How to Enter Into a Partnership | How to Manage a Partnership | Partnership 101 – Part One

Business Coach | Ask Clay & Z Anything

Audio Transcription


During today’s Thrive Time Business Coach Radio Show, Clay Clark and Doctor Zoellner break down the pieces and steps that it takes to enter a partnership, how to manage that partnership and everything you need to know about partnering with someone in the world of business.

During today’s show they cover the following scenarios and more:


1. You partner with someone who turns out to be morally terrible


  1. 1. Your partner is stealing cash
  2. 2. You have a partner who doesn’t pull their weight (do their job, document items, stay organized, show up on time, etc.)
  3. 3. Your spouse doesn’t like your partner



2. Your partner uses the company credit card for personal expenses


  1. 1. You have 2 partners who have equal ownership



3. You try to reach a consensus with your partner (or spouse) on everything


  1. 1. You can’t hold your partner accountable because you live with them


4. You have a passive aggressive partner who agrees to do things in meetings, but then won’t do them
  1. 1. You bring your partner problems into your office / meetings
  2. 2. Your spouse becomes your partner by default
  3. 3. Your partner marries somebody who now just became your partner



NOTABLE QUOTABLE“Every time I read a management or self-help book, I find myself saying, “That’s fine, but that wasn’t really the hard thing about the situation.” The hard thing isn’t setting a big, hairy, audacious goal. The hard thing is laying people off when you miss the big goal. The hard thing isn’t hiring great people. The hard thing is when those “great people” develop a sense of entitlement and start demanding unreasonable things. The hard thing isn’t setting up an organizational chart. The hard thing is getting people to communicate within the organization that you just designed. The hard thing isn’t dreaming big. The hard thing is waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat when the dream turns into a nightmare.”

― Ben Horowitz (The man who build Opsware, a company that he later sold to Hewlett Packard for $1.6 billion in cash)


Relationship Killers and Creators:
  1. 1. Communication
  2. 2. Expectation



Alright, boom boom boom and boom, walking back to the Thrive time show on your radio. My name is Clay Clark in the former USS, be a entrepreneur of the Year sent here on a mission to get you into aAlright, boom boom boom and boom, walking back to the Thrive time show on your radio.

My name is Clay Clark in the former USS, be a entrepreneur of the Year sent here on a mission to get you into a great financial position in the box. It is always ecstasy when we have  business coach  whatever we have enough to be next to Z, doctors out there.

How are you today, my friend, I am fantastic and deprive Nation wants to know they want to know they want to know. We have brought it up on, shows pass and for those of you that are listening live.

Thank you very much business coach  for those of you that are listening to podcast subscribe to it and you can share around the world play that you can listen to it.. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you, mr. Gore, how your son, the budding entrepreneur which we’ve had we’ve had toa couple of cage business coach  fights over his career and career choices, and you being the limiting membrane and his business and it’s a bit of a message.

Now we’re transitioning in the fall, and so what’s going on with this business 10 years old. Well, right now I will we have on one side of the business coach  road we have about four acres on the other side of the road you like 14-acre, so that 18 acres and he needs to maintain about 6 of those Acres who’s out. There mowing on his Husqvarna riding lawn mower and he cashed in this week.

We we we owed him, you know business coach  some money and I make him basic iForce savings. I guess I’m a good man, I might be all mine, and he said that I want to.

I want to go ahead and cash it and I want to get some stuff, so we went to Guitar Center Justin you’ve seen this and he should have bought these awesome Mackie speakers, oh yeah, and he bought an extrasir but he’s basically now his cashed in all

His money – and he now has a complete DJ system that would rival that of most professional disc jockeys in Tulsa, at least had to he said, he’s worked his way up going to business coach   start out a little just a CD player, Boombox yep.

He started that and then he just slowly work his way up and now he’s got an impressive. He did it, we did it, we we we, we chose to I’ll, really undervalue his performance in his earnings from the Landscaping career and in turning that into his DJ, because I’m not kidding he’s probably got maybe six or seven thousand dollars of BJ.

Here now he’s rounded up business coach   when he’s 10doing, that following your footsteps, or is it just something in your in your Clark DNA that just says I need to play music from people. I don’t know and get them excited about that you know about Aubrey.

Is he gets entrepreneurship at the court level, which business coach   is really finding a problem? People have and charging them for a solution that they want and gets it. I think he actually business coach   wants to do that, and I think that it’s just funny but like I’ll, get back from work, you know – and I’m I’m me know – maybe want to relax music dad.

Do you want a back massage for I’ll get it and I’ll pay? You a dollar every like 5 minutes. You know maybe that, but he is always working an angle. One thing I’ve noticed and for you not to., Listen right now. This is something you have to pick up as well is paying business coach  attention and listening because your guests, your clients, Bill, tell you everything.

You know, and little Aubrey has been just watching you play 4 years right, and so he just picks up the dude is got an amazingEmory. He’S got an amazing sense of humor, so he’s witty off.

You business coach  know if they’re, not smart and witty, and his memory is just great, so he’s great list really think he’s listening, so you’re going to have to go to listeners as good as as well as Leaders commentary with a Steve Currington.

I wish I could quote something but business coach  he’ll: ask Steve questions that are passively aggressively, attacking Lee sarcastically, funny yeah and then go back and forth.. Have you ever seen these conversations, but I’m always watching the two of them sort of these 10 and he tries to outwit Steve, I business coach  believe, is like 38 dude. I reset this and I was so funny.

I was trying not to just cry right now. He has two outside clientthe fall, and so I just told him – and you got it – you got to save up that the nuts for the winter winter winter is coming. You got to steer. Is there a business coach  squirrel, your business squirrel same side now we’re DJing and he’s doing the janitorial work here at this? Is his third

Revenue Source over here at Thrive until he does all the janitorial Rock and we’re trying to get his quality standards up to the level they needed? Someone business coach  Motown Tulsa, I mean you had to kind of had your name on it. You know I mean he needs someone, he can’t drive his own business coach  vehicle, it seems like Dad. Hey.

I picked up Robert Redmond, you picked up Robert Redman’s lawn. Has anybody minutes away? Does business coach  he live in? Midtown is like: we need to get out there and we got one in Broken Arrow on the Grandma needs her to make. What business coach  are you doing these talking to the neighbor and the neighbor wants us to mow the ones we have?

Four, on the same day, I got the whole Sunday man Mattgood at solving a problem that maybe you decide, you need outside Capital, so you find a business coach  partner or maybe you don’t have the capital you need see. If I find a partner – or maybe you feel like men, you’re good business coach  at accounting, I’m good sales, now I’m going to have a partner, maybe you’re an optometrist and you team up with another one. Now you have a partnership in this is what the question we’ve had.

So much this week I feel like it would be wrong of us to not address it. Is business coach  you got so many of you email us and ask us? How do you enter into a partnership? How do you manage the partnership once you’re in it?

That’S what I’m going to do is I’m going to be two notable Court of what I’m going to be up a couple rules. I want a doctor’s, he break business coach   it down, so here’s the notable quotable from Ben Horowitz, the man who built a 1.6 billion dollar business that he sold the cops wear and he says every time I read a management or self-help book.

I find myself saying that’s fine, but that really wasn’t the business coach   hard thing about the situation. The hard thing isn’t setting a big hairy, audacious goal. The hard thing is laying people off when you missed the callstart things are hiring great people.

The hard thing is when those great people develop a sense of entitlement and business coach  start demanding, unreasonable things. The hard thing isn’t setting up an organizational chart.

The hard thing is getting people to communicate within the organizational chart that you just designed the hard thing is it dreaming? Big, the hard thing is waking business coach  up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat when the dream turns in to the Nightmare and so partnership here are the two rules hear the things that will kill every partnership?

I don’t want Jimmy to break him down and expectations, so how you communicate, and you business coach   give you living up to your expectations and or failing to meet those expectations, OC communication.

How can communicate how to say someone partner with you how good communication with you? Where can I get weird with you in terms of business coach   communication, so many times I see two dudes or two, ladies and their, you know talking, and there may be being the same life thing about.

We need to do something in a weektake charge of Our Lives. You know, and I did you see what Billy did down the road and business coach  we can we can.

We can help Billy Billy, you know what you’re talking some of your bouncing ideas off of them. You’Re talking about a problem and you think of a solution.

Think I make money and that person that you just I’m thinking the same thing and then there’s business coach  something that the two of us, Jim and there’s something about that that’s kind of it, makes you feel good. I mean now you’re like okay,

I’m not I’m, not the only crazy person, the room, it’s over a cup of coffee menu, you flush out the whole will go with the gym idea: okay, we’ll business coach  go to the globo gym, globo, gym Purple, Cobras to Holton glows, and You know we also do bowling, so we can have a great conversation.

You have a 2-hour lunch with ChinoNorman’s only about 45 minutes to an hour ride and give you the next time you have business coach  a meeting, all the sudden.

You go yeah and we’re going to do when you’re like no. No, that’s not what we said. You did say that I don’t know what we did. He said in South Tulsa, but I just felt the need to make a little change after we talked about it because I didn’t business coach  agree.

There’S something funny that happens in communication, and that is is that when I say something you don’t always hear what I think I just saidwhat. I mean by that open, because what happens is that communication is not all about the word you’re saying it.

So therefore, whenever you’re just doing verbal communication, it Lucas Lost in Translation example see you’re looking beautiful. What that really means is hey. I need to go, buy a footlong or you’re looking beautiful.

That means I don’t need, but I am a little hungry, maybe just a Snickers yeah there’s a kind of that thing. The way you say things how you say, things and exact words same exact words, but business coach  how you say that if you see, if you put the wrong emphasis on the wrong syllable, it gets weird off in the next thing you know before business coach   it even gets going to

Have hurt feelings like I thought I was going to be the boss, if your partner with somebody and they text you 5 times a day, does it make you crazy depends on what you’re texting about? It depends on what you like 12 times when they could business coach  win when Texas was like.

Let me know if they want to stay in good graces with you. What’S the acceptable number of times per week, maximum, they should communicate with you.

Well, it depends on the phase of the business what’s going on, but Madison is in Orbit business coach   and doing well, I mean you know you, might you know we might touch one today, you know once it is it Max like seven times a day is like well wait Until you get things in writing until it’s in black and white, all the verbal communication, you get get some Twisted business coach  expectations.

This is the next thing I want to pick your brain on and then we come back from the break. I want Eric chop and Justin. Ask you any questions possible about partnership for children through their experience about give me the expectations.

Expectations business coach   are in his example. You and I are partners with Thrive, and so we match each other. Or so we we’ve talked about this at the we do, and so it’s something we doing so we’ve talked about.

It is an expectation, and so we did that, and so then we don’t need to put business coach   in money anymore. Then we’ll start to share if you know, but it’s a thing of like the expectation was, was set. But then one partner says it’s not in our case, but I know I’m supposed to put in money than you agreed to, but I did buy a boat with the boat.

It’S business coach   tough right now and you know how to double up this week. The expectations getting screwed up cause a problem, a lot in so far in marriage, it’s about what forget about 50s 57 %. And yes, what happens is that you, whenever you know, whenever you go into a partnership, and business coach   you will just an example of a marriage and and not to get too deep down that rabbit trails,

I’m at the point is: is that you that the dude sitting up There taking his Valentine’s come on, he’s got an expectation and he probably hasn’t expressed it. He probably business coach   isn’t talked about it because that’s just you know most don’t, but it’s just going to be great.

No inspecting and then she’s got one fresh flowers. Every week he’s been open the doors. For me I mean she has these wonderful expectations for yourself. You know how you business coach  every minute and I’ll, take for 2 hours and a half as he’s taking the rose petals in line in the down the hallway on the radio business coach, celebrate your americanism and listen to the

Thrive time show things are going to start happening To me now, the first business coach   time you saw your name in the phone book, man wasn’t that awesome. It was awesome. I mean.

Did you cry that down that moment in a journal and say this is the moment that I am somebody my name is in the phonebook. You have to be careful because the airwaves business coach  are open to youngsters and his lot of people out there that we purchased a lot of people out there that are just like the ones that boom boom, with our phones used to be a books.

What is what is going on in the stuff that touch the gluten man cuz? I don’t you just business coach   love that man is that the original name of the book right right right there in the second half was like a big apple.

What was everything a metaphorical book? Is that yeah it’s like playing? Ok, Google, okay, because the yellow, but here’s the move, here’s the business coach  here’s, the movie even old enough to know this is the movement. But you could you always there’s always a cat-and-mouse game back in the day that the game was.

Did you make your yellow page ad large enough alphabetical, but they would put them in business coach  sizes? So if you did a full page, it be before the half page. If you did a half page before the quarter pages and that before the 8th page, the shadiest Yellow Page move, I ever did.

That was just a super effective and I realized the first year they made out of didn’t work business coach   very well. I thought you want me to do I’m going to take his exact words and one-up him on everything and everything.

So it’s like he was established in like 1987, should I put conceived a 1980 100000 professional lighting and I put like I’m like an elite professional business coach   lighting. I took my head, I put it on your head.,

That’s hard to imagine. I put the caption America’s most humble man under it and I got people having. I got a lot of deals., I hate from the competitors, but it worked man it worked out and you be like big enough to shoot business coach  right right.

Right thing is, it is it is it? Is it right spot it was all I know is we were. We were, we were not Partners. I didn’t care if I pissed him off, because I didn’t want to keep the relationship going to have relationship and I wanted to beat them like a drum.

In fact, if business coach  you were not and probably rubbing the rhubarb and Erie I’m a little bit, then you know irritating them. You probably weren’t competing like you, should have competed in business right, you’re going to be competitive and make it happen.

When you have a business coach  partner. Should we have a partnership, you don’t be competitive with each other. You know I’m saying so: let’s do it, let’s go down. If you see the list with the questions this week from the drivers, you’ve coached a lot of clients.

Is there any particular 12 partnership business coach  related questions that came in this week that you go? You know what I’ve seen this. I want to get Z’s take on this, so you that Yes, actually there is one right here. It says you have a partner who doesn’t pull their weight at you know.

I mean it like doing their job. Too business coach  many items staying organized, so you know how do you have the best way to deal with that when a partner in your business is not doing what they said, they were doing what they’re supposed to do start with you.

If someone’s not pulling their weight and just business coach  not wanting any one of these, you can have you anyone. These are any anywhere. You can maybe share your experience as the founder of elephant in the room.

How you’ve dealt with this cuz. You know you and I are Partners in his teammate different expectations, but business coach   let’s go with this first ones: AC have a partner who is it pulling their weight? How do you handle it, but here’s the thing you got ta understand Chef play: Justin J, Diggity,

Dog Nathan, beaulieu drivers out. There are multiple hats in a business for the most part. Sometimes business coach  you can have what we call a silent partner, which is a person who was basically an investor, invest in that means they don’t work in the business and hence the term silent. It’S a short of if you are the person that has the most you’re the manager, you business coach  have the control.

If you have control of the company, and so you now, you have a partner. That is a what we call a minority partner. Are you talking about partners that are not Caucasian, and no?

No, no, I’m trying my partners that have less stock than the majority business coach  rule of order correct. This break is brought to you by Twinkies, where you can always get to.

Unless you want three, you have to look at them as an employee at some point like I have a lot of times and I would buy business the gentleman that ran it. I would give them some Sweat Equity into it, so they would Inn in essence become a partner of mine, but they also were different because they were business coach  the general manager of the business also officially have some equity and they have a job, Bingo Bingo.

And so that’s what I’m reading from this question is, if they’re not pulling their weight, that would inferred me that they have a job to do in the business correct right, because business coach   I own some stock, I mean, if I buy Walmart stock, can I go in there And raise a fit about something they treat me like a customer and if I go out, but I don’t Walmart stock,

I’m a Parker. This is taken out of white out of balance. So this right here, though, that would business coach   imply so question number 6. We have enough drivers, what do you have two partners of equal ownership?

So what’s up with the song, I give example of an elephant room and Justin you and I have had our our our our our our punches are. Hugs are our high fives business coach   business coach  are upside down because we’re Partners right, but you are the guy who’s in charge of experience right so like with as far as the decor the atmosphere,

I don’t recall ever going in there and giving you feedback on that. Have I wasn’t listening, but as far as the money I get into it? Oh yeah, oh yeah. So since our our partnership with all three of us, we all have our lane, and so now we have 3.

It’S easy majority rules right. So, even if there’s something I want to do on the ground level, which is it an experience which is my Lane, I can get trumped by my two other partners, your ex 3433 Chisholm.

I am I saying that correctly or not, I use 33333 infinity and then it mp3 320 numbers after the black hole is a small portion of the elephant in the room, Men’s Grooming, Lounge. It will give you .001 % to be equal, but we don’t want to be 50/50 total due to 4949.

Go get a third party, that’s a good friend and I both agree on that then takes 2 % of it and then that way they can never agree. Then they have some of that. They both agreed as a wise, educated and knowledgeable person of what’s going on, help the vote on a Tuesday equal ownership in the problem with that. But how much is this is.

This is an issue, t business coach  hough you can’t set up a partnership like that pokes. You can you can’t, and I know I know you said not to copy talking about you – that busy to start about globo gym address it. Upfront someone’s got to be the majority someone’s going to the Hammer.

We’Re neighbors were cousins, Global gym at exactly the same time very closely. Related welcome to the Thrive time show a show for the enemies of average.

People are not born with big thighs. You know your little lazy baby in the text where to look like this remember, Hans and Franz business coach  from Saturday Night Live.

Was it that we are here to pump you full? Of course I did. I told you, that’s my jam. Is my thing to ask you: are you in American? Yes? And yes, yes to all those questions, you just do just fired off and now today we’re talking about how to enter into a partnership and specifically were on this part about when you have two partners that have equal voting rights or equal ownership is what happens you Just said, you just need to be laid out the scenario: what happened to the partner that I pull their weight?

Will the issue as you can enforce anything if you both have equal voting rights over to start with Justin on this one? Just in your the founder of elephant in the room Men’s Grooming Lounge, but I want you to cut a share what that means to you and see I want to get your feedback on it.

Let’S just cut her work through that as a team, if you don’t have an odd number of Partners like we do to get two things, you might have the same business coach  ownership as far as the percentage goes.

What you want to says you’ve got to you no say words to the partners, but I’m harmless in charge. You know and didn’t get that right now.. So that means you, don’t you want them, maybe invest with their money in their time, but then you’re going to then be calling the shots.

You got to have that one cheap tickets – it’s awkward, gets weird when you try to have to business coach  leave any one person’s IQs at the my toes and I’m offended, and you know so what’s healthier than what they had to do. Is you know cuz, we got three office and we get some potato or board meetings and go out to Denver and thinks it’s intense.

It is a distant because business coach   we are strong individuals and we would get for time, but you can see when we have someone in there. That’S not an alpha business coach  and I’m going to names.

But what happened to that person and you have to have some kind of rule. Never Elephant Room. We have rules to 37 Steven example. Justin is clearly in charge of the experience.

Okay, I’m in charge of marketing getting customers in the business coach  door right. So if he doesn’t nail The Experience, then no matter how many customers I get to the door, it doesn’t matter.

John’S job is franchising, which basically means he has the systems he’s grown over 500 Oxi Fresh locations and that’s what he’s doing with us until business coach  it’s it’s a system, and we don’t always agree in this idea that you can have a consensus on every scenarios.

Just not real and that’s why this next one’s the only get your take on this there’s so many drivers and I hate I hate to bring it up, because I know what I business coach  bring this up. When I bring up this topic, somebody is going to lose their mind.

Are you busy? Are you ready for that so yeah, oh yeah, in the car with this person? Oh yes, is your partner. Your spouse is your part of what happens if your spouse becomes the business coach  partner because you’re married to them.

So what happens is, is you were not partners with the spouse? Previous to the marriage, we’re working on my wife and I we started DJ connection together.

So I don’t know if I could have done it without him: she’s business coach  always been the accounting part of my business, so we started it together, but I see a lot of times you your you, have a business and all the sudden you marry somebody and now is He because Eric over here married somebody, and even though we were

Partners business coach   just he and I now that you’re married to somebody now all the sudden, they’re kind of a pseudo partner – almost yeah. Obviously they chime in with their feedback.

But yet I don’t recall putting them on the operating agreement. Let me say that cuz, you business coach  know what why I married someone and I and I did a business business and if it’s my time, energy and I didn’t have a contract, and business coach  you know what clay and I and our part we have a written contract.

What happens if it speaks for us? It’S in writing! It’S in business coach   right at some point, I’d like to know if my spouse will guess what the great state of Oklahoma started for you to it, take care of it when you eat it on the marriage agreement that took care of that.

So it’s already taken care for you. If you, if you don’t think you’re in business coach  Partnership, you a hundred percent, are you aren’t just saying is if you marry somebody – and you have a business here now and kind of partnership with his personality – is planted.

That idea mixer, but you know your you and your buddy are partnered and now they marry somebody and all the sudden, you’re now kind of pseudo partner.

Yet I’m saying that weird tension where you find yourself partnered with somebody that you don’t recall, involving in the business but now they’re married to this person and now you’re getting that feedback loop.

Absolutely I’ve seen it so many times and I’ve seen so many good business is really go under and because of it, and it’s business coach  the infighting it’s the control, it’s the we should be going here. Instead of over there scenario, it happened in a lot of times it.

It’S always at new Dynamic. It comes into it. In a new spouses is one of those Dynamics it comes into it. Sometimes a business will bring on a business coach   do. They need a capital t shirts that I bring it on a unit Venture group that bring on.

If somebody else they bringing somebody brings a bunch of money to the table about your money and then they think I brought I just dumped, you know you got a lot of money on his mom is a huge amount of money.

Cyprian sit back in the question. Your every move, you don’t know me very well right now, because I know I can just put massive copious amounts of money into something without giving you constant feedback and that’s one of the business coach  reasons why I would never hire a key person in my organization’s without meeting Your spouse first, because you meet someone business coach  can know a lot about their spouse and you need to see how to talk.

Like my doctor’s Prince’s, I would never hire a doctor until I sat down and spend some time with the two of them they’re in their their spouse. You know sometimes it’s a lady. Sometimes it’s a business coach  dude, you know and take him to dinner. We spend some time with him to really get to know them and because it’s always a package deal, and so you know the question really.

What you just said is what happens when the package changes and, and that’s a tough business coach  thing in business, because I was in your get along well with your partner Life’s good.

I mean he’s got plenty of free time to do the things that you need to do, or I say free time no see gets married. Now all the sudden you was home life is going on, him is pulling awning is, is business coach  demanding more of his time out there doing just fine, you don’t need to do you need to go in on Saturdays anymore.

You don’t need a new bed on a Saturday. That’S your new family Sunday, what’s up guys besides, my son really wants to put that truck it. So here business coach   here here is a really crazy situation.

My wonderful wife, actually how I know you, my wife, upgrade to work for you right and she would come home bragging on your organization. Well, that’s very kind of you need to meet this guy the systems here, I’m business coach   telling you to learn the system that would really help DJ

It would help you grow that thing, because it was a business that we were where we were profitable. We’Re doing. Maybe two to three weddings: a weekend day before we sold the 80 business coach  weddings a week and that’s awesome.,

She has systems you need to meet this guy. I’M telling you that wasn’t long story short is that I, when I decided to build DJ connection, things went great and when you you know, I teamed up to do Thrive.

My spouse likes you business coach   in my wife is the reason why I know you so my wife likes you so my wife’s always going honey. If dr. Z advised you to do that, then that’s what we need to do if there’s always that in the back I’ll come home and how was today, what do you like this or not is what happens?

Your business coach   wife will say your partner’s wife will say you know where Parton’s husband will say. How was the meeting? Was he and I’ll say this is what he said to do just what he said to do it. Then we need to do it because he has wisdom.

What she says all time, it’s like business coach   the same recording now I don’t want to do it, because what happens if your spouse doesn’t like your partner of your spouse, does not like the partner. What do you do to your sleep on the couch?

Do you live in a van down by the river? What do you do? It’S an it’s! A it’s business coach   a tough deal. It’S a very tough deal like what happens if you marry gal and she doesn’t like your best friend – hey, don’t worry about it tattoo on your chest and it’s loud every time that you’re making MK baby Friday night and drink A6 pack of Bud Light. I mean he’s business coach   my he’s.

My boo he’s my buddy, you know well and when we get back to town in a little bit, what you can do business coach radio show. My name is Clay. Clark, Cisco’s radio show football successful.

Is there anything that could have made the Eastwood Mall business coach  successful, Mister Ed, I’m trying to cut off what he did a great job in concert at the BOK Center by the way, dude is making more money on a concert than anybody else out there.

You don’t want him, it’s just me nano in a loop-the-loop machine. You know what box Loop business coach  machine that he can be a punch, lay down a recorded. Then you can record it a little bit and share with you and Ed Sheeran story that maybe that’s just please Ed Sheeran was the guy who was committed to his music and a lot of people are committed to their business coach   music and easy.

As you know, there’s a lot of talented musicians listening to our show and all over. There’s a lot of great musicians, so he decides he’s going to move across the pond and move to America.

Now I don’t know if you know this, but Jamie Foxx business coach  is a very, very, very skilled actor in also a great musician, very talented man.

He discovers that Jamie Foxx actually has a studio in his house. Now Jamie Foxx wanted to become famous and he wasn’t famous as a musician, so we tried out for In Living Color and he was business coach  just funny enough to get on the show In Living Color and he wanted to become famous.

But he wasn’t paying this cuz he’s on In Living Color with Jim, and it wasn’t that big of a show yet so what he did is he actually started promoting himself as a Paparazzi photographer business coach   for celebrities, although he had never taken photos before right.

Okay, so he begins taking photos of puffy refund, Puff Daddy too big of a niece’s, hey pup, I’m a celebrity photographer to my gift. I’Ll, take photos of you make you look good big time. Get that business coach  stuff on the internet boom builds Beyond awesome.

Sure you work for free. Let’S do this next thing. You know he’s taking photos of Puff Daddy for free, Puff, Daddy bites and all the parties and took Jamie Foxx’s like Puff Daddy’s personal photographer guy, so he business coach   tells puff puff how much money did you spend on that last part of you had out in La Puff.

Daddy, this is on the 4-Hour workweek interview with Jamie Foxx. By the way you can fight on the 4-Hour workweek with Jamie Foxx. Just what did you spend on that last party business coach   Puff Daddy, says I spend a billion dollars because you spend a million dollars yeah, but that’s how I grow my celebrity, my PR he said, here’s the deal. I think I can have a better party than you for under ,000 and he goes I’ll be there if you throw the party, so Jamie Foxx begins, I’ve been business coach   fighting, celebrity, say: hey Puff, Daddy’s going to be there,

I’m going to be there and this person to Come here will the next celebrities as well pumps there I’m there and it keeps doing this until he has all the A-list celebrities at his house and what he does is he business coach  pulls Kanye West aside at his house and he recordes Kanye West, doing a rap lyric And now he has a song featuring Connie’s is kind.

Is it cool if I promote it, he gets his card, rides all across America radio station and get some self famous as a result of recording Kanye West business coach   at a party. That’S how that’s how Jamie Foxx made it he’s hustling, Ed Sheeran, here’s the story and realizes this guy’s a hustler understand what he does is he flies to

America address in shows up at his house and says: can I live with you and he says: are you business coach  Serious he was Ed Sheeran I play and he goes okay. What do you play? He opens his guitar and starts playing a game on my couch, so he got famous through Jamie Foxx,

reducing him to different clubs, different performances and then Ed Sheeran through white. My business coach  friend Ryan Tedder, with One Republic got asked to open up for One Republic.

That’S what you do before you become big, so One Republic used to open up for Maroon 5 Ed Sheeran through Jamie Foxx introduction, start opening up for One Republic, and so business coach

One Republic concert, if you, Google, it guess who’s performing to open up for them as Ed Sheeran and now the redhead Wonder, has his own album is on Celebrity following and he’s the most talented, grinder artist. I’Ve ever seen.

This guy is a grinder, but it’s because business coach  he researched how Jamie Foxx did it and thought you know what? If Jamie Foxx was willing to Humble himself to do for work for free for

Puff Daddy – and it’s really is ridiculous parties and become a free photographer and to travel around in his car from business coach  radio station radio station playing his demo with Kanye, I could do it.

Should have been gingersnap living on his house, you know, money is a good. I just want to live with you I’ll do whatever I need to do. I will pick your kids up from school, I’m just here and he did his business coach  demo he’s that Talent, awesome story.

Just goes to show you how many their story after story after story about guys that do what we call an internship internship internship, which basically means you going to work for nothing and that makes people crazy people business coach  crazy, because Ryan Tedder, your good friend, did it. Yes, they were.

You work your regular Pottery Barn to pay the credit card to pay the phone bill to keep a cell phone on. He worked for free that we can work for one who’s, a multi-millionaire. He doesn’t even business coach  pay it, so we can enter in there to get his career going on.

This is the thing about partnership. Today we have West Carter, Tulsa’s number one attorney, legally speaking about partnership, how to keep into a how to keep a sustainable partnership going now. This is the business coach   thing when you marry somebody and see what’s get into it.

This is the weird stuff. When you marry somebody that person you use, the three dudes are partners, and now one of the dudes marry somebody now all of a sudden, your kind of married to who business coach  they marry the partnership somehow involved that person see.

How do you deal with it when the spouse of your partner doesn’t agree with the partners when the spouse of the partner she’s, not in the team, but she or he strongly disagrees with the leadership?

Well, business coach  hopefully, you have things dialed-in. When I talk about contractual eat, where there is a you know, the Robert’s Rule of Order is, in the sense of you, know, who’s going to make the decisions and who has the final say.

I mean even the partners going to have business coach  disagreements on different things throughout the years right. That doesn’t mean that you and you can’t continue to the mend the fences and to go forward.

And so what would happen to get that new energy, that new Dynamics? And sometimes you got to have a unit business coach  got to sit down and explain how the cow ate the Cabbage you got to have that little you know. Do I need to come a come to Jesus meeting, but you have to sit down with the people to help us, and you know that that’s your spouse and she’s in town to her opinion business coach  or he is.

But you don’t hear still the way to order Visionworks in North Africa to go forward and you try to minimize it as much as possible to Aspen it in time to get it can get ugly.

It does get ugly and I think, setting expectations up front is a huge thing. So when you business coach   first come in you say, hey look, no matter what happens you and I make the decisions here. If it’s two people, not our spouse, is not her girlfriends, not an employee that you and I were really crazy scenario.

Cuz Wes, your firm has represented by business coach  Joel Osteen TD. Jakes just came out the Tulsa World. You guys are helping out with mr. Trump the president of the United States, Winters and King. You guys are getting it done and we represent the president of the United States business coach   on on its own kind of Advisory Board. What are you guys doing with mr.

Trump their my partner Tom is sitting on a faith Council that does Talking to Trump about issues important to the faith community. I was thinking if you guys work with the president night States, maybe business coach   you’re qualified, to help out

Tulsa business owners, I’m not sure thinking through it. But let me ask you this situation here. You you’re listening to the show right now and what happens is you have can’t come into this situation?

You, and this is half of the business coach   client, was working with about 2 years ago. He’S a pastor and his daughter is straight stealing cash from the church using the church’s credit card. Like a personal credit card, I mean we’re talking.

Ching north of ,000 only found out because they’re AdWords got business coach  denied, they run ads and adds got denied and I said, hey, how are you getting denied how’s your ad you’re?

There goes your credit card getting declined what’s going on because I don’t know he comes back. He has here’s the deal my daughter is using it to buy all of her business coach   expenses she’s moving into a new apartment.

I guess she’s been using the it happens, consistently that your partner is stealing cash or your partner’s daughter or somebody’s stealing cash. How do you see from your perspective handle it?

Then we get West business coach   legally how to handle the first. See when you discover your partner or someone who’s using your partner’s car whenever they’re still in cash. What do you do see what your first approach when you first get to stop, and then you know you explain the situation. What business coach  time is your partner?

I don’t know that he had knowledge that his daughter was doing that you put light on the subject and then you give your partner the ability to do the right thing and the right thing.

As you know, it, hey man, I’m sorry man in that I’ll. Take the card business coach  from her we can meet, maybe because I thought accounts could have had an easy to start up new account.

If it’s not the end of the world, and you know I have sometimes Banks or call me and say you’re your contact. You during your cards been whatever and we business coach  need Virginia new one tear that one up, so that happened, but you give your partner the chance to make it right right, pay it back, make it right in the in the jackass tree.

That’S going on. Did you go, you know what that would? My part of that was my partner’s business coach  daughter. You just got access to the credit card and then that stuff happens, and so you don’t hold it against him.

It’S not like that strike. Why are you just say so? Would you just let it get rapped about it because you don’t have a Journeys? Are you guys just as business coach  much easier because you have that ability to even it up with distribution, what a non-profit images of pastors a whole different ball passer nonprofits!

You have to report that to the feds and oh wow, wow, that’s okay! We can just agree among each other how we business coach  going to make it was. I had one I had a pastor one set but got caught about ,000, four wheelers, washers and dryers.

The cops showed up in like empty this hold Highway 6 with dirty clothes and not be able to ride a four-wheeler to bond with his children. Out business coach   of the field, I mean it’s just me now when we come back, I want to break this down partnership.

What happens when you have a partner who brings their personal issues into every meeting? We have a partner who bring the drama into every single meeting.

How do business coach   you handle to DriveTime show on your ready or I’m going to take me to talk about prenups? How you want to see to Coast, radio show great financial position in the box. It is always ecstasy when we have whatever we have enough to be next to Z, doctors out there. How business coach   are you today, my friend, I am fantastic and deprive Nation wants to know they want to know they want to know. We have brought it up on, shows pass and for those of you that are listening live. T

hank you very much for those of you that are listening to business coach  podcast subscribe to it and you can share around the world play that you can listen to it.. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you, mr. Gore, how your son, the budding entrepreneur which we’ve had we’ve had toa couple of cage fights over his career and career choices, and you being the limiting membrane and his business and it’s a bit of a message.

Now we’re transitioning in the fall, and so what’s going on with this business 10 years old. Well, right now I will we have on one side of the road we have about four acres on the other side of the road you like 14-acre, so that 18 acres and he needs to maintain about 6 of those Acres who’s out.

There mowing on his Husqvarna riding lawn mower and he cashed in this week. We we we owed him, you know some money and I make him basic iForce savings.

I guess I’m a good man, I might be all mine, and he said that I want to. I want to go ahead and cash it and I want to get some stuff, so we went to business coach

Guitar Center Justin you’ve seen this and he should have bought these awesome Mackie speakers, oh yeah, and he business coach  bought an extrasir but he’s basically now his cashed in all His money – and he now has a complete DJ system that would rival that business coach  of most professional disc jockeys in Tulsa, at least had to he said, he’s worked his way up going to start out a little just a CD player,

Boombox yep. He started that and then he just slowly work his way up and now he’s got an impressive. He did it, we did it, we we we, business coach  we chose to I’ll, really undervalue his performance in his earnings from the Landscaping career and in turning that into his DJ, because I’m not kidding he’s probably got maybe six or seven thousand dollars of BJ.

Here now he’s rounded up when he’s 10doing, that business coach   following your footsteps, or is it just something in your in your Clark DNA that just says I need to play music from people. I don’t know and get them excited about that you know about Aubrey. Is he gets entrepreneurship at the court level, which is really finding a business coach   problem?

People have and charging them for a solution that they want and gets it. I think he actually wants to do that, and I think that it’s just funny but like I’ll, get back from work, you know – and I’m I’m me know – maybe want to relax music dad.

Do you want a business coach   back massage for I’ll get it and I’ll pay? You a dollar every like 5 minutes. You know maybe that, but he is always working an angle. One thing I’ve noticed and for you not to., Listen right now.

This is something you have to pick up as well is paying attention and business coach  listening because your guests, your clients, Bill, tell you everything. You know, and little Aubrey has been just watching you play 4 years right, and so he just picks up the dude is got an amazingEmory. He’S got an amazing sense of humor, so he’s witty off.

You know business coach  if they’re, not smart and witty, and his memory is just great, so he’s great list really think he’s listening, so you’re going to have to go to listeners as good as as well as Leaders commentary with a Steve Currington.

I wish I could quote something but he’ll: ask Steve business coach  questions that are passively aggressively, attacking Lee sarcastically, funny yeah and then go back and forth.. Have you ever seen these conversations, but I’m always watching the two of them sort of these 10 and he tries to outwit Steve, I believe, is like 38 business coach  dude. I reset this and I was so funny.

I was trying not to just cry right now. He has two outside clientthe fall, and so I just told him – and you got it – you got to save up that the nuts for the winter winter winter is coming. You got to steer. Is there a squirrel, your business coach   business squirrel same side now we’re DJing and he’s doing the janitorial work here at this?

Is his third Revenue Source over here at Thrive until he does all the janitorial Rock and we’re trying to get his quality standards up to the level they needed? Someone Motown business coach  Tulsa, I mean you had to kind of had your name on it. You know I mean he needs someone, he can’t drive his own vehicle, it seems like Dad.

Hey. I picked up Robert Redmond, you picked up Robert Redman’s lawn. Has anybody minutes away? Does he live in? Midtown business coach   is like: we need to get out there and we got one in Broken Arrow on the Grandma needs her to make. What are you doing these talking to the neighbor and the neighbor wants us to mow the ones we have?

Four, on the same day, I got the whole Sunday man business coach  Mattgood at solving a problem that maybe you decide, you need outside Capital, so you find a partner or maybe you don’t have the capital you need see.

If I find a partner – or maybe you feel like men, you’re good at accounting, I’m good sales, now I’m going to business coach   have a partner, maybe you’re an optometrist and you team up with another one.

Now you have a partnership in this is what the question we’ve had. So much this week I feel like it would be wrong of us to not address it. Is you got so many of you email us and business coach   ask us?

How do you enter into a partnership? How do you manage the partnership once you’re in it? That’S what I’m going to do is I’m going to be two notable Court of what I’m going to be up a couple rules.

I want a doctor’s, he break it down, so here’s the notable business coach   quotable from Ben Horowitz, the man who built a 1.6 billion dollar business that he sold the cops wear and he says every time I read a management or self-help book.

I find myself saying that’s fine, but that really wasn’t the hard thing about the situation. The business coach   hard thing isn’t setting a big hairy, audacious goal. The hard thing is laying people off when you missed the callstart things are hiring great people.

The hard thing is when those great people develop a sense of entitlement and start demanding, unreasonable business coach  things. The hard thing isn’t setting up an organizational chart. The hard thing is getting people to communicate within the organizational chart that you just designed the hard thing is it dreaming?

Big, the hard thing is waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat business coach  when the dream turns in to the Nightmare and so partnership here are the two rules hear the things that will kill every partnership?

I don’t want Jimmy to break him down and expectations, so how you communicate, and you give you living up to your expectations business coach   and or failing to meet those expectations, OC communication.

How can communicate how to say someone partner with you how good communication with you? Where can I get weird with you in terms of communication, so many times I see two dudes business coach   or two, ladies and their, you know talking, and there may be being the same life thing about.

We need to do something in a weektake charge of Our Lives. You know, and I did you see what Billy did down the road and we can we can. We can help Billy Billy, you know what you’re talking some of your bouncing ideas off of them. You’Re talking about a problem and you think of a solution.

Think I make money and that person that you just I’m thinking the same thing and then there’s something that the two of us, Jim and there’s something about that that’s kind of it, makes you feel good.

I mean now you’re like okay, I’m not I’m, not the only crazy person, the room, it’s over a cup of coffee menu, you flush out the whole will go with the gym idea: okay, we’ll go to the globo gym, globo, gym Purple, Cobras to Holton glows, and You know we also do bowling,

so we can have a great conversation. You have a 2-hour lunch with ChinoNorman’s only about 45 minutes to an hour ride and give you the next time you have a meeting, all the sudden. You go yeah and we’re going to do business coach  when you’re like no. No, that’s not what we said.

You did say that I don’t know what we did. He said in South Tulsa, but I just felt the need to make a little change after we talked about it because I didn’t agree. There’S something funny that happens in communication, and business coach  that is is that when I say something you don’t always hear what I think I just saidwhat.

I mean by that open, because what happens business coach   is that communication is not all about the word you’re saying it. So therefore, whenever you’re just doing verbal communication, it business coach

Lucas Lost in Translation example see you’re looking beautiful. What that really means is hey. I need to go, buy a footlong business coach  or you’re looking beautiful. That means I don’t need, but I am a little hungry, maybe just a Snickers yeah there’s a kind of that thing.

The way you say things how you say, things and exact words same exact words, but how you say that if you see, if you put the wrong business coach  emphasis on the wrong syllable, it gets weird off in the next thing you know before it even gets going to

Have hurt feelings like I thought I was going to be the boss, if your partner with somebody and they text you 5 times a day, does it make you crazy depends business coach  on what you’re texting about?

It depends on what you like 12 times when they could win when Texas was like. Let me know if they want to stay in good graces with you. What’S the acceptable number of times per week, maximum, they should communicate with business coach  you.

Well, it depends on the phase of the business what’s going on, but Madison is in Orbit and doing well, I mean you know you, might you know we might touch one today, you know once it is it Max like seven times a day is like well wait

Until you get things business coach  in writing until it’s in black and white, all the verbal communication, you get get some Twisted expectations. This is the next thing I want to pick your brain on and then we come back from the break.

I want Eric chop and Justin. Ask you any questions possible about business coach   partnership for children through their experience about give me the expectations. Expectations are in his example. You and I are partners with Thrive, and so we match each other.

Or so we we’ve talked about this at the we do, and so it’s something we doing business coach   so we’ve talked about. It is an expectation, and so we did that, and so then we don’t need to put in money anymore.

Then we’ll start to share if you know, but it’s a thing of like the expectation was, was set. But then one partner says it’s not in our case, but I know I’m business coach   supposed to put in money than you agreed to, but I did buy a boat with the boat.

It’S tough right now and you know how to business coach  double up this week. The expectations getting screwed up cause a problem, a lot in so far in marriage, it’s about what forget about 50s 57 %.

And yes, what happens is that you, whenever you know, whenever you go into a partnership, and you will just an example of business coach  a marriage and and not to get too deep down that rabbit trails, I’m at the point is: is that you that the dude sitting up

There taking his Valentine’s come on, he’s got an expectation and he probably hasn’t expressed it. He probably isn’t talked about it because that’s just you business coach   know most don’t, but it’s just going to be great.

No inspecting and then she’s got one fresh flowers. Every week he’s been open the doors. For me I mean she has these wonderful expectations for yourself.

You know how you every minute and I’ll, take for 2 hours business coach  and a half as he’s taking the rose petals in line in the down the hallway on the radio business coach, celebrate your americanism and listen to the Thrive time show things are going to start happening

To me now, the first time you saw your name in the phone business coach  book, man wasn’t that awesome. It was awesome. I mean. Did you cry that down that moment in a journal and say this is the moment that I am somebody my name is in the phonebook.

You have to be careful because the airwaves are open to youngsters and business coach   his lot of people out there that we purchased a lot of people out there that are just like the ones that boom boom, with our phones used to be a books.

What is what is going on in the stuff that touch the gluten man cuz? I don’t you just love that man is that the business coach  original name of the book right right right there in the second half was like a big apple.

What was everything a metaphorical book? Is that yeah it’s like playing? Ok, Google, okay, because the yellow, but here’s the move, here’s the here’s, the movie even old enough to business coach  know this is the movement.

But you could you always there’s always a cat-and-mouse game back in the day that the game was. Did you make your yellow page ad large enough alphabetical, but they would put them in sizes? So if you did a full page, it be business coach  before the half page.

If you did a half page before the quarter pages and that before the 8th page, the shadiest Yellow Page move, I ever did. That was just a super effective and I realized the first year they made out of didn’t work very well. I thought you want me to do business coach

I’m going to take his exact words and one-up him on everything and everything. So it’s like he was established in like 1987, should I put conceived a 1980 100000 professional lighting and I put like I’m like an elite professional lighting.

I took my head, I put it on business coach  your head., That’s hard to imagine. I put the caption America’s most humble man under it and I got people having. I got a lot of deals.,

I hate from the competitors, but it worked man it worked out and you be like big enough to shoot right right. Right thing is, it business coach   is it is it? Is it right spot it was all I know is we were.

We were, we were not Partners. I didn’t care if I pissed him off, because I didn’t want to keep the relationship going to have relationship and I wanted to beat them like a drum. In fact, if you were business coach   not and probably rubbing the rhubarb and Erie I’m a little bit, then you know irritating them.

You probably weren’t competing like you, should have competed in business right, you’re going to be competitive and make it happen. When you have a partner.

Should we business coach   have a partnership, you don’t be competitive with each other. You know I’m saying so: let’s do it, let’s go down. If you see the list with the questions this week from the drivers, you’ve coached a lot of clients.

Is there any particular 12 partnership related questions business coach   that came in this week that you go? You know what I’ve seen this. I want to get Z’s take on this, so you that Yes, actually there is one right here.

It says you have a partner who doesn’t pull their weight at you know. I mean it like doing their job. Too many items staying business coach  organized, so you know how do you have the best way to deal with that when a partner in your business is not doing what they said, they were doing what they’re supposed to do start with you.

If someone’s not pulling their weight and just not wanting any one of business coach  these, you can have you anyone. These are any anywhere. You can maybe share your experience as the founder of elephant in the room.

How you’ve dealt with this cuz. You know you and I are Partners in his teammate different expectations, but let’s go with this first business coach  ones: AC have a partner who is it pulling their weight?

How do you handle it, but here’s the thing you got ta understand Chef play: Justin J, Diggity, Dog Nathan, beaulieu drivers out. There are multiple hats in a business for the most part.

Sometimes you can have business coach   what we call a silent partner, which is a person who was basically an investor, invest in that means they don’t work in the business and hence the term silent. It’S a short of if you are the person that has the most you’re the manager, you have the control.

If you business coach   have control of the company, and so you now, you have a partner. That is a what we call a minority partner. Are you talking about partners that are not Caucasian, and no?

No, no, I’m trying my partners that have less stock than the majority rule of order business coach  correct. This break is brought to you by Twinkies,

where you can always get to. Unless you want three, you have to look at them as an employee at some point like I have a lot of times and I would buy business the gentleman that ran it. I would give them some

Sweat business coach   Equity into it, so they would Inn in essence become a partner of mine, but they also were different because they were the general manager of the business also officially have some equity and they have a job, Bingo Bingo.

And so that’s what I’m reading from this business coach  question is, if they’re not pulling their weight, that would inferred me that they have a job to do in the business correct right, because I own some stock,

I mean, if I buy Walmart stock, can I go in there And raise a fit about something they treat me like a customer and business coach  if I go out, but I don’t Walmart stock, I’m a Parker. This is taken out of white out of balance.

So this right here, though, that would imply so question number 6. We have enough drivers, what do you have two partners of equal ownership? So what’s up with the song, I business coach  give example of an elephant room and Justin you and I have had our our our our our our punches are.

Hugs are our high fives are upside down because we’re Partners right, but you are the guy who’s in charge of experience right so like with as far as the decor the business coach  atmosphere, I don’t recall ever going in there and giving you feedback on that. Have I wasn’t listening, but as far as the money I get into it? Oh yeah, oh yeah.

So since our our partnership with all three of us, we all have our lane, and so now we have 3. It’S easy business coach  majority rules right. So, even if there’s something I want to do on the ground level, which is it an experience which is my Lane, I can get trumped by my two other partners, your ex 3433 Chisholm. I am I saying that correctly or not, I use 33333 infinity and then business coach  it mp3 320 numbers after the black hole is a small portion of the elephant in the room,

Men’s Grooming, Lounge. It will give you .001 % to be equal, but we don’t want to be 50/50 total due to 4949. Go get a third party, that’s a good friend and I both agree on business coach   that then takes 2 % of it and then that way they can never agree.

Then they have some of that. They both agreed as a wise, educated and knowledgeable person of what’s going on, help the vote on a Tuesday equal ownership in the problem with that. But how business coach  much is this is. This is an issue, though you can’t set up a partnership like that pokes.

You can you can’t, and  know I know you said not to copy talking about you – that busy to start about globo gym address it. Upfront someone’s got to be the majority someone’s business coach  going to the Hammer.

We’Re neighbors were cousins, Global gym at exactly the same time very closely. Related welcome to the Thrive time show a show for the enemies of average. People are not born with big thighs.

You know your little lazy baby in the text business coach  where to look like this remember, Hans and Franz from Saturday Night Live. Was it that we are here to pump you full? Of course I did.

How do you handle to DriveTime show on your ready or I’m going to take me to talk about prenups? How you want to see to Coast, radio show.


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