Business Coach | How to Do Workflow and System Design – Ep. 129

Show Notes

In this episode America’s number one business coach, Clay Clark, and business tycoon, Dr. Z, teach you how to use workflow and system design to take your company to the next level.

Business Coach | Ask Clay & Z Anything

Audio Transcription

Learn From The Business Coach : Podcast Transcript

Clay Clark: Hello Tulsa green country and welcome back and in fact, we are in the box that rocks on the left coast of the Arkansas River and we are broadcasting today talking about a topic Dr. Z that I’m, as a business coach, very passionate about getting into. We’re talking about specifically how to do workflow and system design. Dr. Z workflows my friend.

Robert Zoellner: Oh my gosh I just love these talks. [whispers] Not really. Clay, one thing I’m trying to figure out is. We’ve done now over a hundred shows.

Clay: A hundred and five to be exact.

Robert: A hundred and five shows and every show, every topic we’ve done which is all business actionable steps for the entrepreneur out there. Almost every show has been like your favorite topic.

Clay: Well, the problem is because I am obsessed with business for whatever reason like work for me is vacation and vacation is work. You’ve been working with me on this but it’s a thing.

Robert: It reminds me of the church I use to go to and I helped out in the youth group and I was one of the volunteers you know to being the good dad that I was. I still am a dad; a good dad, [crosstalk] back in the day. There was a young lady–

Clay: Was she a nun?

Robert: No, she was not. She was a little mentally challenged but she was a little sweetheart and after church she’d always– when she saw me she would run up to me and say, “Dr. Z, Dr. Z, give me a big hug.” Which just always makes you feel good and she looked at my family which was walking with me at the time and she says, “Dr. Z’s my favorite.” Of course you know you feel so good hugging that young girl. You say “Thank you.” And then she looks at my family and says, “I’ve got a lot of favorites.” So I feel like with you in the show is like “Oh this is my favorite topic.”

Clay: Okay fine today let me tell you this. This right here today I haven’t done the math yet but it’s definitely between my 30th and 40th favorite of the hundred and five.

Robert: Now that’s impressive, top 3rd, top 25.

Clay: We have a guy on the show today. Who’s really in that top third. He’s a great American. He’s the guy who’s– here’s the deal; 57% of people Z according to Forbes , 57% of people they want to do what? My friend.

Robert: Start a business.

Clay: According to Forbes magazine 57% of people want to start a business and we have a guy who was crazy enough to actually start a business. This is Ryan Wimpey. Ryan, how are you doing my friend?

Ryan Wimpey: Hi doing good man. How are you guys?

Clay: I am just feeling like a petting zoo.

Robert: Which is appropriate for the business that he started by the way.

Clay: Now I want to ask you this story before we get into workflow and system design. A lot of people want to know first off why the heck would I want to know about this. Let me tell you what, if you can’t design a repeatable process you’ve just created a job. So if it’s not repeatable it’s a job and that’s cool but you’re like now you’re self-employed because you’ve created a job and a job in my mind– Thrivers write this down. Someone needs to write this down.

Robert: I’m going to get my paper.

Clay: I define a job as just over broke, just over broke. It doesn’t feel very good but just over broke. It’s just enough to pay the bills.

Robert: So you’re kind of surviving.

Clay: You’re surviving. Now if you want to thrive you got to go to repeatable process. That’s where you want to go. Also, many people are asking what is your company? Ryan, can you explain to the Thrivers, what is your business?

Ryan: Yes, our company is Tip Top K9 and we do dog training.

Clay: Dog training? So Z wants to know how did you start this business? Did you hit your head on the toilet seat one night? Did you draw a flux capacitor next thing you know, Tip Top K9. What happened?

Robert: These are things. These are actual things.

Ryan: Yes, it was close to that but not really. I had a bad dog and he didn’t listen and he was a nightmare.

Clay: Really, what kind of dog was it?

Ryan: He was a Jack Russell. Schnauzer mix, yes.

Robert: Oh Schnauzer mix. [crosstalk] Oh, my–

Ryan: So he could basically do a million tricks and if you open the front door he’d run away. If you tell him be quiet he’d bark for an hour and a half.


Robert: Sounds like a lot of my friend that I know actually, to be honest with you.

Clay: So this dog is not.

Ryan: This dog is awful. This dog is why my roommates hate me.

Clay: Untrainable.

Ryan: This is back in college. This is like 12, 13 years ago. On a search–

Clay: So you’re like “I want to start a business.”

Ryan: No not then. It was a few years later actually I wanted to be a dog trainer worked with some other dog trainers actually interned for free for like six months.

Clay: Six months? Time out, time out Z he worked for free to learn a skill not just to pay the bills. Is that doesn’t just send the chills down your spine.

Robert: It send a little chill down my spine and is not the cold weather in Tulsa Oklahoma that’s doing that right now but it’s what he just said and it’s so ironic because we just wrapped up this I think it was what last week we did a show.

Clay: Yes we did a little show last week.

Robert: That was one of our secret core moves on how you get into a business. You know you’d say I want to do this and what’s the steps to go and that was one of our steps to do it is to intern with them. Work for free. Show up and say, “Hey.” and learn the business from the inside out not the outside in.

Clay: I’m just going to say this is bragging on you, Ryan. Most people won’t be willing to do what you did but that’s what every successful entrepreneur does. They all are willing to get into the business and to learn how to get into that industry by working for free, by doing– we had a Thriver on yesterday’s show named Mikayla and Mikayla’s from New York and he wanted to get into construction. He’s a Thriver. He want to learn how to build a successful remodeling company and so he went out there and did free remodeling for anybody who would– I mean kind of a scary idea a guy says I want to remodel your kitchen for free. You just pay materials. You’ll pay the company’s director and I’ll just do the labor for free because I want to get a good recommendation. That’s scary but he did it. He’s got so many great reviews his business is booming. So you worked for free for six months?

Ryan: Yes, because it takes a little while to learn all the different dogs, all the different systems, especially if you’re talking about like systems if someone doesn’t have a system and their teaching you out the brain knowledge.

Clay: Not good.

Ryan: Yes, it took a long to actually get decent.

Clay: Who taught you? Was it Dog Yoda?

Ryan: No it wasn’t.

Clay: Do time teach you how to raise dogs?

Robert: Doga, his name was Doga.

Ryan: Some trainers they’ve since moved on. I worked for them for a little while they left I hired a guy named Tim Smith out of California. He’s like a trainer that trains trainers basically sets people up to you know.

Clay: A trainer who trains the trainer.

Ryan: Yes.

Clay: Okay so you hired an expert.

Ryan: Hired an expert. He came out.

Clay: So he comes out. He gets this expert he comes out and what happens next?

Ryan: We trained dogs about 10 to 12 hours a day for a month and I already worked with him two times prior so I already knew kind of somehow he works.

Clay: Were you crazy single at this point?

Ryan: I was crazy single.

Clay: You’re a hundred percent single. You’re spending a lot of time with canines.

Robert: With the muds.

Ryan: Dogs everywhere, all over the place.

Clay: I want to flip back to Z over here on this because Z when you started your Dr. Robert Zoellner & Associates.

Robert: Back in the day.

Clay: Back in the day. What was your moment when you go “Okay. I’m going to start my own thing.” When was that tipping point where you said okay, I’m getting this. We just heard Ryan how he had his big tipping point. When did you have your tipping point where you said “Okay. I’m going to definitely start my own business.”

Robert: Well I mean I wanted to start my own business when I was a young man I always had the drive growing up. I knew I was going to do my own thing. Now my big thing was what it was going to be and so I was purposeful when I looked at optometry because optometry blended the two things that I really like and that is helping people. You know when you help people see better that’s such a rewarding thing and then also it had the business side of it, selling the glasses, the contacts that kind of business side too.


Clay: So when you could merge your passion and your profits together? This is a good thing.

Robert: Yes and I had a great product and great people. My purpose was all blended together and I said to myself “This is it. I found the thing that I want to do.” And then I tried to quickly work myself out of doing it.

Clay: Well so when you found the thing you wanted to do and then you wanted to stop doing that. I don’t get it.

Robert: And I found great pleasure in doing it you got to understand. It was life giving to me walking in that exam room, sliding in the door kind of Kramer Risk style from

Seinfeld; sliding in the door, greeting the people, connecting. What’s your problem? Fixing the problem.

Clay: [singing] Connect the dots, Connect the dots.

Robert: Fixing the problem and you know what? A guy said something to me the first year I was open.

Clay: First guide, the guys have idea.

Robert: It was kind of crazy. I just thought about it the other day. He came in, got an eye exam, we connected got him taken care of, it was all good. He’s leaving and he says this to me. He says, “Is nice meeting you. I’ll probably never see you again.”

Clay: “I’ll probably never see you again. No big deal.”

Robert: It was the first or second year and it struck me I stopped and I was like, “Is there something wrong?”

Clay: “I’ll probably never see you again because I swear I will hit you with the LED pipe. I will hit you with a LED pipe.”

Robert: [laughs] Someone’s going to bury you out in the desert.

Clay: I swear.

Robert: No it was– I thought “Well, why would you say that?” And he goes, and he said this over to me.

Robert: It was kind of a Prophetic word and which is a possible to find a thing you say over somebody. As he said, “Well because you are so good, you’re probably not going to be doing yourself personally for very long.”

Clay: I swear to you, doing your job so well that you’re probably never doing it–

Robert: You’re doing your job so well, you are not going to be doing your job.

Clay: You just marinate and you’re going, I’m like, “Man”

Robert: I’m like “That is so deep and–“

Clay: You can talk to Yoda or something.

Robert: He was like this business angel from the future come to talk to me, and I was just like, “No, I’ll never time up doing this. You don’t understand. This is what I– I love it.” He was right.

Clay: I will tell you with my DJ company, DJ Connection, I got to pull my turn to DJ thing and do a science.

Robert: Science.

Clay: I would at weddings, wedding receptions–

Robert: Blended Neuroscience?

Clay: Often—I’m not kidding, I used to come back and the guys would ask, “Did you get an ovation tonight.” In a wedding reception, people at the end of the way was seeing them clap. We get to a virtuoso like in art and I used to try and I see get where I, 40% to 50% of the weddings would do the– people would be didn’t in way and have so much. They would get and go, “I guess we should all cheer him.” He was like “What are you doing?” It was that fun.

Robert: How did you feel when the other 50% to 60% didn’t?

Clay: I will always–

Robert: You would go home fussing. didn’t you?

Clay: I would always take note and I’m like “What did I– what did I miss.” and I kept perfecting to do list and plus, and I eventually taught people that had never DJ’ed before how to do it. Let me go over to Ryan. Ryan when did you realize, “Okay, this is a viable business, man?” People like what you are doing, this is the thing where people are referring other people. This could be the thing.

Ryan: It’s probably the first month where I told the lady that was doing the phones at that time, “Hey, no more sales, no more introductory lessons until next month.” She’s like, “It’s the fifth.”

Clay: Is it– were you dating her?

Ryan: No.

Clay: No.

Ryan: No.

Clay: This is your working in another business or just your own business?

Ryan: No, this is my business.

Clay: Your business– lady she’s working with you?

Ryan: Right.

Clay: She’s going, “Hi I want to book this one is no more.”

Ryan: No more.

Clay: Okay no more. You realized this is the thing.

Ryan: Right.

Clay: Right now do as you think about your business and the challenges ahead, and the things that you’re facing, because you’re having a lot of success, a lot of people are calling you, great things are happening. By the way, what’s your website? If people want to learn more about you–

Ryan: People who want to learn more our website is tiptopk9.

Clay: I was eating some Oklahoma Joe’s, baked beans, I’m sorry I tuned out mentally, just for a second if you repeat it one more time.

Ryan: It’s

Clay: Z, These beans are good.

Robert: Well that’s what happens though, when you’re eating Oklahoma Joe’s’ baked beans is that, the endorphins are firing off. You got that dopamine going off on your brain. Your eyes are on the back of your head and it’s hard to concentrate.

Clay: It’s hard to concentrate but people now are reaching out to your website. You’re starting to grow the business, it kind of a– I won’t say like a hockey stick maybe you grow– you start to grow quite a bit.

Ryan: Right.

Clay: Looking ahead in the next let’s say a year, what’s your biggest limiting factor right now in your mind?

Ryan: The biggest limiting factor is our systems which we’re working on right now, training new people to handle the phones, sales and training the dogs obviously.

Clay: Now we get back we are going to talk about how to built a workflow so tight that at the end of a training session, even a guy like Dr. Z and guy like me, we would– we can learn your systems and be able to go out there and train massive amount of canines, Dr. Z.

Robert: Hi listen, if someone is listening right now and you’ve got a dog that is untrainable, bring it to show right now, and what we’ll do as well, we’ll spin the next couple of hours training– learning how to train your dog with the systems that Ryan has perfected.

Ryan: [laughs]

Clay: Right here in the studio, we’ll train your–

Robert: Okay maybe that’s not a good idea. I don’t want to get mauled.

Ryan: Are you going to charge for that?

Clay: I will say this thrivers, if you are listening right now, anybody, if you got and you see a problem like Ryan he saw a problem, he realized, “Hi, listen my dog is not behaving properly.” If you see a problem and you learn how to solve it, that is the core of every successful business. When we come we are going to teach you the specifics you need to know to turn your vision into a profitable business.

Clay: All right thrive nation welcome back to your inspiration station right here on Talk Radio 1170 is the Thrive Time Show and your audio dojo of mojo, where we teach you how to start and grow a successful business. My name is Clay Clark, a business coach, I’m the former SPA Entrepreneur of the year and here in the studio today we have the sensei, who knows how to grow your business in every way. It is Dr. Robert Zoellner. How are you sir?

Robert: Clay you’ve gotten so good in grabbing a pebble from my hand, now what I do is I just, you are so fast now. It’s like the grasshopper from the old days. You grab the pebble and you put it in the other hand. That’s–

Clay: How?

Robert: That’s fast.

Clay: That is fast.

Robert: You’ve really stepped up your game; you grasshopper.

Clay: We have a guy inside the box that rocks and on the show today. A guy who has done the American dream. He’s turned his idea, his passion, his big vision into actual business. He saw a problem and turned it into a problem that he can solve, he’s the founder of Tip Top K9. It’s Mr. Ryan Wimpey. Ryan, how are you sir?

Ryan: Hey I’m doing great thank you for having me.

Clay: I’m going to ask you man, do you ever wake up saying, “I can’t believe I get paid to train dogs.” Do you ever do that where you go, “Is this real, is this– is this my job?”

Ryan: Yes it definitely beats a desk job which is what I did before.

Clay: What kind of desk job were you at before?

Ryan: Like purchasing.

Clay: Purchasing?

Ryan: For a construction supply company.

Clay: Was it hot? Was it awesome? Was it this small? Was it the best? Was it fulfilling?

Ryan: I had a cube–

Clay: Cubicle.

Ryan: I had a cube, yes.

Clay: Quit use all that jargon. You are saying–

Robert: This is a jargon-free zone.

Ryan: I’m sorry.

Robert: Oh man.

Clay: Okay, like talking down to us. “I had a cube.”

Ryan: If this is a box I guess is, anyway.

Clay: Is it a box, is it a cube, cubicle, and you’re in that cubicle and you are doing some job, was it– doing a job that wasn’t super fulfilling?

Ryan: Then after that, then I did dog training once I got, working night, did nights and on weekends. I work eight to five and then six to nine or whatever.

Clay: How many hours a week were you working when you first started your business?

Ryan: Well I was single.

Clay: Yes you are single definitely.

Ryan: A lot–

Clay: Although ladies were chasing you though I can tell you. Independent sources know a lot of ladies were chasing you and we’re like no, no and kneel as he saying, “I am focused, I’m not available ladies.” Even today, he’s a happily married man, great wife—

Ryan: Yes great wife.

Clay: He walks outside the headquarters he says, “Ladies, look away, look away ladies.” He’s a ladies’ man.

Robert: Well, I will tell you what, when he talks about this, he talks about, I don’t want to call him on it but I think a story about why he wanted to train dogs is not complete. I don’t think it was just because he had an unruly dog.

Clay: What was it?

Robert: That’s not totally it.

Clay & Robert: Oh.

Robert: Well here’s the deal, when you’re at the park, and you’re taking your dog, do you know he uses girl bait? Or do I call it what it is?

Clay: Well.

Robert: A girl unruly I won’t do what you say and they won’t obey you, a girl can look at that and say “If we get him get us, this is what kind of a man is that?”

Clay: What kind of a man can’t train his dog?

Robert: That had to be somewhere in the back of rines man I just know it.

Clay: Kind of, we’ve gone off the reservation a little bit but how did you meet your wife by the way, was it–

Ryan: I actually–


Clay: She’s a great lady. I always wonder how that happened.

Ryan: Thank you. I wonder how that happened too.

Clay: Can she see you? My wife I can see me. You’re up challenge her Z, you know my wife can legally– she can’t legally see me.

Robert: Oh no and you won’t allow me to have provisions. I know why.

Clay: Yes we will, every time I say, “Tell her it’s 20/20 do not give her any her any prescription to the whole provision.

Robert: He probably had– he probably saw, let me– I’m going to short. I’ll do it. I’m going to give a guess.

Clay: Yes.

Robert: He saw her at the mall or something and stalked her just a little bit, not inappropriately, and then he found out a friend emergency and said, “I’ve—there’s this really bad acting dog, I want you do give this girl as a present.”

Clay: As a present.

Robert: As a present.

Clay: Move an offer to train the dog.

Robert: [laughs] force her to come seek me out and then I can like be a hero in her life. Is that how it worked Ryan?

Ryan: It was close to that.

Robert: There you go.

Clay: What happened?

Robert: I’m betting a thousand a night.

Ryan: Well the Facebook stalking, the stalking part was great.


Clay: Nice, nice. Keep going.

Robert: I’m on fire.

Clay: Do tell.

Ryan: Actually I met her at Rhema Bible Training School, we actually went there.

Clay: Really?

Ryan: Yes.

Clay: Awesome. We are–

Robert: Did you help put the light– because do they put on a great light show every year. Do you ever toss her around Christmas, you really need to do yourself and go to the Rhema Bible School light show. It is epic.

Clay: You go to the light show and what you think about Tip Top K9, the best website—let’s people to train my dog. Here is the thing, you’ve mention that you go out there and you start your business—

Clay: You start your business but at what point did you realize “Oh my gosh, I got to probably bake on LLC or formalize this. Enough people are asking me to train their dog. I’ve got to probably start a business.”

Ryan: Well, it’s whenever I started to go from part-time. I was part-time working for someone else. Then they moved and so I’m like, “Okay, well either I go back to my own gig or I”.

Clay: The desk job.

Ryan: The desk job.

Clay: Provide with a cube, the desk jockey.

Ryan: I go back to the cube-

Clay: The cubes to Call in.

Ryan: [laughs] or I go try to do this on my own.

Clay: When you started, what was your first week like? Walk me through it. What’s your first week like?

Ryan: Whenever I knew it was going to happen, what happened was then I booked for the trainor of trainers to kind of come out and train me. Does that make sense?

Clay: You realize you needed an expert to help.

Ryan: Yes, I’ve realized I needed to take my game up a notch because I know part of it, a little part with the training side. But as far as everything else and even up in the training, I still need a lot of work.

Clay: Now, you might not have realized at that time, but Brian Tracy one of the best selling authors out there; motivational speaker, awesome guy. He says this notable quotable, “Affirm that you made a wise choice”. He says this, “No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn from scratch. To be successful, we absolutely, positively, have to find people who’ve already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals”. Now, Z, we’re talking about the three steps today to making a repeatable workflow and system design. Why did Ryan get it right? We reached out to somebody who knew more than he knew about “What are you doing?”.

Robert: Well, because we call up to M&M theorem.

Clay: Oh, boy.

Robert: The M&M theorem and that’s not the small chocolate candy with the hard covered shell.

Clay: We’re not going to get any chocolate on the show today?

Robert: It could have the optional nut in the middle of it if you go that way. The M&M theory goes something like this. And that is as a young entrepreneur which Ryan was at that time. A fledgling, he was a wantrepreneur turned entrepreneur.

Clay: Wantrepreneur.

Robert: He’s going to learn by one of two ways and they both start with M, hence the name of the theorem and that is mistakes.

Clay: Mistakes.

Robert: Or mentors.

Clay: Now, if you learn from mistakes, this is what it sounds like, “Oh, Billy”.

Robert: Yes and it also expensive because mistakes equate to money lost out of your pocket. It’s harsh, but that’s the way it is. I remember when I start my auto auction business and I was talking to some guys had been the business before. Try to get them to mentor and they said, “Oh, well. Yellow” and I told them about a mistake. It’s about $1000. “Oh, yes. You’ll make several thousand dollar mistakes. But you know what? The good news is, and I said, “What?” and they go, “You won’t them again”.


Clay: And you’re going, “This wasn’t. That was a $1,000”.

Robert: But you could have told me before I made the mistake. But that what it is. He reached out to a mentor

Clay: A mentor.

Robert: And that’s why two years ago when you contact me, Clay, about starting our website I was like, “Oh, my gosh that’s an awesome idea”. What we did is we went out and found mentors and a business coach.

Clay: Mentors.

Clay: And we filmed them. We chopped them up and approximately 15 minutes. Hence the name Thrive15.

Clay: Doesn’t really matter, but the guy who teaches management used to head Disney World and the guy who teaches PR used to be Michael Jackson’s PR guy. Things like that.

Robert: Just really great guys all across the country. They were very successful. They were book writers. They were in high demand for speaking. They had been successful. The guys you want–

Clay: Rustic Cuff makers.

Robert: Yes. Absolutely. Jill did a great job. These are the people that we want to hang with, want to talk with. Then what we did is we put them all in these very cool videos. Put them on one website which I call like the Netflix of Business Coaching and you swipe your credit card. $19.00 a month and you have full access to it all the time you want it.

Clay: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. As I thought that they have business education I would have to get thousands upon thousands of dollars in debt. I mean, 25 grand a year minimum and I’m not getting anything tangible. But I am getting you no good test scores. I’m getting a B. I’m getting the college experience.

Robert: That is still available to you, Clay. You can go and run up a hundred thousand dollars and get a business degree.

Clay: That’s great. That’s going to be exciting.

Robert: For $19.00 a month, you can become a member of and have all mentorship in your hip pocket.


[background music]

Clay: Alright thrive nation welcome back to your inspiration station with your business coach. Its business school without the BS and yes my name is Clay Clark. The former SBA Entrepreneur of the Year in your ear. Joined here as always with the guy who knows something about optometry. Something about auto auctions. Something about banking. Something about the way you move? What? It’s Dr. Robert Zoellner. Sir, how are you?

Robert: I am fantastic, Clay. I tell you what, it’s so fun having local successful entrepreneurs on the show to pick their brain and to get a little bit of their secret sauce and to have them tell their story.

Clay: Yes and you know the thing is, so many people are listening right now, according to Forbes 57% of the audience wants to start a business. 57% of America wants to start or grow a successful company at some point. What happens is, when you want to do that it’s kind of like, “Oh my gosh were step one?” and then, “Where step two?”. Today, we’re talking about how to build a workflow and system. Why would you want to do that? Because you want to build– I’m going to give you a little notable quotable from a book called Scale. I love this book. It’s written by the founder of Priceline.

He says, “The world doesn’t pay you for the hours you put in. It pays you for the value you create.” Someone listening right now you’re going, “Man, I’m working 40 hours a week and this is all the money I’m making.” and your kind of frustrated. But check it out, just because you work 40 hours doesn’t mean that the Chick-Fil-A is going to raise the cost of a sandwich to $50.00 a sandwich to pay you what you feel like you are worth. What’s going to happen is, that you eventually going to start a business of your own if you want to get paid what you think you’re worth. And so, I’m going to give you a little notable quotable. It says here, “Remember the finish line, Z, is not to just be profitable. The real finish line is to build a truly scalable business that creates massive a value in the marketplace without needing you to be there every day to run it, Z”.

Robert: Wow and that’s what it is. I know so many people that have started a business and they are working like a sled dog and you ask him about, “Yes, It’s fun. It’s good. You know, I’m you know it’s good but–“

Clay: The first 90 hours a week are awesome. Then it’s kind of hard.

Robert: Yes, you know. But then, eventually you’re like, you realized you’ve built yourself a job and you haven’t built the business yet and they just look at you like the they cock their head like a dog trying to be taught something and that’s why we have Ryan on the show today.

Clay: And so, we have three steps you have to execute to build. It’s three steps to building a repeatable workflow, so we’re talking about today. The three steps to build a repeatable workflow. Step one, is you really, really have to nail down that there is a problem that you can solve. If you don’t have a product or service you can offer the world that are willing to pay for. You just got to keep focusing on that. You really shouldn’t move on to anything else until you have a product or service that people are willing to pay for. If you’re not selling something, you’re not really in business, Z.

Robert: Absolutely. I mean that’s what it’s all about. It’s making a profit. Is that, is that, is that ethical?

Clay: It feels kind of dirty, Z. Every time you talk about a profit. I’m thinking, “How many people out there don’t have a profit. I want to take half your profits and give to the people who just want to get free college”.

Robert: When you distributed those properties, equally to everybody. Know what, the thing about it is that listen, when you finally say, “I’ve had enough. I want time, freedom, and financial freedom.” or you might want one of the other. I’m being honest with you. You don’t have to have both technically.

Clay: Man, I just want a financial freedom. But I just want to live in a van down by the river. You know what I’m saying?

Robert: Yes, exactly. [laughs] Exactly or time for you, my man to be just become a bum and live in the underpass. “I like doing whatever I want today, so I could just walk around the bridge.”

Clay: As long as it’s me and my card, I call it an art.

Robert: Yes. [laughs]

Clay: Just push that thing.

Robert: I got lots of different cardboard boxes that I could stay in. But the thing about it is that you said to yourself, “I’m ready to have financial freedom. Time freedom. That’s why we’re doing this show. That’s why we did which in script radio approaches and said, “Hey, would you guys do a local business show and give these steps that you do on your” We said “Absolutely, we love to do it.” We’re here to give you actionable steps. Listen to the show every day from 12-2. You can go on the www.thrivetime and catch past show that you may have missed or you might be at lunch right now at Oklahoma Joe’s and miss part of it anyway, so like “I missed that second segment”.

Clay: A lot of you will come at to our workshops and we’re going to get into that more later. But I’ll tell you this, Ryan, so you saw a problem that the world had. Ryan here the founder of Tip Top K9. You saw a problem that the world had and what was that problem that you saw? That you knew that you could solve?

Ryan: Well, the problem is people– their dogs are ruining their lives. Dogs are running away. Pulling on the leash, jumping, and peeing all over the house, pooping all over the furniture. Like all types of crazy stuff.

Clay: Man, so that’s not a good thing and so you realized, I can solve this, people are now lining up to pay me, you’ve mentioned in the previous segment, you told your team member you said, “Hey I’m no longer available.”

Ryan: Yes, because it was like me.

Clay: Let’s talk about building repeatable systems, what are some of the parts of your business that are now repeatable that no longer involved you? That maybe when you first started the company, did involve you, what are some of those repeatable things?

Ryan: Now our whole training system, the tip-top method is totally outlined, step by step in detail and that helps a new person know it’s not just travel knowledge passed down from me to another team member to another.

Clay: Is it cool if I talk about your wife in a positive way on the air.

Ryan: Absolutely.

Clay: Is that cool bro to bro? Okay seriously though. Your incredible wife Rachel, if you know Rachel by the way, great lady, sharp lady, she’s a great American, she’s obviously been tricked, because Ryan’s a solid B+ she’s an A+, there’s a little bit of disparity there. Here’s the thing is, no but seriously she was- my understanding is, she wasn’t a big huge dog fan to start and now she’s into dogs. You’ve taught her, she’s going- I’ve seen your system and now I’m the going- after I see Ryan’s system I now I’m kind of a dog fan.

Ryan: She was someone that was actually scared of big dogs, when young and stuff and now can actually handle great dane 120-140 pound dogs and not be scared, because she actually knows how to handle them.

Clay: So she was once afraid of dogs, she’s bit by a dog at one point and now she’s a dog fan.

Ryan: Yes, absolutely.

Clay: She’s pro dog. I will hold Z, I want to read off some countries that are not pro dog, some countries out there that are not pro dog. Are you ready for this?

Robert: Yes, I’m ready.

Clay: Or maybe they are very pro dog.

Robert: I was going to say, if we go to talk about what we talked about on the break, yes they are very pro dog.

Clay: China has a long history of eating dog meat, chinese, this is according to Fox News you want to google this, just google countries that eat dog Fox News. Nigeria, dog meat is common dish in this West African nation. The Arctic, Vietnam, Switzerland, Indonesia, South Korea, this people eat dogs.

Robert: Switzerland really?

Ryan: That’s got to be a lie.

Clay: Yes, this is according to fox news here.

Robert: That scared Ryan “That’s got to be a lie.”

Clay: This is Fox news, now I’ll pull this up, but the point is this is a thing where if you want to go to Fox News, it’s / food-drink /- to see countries that eat dog and you’re going to find this and I’m going to tell you what, “It’s disturbing.” Was your wife in the category where she was like, “Hey I don’t even like dogs so much I’ll eat them?” Was she there, was she eating dogs when you first met her, was she was a dog eater, would you describe her as a dog eater?

Ryan: That’s probably not what I described her as, not at all really.

Clay: So Z, did you feel like you said-

Robert: Ryan, let me say to you, Ryan I got a question for you, I’m just kind of curious about the whole dog training thing, what’s the largest dog you’ve ever trained?

Clay: Don’t name people.

Ryan: Two years ago I did a 190 pound great dane, dude he was a beast and he pulled on the leash.

Robert: He pulled on the leash, what was the worst habit, what was the worst dog? One that’s like, “aahw.”

Ryan: I’ve done two pitbulls out of fighting lines, they were just freaking killers even before they were a year old, yes genetic monsters.

Robert: Did they attack you? how many times have you been attacked?

Ryan: I’ve only been bit bad twice, not even that bad, because we use muzzles and bite sleeves and we see a lots of dogs-

Robert: That’s pretty intensive, that’s pretty intense when you go to work and you’re like, “I got put on these sleeves so they don’t kill me today. I tell you what. It’s a thing.”

Clay: Man, you’re going to dog war. Now here’s the thing thrivers, if you’re listening right now, step one is you have to find the problem that you can solve, that the world is willing to pay for. I encourage you to get out a sheet of paper right now, get a sheet of paper Z and write down, what are some problems that you see everyday, that you feel like that you could solve, that people would actually be willing to pay for. Write those down, we come back, we’re going to talk about the predictable, limiting factors when it comes to building a repeatable system.

Clay: Alright thrive nation, welcome back to business school without the BS and yes my name is Clay Clerk, I’m the former SBA entrepreneur of the year, business coach, and the father- Z, this is just in, I’m the father of five human kids and you’re the father of three human kids.

Robert: Your five are lovely kids. I’ll tell you what, and that Aubrey, he’s got the entrepreneur DNA buried deep in him and he is releasing that beast as we speak.

Clay: He’s literally going next door-he’s going door-to-door, he went to our neighbor on the left, neighbor on the right.He just shows up and he starts raking those leaves without permission, just raking them, because his name is Aubrey Napoleon Hill. We named him after Napoleon Hills, the late great success author. The whole concept is if you deliver- Napoleon Hill teaches, if you deliver a service for free that the world wants, if you render more service than you’re paid for, eventually you’ll be paid more than you’re worth and my son was latched onto that concept of over-delivered, so he’s out there over-delivering, he’s raking leaves for free and a lady paid him the other night $17. Now here’s the problem, Z do you know about kid currency?

Robert: I think I know where you’re going, but explain please.

Clay: Okay, you’re a 52 year-old, but you’ve had some kids back in the day.

Robert: Back in the day, they’re still technically my children, three of them. Now that they’re adults, I don’t think they stop being your kids.

Clay: Oklahoma minimum wage is 7.25 an hour, but kid minimum wage is $1.25 a week.

Robert: [laughs] I think they have labor laws against that, I don’t know I could be wrong.

Clay: So what you do is you tell your kid, “Hey listen kid, I’ll pay you $100 for the whole month to do cleaning at the office, that’s kid currency and the kids are like, “Dollars-” and you pay them ones, you go to the bank and you say, “Pay me in ones.” and they’re like, “Fine”. Somebody named Mabel or Beth is doing that ones and the kids like, “There’s $100.” and then you take them the dollar store or Andies and they go, “Oh my gosh, I can buy like 20 Andies, mom lets me have one a week, I’m good for the year basically. The neighbors like, “Oh yes, here you go, I’m not aware of kid currency, because I don’t have any kids, so here’s $17, you’re like, “Lady you’re screwing their currency here lady, that’s like a third of the month, what are you doing lady.

Robert: Yes, it’s like manipulating their dollars around the world and printing more and just saying it’s this and its a currency manipulation.

Clay: It is currency manipulation. Lady listen, if you paid them 17 cents, that would have made more sense. That’s the deal and people are like tipping them now, they’re going to hear, “Here’s your 20.” And I’m like, “20, what are you doing? That’s more than he makes a–“

Robert: Timeout, that seems okay, I’m a young man, I rake your yard, how long did I rake for?

Clay: Four hours.

Robert: Four hours okay, how did she even come up the math of 17, is that all she had on, I don’t even know, that doesn’t make sense, $17.

Clay: I don’t know, I got to tell you what, paying a child $4, that’s unethical, I’ll report you to whoever I can report you to.

Robert: We can pay them 25 cents an hour, what are you talking about?

Clay: That’s ethical, I’m teaching him to be a man. I’m teaching him if you worked every hour of your life, you can afford the food, now go to bed [laughs].

Robert: No sit for you.

Clay: We’re teaching you the three steps to building a work flow, step one is you have to find a problem that the world is willing to solve.

Robert: Now here’s one thing that I have found with young entrepreneurs sometimes and it’s tough.

Clay: Here we go, tough love.

Robert: I hate this when this happens. Every now and then someone will approach me and I know this sounds crazy, Clay, I know you get it a lot too and they show me a product that they’ve come up with.

Clay: Wait a minute.


Clay: He’s going to go real and raw, he’s going to do it, here we go, alright let it happen.

Robert: They show me a product and they’re so excited about it, “It’s great. It’s so awesome, look at this widget I made. It’s a doll made of human hair, made out of toenails clipped from my kids.”

Clay: From a Norwegian.


Robert: With layers of bigmouth bass scales on it.

Clay: Its perfect, think about it, nothing’s more romantic than human hair from a Norwegian, scales of a fish.

Robert: And they’re so excited-

Clay: It’s a doll.

Robert: And they spend hours on it.

Clay: I spend 47 hours on it.

Robert: They named it and they’ve got a whole line of them, a whole family of these dolls.

Clay: I packaged it. It looks just like the Barbie logo. I call it Carpie.

Robert: How do you, you look and you go, “No.”

Robert: No.

Clay: But I worked so hard on it.

Robert: No. I just hate it when they do that, you look and we go. I don’t– how big do you think your market is for that? You have to ask– You ask of all those questions, how big do you think– How many people do you think want that?

Clay: Once you’ve have found something that the world does want, a problem that the world has that they’re willing to pay you to solve, you have something. That’s a product or a service, you have a business. You’re in the game with that point. You’re in the game. It’s like a monopoly, you’re in the game. You have a piece, you’re playing the game.

Robert: You might want to run it by few people, just to make sure before you do all the time investment, all the money investment that it really is a thing. Make sure you, after you’re going to start a pizza place, you might want to cook a few pizzas and try them on your friends and see if they like them.

Recording: You can’t handle the truth.

Clay: Z, I want to get the truth real quick, somebody’s write this down real quick, because if someone’s about to get real. This is the moment where I realized, Uh-oh.

Recording: You can’t handle the truth.

Clay: Here’s the deal, just because you’re passionate about something, doesn’t mean the market’s willing to pay you for it. Here’s an example, how many people watch every night, they watch The Voice. Ryan do you ever watch The Voice?

Ryan: No.

Robert: You know what I think you need to do?

Clay: What’s that?

Robert: I think you’re passionate about this, and I’m ready– You ever preach about anything in a few days now, I’m going to queue you up-

Clay: Okay, I’m ready, let me just get–

Robert: -And I want you to preach a little bit.

Clay: Okay, let me get into my–

Robert: You’re going to Metropolitan Baptist Church now, and I know that Pastor Ray is–

Clay: He can bring it. I can’t even get to attend to what he can do, but I’ll try.

Robert: You have got to practice Clay, this is your opportunity to practice, okay.

Clay: Practice.

Robert: Here we go, ready? Come on, give it to me now.

Clay: Just because you are passionate about a product or a service, doesn’t mean that the buyers are going to less nervous. When it comes to purchasing your service, if you make it a doll that’s made from human hair, it doesn’t mean that people are going to care.

Robert: Come on now.

Clay: Just because you’re making a human doll at a fish scales, doesn’t mean that your business won’t go to-. We don’t say that word because we’re at church.

Robert: Come on now.

Clay: I’m going to tell you what, if you’re out there searching for money and for prosperity, you have to understand something with great clarity.

Robert: Come on now, come on.

Clay: You’ve got to solve a problem that the world has, or you my friend are going to just be poor. Not good.

Robert: Well done. See? Practice makes perfect.

Clay: It happened, I’m just telling you this, many, many people are out there going, I talked to- I’m so sad about this- I talked to a lady there today, and a lady say “I just want you to know that my business plan is to deal with the injustices of well water.” True story.

Robert: Okay.

Clay: I just talked to her and I feel bad. And I go, “What are those injustices?”, she was, “A lot of times when people drill wells, the wells only help people get drinking water for a year and they dry up.”

Robert: Okay.

Clay: Okay, here’s my issue. I’m upset about the Earth’s gravitational pole. Over time–

Robert: Good luck with that.

Clay: I feel like I’m passionate, I would like to be able to jump up and dunk the ball, it would be awesome. I remember doing that in high school, why can’t I do it now? What is the deal?

Ryan: “Because you’ve probably–“

Robert: Stop. No.

Ryan: Okay, sorry.

Clay: The thing is, “You’re just so negative, so truthful, so factual.” The thing is you can’t start a business based on your irritation with the problem that the world has.

Robert: Come on now, sometimes you can. We’re not saying these are just blankets statements–

Clay: But the problem the world is willing to pay you for a solution.

Robert: Bingo. What I’m telling you is this, our step one is to do that and if you don’t run it by, if you don’t vet that problem or that solution, or that product with several different people, this isn’t your aunt May, this is not your uncle Billy–

Clay: “I swear Robert, your business ideas never going to catch on. I haven’t been able to see it all my entire life and no one’s going to pay you for glasses. It’s a stupid idea.”

Robert: Right, it’s like–

Clay: “Unbelievable. I can’t believe I know you.”

Robert: It’s like that show American Idol, lot of those people got out that really thought they could sing, God bless them.

Clay: “You’re a good singer Robert, I’ve herd you sing before and sometimes the way you sing it’s–“

Robert: “You’re like an Angel.”

Clay: “You’re like an Angel, like a song bird Robert.”

Robert: You’re like an Angel. The world should– You should not put that into the basket. The world should hear you, the world needs more of you.

Clay: The world needs to hear you sing. There is a I love you, love you songs. They’re great songs.

Robert: Go outside, you’re at mediated sphere of influence and do some little testing, do some little– Try it out on some folks, before you spend an exorbitant amount of time, money and energy in starting a business, making pizzas that nobody wants.

Clay: We’re going back to Ryan now. Ryan, when did you know it was the moment where you realized, “Man, people are willing to pay for this?”. When did you realize Ryan Wimpey, that the founder of Tip Top K9, when did you realize people are willing to pay for this, this is incredible.

Ryan: I win two lessons the dog stops jumping and comes when called, and another one or two lessons. Loose leash walks, they’re like, “Oh my Gosh, this is amazing.”

Clay: People are listening right now and they go, “My dog is totally disobedient, I want to train my dog potentially. But I’m a little bit skeptical, I went on Facebook, I cyberstalked, I know your wife’s a good person but for you I don’t know.” How much does it cost for the first lesson?

Ryan: First lesson is one dollar.

Clay: One dollar?

Ryan: Yes.

Clay: Of American currency or–

Ryan: It’s American.

Clay: So, one dollar. And what’s the web site?

Ryan: It’s a

Clay: You are saying, one dollar for what?

Ryan: We come out and work with your dog, so you can see what we can do.

Clay: How do you make any money with this? Is this a ponzi scheme? Is it a scam? [crosstalk]

Robert: Makes up a volume Clay. You do a 100,000 of those a day–

Clay: I cleared a 100,000 dogs a dollar a piece.

Robert: You’re going to visit a 100 000 dogs in one day and make some serious money.

Clay: How do you make any money with that, my friend?

Ryan: Well they see massive results in 10-15 minutes, and a lot of them sign up.

Clay: For your program. So those in there Thrivers, I’m telling you what, if you see a problem that the world has, I want to give you that encouragement you can absolutely start a successful business, if the world is willing to pay you for it. Stay tuned.

Clay: It’s Tulsa’s only local business radio show. It’s business school without the BS and yes. My name is Clay Clark, the former S.B.A. entrepreneur of the year, and I have been sent here to teach you how to to start and grow a successful business. Z, I have a very special announcement today, on the show we are talking about how to build a scalable workflow. How to build a duplicatable, a repetable work. A special announcement do you want to hear it?

Robert: I’m really upset right now.

Clay: What’s that?

Robert: Well, I don’t have a drum roll on my button thing. I’ve got my thing here with my button, I still don’t have drum roll. What do I got to do to get a drum roll?

Clay: Let me give you–

Robert: I might get emotional.

Clay: I have something that is as close to a drum rolls, I’m going to give you.

Robert: I think that kind of an announcement is drum roll worthy.

Clay: Let me give you this, because you’re a guy who breeds and races horses, I have a kind of a substitute for a drum roll.

Robert: Okay, let’s hear it. Oh, here we go. I feel better, my bitterness is gone.

Clay: All right, here we go.

Robert: Sam is forgiven.

Clay: Joining our team of incredible sponsors, today officially, as of the time it was a 03:40 American standard central time, we had a text message that came in, Regent Bank, Robert’s owner has joined the sponsorship team, Regent Bank is an officially a sponsor of the Thrive Time Show, yes.

Robert: All right. Welcome aboard, Regent Bank. That is very cool. I was on the board of directors for them, I figured out I am not a banker.

Clay: Did you– It’s because they didn’t want to serve enough suckers? Is that the deal?

Robert: No. Just, because I– Every– Listen out there, every deal that came across was like say, “Yes.”

Clay: “Say yes.”

Robert: “That sounds good.”

Clay: “Let’s do it.”

Robert: “Let’s believe them.”

Clay: “He’s passionate about– He can do it.”

Robert: I believe in them doing just like of this radio show right now. Listen, everybody listening out there, you’re eating your egg salad sandwich. Your at Oklahoma Joe’s the burned ends and the baked beans. Your a Chick-fil-a over there and Arthur Greeno is serving you a sandwich right now. I’m telling you what, we believe in you, we want to say yes to your ideas. Some of them, like I said earlier about the products and the the service that you’re doing, make sure you vetted a little bit so it’s not crazy. Step one, Clay, let’s assume we’ve checked step one.

Clay: You now know the world wants the product or service you have, they paid you for it. I’m going to say, they have to paid you at least 15 times. Why 15? I’m just tell you, I’ve been business coaching for a long time until 15 people have paid you, you don’t have a business. Second step is you have to make a repeatable business system, so Ryan Wimpy, you’re the founder of Tiptop Canine, I want to ask you this my friend, what was the first part of your business where you realized, “Okay, this is not repeatable and I have got to find a way to refine this so that I can scale or duplicate my efforts, because I cant keep up, I’ve got to find a way”?

Ryan: Trying to train new people.

Clay: Train new people?

Ryan: Yes.

Clay: How hard has that been?

Ryan: It’s getting a whole lot easier, now that we have a system my last guy trained in literally a fifth of the time.

Clay: So now you’re training somebody in maybe a week or 40 hours and not 200 hours?

Ryan: Yes.

Clay: Z, I have a thing I want to share, this one is deep in my heart.

Robert: Okay, well this is it.

Clay: This is the time to air it, this is the time to show it, this is the thing, I talk to business owners all the time specifically in the food industry, this is what they say, tell me if you’ve ever heard this before, okay?

Robert: Alright.

Clay: I’ve worked with a lot of restaurants, helped coaching them, at we coach business owners and restaurant owners reach out, they go, “So here’s the deal, it’s going to take me about 80 hours to teach somebody to make salads our way” and then they make chicken, it’s about 60 hours and because of the way that we do our edamame it’s a Sushi, it’s a edamame, it’s with the green peas or something.

Robert: Soy beans.

Clay: Soy beans yes, edamame. You can understand it’s about 80 hours.

Robert: Well that’s pretty intense, I didn’t realize it took that long, but your wait must be so special.

Clay: So I’m realizing okay and I’ve hired people before; Z, have you ever hired somebody before?

Robert: [laughs] Yes, quite a few, hundreds, thousands probably now.

Clay: I would this point I’ve hired thousands of people. Now here’s the thing, this is really not a good thing, so if you look at the statistics, I want you to look this up thrivers, you’re listening right now, this is from career builder and this is a survey from career builder of more than 2500 hiring managers found that 56% have caught job candidates lying on their resumes.

Robert: Oh my. What?

Clay: The most common fib seem to be embellishing skills and capabilities.

Robert: Oh my.

Clay: I move on, so then you Google US chamber, Click on Google, get your phone, Google. You upstairs you’ve got to do this. US chamber, we’ve got to see how long it takes people, Google US chamber and CBS news employee theft, that’s US chamber, CBS news employee theft, hopefully you find it. There’s an article called ‘Hopefully you aren’t blind to it’, or ‘Are you blind to it?’ and it found that 75 %, some people are still on their phone looking this up, I want to make sure I’m giving you adequate time. 75% of employees who are randomly observed are stealing from the workplace.

Robert: So they go to the cash register taking cash out? Is that what you’re saying?

Clay: Rachel, one of our [unintelligible 00:53:00] Ryan’s wife, did you see that, you find that article scary? It’s kind of bad.

Robert: When you break that down, a lot of people think stealing, they automatically think they’re taking cash out. [inaudible 00:53:13]

Clay: No, I’ll give you more of the stats, I’m going to give you some more.

Robert: There’s a lot to that category.

Clay: Here’s the deal and it’s a family friendly show so you might want to put earmuffs on the kids here. Employees during the workday are looking at non-work related websites over three hours a day and they’re on social media with family and friends and the majority of adult content gets consumed during the work day.

Ryan: No way.

Clay: These are all statistics that are out there and so what happens is I’m listening to this person going, “It takes 80 hours to teach somebody to make edamame and takes me 40 hours to teach him how to make the chicken, it takes me 40 hours to teach him how to grind the pepper.”

Robert: You went Italian on me, you went from Japanese to Italian.

Clay: I’m schizophrenic but it’s okay, 160 hours total to make–

Robert: To make-a the sauce.

Clay: To potentially meet the person who makes-a the sauce. [laughs] and so you realize, dude you’re never going to train somebody, you’re never going to do it. One of my mentors back then named Bill [unintelligible 00:54:20] he pulls me aside, Bill [unintelligible 00:54:22], if you know who Bill [unintelligible 00:54:25] is, you send that man a text, if you know who Joe Lai, his son in-law, the Kirkpatrick and Lai orthodontic is, you send him a text. He says this, Clay you’ve got to be able to train somebody how to do that task in like one week or less. [unintelligible 00:54:38]

Clay: Z, the profanity of the concept that you would hire somebody to work for your business and they have to know how to do their job within a week or less, and they go, it’s not a human problem, it’s a system problem, your system is too complicated. I want to ask you you’re optometry and then I’m going to do Ryan, It’s your optometry clinic, talk to me about the job my wife once had for you as a prepper.

Robert: She was a front desk pre-tester and what that person does is meet and greet people as they come in the door, find out why they’re there–

Clay: Let’s role play, I walked in, I’m walking in, Dr. Robert Zoellner–

Robert: How much money-

Clay: I’m walking in, I’m a as customer —

[unintelligible 00:55:22]

Robert: Oh, role playing my business. I didn’t know, we were doing Godfather, I didn’t know where we’re going.

Clay: Well we’re going to role play and Italian mafia scene–

Robert: I was going to say, I was going to make you a deal you can’t refuse but, now we’re not doing that one so.

Clay: I walk in the door and I’m going, “Hi I’m here to get some glasses.”

Robert: We don’t do that, please step next door to our Optical Mart. So the [unintelligible 00:55:40] say, “Well thank you for coming to Dr. Zoellner and Associates. Are you doing glasses or contacts today? Are you going to get an eye exam?”

Clay: I think I need an eye exam, I just can’t see well, I lost my glasses.

Robert: Wonderful thank you for coming in. Are you a first-time visitor or have you been here before?

Clay: I’ve never been here before, I’ve heard your holiday commercials and they are enchanting.

Robert: Thank you very much Dr. Zoellner really pours his heart and soul into those by the way. Now here are some forms, please fill these out we’ll get you back as quickly as we can. There’s a seat over there, there’s a pen here, please don’t lean over the thing and leer at me while you’re filling that out.

Clay: Somebody is saying right now, but it’s not possible to train somebody how to do what I do.

Voice over: Oh ha ha ha ha, shut up.

Clay: Somebody’s saying that, they’re going, “Whatever, you don’t understand how complicated my thing is.” Now assuming that I get through the gates, the threshold of that, now what’s the next step?

Robert: Well then what they do is they bring them back and then run them through what we call pre-testing and that’s where the employee then runs a series of–


Voice over: Notable quotable. [inaudible 00:56:34]

Clay: Alright here we go Dr. Zoe, oh wow. What’s going on? It’s crazy Z, I cannot stop this. Z you just got to go with this, Sam, something is wrong with my computer. Sam, my computer is all of a sudden it’s uncontrollable.

Robert: Thank you Sam for hitting the button.

Clay: I had unlimited Kanye West there couldn’t stop it Z. I don’t even know what that was.

Robert: I don’t know, sometimes you get a little excited with your buttons, I’m just saying sometimes you do, it’s cute.

Clay: Sorry about that, so you walk in there and you’re trying to help the human eye and all of a sudden the sound effects are going off.

Robert: The sound effects are going off, sorry about that thrivers. I got to get my paddle and then give him two licks on the leg. They come back and they have a series of tests, they run them through and then they take him into the exam room and they do a series that we call chair skills, and they get a history like when you go to the doctor they measure your weight, they take your height.

Clay: Do you measure the weight that the optometry clinic?

Robert: No I’m just giving an analogy.

Clay: Do you guess their weight?

Robert: Yes we guess their weight.

Clay: You look like you’re 240, you probably should be about 185.

Robert: You’re a buck and a quarter if you’re anything, you’re buck and a quarter. If we get close to it then we asked them to give us a pencil and if we miss it, we give them a pencil. It’s kind of a fun little game we play through out the day and every now and then you’ll get slapped by somebody. No, I was giving an analogy for a real doctors office how you go in and they have a person; a nurse if you will, they take you and they do what we call a history, “Why are you here?”, “What are you doing?”

Clay: You go through all this, “Why are you here?”

Robert: “What’s your problem?”, “Why are you here?”, “What are you expecting today?”, “What are you wanting today?” and kind of history of them, they look at the chart they filled out, that spurs on questions, because we have questions on there that spur that process on. Once they get that complete then they alert the doctors and they–

Clay: When do they do the thing where, “Can you see this better or see that better?”

Robert: That’s part of the chair, that’s the exam from the doctor, but what they do is, they do take your visual acuities, they see how far down the chart they can see and they note all this, document it, that’s one of my five A’s and we all know.

Clay: Are you going to go through the five As right now, are you teasing us?

Robert: You should have the five A’s for every employee, everybody out there and if you have employees, these are the five A’s that I–

Clay: You write these down, these are biblical, almost, it’ll be sacrilegious, these are powerful.

Robert: The first one is accuracy.

Clay: Accuracy, not in the Bible but very powerful.

Robert: Accuracy, appearance, in other words, what does that mean? We really want beautiful people. No, that means be well-groomed, go to Elephant In The Room to get groomed.

Clay: Yes well groomed, [unintelligible 00:59:16].

Robert: Well trained, you can go to Tip-Top Canine to learn how to lose walk on a leash and–

Clay: We’ll walk with you.

Robert: You don’t have to go there. Can you teach humans by the way, Ryan?

Ryan: We can teach them how to train their dog.

Robert: Okay, so humans are trainable by your company?

Clay: Beautiful, beautiful.

Ryan: Yes, half of it is human training.

Robert: Yes, there you go. Attendance, what does that mean? That means show up on time, you’re supposed to be there 10:00, you might want to shoot for about 9:50, because a thing happens.

Clay: But I’m going through a personal problem right now, there’s traffic, something bad on Facebook.

Robert: Some idiot has a record my neighborhood.

Clay: I’m special.

Robert: I tell you what, this one kind of as a catch-all, but above and beyond, what does that mean? That means if this is your job minimum, this is what you’re paid to do, this is what you’re required to do

do more than that. Then when it comes to your review, when it becomes to get you a raise, when it comes time to give you more money it’s justifiable because you’re going above and beyond.

Clay: “You mean I have to do more? I was watching Bernie Sanders and he thought I was doing too much and being paid too little and you’re saying do above and beyond, this is weird, I should go to” Okay.

Robert: [laughs] Yes, no doubt about it. Whenever you’re writing down those numbers, that’s very very important, the accuracy is very very very important, that’s one thing that you harp on and you train on and then also they set up for the room, they clean up the room, they break down the room and that’s what the pre-tester does. We can teach someone, they may not know all of that in a week, they may not know what it all means in a week but one of the traps they get into is patients will ask,”What does that mean that you just did?” We teach them this line we say,”Hey listen, that’s a very good question for the doctor and he will be in in just a few minutes.”

Clay: Now here’s the thing, is if you’re listening right now and you’re struggling to build a repeatable system, Z how many patients are you seeing in a typical day over there?

Robert: The other day we saw a hundred and we saw 271 between the two offices.

Clay: I’m just telling you if you’re struggling to get a repeatable system, you’ve got to listen. If you’re struggling to build a repeatable system you got to stay tuned and listen, boom.

Clay: All right thrive nation welcome back to your inspiration station and inside the box that rocks which is located inside the beautiful world headquarters on the left coast of the Arkansas River and Dr. Z, it is home to the workshops, and we have a workshop.

Robert: I can hardly wait by the way, I’m so excited.

Clay: January 20th and 21st .

Robert: Write that down. Listen, if you’re listening right now, whip out your phone, just go to your calendar 20, 21st put a thing in there, block everything out. Find a way you can either come by plane, [laughs] train or automobile. You know where I’m going with that.

Clay: Now you got plane, trains or automobiles. If you’re coming on a Segway get out of here, we don’t want you on a segway, you can’t come here on a segway.

Robert: Okay listen you can come on a segway.

Clay: You want to skateboard, it’s plane, trains or automobiles, not those skateboards.

Robert: Hey, I used skateboard, you don’t want to skateboard?

Clay: Okay fine you can come in your planes, trains or automobiles, segways, skateboards.

Robert: You can even crab-walk. Clay, have you ever crab walked before?

Clay: Yes, I’m a big crab walker, that’s where I spend most of my [unintelligible 01:03:21]

Robert: I challenge you on air to a crab walk contest.

Clay: Oh wow, that’s beautiful.

Robert: If it was an Olympic sport I might have made it back in the day.

Clay: I’m going to say this right now, if your listening right now and you’re go, “What are these workshops?” we have a two day in-person ThriveTime workshop here at the beautiful world headquarters. It’s 15 hours of power and if you’ve ever wanted to know how did Dr. Z build a successful optometry clinic? How did he build A to Z medical? How did he invest in a bank? How did he build a ranch? How did he build a auto auction? How did Clay build a photography business? How did he build a men’s grooming lounge? How did he get involved in a entertainment company? How did he build a party rental company? Well, one is we have a proven system that we use over and over and over again, and it just works.

Robert: We will teach it to you.

Clay: There’s no upsells. Here’s the two guarantees we make for you, one, you come out here and you go to, we sell tickets up there but the thing is we have a scholarship program. Anybody, any budget, it doesn’t matter what your budget is we’re going to help you out, there is nobody who cannot afford this program. Also Z we do not do upsells. We’re not in the back of the room trying to sell you a bunch of hoo-ha.

Robert: You can get on there you can go on the itinerary, I’m not going to bore you by reading you the entire itinerary right now while you’re eating lunch and you’re doing stuff but yes-

Clay: Customer service.

Robert: One of the thing you just said Clay and that is is that I find with so many entrepreneurs I look at them and I’m meeting with them and I’m talking to them and they’re casting their vision and they found a product, they found a service that the world needs and they’re excited about it, I go,”Well, why aren’t you doing?” they go, “I don’t have the time.”

Clay: “I was watching the view as yesterday I realized that I was watching a view and it’s 2:00 in the afternoon I realized.”

Robert: I’m telling you what, the dude Lee Cockrell who managed a thing called Walt Disney World.

Clay: Never heard of Walt Disney World.

Robert: 40,000, he’s got a great book, great lecture great dude, his time management system is incredible and we’ve assimilated that, the old star trek term, we’ve assimilated that.

Clay: If you can’t manage your time you can’t manage your life, period. I mean if you can’t manage your time–

Robert: Why are you so harsh? Why do you got to be so harsh?

Clay: No, because I didn’t know how to do it man, I’m just telling you when you learn how to manage your time everything is now possible.

Robert: That’s what I’m saying exact to mundo.

Clay: It’s huge and we teach sales, how to sell something, how to market something, search engine optimization, accounting, customer service. I get so excited until you just go to, check it out. I’m telling you, the workshop is incredible.

Robert: Everybody listening out there I’m just going to give you a little heads up, there’s 15 hours and every hour is basically a topic. I bet more than not and I’ve seen this before, just like we does on the radio show, probably for every one of them Clay is going to say,”This is my favorite thing, this is the most fun thing. [unintelligible 01:06:08].”

Clay: Because I’m obsessed. Z, because there’s somebody listening right now who they’re great at time management but their sales are awful. Somebody else who is awesome at sales but can’t build a repeatable system.

Robert: You know the one that killed me or the ones that are killing it and then they’re blowing their money, they’re not being fiscally responsible for all those profit they’re making. Listen, half the jobs making the other jobs are investmening and keeping it and hanging on to it.

Clay: Well, managing your finances, your personal finances is hard for many people and we have a specific system, we’ll teach you for managing your finances. I’m going to tell you this little secret, what you automate, what you schedule will happen. Here’s the deal, I take my wife on a date every week. You know why Z, I take my wife on a date every week.

Robert: Because if you don’t she’s going to make you watch the kids by yourself or something like that probably.

Clay: It’s scheduled. You taught me this, you said, “Hey Clay you’ve got to limit the number of people who have access to you.”

Robert: That sounds so harsh, are you sure I said that?

Clay: Yes. I turn my phone off at a certain time so that I can enjoy my life because once you get good at doing something people tell friends, all of a sudden you get overwhelmed. Step one thrivers, we’re going to get back to our topic today, building a duplicatable workflow, step one is you got to find something the world wants to pay you for, a problem that you can solve, that they’re willing to pay you for. The second is you want to build a repeatable system and Ryan the founder of Tip-Top K9 is here and he’s talking about his business and your business is growing quite a bit. If you look right now, you could ask Z any question at all because he’s done it in multiple industries. When you think about your business and the aspects that there are the hardest to make reputable, what are those in your mind? What parts will you go,”Hey Z coach me through this, this is the part of the business that’s the hardest for me to make it repeatable at this point,” what is that?

Ryan: The hiring, firing accountability.

Clay: Here we go.

Robert: I love that. How many employees do you have Ryan?

Ryan: Right now we have–I looked at my wife she said five.

Robert: Okay, could you rate them best to worst?

Ryan: Are they going to hear this?

Robert: They probably will. Don’t say their names.

Clay: Hypothetically he’s looking and he’s going,” Maybe not.” If you’re on Facebook live maybe he says he says yes but he if says no, so we want a rhetorical for the listeners out there.

Robert: We’re not going to call them out on the radio show, we’re not going to do that but I’ asking you that, you’ve got five employees which is a good– I was starting out my optometry clinic with one and that took me probably a year and a half maybe to get up to five, good for you you’re there now you have five. Can you rate them one through five, if I asked you who’s your best could you tell me your best is?

Ryan: That’s my wife, she does about three people’s jobs right now.

Robert: Okay we’re not naming names, of course wife is not a name but I think we all know who that is.

Clay: She needs a bonus.

Robert: She needs a bonus and negotiations are not going well for you Ryan. Okay and the other four you could put them in order?

Ryan: Right.

Robert: Okay, what differentiates them, the five As by the way I didn’t get the fifth A in, it was is attitude. We went over the five A’s just a little bit ago for employees and you’re talking about hiring and firing so you have accuracy, you have appearance, you have attendance, you have above and beyond and you have attitude. Now, almost all of these things are impossible, to verify until you have bonafide, until you have got them on your payroll-fied.

Clay: Payroll-fied, is that that new website?

Robert: I like this, I just wanted to rhyme. Look, I’m trying to be a DJ. In other words until they actually start working for you, you don’t know this because, like Clay said, a little truth bomb out there somebody in an interview might tell you something you want to hear, not the truth.

Oh, it happens.

Clay: So negative.

Robert: So that’s why you have to do what I tell them and entrepreneurs all the time which just freaks them out and make some get a little weird, makes part of the brain explode and that is you’ve got to be willing to fire fast.

Clay: Fire fast?

Robert: Yes, because I’ve got a saying in life that I just held onto and it’s more right than wrong. If anybody out there wants to email us at [email protected] and say, “that’s not right.”

Clay: You can do that, we’ll probably hit delete quickly but.

Robert: That is a saying that I have when you put on the board somewhere, “people change–“

Clay: Seldom.

Robert: –Seldom.

Clay: You said that to me the first time and I thought, “but I want to be a life coach.”

Robert: No, I know and you’re like, “But I can make them, I can change them, I can fix them.”

Clay: If I could change the world you would be my sun– [unintelligible 01:10:47] Eric Clapton, I realized I can’t change the world. I’ve got to just hold my team accountable because at the end of the day the customer can fire everybody from the CEO down to the lowest level. Sam Walton little quote down for you. Stay tuned,

Clay: It’s the ThriveTime Show on your radio and I’m telling you what, we’re going to teach you how to start and grow a business fo sho and inside the audio dojo of mojo we have the man, the myth, the legend, the optometrist, the man, the guy who’s been helping Tulsa see 20-20 for 25 years, three cheers, hip hip hooray for Dr. Z on the show today. Kaboom.

Robert: Kaboom, kaboom. We just celebrated 25 years last November.

Clay: November.

Robert: A couple of three months ago because this is January 2017. If it’s your first show you’ve caught for the year, we want to wish you a Happy New Year and a very prosperous new year and you know what, this is the year to kick it into gear.

Clay: To gear.

Robert: We’re going to help you with that because, guess what, we still have some openings to our workshop that we’re doing January 20th to 21st. A workshop, does that mean I have to come [unintelligible 01:13:28]?

Clay: I want to go off for a second because I care so much. I just want to be real with you. There’s somebody listening right now and I remember in my life, I remember thinking about the stress of Christmas as a kid.

Robert: Okay, stress of it. Tell me, explain that.

Clay: Because if you don’t have any money and you want to buy your kids a trampoline or presents and you can’t afford it, you don’t want Christmas.

Robert: That’s why God gave you two kidneys, Clay. You go, you sell one.

Clay: I’m going to take it down just for a minute though, okay. The Notorious B.I.G. one of my favorite rappers back in the day, he says, “And we wondered why Christmas missed us,” and he says, “birthdays were the worst days.”

Robert: Oh, my.

Clay: Now, he says, “now we sip champagne one more thirsty.” So that’s the thing, he says, “blank right I love the life I live ’cause I went from negative to positive and it’s all good,” so here’s the thing is there’s so many of you listening right now you are going, you know what, on Facebook I might put a happy photo, on Instagram, I put a happy photo. But really I’m just trying to get to a place where I can afford because this is not a good statistic, but if you look this up today, if you look up just google search, the percentage of Americans that don’t have $400 saved, there’s a troubling statistic that says more than half of you listening, you’re good people but you don’t know what to do to get ahead where you’re just you’re treading water, you’re barely surviving. You and I, well we love to have a lot of fun on the show but we want to help you get ahead because we know what it’s like to work. Z, you grow up in a family you didn’t have just unlimited supplies of money.

Robert: That’s an understatement but you’re absolutely correct. And so, you know what now we’re in a position in our lives, Clay where we we could just sit back and ship [laughs] sip champagne when we’re thirsty.

Clay: Yes we could do that, before it’s B.I.G.

Robert: You know what, it’s our heart to mentor people and to help them, to encourage them, to edify and lift them up to educate them on the steps they need to start and to grow a business because we know more likely than not you’re listening going, “I think that’s me. I think he’s talking to me, look in the mirror. I say, he’s talk and talk and talking.” You look to the table next to you and you’re thinking, “I don’t think he’s talking to that person.” You look on this side and you go, “He could be talking to that person but I think he’s talking to me.”

Clay: So you and I we are so excited, the guest we have on the show. This is like a manifestation. You and I feel so bad when people say, “Hey can I meet you for coffee can I meet you for lunch.” You don’t have time to do it and here we have in the box that rocks Ryan Wimpey, a guy who started Tip Top K9 and is growing it from an idea now into a business that’s growing. Ryan, this is your full-time thing. This is what you do.

Ryan: Definitely, full time.

Clay: So, you now and before we went back to the break there Z, you were talking about the challenges of scaling a business, some of these predictable things and Ryan had said, “How do you hold your team accountable, how do you hold your your teammates accountable to do–?,” because once you know how to– step one; how to sell something that people want to buy. Step two; is you got to hold your team accountable to these systems. How do you do it, man?

Robert: Well, that’s what we’re talking about, we know I have my five A’s that I evaluate employees on and I’ve shared that with earlier today and if you missed that go to and listen to today’s podcast. You can rewind it, listen to it as many times as you want, by the way. But once you evaluate them and you have a process in your mind to do it, now your ranking them so I asked Ryan if he had them ranked one through five and he said he did, we’re not gonna name names. But his wife is number one. We’re not going to name names okay. So, now the deal about it is if I had to give you a pencil and you have those five names on it on the piece of paper and I said “okay, all the ones that are great put a check mark by great,” A plus, let’s call it not even A minus, let’s say A and A+ players. How many would you put a check mark by?

Ryan: Two.

Robert: Two. All right. So, we draw the line two. So, the other three are what B or C players?

Ryan: B

Robert: B, okay B. So, here’s the deal, the problem with A players is they don’t like playing with C, D, E, F, sometimes even B minus players.

Clay: Frustrate the heck out of them.

Robert: Frustrate the heck out of them because what happens is that you put up a stuff from them that you won’t put up with your number one and number two, right?

Ryan: Right.

Robert: Okay, because why? Because you know why these are A players or superior employees they’re doing really good and that’s why should always be looking for your next A player. Like why don’t– I don’t have room for a sixth, you know that means?

Clay: Common, everybody.

Robert: The guy that’s bottom on the list is hard, this is going to be some tough love, you ready?

Clay: Here we go.

Robert: Do you have any tough love music?

Clay: You know, I do. I always keep my tough love music ready to go.

Robert: Well, can I give a tough-love nugget?

Clay: Here we go. I’m going to give it to you. It might sound a little uppity for tough love music, it’s a little bit motivational.

Robert: Okay, all right.

Clay: Here we go. Step by Step there by New Kids On The Block, Z. Step by Step.

Robert: All there we go. Step by step, tough love, I like that.

Clay: This is how you do tough love, listen to New Kids long enough ’cause it’s tough love.

Robert: That is tough love and that is you’ve always got to be looking to replace the person that’s bottom on your list. Oh, that’s tough but it’s a nice person and they’re trying and they can’t help all the mistakes they’re making and their attendance. You know, they’ve had a rough upbringing so their attitudes a little off but I get why and some days are better than others.

Clay: Z, you know New Kids On The Block with the song called Please Don’t Go Girl and you know when you’re dating a girl, Z, it happen to me one time. You’re dating a girl and you just really feel like she’s the dreamweaver.

Robert: Oh, the dreamweaver

Clay: She’s the one and she says “There could be a chance.”

Robert: So you’re saying there’s a chance?

Clay: So we’re not going to be together, we’re not going to be dating anymore but we could still be friends.

Robert: We can be friends.

Clay: You’re going, “I don’t know what that means. Can we go out tomorrow?” No, we’re going to be dating other people were just going to see.

Robert: I’ll sway back and forth.

Clay: That’s kind of what it’s like I mean, if you’re not candid with people, Z, it becomes this deal where they think you’re going together but you’re not, and it gets weird.

Robert: It gets weird and what you’re doing is listen, next time you’re at a restaurant I challenge you, Ryan. I challenge you to sit there and have an open mind and always be looking for that number five. You go, “I’ve got a number five working for me.”

No, I’m talking about you’re going to replace number five with someone with the great, you know what? Attitude. Someone with the right internal stuff. But they don’t know anything about training dogs, right? They don’t know anything about training dogs, you got to teach them everything they got to know about training dogs. You start with the right attitude in a person then you can, with your system that we’re kind of break it down today on the show and walk you through, how to build those systems a little bit then you can now take someone and very quickly and efficiently take them through your training and all of a sudden now you have another A-player. Now somebody else slides down to number five. We made you grow and now you need number six, let’s continue that. Let’s get someone with a great attitude, maybe the waiter at Chili’s .

Clay: I’ll say this, my best DJ that I ever found Sean Elliot, if you’re listening right now, and you know Sean Elliot, I’m literally going through a Taco Bell and I hear this “Welcome to Taco Bell. How can I make your day awesome?” and I’m going “I’m at Taco Bell?” “Go ahead, go ahead I’ll caller you’re on the air.” and I’m going “I’m at Taco bell, what are you doing?” I’m not kidding, this is a true story and Sean Elliot, he was the drive-thru guy. I’ve always had my ears up as an entrepreneur, always have my radars up and I hired the Taco Bell drive-thru guy. We nicknamed him Taco. Sean Elliot, one of the best DJ’s in the history of because once you realize you can hire a character and train skill, it is on like Donkey Kong.

Clay: Hello thrive nation, Oklahomies. Welcome back to The Thrive Time Show where we teach you how to start and grow a successful business. It is business school without the BS. My name is Clay Clark and I am a business coach and yes I’m joined here with Dr. Robert Zoellner inside the box that rocks. Z, you’re really more of a doctor of business than an optometrist, my friend. We’re talking today with Ryan Wimpey, the founder of Tip Top K9. We taught him step one, which is you go out there and find a problem that the world is willing to solve and he goes “I already knew that, baby. I got a successful business, I’m selling my services all day. People want to train their dog.” Step two, you got to build a repeatable system. He goes, “Okay, I’m building that. I know what I’m doing there.” Step three though is you got to start holding people accountable in refining that system. Just to kind of key back into it here Z, when it comes to the time to hold people accountable and they don’t do their job, what advice would you have for the thrivers out there?

Robert: Here’s what’s going to happen. I get that asked all the time and what I tell young entrepreneurs and what I tell even older entrepreneurs is that you’re going to put up with that for as long as you want to put up with that.

Clay: That’s not very nice. What does that mean?

Robert: That means that people are like “How many times should I let Billy do something wrong? How many time does Sara need–“, as long as you want to put up with that. The problem is the more you put up with that the more you meant that, you set that as a standard for your business, and that’s not what you want. You don’t want B and C players. Here’s one thing that happens is that so many times people come in and they say, “I’ve got great employees and I’ve got good employees and I’ve got bad employees. How do I fix the bad employees?” I go, “Well number one, you don’t fix bad employees. You fire the bad employees.”

Clay: Repeat that one more time. You don’t fix the bad employees.

Robert: You don’t fix the bad employees unless your personal goal in life is being a life coach.

Clay: Because you end up with weird conversations. I’m just going to do that real quick and role play that; I call it Y to the fifth power. I have a system for this. I’m not kidding because I’ve worked with life coaches all across the world, this is what they do. I’m going to roll play it myself, so it’s really weird. But you go, “Billy why aren’t you doing your job?” And you’re like “I didn’t know what to do.” and you go, “Why did you not know what to do?” “Well, I’m just not super motivated.” “Why aren’t you motivated?” “Well, my dad left me and I’ve been living alone in a van for three years.” “Why did your dad leave you?” “[crying] I don’t know.” “Well Billy–” and then all of a sudden, you’re like psycho-drama. I’m not kidding, it gets weird real fast. If you’ve been on the planet long enough, work with me, this is my life you tell me if I’m wrong. In my life my son was born blind. My father died of ALS. My brother was killed in an accident.

Robert: Man, you’re really bringing it down right now.

Clay: Has anybody who has listened to this show, if you’re listening to the show right now and you’ve not gone through a personal adversity, you are living in a freaking bubble.

Robert: But you are, we’ve all been there. Some worse than others, your high watermark is your high watermark.

Clay: You can’t control what happens to you in life but you can control how you react to it.

Robert: Absolutely.

Clay: That’s what life coaches would do and they would talk to you about how you’re feeling “We’re going to do a trust fall. You’re going to stand, you’re going to climb to the top of this.” You find yourself climbing to the top of a tree with a man who’s 260 lbs, “I want you to fall back into my hands Billy and I’m going to catch,” and you’re going “Greg, do we have a harness?” All of a sudden that’s your day. What are you doing? You’re trying to teach people how train their dogs. You’re trying to do optometry. You’re trying to jiffy lube. you’re trying to do a DJ business. You’re trying to sell food. You’re not a life coach, if you want to get into that you got to go on to Netflix right now, watch some crazy Tony Robbins until your brains explode because that’s what he does.

Robert: Well, exactly. The bad ones, they don’t hinder our business. No, because its our complete idiot that there are bad employee, they’re pretty easy to fire and in fact, I’ve got this secret formula; Ryan do you want to know the secret formula for firing?

Ryan: Yes. Actually yes.

Robert: You want to know it? Clay, do we have time? Can I share this with everybody?

Clay: Yes. I came to work today without pants on and I didn’t really know and you’re people calling me out and I’m like hey.

Robert: Can I do that faith fall again?

Clay: It’s a bit of a trust fall. Is it too late to ask for a time off? But I really need more hours.

Robert: I need to go buy pants and I’ll come back a little bit.

Clay: Where are my pants?

Robert: The bad ones are easy. Firing someone out there is not complicated but you got to stick to the system, otherwise you are asking for a myriad.

Clay: A myriad. A plethora.

Robert: Why do you take the word out of my mouth?

Clay: I’m sorry I read your mind.

Robert: I know, it scares me. I don’t like the Patriots, did you read that? No, everybody likes the Patriots just not as much as you do. [laughs] He’s trying to change my mind. Here’s the secret formula folks, when you’ve decided and you’ve put up with their jack assery long enough and you’ve decide you’re going to fire someone, you call him in your office, you keep it short and simple and here’s what you say; and here’s what you say, these are the magic words to say.

Clay: Why are we here in the meeting Dr. Zoellner? Why are we here? You’re a good man.

Robert: Billy. Let’s role play this. Clay, you’re going to be Billy. You’re going to be my jack ass here. Okay?

Clay: Going back to age 18, okay.

Robert: Billy, I just want to let you know that you no longer work here. You need to leave, it’s just not working out.

Clay: Do I still get to wear the scrubs?

Robert: It’s just not working out, you need to leave. Walk out and you’re done working here Billy.

Clay: Do I need to call you? I mean, am I working in the basement?

Robert: No, we’re finished talking about it now. In fact, you’re done working.

Clay: I’m just going to walk out of here.

Robert: It’s just not working out. What’ll happen is if you get into a conversation with Billy and Billy says “W-w-hy?” and you say “Because you’re late all the time.” “Sam’s more late than I am. He was 30 minutes late just last week. Why aren’t you firing Sam?”

Clay: It’s an unsolvable discussion. It’s Republicans and Democrats debating, it’s socialist and capitalist.

Robert: That’s why they have political radio, you can switch over to there and you hear these endless debates over nothing you can change or have any effect on.

Clay: Z, I want to rip on myself real quick,, Back in the day, I used to DJ at company called DJconnection, and they’re usually people that can’t sing, people are tone-deaf. They’re good people but they are tone-deaf. They come up and they say “I want to sing a song,” and I say “No, you can’t do that.” “No, but the groom is a friend of mine. I want to sing a karaoke song. I want to sing ‘I Will Always Love You’.” So Whitney Houston, [music] if you remember she could sing this song really well.

Robert: Oh gosh, this is one of my favorites.

Clay: There’s a difference between Whitney Houston singing this song, and somebody–

Robert: Like, your drunk friend?

Clay: Your drunk friend Kevin. So Kevin’s like “And I–E-I will always love you”. I was a weak DJ when I started out and I said “Could you please not come up here again? I think the bride wants to keep it more upbeat and he comes up again, “Hey man, the reception on that first song was awesome.” It’s usually one guy because he’s only sober enough to recognize the face of one person. The one person goes, “You can do it Kevin. You can sing–

Robert: You’re the best Kevin.

Clay: He goes “I want to sing it again but this time I want to do it with my falsetto. And I–” I used to let them and I realized what you accept, you can expect, what you tolerate you have to put up with and Z, with employees, if you don’t say,”Hey, I had enough,” it keeps happening.

Robert: Absolutely. Not only are you teaching them that it’s okay by not disciplining them by not doing something about an actual step, but now you’re teaching your other employees that they’re basically watching you and saying well he don’t care about that so I’m going to do this. Apparently that’s okay, I’m going to go ahead and do this. Holding and keeping your employees accountable is very important and that’s why you need to have about every six months a review and sit down with them and be honest with them and open with them and be purposeful in that and tell them how they’re doing, keep measurements, you want to measure what they’re doing. For you Ryan it might be how many– you might get a questionnaire about people’s dogs that they’ve trained and break that down, let them break down on the different ways that that person can either be a good dog trainer or bad one in their mind.

Clay: I want to brag on Ryan here and I want to ask Ryan to share about his business here. Ryan you’ve got great reviews on Google, you’ve got a great company. I know you obsesse about the reputation and making sure you do things right.

Ryan: I think it’s 56 five star reviews right now.

Clay: Let me ask you this, if people are wanting to find out about your business, first off where can they find you, what’s your website?

Ryan: The website is that’s T-I-P-T-O-P-K and the numeral nine.

Clay: Why are you so passionate about training dogs my friend?

Ryan: Behavioral issues is the number one reason why dogs get put down and surrendered and put on craigslist and we can fix 95% of those problems in just two to four weeks.

Clay: If I go, I’m listening right now, my dog’s unruly, I don’t know if you can do it or not, how much does it cost, how do I get started, tell me what to do next?

Ryan: Our first lesson is $1, we come out, meet with you, go over your issues and work with your dog for 10 or 15 minutes and show you what we can do.

Clay: One dollar. What website again, one dollar?

Robert: It’s

Clay: Now Z that was a no brainer. I’ll tell you one more no brainer here Z. If you’re listening right now and you want to start a successful business, you’ve got three options today one, do nothing.

Robert: “That sounds hard, I don’t want, no, I want to be motivated.”

Clay: No Z, you just say, hey, I’ve listened to all this information, I love this information, this is good information. I’m going to tell you what I’m going to do, I’m going to put them on the junk drawer of my life, I’m going to put them with my VCR manual. I have a VCR, I don’t even own any more but I kept the manual, that’s where it goes or the box to your iPad you got four years ago, that’s where you put that. Or two, you,”This is going to be the best year of my life, you know what, I only have $7.00 in my pocket right now, but I’m going to invest those $7.00 to get out to a ThriveTime Show workshop at in-person workshop, it’s two days, it’s 15 hours and I’m going to go to Z, I’m going to go to and I’m going to sign up man.”

Robert: You should and you know what, we’re going to have 15 hours of power, we’re going to teach you the secret system. We’re not going to upsell you and like Clay said, we’ve got rich dudes that have said, “This is awesome, I want a scholarship some unfortunate person, someone financially strapped because I don’t wan’t anyone to say I can’t make the workshop.”

Clay: Option number three you can go to and you can go get it on the world’s best business school. Is available for just 19 bucks a month. As always Dr. Z, three, two, one, boom.


[01:33:17] [END OF AUDIO]


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