How to Focus On What You Can Control While Dealing with Daily Adversity with Dr. Sherwood + Society Burgers Tulsa and Aaron Antis

Show Notes

The former GE CEO Jack Welch once wrote, “You’ve got to eat while you dream. You’ve got to deliver on short-range commitments, while you develop a long-range strategy and vision and implement it.” Then Aaron Antis shares about Society Burgers Tulsa.

  1. Write down the issue
  2. Determine whether it matters
  3. Determine the right time to revisit the issue (if ever)

NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Feed the eagles, starve the buzzards.” – Dr. Mark Sherwood

Some will

Some won’t 

Oh well

What’s next


Remove the Doomloops:

  1. Remove the bad product and the bad service
  2. Remove the bad clients
  3. Remove the bad hire




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