The Container Store Co-Founder Kip Tindell | How to Sustainably Motivate Your Employees & the Importance of Managing Your Time by Staying Organized

Show Notes

The Container Store co-founder Kip Tindell joins us to share how he started The Container Store, the importance of managing your time by being organized, how he gained his first 10 customers using top down influencer marketing and why he believes that conscious capitalism allows everyone to Thrive 

    1. Yes, yes, yes and yes! Thrivetime Nation on today’s show we are interviewing Kip Tindell who is the Co-Founder, and past Chairman/CEO of The Container Store, which has now opened up 90+ stores across the country since 1978!! Kip, welcome onto the Thrivetime Show, how are you sir?!
    2. I know that you’ve had a ton of success at this point in your career, but I would love to start off at the bottom and the very beginning of your career. What was your life like growing up and where did you grow up?
    3. When did you first figure out what you wanted to do professionally?
    4. How did you go about funding your first company?
    5. How did you go about getting your first 10 customers?
    6. When did you first feel like you were truly beginning to gain traction with your career?
    7. Kip, in your mind, what makes The Container Store different from any other store on the planet?!
      1. Over the years, the company has been lauded for its focus on its original concept, proprietary inventory mix and its unwavering commitment to its employee-first culture. The goal was never growth for growth’s sake. Rather, it was to adhere to the company’s seven, values-based Foundation Principles, which mirror the tenets of Conscious Capitalism. The Container Store’s quirky, “yummy,” servant leadership culture landed them on Fortune’s “100 Best Companies to Work For” 19 years in a row, including #1 twice and #2 twice. 
    8. Kip Tindell, my understanding is that you are rigorous about adhering to your company’s seven values-based Foundation Principles, which mirror the tenets of Conscious Capitalism…I would love it if you could unpack what that means to you?
    9. Kip Tindell, so what inspired you to write your new book, UNCONTAINABLE: How Passion, Commitment, and Conscious Capitalism Built a Business Where Everyone Thrives?
    10. Kip Tindell chapter 1 of your book is titled, Selling Empty Boxes? What is this chapter all about?
    11. Kip chapter 7 of your book is titled, Communication IS Leadership. What does this mean to you!?
    12. Kip, chapter 10 of your book is titled, Air of Excitement, what can readers expect to find in this chapter?
      1. NOTES: Over the course of his career, Tindell has been presented with numerous awards, including Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year, and the National Retail Federation’s Innovator of the Year and Gold Medal Award. Tindell was inducted into the Retailing Hall of Fame, the Dallas Business Hall of Fame, and the World Retail Hall of Fame.
      2. Tindell passionately believes that retail is the best profession a person can choose. He is past Chairman of the National Retail Federation and continues to serve on its Board and Executive Committee.
      3. He currently serves as Co-Chairman of Conscious Capitalism, Inc., and on the boards of Imperative 21, JUST Capital, the Southwestern Medical Foundation, and BrandStorm Inc. 
    13. Kip Tindell What mentor has made the biggest impact on your career thus far?
    14. What has been the biggest adversity that you’ve had to fight through during your career?
  • Tell us about the documentary FISHING WITH DYNAMITE: the film features highlights scandals of unethical companies who put profits first (Enron, Volkswagon, Wells Fargo, BP) and insight from professors, authors and CEO’s.


    1. It features great people like you, Arthur Brooks, former president of the conservative think tank the American Enterprise Institute
      1. Bobby Parmar – Darden professor and author of “The Power of And…”
      2. R. Edward Freeman, Darden professor and father of stakeholder theory
      3. John Mackey  and Walter Robb – Co- CEO of Whole Foods 
      4. Jim Sinegal – billionaire businessman and co-founder and former CEO of Costco Wholesale
      5. Jim Collins author of “Good to Great”
  1. We find that most successful entrepreneurs tend to have idiosyncrasies that are actually their super powers…what idiosyncrasy do you have?
  2. What message or principle that you wish you could teach everyone?
  3. What are a couple of books that you believe that all of our listeners should read?
  4. You’ve got the mic, what is one thing that you want to share with the Thrive Nation before you drop the mic?
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