Business Podcast | How to Create a Sustainable & Repetitive Weekly Schedule That Produces Both Time & Financial Freedom + The Co-Author of the Best-selling Rich Dad Poor Dad Book Series, Sharon Lechter

Show Notes

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Audio Transcription

Some shows don’t need a celebrity narrator to introduce the show, but this show does. In a world filled with endless opportunities, why would two men who have built 13 multi-million dollar businesses altruistically invest five hours per day to teach you the best practice business systems and moves that you can use? Because they believe in you, and they have a lot of time on their hands. They started from the bottom, now they’re here. It’s the Thrive Time Show, starring the former U.S. Small Business Administration’s Entrepreneur of the Year, Clay Clark, and the entrepreneur trapped inside an optometrist’s body, Dr. Robert Zilmer. 8 kids co-created by 2 different women. 13 multi-million dollar businesses. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom and we’ll show you how to get here. Started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We took life, started from the bottom, and now we’re at the top. Teaching you the systems to get what we got. Colton Dixon’s on the hooks, I break down the books. See, bringing some wisdom and the good news. As a father of five, that’s why I’m alive. So if you see my wife and kids, please tell them hi. It’s the C and Z. I’ll call your radio. And now, three, two, one, here we go. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, and we’ll show you how to get here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re going to work off the assumption that you’re a business owner out there and you went to to schedule your free 13-point assessment with myself. And James, if somebody does that, I do the 13-point assessments for each and every client. And when we do, if they’re a good fit, we give them a business plan. And the business plan, if I could show people what it looks like, there’s nuances for every industry and these sorts of things, but the main idea, if I could just show you, if you go to forward slash millionaire, forward slash millionaire, there you can find where you can download my books for free, forward slash millionaire. But here is the plan. This is called a workflow. It is a visual look at what a business plan looks like. It’s all the steps. It’s all the systems. And we’re going to skip on down today to specifically focus on step 11, which is building a sustainable schedule, creating a sustainable and repetitive weekly schedule that produces both time and financial freedom. So James, I’m going to ask you a question. What percentage of people do you think sit down and design their day? Oh, it’s got to be less than 2%, I’d say. What do you think, Amelia? Yeah, very low. Now Amelia, full disclosure, you happen to work in the office. You’re a manager. That’s great. James happens to work in the office, does a great job here on the ticket team, helping produce these wonderful events that we do. And so you’re around me, James, all the time. All the time. Okay. And so this is my schedule today. This is my schedule. So I’m doing today. This is what I did yesterday. So I’m doing today. It’s blocked out. Why do I block out time in my schedule. So that you can achieve the goals that you have set for yourself. So today I got a call from one of our long-time clients and he said, hey, I can’t make it in today because he’s a doctor, he’s a surgeon, he’s got some stuff going on. No problem. So I called you and I said, James, let’s do a podcast. Right. Why? Because you don’t want to have time wasted in your day. Yeah, I have a big to-do list of things I want to get done and I have a schedule that I have blocked out. And if somebody in that schedule cannot be here when they said they would be here or they can’t be here because of some reason or they’re out of town or whatever it is, I’m gonna take that downtime and do what, Amelia? Be productive, get things on your to-do list done. Yes, and one of the things that I have on my list right now is to make sure that I go through each and every step on this path with Amelia. That’s my best, that’s on my list here is to do this. So I’m doing it. Now, the question is, when will I find the time? Now, do you hear that question though? People are, you do that James, people say, I don’t have the time. Right. James, was the waterfall already here when you started working here? It was. But the fruit trees weren’t. The fruit trees were not. Is the building that you live in now, was it being built yet when you got here? It was not being built at all when I first got here. So the building that you live in now wasn’t even being constructed when you got here? That’s right. Was the beam above you with the beautiful light bulbs, was that in existence before you started working here? The beautiful beam, it was not. Okay, and so again, it’s not that I’m a genius or I have more time than anybody else out there. It’s just I’m very, very good at scheduling my time. And what I don’t do is I don’t spend my day engaged in idle conversation or jackassery. So if you’re out there today and you want to get more stuff done, I would highly recommend that you follow the proven path here. So step 11, Amelia, if you are onboarding a new client, you’re going to go through this massive 30-page document with all the clients. We get here to step 11, and the question that you’re going to ask is, how happy are you with your current personal schedule on a scale of 1 to 10? Now, when you ask people that question, 10 being the highest, Amelia, what are they going to say by default every time? Seven. Right. You know why, James, people say seven? Tell me why, Clay. Why do you think it is? Well because they know that it’s not a 10, but they don’t want to admit that it’s like a 3. So they say 7. Right. So like tonight, I’m taking my wife on a date tonight at 6. I’m excited about it. It’ll be fun. But I don’t know that that’s the definition of success for somebody else. For me, my day, I like to work and then hang out with my wife and kids. That’s pretty much what I do. That’s the lane I’m in, okay? That’s what I like to do. But other people maybe have other goals, other things they want to do. I’m just not that guy, but I’m very happy with my schedule. I’m not shocked that my schedule occurs. You know, I don’t look at my schedule and go, jeez, that was like a terrible day. You know, I just don’t do it that way. Now, again, tomorrow, my first client meeting is going to be at six. Now, from four o’clock to six, what am I doing tomorrow morning, James? You’re going to record business podcasts. Why am I recording business podcasts at four in the morning? Because that’s when you have the time schedule to get things done. Yeah, six o’clock I meet with JT, six thirty meet with Ronnie, seven o’clock meet with Randy. I’m not shocked by my schedule. Now we have 13-point assessments, people that want to become clients, they reach out. So we have a wonderful meeting booked here with a guy that may be a good fit he reached out we’re gonna do that appointment am I shocked James am I good am I shocked that appointments gonna take place at 930 morning I don’t think you’re shocked why am I not shocked because you know it’s on your calendar already so why is it that most people know you manage the staff of employees for me you manage a team why is it that most employees seem to be shocked by the day and they’re just overwhelmed and they I have to go to the doctor, I gotta go get gas, I don’t know what’s happened, why? They never schedule anything and what doesn’t get scheduled doesn’t get done. They never schedule anything. So like I’m very, so as an example, James, why do I, as a family, when I take my family on trips, why do I like to take my family on trips that coincide with days off that my clients have? Because if your clients aren’t off, you’re not going to be off either. But if my clients are off, and I take the time off that they’re off, what happens? Then it’s all good. You don’t miss anything. If the clients are off on Christmas week, and I take off on the Christmas week, that’s fine. Right. But if I were to take off when my clients were working, then I have to make that up somehow. Right. So I just don’t do that. I have a schedule I’ve built. James, I like and one shorts so much I’ve bought dozens of pairs of them. I know this to be true. And every time I buy hoodies, I tell Devin, can you get me five new hoodies? And I and I it’s not like, you know, I’m afraid of shopping. I just know what I like to wear and I wear what I like. That’s what it is. Right. You know? And people say to me, why do you wear the same thing every day? Because it’s much easier, that’s why Devin today said, hey, can I get you to buy five new white shirts? Because it’s easier for me to think that way. I don’t want to spend my day going, I wonder what I’m going to do today, I wonder what I’m going to wear. I know a lot of people that spend hours, literally hours of their time per week thinking about what they’re going to wear. That’s crazy. And it’s very tough to be successful in business if you occupy your mind with these mindless decisions. So, the John Maxwell quote, can you read the John Maxwell quote there? I know you can, but will you read the John Maxwell quote there, James? The secret of your success is largely determined by your daily agenda. Now, if someone says, I don’t like John Maxwell, stop it. Just whoever, he’s a bestselling author, if you don’t like him, if you do, whatever. But the secret of your success is in your calendar. Right? Right. So let me give you an example. This might sound terrible for all the business owners out there, but I’m trying to help somebody out there. James, a little pop quiz. And a week from now, my wife is, my kids are competing in a tournament in Orlando, a cheerleading tournament. Okay? Okay. A week from now. Am I going? Definitely not. Right. And then do I feel bad about it? No way. Yeah, I don’t feel bad. And you know why I don’t feel bad? Because it’s not on your schedule. I don’t care. I just, I couldn’t, I just, I’m not going to, I’m not going to cancel a conference that I have booked for business to go to a cheer competition all week. Right. Now, you know what happens the week, the week my wife gets back from Orlando? You know what happens the week after she gets back? You’re going to take her out to dinner on a nice date? Check this out. Every single week I want to take my wife on a date. Every single Sunday I go to the store, I buy my wife flowers. Every single week I do it. Every week. Every Sunday I go get groceries. It’s every week. But when my wife gets back from Orlando, you know what’s going to happen eight days after that? She has to go back to Orlando. Why? Because we have another kid that’s having an event. And am I going to go to that? Definitely not. Right. And then a week after that this is true two weeks after that so over the next six weeks this is real my wife’s going to Virginia she’s going to Virginia with one of my kids for a thing they’re doing am I gonna go no way yeah you know my life would you know what how crazy my life would be if I decided to disappear and take off every week to go somewhere that’d be crazy it would be crazy and you know crazy my my wife’s life would be if she tried to manage remotely kids that were traveling all across the United States? It wouldn’t work. The insanity. So she goes with them, I stay here, she has her lane, I have mine. Hopefully this is very helpful for somebody out there. You’ve got to design a schedule that works for you. So you’ve got to schedule time every morning, morning planning time, to proactively plan the following aspects of your life. Now if you forget to plan these aspects of your life, guess what? By default things won’t go well. Mmm. Right? So, faith. If you don’t schedule time to go to church, are you gonna just randomly end up at one? I don’t think so. Yeah, and see, here’s the thing, this is the real thing. I want to go to church every day. I really do. I want to go every day. And you say, why? Because I like to learn about the Bible. So I’m always learning about it, so I find my own ways to do it. I read the Bible and I study. But like, I want to go every day. But it’s not practical with the five kids, but I think once the kids are older, I might go every day. I don’t know. I might have to convince churches to do church services on Tuesday. I like it. Now, family. I really enjoy seeing my family every night. I enjoy seeing my family every night. I do not enjoy seeing my family during the workday. I do enjoy seeing my family at night. I do not feel bad that I work during the workday. And I do not feel bad that I’m home when I’m at home. But I don’t think a lot of people sit down and schedule their time. Finances. Just recently, I was talking to a member of our team and they said, I just I don’t think that employees making enough money. And I said, there was a time where that employee was making a lot more. They were making a lot more than they should have made, because it was like an unbelievable inbound amount of leads and inbound sales were just coming. There’s times of the year in every business where you get busy or you get slow or whatever. And I’m like, no one was complaining when said person was making $3,000 a week. So now the person is making $600 a week, which is stop. But if you manage based on emotion, James, I have merit based pay in place. So if somebody is selling a bunch of haircut memberships and they’re making, you know, $1,500 or $2,000 a week selling memberships during one time of the year and then a different time of the year, their income is lowered. Does how I feel matter? No way. And Amelia, hopefully this is helpful stuff because you as a business owner, or as business owners, you have to sit down and block out time to look at your faith, your family, your finances, your fitness, your friendship, your fun, and anything you do not schedule time for, it won’t get done. But you have to decide in advance, like if you, one of my clients, he’s a great guy, he lost like 100 pounds in 12 months. And I was talking to him, I said, dude, I haven’t seen you in a year, you look great, what are you doing? He goes, I committed to only eating meat all year. That’s the move. Like anything else? He goes, nope. Like no other item. Nope. Oh, like that. That’s there’s, there’s a simple, you know the Roberts guys who come in here with master machine. Yeah. They each lost 50 pounds this year. Wow. And they just, you know, they only eat meat. Now, if you talk to them I don’t know that that’s exciting for them, maybe it is, but they committed to it and you have to design your day. You have to commit to it, right? Now, the next area is friendships. You gotta commit to it. Like, when are you gonna get together with friends and family? When are you gonna do your scheduled time? Fun, when are you gonna go out and have fun? Now, so some action items here. One, you’ve gotta schedule that weekly group interview. If you missed the show we did about that, go listen to it. Why, Amelia, do you have to interview job candidates every single week, new potential hires every single week? To replace the people that aren’t up to par. Or? Or protect yourself in your business from people that run off to Hawaii. Right, this will happen. I mean, I’ve had great employees, James, who’ve worked here for years. And then they’ll go, they’ll text me from a different state or call me. And they’ll go, hey boss, just so you know, I’m moving to Minnesota. Cool, when are you moving to Minnesota? Oh, I’m there now. Really, you moved to Minnesota? Yeah, kind of complicated, but I needed to be closer to family. And I’m usually the last one to know. It happens all the time. So if you ever stop recruiting, James, what’s going to happen? If you’re a business owner, every single week, I went back to my, I went to my schedule, I’ll show it to you again. Every single Wednesday, James, I interview job candidates. Why do I do it every single week? Because if you don’t do it, your team will eventually get smaller and smaller and smaller. And are people gonna plan their life around your work schedule? No way. No, they’re not gonna do it. Okay, so you got to have that weekly group interview. The next is you got to have a daily 15-minute huddle with your team. And by the way, I want you to work with Carter on counting down. I will. You look him in the eye and you say, don’t wait until that meeting. You do it before then. He said, look here, buddy, we got to count down. We don’t count up. Copy that. You know why we count down, James? Because that’s what you do. No one counts up. Because it creates tension, right? So if it’s like a launch of an aircraft, you’re like, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 and they count down. Right. Nobody counts up. Cause what are you counting up to? How do we know when you’re going to be done? Exactly. You got to count up to 45. You count to 107, you got to count down. It creates tension. Three, two, one, boom. That’s what we’re doing. You got to talk to him. I will. You got to say this in here. I shall. You got to look at him in the eye. Get past his eyes, get into his soul. Listen here, buddy, I need you to count it. I’ll put my hand on her. Why do we do a daily huddle every day? So that we hold everyone accountable and we let everyone know what they’re gonna be doing that day. Let me put a little bit of meat on the huddle. A huddle is where you follow up from yesterday. You follow up from yesterday. It’s really important that you follow up on the items. Follow up on the items from yesterday. Now in the shop, Amelia, why do you have to follow up every single, why do you have to have a huddle every single day? To hold people accountable. In the haircut business, elephant in the room, our men’s grooming lounge changes, there’s five stores. What would happen if you did not have that daily huddle? Absolutely nothing would get done. No laundry, no towels, no cleaning, no, probably haircuts wouldn’t get done. Yeah and like the other day I found we have a shampoo bowl that broke at one of the stores it’s been sitting on someone’s to-do list for a couple months. So we got to fix it otherwise it’s never gonna get done. So you got to follow up on the items from yesterday. Two, you gotta assign items for today. Right? You gotta do it. Three, you do some public praise. You got to do some public praise. You gotta, hey great job with this, great job with that. And then three, you wanna kinda do a little teaching moment if you can. That’s what your huddle is. You know, what do I do in the huddle? Follow up, you say, Carl, Eddie, yesterday, did you get the thing done? They say, yeah, I did, got the thing done. Great, did you fix the shampoo bowl? Yes. Did you file the police report? Yes. Did you fix, did you sweep the floor? Yes. Did you clean the sidewalk? You just follow up. Did you do the thing? Today, I need you to do this, this and this three public praise. Find somebody to praise for something. Find somebody just go. Oh, Carl, just the way the way that you to who you are a consistent fella. Thank you. Or Sherry, way to be on time every time. You’re great. Or if you have nothing to celebrate, celebrate the fact you’re all not dead. Hey, guys, we’re all not dead. Great news. There’s got to be something, right? Then you do a little teaching moment. Hey guys, before we leave today, I want to talk to you about the importance of being organized and this is what we’re doing. And you have to do it every single day. Otherwise, it will drift. Next, you got to schedule a one-hour accounting meeting with yourself to review your numbers. If you don’t schedule a weekly meeting to look at your numbers, Amelia, what’s going to happen? If you don’t schedule a meeting with yourself, again, nothing’s going to get done. James, if you don’t look at your expenses every week, what’s going to happen? You’re going to lose track and you’re eventually going to run out of money. People are going to spend it all. Right. And I’m not mad at you or anybody on my team, but this week you turned in a reimbursement and you did not get paid for it. Right. And you brought it up to me. I did. And I’m a little pissed off about it. I’m not mad at you, not mad at the situation, so I’m going to fix it. That’s why you have a huddle. You bring up these things like, hey, the reimbursement didn’t get paid, so we’re going to take care of it. You just got to, it has to happen. So every week you have that accounting meeting to look at your expenses, to look at your income every week. So important. If you don’t schedule time to look at your income and your expenses every week, you are going to be in a bad situation financially by default. Next, you got to schedule a one-hour meeting every week to train your team. Amelia, what time is our all-staff meeting every week? 9 a.m., Monday morning. Right. And are you ever amazed by how many people are shocked that it happens every Monday? Oh, it’s all the time. And then what kind of crap do they say as to why they can’t make the meeting? Oh, my kid was sick. I woke up late. I forgot. And you hear it every week? It’s raining outside, yes. You hear it every week? Every week. Every week I hear this. And again, folks, we’re every week, just to be clear, every week on Fridays at 1 o’clock, between 1 and 3, every Friday, they clean my office. And that’s why you’re hearing it back. And James, it’s every week. And you know why I schedule every week? To keep the office clean. Right? It’s crazy. I don’t just call them when I think there’s a weird smell developing. Right? Right. I don’t. It’s not what I do. What I do is I have them come out once a week. And again, why do I have them scheduled every week? So that you always know that they’re here every week. It blows my mind. You know, every week, Amelia, every week, we have the team come in and clean. Every week. And again, I hope this is a good teaching moment for someone. It’s not like when it’s dirty, I look at it. I do the same thing with accounting. You have to stay on top of these things. Now, the next thing you got to print out your schedule and actually put it on a calendar. You have to put your calendar on an actual schedule. It can’t be a thing where the schedule exists in your head. Because if this schedule exists in your head, what’s going to happen, James? You’re going to forget almost everything on the schedule. You have to do it. And again, if you don’t have a schedule written down, how’s your team gonna know what your schedule is? They won’t. Right, this is so important. And I just think, I see so many business owners like, well, I don’t like to keep a schedule. Okay, I don’t know what to do, you know, but you have to create a sustainable schedule that is documented somewhere. You know, it has to happen. So I don’t know if this is a shocker, but every single Thursday night, every single Thursday night, my building turns into a church and Pastor Leon comes in and he teaches the irrefutable Word of God known as the Bible. So it makes me nuts when people that have known me for vast periods of time will go, hey, what are you doing tonight? Every single Thursday, I’m going to be with Pastor Leon doing church service. And they’re like, well, yeah, but this Thursday, what are you doing? Every Thursday. Well, yeah, but this Thursday I got a friend who’s visiting. Stop it. Every Thursday. I didn’t. Look, this is big. This is hopefully this is very helpful for you. I have an action item here on the agenda. I encourage everyone to listen to an interview I did. I don’t endorse the organization. And by the way, this interview was done many, many years ago. But the former executive vice president, you know, the guy whose job it was to manage all of the employees who worked at Disney World, his job was to manage 40,000 employees, 40,000, which is like a small city. His name is Lee Cockrell, and he walks you through how to prioritize your to-do list, how to make a to-do list. He talks to you about how to identify your biggest time wasters. But whenever I’m organizing my day every day, hopefully I’m putting a little meat on this here. You want to ask your, let me go back up here when you’re planning out your day every morning, you want to ask yourself, ask yourself these questions every single time. Okay. One, what is the biggest waste of time on my schedule? Two, who is the biggest waste of time on my schedule. You know, and so you’ll have people or activities that are a complete waste of time. So there’s a guy who wants to be on our show, James, every Saturday and every Saturday he forgets when the interview is. Oh, hunt him. Get him out of your life now. Does every it’s every Saturday though. Crazy. Every Saturday, the guy goes, Oh, did I miss it? Every time. And Amelia, why does this guy who wants to, this is a guy who wants to be on our show as an advertiser. And I said, Hey, your product is a good product. If you want to be on our show, here’s the time. But every Saturday he goes, are we doing it today? Why does he do, why does he miss it every Saturday? He doesn’t write stuff down. He doesn’t have a schedule. No calendar. It’s like a huge gap between the people that have a calendar. It’s like a massive cliff. It’s like a massive canyon that separates the people that have a to-do list and those that don’t. People that have a to-do list, James, they can have massive success. People that have a calendar, they can have massive success. People that don’t have a calendar, they can’t be successful. Why? Because they won’t know what to do or when to do it. There it is. Now, folks, on part two of today’s show, we’re gonna do an interview with Sharon Lechter. This is the best selling author, the co-author, the best selling author of a book called Rich Dad, Poor Dad, which happens to be the best selling small business owner book, really, in modern history. I mean, this thing sold over 50 million copies of the book here. The book’s called Rich Dad, Poor Dad. And we’re gonna interview her on part two of today’s show and she’s going to do a deep dive into specifically why college is probably not a good thing for most people. And the reason why I want people to listen to this is because by default, most people go to college, they’re paying $40,000 or $50,000 a year to get a degree that doesn’t help them with their life. And by default, you know, most people are not successful. I’m not trying to depress anybody today, but I am just trying to show people facts. If you go to, James, in America, we only have 9 million self-employed people. 9 million, zero, four, nine. So 9,049,000 self-employed people. Right. And according to Inc. Magazine, by default, 96% of businesses fail, according to Inc. Magazine. 96% of businesses fail, according to Inc. Magazine. So the question is, if I’ve been able to build super successful companies year after year after year after year after year, thousands of successful clients, am I a genius or do I just know the proven path? I would argue that I know the proven path and I’m intense about it. Right. But by default, everybody knows how to fail. So this is why we teach these concepts. Amelia, any questions, any follow-up questions here before we wrap up part one of today’s show. No follow-up questions. That was great. No follow-up questions. Hope that was helpful for everybody out there. But again, folks, my client who lost a ton of weight, this is a true story. He tells me, he says, Clay, you know, I had the weight loss idea at your conference. I said, you had the idea? He goes, yeah, we’re talking about time management. I just thought, you know, I’ve always wanted to block out time. So I’m like, what’d you do? He’s like, I just decided to only eat meat and then to block out time every single day to go on a walk. And he’s like, I wish I had like a better workout schedule or I had something that I did that was incredible. That’s all I did for a year. Only eat meat and did a walk every day. And it’s like, but he blocked out time and that’s where it happened is he, that’s what gives it energy. That’s what gives it momentum. That’s what turns the idea into reality is actually blocking out time to get it done. So hopefully that was helpful for everybody out there. I appreciate you, James. I appreciate you too. We’re gonna end this part one with a boom because boom stands for big, overwhelming, optimistic momentum, and that is what’s needed to achieve massive success. Are you ready, James? I’m ready. Okay, here we go. Three, two, one, boom. Boom. Boom. Two men, 13 multimillion dollar businesses, eight kids, one business coach radio show. It’s the Thrive Time Business Coach Radio Show. Get ready to enter the Thrive Time Show. That’s it. Arms away. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! We started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, and we’ll show you how to get here. Started from the bottom, now we’re here. We started from the bottom, now we’re here. All right, Thrive Nation, welcome back to The Conversation. It is the Thrive Time Show on your radio and podcast download. Our job on the Thrive Time Show is to break down best practice systems, processes, and strategies that people who are actually successful use and have used to create their success. So, Chup, on today’s show, we’re talking about a subject that’s going to probably irritate at least half to two-thirds of the listening audience were questioning as to whether you actually need to earn a college degree. But we decided, you know what, Jeff, we’re going to supply the facts on today’s show. And then we’re going to bring on an expert, somebody who’s actually achieved massive success as a result of the practical education they have. But they also did earn formal education. They are a certified public accountant. Sharon Lecter is also the best-selling author of the Rich Dad, Poor Dad series. A lot of people don’t know this, but Robert Kiyosaki showed up with a piece of paper and a vision to make a board game, and she turned that into a brochure that later became the book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad. She was the CEO of Rich Dad, Poor Dad. She today has a team of over 5,000 people who help her with her various entrepreneurial projects. She has written for the Napoleon Hill Foundation. She’s helped freshen up the manuscript for Outwitting the Devil, Three Feet from Gold, and Think and Grow Rich for Women. She has served on the the National CPA Financial Literacy Commission as a national spokesperson, which is the same council that served both President Bush and President Obama. Ladies and gentlemen, she has sold over 23 million copies of the Rich Dad series. She knows what she’s talking about, and we’re asking her the timeless question of, do I really need to go out there and get a college degree? If I want to become a successful entrepreneur, do I really need a college degree? Because, Chup, as a business coach, how often do you see one of your clients who has a college degree, but really doesn’t have any idea how to achieve the level of financial success that they’re looking for, how to manage people, how to do advertisements, how to optimize their website? I mean, how often do you see a college graduate who’s a smart person with a degree from a business school who has no knowledge of how to actually run a successful business? Almost every time. And if you take that and extrapolate beyond just people with a business degree, so you’re a surgeon or a lawyer, an orthodontist or whatever that may be, you’ve got a degree in your specialty, but they do not teach you anything about how to hire and train people, about how to have a conversation about firing someone, about how to market and get in front of your ideal and likely buyers. What is an ideal and likely buyer? They don’t teach you any of that stuff. Chubb, you went to college, Oklahoma State University. I did. I went to Oral Roberts University. So we’re going to play a fun little game here real quick. It’s going to be a fun little game. You get one mega point if you feel like this particular form of education helped you. Okay. And you lose a mega point if you don’t. Now a mega point is a form of points that’s redeemable only in the afterlife. For those of you who don’t believe in the afterlife, this game could not be helpful at all. But I’ll ask you, Mr. Eric. Eric Chubb first. You went to Oklahoma State University. Yes. And you studied what? Business. Marketing and management. Then you went on to manage your own family’s concrete company. Correct. Now you coach businesses. Correct. How often do you utilize anything that you learned while attending Oklahoma State University and the Business College? Is, uh, this is for mega points? Yeah, for a one mega point. I’m so nervous. Ah, no, nothing. Absolutely nothing. Alright, Thrive Nation, I’m up next here. So, Clay Clark, how often do you use the things that you learned while attending Oral Roberts University, St. Cloud State University? I mean, Oral Roberts? Well, you mean Oral Roberts University? I mean, Oral, like in Tulsa, Oklahoma? Yeah. Oh yeah. Well, I actually never do use anything I learned at Oral Roberts University. The Dojo of Mojo Music wanted to play that for a second. I wanted to play it. I wanted to play it. Well, maybe the game needs a freshening up here. Maybe it does. So Clay, you attended St. Cloud State University just outside of Dasoko, Cato, Minnesota, a 40-minute drive. You drive every day 45 minutes to St. Cloud State. You go there, they have Division 1 hockey. Everything else is probably Division 2. But you go there and you drive 40 miles, probably 45 minutes there, 45 minutes back. You achieve much college debt. You drive in circle. How often do you utilize the skills you learned at college at St. Cloud State to pay the bills? Well, never. But thank you for hitting the wrong button before I even answered there. So all right. And we recovered. So final question in this round of did college help you at all? I ask you, you attended the prestigious Oklahoma State University, where you studied graphic design with the emphasis of business. You take classes from professors, many of which you have fancy degrees, you read a lot of books, you get more college debt. You drive almost 50 miles each week, back and forth. You drive to Oklahoma, Ok-bo-gee, Oklahoma, each week, down Highway 75 South. Some would say, if I do math, you might drive 70 miles a week, but you say 50 to make it seem better in your mind, because you are a moral justifier. Mr. Clark, how often do you use anything that you learn while attending college on a daily basis to pay the bills that you and your wife, Vanessa, have? Well that’s a great question. And after a lot of consideration, I’m going to have to say never. Chop, I don’t get any mega points. But now back to our objective interview with Sharon Lecter, the best-selling author of the Rich Dad Poor Dad series. Here we go. Now Sharon, I’m gonna hit on a hot topic here that I know when you question education in our current country Dr. Z, I’m sure you’ve run into this. When you even question, when you even start to, right now you can see, you can feel the tension from hundreds of thousands of cows, hundreds of thousands of subscribers are already saying, education, are you questioning? Well, so Sharon, here are my questions for you about education. I made a list of three schools that clients I’ve worked with in the past two years, people I’ve met at workshops. These are schools that they’ve graduated from, and they have all told me that they’re not using anything they learned at that college and they’re out of money and they’re coming to a $250 workshop and they say, I’ve learned more in these two days than I learned at such and such universities. Here are the three that I’ve been told face to face from a conference attendee. Cornell University is $63,327 a year currently. Cornell University, if you want to attend their business school. University of Chicago is $62,865 per year if you want to attend their business school. Columbia University is $67,564 per year if you want to attend their private business school. And so these people come to me and they say, gosh, I’ve learned more in two days here than I learned in my entire time at a private business college. And one guy, I encouraged him, I said, well, hey, you can come to 270 Thrive workshops if you want. But in all sincerity, what are your thoughts about going to business college for the average person? Well, first, I would say that your two-day course must be outstanding, so congratulations. Well, thank you. And it’s for, that’s, you know, you couldn’t have a better testimonial than that. I mean, same thing as when people tell me, reading a $15 book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, they were able to change their life. Obviously, it took more than reading the book. But at the same time, they found value. And you know, it’s important for people when, I counsel a lot of people related to college debt because I think it’s one of the next bubbles that we’re going to have to face. It’s going to happen. So many people have a tremendous amount of college debt. And it was because they just went there because they thought it was what they were supposed to do. And most of them were not really, didn’t even know what they wanted out of life. They didn’t have a plan. And so today I try and mentor people to make sure, before you get yourself into a commitment of a lot of school debt, make sure you know what it is you’re focused on. Make sure the degree you’re going to get is going to be able to get you a position commensurate with being able to pay off that school debt. And that’s why so many… I’ve talked to dentists. I just had a… Last week, I spoke with some dentists. They had $250,000 worth of student loans. And it just breaks my heart. But I think it’s important, more importantly, to find out what is the education that you need and to seek that specific education. The universities you just mentioned, they’re well-respected. The issue is, was that individual focused on what they wanted to do with their life? I can say without a doubt that we don’t teach kids about money in school, and I think it’s criminal because everybody has to deal with money. So the education system in itself has some good things about it and it has some bad things about it. There are great entrepreneurial colleges now across the country that are being taught by entrepreneurs. There are other entrepreneurial colleges that are being taught by professors who have never been an entrepreneur. I take exception with those as well. So real-world education is important. The stats and all of the stats, whether it’s an educational institution or it’s another one, still show that if you have a college education, you’re going to make more money over your lifetime than if you don’t. But that doesn’t mean you should get yourself into $150,000 worth of credit card debt and come up with a liberal arts degree that does not qualify you for a position So those are all things that need to be taken into consideration So I’m not going to tell anybody that they shouldn’t go into debt to get their education But I would say you should exhaust every opportunity before that looking for scholarships looking for community colleges to help get the first couple of years out of your way. What is your plan to get you to the point where you can start earning the money that will be able to help you get out of that? Now, Sharon, Peter Thiel, he’s probably not as moderate as you are or balanced in his, he’s the famous venture capitalist who was part of the PayPal mafia, who obviously helped the listeners out there who aren’t familiar. He helped fund Facebook. He was their first big investor. And he said that college gives people learning, but it also takes away their future opportunities by loading the next generation down with debt. So let’s just assume that somebody out there is listening and they already did go to college. Okay, so the debate about whether they should go or not is over because they’ve already gone. Like a lot of the people who attend our workshop. They graduated from Cornell, they have a bunch of debt, and now they find themselves saying, gosh, I want to be debt free. I want to pay off that debt. Do you believe that our listeners who are deeply in debt from college, that they should focus on paying off their hundreds of thousands of dollars of student debt before starting or growing a business? I would never recommend that as long as that student debt is at a very low rate of interest. There’s something called arbitrage. I have a lot of debt. There’s a difference between good debt and bad debt, so you need to make sure. I have zero bad debt. I have good debt. Good debt is what helps make me richer. So the right type of college loans, meaning the right type of college education, could be considered good debt if you have the ability to make a high income and pay that off over time. But if you are getting, if your college loans are at 3% and the money you’re making that you have invested is making you 9%, then no, continue watching that arbitrage, making sure that your money is growing for you and that you continue making the payments when they’re due, of course. Don’t not pay them. But you don’t want to use 9% earning money to pay off a 3% debt. Chuck, it’s now time for us to do what we do before we end each and every show. And so before we end the show with a boom, I’d like for you to explain to the listeners who are just now discovering the podcast. What does BOOM stand for, and why does everybody need to bring the BOOM on a daily basis in order to get to a great place with their business? Big, overwhelming, optimistic momentum. And you need to have the BOOM because, as Lee Cockrell says, the guy who managed Walt Disney World Resorts and over 40,000 employees and a million guests a week, the day is burning fires. The day is obstacles. The day is walls that will be put in between you and your goals and you have to have that momentum, that big overwhelming optimistic momentum to crash through those walls like the Kool-Aid man, oh yeah, and get what you are trying to get. So bring that boom every day. So Thrive Nation, without any further ado, let’s make this thing happen. Here we go. Three, two, one, boom! Psst, Jeff, this is the bonus material. Love it. Can we use our outside voices? Yeah, I think we should. Okay, so Thrive Nation, here’s the deal. A lot of you want to attend our in-person workshops, and many times we’re sold out, and I want to make sure you know how to do that. If you want to attend the Thrive Time Show workshop for free, for a limited time, all you have to do, all you have to do at all, is just go to Find the Thrive Time Show on iTunes. Find the Thrive Time show on iTunes. So just take a second to do a Google search for Thrive Time show and iTunes. Thrive Time show iTunes. Once you find the Thrive Time show, all you have to do is subscribe to the podcast and leave us an objective review about what you’ve been learning on the show. And email us a screenshot of that and send us proof you did it to info at thrive That’s info at thrive And we’re going to send you two free tickets with your only cost being if you elect to get the workbook. I highly recommend you do that. It’s $27. Just $27 for the workbook. Now, if you like to pay just regular price, that’s awesome. The tickets are $250. We have the premium tickets for $500 where you can sit up a little bit closer. Now, if you’re saying, I don’t have an iTunes account, I don’t know how to do it. I respect that game. That’s why we’re giving you two options. You can find the Thrive Time Show by typing in Thrive15 Jinks. J-E-N-K-S. That’s right. Thrive15 Jinks. J-E-N-K-S, as Chep said. That is the home of our Thrive Time Show world headquarters. Our 20,000 square foot office where if you find the map listing on Google and you leave us an objective review there about the podcast. You can also earn yourself free tickets to our next in-person Thrive Time Show workshop. My name is Clay Clark. I already said boom, but I just want to encourage you, this is your year to thrive. Knowledge without application, though, is meaningless. Vision without execution is hallucination, to quote Thomas Edison. Vision without execution is hallucination. There is no someday. There’s a Monday, there’s a Tuesday, there’s a Wednesday, there is a Thursday, there’s a Friday, there’s a Saturday, there’s a Sunday, but I have never ever found the someday on my calendar. And if you’re out there just waiting and putting it off, you got to book a ticket, get in the game. There’s too many people out there that are having massive success. And so what I wanted to do was to prove what I just said. I don’t want to just make a claim, I want to prove it. So I’m gonna cue up a little audio where you can hear about the story of an actual Thriver out there just like you whose business is doing phenomenally well as a result of Implementing the proven systems that we teach. I encourage you to not believe what I’m saying and just Google search my name Clay Clark Google search Dr. Zellner find our companies find Dr. Robert Zellner and Associates find epic photos Find Find Look at the businesses. Look at Bank Region that Dr. Z is a part of. Look at these companies. You can’t fake the partial ownership of a bank. I mean, Dr. Zellner has built that bank with Sean Copeland. These are things you can’t fake. So don’t take my word for it, but invest the time. If you have doubts in your mind and you don’t believe that this is maybe the right thing for you, you think it might be a scam, do your research. We’ve had some haters over time, like any organization that services thousands of people, and so look for the video reviews. Look for reviews of real people just like you who’ve attended. Look into their eyes. See if what they’re saying seems true to you, because I’m telling you, we are here to help you. We can only help 160 coaching clients at a time, and at the current time of this recording, we’re all booked out, but occasionally somebody will sell their business or they’ll merge with somebody else or they’ll franchise their company or some kind of opening evolve. I would encourage you, if you want the business coaching, reach out to us by emailing us to info at or attend the workshop, but don’t do nothing. Maybe you don’t want to go to the workshop. Maybe now’s not the right time. Maybe coaching’s not the right time, but go to and at least download the Start Here book for free. It’s an Amazon bestselling book. It’s there for you as a free tool, and it’s there for you to use. I’d hate to see hundreds of thousands of people downloading this podcast, but only a thousand people actually taking advantage of all the tools that you have available as a result of my failure to properly communicate this to you. Have a blessed day, and I will see you next time on the thrive time show podcast check out this next testimonial Hi, I’m Aaron Antis with Shaw homes. I first heard about clay through Mortgage lender here in town who had told me what a great job. He had been doing for them and Actually noticed he was driving a Lamborghini all of a sudden, so I was willing to listen. In my career, I’ve sold a little over 800 million dollars in real estate. So honestly, I thought I kind of knew everything about marketing and homes, and then I met Clay, and my perception of what I knew and what I was doing. I’ve been managing a large team of salespeople for the last 10 years here with Shaw Homes. And, I mean, we’ve been a company that’s been in business for 35 years. We’ve become one of the largest builders in the Tulsa area, and that was without Clay. So when I came to know Clay, I really thought, man, there’s not much more I need to know, but I’m willing to listen. The interesting thing is our internet leads from our website has actually, in a four-month period of time, has gone from somewhere around 10 to 15 leads in a month to 180 internet leads in a month. Just from the few things that he’s shown us how to implement that I honestly probably never would have come up with on my own. So I got a lot of good things to say about the system that Clay put in place with us. And it’s just been an incredible experience. I am very glad that we met and had the opportunity to work with Clay. So the interaction with the team and with Clay on a weekly basis is honestly very enlightening. One of the things that I love about Clay’s perspective on things is that he doesn’t come from my industry. He’s not somebody who’s in the home building industry. I’ve listened to all the experts in my field. Our company has paid for me to go to seminars, international builder shows, all kinds of places where I’ve had the opportunity to learn from the experts in my industry. But the thing that I’ve found working with Clay is that he comes from such a broad spectrum of working with so many different types of businesses that he has a perspective that’s difficult for me to gain because I get so entrenched in what I do, I’m not paying attention to what other leading industry experts are doing, and Clay really brings that perspective for me. It is a very valuable time every week when I get that hour with him. From my perspective, the reason that any business owner who’s thinking about hooking up with Thrive needs to definitely consider it is because the results that we’ve gotten in a very short period of time are honestly monumental. It has really exceeded my wildest expectation of what he might be able to do. I came in skeptical because I’m very pragmatic and as I’ve gone through the process over just a few months I’ve realized it’s probably one of the best moves we’ve ever made. I think a lot of people probably feel like they don’t need a business or marketing consultant because they maybe are a little bit prideful and like to think they know everything. I know that’s how I felt coming in. I mean, we’re a big company that’s definitely one of the largest in town. And so we kind of felt like we knew what we were doing. And I think for a lot of people, they let their ego get in the way of listening to somebody that might have a better or different perspective than theirs, I would just really encourage you if you’re thinking about working with Clay, I mean, the thing is, it’s month to month. Go give it a try and see what happens. I think in the 35-year history of Shaw Homes, this is probably the best thing that’s happened to us and I know if you give them a shot, I think you’ll feel the same way. I know for me, the thing I would have missed out on if I didn’t work with Clay is I would have missed out on literally an 1800% increase in our internet leads. Going from 10 a month to 180 a month, that would have been a huge financial decision to just decide not to give it a shot. I would absolutely recommend Clay Clark to anybody who’s thinking about working with somebody in marketing. I would skip over anybody else you were thinking about, and I would go straight to Clay and his team. I guarantee you’re not going to regret it, because we sure haven’t. What’s up, Thrive Nation? Eric Chup here with Roy. We have a little bit of news for you guys. It’s now what? May 31st at 621. You’ve been closed for 20 minutes. Right. No, it’s now June. Let’s run the numbers for May. Let’s see what we’ve got. The total is $1028.37. What’s last year to date? $1028.37 this year. And last year was $60,667. Whoa! I’m an Alouise now! Boom, baby! Boom! Alouise on the deployment. Yes, here we go. Hi, this is Dave and Tricia from Sally Beach, Florida. We have a list of a few of the wins we’ve had since we started with Thrive 15. We’ve completed group interviews, we’re fully staffed, we’ve received over 100 Google reviews to increase our Google rating, and we now have more money in the bank than we’ve ever had, thanks to the Thrive coaches. Thank you, good night. If you’re here to thrive, success you will find. Today is your day, and now is your time. This moment is profound, because you’re a perfect clown. Your road might have been rough, but what you’ve got now is now. Well, Thrive Nation, we have an opportunity all the time. We have so many wonderful people that go to, and they reach out to us to schedule a 13-point assessment. We also have a lot of people that go to and they schedule a free 13-point assessment and they’re not a good fit because I only work with diligent doers. I only work with people that are willing to actually implement the proven systems that Dr. Zellner and I both teach and implement in our own companies. So people say, I do want to grow my business seven times faster. I do want to reduce my working hours. I do want to increase my time, freedom, and my profits. I think we’re all in agreement that that’s a good thing. However, we can only help people that are willing to put the work in. And on today’s show, we’re joined by a man by the name of Ronnie Morales. His company is I hold him in high regard because he and his family-owned business, they actually are growing. I would call it dramatically. If you look at this, Inc. Magazine right now shows that 96% of businesses fail. Inc. Magazine says 96% of businesses fail. That’s not good. Whereas this guy’s business isn’t growing by 10%, it isn’t growing by 20%. It is growing dramatically. But again, if Ronnie Morales had filled out the form and had scheduled a consultation and wasn’t willing to actually implement what we were teaching, it would all be for not. So I’m excited for you to meet somebody who I would consider to be a diligent doer. He’s based in Richmond, Texas. And without any further ado, Ronnie Morales, welcome on to The Thrive Time Show. How are you, sir? Hey, I’m doing great. Thanks, Clay. Hey, so how did you first hear about us? How did you hear about The Thrive Time Show? I listened to your Thrive Time Show podcast for those seven years, and I was learning so much. I was like, man, I gotta give this guy a try. So you listened to our podcast seven years ago? Yeah. Really? Four or seven years. Do you remember the first podcast you listened to seven years ago? I don’t. I don’t remember. I listened to so many of them. Okay. I probably listened to more than once. Now when you’re listening to the podcast, I try to feature clients on the show so that you know there’s real people really doing it, really implementing the systems. When did it occur to you that you might wanna go ahead and fill out the form at and schedule a consultation? It got to the point to where I just needed to take the next step. And I’ve been in coaching before, like group coaching and different things like that. But I just felt like everybody on your show was making tremendous changes in our business. And coming from you and Dr. Z, I felt like y’all had the experience. And it didn’t matter if it was… because I’ve been used to doing construction, like peer groups and construction coaching, whereas contractors only. Well, I felt like, you know what? I need business, somebody business-minded to help me grow this. I don’t necessarily need a group of just contractors. I needed somebody that knows the business part of it. And what kind of growth have you had since you began working with us as far as a percentage? Do you know a percentage or what kind of growth? Yeah, so we had about a 57% increase from last year’s first quarter to this year’s first quarter. So that was huge for us. And I’m personally growth too. I honestly just as a business leader and a team member here in my company, I’ve grown a lot to be a better leader, learn how to delegate better, learn how to get these 15-minute hodls started every morning. It’s been great. I just continue to learn, and I can’t wait to keep moving forward. Well, you know, people always ask me, they say, what’s the most important part of business consulting? And that would be, to me, like asking a baker, what’s the most important ingredient in a cookie? I mean, is it the flour? Is it the sugar? Is it the eggs? I would say if you take out any one of those core ingredients, you’re gonna have a weird taste in cookie. So in our business consulting, we focus on marketing, branding, sales, hiring, leadership, management, accounting, all of those things. So let’s kind of go through the process from just a branding perspective and a marketing perspective. How has the business consulting impacted your company? No, it’s been great. The branding, the marketing, I mean, people around town are telling us, hey, I’ve seen your trucks here and there. I see it all over the place. When people are searching Google or whatever it is, you know, they’re finding our videos and they’re reaching out to us. I think one of the biggest parts with business coaching for me has been the accountability. Like just having somebody to tell me like, hey, get this, this, and this done, and have it done by this day, and, you know, we move on to the next step. So it’s been great. Now we have a weekly meeting. The purpose of a weekly meeting is so that you have a week to get your homework done. We have a week to do our homework. I mean, we do photography, videography, web development, search engine optimization, and you and I meet on Saturdays at 6.30 a.m. I find a lot of my clients like to meet in the mornings. How important is it to have that weekly meeting? Cause I, again, I I’ve done, I’m 42, but when I was 21 I was hiring business consulting programs that would do quarterly meetings or oftentimes even monthly meetings. And I found that nothing got done. How important is it for you to have a weekly meeting? I think it’s very important as a business owner to have that weekly accountability to make sure you’re staying on schedule. Cause as a business owner, you wear so many hats, it makes it difficult to get the important things done that you need to get done, but that you want to put it on the back burner. But when you know you have somebody to be accountable to, and it’s a weekly thing, and they’re steadily putting in your ear, like you got to get these things done, you know, get the reviews, you know, get the video testimonials. It just makes it to where, you know, you have an assignment and you just get it done. Now at the business conferences, we walk people through the entire system. This is the system we teach from. This is from my newest book called A Millionaire’s Guide to Becoming Sustainably Rich, which everyone can download for free right now at forward slash millionaire. You and I, we track the numbers every week. So box number one, we establish those revenue goals. We do that. We know the break-even numbers. We know how many hours you’re willing to work. This is crazy. You’re married. Your wife loves you. You love your wife. I’m not ever advocating during our coaching meetings, like, forsake your family and grow your company. Can you talk about that, how important it is to work with maybe a coach that understands that you want to have a healthy family and a healthy company? I think it’s very important. You know, like yesterday I had a good dinner with my wife, you know, and we had a good evening with live music and really enjoyed each other’s company. I took my kids camping twice this month already for four days and we’re enjoying the summer. But I think it’s very important that as a business owner, as you put the hours in, put the hard work in, but you also take the time to spend with friends and family. And I mean, it’s important. Rising up early to get my meditation time is very important to me too. So I think just, again, having somebody that knows the value of these things is important. Yeah, as we go through, I mean, you are knocking it out with the marketing and the branding and all the things we have to do to optimize your website and make the ads work. We’ve determined your unique value proposition. We’ve improved the branding. We have a three-legged marketing stool. We know how to generate leads online and offline and referrals. The sales process, and I’m not picking on you, but I mean this, you’re like a super humble guy. So I feel like that the sales process was something that once you learn the proven process, you kind of took to it right away. But I think a lot of contractors don’t wanna come across as too aggressive or too passive or too whatever. And I feel like the sales process of your team really doing a good job of calling all the leads and the calls are recorded for quality assurance. I feel like that’s been a big needle mover for you. Maybe I’m wrong. I’d love to get your thoughts on that. Yeah, no, it’s been great. I had my own way before I joined your team. You know, I had my own way of sales and what I thought was working really wasn’t working. And at first I put up a wall, but once I was opened up to the, why you do it the certain ways you do it, it really opened up more ways to be more successful. You know, with the call scripts, with the recorded calls. We’re still tweaking scripts and things like that, but it’s like an ongoing process. But it’s been great. And I think that it has helped us a lot. We do have, we call our lease back right away within hours, a few hours most of the time. And it’s important. And we’ve gotten a lot of leads and where I needed to hire my first sales employee. And now we’re working on more of the systems, you know, creating these repeatable systems and managing a large group of people in that daily huddle. Can you talk, I hammer all my clients, it’s so important to have a daily huddle with your team to give, you know, to huddle with your team every morning and to have a weekly staff meeting. Could you talk about the importance of implementing these human resource strategies for managing people and what impact that’s had for your company? Yeah, so the impact that Zany Huddles has had for my company is that it brought the team together. All of our employees, which is 17 of us full-time, it’s brought us all together to where we’re getting to see each other in the mornings and grow together. We start off with some wins, keep it brief. We go over company updates. Then we go over all our projects and we ask, like, you know, how is that client doing? How’s the project on schedule? But when it did, it helped us a lot with the daily interruptions with, hey, so what’s going on here? And these questions that can be answered in the morning. So they learned to answer these important questions in the morning so that there’s less interruption throughout the day. Now, the final two areas I wanted to cover here is, you know, there’s so much to growing a company and that’s what we talk about on our weekly coaching calls. But building a sustainable and repetitive weekly schedule, you’re like, every week we’re doing the group interview. Every week we’re gathering objective reviews from clients. Every week we’re gathering before and after images. Every week you’re gathering testimonials from your happy clients. It’s like, you have to do this stuff every week. It’s like a garden, you gotta pull the weeds every week. Could you talk about the importance of having these human resource systems in place where you do these systems every week so it’s proactive as opposed to reactive, doing the same things over and over? Yeah, I think it’s important to do it every week and repeat them so that things don’t fall to the cracks. And if you get too relaxed on not doing it or you go two or three weeks without listening to recorded calls or whatever it may be, you start to slack off a little bit. The next thing you know, you’re in trouble. And now you’re putting out another fire that wouldn’t have been there if you would have been on track and keeping up with the systems and processes. So just doing it repeatedly helps with building that system. Everybody knows it’s this day at this time. Our morning huddles are every day from 7-07, last 15 minutes. And everybody knows to be there. And it’s just been great. Now, final two questions for you. People out there that maybe want to do business with you, they’re hearing about you. Again, it’s very hard to gather objective Google reviews if people don’t like you. It’s very hard to gather video testimonials if people don’t like the work you do. What’s your website and how do people go ahead and get a hold of you if they’re looking to hire you guys for maybe a big project? Yes, our website is You can definitely just fill out our Get In Touch form to reach out to us. I personally will actually be in touch with you and I’ll have a conversation with you. And for anybody out there that’s contemplating coming to one of our workshops or scheduling a free 13 point assessment, what word of encouragement or what advice would you have for anybody out there? Well, I would say don’t wait any longer, jump in, because if I would have jumped in seven years ago, I’d have been in a whole different place today. So I guarantee you would be, I’ll say this though, and I’m not prophetic, I’m saying you’re on pace, you’re on pace to have a business that’s going to be about five times larger than what it was when I first met you. I say that because the first thing you see is the leads coming in and you start to see new teammates joining your team and you’re building that foundation for success. I totally see you guys going to a great place right now. I wish I would have met you earlier. That’s my only complaint. That’s Ronnie Morales. Ronnie, I really appreciate you. I’ll give you the final word. What do you want to say to everybody out there that’s maybe contemplating taking their business to the next level? Like I said, guys, don’t wait any longer. Reach out to Clay and the team, do your assessment, and be a diligent doer. Amen to that. Ronnie Morales, take care, sir. Have a great day. Thank you. Bye. The number of new customers that we’ve had is up 411% 111 percent over last year. We are Jared and Jennifer Johnson. We own Platinum Pest and Lawn and are located in Owasso, Oklahoma And we have been working with Thrive for business coaching for almost a year now Yeah, so so what we want to do is we want to share some wins with you guys that we’ve had by working with Thrive First of all, we’re on the top page of Google now, okay I just want to let you know what type of accomplishment this is our competition Orkin Terminex, they’re both $1.3 billion companies. They both have 2,000 to 3,000 pages of content attached to their website. So to basically go from virtually nonexistent on Google to up on the top page is really saying something. But it’s come by being diligent to the systems that Thrive has, by being consistent and diligent on doing podcasts and staying on top of those podcasts to really help with getting up on what they’re listing and ranking there with Google. And also we’ve been trying to get Google reviews, asking our customers for reviews. And now we’re the highest rated and most reviewed Pest and Lawn company in the Tulsa area. And that’s really helped with our conversion rate. And the number of new customers that we’ve had is up 411% over last year. Wait, say that again. How much are we up? 411%. Okay. So 411% we’re up with our new customers. Amazing. Right. So not only do we have more customers calling in, we’re able to close those deals at a much higher rate than we were before. Right now, our closing rate is about 85% and that’s largely due to, first of all, like our Google reviews that we’ve gotten. People really see that our customers are happy, but also we have a script that we follow. And so when customers call in, they get all the information that they need. That script has been refined time and time again. It wasn’t a one and done deal. It was a system that we followed with Thrive in the refining process. And that has obviously, the 411% shows that that system works. Yeah, so here’s a big one for you. So last week alone, our booking percentage was 91%. We actually booked more deals, more new customers last year than we did the first five months, or I’m sorry, we booked more deals last week than we did the first five months of last year from before we worked with Thrive. So again, we booked more deals last week than the first five months of last year. And it’s incredible. But the reason why we have that success is by implementing the systems that Thrive has taught us and helped us out with. Some of those systems that we’ve implemented are group interviews. That way we’ve really been able to come up with a really great team. We’ve created and implemented checklists. Everything gets done and it gets done right. It creates accountability. We’re able to make sure that everything gets done properly, both out in the field and also in our office. And also doing the podcast, like Jared had mentioned, that has really, really contributed to our success. But that, like I said, the diligence and consistency in doing those in that system has really, really been a big blessing in our lives. And also, it’s really shown that we’ve gotten a success from following those systems. So before working with Thrive, we were basically stuck. Really no new growth with our business. And we were in a rut, and we didn’t know. The last three years, our customer base had pretty much stayed the same. We weren’t shrinking, but we weren’t really growing either. Yeah, and so we didn’t really know where to go, what to do, how to get out of this rut that we’re in. But Thrive helped us with that. You know, they implemented those systems, and they taught us those systems, they taught us the knowledge that we needed in order to succeed. Now it’s been a grind, absolutely it’s been a grind this last year, but we’re getting those fruits from that hard work and the diligent effort that we’re able to put into it. So again, we were in a rut, Thrive helped us get out of that rut, and if you’re thinking about working with Thrive, quit thinking about it and just do it. Do the action, and you’ll get the results. It will take hard work and discipline, but that’s what it’s gonna take in order to really succeed. So, we just wanna give a big shout out to Thrive, a big thank you out there to Thrive. We wouldn’t be where we’re at now without their help. Hi, I’m Dr. Mark Moore, I’m a pediatric dentist. Through our new digital marketing plan, we have seen a marked increase in the number of new patients that we’re seeing every month, year over year. One month, for example, we went from 110 new patients the previous year to over 180 new patients in the same month. And overall, our average is running about 40 to 42 percent increase month over month, year over year. The group of people required to implement our new digital marketing plan is immense, starting with a business coach, videographers, photographers, web designers. Back when I graduated dental school in 1985, nobody advertised. The only marketing that was ethically allowed in everybody’s eyes was mouth-to-mouth marketing. By choosing the use of services, you’re choosing to use a proof-and-turn-key marketing and coaching system that will grow your practice and get you the results that you are looking for. I went to the University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry, graduated in 1983, and then I did my pediatric dental residency at Baylor College of Dentistry from 1983 to 1985. Hello, my name is Charles Colaw with Colaw Fitness. Today I want to tell you a little bit about Clay Clark and how I know Clay Clark. Clay Clark has been my business coach since 2017. He’s helped us grow from two locations to now six locations. We’re planning to do seven locations in seven years and then franchise. Clay has done a great job of helping us navigate anything that has to do with running the business, building the systems, the checklists, the workflows, the audits, how to navigate lease agreements, how to buy property, how to work with brokers and builders. This guy is just amazing. This kind of guy has worked in every single industry. He’s written books with like Lee Crockrell, head of Disney with the 40,000 cast members. He’s friends with like Mike Lindell. He does Reawaken America tours where he does these tours all across the country where 10,000 or more people show up to some of these tours. On the day-to-day, he does anywhere from about 160 companies. He’s at the top. He has a team of business coaches, videographers, graphic designers, and web developers. They run 160 companies every single week. So think of this guy with a team of business coaches running 160 companies. In the weekly, he’s running 160 companies. Every six to eight weeks, he’s doing Reawaken America tours. Every six to eight weeks, he’s also doing business conferences where 200 people show up and he teaches people a 13-step proven system that he’s done and worked with billionaires helping them grow their companies. I’ve seen guys from start-ups go from start-up to being multi-millionaires, teaching people how to get time freedom and financial freedom through the system. Critical thinking, document creation, organizing everything in their head to building it into a franchisable, scalable business. One of his businesses has like 500 franchises. That’s just one of the companies or brands that he works with. Amazing guy. Elon Musk, kind of like smart guy. He kind of comes off sometimes as socially awkward, but he’s so brilliant and he’s taught me so much. When I say that, Clay is like, he doesn’t care what people think when you’re talking to him. He cares about where you’re going in your life and where he can get you to go. That’s what I like him most about him. He’s like a good coach. A coach isn’t just making you feel good all the time. A coach is actually helping you get to the best you. Clay has been an amazing business coach. Through the course of that we became friends. My most impressive thing was when I was shadowing him one time. We went into a business deal and listened to it. I got to shadow and listen to it. When we walked out I knew that he could make millions on the deal. They were super excited about working with him. He told me, he’s like, I’m not going to touch it, I’m going to turn it down because he knew it was going to harm the common good of people in the long run and the guy’s integrity just really wowed me. It brought tears to my eyes to see that this guy, his highest desire was to do what’s right and anyways, just an amazing man. So anyways, impacted me a lot. He’s helped navigate any time I’ve gotten nervous or worried about how to run the company or navigating competition and an economy that’s like, I remember we got closed down for three months. He helped us navigate on how to stay open, how to get back open, how to just survive through all the COVID shutdowns, lockdowns. I’m Rachel with Tip Top K9 and we just want to give a huge thank you to Clay and Vanessa Clark. Hey guys, I’m Ryan with Tip Top Canine. Just want to say a big thank you to Thrive 15. Thank you to Make Your Life Epic. We love you guys. We appreciate you and really just appreciate how far you’ve taken us. This is our old house. This is where we used to live a few years ago. This is our old team and by team I mean it’s me and another guy. This is our new house with our new neighborhood. This is our new van with our new marketing and this is our new team. We went from 4 to 14 and I took this beautiful photo. We worked with several different business coaches in the past, and they were all about helping Ryan sell better and just teaching sales, which is awesome, but Ryan is a really great salesman. So we didn’t need that. We needed somebody to help us get everything that was in his head out into systems, into manuals and scripts, and actually build a team. So now that we have systems in place, we’ve gone from one to 10 locations in only a year. In October 2016, we grossed 13 grand for the whole month. Right now it’s 2018, the month of October. It’s only the 22nd, we’ve already grossed a little over 50 grand for the whole month, and we still have time to go. We’re just thankful for you, thankful for Thrive and your mentorship, and we’re really thankful that you guys have helped us to grow a business that we run now instead of the business running us. Just thank you, thank you, thank you, times a thousand. The Thrive Time Show, two-day interactive business workshops are the highest and most reviewed business workshops on the planet. You can learn the proven 13-point business system that Dr. Zellner and I have used over and over to start and grow successful companies. When we get into the specifics, the specific steps on what you need to do to optimize your website. We’re going to teach you how to fix your conversion rate. We’re going to teach you how to do a social media marketing campaign that works. How do you raise capital? How do you get a small business loan? We teach you everything you need to know here during a two-day, 15-hour workshop. It’s all here for you. You work every day in your business, but for two days you can escape and work on your business and build these proven systems so now you can have a successful company that will produce both the time freedom and the financial freedom that you deserve. You’re gonna leave energized, motivated, but you’re also gonna leave empowered. The reason why I built these workshops is because as an entrepreneur, I always wish that I had this. And because there wasn’t anything like this, I would go to these motivational seminars, no money down, real estate, Ponzi scheme, get motivated seminars, and they would never teach me anything. It was like you went there and you paid for the big chocolate Easter bunny, but inside of it, it was a hollow nothingness. And I wanted the knowledge, and they’re like, oh, but we’ll teach you the knowledge after our next workshop. And the great thing is we have nothing to upsell. At every workshop, we teach you what you need to know. There’s no one in the back of the room trying to sell you some next big, get rich quick, walk on hot coals product. It’s literally we teach you the brass tacks, the specific stuff that you need to know to learn how to start and grow a business. I encourage you to not believe what I’m saying, but I want you to Google the Z66 auto auction. I want you to Google elephant in the room. Look at Robert Zellner and Associates. Look them up and say, are they successful because they’re geniuses or are they successful because they have a proven system? When you do that research, you will discover that the same systems that we use in our own business can be used in your business. Come to Tulsa, book a ticket, and I guarantee you it’s gonna be the best business workshop ever, and we’re gonna give you your money back if you don’t love it. We built this facility for you, We built this facility for you, and we’re excited to see it.


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