If the Walls Could Talk (The Bathroom Edition)

Show Notes

Per the request of the listeners, Clay decodes the hand-written notable Quotables that he has personally written with chalk in the men’s restroom of his office building.

Images I Would Like to Provide Listeners Access to on the Show Notes:


NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror 24 and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25 But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it-not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.” – James 1:22-25 

Business Coach | Ask Clay & Z Anything

Audio Transcription

business coaching If The Walls Could Talk Knowledge Bomb Thrivetime Show Slides

Happy four 12 in the morning to you. My name is clay Clark and welcome to a knowledge edition of the thrive time show. It is four 12 in the morning as I’m recording today’s show. And today’s show is called if the walls could talk the bathroom addition if the walls could talk the bathroom edition. And on today’s show what I’m doing is I am sharing with you the notable quotables that I have written, myself  using chalk that you can find inside the men’s restroom at my business coaching office. And uh, I uh, you might say, why would you write those things on the wall? Why write them on the wall? Because you don’t really spell words, words cast a spell on people. And frankly, employees or teammates go to the bathroom a lot and so do clients. And I would like for them to know my polarizing worldviews on the walls as they use the restroom.

Therefore they will want to either not come back to work or they will love it here. Either they will not want to be a business coaching client or they will love it here. So I’m going to read the notable quotables. I have written my sales on the wall with chalk and then I’m going to upload these photos to the podcast page for today’s show notes. So if you go to the show notes for today’s show, uh, we do take the time and effort to transcribe every show and to put notes. You’ll be able to see the images I am referencing today. So here is notable quotable number one. It takes a lot of praying, wishing, and hoping to make up for a lack of doing. Again, it says it takes a lot of praying, wishing, and hoping to make up for lack of doing. What am I talking about?

You might say clay, why don’t we, why would you write that with chalk? Why don’t you do that? Why would do that? Because I, I’m around so many people. I see so many people that will come up to me whenever I attended a church or whenever I’m out, which I try not to do very much, but I’m out and someone will say, Hey, I love your show. And I says, great, thank you, I appreciate that. And they will say one of two things. One, I am implementing what I have learned and I am doing really, really well. Thank you. I hear that. I hear that a lot then that is great. Or all here. I, um, you know, I, I do, um, like this show, but it’s not working, you know, and it’s not working and I can’t find a job, you know? Um, but I just can’t find one.

The economy’s tight or there’s always some, you know, I can’t, I can’t get the result I’m looking for. And if you take time and you ask them, you know, are you actually doing anything? Because I’m in Oklahoma. I, you know, a lot of times people say, uh, no, no, I’m not. I’m not, I haven’t yet, but I’m praying. Well, I, I believe in the supernatural. I believe that God can do a lot of things, amazing things, anything really I do. I really do believe that. I also believe that you have to do something. Um, I do believe that, uh, James chapter one verses 22 through 25, um, is in the Bible. And I do believe that it is correct. I don’t think we just take that part of the Bible out, but that verse particularly reads James chapter one verses 22 through 25 reads, do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves.

Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in the mirror and after looking at himself goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom and continues in it, not forgetting what they have heard but doing it, they will be. They will be blessed in what they do. They will be blessed in what they do. So again, I mean, I’m just pointing out that to my employees and our clients. Hey, you could, you could come to a conference and learn exactly what to do. I could teach you how search engine search engines work, but if you don’t implement it, then you won’t have any success. You know, I don’t feel bad about it. Now here’s the deal. I’m recording today’s show at four 17 in the morning.

Why? Because that’s what I’ve scheduled time to do it, which means how will play? What time did you go to bed? I went to bed at nine o’clock you went to bed at nine o’clock aren’t you tired? No, I slept since I left. I slept for six hours. Maybe you need to sleep more hours, but don’t tell me that you don’t have time to get something done if you’re not waking up at three in the morning or four in the morning or whatever time you need. I mean, just make time. Don’t just be a hearer of the word. Be a doer is, it does. It takes a ton. I mean, you know, much praying it takes to make up for not writing search engine content. If you want to be top in Google, if you were to rank top in the world in Google for something, you’re going to have to make your website compliant to Google’s rules.

You have to adhere to Google’s rules. And if you want those rules, just download my ebook for free right now called search engine domination, search engine domination. Download the book for free. And in there you’ll learn about the the checklist of the things you have to do to make your website rank in Google. And one of those things is you have to have the most content. So there’s four major variables you need to know. It’s the website with the most content, most organic, relevant HTML content, the most words, original words, one, two, it’s the most reviews, three, it’s the most mobile compliant and four, it’s the website that has the most canonical compliance. So if you know you need to get reviews but you don’t ask for reviews, it’s going to take a lot of praying. I mean you realize how much praying it’s going to take to get reviews.

If you don’t ask people, well, I wrote here again, I run on the walls with chalk. It says, I wrote, it takes a lot of praying, wishing, and hoping to make up for a lack of doing another translation. It takes a lot of praying, wishing, and hoping to make up for not writing content. It takes a lot of praying, wishing, and hoping to make up for not making cold calls. It takes a lot of praying, wishing, and hoping to make up for not firing idiots. Okay. Now the next notable quotable that’s on my walls that I wrote myself, I wrote with chalk in my bathroom, and you can see these on today’s show units. We spell words, but words can cast a spell on us. Speak only positive proactive solution focused words. I wrote again with chalk, we spell words, but words cast can cast a spell on us.

Speak only positive proactive solution focused words. What I’m talking about is we can’t just spend our day griping about things we can’t solve. We want to be focused on doing what we want to focus our, if you’re, if you’re an entrepreneur or you want to be, you have to focus on solutions, solving problems. You have to focus on solving problems, solutions. It’s not natural. Most of the world likes to talk about the economy or the weather or they don’t like something in their life, but they don’t think about the solutions. Think about the solutions. What are the solutions? Don’t tell me you don’t like your schedule. Make a new one. So I look at my schedule today. Today is a Thursday. I’m recording this today on now. Let’s see here. This is the, uh, Thursday, the 3rd of October. And I look at my schedule and I say I like my schedule.

So today I’m going to have a meeting today with my business coaching team at six clay stairs at seven a cat and Adam at eight. Uh, Cory and Amber at nine. Paul at 10 a chat at 11. Brett didn’t at 12. The Cola fitness people at one, uh, justice tumbling it to, uh, macro meals at three, um, platinum pest at four. And Bucky at five and I have the group interview at six it sounds like you’re working a lot. Are you okay? Yeah, I’m working a lot. Why? Because it’s my group interview day and when we have the kids are at cheerleading so I’m not going to go home and do nothing. I’m gonna just do my schedule. I like my schedule. No. If I didn’t like my schedule I could do what? Change it. But I do like it. I like exactly how it is.

You know why? Because I made it, I ordained my own schedule. I have personally made my own schedule and I like my schedule because my schedule is the schedule I’ve made. Now Saturday I have a schedule where it just read you my schedule for Friday, Friday. Um, I let me pull it up here. Friday I have a business coaching meeting at 6:00 AM I uh, let’s see here. No, I have a coaches meeting at six. No, I don’t. Friday I don’t have a business coaching meeting at six. What? I don’t, yes. Friday though. I have my first client meeting at six with the hub gym and at seven I meet with Thomas at eight elephant in the room, nine score basketball at 10 the grill gun at 11 I need to update this because this is a new thing I meet with living water irrigation. Let me put that in the skin.

I know what I’m going to put that in the schedule right now. Living water irrigation meets with clay. That’d be me. I’ll put that in there. I’m gonna make it green cause that’s what I do. I put it in my calendar, make it green. That way I know it’s me in my Google calendar and I hit save. I want to make sure that it’s repeating every week on Friday. So I do that. And then I meet with dr lye at 12 Dr. Edwards at one I meet with another fabulous client named Chi. At two I meet with the fracking company at three I meet with dr Whitlock at four and I love my schedule. I love my schedule, but if I didn’t like it, I could just say, what do I need to change about my schedule? And I would do that, but it wouldn’t make sense just to complain about my schedule.

Oh, I’m just overwhelmed. I’m overwhelmed. We’ll put clay. I have a lot of demands on my schedule. You don’t understand. I’m a parent. I’m a business owner. I’m a, I’m maybe not there in my career yet or whatever. No, it wasn’t. I, you say, well, clay, how do you get all that stuff done? How do you, when do you respond to text messages? I don’t, the other day I had a head of state, a very successful person who emailed me and they ended up calling me and going, Hey, I have emailed you and you have not responded. It has taken a long time, long time, and you haven’t called me back or I emailed you and you haven’t responded. And I was very nice to the guy, I think. But I said, Hey, I don’t respond any emails to anyone unless they’re a client or, um, someone that I thought if I’m paying them or they’re paying me, I don’t.

And so I all, all emails are equally unimportant to me. What? Yes. I mean, our, our team responds to emails, like our customer service team responds to emails for the different businesses, but I don’t, because I’m not going to allow myself to be perpetually overwhelmed. I’m just not going to allow that to happen. I’m not going to live in a world where I am perpetually interrupted and overwhelmed. I’m not going to do it. I’m not going to have a schedule I don’t like, but I’m also not going to complain about things I can’t control. I’m not going to go outside every single day and complain about the weather. I live in Oklahoma. I get it. That’s what it is. I’m not going to complain about, um, how hard it is to find employees. I’m just going to focus on doing the group interview. I’m not going to complain that, um, that search engines are difficult to get to the top of.

I’m just gonna write content. I’m not going to complain that I don’t have time to do a daily podcast. No, I’m just gonna record it. Four in the morning on Wednesdays from time to time. I’m not gonna complain that I don’t like my backyard. I’m going to change it. I’m not going to complain that my, the tax assessor the other day I come home and the tax assessor’s in my backyard, I don’t like that. I don’t want to, I don’t like it. Am I going to complain about it all day? No. So what do I do? I move on, but I could complain. I could spend my entire day focusing on things I can’t control. I could complain. You could complain. We all could complain. I could, I could complain that most people don’t pick up the phone unless they know the number. I could complain about.

Oh, back in the nineties you could cold call people. That was awesome because they would pick up the phone, but I don’t, I just train my team to call you twice. Right. So it’s crazy. But if somebody fills out a form for one of our businesses, typically we call the lead right back, what we’ll call the lead back. If you fill out the form, we will call you back. And I have found over the past, you know, five to 10 years, it’s changed now where people will fill out the form to a business, maybe to schedule a haircut or to schedule a consulting meeting or something. And then when we call you back, you, not you the listener, but other people won’t answer the phone. So you, you will fill out the form, say, Hey, I’m interested in doing business with you. Please call me back.

That’s what the form says. Essentially you’re filling out the form and then we call you back and then you, most people won’t answer the phone unless people won’t answer the phone unless, unless what? Unless you know the number. Well, how are you ever going to know the number if we don’t know you yet? So what we do is we teach our team to do the Wolf. We call text and email you and we just keep calling until you cry. Buy or die and if you reached out to us and that’s the move, rather than complaining what that people, people today just don’t respond to leads. They just don’t answer the phone anymore. We don’t complain. Next notable quotable, and I have written myself with chalk is there is no cure for laziness. No cure. There’s no cure. You can’t solve, you can’t do anything with it.

There’s no cure for laziness. So I wake up every morning, you know, at three because I have to in order to get the things done that I want to get done. And if I didn’t wake up at three, you wouldn’t hear this show. Some of you might say that’s a good thing, but you wouldn’t hear this show. Um, the show would not be produced if I did not get up at three because of the schedule that I’ve made or, um, you know, I, some of you wouldn’t have found this show if we did not optimize the website and the content itself. So you could find on iHeartRadio and Spotify and Apple, iTunes and all the different places you can find it. You wouldn’t find it unless we followed the rules. And, and, and knowing the rules is different from actually implementing the rules. Again, there is no cure for laziness.

So if you’re lazy, um, go get a police grade taser and just taser your crouch until your morale improves. The next note of what quotable focus means, saying no to 1000 good things. Focus means saying no to 1000 good things, good things you have to say no to good things to say yes to great things. You got to say no to grow. So the other day we had a person reach out to me who’s a, a very, very successful doctor, very successful doctor. Um, and we’ll just say he does surgery of some kind. And he reached out and he said, clay, I would love to be your client. And I said, I appreciate you. And we had a good conversation and I let him know, Hey, he started off by calling our our team. They scheduled an appointment for him to meet me and he missed the appointment and we all miss appointments.

That’s fine. But he had my phone number cause I gave it to him. So he calls me on the way home. I answered the phone on Bluetooth there, you know, and hands-free and Bluetooth and I say, Hey, um, what’s going on? He says, well Hey, I’d like to reschedule, look to reschedule and perhaps you can relate to this, you know, if someone misses an appointment or maybe you’ve missed an appointment or I’ve missed an appointment. And I said, okay, great. The next availability I have is, and I looked at my calendar and I pulled over and I looked at my calendar and you know, get on the shoulder of the road there. You pull over, you look at the calendar and I said, the next availability I have is going to be November the fifth at 2:00 PM and he says, November the fifth at the time.

And we’re on the phone. It’s like October, you know, I guess it would be September the 30th clay, I need to meet earlier than that. My company needs to grow. And I said, well, I’ve got a one o’clock or two o’clock on November 5th, the day of my birth, you know, that’s all I got. Well clay, if you want to do business with me, you’re going to have to be more flexible. And then I said, well I guess maybe I don’t want to do this business with you cause that’s all I have. Well can’t you meet at night? No. Why? Because I’m hanging out with my wife and kids. Well Kate, you meet on the weekend. No. Why? Cause I’m meeting with my kids. Well, can’t you meet on a Monday after work? No. Why? Because I say no to a thousand good things to say yes to the great things.

I hope that makes sense for somebody. You have to ordain your schedule. There’s always somebody who’s going to try to pull away at the schedule you’ve made. Um, you lose your time through a death of a thousand compromises. There’s always one person who wants to have one more quick meeting. Oh, can we, can we reschedule? Can we move to a different time? Hey, is there any way we could move to a different time? There’s a lot of that and I give you permission to say no and talk. Do you have to say no to grow? That is the move. Now we move onto our next notable quotable, handwritten by myself with chow, Coke, chow, Coke in the men’s bathroom. This is the next notable quotable from Andrew Carnegie. Andrew Carnegie, he says, people who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity. No matter how impressive their talents, people who are people who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their talents.

What does that mean? Well, what that means is that maybe you’re listening to today’s show and you’re super talented, just crazy talent. You can, you’re just very good at dentistry or baking or photography or videography or whatever. And the thing is is that no matter how talented you are, and this was by the way we used to bother other photography companies, is it a guy like me can beat the crap out of you? Because I am able to motivate myself. I am able to motivate myself, therefore I can beat other photographers that are more talented than my team or myself because I am a harder worker. It’s hard to compete when you need more sleep. Right? It’s hard to compete when you need more sleep. If you’re somebody who has a ton of talent that you hide behind and you don’t implement anything, I will beat you all day.

I will beat you. I will. It’ll be bad. It’ll be a bad deal. I will. I will. I will beat you. It will not be competitive. And one of my clients back in the days of bakery, Oh, great bakery and I won’t mention, uh, where his business was located. I can just say it. W was not an Oklahoma. And uh, one of the things we did was we had to gather Google reviews and write content to beat the competition to get top of Google. And that’s what we did. And he came up top and Google and his business just dominated, absolutely dominated because every single day that he was a client of mine, he got two Google reviews every day. One video review a week and we wrote 500 words of content every day. Every single day we added 500 words of content to a site. 500 minimum minimum. The goal was to add a thousand a day, but you know the minimum 500 every single day, a thousand words of content, 500 words of content every day.

500 words of content every day, every day, getting two reviews, two reviews, 500 words of content, two reviews, 500 words of content, two reviews, 500 words of content and one video review a week. And just by the consistency, the diligence, the consistent application of effort, we beat the crap out of everybody because Andrew Carnegie was right when he said, people who are unable, who are unable to motivate them selves must be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their talents. Thank you and thank you Andrew Carnegie and I have written your notable quotable on the men’s restroom. May you rest in peace, sir. The next notable quotable I wrote was spelled team with an I. If you want to multiply spell team with an eye. If you want to multiply, well what does that mean? What that means is that you, if you’re a basketball team, says, let’s say we were the old school Chicago bowls, all right, the old school Chicago bulls, or, or maybe let’s make it more relevant.

Let’s say that you are the current new England Patriots as a team. They will beat you as a cohesive unit, as, as a sum of the parts. They will beat you. But bill Belichick’s theme is to do your job. So the running back needs to be great at being a running back. Quarterback needs to be a great quarterback. A receiver needs to be a great receiver. You get the idea, the lineman needs to be doing a great job of protecting Tom Brady. And as long as each individual does their own job, as long as I each individual me, you, we each do our job. The, the sum total of all 11 players, you know, 11 players. So the sum total is a victory. Now if each player focuses on, well, the culture of this team is bad and we need to get better and we, as long as it’s wheat, we’re going to try to get better.

We’re going to try to do the accounting. We are going to try to write the content for the website and nothing gets done. Somebody has to own the action items. So each individual on the team is responsible for something, and that is what makes a success down the Chicago bulls. Back in the day, Dennis Rodman’s job was to rebound the ball and to play a very aggressive havoc producing chaos, creating defense. Dennis Rodman’s job was to play insane, intense irritant, irritating, uh, [inaudible] just irritate the it is his job was to irritate the other teams. Best player, shut him down, Dennis, they put Dennis Rodman on. If after you’ve competed with Dennis Rodman for four quarters, you almost lose the will to live. He just wears you out. That was his job. His job was to play defense intensely. That’s what Dennis, his job was, was to do defense and rebound the ball.

And Michael Jordan’s job was to play incredible defense and to score and that was his job. Scotty Pippin’s job was to play this thing they called point forward and it’s where you’re a point guard, kind of your your forward, but you’re bringing the ball up the court a lot. So a forward who acts like a point guard in many ways. The foot guard is the guy who dribbles the ball up the court and essentially runs the offense who kind of starts everything. It was kinda like the catalyst who distributes the ball, looks for the open guy to pass to that sort of thing start to the authors. But everybody had to do their own part within what is called the triangle office, which Phil Jackson and his assistant Tex winter designed and ran. And that’s what they did. So they, they perfected the triangle office. Why are you telling us all this?

I’m saying this because each player on the team had a role, had a little guy on that team. Steve Kerr is now the head coach for the golden state warriors. And Steve’s job was to hit three point shots and don’t screw up on defense. Do not screw up on defense and hit three point shots. Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t get in there and try to take over the game offensively cause you can’t just hit your three point shots when you’re open and don’t screw up on defense. That was everyone had their own role. So again, if you want to multiply every eye on your team must master their craft. So again, spell team with an eye if you want to multiply, that’s what you do. Now, this next notable quotable is always offensive to lazy people who live with their mothers and their mid thirties who have a lot of degrees.

So if you have a lot of degrees and you live with your mother and your 30s because you’re lazy, you’re, if you’re, if you’re somebody who’s has a lot of degrees, um, you know, and you’re mad that because you have your masters in this and you have your MBA from this college and you have your, a minor in this and you’re a masters in this and your bachelor’s in this. If you’re, if you’re mad that the degrees you have, um, haven’t produced income for you, then you probably won’t like this lettable quarter wall. But for those of you who are entrepreneurs, you’re going to love this notable quotable it says, and it’s pointing to the urinal. By the way, there’s a, there’s an arrow pointing to the urinal and it says, deposit all of your dreams here. If you’re not willing to work 60 to 80 hours per week without praise for five years, deposit all of your dreams here.

If you’re not willing to work 60 to 80 hours per week without praise for five years, deposit on your dreams in the urinal if they didn’t flush him. Because if you’re running around seeking constant praise, you can’t be successful. And when I started DJ connection.com, it took me about five years to become a profitable, sustainable solvent company. When we started elephant in the room, our men’s grooming lounge, it took about five years to become a sustainably profitable solvent business. It’s, if you want microwaves success, a joint, a multilevel, join it. They usually don’t work out very well. But join it. I mean if you want an instant success goal goes into Tai Lopez, he’ll talk to you about instant success scope, go to one of those, no money down real estate seminar things and you, someone will tell you about instant success and what we’re, you’re going to want instant success and they’re going to tell you about it and they’ll tell you, you know, one of the, they’ll tell you two of the top 20 secrets at the first business conference.

And then after that business conference there’ll be another one you have to go to to learn steps three through four and there’ll be another one. And then we’ll talk about feelings and alignment and turning your passion into profits. And then we’ll kind of excited and we’ll bounce beach balls around and we’ll walk on hot coals and we’ll talk about, you just got to stay motivated and we’ll talk about no one is ever created unless they were motivated. And now we’re seeking adrenaline highs and we’re drinking pre-workout and we’re getting fired up all the time and woo. But meanwhile you won’t have any success unless you can consistently apply diligence, diligence, effort for 60 to 80 hours per week without praise for five years. The next note of a quarter will comes to us via myself, written on the walls in the bathroom with chalk. It is if success was determined by great ideas, everyone would be rich.

It’s about execution. If success was determined by great ideas, everyone would be rich. It’s about execution. What I thought success was about ideas. No, you think that because that’s what they teach on college campuses. It’s all about all. I have an idea for a business. Do you have an idea for a business? I do have an idea. Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this year’s entrepreneur award from the university of who gives a crap goes to the person with the best idea. Get outta here. Ideas are easy. Implementation is hard. I’m quoting guys, guy Kawasaki, guy Kawasaki, one of the key Apple employees who helped to market the company back in the day. Back in 1980 [inaudible] 85, guy Kawasaki, a man who used to work at Apple, who’s now a venture capitalist who is an endorser of, uh, he’s an ambassador for Mercedes-Benz. He’s been on our show.

Guy Kawasaki bestselling author. He said, ideas are easy. Implementation is hard. And I wrote on the bathroom walls with chalk on September 9th of 2017 if success was determined by great ideas, everyone would be rich. It’s about execution. The next notable quotable may be the most offensive for people that are perpetually lazy and who for some reason are masochistic. They will, they’ll listen to a show like this, but they, um, they’ll listen to a show like this because they want to know what to do, but they won’t actually do it. This is when you’re really going to hate it. If you’re somebody who wants to listen to a show for, I guess it’s entertainment maybe, but you want to listen to a show to learn what to do, but you don’t actually want to do it. You’re going to hate this quote. Let me, let me first, um, kind of help wash it down first.

Let me give you kind of like a, a chaser. If you’re going to drink like up a shot of, you know, whiskey, you’d probably have a chaser or something. You know, you want to have something. If you’re about to go shot at tequila, you probably have a little margarita mix or something you take, you chase it down with, if you’re a car, you know something like a mimosa. It’s you know, alcohol and orange juice or something. You’d probably wanna have something to just chase it down there. You know how maybe a little medicine, you probably want to chase it down with some orange juice or something. James one 2225 reads, do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks in the face, in a mirror, looks at his face in the mirror and after looking at himself goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.

But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom and continues in it. Not forgetting what they have heard but doing it. They will be blessed in what they do. That right there, James one 22 through 25 so this is my notable quarter. Well, you can find this above the second urinal. The one to the right. The far right in the bathroom. It says God is busy. The West, by the way, this is the West urinal in the men’s restroom. It reads, God is watching you don’t be an ass. Oh, come on. Why would you what? Yeah, God’s watching you. That’s why I have cameras up in my building. I have cameras everywhere. Why? Because people are always trying to screw me. I’m trying to, I was trying to screw you ever since I can remember people had been trying to screw me. You know what I’m saying?

Ever since I can remember, people been trying to screw me. I just haven’t even noticed that that ever since you can remember, if you’re a business owner, people are always, you’re your top in line. You’re your number two guy. Your, your top manager. Don’t they always get a job for your competition, right? When you pray, when it’s the least convenient for you, I mean don’t know that you have like a key person that quits. Um, sometimes don’t you ever have that happen? Yeah, you do. And so I have cameras up everywhere and the calls are all recorded so that way I can know what’s going on. And it says here, God is watching. Don’t be an ass. That’s what I wrote. So what I mean by that is this just in God is watching you. You only place I don’t have cameras up is in the bathroom.

So people in the bathroom all the times like, Hey, here’s the deal. The conference out there, have you heard that guy at the conference? Are you hearing this? All the people who are here like super successful. But is it ethical? Is it ethical? We know everybody here successful. We got Charles Cola here. His gym is successful and he’s rocking. Yeah. Full package media here at this business conference there are companies rocking. These clients that Clay’s worked with for years are just rocking. I mean Shaw homes.com Clay’s client, these guys have grown by almost 20% this year by $7 million this year and it’s not even the end of the year yet. I know they’re all here, but is it ethical? I think. I think it’s, I don’t know if it’s ethical and we start this kind of gossipy rumor. A Jack ass. Sorry. That’s what I’m talking about is God is watching. Just don’t be an ass.

Now I have a, I have a quick note to my employees above the East, the East urinal. I think a lot of people want to know what’s journal are already talking about. It’s the East journal and it reads quick note to employees. I see you Instagramming 0.12. I do record your keystrokes. Three. I do judge you based upon what you do. What quick note to employees, what I see you texting, Instagramming, et cetera to. I do not record your keystrokes or says I do record your keystrokes and three, I do judge you based upon what you do. Clay, you’re you saying that you actually record your team’s keystrokes? Yes, I do. Why? I do it because people are always doing things that they shouldn’t be doing. You know the average employee, if you look at the stats, the average employee is wasting on average now over two hours a day on their computer doing non-work-related things.

The average employee, not my team, but other people. How come your team doesn’t do it? Cause I have keystroke recorders and I will fire you if you’re doing something that’s not related to work during the work day. So as an example, I have fired a man for ordering, ordering a prostitute from the workplace. What I have, I’ve hired, I have fired a man who was ordering a prostitute via Craigslist during the day. I know this because we pulled up the keystroke recorder and there it was. I fired another man who was pretending to do his job during the day, but not doing his job. He was a felonious web developer. He was supposed to be coding, but in fact the only thing he didn’t do during the day was code. I have fired a man for dating another man’s wife. What? Yes. Yes. I had an employee back in the day who was dating a member of our team.

They were not married to and that person was married to somebody else. I fired them. I am a keystroke recorder. That’s what I do. And I just check and I look for crazy and I have fired people a lot and I, and that’s why we have a great team right now cause I, it’s all about accountability. I’m not gonna let you be digitally a foul. I’m not gonna let you digitally screw me while you’re saying nice things to my face. So I record the keystroke so that I know what people are doing and what people are doing. What they say they are, say they are doing are very different. Now I have another, another notable quote. Well it’s an in between the East journal in the West journal there, right between the Forbes poster and the media outlet feature that I was on there. There’s, there’s framed images in the bathroom.

It reads, working here, when working here, your path to success can only be retarded by greed, laziness, half assness, disorganization, personal problems, and Jack re when working here, your path to success can only be retarded by greed, laziness, half assness this organization, personal problems. And Jack [inaudible]. And I agree with what I wrote there and I’m glad that I have written one. I wrote there because it is true. It’s only way you could not be successful when working here. Um, a lot of people want to know what to do and if you’ll do it, you’ll be successful. But if you don’t do it, you won’t. So it’s, it’s crazy how people will say, we have people that have last, um, last a month, so far this month, I’ve had candidates apply to work for me from Florida and people that have driven here from Florida, from Texas, from Illinois, from Pennsylvania, people who have actually driven to Tulsa, Oklahoma, people who have taken a bus, who have flown here, who have driven here from, uh, North Carolina, South Carolina, people who have driven here in, flown here because they listen to this show to apply for a job and they want to work here.

And so it’s very competitive to work here. A lot of people want to work here and that’s fine. Um, but when you come to work here, it doesn’t mean you’re going to have success if you don’t do the things you’re supposed to do. So let me tell you how you screw up your life. Years ago, many, many years ago, had a person worked for me and they started dating a girl that does LSD, which is drugs, took a hallucinogenic drug, don’t do drugs, by the way. So when they’re dating somebody who’s doing LSD, how do you think their life is going? Not good. Well then they think the girl with LSD is pregnant. When you think you might have gotten a girl pregnant, who’s a drug addict, how’s that going? Not good. So then I had to let him go. Years ago I had an employee who worked for me.

Good guy, did a great job, really did a great job. Now the guy decided to start dating somebody he wasn’t married to while working here. So he’s married to somebody, right? Who he’s married to a woman and he decides to date someone who’s not his wife while they’re married. Because secretly we would call that an affair. Maybe in today’s culture we’d call that they’re just not in alignment. I don’t want to call the word affair. And they produced a child that wasn’t there. They produced a kid outside of the context of, of marriage. And therefore that that child, um, is a, a kid that is a, you know, great kitten. There’s no mistakes. God doesn’t make mistakes. I’m not really sure that works out. But the child is not as a result of the man and woman being married in prison, a kit. So now his current wife finds out not only was he cheating on her, but he has a new baby and he says to me, what’s the best way for me to make the situation right?

How do I tell this woman that a, I’ve been having an affair and that be there’s a baby on the way. How do I do that? There’s not a good way. You’re screwed. You’re screwed, man. Now you gotta pay child support, right? And go back and live with your wife or you gotta leave your wife and be with the kid. Either way, it’s not a good situation. So that’s what I’m talking about. I’m talking about, you know, you could come here and learn how search engines work and how sales scripts work and time management. But if you personal problems or are lazy, you’re not going to have success. Now the next notable Cordele, I have handwritten by myself. This would be on the South wall in the bathroom at writes, I wrote how you feel is not related to what you must do. You can’t get anything done if you only work on the days you feel good.

How you feel is not related to what you must do. You can’t get anything done if you only work on the days you feel good. Wow. Well today it’s four 51 now in the morning, and I can tell you this, I was excited to do today’s show, but I didn’t feel very good today. I have like an allergy thing going on. Anytime the weather change, the changes at all, the allergies just kind of get me so nascent. Cherry and Jordan got me these little, uh, organic pills or something that makes me allergies go away. But I’ll take those and I’ll feel better soon. But I woke up this morning and I didn’t feel good when the alarm went off at three. Man, man, man, I didn’t feel good when the alarm goes off at three, man, man, man, I didn’t feel good, man, man, I didn’t know something about that sound man.

Man, I don’t who set that alarm. Why would someone set an alarm at three are they sick? And I wake up and I’m like, ah. I felt, felt God. So I, I didn’t feel good. But you know what? If you only work on the days where you feel good, then you won’t have any success. So I wrote with chalk on the South wall, how you feel is not related to what you must do. You can’t get anything done if you only work on the days you feel good. The next notable quarter was I wrote on the wall with chalk is Exodus 2011 X Odus chapter 20 verse 11 from the offensive and controversial book known as the Bible says for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. But he rested on the seventh day. Let’s repeat for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day.

Let’s try, let’s try again. I think maybe, um, maybe you can fill in the blank for end days. How many days for six days, for in six days, the Lord made the heavens and the earth and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. What? What that means, and again, some people who love the Bible, we love the Bible, we love parts of the Bible, which don’t like the whole part of it. The whole, a lot of people like the Bible, it’s just not the whole part, the whole Bible. Because if you like the whole Bible, now you have these rules that you have to implement and that’s just frustrating. But so set, by the way it’s Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the Bible. Do we know is was he a prophet? Was he an apostle? No, he was a president of the United States and in 1938 he developed the fair labor standards act.

I call this the make people pour act of 1938 which basically says that you should be working 40 hours a week. That’s that’s, that’s the new standard. We know that he decided that even though it says you’re an Exodus for in six days, the Lord made the heavens and the earth and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. FDR say, no, no, no babies. Babies, just work hours. Please do work work 40 hours. Now, the thing about the 40 hour work week is I’ve never met somebody ever who’s been successful, who worked consistently 40 hours a week. I’ve never met a top pastor working 40 hours a week. I’ve never met a top leadership expert. I’ve never met a top psychologist, never met a top fitness guy. I mean I’ve, we’ve interviewed Wolfgang puck and you know, legend, legendary chef guy. You know, we’ve, we’ve interviewed John Maxwell, interviewed NBA hall of Famer David Robinson, the founder of rustic cuff chill Donovan.

I could go on and on listing off the names of who we’ve interviewed and these people, all of them, all of them are not working 40 hours a week now. All of them are working more than that. In fact, one could say because they do work, they work six days a week, six days a week. Are you kidding me? No. Why? Because that’s what it takes. You can’t want six days success and work a 40 hour work week. You’ve got to work six days a week. The next notable quotable, this is a kind of paraphrasing, I’m paraphrasing Exodus. This is my translation of Exodus. I wrote here on the South wall of the bathroom. Success is not possible in a 40 hour work week. All right, the next notable quotable on the South wall in the bathroom reads is your smartphone making you dumb. Question Mark that comes to us from psychology today.

That’s the name of an article in psychology today. Is your smartphone making you dumb question Mark? Well, think about it. The average person has over 90 interruptions per day right now. According to psychology today, the average person has interrupted over 90 times a day to do that according. Did you know that according to Nielsen, according to Nielsen, right now, the average person is now consuming media 11.3 hours per day. That means they’re on their smart phones, social media, Google podcasts, video casts, vlogs, Fox news, just constantly bombarded with notifications from all these different apps. I mean, think about this, all the distractions, you know, it takes the average person 27 minutes, I’m sorry, 23 minutes to recalibrate mentally after being distracted. According to psychology today, 23 minutes to recalibrate. So if you have over 90 interruptions a day, 11.3 hours per day, how can you get anything done?

You can’t, which is why I asked the question, is your smart phone making you dumb? Emails, texts, updates, decreased cognitive capacity, conflicts, conflicting emotions, distractions, negative emails, negative texts, negative voicemails, negative emails, negative reviews, negative texts, updates, Fox news. This just in, here’s a new podcast. Listen to this. This just didn’t listen to that caused distraction. Oh my ex-girlfriend. Look, I just upped it and Facebook. Facebook just sent me a notification that four years ago I was all with that person. I mean, come on, just we got to get off those apps cause we had we to move beyond that. We can’t be idiots. We got to [inaudible] the smartphone making us dumb. Oh yeah. The smart phone is making us dumb. When did he get off those smart phones? Now the next notable quarter by wrote will is we’ll use sleep or what deadlines will you keep? We’ll use sleep or what deadlines will you keep?

I’ve never met a successful person who’s, who’s I have yet to meet a super successful person who sleeps in a lot. You know, they just, Oh, I just want to sleep. I don’t meet a lot of, just want to scratch right there. Oh, nice. I’ve never met a successful person who wants to retire more than anything else. You know the word vocation, the original definition of the word vocation and the Greek meant you’re calling something you felt called to. I’ve never met a successful person that feels called to vacation. They just, they just live for vacation. I’ve never, never seen it. Never seen somebody who feels called to vacation. They seek vacation, that that’s all they want to do is the next vacation. I’ve never met somebody who is, um, successful that that’s what they do. I, the people I’ve met who are successful feel called to do it.

So, um, this past week, um, and 11 o’clock on Fridays, I created an opening so that I could work with one of the clients on the waiting list. Personally. Why? Because I like the person. Is there a business, a startup? Yes. Are they going to be a scholarship client? Yes. What does that mean? I’m gonna charge them less than I would in full price. It’s a scholarship. I do a couple of those a month. Well, clay, why would you do take on a scholarship client? Why would you do that with, to yourself in your family? Couldn’t you take that time to just do nothing or to, you know, to make memories? I don’t want to make memories. I like what I do. I feel called to do it. It’s my vocation. It’s not my, my goal is not a vacation. My goal is my vocation. Hopefully that makes sense to somebody out there.

Okay. Now the next notable quotable is 100 nos equal one. Yes. Then this quote is if you’re scoring at home and tracking these, all these notable quotables are available in the picture for him on today’s show notes. And this is on the South end. South wall, I believe. South wall. Yeah, South wall of the bathroom. If you’re scoring at home, it says 100 yes. A hundred nos equal one. Yes. How many no’s did you get today? 100 no’s equals one yes. How many no’s did you get today? What I made is when you’re making cold calls, you’re going to get every a hundred cold calls you make for every 100 rejections you get, you will get one. Yes. For every 100 nos you will get one. Yes. That is how it works. For every 100 nos you will get one. Yes. So the question is, the question is how many no’s did you get today?

If you make a hundred outbound calls, you’re gonna get one. Yes. That’s how outbound sales calls work. I have found that for every 100 people that I invite on this show, great guests, people such as I, as I mentioned before, I’m Wolfgang puck or Michael Levine, the PR consultant of choice for Michael Jackson and Nike and Prince and Nancy Kerrigan. I found for every 100 people that I interviewed, I reach out to and ask them to be on my show. People like the governor of Oklahoma for every 100 people I asked to be on the show, uh, 99 people turned me down and only one says yes and I view that as success. Why? Because I’m a sick freak. I’m known as an entrepreneur. I don’t care about rejection. I care about the success and in my mind, I don’t even remember really the, the, the success. I don’t even think about or remember the, the rejection. So notable, quotable on the wall reads the will to win means nothing without the will to prepare, grind, get up before 5:00 AM grind even more. Invest your life savings.

Think about that for a second. The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare, grind, get it before 5:00 AM. I think it’s so important that if you’re out there today and you want to be successful, you have to say the will to win means nothing without the will to prepare, grind, and get up before 5:00 AM. If you’re not willing to grind and sacrifice and industrial life savings, then don’t become an entrepreneur. The next notable quotable, a happier one. This one is on the North door, on the backside of the North door of the men’s restroom. It reads, this is a notable quotable, by the way, from Phil Libin, Phil Libin, L I. B. I N. Phil Libin, the Evernote CEO back in the day. He writes, the secret of happiness is to minimize the amount of time that you spend with people you don’t choose to be with. So true. Phil Libin, Phil Libin, I, I applied.

That’s a good quote there, Philip and I agree. He writes, the secret of happiness is to minimize the amount of time that you spend with people you don’t choose to be with. I agree. Which is why I don’t like spending time with people that don’t get it. I don’t want to be around people that are, Oh my gosh, my week is so terrible. What happened Karen? I was on my feet all day. I worked for a boss and it’s like he’s a slave driver. I work like 40 hours a week standing. I stand every day. I don’t like being around people who are, I got rejected this week and it was just tough. I asked for reviews and only two people gave it to me and I asked for six people to do it and five said they would and only two did I


I don’t like being around people that know what to do but won’t do it, you know? It’s all right. Carl, did you meet your clients this week? Did you, did you, did you know you’re a personal trainer, let’s say, did you train your clients? Oh, I wanted to train them, but I’m struggling with alignment and I, ah, I didn’t do it. I can’t handle that kind of thing. I can’t, I can’t be around people that just are lazy. I don’t understand them. I don’t want to be around them. I do believe that our network is our net worth. We do become the average of our, the five people who spend the most time with. I do believe that lack of character corrupts even the best of morals. I do believe these biblical truths. I really do believe that I cannot be around people that don’t get it.

I just cannot be. I as I was talking to my kids last night about going to church on Sundays for, or not Sundays, but Saturdays at 4:00 PM and you might say why? Cause I was thinking 4:00 PM is the time when I’ll run into less people that are, you know, ex employees that I had to fire or you know, people that just don’t get it. What? Yeah, cause I don’t want to be around them. I know that I’m around there. There’s certain people always have a song they’re singing and it’s just like there, it’s like they had a country song they were singing and it would be like, I don’t like my marriage and I don’t knock my job. I don’t like my marriage and my job. Oh, I’m thinking about quitting, but instead I’ll just bitching. I don’t like my job or my wife. And you’re like, what kind of song is that?

Verse two, I don’t think I’m going to have a good day. I don’t like this economy. I don’t want to act Trump and I didn’t like Obama, but I love talking about my drama. There’s just people out there that verse three, you know, verse three of their, of their, of their ballot, their song, their singing is, I know what I need to do, but I don’t want to do it. Boohoo hoo. Because the way I was raised and maybe I haven’t been enough tased, I can’t find the motivation to get it done. There’s people that have a song that is, how do you get to the top of Google? And now that I know how to do it, I ain’t going to do it cause I’m frugal. So I’m just going to complain and with my life, disdain everybody around me who’s getting rich. I just can’t stand being around people that are singing the song of he drives a Lamborghini while my kids are getting skinny.

That’s because he took all the money in the world. I would have a better girl and I’d have a better life, but I just wanted to sleep in. Where’s the ice cream? I just can’t stand being around lazy people. It makes me crazy. It makes me crazy. I don’t want to know them. I don’t want to understand them. I don’t want to be around these people. So productivity tip, next notable quotable. This is on the steel reinforcement pipe in the men’s bathroom. It reads, are they the steel reinforcement beam thing? It reads quick productivity tip. Stop talking about religion and politics and get to work productivity tip. Stop talking about religion and politics and get to, this is a lot. We could spend a lot of time arguing about level. The Buddha said this, well, Moses said this. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Well, the Buddhist said this and ma Mohammad said this, well, Oh yeah.

Well the Dalai Lama said this, I’ll pay you that. Well George Bush, George Bush said this, well Dan, Dan Quayle said this, well Obama said that Richard Nixon said this. You just stop it. I mean just, just shut up and get back on the phone. Right. Can we just, can we just everyone, can we all out there meet myself included? Can we just all take a nice warm glass of shut up, you know, up and get back on the phone cause we [inaudible] politics and religion. That’s, that’s, that’s the key for really dividing a room. Hey, let’s just get into politics and religion. We’ll just kind of go there and talk about that and then not get anything done. Feelings talking about those feelings. Okay. Next notable quotable says nothing will, this is by the mirror in the business coaching men’s bathroom, by the way, to the right of the men’s mirror, which means East of the mirror on the North wall.

Wow. Thanks Magellan. Okay. It says nothing will get done if you don’t schedule a specific time to get it done. Nothing will get done if you don’t schedule a specific time to get it done. What all this happened so fast, what did you just say? Nothing will get done if you don’t schedule a specific time to get it done. And then I wrote here, if you disagree, go home. So my calendar, um, for uh, wins, they let me tell about Wednesday, I have a coaches meeting at 6:00 AM I meet with Stacy Purcell at 7:00 AM pastor Brian at 8:00 AM master machine at 9:00 AM, uh, Roy at 10, you know, et cetera. I have, I’m a full schedule. I’m asking you what’s in your schedule. Well, I just want to schedule a time and to be available in case stuff happens. Okay? Then that’s how you’re gonna spend your day.

What do you, what, what’s in your schedule? What gets scheduled gets done. That’s how it works. So just look at your schedule and schedule what matters. The next notable Cortile and the bathroom and this one is, is uh, I don’t know that you’re going to like this one. Maybe you maybe like this. It says I care about results and results. If you want to talk about how you feel go to church. Yeah, that’s why I’m not a pastor. Right? Cause I’m not really focused on feelings, feelings. Why doesn’t he talk more up? Outfield. There’s a lot of podcasts that talk about feelings. I just want to talk about my feet. That’s cool. But that’s this isn’t that show in the background by the way. Our overhead music is playing our teams here. It’s now a five Oh eight in the morning and if you look out there, we have a lot of business team members that are already here.

Why? Because I designed a schedule where our team works 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM that’s our schedule. 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM four days a week and a lot of people want to get their work done so I can go home early cause it’s Thursday, which is for them the end of the week. You guys only work four days a week? Yeah, but I thought you said you have a sixth day principle. I thought you said that I work six days not same. The employees have to. The Franklin Delano Roosevelt in fact came up with this Jack ass arena known as the 40 hour work week. And so I have to give you a schedule from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Now if someone wants to, you know, make some extra money and go do something else, they can. But I, I’m, for me personally, I work six days a week and you need to have to, by the way too, if you want to be successful.

And I know you do. Now, the next notable quotable, this is to the left of the mirror. This is one of our final notable quotables. This, this, this is this. In fact, this is our final notable quotable. Um, and then if you go look at the photos of today, um, from, although of all the notable quotable, she’ll see my elbow in this picture. Um, I really did a good job with this picture. It reads, if success, if every successful person on the planet worked six days plus to achieve success, why don’t you the sixth day rule? Or maybe I should read it with a softer tone because we’re in a culture now where people aren’t wanting to talk about tone a lot. I loved what he said. If I didn’t like his tone, so let’s try. Let’s try the more measured delivery. If every successful person on the planet worked six days plus to achieve success, why don’t you?

Or we could do maybe more of a Joel O’Steen comes like, it’s like a happy, softer. All right everybody. If success, if, if every successful person on the planet or at six days plus to achieve success, why don’t you this six day rule? Or we could be more like Trump tastic about it and then we could say, if every successful person on the planet worked six days plus to achieve success, why don’t you? This is huge. The 60 day rule. I mean, you could be however you want to read it or hear it. The principles, the same. Every successful person I’ve ever interviewed, every billionaire millionaire, everybody who I’ve never met who’s super successful, they all work six days per week. So if you want to become successful, that is the tip. And now that he further ado, I’m going to in the show with a boom and a, here we go. Three, two, one.


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