How to Launch Sustainable 3 Legged Marketing Stool

Show Notes

How are you currently marketing your product or service? Are you the only one bringing in leads for your team? On this segment of the Thrivetime Show, Clay Clark is getting into the weeds of setting up a sustainable marketing system.

  1. NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “You can’t succeed by making something just a little better. People are fundamentally lazy and they’re not going to adopt something unless it’s at least ten times better than what they already have. The incumbents are happy to make lots of money offering customers something that they’re familiar with. To win you have to build a breakthrough (No-Brainer) major enough to cannibalize the business.” – Ben Horowitz (The man who build Opsware before selling it to Hewlett Packard for $1.6 billion in cash. He is the also the co-founder of the Andreessen Horowitz venture capital firm.)
  2. NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “The only way to really scale is by taking bets that might reduce your opportunity. This is especially true of your branding and marketing. People have a tendency to say, “I want to define my product as the best in the marketplace.” You have to eschew that kind of vagueness viciously. Of course, when you say, “This is who I am,” some customers will respond, “Nope. Not interested.” But if you don’t make those sorts of bold statements, you can never really learn whether people want what you’re offering.” – Reid Hoffman (Founder of Linkedin and one of the founders of PayPal)
  3. NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Marketing is a contest for people’s attention.” – Seth Godin (The marketing expert, New York Times bestselling author and the founder of Yoyodyne which was sold to Yahoo for $30 million dollars).
  4. NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “Without sales you have no business.” – Jeff Hoffman (Former CEO of
  5. NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “The goal is to build a time-freedom and financial freedom creating business not a job that is 100% dependent upon you and 100% non delegatable thus we must focus on creating turn-key marketing systems that have the ability to generate leads for your business without you personally having to go out and to generate the new business. Many self-employed people fall into the trap of being the only person within your organization who can generate leads, sales and essentially life giving income to the business. You want to develop a three-legged marketing stool that you are not dependent upon just one marketing system and so that the consistency of your lead generation never stops regardless of whether you (as the owner) are on vacation or not.” – Clay Clark
  6. NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “On your business is profitable and you are confident that it is going to survive, it is time to build your business’s four core system:
    1. Lead generation: your system for finding prospects.
    2. Lead conversion: your system for closing sales.
    3. Production and delivery: your system for producing and fulfilling your core product or service.
    4. Collections: your system for collecting on what you are owed.” – – Jeff Hoffman (Former CEO of
  1. ACTION ITEM – Define Your 3 Legged Marketing Stool That You Believe Would Work Best (Pick from the marketing options listed within the BOOM book).
    1. Leg #1 – Search Engine Optimization
      1. Option A – Must record 4 hours per week of Podcasts – Long-Tail – Search Engine Domination
        1. 10 minutes in length
        2. Weave in the keyword 10 times
        3. Transcribe your content via
        4. Example –
      2. Option B – Have the Thrive Time Business Coaching Team Write the Content for You
        1. AMPLE EXAMPLE – see
        2. AMPLE EXAMPLE – see
        3. AMPLE EXAMPLE – See
    2. Leg #2 – Design a mailer to be sent to your ideal and likely buyers on a monthly basis.
      1. NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “For a lot less money, you could send a special direct mail effort to just the best neighborhoods where the best buyers live. The secret is to do it continuously so that you build top-of-mind awareness among those best buyers” – Chet Holmes (Best-selling author of The Ultimate Sales Machine)
    3. Leg #3 – Dream 100
      1. NOTABLE QUOTABLE – “About 3 percent of potential buyers at any given time are buying now. 7 percent of the population is open to the idea of buying. The remaining 90 percent fall into one of three equal categories. The top third are “not thinking about it.” The next third are “think they’re not interested.” The final third are “definitely not interested.” – Chet Holmes (Best-selling author of The Ultimate Sales Machine)
    4. Leg #4 – Launch Ads
    5. Leg #5 – Design Retargeting Ads
    6. Leg #6 – Launch Adwords
    7. Leg #7 – Design Facebook Ads
    8. Leg #8 – Optimize Home Advisor (gather most reviews) *Do this only after having successful launched the other legs of your marketing stool
    9. Leg #9 – Optimize Houzz (gather most reviews) *Do this only after having successful launched the other legs of your marketing stool
    10. Leg #10 – Optimize Angie’s list (gather most reviews) *Do this only after having successful launched the other legs of your marketing stool
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Audio Transcription

Get ready to enter the business coach thrive time show drive time show on your radio and podcast download I’m joined here with eric church up the business coach and incredible luke owen’s here with the hub jim, those of you who are not familiar with myself. If you go to thrive time show.Com, you can learn more about the thrive time, show business coach program on the former united states, small business administration, entrepreneur of the year, a former ius chamber of commerce blue ribbon award winner and I’m, a father of five human kids and so I’m. A super excited to be here with you to help you help. You learn how to create both time:freedom and financial freedom but chuck. What are we talkin about today? We’re going to talk about how to commit to a sustainable, six-legged marketing, stool and what that means. So what I’m going to have you do is I’m going to have you read the notable cordle’s to us kind of one by one here and there’s all kind of tea up who the person is. The first comes to us from a guy by the name of ben, horowitz and horowitz. Was the man who built ops where which is the company that he sold the hewlett-packard for 1.6 billion dollars in cash he’s? Also the co-founder of andreessen horowitz, which is a venture capital firm, is gone on to do very, very well.

So just what does he have to tell us about a marketing tool? He says you can’t succeed by making something just a little better. People are fundamentally lazy couch and they are not going to adopt something unless it’s at least 10 times better than what they already have. The incumbents are business coach happy to make lots of money offering customers something that they’re familiar with to win. You have to build a breakthrough, adele trainer major enough to cannibalize the business apps that tell 1.6 billion dollar company salesman, ben horowitz, so your business coach will work with you on this, but you have to look at it like this visually I want everyone to make this visual image in your mind right now. You understand this idea. Get this idea. Please grass. This idea you’re going out to go hunting there, places where you can go. Hunting and you’ll hide up in a blind waiting for a deer. You cover yourself in in deer pee you’re covered in deer you’re. On your way up there forever you’re waiting for a pheasant to come out and help you hunt er waiting for something to come out of the woods and shoot it right. Try to shoot it. Okay, so that’s one form of hunting. This is what marketing is like. Okay, you first off call head:you call chop, who is your mom, your hunting coordinator and you say:jump rope in the helicopter.

Okay, so chapter in the helicopter obey your kind of talking to me from a microphone or something okay. So where are the deer located where they are located? Please 1.2 km to your north northwest acres, but I’m talking about effective honey. So we can I say to you right over your left, shoulder play, you’re going to want to sneak right on talk to me about how an ar assault rifle is different from a rifle and how it’s different from a what’s a shotgun and ar-15 is a semi-automatic rifle that comes with a magazine that holds i. Don’t know exactly 20 + rounds in it and you just squeeze that trigger and fired up over and over and over. I do know. There are people out there who was shouldn’t do this, but they do this day of modified an ar assault rifle from semi-automatic to automatic, true I’d I’ve seen it before I was basically called a bump stock. The stock moves with you with the natural recoil of the rifle, which means you can basically just put pressure against the trigger and it will itself bounce back and forth and fire as an automatic weapon. So this is how I encourage you to market step 1 identify your ideal unlikely buyers, your deer that you want to hit-and you say out of 200 acres. Where is the one acre were they are right out of 200 potential customers. Give me a group of people show me where they are, what trade show are they at what websites are they on stores in zip code and then talk about deer hunting? Don’t get all freaked out here? Okay, then I want to take an ar rifle and i. Want you to blindfold me so chuck. Can you find for me please? Okay, it’s just go to the business coach left and I just want to spray and pray. What happens? It’s eventually I’m going to kill something eventually now I have friends of mine who go to these very expensive hunting resorts within which the animals almost in front of you and you can’t miss almost there, so many of them going by true. So what I’m saying is this is how you want to mark it to a you going to have a bullet, that’s powerful enough to kill something when you actually are shooting at it, but being that we shoot in the right direction, see you don’t want to be shooting with the precision sniper rifle you want to just spray and press on talking about until you blow something up, and that is how you do effective marketing job now. This is the next concept. Please read us the next notable quotable from reid hoffman, the founder of linkedin, one of the founders of paypal, but he says the only way to really scale is by taking bets that might reduce your opportunity right through of your branding and marketing. People have a tendency tendency to say:i wanted to find my product as the best in the market around the woods and just chase them around and take longer.

You have to issue issue issue that kind of bigness viciously. Of course, when you say this is who I am some customers will respond, nope, not interested electrician business old school like like old school marketing, but new school fishing like the day when you’re fishing, an old school fishing? What you do is you don’t know where the schools of fish are right, so you’re just running around, but to know that trolling motor to be quiet, dynamite, quiet by the reeds, you don’t want to talk to the waters just perfectly flat on legs and arms, and all that, but my grandma grandpa’s old school as a marketer, you know he’s a lazy market in electricians. Visit he’s digging himself now. I’m not going to market to everybody he’s very successful. I got to go fish in the whole freakin like I’m, going to buy a fishfinder, which lot of people think is kind of unethical is a fisherman who think it’s kind of a cheese ball move, and you know people like this, because if she’s ball movies, a fishfinder I’m all about the fish, finder man shows you digitally like they’re right there, then what would I would do what happened to taking that I put it down there and I just grab them grab them up, and that was how we finished. You know cuz, that’s the move, but yet you manage your whole day out there trying to put a worm in the water, and it just doesn’t make any sense thing is like it just putting a line out there with a worm and run around all day. Networking to your brain, explodes I need to see this luke is the owner of the hub gym networking your way to booking a thousand members at the business coach gym. So it’s huge. You know that there are no actual steps in networking. You’re not going to be taking any action will step. You don’t make those sorts of bold statement.

You can never really learn what people want. What you want, what you’re offering so was he talks about how to make gold claims in your marketing. One find the right area to market to to make gold claims seth, godin rights. He says marketing is a contest for people’s attention. Marketing is simply a contest for people’s attention. This is a new york times bestselling author, a guy who sold his business to yahoo for 30 million dollars. Jeff hoffman books scale says without sales you have no business come on. I would tell you but I’m sick. Don’t you coaching? You one-on-one i, take the goal if a business is to build a time freedom and financial freedom, creating business, not a job, there’s a hundred percent dependent upon you and a hundred percent delegated bolt exhaust. We must focus on creating turnkey marketing systems that have the ability to generate leads for your business, about you personally having to go out and to generate new business. Mini self employed people are failing because they fall into the trap of believing the only person within your organization who can generate leads sales and essentially life-giving income to your business. Is you you want to develop a three-legged marketing stool, i, triple pronged approach that is not dependent upon you personally, going out there in generating every lead. You want to work whether you’re on vacation or not. So what you have to do is when you have to define. You have to define right now. Who is your ideal in likely buyer? Then you have to work with your coach to define the three legs. The three forms of marketing that you’re going to commit to you measure those results, and as soon as you get those three legs to be effective, then you add another leg and then another leg in another, like you, don’t add them in your leg until they’re all business coach proven to be effective, and that is what happens and then once you do that, then you move on to the next process of effective marketing. You can generate leads now you focus on the lead. Conversion in your coach will help you do that, then your coach will help you focus on product delivery in your coach will help you do that. Let me focus on collections in your coach will help you do that, and then you can focus on spending. The copious and I can imagine. I could have mine stuff that you don’t even need one or need extra cash. Would love to help you with that to fool


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