My new book search engine domination will help you grow your business. In my new book, search engine domination, we will teach you the specific steps that you need to take to dominate the search engine results. What do you mean by dominate? You see in my new book search engine domination, we will teach you the specific steps that you need to take to dominate search engine results. Download your free ebook copy [email protected]. I repeat that, the best SEO book.com.

My name is Amy Baltimore and I am a CPA in Covington, Tennessee. I’ve been working with the thrive team now for about a year. One of the first things that they did was to update my website and my search engine optimization. I prior had a website but I was not being found on Google and all of my new business was coming through referrals from friends, family, et cetera. And right away I started to see results of people were calling and coming in saying that they found me on Google. They just Googled CPA near me and there I was at the top of the page. And so it’s been a great help to my business.

Again, you can download your free ebook copy today at the best S E O book.

Hey, this is Dustin Huff. I’m with Keystone Harbor Marina. We joined thrive back in January and had been working with these guys for about seven months. During that time period, we have moved up our Google rank through reviews and SEO processes that we’ve compiled through these guys. Our leads have gone from about four week to now, 165 a week. So the process works. I will tell you from experience once you begin, you have to stay with it as long as you continually do this weekend and week out, month in and month out,

You’ll continually grow. The system works, but nothing works unless you do. You’ve got to take some action. Download the ebook for free [email protected].

Hello, my name is Daniel Daniel’s heating and air here in Amarillo, Texas. The way Google has affected my business we have got a lot of calls from Google right now it’s July and we’ve had the best month ever and it took us about eight to 10 months to get on top of Google. And I’m glad we did.

Remember nothing works unless you do. You have to go to the best SEO book.com today. Download the ebook for free. Just download that ebook for free and you’ll be off to the races.

Hi, my name is Christina Nemus. I am the owner and operator of angel such autobody and detailing in borne Massachusetts. We have been working with thrive and their business coaching for say eight to nine months and it took us about six months, five to six months to get on the top of Google. And with their help with the website and marketing and the SEO and retargeting ads with Google and it has been phenomenal. We just have light and day business coming in, phone calls coming in walk ins referrals. It’s just through the roof. And we couldn’t be happier at the moment. We are up 50% this year from the previous year and not only is that part of our own hard work and diligence, but also with the help of thrive and what they’ve done for us and getting us on the top of Google and you know, all their knowledge and business coaching and yet so super grateful. Super pumped to see what the future holds for all of us. Thank you.

This is your year to thrive. Today is your day and now is your lazy hands make for poverty. But diligent hands bring wealth. Proverbs ten four I’m here to tell you you can do it if you can just motivate yourself to let the masses had to cut off of you. So on the day you went, I could one day a misshape, a tree that I had to prove I had to make cuts to be here daily at new wave of knowledge. Monsoon. I can those a doubt in the next room for the next dr Kings who changed the walls in your way with your one by one. It’s up to you. I remember my days back in the door. I’m like the template. Well, with the jobs that tried to consume food, the future that I could pursue what? From the mountain top, now I can do clue that you have what it takes to success.

Today is your day and now it’s your year today, your day, and now this moment is profound to show the crowd your rope might’ve been rough with what you got now is now even shook you. Palpate you gotta be assessed with the old plow started from the bottom and worked my way up. I was prayed up. [inaudible] You gotta get it. Don’t quit till you see today is your day. Today is your day and now should be all went to kid, but we cannot get without self discipline to fall with your face. Get yourself up piano teachers up to Kohl’s dot. Bale with the friends when the storms getting up in the only with yourself, what you believe we believe in you, but not as much as God does. If you’re going through hell, he’s got nothing. Apply what you learned and Chris switchboard gun money to a bird.

A priest. What? You burn it into Tom, you got money to increase what you burned into tangent. Got money to sing it. Sing it into Tom. You got money to money. I look the shutdown, the doubters, silver beads that became your dream flowers. Empower you to devour all the obstacles that make your sweet dream sour. As for me, I used to sit still, but now up on the microphone. Smooth light buck. If I can do it, I know you can do, but you bust. Stick to it like posters too. And while Morgan Zam the coal wrists, what he’s saying, I’m a carbon shoot. Truth dreams. Today is your day to day show K and now it says you will. Today is your day and now is your turn. It’s your time today and now we do a time sing it Barton. Today is your day. [inaudible] Are the time I realized I can’t sing like that, but I can’t talk and

Play the woodblock. Okay? If you guys need me, I’ll just be over here.


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