Business Coach | What Is a Business Coach and Why Do I Need One?

Business Coach | Ask Clay & Z Anything

Audio Transcription

This business coach podcast features the former U.S. SBA Entrepreneur of the Year Clay Clark and America’s #1 business coach, Clay Clark. Business tycoon Dr. Robert Zoellner and Clay are here to help you get from where you are to where you want to be.  In this episode, find out what a business coach is and why you need to have one.

Learn What A Business Coach Is : Podcast Transcript

Clay Clark: What is going on T town? What is going on Oklahoma? Oklahomies, how are you doing? Welcome back to the Thrive Time Show. Your daily audio dojo of mojo in the place that you go to learn how to start and grow a successful business. Because right now, I’m telling you what, you could be getting all hyped on political news. You could be learning right now about Putin and is Trump working with Putin? Did he know about Putin?

You could be learning about President Obama drama and you could be learning more. You could do that or you could tune into this daily show where we teach you the specifics of how to start and grow a successful business. My name is Clay Clark and I am a business coach. I’m the former SBA Entrepreneur of the Year in your ear. As always, we like to bring in the guru’s. The people that are in the know, inside the box that rocks.

Now Tulsa, today we have a treat. We’ve got a guy. Let me give you a commercial on this guy. This guy, when I was like 20 years old, maybe 21 years old, somewhere in that young twenties, I think I was 21 at the time, I scored an internship at this place called Tax and Accounting Software. Now, if you remember Oral Roberts University, if you’re going, “I’ve driven by there before. I think I know where that is.” If you live in Tulsa for any amount of time at all, you’ve seen the praying hands. You remember, there’s a big tower, massive tower. It’s probably I think 60 stories tall is the peak of it. That use to be the epicenter of Oral Roberts University.

Years passed and they began to lease that out to businesses that weren’t just ORU related. One of the businesses that leased a lot of space in there and that grew to actually have 450 employees was a company called Tax and Accounting Software. That was where I scored my internship. I was an intern at Tax and Accounting Software. The guy who was instrumental in growing that business from two people to 450 people — I repeat, they grew the business from two people to 450 people before selling the business to TurboTax, the good folks at Intuit. Remember, they grew this from two people.

If you’re listening to this right now someone should write that down, from two people to 450 people. They’ve turned their dreams into reality, grew a massive business, sold the thing to Intuit and the guy who helped make that happen is Mr. Tim Redmond. If you’ve ever read 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership — you ever read that book? You ever hear about that book by John Maxwell? 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. They quote a guy in the book and that guy is Tim Redmond. Now, inside the box that rocks on the magical microphone is Mr. Tim Redmond. Tim, how are you sir?

Tim Redmond: Wow. Man now, I’m feeling 10 feet tall here Clay. This is awesome.

Clay: Well it is a joy and a privilege to have you in the box that rocks. I want to ask you my friend. Today, we’re talking about what is a business coach and why do I even need one? I want to ask you some tough questions today. Do I have permission to ask you some tough questions?

Tim: Bring it on man. I’m ready.

Clay: Well, here’s where the question starts. Bill Gates is doing a TED talk in May of 2013. Thrivers, if you’re listening just type in Bill Gates May 2013 TED talks. There you will see in front of an audience of people he says, “Everyone needs a coach.” He says, “Without feedback, you just can’t improve.” He’s saying that everyone needs a coach. But then if you go out there and you say, “Well, Bill Gates is probably crazy. He’s probably a rare unicorn.” Go ahead and Google the CEO, just type in CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt and then the word business coach.

Type in business coach, Eric Schmidt, Google. You’ll find that the only interview he did in Fortune magazine where he explains that he has a business coach. The CEO of Google has a business coach. Here’s the tough question. I’m listening and I go, “I know that the CEO of Google says he needs a business coach and I know that Bill Gates says he needs a business coach but I don’t need a business coach.” Tim, why does everybody need a business coach?

Tim: Well, I tell you what’s interesting Clay is that Bill, my good friend Bill and Eric, good friends of mine. Actually, they haven’t met me yet but once they meet me they’re going to love me.

Clay: Friends in advance.

Tim: Friends in advance. Both of them were very resistant initially saying, “What’s wrong with me? What did I do wrong? Why do I need somebody to fix me?” They have a completely wrong idea. When Eric Schmidt finally realized what the power of having the business coach, the guy said, “Listen. I want you to use the same business coach that Steve Jobs had been using the last 10 years. Use that. Is Steve Jobs on the wrong track or is he doing okay?” Doing great. The idea here was he had to shift his thinking and to see what is the benefit of a business coach. Once he had that, he was opened up. Bam. It was huge.

Clay: We just sold a conference ticket in the background. That’s the excitement on the gong there. Here’s the thing, thrivers if you’re listening and you’re going, “Okay, okay. I’m kind of embracing this idea. But what does a business coach do?” Well, I’m going to tell you there’s a lot of just completely BS systems that are out there. There’s a lot of Charlatans out there teaching success and they’ve never built a successful company.

I will just tell you though, whether you use the thrive 15 coaches or whether you go out there and you use the EMyth program, that’s a great program by Michael Gerber. He wrote the book called EMyth Revisited. It’s a great book. New York Times bestselling book or you use the coaching program of Gino Wickman. He has a great program. The program is called Traction. No matter what program you use, when you work with an experienced coach you’re going to find these predictable, limiting factors.

I see it all the time. I see these situations where they’re predictable. They happen often. At our workshop, our two-day workshop, we have one this Friday and Saturday. This Friday and Saturday.

Tim: It’s going to be good. It’s going to be awesome.

Clay: We have two tickets left, that’s it. We have two tickets left so if you want to get out to that go to Reserve your ticket, Reserve your ticket. If you can’t afford the price, we have a scholarship program so now you can. It’s from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Go to, learn more. But at these workshops we talk about it. But into the specifics, typically when you meet with a business owner, they have a couple of problems.

One. I’m going to start with problem number one. They don’t have specific revenue goals. They don’t know their numbers, Tim. Why do most business owners, I mean spas, roofing companies, landscapers, doctors, dentists, lawyers. Why is that most business owners have no clue of their numbers?

Tim: First of all, they say, “Hey listen, I’m not into the numbers. What I’m into is the business.”

Clay: Yes.

Tim: People that are not into their numbers really don’t understand how their business actually operates here. They don’t take the time. They’re intimidated by it. They’ve got a horrible accountant that gives them stuff and talks to them in Greek and other foreign languages here. They don’t understand it. They really don’t take the time to understand how do numbers reflect the actions they’re taking the business.

Clay: Here’s the funny thing I find about numbers. I want everybody to write these down because there’s three numbers every business owner needs to know. Tim, I want to ask you about them a little bit.

Tim: Yes. Let’s do it.

Clay: Number number one everyone needs to know, if you’re a business owner, you need to know how many customers it takes for you to break even. You have to know how many customers do I need to have to break even? How many customers do I need to sell my product or service to before I break even? What’s the total number?

If you don’t know the number of customers you need to break even then you might be feeling very confident when you should be feeling stressed out. You might feel stressed when you should be feeling confident. You’re just flying blind. Talk to me about the break even analysis and how deep do you go with clients when it helps them, when it comes to helping them find their true break even number?

Tim: Well, I tell you, as simple as I can make it Clay, as simple as I can make it, that’s what I want to be able to do. We’ll say like, “How many of these units do you sell in a month?” They say, “Well, we sell 10 units a month.” “Well, how much per unit do you sell?” “There are about a thousand dollars a piece.” “Okay. So you sell $10,000. Now, how much does it cost you to get those units?” “Well it’s –I don’t know. Maybe I’m spending $4,000 for that.”

Clay: I have some rude, rude things I want to say but I want to help people out here.

Tim: Yes, do it.

Clay: I was working with a restaurant. This was about two and half years ago, they called me. At a restaurant, is has a thing where it talks about the capacity of the restaurant. They talk about this restaurant can only hold a hundred people. Only a hundred people can come into the restaurant. It’s the capacity that they’re allowed to have according to the local city they’re working with. When I was looking at it I said, “How many customers do you see per day.” They said, “This many.” I said, “How much money do you make per customer?” They said, “We don’t know.”

I did the math and I came back to them and I said, “It’s mathematically impossible for you to stay in business.” The owner was like, “What?” I said, “If you sold this food and you were at capacity. Let’s say that every single seat was full according to what you’re authorized to have there, your pricing is such that you will never ever under any circumstance ever make a profit. Your lease costs this much. This is how much your paying per month in rent. This how much your profit you’re making per meal. It is impossible for you to ever make a profit.”

I’m not kidding, this is what I told the person. I said, “What I want you to do is not pay me and shut the business down before you to bankruptcy because you and your husband, you guys have spent about $400,000 on this franchise, and that represents probably a quarter of your net worth? You will literally be bankrupt and the more customers you service, the further you’ll get behind. It’s not possible.”

They were like — just the profundity of that thought. They were going, “Is there another way?” Husband calls me four days later and he says, “I want to let you know, we’re shutting it down and I met with my accountant and we just — no one has ever done that before and we got totally sold.” They bought a franchise that wasn’t even possible to be successful.

Tim: Even the accountant did not tell them what was really going on. That’s what’s so crazy here.

Clay: Most of the accountants that I’ve worked with over the years, I’ve seen, they just say, “Fill out this form, fill out that form, this is how much you owe in taxes.” Very few of them are aware of your break-even point.

Tim: The business savviness that you need.

Clay: I’m going to give you a statistic that we’re trying to wipe out, Dr. Z and I are working every week trying to wipe out this statistic. He’s out expanding his vast entrepreneurial empire today, but this is a statistic that comes at you from Forbes. It says, “Eight out of 10 entrepreneurs who start businesses fail within the first 18 months.”

This is why they fail, this is why they fail here. They say, “The product is so good it will sell itself and everything will work out.” The second number — you have to know your break-even point. The second, you talked about it a little bit, you have to know how much it costs you to gain a new customer. You have to know, “What does it cost me to gain a customer? What’s the customer-acquisition cost?” Tim, talk to me about how you help business owners figure out what it costs for them to get another customer?

Tim: We have to take a look at it and say, “Okay, we’re going to start the process with generating a lead.” How do we generate that lead? Well, we may spend — I was talking to my son, Robert, and he has a client that was spending $3,000 a month on Facebook ads.

Clay: $3000 a month on Facebook.

Tim: Cost per leads, he would get maybe a handful of leads. We’ll say that I think it’s around 20 leads, so in essence he was spending $150 per lead to get.

Clay: Oh, wow. That’s a lot of money to spend on a lead. Again, how much per lead?

Tim: It was about $150 per lead. He’s spending $3,000 on his advertising and he’s only generating about 20 leads, so he’s spending $150 per lead. Here’s what was amazing, though.

Clay: Okay. Give it to me.

Tim: The sale of the unit was only like $200 and it cost him over $100. Again, every time he got a lead that bought, he lost money.

Clay: We’ll just probably do that — We’ll probably go ahead and just do some more of that then. I tell you what, if I’m losing $150 per deal —

Tim: Let’s get more of it quicker.

Clay: Probably get more of that faster. That sounds like a neat little sound effect. I get to hit that bomb sound effect every time I bomb and lose some money, I like that.

[bomb sound]

Oh, that’s a fun little button there. Here’s the thing of this, Thrivers, if you’re listening right now, one, you have to know your break-even point. Two, you got to know your cost to acquire a new customer, and the three, number three, this is just in. I’m going to dwell on it when we get back, because this is huge. What is the number of customers you need total to achieve your financial goals? When is enough enough?

I’m just going to tell you right now, if you’re listening right now, Clay Clark has achieved his financial goals. Yay, for Clay Clark. You should go to Oklahoma Joe’s, have some baked beans and marinate on that idea. Because I don’t want to grow my businesses. I don’t want to. I have no desire to. We built Thrive, it’s here for you to help you but I didn’t want to grow Epic Photography anymore.

It had as many weddings as I wanted. I didn’t want to buy any more equipment, didn’t want to hire any more people. “Are you a socialist?” No, I just have a wife and five kids and 40 chickens and I prefer to spend time with them and I don’t want to grow it. But maybe you’re listening and you do want to grow it. When we come back, we’re going to talk about how many customers do you need to achieve your financial dreams. Stay tuned.,

What is going on, T-town? Are you ready to get down and get serious about taking your financial income, your financial game to the next level? I know you are. I know some of us are watching the playoffs Tim, people are watching the playoffs, and I’m guilty of this. I fell like I’m guilty in a good way.

Tim: Is your team still in?

Clay: The Patriots are still in. Now, here’s the deal and this is the point I want to get at here. Some of us are watching that screen or watching that game and we are cheering for our team as though our cheering impacts the game. In my case, what I do is I make seafood for every Patriot playoff game and it gets progressively hotter. This week it’s shrimp creole.

The thing is I got to turn up the heat. I feel like I do the things that affect the game. But really, honestly, I don’t impact the game, but it’s fun to cheer for them. It’s something I do. It’s kind of a ritual. But here’s what I’m saying is, some people are listening right now and someone needs to write this down. Someone should write this down. Some of you are more passionate about cheering for a team that you don’t play for, you never played for and that isn’t going to impact your life at all, then you are for your own business.

Meaning you’re taking more time to cheer for a team that doesn’t help you financially at all than you’re willing to invest in your own life. This third point we brought up here, when you talk about knowing your numbers and why a business coach can help you find your numbers is you have to know how many customers do you need to achieve your financial goals. I’m going to start with me and then I’m going to have you unpack it, Tim.

Tim: Yes, let’s do it.

Clay: I was working with a client a couple weeks ago, neat story. They’re a older couple and we did the math. We found out they needed to make about $9,000 a month to live with financial peace. Meaning that all their bills are already paid. They have their house basically paid for.

Tim: That’s excellent.

Clay: They say, “Paying my taxes and paying my health insurance,” which is expensive as you get older. They said, “If we have $9,000 a month of income, of profit, we will have about $5,000 more than we need and we’ll have a cushion and life is good.”

The powerful thing was, when I was talking to the husband, this guy was working like 70 hours a week. The wife is going, “He’s always gone. He’s working all the time.” We sat down. The wife and the husband, we sat down, and I said, “What are your goals?” They wrote out their goals and we determined that for $9,000 a month of profit they could achieve them. I said, “What I would do. I would just start turning down business and just say no to it, or I would go through the process of building repeatable systems to teach somebody else to do it.”

Tim: That’s so invaluable. This is worth listening to right here.

Clay: The owner said, “I don’t want to build the systems. I just want to turn down business.” I’m not kidding. We’ve set up a system where the guy literally, he only works three days a week and then he’s done. He just works Monday through Wednesday. He gets the business he needs. He’s in the construction business and he gets the business he needs. He tells clients, “Hang on, Thursdays and Fridays I do appointments, but I’m available through phone Monday through Wednesday.” There’s something inspiring or exciting about knowing that he only needs to work three days a week and that that allows him to achieve his goals.

Tim: Oh, my gosh. Clay, just being intentional. Most people are drifting along in life. Just the power of being intentional, to create your own ticket, plan the work and work the plan. How liberating is that.

Clay: I’m going to pick on you, because you did something that’s crazy in my mind. You teamed up, you and your partner, you guys Tax and Accounting from two people to 450 people. I want to know, in your mind, why? Why did you want to do that, as opposed to — and once you had 20 employees.

Stinger: [laughs] Shut up.

Clay: Whoa. It’s getting very spiritual in here. Very spiritual in here. Very spiritual. Thrivers, the problem with having a bunch of buttons on your desk is at any moment you could hit the wrong button and then things get crazy. Then just a total meltdown here. Here’s the thing, Thrivers. You, Tim, you grew your company from two people to 450. At what point did you say, “Okay, it’s good enough”? What was driving you? Why did you want to grow it from 20 and just keep on growing?

Tim: We had a plan here to make this thing so valuable that we were like the fourth largest company in our space. So we were getting the attention of the one, two, and three companies for them to pay a premium price to buy us eventually.

Clay: Why?

Tim: Just to liquidate, get all that money and start a new business.

Clay: I sent a funny email to somebody today If you’re listening right now and you have a child in the car, I’m going to just speak in code here, okay? This person emailed me, I’ll show you the email, it’s so funny, Tim. I just did it this morning. He says, “I know that you don’t like to network, but I’d really like to take you and your wife out to dinner to go to this thing. You should really be there.”

My response was, “I’m doing a radio show and I’m self-actualizing. I’m very happy with my schedule now. When I’m not, I’m engaging in marital relations. I’ll let you know, but it may take three or four months before I change my schedule.” I don’t want to grow my businesses. I don’t want to network. I don’t want to meet new people. I have no desire.

Tim: You have reached your goals and then bam, that’s enough.

Clay: Yes. The thing is, we have more of the Thrivetime conferences here. If people want to learn how to start and grow a business, they can come here, but I don’t travel anymore. I used to travel every weekend, go into a different city and I’m done now. Now, it’s like, “You can come here.” The thing is, Thrivers, if you’re listening now, you have to know your goals. If you don’t know your goals you are going to drift. I would encourage everyone listening now, get out a sheet of paper and write down these six categories.

We talk about it all the time, because that’s all that matters. What’s the key to happiness in life? These six things. One, write down your goals for your faith. Two, write down your goals for your family. Family goals? Yeah, like family goals. Three, family friendship, friendship goals. What are those goals? Four, fitness. Fitness, I need to have goals? Yes, fitness. Next, finances. Even I had to have financial goals? That sound very fun. That’s good because point number six is fun. Write down your fun goals, your goals for having fun.

Tim, I see you do this. I’ve seen you do this with family vacations. When you book that trip, when you’re taking your — By the way, your wife is a wonderful lady. When you’re taking Sandy and the kids and you’re going on some trip to California or something, will you put it on the schedule three or four months in advance? How galvanizing is that for the whole family, knowing that it’s coming up?

Tim: Oh, yes. This is last summer. We went to Bracken Ranch.

Clay: Oh, wow.

Tim: We’re very athletic family. We love to get out there. We’re climbing the — First day, we’re climbing the mountains and-

Clay: Climbing the mountain.

Tim: – doing bike-riding on the mountain bikes and doing all kinds of things. We did a rafting trip that was just amazing, except our raft turned over. I just about broke my tailbone.

Clay: Are you being serious?

Tim: I did almost break my tailbone. I was in a lot of pain, but I’ll do it again. That’s how crazy I am.

Clay: Well, Thrivers, the point of what we’re talking about here is somebody just needs to be shocked into this. I don’t know what I need to do to get your attention on this. You need to write down your goals. You’re not going to just drift to your goals, but you have to figure out your numbers, but why? Because your business should serve you. “What?”

Well, Tim, in our office behind me here inside the world headquarters, I’m finishing up the creation of a 13-foot tall man and the 13-foot tall man is —

Tim: You got to see this. I’m going to see it right there.

Clay: Okay. He’s made out of the 13 — he has 13 core parts and each part is a representative of the 13 proven business systems that Dr. Z and I use and you use and we all use. It works. The reason why we built this man is because that man is serving champagne. Because the point of a business is the business is supposed to serve you. That’s the point of the business. It’s supposed to serve you. I repeat. The goal of the business is to serve you.

Otherwise, why are you making it? Why? If some of us are so busy and then you get sick. You have health problems and you realize, “I’m going to be dead soon,” and then all of a sudden you go, “Oh, no,” and you wait for a breakdown before you have a breakthrough, that’s not going to be you, though. You’re going to be very intentional about 2017.

Tim: Be intentional.

Clay: You’re going to script out your life and you’re going to see it happen and unfold in front of you. Now, Thrivers, when we come back, we’re going to get into this move number two. Benefit number two of having a business coach. Why in the world would you need a business coach to help mentor you? Stay tuned,

Tim: We don’t need to meet on Thursday.

Clay: All right, Thrive Nation. Welcome back into the conversation. My name is Clay Clark, former SBA Entrepreneur of the Year in your ear, sent here on a mission from God to teach you how to start and grow a successful business. Some of you might say, “You just said ‘God’.” I did say “God.”

By the way, someone just sold the tickets. There’s a lot of cheering in the background. I really do believe that my mission is to mentor millions. That’s what I do. That’s my superpower. That’s my gift. That’s my interest. That’s my focus. Some people like to go golfing. I like to read case studies. I’m not sure what that’s all about, but I’ve distilled them on into a system. We’ve distilled them into a system. Tim has distilled them into a system. I have just distilled them into a system. The team of mentors has built the world’s best business coaching platform.

I don’t care whether you use or the EMyth program out there or the Traction program. These are some great programs. Either way, no matter what system you use, everybody needs a business coach. If you don’t agree, just google the word “business coach” and then followed the the name “Eric Schmidt.” Type in Google, “Eric Schmidt,” and then “business coach,” and there you will see that the CEO of Google is talking about it ad nauseam about why everyone needs a business coach so much so that he actually has a business coach.

Now, the second thing a business coach will teach you, the first part is the numbers. By the way, if you have a business coach who won’t get into the numbers, they’re an idiot. Run. The second move, though, a business coach — “Wait a minute. If my business coach who won’t help me with my numbers, they’re an idiot?” That’s right. “But I am a business coach and I don’t talk about the numbers.” Well, then you’re an idiot.

Here’s the thing. The second move is your business coach is going to teach you about this concept of the law of sowing and reaping.

Tim: Reaping, all right.

Clay: Okay. They’re going to help you though, make sure that you’re selling a product that the world wants. I’m going to give some examples and then I want to pick Tim’s brain on this. Thrivers, write this down. What am I willing to exchange — what am I to offer the world in exchange for the compensation I seek? That’s a big question.

Tim: This is a huge, Clay. This is huge.

Clay: What service or product will you offer the world in exchange for the money that you seek? Because remember, success is achieved as a result of scalably, that means repeatedly, offering the world a solution to their problems in exchange for the money you desire. I’m going to fire off some examples.

Mark Zuckerberg made it possible for us to stay in touch with family and friends like never before with Facebook. That’s what he did. That’s why we’re on it. Larry Page and Sergey made it possible to quickly find the answers that we want by typing into a search bar when they made Google. Jeff Bezos made it possible for us to order anything online when he created Elon Musk made it possible to securely pay people online when he made PayPal. Rockefeller made it affordable to heat our homes and fuel our machines with the refineries and the oil and gas that they produce there with Standard Oil.

Andrew Carnegie teamed up with Henry Bessemer. Have you ever heard of the Bessemer process? Yeah. He teamed up with Henry Bessemer to make the manufacturing of steel efficient and affordable. Dr. Zoellner provides Tulsa with affordable eyeglasses, contacts and eye care in exchange for the money he seeks. I used to offer Tulsa wedding entertainment, wedding photography. I now offer you haircuts at Elephant in the Room, but I have to give you something in exchange for the money that you seek.

Now, see, Tim found a way to offer accountants a product that they wanted when he helped build Tax and Accounting Software. He found out that not only did one accountant want the service, but thousands of them did. Tim, before you guys sold the business, how many clients were you working with at that point?

Tim: That’s a great question. We had 22,000 renewing clients. It’s a renewable stream. It’s very important.

Clay: 22,000.

Tim: It’s a repeatable and renewable stream.

Clay: If someone is listening right now — I’m just telling you, If you’re listening right now and you haven’t had a business coach help you and you’re out there selling a product that nobody wants to buy, you either have two options. Either, A, it could be just bad marketing or, B, this is the bad part, it could be that you are selling something that shouldn’t be made. That’s right. I said, “I feel so passionate about my armpit-flavored soft tacos.” It’s gross, but it’s something I’m passionate about. People have things they’re trying to sell that are nasty that they shouldn’t —

Tim, you see them all the time. You see business owners —

Tim: Oh, my gosh. You wouldn’t believe some of the people I’ve gone face to face with. Just crazy, stop it. I can’t even pronounce the words that they want to sell to the world.

Clay: I’m going to give you an example and hopefully Thrivers don’t get offended. I was dealing with a lady in Florida who was selling a product. It’s a medical product that didn’t work. We were surveying the customers and all the customers were going, “It didn’t work, which is why I’m not going to go back and why I’m not going to use it.”

I would tell the client and she would say, “That’s just because they weren’t patient.” I’m like, okay. You go back and talk to her client. The client say, “Yes, I’m not going back because it didn’t work.” I go back to the person. She says, “Well, I don’t really know if that’s just their opinion. It works. It’s been proven to work in Europe.” I’m like, “Okay,” so we keep doing this. Eventually, you realize this person’s in denial because they’re selling a product that doesn’t work.

Tim: Nobody wants it.

Clay: Tim, talk to me about this. Why is it so important that, step number one, for anyone listening right now, you have to have a product that people want?

Tim: Well, here’s the deal. The mastery of wealth is the mastery of the exchange system. You’ve got to have something that somebody wants. They wanted enough that they’re willing to exchange value to get that value. If there’s no value there to be seen, they’re not going to be in the path of your door.

Clay: Thrivers, I’m just telling you. Sometimes you have a great product and it’s just being poorly marketed and I see that about half the time. The other half, you are selling something that doesn’t work.

Tim: Nobody wants it.

Clay: That can’t be a thing. I’m not reaping. I’m not reaping. If you’re listening right now and you’re like, “You’re a dick. You’re going to reap it. Why are you reaping?” I’m not reaping. Just work with me. Work with me, Thrivers. Thrivers, just calm down and don’t get too hostile.

Tim: Put your shorts back on.

Clay: Here’s the deal, here’s the deal. Some of you are in an MLM right now. “I can’t. You’re going to do it.” Listen. An MLM, it’s a multi-level marketing and it is a way that you can market your products directly to customers, consumers without a typical advertising campaign. That’s a great system if you’re selling a real product.

Now, if you’re selling a product that you know it doesn’t work and I know it doesn’t work, but you want me to autoship that crap and then convince my friends to autoship that crap. Pretty soon, we have closets full of crap that none of us use and you’re like, “But if you come in big, if you come in with a big investment of 20,000 and you get people to do it, then you could be getting a new car by the end of the month,” that’s not a healthy move. That’s not a sustainable thing because you’re out there, selling something that no one wants. It’s a product that the world doesn’t need in exchange for compensation that you want.

You can’t do that, and so Thrivers, I’m giving you some encouragement here. One, quit trying to get rich quick and get started becoming rich as a result of diligence over time. Quit trying to get rich quick.

Tim: This is good.

Clay: Get focused on getting rich over time. Tim, I have a story I want to share with you. You ready for this?

Tim: Let’s bring it on.

Clay: Bill Gates started Microsoft back in beautiful 1975 in an attempt to develop and sell basic interpreters designed for the Altair 8800. After six years, six — someone should write that down. After six-

Tim: Six long years.

Clay: – years of working away, he was able to land a contract with IBM to provide their personal computers with their base operating system. It took another five years until he was able to take Microsoft public. Thus, after 11 years, he became an overnight success. That’s Bill Gates.

Tim: Wow.

Clay: So you go, “Well, that’s just Bill Gates.” Well, okay. Apple. Homeboy started this business out of his parents’ garage in 1976 and it wasn’t until 1984 — “That’s eight years later.” That they made significant traction in the industry. Before they even —

Tim: Huge amount of effort, huge amount of effort up to that point.

Clay: “But I’m a loser, I’ve been working on my business for four years and it hasn’t succeeded yet.” No. You’re sowing seeds if you’re selling a real product. If you’re not selling a real product, you’re wasting your time. Thrivers, when we come back, we’re going to get into this next thing that a business coach can teach you. A business coach is going to teach you, they’re going to teach you about the number of hours that are required to become successful. They’re going to help you become a time management expert. Stay tuned, we’re talking about business coaching on

[pause 00:31:50]

Clay: It’s the Thrive Time Show on your radio and Thrivers here we go, we’re getting back into it. We’re talking about the value of having a business coach. There are some great programs out there. There’s the EMyth program by Michael Gerber. There’s the Traction program by Gino Wickman. These are all great business coaching platforms but even the CEO of Google has a business coach. Google it. Just google, ‘the CEO of Google business coach’.

Tim: What’s amazing, he said, it’s the best business advice he had ever received, getting a business coach.

Clay: You’re a hundred percent right and this is what a business coach will do for you. They’re going to walk you through. They’re going to teach you these — we’re talking about the value that a business coach can bring to you. One, they’re going to help you know your numbers. Two, they’re gong to help you find out whether you have a product that’s real or not, whether people or the world actually wants that thing. That widget, that tool, that service, that food, that restaurant, that whatever it is you want to sell.

The third thing that a business coach can do — and this is big, Thrivers. You need to write this down, this is big. They’re going to help you figure out how many hours you’re really willing to work on the business and they’re going to help you look at it and go, “How can we be the most effective time managers possible?” They’re going to teach you time management magic.

Lee Cockrell, who’s the former executive vice president of Walt Disney World Resorts, this man used to manage 40,000 people. He has built the time management system that we will be teaching at our two-day workshops this Friday and Saturday. You go to to learn more, to learn more. It’s 15 hours, so two day —

Tim: Clay, is there any more tickets available on that?

Clay: We have two as of last time I checked. Right before we hopping in the booth, we had two. That’s the thing, we don’t have thousands of people that attend these things. We don’t want it to be that way. It’s more like if you’re married, maybe you bring your husband with you, and you come there for two days. You turn the world off and you focus from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM on how to grow your business.

Tim: I tell you, I have looked at the outline. I know how you teach. I have been to hundreds of conferences all over the world. This is going to bring it down. This is going to be the most worthwhile two days that a business owner can take.

Clay: By the way, Thrivers, don’t worry about the cost. We have scholarship programs available. We made it affordable for everybody so we’ll help you out there. But Tim, time management and just the concept of your coach teaching you how to manage your time. Talk to me about where do you see business owners wasting time and where should they be spending time that they’re not? Just talk to us about time management.

Tim: The biggest problem I see is people do not create their day before they live it.

Clay: Oh, no.

Tim: They do not plan their work and then work their plan. That’s the biggest single problem here that business owners take.

Clay: Now, I will tell you this. I haven’t got the chance. This past year, thankfully I’m done traveling here for a while but I went over to Florida, interview Lee Cockrell, out to California to interview Michael Levine, the PR consultant for Michael Jackson’s estate and Nike and Pizza Hut. Then, up to Canada to interview the guy who’s the head of a big Canadian mortgage company. Then over here meeting with the UPS people. Just a lot of traveling and I’ll tell you this, every single successful entrepreneur that I’ve ever been around takes at least an hour a day to plan out their day before it happens.

They actually make a schedule of, “Here are the things I’m going to get done today,” and then they go do those things. I will tell you, almost under no other circumstance do I meet people who do this. It’s almost like nobody does this but every successful entrepreneur does. It’s so counter-cultural to get up and to operate with solitude or isolation for an hour and to think about your life, and to contrast where you are versus where you want to be an hour everyday I mean, to think? Henry Ford said that thinking is the hardest thing to do, therefore very few people do it.

Tim: That’s exactly right. What’s amazing here is the most successful people realize, it’s what Steven Cubby said in 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. He said,”Everything has two creations. First, you create it in your mind and then you live it out.” So when you think about building your business, you’re really creating. It’s a process of creating and so many business owners fall short of that because they’re not creating each day and living that out or implementing it. They’re not intentional with that.

Clay: You know, Thrivers, I have some nasty knowledge for you when we talk about time management. I’ve got some bad things to say. Are you ready for the bad things in here, Tim? Are you ready for the bad things?

Tim: Let’s bring it on.

Clay: Okay. Thomas Edison says this — this is the guy who invented the modern light bulb, recorded audio-

Tim: He was a big deal.

Clay: – recorded video. Think of it, they guy made video, audio, light bulb. “I’m not impressed, maybe he stole the light bulb from Tesla.” Maybe he did but this is what he says. He says,”We often miss opportunity because it’s dressed in overalls and looks like hard work.”

Tim: Love it. Love it. Love it.

Clay: I’m going to tell you this. This is the fact. You’re listening right now and you’re unwilling to take an hour a day to plan out your schedule every day. Ever day? No, just on the days you want to have success. The days where you want to have a complete failure, don’t worry about planning out your day.

Tim: [laughs]

Clay: Just don’t worry about it and see what happens. But the thing is, if you’re not willing to do that, you will fail. Nothing we can do for you. Can’t help you. Can’t help you. Your coach can help you map out what to do during that meta-time, during that quiet time, during that planning time, but you can’t be successful if you’re not willing to do that.

There was a pastor I worked with years ago who had a young man on his staff, who delivered a bomb. I’m talking about when you’re out there, if you’re up there speaking in front of a congregation, there’s nowhere to hide. You get up there and if you bomb, this is everybody there goes, “What just happened?” This is what happens is —

[cricket sound]

It’s obvious that that happened. You’re up there speaking and if everyone’s looking quietly going —

[cricket sound]

Billy’s on his cell phone going, “Oh my gosh, when’s this going to be over?” People are whispering, even that sweet grandma who goes to church faithfully every Sunday, she’s always enthusiastic, she’s the first one to go, “Hallelujah,” she’s fallen asleep. Everybody’s just —

Tim: She’s snoring loud. Everybody can know how fast she’s breathing.

Clay: I sit down with the young man at the advice of the pastor. I sit down with the young man. I said, “Hey, young man.” I get hired by churches and I used to help them write sermons and I don’t write it from a theological perspective but more from a visual, graphical, audio, visual, that kind of thing. I sit down with the young man and I said, “Hey, how many hours did you spend prepping for your sermon?” He said, “Just like a half hour.” I’m like, “I know,” and he goes, “What?” I go —

Tim: It is obvious there was no preparation.

Clay: You can graduate from Oral Roberts University and from Rhema and other fine institutions with a degree in theology and not know anything about theology. It’s possible to get a B. You can just fake it on tests. You can B.S. your way through anything. I took Spanish in college. I took Spanish one and two and I know no Spanish because all I wanted to do was get a B. My whole goal was just to get a B.

Tim: Ola.

Clay: Yes, it’s like,”Hello” but I’d like —

Tim: See? There you go. You know quite a bit there, Clay. I thought —

Clay: I just wanted to get a B. That was my whole goal, just get a B.

Tim: [laughs] Get a B, and be out.

Clay: Now, here’s the thing is, Thrivers, is that I sat down with the guy and said, “You need to take four hours per hour on stage. Four hours of preparation for every hour on stage.” Now here —

Tim: Four to one.

Clay: Yes and I said —

Tim: Four to one.

Clay: Here’s the deal, “For every thing that you sate, every statement you make, every principle you teach, I want you to do the quad.” He’s like, “What’s the quad?” I’m like, “Okay, my young grasshopper. I will teach you how to become a public speaker. One, for every principle, have a stat, like a statistic. Two, have a bible verse because the bible, you’re a pastor, you know the whole bible verse, it supports it.”

Tim: Authoritative source, yes.

Clay: “Three, have the context of said verse, so you’re not just taking things randomly out the bible. Four, have and actionable story, like this is how it applies to you.” So, two weeks go by, he doesn’t ever talk and it bombs. I’m telling you Thrivers. Have you been to church services where it bombs? I mean have you ever been to a church service and you’re like.

Now, growing up, we’ve all been to churches too where they always have a singer and she always sings whenever there are going to raise — whenever we’re going do the offering. There’s an offering, Tim, and there and they pass the plate and there’s a singer. There’s usually a good singer and when the good singer’s gone, they usually have a backup who’s not so good. When they come up everybody knows bomb.

Now, this is what this guy is doing, he’s bombing. I said, “Listen, have you prepared?” He goes, “I did.” I said, “You are an associate pastor and I’m just being honest with you. Will you be honest with me?” He’s associate pastor. “Did you prepare?” He goes, “I’m going to be honest. I didn’t.” I’m like, “Oh, here we go again.” Bomb. I’m going tell you what, guess what this person’s not doing anymore? Preaching, because it was awful. If you’re listening right now and you’re unwilling to take the time to plan out your day, you’re going to lose.

Here’s a notable quotable Martin Luther King Jr. as we celebrate Martin Luther King week here. This is what he says. He says, “Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions.” [laughs]

Tim: That’s beautiful.

Clay: Talk to me about this. You see it with clients. You have a motivated client. You have to prepare. Walk us through this.

Tim: Yes, I’m working with a number of clients even right now and just bless their hearts here. It’s just like they want to move the needles, but they’re not taking that preparation to begin the day to create their day. They’re going scattershot. They’re reacting to fires. They’re creating more fires. They’re actually creating more unproductivity in their organization because of the lack of planning.

Clay: What I would like to do, because I know you do this all the time, I would like when we come back, if you could educate me, and the audience, if you could teach us, if you could teach the audience the system for organizing one’s day when we get back. I think a lot of people are going, “Okay. maybe I can’t afford a business coach. Maybe I live out of town. I can’t get out to the seminar and I know I can’t learn it all, but if you can just teach me how to organize my planning time that would be very, very helpful.”

When we get back, Tim Redmond the man who helped grow a company from two people to 450, the guy who has helped thousands of people to learn time management, the man who’s personally coached hundreds of business owners on how to grow their businesses is going to teach you how to organize your day, how to plan out your day, how to map it out. He’s going to teach you time management magic, time management 101. Stay tuned

Voice-Over: [inaudible 00:42:39] SBA entrepreneur of the year Clay Clark. This is the Thrive Time Show on Talk Radio 1170.

Clay: Hello, Thrive nation. Welcome back into the inspiration conversation. Welcome back to the Thrive Time Show where we teach you how to start and grow a successful company. My name is Clay Clark. I’m the former SBA Entrepreneur of the Year, but more importantly I’m the father of five human kids and I’ve successfully tricked my wife into staying married to me for 15 years.

I credit that mainly to some great mentorship from wonderful guys like Tim Redmond and my wife’s lack of vision because she just can’t see me, so she doesn’t realize she’s married to a man bear pig. That’s why it works out so well.

Inside the box that rocks today, we have Tim Redmond. He’s our guest today and he’s a guy that’s built a company from two people to 450 people before they sold that thing for over a hundred million dollars. “One hundred million dollars?” Yes, they sold the business for over a hundred million dollars and they grew it from two people to 450 people. He’s been featured in 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and he’s actually I think — Have you ever seen my chickens? Have you ever seen my chickens?

Tim: I have chased your chickens around.

Clay: Oh, really?

Tim: Those things are [crosstalk]. They’re above average chicken.

Clay: Add that to your resume Tim, chicken chaser. Here’s the deal Thrivers. We’re getting into the thing. Today’s topic is what can a business coach really teach you? Where’s the value of that? One, if you’re skeptical about business coaching, just type in Bill Gates and business coach or type in Eric Schmidt the CEO of Google and business coaching and you’ll find that the CEO of Google has a business coach.

There are great programs. There’s the E-Myth program out there by Michael Gerber. There’s the traction program by Gino Wickman. Obviously has in my opinion humbly the world’s best business coaching program. I know it’s the most affordable business coaching program and I believe it to be the best, but you’d have to put that to the test.

But the thing here thrivers is that we’re talking about the things that a business coach can teach you. One of those things is time management. Specifically, I’m just telling you it is impossible to become a major success if you don’t become a major, a major expert at time management. You must become the best time manager possible.

Now, Lee Cockerell says this. This is Lee Cockerell. I’m going to give you a notable quotable from Lee Cockerell. He is the guy who used to be executive vice president of Walt Disney World Resorts. He says this, “Time management is not about managing your time. It’s about keeping your whole life under control. Plan the life you want or live the life you don’t.” [laughs] It didn’t feel very nice. Tim, let’s say I do wake up at six in the morning or five in the morning. I’ve got kids. I have five kids. Let’s imagine that I’m a new client of yours.

Tim: You’re waking up at five and you’re sleeping in massively from your normal [laughs].

Clay: I know. I typically get up like at three. Let’s say I’m a new client and I own a bagel shop. My name is Oswald.

Tim: Okay.

Clay: All right, Tim, so I’m getting up here. I’m up at 5 AM. I have done it. I have finished my calisthenics and I have now got my computer. I’m ready to go. What do I do? I’ve got an hour.

Tim: Go drink your coffee. You haven’t drank your coffee yet.

Clay: I have totally got caffeinated to the point where I can no longer find — Where are my keys? Where’s my wallet? No, but seriously what do I do? What do I need to do? How do I get started? What do I do?

Tim: Listen Clay, I like to refer to time management really as priority managing because that’s really what we’re doing. It’s a priority. It’s managing what’s most important in your life.

Clay: Okay. So priority management. I’m sitting down at my desk. What do I do? Walk me through it.

Tim: All right. There’s three steps here. I’m going to just do a quick run by in the three steps-

Clay: Got it.

Tim: – for me and then we can break them down.

Clay: Got it.

Tim: Number one, I want to find out what’s most important? What to do when for how long.

Clay: What needs to be done and for how long today?

Tim: Yes.

Clay: I needed — I’m going to unpack this a little.

Tim: What’s important. Number one is what’s important.

Clay: I’m Oswald. I’m just going through this. I’m Oswald and I realize okay what I’ve got to do is I’ve got to get my new sign up. I’ve got new sign coming up. I spent about $7,000 on a new sign for the outside of my building. I ordered it and I’ve got to follow up with the guy who installs the sign. I also need to make sure I order more supplies so I don’t run out. That’s on my list. I wrote it down. Okay, check, boom. Now, what do I do?

Tim: Right. Secondly — I want to come back and break that down just a little bit. Secondly, what we do is once we find out what’s most important to do, then what we want to do is we want to schedule those priorities.

Clay: You’re saying what — Tim, my day’s —

Tim: Time block.

Clay: My day changes from day to day. I own a bagel shop. This is what Oswald — Thrivers, I’m sure that you’re listening right now and you would never do this but this is what Oswald is saying. He’s saying, “Well, Tim you don’t understand. Everyday things change. People come in. People come out. I got employees that quit. They leave. Last week, for instance, we had a problem with the electricity. There’s so many things. My phone won’t stop ringing. I just got a Facebook update and my wife, Mabel, I never know where Mabel is. I can’t get hold of her.”

When people say, “Hey, you don’t understand my business or my schedule. You don’t — You couldn’t possibly understand the complexity of my day. It is therefore impossible for me as an exception to uniquely choose when I will do things. I’m the only business owner in the world.” If I’m listening right now — I mean sure the guy who ran Disney World could do it. Sure, you could do it but I–

Tim: It’s different for me because I’m just different. It’s a lot tougher for me.

Clay: Because I know bagels. I know bagels.

Tim: I had to walk uphill to school both ways then back. Okay, so here’s the idea. Here’s the idea though is there’s two kinds of activities that you do on your to-do list.

Clay: Got it.

Tim: You’re determined. Number one, you’re getting your to-do list up-to-date with what’s most important. There’s two kinds of list. There are two kinds of things on the list. Number one is those things that have to be done in an uninterrupted manner.

Clay: Oh, come on now preach about that.

Tim: You cannot — Certain things that require a level of thought that can’t be interrupted. Interesting, a study of the University of Michigan called the myth of multitasking. Clay it’s a first thing.

Clay: The myth of multitasking.

Tim: The myth of multitasking. They said that it can take upwards to 25 minutes to get back on the same track you were at before you get interrupted. Then it goes on to say that most managers and most people get interrupted anywhere from eight to ten minutes.

Clay: I’m going to give an example of me doing this properly. Yesterday, I put time in my schedule. I want to walk you through what I did. I put on my schedule that I’m going to take my wife out to eat at 7:00. I took my wife to eat. We went to downtown Broken Arrow to that area that’s the Rose District. There’s an Irish bar over there. We went over there and went there, had some beverages, and then we went over to that place — it’s the pizza place downtown Broken Arrow.

Sam, do you know — one of our producers. Do you know what that place is? I think it’s Andolini’s, downtown Broken Arrow. We went to Andolini’s. We go to Andolini’s and the absolute — The food was phenomenal.

Tim: Oh, I love Andolini’s.

Clay: We scheduled hours to go. We have five kids. We scheduled two hours to go which means we have to have someone watch the kids. But I have to block it out. I got to think about my week in advance and say, “Okay, when am I going to take my wife on a date?” Because we’ve been married 15 years, we have five kids and she deserves a weekly date night. It’s not a date day. It’s not a daily event. She at least deserves a weekly.

We have to a place that she likes because happy wife; happy life. We have to have a babysitter because we have five kids. All those things have to happen and it took me to plan out that particular date about a half hour of undivided time. Because I had to think about all the babysitters, had to think about where we’re going, had to think about all the logistics of when. That would be an example of uninterrupted thing.

Tim: Right. Most business owners do not set aside uninterrupted time, and so they’re not able to go to the depth of thinking that the problems they face are required of them to think through. It’s just like that thought from Henry Ford and Martin Luther King Jr., “It takes a lot of effort to think.”

Clay: Now Thrivers, I’m going to cue up a sound clip that I play all the time when I’m doing my deep thinking because a lot of people ask me all the time. They say, “What do you do? Literally, what are you doing when you’re thinking? What does that look like?” Tim, I get there. You got to have a set time every day to do your thinking, don’t you, Tim?

Tim: Absolutely. I believe in having a set time, place, and pattern. For me, on the first thing is find out what’s most important here. I will have set questions that I ask every day. I bring this with the clients a set of questions that I ask myself every day as in terms of setting up what’s most important for that day.

Clay: Here’s the music I listen to while I’m doing my paperwork. This weekend, before the kids got up, it was from 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM. I finished up a book that I’ve been working on for a while that is designed to be the actionable playbook that a lot of Thrivers can use. Because Dr. Z and I use these systems all the time, you use them all the time. But I wanted to make it a really easy to use system that I could have used 15 years ago before I know what I know now.

Tim: It’s invaluable.

Clay: Because the curse of knowledge has caused me to — the curse of knowledge is it referenced to where you forget what you used to not know. I’ve been doing business for so long, there’s a lot of things I do naturally like riding a bike where it’s not stressful for me, but for other people it’s very stressful. I was finishing this book called The Boom. It’s called Boom. It’s the 13 proven steps to business success.

I’m finishing that book up, which we’re going to have available by the way for all the Thrivers at the in person two-day workshops that we’re having this Friday and Saturday at the beautiful Jenks Riverwalk. It’s going to be two days. It’s 15 hours of power. It starts at 7:00 AM and goes to 3:00 PM each day. We have a scholarship program available so if you can’t afford it, now you can. We teach time management. We teach sales. We teach marketing.

We teach search engine optimization. It is awesome source. I will be personally leading it. It will be here at the world headquarters in beautiful Jenks America. You can learn more about it by going to Again, But I had to finish this book lit up for the Thrivers. This is the music I listen to while I’m doing it [background music] and I crank this up and I’m not kidding. I’m in my man-cave and my daughters laugh because they’ll get on the outside — I didn’t even know they’re listening but I’m in there and I’m just typing away. There’s something-

Tim: [foreign]

Clay: There’s something almost hypnotic to me about bagpipes. First off, if someone is not playing the bagpipes well, how do you know? But anyway, so you move on. They’re playing the bagpipes and then the drums — and I almost look in like almost lose it. I almost get in a trance where I can just start typing and — I literally was able to type out almost 120 something pages without getting up, by just deep diving in it. [music] No disrespect to the bagpipers out there but if you’re a bad bagpiper or a good bagpiper, how does anyone know? What’s the difference?

Tim: I don’t know. I guess I’d have to ask-

Clay: Maybe the good sounds bad to me. But anyway so Tim, what do you do in your quiet time? Where are you doing this? Where do you have your planning time? Are you in the bathtub? Are you in the man shade? Where are you?

Tim: I have two spots that I go. One is on the kitchen table. It’s away from everything and it’s got all kinds of space on there. I have an office in my home but I’d rather just work in the kitchen table. Or a super comfortable couch that I can just zone in and really get going on things here. I am ready to rock and roll with this thing.

Clay: Now the thing is Thrivers, if you’re listening here and you’re saying, “Yes, okay. I’m sitting in my desk, I’m sitting in the kitchen table.” I am going to give you a super move that I don’t think you’re ready for, Thrivers.

Tim: Let’s bring it on.

Clay: I’ve never talked about this on the air before but Randy Pausch, this is Randolph Frederick Pausch. He is famous. He wrote a book. He basically he knew that he was dying and so he wrote a book that catalogs “his last lecture” as he calls it. He was a professor at Carnegie Mellon. One of the tips he gave people — this is crazy because this is a guy who’s like the peak of his career who is at the leader of industry.

One tip he said that would save you the listener right now. It will save you for sure, definitely, 100%, it will save you 15% of your work week, assuming you work at a computer. If you work at a computer, this will give you 15% of your week back. Thrivers, I’m going to tell you what it is but it’s a deal where maybe you don’t want to know, maybe you do. Here’s the thing is, right now we’re going to go to break here in a minute.

Tim: Curious minds have got to find this out.

Clay: You got two options here, one you could go to Oklahoma Joe’s, get some of those baked beans and then head over to Regent Bank and inquire about a business loan or just hang out there with Sean Kouplen and the Bank Regent staff, one of our great sponsors. You could go to Oklahoma Joe’s, one of our great sponsors. Or you could maybe get to Oklahoma Joe’s and Regent and then come back to the show where I’m going to teach you how to save at a minimum 10 to 15% of your week.

You’re going to save that by implementing this move taught by Randy Pausch. A man who knew he was dying and so he taught the world how to save time, how to become the most efficient that could possibly be with their time,

Tim: Boom.

Speaker 3: Tuesday, January 17, tower two, segment two, standby.

[background noise]

Clay: Welcome back to the Thrive Time Show where we teach you how to make your business grow fast and not slow. This is the audio dojo of mojo and I’m going to teach you what you need to start and grow a business fo’ sho’. My name is Clay Clark, the former SBA Entrepreneur of the Year. I am in here inside the box that rocks with Tim Redmond taking about what a business coach can teach you, and specifically we’re talking about how a business coach will teach you time management super moves. One of the time management super moves that a business coach should teach you is the importance about using multiple monitors.

Randy Pausch, this is a professor at Carnegie Mellon. He found that when a man or a woman uses two screens, they can get 10 to 15% more work done instantly, boom. Why? Because it’s window management. I have one window open for my email and I have one for my to-do list. I just copy stuff over and check it out. I actually have three monitors. “You mean it looks like NASA?” Yes, and at the office, I have no monitors. “You have no monitors at your office? What do you mean?” Yes, so I do all my paperwork in the morning and then at the office, I don’t even touch it. I won’t even look at a computer in the workday.

But the thing is, is that I manage my — just I don’t want to get too deep into it because it’s a workshop, I’ll teach you all this. But you’ve got to have two monitors. You have to have two monitors because you have to have one where you’re typing and such, and one where you’re dragging over data. Have you ever tried to update a website with one monitor? That sucks like a vacuum. It’s terrible because you’re trying to minimize this and then maximize that, and remember what you were looking at-

Tim: This is awesome advice.

Clay: Got to have two monitors. You’re going, “Do you work for the big bad evil monitor making companies? Are you part of the — Is this part of the Russian-Trump world takeover? Are you guys part of that illuminati?” No. I’m just telling you got to have two monitors. Tim, I’m at my desk, I’m getting up at a set time every day. You’re telling me-

Tim: Your monitors are huge, all three of them.

Clay: Yes, they’re like 40 inches. It’s 40 inch monitors.

Tim: It’s about a half acre.

Clay: There you go. Here’s the thing is, so step number one, I got to have a set time to do this.

Tim: Set time, a set place, and a set pattern.

Clay: Walk us through the set pattern move. What do you mean there, wizard?

Tim: You’re sitting down and don’t force yourself to create how you’re going to create your day. Setup a pattern where you’re going to ask the same questions. I’ve done this with a construction company just recently. I’m going to say, “Okay, question number one, what’s the most important thing to get done today?” Whatever comes to mind, just bam with it.

Clay: I want to make sure I’m getting this. I’m at my desk and I’m wearing a monk outfit. I’m ready, I’m like, “I’m going to do quiet time. I’m at my desk, I’m ready for quiet time. I’ve got a set place, I’ve got a set time.”

Tim: Listen to inner voice.

Clay: You’re saying I need to have questions that I ask myself.

Tim: The same questions every day.

Clay: Give me the first question. Give me a question to ask myself. Here we go.

Tim: What is the most important thing to do today?

Clay: What is the most important thing to do today?

Tim: Do you think, “Well that’s such a simple question?”

Clay: Yes, it is.

Tim: But it’s just whatever comes to your mind, it empties your brain. Whatever comes to your mind, it empties your brain. You just gets in on your screen or type it up or writing it out.

Clay: Now here is the thing, is ill be real with the Thrivers right now, it’s 1:16 in the afternoon, 1:16 in the afternoon. Check it out, and you know what I have not done? You know what I haven’t done here? Sorry, there’s a little bit of a tape delay if you’re listening, so you’re like, ”Well it’s actually 1:12 or 1:20.” I can’t control it, okay. They’re censoring us, they’re censoring us. Here is the thing is though, is that I have not looked at my phone at all today.

It’s 1:00 and I haven’t done it at all. No text messages. I started my day, I sent out the text messages I needed to, right? I’ve sent those out but I have no idea who’s called me, who’s text me or who’s emailed me at all today and I’m not going to know until 2:00 because that’s the time of the day that I’ve scheduled to do that and then I’m not going to know again until 5:00 because I’ve scheduled to do it again then on the way home.

”Do you check your voicemails while you’re driving? That’s why you’re such a bad driver. I’m reporting you.” I didn’t say that, I just inferred that I pull over on the side of the road and do it but the point is, there is some Bluetooth technology out there Thrivers [laughter], don’t get all crazy. Here is thing, is you have to ordain your schedule because check it out, I never ever; I was looking at my phone, I never have a five minute window ever where I don’t get a call, a text or an email, ever. There’s never a five-minute window in my day ever where I don’t get a call, text or an email during my Monday through Friday, ever, ever.

Tim: Yes, it’s outrageous and that’s the other kind of thing here, I mean we’re working through this set pattern of questions but the two kind of tasks that you have is one, that it requires uninterruptable time and the other one is, you filter in little pockets of time that you begin to implement throughout the day.

Clay: I label those times, I call one meta-time which is where I work above my normal reactive day, where I work beyond. You call it meta-time or you can call it quiet time or planning time, that’s a deeper thinking and then the second time, I call it alpha-time. Alpha-time is where I just get stuff done. If you’re like a football team, they spend an unbelievable amount of time. The Patriots, who I have to talk about at least once per show.

Bill Belichic is maniacal about watching game film and watching game film and watching game film to expose the other team’s weakness. Well this week if you listen to Patriots radio, they’re in Boston, you’ll hear about this but they signed this receiver on their team who previously played on the Buffalo Bills and this guy, he is very, very fast, he can get away from people. The whole game plan was, ”Throw it far down the field and let that guy outrun the defensive backs. Do that a couple of times and we’ll probably get some big plays.”

That was part of their plan and so you see it happen because they were exposing the other team’s weaknesses. I’m telling you if you’re listening right now, they plan all week. Bill Belichic is legendary for how much he spends watching game film, recruiting players, scouting players, drafting players, interviewing players and then they only get to play for two hours a week. I mean they’re only playing two hours a week but they’re preparing all week.

Tim: That’s a lot of preparation.

Clay: So if you’re listening right now, I’m just telling you, you’ve got to prepare. Tim, where else do people get this wrong when it comes to planning their daily schedule? Where else are people getting this wrong my friend?

Tim: Well the third point I have; first point is what’s important and how long is each thing going to take? Secondly is scheduling a time block and the third is printing out your to-do list and your calendar so that you bring it with you. Basically the day is, you create the day then you execute the day.

Clay: Now I’m going to ask you this, so you’re saying I have to print it out?

Tim: You print it out, carry it with you so that you can look at it throughout the day to execute, execute, execute.

Clay: Now here’s the thing, I see a lot of Thrivers, this is what they’re doing, okay. We have a lot of Thrivers who are ’80s fans and I respect that but this is what you’re doing; some of you who are listening right now, you think better when there’s music on and some of you are listening and you can’t think when there’s music on, okay. I am a person who I cannot think deeply at all when there’s music on. I can’t do it. I cannot read. I cannot think but I also stressed out when there’s not music during my alpha-time. You’re like, ”What?” When I’m getting stuff done, if I’m in a quiet doctor’s office, I almost want to shoot myself. This is the music ill typically listen to while I’m doing my paperwork though [music] and I’ll just jam out to the monks for hours.

Tim: Yes, that focus music. YouTube has got a lot of that focus music that I’ll play when I’m going deep.

Clay: So some of you Thrivers, you’re out there trying to focus, you’re sitting down to think deeply or to write that book and this is what you’re doing and you know that you get distracted easily [music] and you’re listening to Prince and you’re kids are running around the living room and you’re listening to Prince and they’re running around that living room and your wife is going, ”Hey honey, what do you want to eat?” And you’re going, ”Hey, I’m going to get this” And then your show comes on then you get a Facebook message and you’re just spinning your wheels getting nothing done.

You’ve got to find it, what works for you, you’ve got to have where do you need to be? When do you need to be there? What do you need to be doing for your deep thinking, meta-times?

You need to write this down right now, Thrivers. You need to get out a sheet of paper and write down, ”When am I going to have my daily quiet time? Where am I going to have my daily quiet time? And what am I going to be asking myself during my quiet time?” And you need to do that because when we come back, it’s going to be the not quiet time and we’re going to teach you more about what a business can teach you. [Pause 01:05:34]

Clay: Hello Thrive nation. Welcome back into the conversation on the Thrive Time show, your audio dojo of mojo. My name is Clay Clark, I’m the co-host with the ‘mo-ost’ and I’m broadcasting from inside the box that rocks which is inside the world headquarters, which is inside the center of the universe, AKA Tulsa, which is inside the planet earth. Anyway, the point is, it’s awesome and for those of you who are watching on Facebook live, you might have noticed I was just checking out my wife because my wife works here in the office sometimes, so I was just kind of hitting on my wife through the glass.

It was very inappropriate. I broke all the HR rules but that’s what you do when you get to work with your incredible wife doing the job that you love and that’s what it’s all about, is building a successful business so that you can do whatever the heck you want even if that means hitting on your wife during the workday in a completely inappropriate, HR non-approved way.

To teach us how to grow a successful business, we have Mr Tim Redmond with us on the show today. He’s a guy who grew a business from two people to; ”Well what number is that?” To; ”All right, I’m writing that down”, to 450 people. ”Man, did you say 450 people?” Yes I did, I said 450. ”Man, are you talking about–?” He grew a business from two people to 450 people? Oh boy, I’m going to take some notes, this is going to be good.

Right and he’s teaching you specifically today, we’re teaching you about the value that a business coach can bring to your life and this next thing that a business coach can bring to you, a business coach can and will bring to you, is that we’re going to help you determines your unique value proposition, your purple cow. You see in a herd of cows; there’s many cows out there, many cows, many cows in Mogi, many cows in Bixby.

They’re all brown cows and over time you begin to say, ”On the way home I no longer look at the cows because I’ve seen all the cows. I’m no longer visually entertained.” The cows say, ”Are you not entertained?” Then you say, ”No I’m not, actually I didn’t even notice you. I drove to work today, didn’t even remember what you looked like, didn’t even look over. I probably saw you but I ignored you because you are a brown cow.”

Then the cows says, ”I’m tired of being ignored, so I’m going to paint myself purple.” So the cow, all over sudden, gets thumbs and hands, it’s weird, do they pay somebody to help them? Anyway the point is, cows have currency, it just gets crazy but the point is, the cow is now purple. Now you drive home and go, ”Oh man, what is that?” And you pull over to look at that cow and then someone notices that you pulled over and they pull over and then someone notices that three pulled over and they say, ”Do you all need help?” And then pretty soon, eight people are pulling over and now people are staring at the brown cow that was once brown but now it’s purple because people want to see purple cow.

You see when you build a product that is remarkable, people remark about it. Thus, there is a notable quotable I will read here for you, it says, “You’re either a purple cow or not. You’re either remarkable or invisible, make your choice.” That is Seth Godin, that is Seth Godin the best-selling author of a book called The Purple Cow.

Tim: Great book, great book.

Clay: Tim, where do most business owners get it wrong when it comes to making a purple cow?

Tim: I find that most of the clients that I’ve worked with, they’re too general, they’re too boring, they’re too invisible with describing what sets their company apart. ” We have awesome customer service.”

Clay: ”We’re the most professional. We’ve been around -” This is a challenge there for Thrivers.

Tim: ”High quality service.”

Clay: ”High quality, we’re high quality” And this is a challenge there for you Thrivers; describe to somebody; we’ll go ahead and write it down, this is called an elevator pitch. Go ahead and write down what makes the business you own now or the business you want to own in the future, what makes it different than the competition? And you cannot say professional, you can’t say customer service, you can’t say those.

Tim: High quality.

Clay: High quality.

Tim: But that’s an empty descriptor.

Clay: ”We’re the most professional and high quality service.”

Tim: Reliable.

Clay: ”We’re reliable.” You’ve got to have a thing, you’ve got to have a move. So here’s a purple cow, okay, [sings] ”Robertson tires, get rolling with Robertson, Robertson tires” Ow. Remember Robertson tires? They were one of the sponsors of this great show and other shows, Robertson tires.

Tim: Do you know Ted?

Clay: I don’t know.

Tim: He’s a great guy.

Clay: I don’t know Ted Talks but I know doctor Z knows Ted Talks and therefore I feel like I know him because I’ve heard great Ted stories.

Tim: Ted has got more stories than god has got verses.

Clay: But his advertisement. Thrivers, sing with me now, [sings] ”Robertson tires, get rolling with Robertson. I keep rolling with the Robertson.”

Does it sound like Cow Bell? This is more like Cow Bell. [sings] “Robertson Tires, Hey”. The thing is, Thrivers, you get some Cow Bell, you get some Robertson’s Tires. It’s going to draw customers. It’s memorable. Okay? Another example of memorable- these are things that stand out, okay? Elote. Elote- that’s a restaurant downtown Tulsa. They’ve got the home of the Puffy Tacos.

Tim: Have you ever heard of Russel?

Clay: No, but I’ve seen that they have the Luchador wrestlers.

Tim: [laughs]

Clay: You’re going to eat-

Tim: It is amazing.

Clay: -and they’ve got wrestlers in the lobby and people talk about that stuff.

Tim: Oh I’ve watched it.

Clay: How about the Roof Top? The Roof Top Restaurant at the Manor Hotel. People talk about it. It’s a rooftop.

Tim: Yes. it’s beautiful.

Clay: Thrivers, you’ve got to have a Purple Cow. I’m going to read you another notable quotable. I’m going to slap you in the face with the truth cannon another notable quotable from Seth Godin. Pshaw. Pshaw. “Aw, I was just trying to take some notes”. Pshaw. Pshaw. “Pay attention.” “Aw. Stop hitting me”. Pshaw. Pshaw. He says this, “In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is failing. Not standing out is the same thing as being invisible. Boring is invisible.

Remarkable people and products get talked about”. Pshaw. Pshaw. Pshaw. “I need some examples. Give me an example.” Okay, Starbucks. The decor and atmosphere created what the CEO described as The Third Place. They have baristas instead of coffee people. They use unique words, they’ll say “I have a tall. Can I have a venti? Can I have a–?”, they have a unique atmosphere.

Tim: They have a whole language.

Clay: They have a whole language. They have a unique smell, sound, ambiance, atmosphere, decor, and more. It’s all Starbucks and you pay for the experience, not for the cup of coffee which is good because you’re paying for about four bucks. Moving on. TOM shoes. Every time I buy a pair of TOM shoes, they give a pair of shoes to somebody else.

Tim: Oh, it’s Blake Mycoskie. He’s awesome.

Clay: People talk about it. Like Dr. Zoellner, check it out, you go there, right now, there’s a special. They’re doing this special for like 25 years.

Tim: Special today and today only and tomorrow and the next 25 decades.

Clay: I don’t know if eventually, he’s going to adjust the prices for inflation but here’s the deal, he’s always running this commercial, it says, “For $99 you get one pair of stylish eyeglasses and an exam.” Okay? Elephant In The Room. That’s our Men’s Grooming Lounge. That’s the Haircut Place. If you’re a dude and you have hair–” Last I checked I am a dude and I do have hair” all right, so if you’re a dude and you have hair, “Well, I’m a dude but I don’t have hair” well, anyway, if you’re a dude and you have hair go to The Elephant In The Room.

It’s $1 for your first haircut and when you go there you’re going to discover there is rustic Barnwood– Oh he’s sold another ticket, so exciting. We have rustic decor. We have historic Barnwood. We have light bulbs that are Edison bulbs. We have paraffin hand dip. We have hot towel treatment.

Tim: As a customer, Clay, it is blow-away.

Clay: You have actually a– we kind of secretly, but you’re a mystery-shopper.

Tim: I’ve had many, many months where I paid but I have always been wowed. It is a WOW experience. It is a Purple Cow right in my face each experience.

Clay: Here’s some action items Thrivers that you can do. When we get back, Tim and I, are going to walk you through the next move that a business coach will help you. Business coaches are going to help you improve that branding. When we come back, we’re going to go deep into specifically how a business coach can help you improve your branding, but here’s a quick list of some things that you can do to develop your Purple Cow.

One, write down what is your smell. “My smell?” You got to have a smell. My smell is Pignon wood, that’s my smell. Pignon wood.

Tim: [laughs]

Clay: Create a music playlist. “I have to create a playlist?” Yes. Mine is R&B. I like both [crosstalk] cuts of R&B.

Tim: I smell the Pignon Wood right here in the studio.

Clay: You can smell it? It’s in the Thrive15 World Headquarters. We have the Pignon Wood always a cooking

Tim: Love it.

Clay: Now next is an Inbound Phone Script. How will you answer the phone? Okay? What colors, what theme, what decor for your office? What uniforms will your team wear? What uniforms? How will people be greeted? How will customers be greeted? Will you offer samples? What was the customer experience? What will that be like that will separate you from everybody else?

Once you begin to differentiate yourself if you create enough of unique value proposition, people begin to tell other people about the “Wow”. So once you make a Purple Cow, people will say, “Wow”. “How do I know if I have a Purple Cow?” If people say, “Wow”.

Stay tuned Thrivers. When we come back we’ll teach you about the art of branding with Tim Redmond. Stay tuned. ThriveTime

Clay&Tim: Boom.


Clay: All right, Thrive Nation, welcome back into the conversation. We’re talking today specifically about the value of a Business Coach. You see, there’s many business coaching platforms out there that. The tree that I endorse specifically are, the E‑Myth program that’s by Michael Gerber, he’s the best-selling author of the EMyth books series.

Tim: Great books.

Clay: Awesome. Now the second is Traction by Gino Wickman. I highly recommend that program. A very, very good program. The final one is the program that we built. We built ours to be the most affordable business coaching program because Dr. Z and I have not forgotten how we grew up and we wanted to give back and make it very affordable for everybody.

We also have workshops, two-day In-person workshops, in fact, we have one coming up this Friday and Saturday. It starts at 7 AM, it goes until 3 PM and it’s 15 hours of power. We’re going to cover branding, we’re going to cover the three-legged marketing stool. We’re going to cover sales conversion, we’re going to talk about building repeatable systems. We’re going to get into time management.

The way we do it is, you have a workshop for 45 minutes and then we break for 15, and then 45 minutes and we break for 15. We do this for two days, from 7 AM to 3 PM, it’s taught by me personally. It will blow your mind.

Tim: Awesome. Apply it now stuff.

Clay: It’s like, when you leave, you have to duct tape your brain together because your brain just explodes, just, ‘Pshaw’. Here’s the thing Thrivers, we’re talking today specifically though with Tim Redmond, okay? Tim Redmond grew a business from two people to 450 people. Let me repeat, he went from two people to 450 people. That deserves a big Harry Caray. ”Holy Cow.”. There’s a glitch, let me do it again, ”Holy Cow”.

That deserves a smooth Harry Caray, he grew a business from two people to 450 people, ”Holy Cow”. Wow, that reminds me of– ”Holy Cow”– okay, I’m done with it, I’ll put the button down, I’m not going to hit it again sorry, I wouldn’t– ”Holy Cow”. Okay. That’s the last time I’m going to hit that button, but no, seriously, we’re talking about branding and branding, Tim, you coach businesses, where do people get it wrong when it comes to their branding?

Tim: Well, you think about it, you’re following a very logical step here. We have our unique value proposition, then we want to play those– the way that we have our Purple Cow, we want to bring that into our branding. That’s where so many people fall down. They’re not thinking about bringing what makes them unique and set-apart. They’re not bringing that into their branding.

Clay: Here’s an example, Thrivers, okay? Years ago, I was working with this photographer guy who was awesome at photography. I’m talking world-class, okay? Just great photos. I’m talking about– if you’ve ever seen somebody– and we can all take photos with our smartphones and probably get a B level with it but this guy is A+ and he’s super poor, like struggling beyond.

I said, “Bro, who built your website?” and he go, “I did”, and I’m like, “It looks like a third-grader took your great photos and assembled them on some free web tool.”, and he said, “Hey, I built it myself”, and I’m like, “Hey, it doesn’t matter how long you worked on it, okay? It doesn’t matter how hard you worked, it sucks, like a hoover. It’s terrible. What we need to do is we need to fix it so you can grow some money. I got to be rude to you because I’m going to help you. I’m going to be offensive because the truth is offensive for most people, by the way, just throwing it out there”.

Tim: You can’t handle the truth.

Clay: Let’s talk about this. Just a deep thought, let’s say we did have a president who balanced to the budget and actually paid off the National debt. That wouldn’t be fun and we wouldn’t like that person for all the cuts right? Because that would be the truth and that’ll be like, “Wait a minute. What?” The thing is, everyone loves Santa Claus. We all love the guy who says, ” Oh yes, well, improve your branding but your website’s great man. You’re a good–“, and all your friends are going, “Woah man, you’re website’s awesome bro. Awesome. Did you build that yourself? Oh wow, it looks really good bro. You must be a good person.”, then people at church say, ” Oh my gosh, you’re so great. I know this business is going to be a blast.”

Meanwhile, you’re living in a van down by the river, not making any money and Michael Levine. “Michael Levine? Who’s Michael Levine?” He’s the PR consultant for Nike, for Michael Jackson’s estate, for the Clinton’s, for Pizza Hut, a mentor. He’s on our website, He says this, he says, “If you give someone a present, and you give it to them in a Tiffany box, it’s likely that they’ll believe that the gift has a higher perceived value than if you gave it to them in no box or a box of less prestige.

Tim: That’s so profound.

Clay: That’s not because the receiver of the gift is a fool but instead because we live in a culture in which we gift-wrap everything. Our politicians, our corporate heads, our movie, out TV stars and even our toilet paper, that’s Michael Levine. [laughs] Right now Thrivers, I’m going to have you go through the checklist and Tim, you could break it down. The website, let’s start with the website. Why does the website have to look first class there? Tim.

Tim: Well, I mean again, it’s that packaging here. That’s their first impression that people will have here. Is this even remotely set you apart from the competition. [crosstalk]

Clay: “But it’s all that I can afford.” Well how much can you not afford to fix your website?

Tim: You can afford not to do it right.

Clay: My wife literally worked at Office Depot, while I worked at Target, in Applebee’s, in DirectTV and she also is working a part-time at Oral Roberts University so that we could afford-

Tim: Just to buy your website.

Clay: -just to buy our website, yes.

Tim: Really? you’re working all these extra jobs just to make sure you had a tiffany box of a website.

Clay: Spent $12,000 with a company called Creative State on making it. It was a beautiful site. It made me lots of money but I had to sacrifice. “Sacrifice, this isn’t a very fun show.” I had to make a tradeoff. “Tradeoff? We don’t want tradeoffs?” I did a tradeoffs. Sacrifice. “What is this Sewing seeds. What is this? Like a show about logic and how to build success? This isn’t very fun. Why can’t they just talk about–” Things we can’t control? But anyway, the website, you got to fix that. Then your logo. Your logo can’t be looking not so good.

Tim: Yes. Less is more with logo. A lot of people want to put their entire life story into the logo. But look at the top brands in the world.

Clay: In the world.

Tim: They move from complexity to simplicity almost 100%. It’s a very simply, recognizable design.

Clay: All right. I’m on Google right now and I’m looking at the logo of Google and I noticed that it’s very simple. The Apple logo is very simple and Starbucks is very simple, and really all the big — I think someone just sold a ticket to a workshop. But the thing is everybody’s are all simple but “I want my logo to be complex because I’m a deeper thinker than the people at Apple or Starbucks. I’ve got a unique vision Tim. I want my logo to say something, mean something, be something, and do something.”

Tim: Be deeper, be deeper. But get comfortable eating government cheese.

Clay: Oh man, this just in. This just in from Elon Musk. Who’s he? He built PayPal. “I don’t like PayPal.” He built Tesla. “I don’t like Tesla.” He built SpaceX. “I don’t believe in going to space.”

Tim: He reinvents entire industries, Clay.

Clay: He’s taking over for NASA. This is what he says, “Brand is just a perception. Perception will match reality over time. Sometimes it will be ahead, other times it will be behind. But brand is simply a collective impression some have about a product.” Thrivers you’re listening right now going, “Okay, okay. You’ve sold me.” Listen, I’m not trying to sell you. You can go hire anybody to do the website. I don’t care.

Yes, Full discloser. We can build a website for you, but I don’t care. There are great companies. In Tulsa there’s there’s Hampton, there’s Cubic, there’s Creative State. There’s some good companies. There’s Acrobat Ant. Go find somebody. Build a website for you. Get it done because you can’t have a nasty website. Tim, do you know what having a nasty website is like?

Tim: Well it’s like coming to work to present to people and your clothes are dirty and stinky and it’s just repulsive.

Clay: I have an analogy I give people all the time. It’s gross but I have to share it. It’s like this, you go to a fine dining restaurant. You go there and the waiter — the food is unbelievable. It’s high quality. You order something like filet mignon or lobster. The presentation is great. But you go to the bathroom right before the meal comes out. You get up and say, “Honey, I got to go to the bathroom real quick.”

You get up and go to the restroom. There you see the chef who has a nasal congestion problem. He’s just sneezing and sneezing. He’s doing this, “Does someone has some DayQuil.” He just, “Achoo, achoo. I just need some more DayQuil.” You see that he puts down — right after sneezing he puts your food on the tray and it comes out to you.

Tim: I have a temptation to vomit right now.

Clay: That’s what is going to happen when people find your website and it looks nasty; nasty boys. You do not want your website to look nasty. If you say, “I want to fix my website. I want to fix my time management. I want to fix my sales. I want to figure out my break even point. I want to do that all at one time. I don’t have a lot of time but I want to get it all done at one time.” Then you have two options. One, you go to and you buy yourself a ticket to our two day in person, 15 hour workshop.

It’s this Friday, this Saturday, 7 AM to 3 PM. Led by me personally, Clay Clark, SBA entrepreneur of the year. I will be here teaching you how to start and grow a successful business. Right here live, your broda from Minnesota. I’m going to be here to teach you what you need to know to grow that business.

Tim: That’s going to be awesome Clay. It’s going to be awesome.

Clay: Or option two. Option number two. You go to and you sign up for the world’s best business school. It’s online. Check it out, it’s $19 a month. If you sign up for $19 month, we’re going to give a free subscription to a member of the United States military. Veteran, reserve, active duty, we’ll give it to you. But if you can’t afford $19 a month, you can set your own price. The decision is up to you. You can do what you want but or If you’re looking for one on one business coaching, a little bonus, Tim Redmond has a team of people that –

Tim: I’d love to help these guys.

Clay: -can coach you one on one. Now how do you find out about Tim? Go to thrivetime–

[01:25:10] [END OF AUDIO]


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